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葛斌杰  田怀珍  胡超  田旗 《广西植物》2012,32(6):750-752
报道中国大陆兰科植物新记录种——南湖斑叶兰,并提供该种详细解剖照片.该种原记录为台湾特有种,叶片小且中脉白绿色是本种明显的鉴别特征.  相似文献   

垂枝斑叶兰(Goodyera pendula Maxim.),先前只报道于日本和中国台湾,在大陆首次发现。该种的显著特点:植株在树干上附生,花序下垂后再上升,呈“L”型,花序密被腺毛,花朵密集,生于一侧,不完全开张。凭证标本保存在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。  相似文献   

垂枝斑叶兰(Goodyera pendula Maxim.),先前只报道于日本和中国台湾,在大陆首次发现。这个种的显著特点:植株在树干上附生,花序下垂后再上升,呈“L”型,花序密被腺毛,花朵密集,生于一侧,不完全开张。凭证标本保存在中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。  相似文献   

斑叶兰的组织培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 植物名称斑叶兰(Goodyera schlechtendalianaRchh.f.)。 2 材料类别 茎段。  相似文献   

报道了中国海南兰科无叶兰属植物一新记录种:小花无叶兰Aphyllorchis pallida Bl.,本种的主要特征是花小,直径小于1 cm,唇瓣分两部分,后唇具两个耳状物,前唇3裂。  相似文献   

浙江兰科新记录属——对叶兰属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对浙江景宁县望东垟高山湿地自然保护区植物资源考察中,发现了浙江兰科Orchidaceae新地理分布属、种--对叶兰属Listera R. Br.日本对叶兰Listera japonica,引证标本存于浙江农林大学植物标本馆(ZJFC)。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种:双眼带叶兰(Taeniophyllum biocellatum J. J. Sm.),并提供特征描述和彩色图片。该种与近缘种的区别特征为花序柄和花序柄苞片浅绿色,根呈圆柱形,花序短;紫红色药帽的中间具2个黄色小点,唇瓣开口大,萼片和花瓣黄绿色。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种,扁茎禾叶兰Agrostophyllum planicaule(Wall.ex Lindl.)Rchb.f..本种主要特点是茎扁平,柱头基部有2个牛角状突起,可与本属其他种明显区分开.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种,扁茎禾叶兰Agrostophyllum planicaule (Wall.ex Lindl.) Rchb. f.。本种主要特点是茎扁平,柱头基部有2个牛角状突起,可与本属其他种明显区分开。  相似文献   

王雨芊  刘强  吴训锋  李金龙  王博轶  潘博 《广西植物》2020,40(11):1623-1627
孟连苞叶兰(Brachycorythis menglianensis)自2001年发表以来,再也没有被发现和记录过。由于能够用于分类学参考的仅为模式标本和依据标本绘制的素描图,加之原始文献的描述不够细致,以致于Henrik Æ Pedersen将其作为长叶苞叶兰(B. henryi)的异名处理。时隔十五年后,我们在该种的模式产地进行野外兰科植物考察时,有幸重新发现了该种。通过对其新鲜带花植株的详细比对之后,发现孟连苞叶兰与长叶苞叶兰在形态上具有明显的差异,如孟连苞叶兰叶片卵圆形,叶片大小(2.5- 4.7 × 1.7-2.3 cm)、唇瓣密被疣状突起且先端缺刻或2裂等特征,明显有别于长叶苞叶兰。因此,在该研究中支持孟连苞叶兰的分类学地位,同时对该种的形态特征、生境以及生存现状等信息进行了增补。  相似文献   

Goodyera procera is an endangered terrestrial orchid in Hong Kong. Information on its reproductive biology and pattern of genetic variation is needed to develop efficient conservation strategies. Pollination experiments showed that the species is self-compatible, but dependent on pollinators for fruit set. Bagged plants produced no fruits. Artificial pollinations resulted in 92% fruit set through selfing, 94% with geitonogamous pollination, and 95% following xenogamous pollination. Fruit set in the open-pollinated control was 75% at the same sites. Allozyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to evaluate genetic variation and structure of 15 populations of Goodyera procera. Despite its outbreeding system, allozyme data revealed low variation both at the population (P = 21.78%, A = 1.22, and H = 0.073) and species (P = 33%, A = 1.33, and H = 0.15) levels, in comparison with other animal-pollinated outbreeding plant species. However, RAPD variation was relatively high (P = 55.13% and H = 0.18 at the population level, and P = 97.03% and H = 0.29 at the species level). GST estimates indicated high levels of genetic differentiation among populations (GST = 0.52 and I = 0.909 ± 0.049 based on allozyme data, and GST = 0.39 and I = 0.859 ± 0.038 based on RAPD data), much above the average for outcrossing species, suggesting that gene flow was limited in this species. Based on these data, suitable strategies were developed for the genetic conservation and management of the species.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录—囊唇蝴蝶兰,并提供描述及照片。本种与麻栗坡蝴蝶兰非常相似,但它的花瓣较短而宽,花序轴呈"Z"型曲折,唇盘中央的胼胝体较小,可以与后者相区别。  相似文献   

中国鹤顶兰属(兰科)一新记录种   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
报道了中国鹤顶兰属Phaius一新记录种——中越鹤顶兰P.tonkinensis(Aver.)Aver.。该种与紫花鹤顶兰P.mishmensis(Lindl.et Paxton)Rchb.f.相似,不同在于该种的花萼和花瓣均为象牙白色,唇盘的脊上无毛,脊两侧具稀疏白色长毛。该文提供了该新记录种的形态描述和墨线图。  相似文献   

JUDD, W. S., STERN, W. L. & CHEADLE, V. I. 1993. Phylogenetic position of Apostasia and Neuwiedia (Orchidaceae). Cladistic analyses of the phylogenetic relationships of selected orchid taxa were conducted in order to assess the phylogenetic position of Apostasia and Neuwiedia (Orchidaceae: Apostasioideae). These analyses employed newly available anatomical characters, along with several morphological features that had been used in recent phylogenetic analyses of Orchidaceae. Our analyses indicate that Apostasia is more closely related to Neuwiedia than it is to Cypripedioideae. The two genera comprise an apostasiad clade; this clade is the sister-group to a clade including Cypripedioideae and monandrous orchids. The apostasiad clade is diagnosed by the derived features of operculate pollen colpi, Apostasia-type seeds, and vessel members with simple perforation plates. Of these, the presence of simple perforation plates is considered to be the most significant phylogenetically. Therefore, the apostasiads should not be considered ancestral to the remaining orchid groups. Vessel members of the monandrous orchids, as well as the cypripediads, are multiperforate–the hypothesized ancestral state based on the condition in Hypoxidaceae.  相似文献   

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