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Summary The paired branchial glands in cephalopods are essential for life. The electron microscope reveals them to consist of cells containing masses of endoplasmic reticulum organised in parallel arrays together with pale areas between the reticulum that contain vacuoles. All three regions of the cells contain masses of haemocyanin particles and it is suggested that the gland is the site of haemocyanin synthesis, the particles being made amongst the endoplasmic reticulum at discharged into the pale areas and vacuoles before being released into the general circulation.It is a pleasure to thank the Director and Staff of the Stazione Zoologica of Naples, and the Marine Biological Association Laboratory, Plymouth for their excellent facilities so freely provided. Much of the material was collected at Naples where one of us (JBM) was generously supported by the S.R.C. We thank many colleagues, too numerous to mention individually, who helped in different ways and we are grateful, too, for encouragement, support, and discussion, to Professors I. Chester Jones and J. Z. Young.  相似文献   

Summary The branchial heart appendage of Octopus dofleini martini has been investigated electron microscopically. This organ is dominated by peripherally lobed blood sinuses. It contains free hemocyanin (often aligned in rows), amoebocytes, endothelial cells, and muscle cells which occur mainly in connection with neurons. The neurons are often exposed to the blood. The blood sinuses are enclosed by a basement membrane which contains collagen equivalents and fine fibrillar elements. The sinuses are covered by two different epithelia: 1) the epithelium in the caoity of the appendage consisting of irregularly shaped cells with processes, the so called ( 30 high) podocytes, and 2) the epithelium ( 40 in height) on the surface of the organ, which is composed of two parts: a) a lacuna-forming portion directly adjacent to the basement membrane, which is topped by b) a continuous tissue portion with occasional lacuna-canals. The intercellular spaces of the inner and outer epithelium are connected. The structures of these epithelial cells are discussed in relation to the formation of the pericardial fluid.Our thanks are given to Professor Dr. Georg Kümmel, Freie Universität Berlin, for suggesting the theme and his scientific guidance; to Dr. Kenneth M. Towe, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., for generously allowing the use of his instruments and for his technical assistance; to Mr. Frank Denys, Medical Dental School of Georgetown University, Washington D.C., for sharing with me his technical skills and for making possible the occasional use of a dark room; and finally to Dr. Fred E. Witmer, Office of Saline Water, U.S. Dept. of Interior, Washington D.C., for his help with the translation, and for taking all the side effects of this study as patiently as he did.Supported in part by Grant number GB 17539 of the National Science Foundation. Used as part of a thesis submitted to the Freie Universität Berlin.  相似文献   

Summary Horse spleen ferritin, injected into the blood of the octopus, leaves the capillaries via pericyte junctions and windows. One hour after the administration, ferritin has entered the optic gland main cells; three hours later, it is accumulated in dense-bodies. The evidence for resorption supports earlier papers reporting that the ultrastructure of the organ is unusual for an endocrine gland.We thank Professor R. Martin for his help and for permission to work in his laboratory at the Ulm University (Germany) and the Swiss Government for financial support  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an der Branchialdrüse verschiedener Cephalopoden (Sepia officinalis, Octopus vulgaris, Loligo vulgaris, Eledone moschata) zeigen, daß das Drüsengewebe des stark vaskularisierten Organs aus einem sekretorisch aktiven Zelltypus mit ausgeprägtem endoplasmatischen Retikulum besteht. In den Zisternen des endoplasmatischen Retikulums lassen sich granuläre und ringförmige Strukturen (Durchmesser: 45–65 Å und 170 Å) nachweisen, die in Größe und Gestalt mit den Hämocyanin-Einheiten in den Gefäßen und Lakunen übereinstimmen und durch randlichen Zerfall der Zellen in den Blutraum auszuwandern scheinen. Die histochemischen Untersuchungen ergeben eine positive Reaktion für Monoaminoxydase, aber vergleichsweise geringe Phosphatase- und Dehydrogenase-Aktivitäten. Diese Befunde sowie der histochemisch nachgewiesene hohe Kupfergehalt des Drüsengewebes sprechen für eine hämopoetische, d.h. hämocyaninbildende Funktion der Kiemendrüse.
Electron microscopic and histochemical investigations of the function of the branchial gland of the cephalopods
Summary Light and electron microscopic investigations on the branchial gland of different Cephalopoda (Sepia officinalis, Octopus vulgaris, Loligo vulgaris, Eledone moschata) show that the gland tissue, strongly vascularized, consists of an actively secreting cell type with a remarkable endoplasmatic reticulum. In the cisternae of the endoplasmatic reticulum granular and ring-shaped structures can be identified (diameter: 45–65 Å and 170 Å) which correspond in size and shape with the hemocyanin units in the vessels and lacunae and which seem to emigrate into the blood space caused by the peripheral decay of the cells. Histochemical investigations show a positive reaction for monoaminoxidase, but comparatively low phosphatase and dehydrogenase activities. These results, and also the high content of histochemically identified copper in the gland tissue, seem to indicate a hemopoetic, i.e. hemocyanin-forming function for the branchial gland.

Summary The structure of the salivary gland of the dipteran insect Rhynchosciara angelae in a defined stage of the larval development, characterized by the synthesis and storage of secretion product, is described. Observations were made with both Nomarski optics and electron microscopy. Filiform projections extending into the lumen of the gland were observed in the apical portion of the cells. At the basal region junctions, characterized as hemidesmosomes, were observed between the membrane of the cell and the basal lamina. The plasma membrane presents numerous infoldings into the cell increasing considerably the surface area at this region. Throughout the cytoplasm of the gland cells numerous mitochondria, Golgi complexes, microtubules, profiles of endoplasmic reticulum, secretion granules and glycogen granules were observed. Carbohydrates were detected on ultrathin sections by using the periodic acid-silver methenamine and the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate techniques.  相似文献   

Summary Electron micrographs of pore cells of Lymnaea stagnalis suggest that these cells produce and store haemocyanin.  相似文献   

Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) living in estuaries have to cope with varying concentrations of suspended sand. Sand flowing through the inhalant siphons comes into the infrabranchial chamber. The inhalant siphon can be partially closed by the branchial membrane. As a result the inward flow decreases, and suspended sand sinks and can be eliminated. Experiments with mussels from three ecologically different locations showed about the same response of the branchial membrane on contact with suspended sand. The presence and function of the branchial membrane appears to be an adaptation of mussels to their estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Summary Cephalopod chromatophores are made of a central pigment cell surrounded by 10 to 20 radially arranged muscle fibres under direct nervous control. Innervation of these muscle fibres was studied with anterograde cobalt fills of peripheral nerve bundles and light and electron microscopy. Individual axons branch repeatedly to innervate the muscles of chromatophores scattered over several millimeters. Axons contained in several dermal nerves converge to innervate the same chromatophores. Among the chromaophores, axons were found running either singly or in small bundles, often accompanied by sheath cells. Single chromatophore muscles were innervated by at least one axon running across or along its length. Since nerves terminating on chromatophore muscles are very rare, neuromuscular contact seems to be made en passant. Varicosities of the axons apposed to the muscles are thought to be presynaptic sites. However, morphological differentiations of the pre-or post-synaptic membranes were not visible. Two types of innervating processes were found containing either electron-clear or a mixture of electron-clear and dark-core synaptic vesicles.Supported by a postgraduate award from the University of Aberdeen (GB)  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the salt gland of the goose, the duck and the swan was investigated by means of electron microscopy. Axonal swellings were observed in relationship to secretory cells as well as to central duct cells. The terminals contain synaptic and densecored vesicles. There are no specialized pre- and postsynaptic membranes.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ku 210/4).  相似文献   

Tissue from the digitiform rectal gland of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, was fixed briefly by formaldehyde perfusion and studied for the specificity and localization of p-nitrophenyl phosphatase (NPP'ase) activity. The enzymatic activity was K+-dependent (56%) and ouabain-sensitive (67%-inhibition). The electron-dense reaction product (SrPO4) of the cytochemical reaction (Ernst, 1972b) was localized along the inner surfaces of the basolateral membranes of the secretory cells. It was absent from mitochondria nuclei, vesicles, and other organelles. The luminal surface of the secretory cells was slightly reactive. On the basis of (1) this pattern of localization for the sodium transport system, (2) the presence of extensive intercellular labyrinthine channels (Bulger, 1963) that would facilitate "standing gradients" (Diamond and Bossert, 1968), and (3) the specific distribution of the energy-providing mitochondria, we conclude that the concentration and electrochemical gradients recorded from the secreting gland (Hayslett et al., 1974) are maintained across the domains of the basolateral surfaces of the secretory cells.  相似文献   

Summary The sinus gland of Carcinus maenas consists of the swollen axonal endings of the neurosecretory cells of the major ganglia and acts as a storage release centre for the membrane bound neurosecretory material. These neurosecretory granules fall into five different types based on size and electron density. Their contents are released by exocytosis of the primary granules or smaller units budded from the primary granules.I thank Professor E. Naylor for his constant advice and Professor E. W. Knight-Jones, Department of Zoology, University College, Swansea, for the provision of laboratory facilities. I am grateful to the Science Research Council for the financial support. Finally, I thank the Electron Microscope Unit, Southampton General Hospital, where the work was completed.  相似文献   

Summary The appearance of neurosecretory granules in the crab sinus gland was studied after fixation at different pHs. Whereas at pH 7.0 the neurosecretory granules were pleomorphic with respect to electron density, at pH 5.0 or 6.0 all the granules remained electron dense. The possible role of maturation as an explanation of this observation is discussed.ERA 493 CNRS  相似文献   

Summary The larval salivary gland secretions ofBombus atratus were studied with cytochemical and cytophysical methods. In the young feeding larvae a proteic filamentous secretion depicting striations perpendicular to the long axis of its fibrillary threads and exhibiting a wellordered macromolecular array was found. It appears not to differ from the silk secretion described for the fully grown larvae of an europeanBombus species. However, in the fully grown larvae ofB. atratus changes which have not yet been reported for other bees occur involving the salivary gland secretion. Two secretion types are then distinguishable. One is composed of carboxylated and sulfated acid glycosaminoglycans and glycoprotein(s) (mucous secretion), and the other has the same composition as that of the filamentous secretion of the young larvae, although differing morphologically and in terms of macromolecular alignment (flocculent secretion). The filamentous secretion is assumed to be involved inB. atratus with the spinning of the silken partitions which at a relatively early stage separate the larvae reared within a common cell from one another. The mucous and flocculent secretions will participate in the cocoons which will cover the pupating larvae. The filamentous and flocculent secretions appear to contain an -helical fibroin, glycoprotein(s) and lipoprotein(s), but not collagen-type proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the pineal gland of 18 human fetuses (crown-rump lengths 30–178 mm) was investigated.The pineal gland exhibits a pyramidal shape and consists of an anterior and posterior lobe. Only one parenchymal cell type, the pinealocyte, was observed. Few neuroblasts were seen between the pinealocytes and in the extended perivascular space. The pinealocytes possess all the organelles necessary for hormone synthesis. No specific secretory granule could be observed. The organ is abundantly vascularized and richly innervated. The morphology of the capillaries indicates the existence of a blood-brain barrier.The ultrastructure of the human fetal pineal gland suggests that the gland has a secretory function in early intrauterine life. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Mrs. Yael Balslev and Miss Inger Ægidius for their able technical assistance. This investigation was supported in part by The Carl and Ellen Hertz's foundation and the Johann and Hanne Weimann foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular pH (pH i ) of the acinar cells of the isolated, superfused mouse lacrimal gland has been measured using pH-sensitive microelectrodes. Under nonstimulated condition pH i was 7.25, which was about 0.5 unit higher than the equilibrium pH. Alterations of the external pH by ±0.4 unit shifted pH i only by ±0.08 unit. The intracellular buffering value determined by applications of 25mm NH 4 + and bicarbonate buffer solution gassed with 5% CO2/95% O2 was 26 and 46mm/pH, respectively Stimulation with 1 m acetylcholine (ACh) caused a transient, small decrease and then a sustained increase in pH i . In the presence of amiloride (0.1mm) or the absence of Na+, application of ACh caused a significant decrease in pH i and removal of amiloride or replacement with Na+-containing saline, respectively, rapidly increased the pH i . Pretreatment with DIDS (0.2mm) did not change the pH i of the nonstimulated conditions; however, it significantly enhanced the increase in pH i induced by ACh. The present results showed that (i) there is an active acid extrusion mechanism that is stimulated by ACh; (ii) stimulation with ACh enhances the rate of acid production in the acinar cells; and (iii) the acid extrusion mechanism is inhibited by amiloride addition to and Na+ removal from the bath solution. We suggest that both Na+/H+ and HCO 3 /Cl exchange transport mechanisms are taking roles in the intracellular pH regulation in the lacrimal gland acinar cells.  相似文献   

Summary The cement gland was studied from stage 17, when the anlage is established, to stage 49, shortly before its disappearance. At early stages, the apical membrane is covered by small microvilli that are more abundant than in the surrounding epiblast cells. Vesicular protrusions along the cell boundaries are also more numerous in the gland cells.When the gland reaches maturity, the apical membranes of gland cells differentiate into two regions. In the cranial, kidney-shaped region, the membranes are very narrow and protrude above the level of cell boundaries. Long and slender villi raise from the surface adjacent to cell boundaries. Apical surfaces in the caudal portion are larger and flattened. Cell boundaries are lined with shorter and thicker surface projections. At these stages, the bordering cells are covered with secretion vesicles.During involution the number of cells is progressively reduced. The area of the caudal portion increases relative to the area of the cranial portion. Apical surfaces become more flattened. Surface projections become much shorter and invade the whole of the apical surface. Bordering cells lose their secretion vesicles and their apical surface becomes ruffled with numerous short wrinkles. The significance of the apical structures and their evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Fiedler A  Schipp R 《Tissue & cell》1991,23(6):813-819
The innervation of the branchial heart of Sepia officinalis was examined using TEM and glyoxylic acid induced fluorescence. In the cardiac ganglion and in cardiac nerves bluish-green fluorophores were seen associated with perikarya and varicose nerve fibres. Microspectrofluorometric analysis provided clear evidence that monoaminergic neurons in the branchial heart contain only catecholamines. Considering pharmacological data, it is more than likely that 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) is not present in this system.  相似文献   

Summary Labial gland disease causes swelling of the labial glands in the pupal stage inFormica species. The resulting adults have enlarged thoraces and are called secretergates (Wasmann's pseudogynes). They infect the younger larvae, probably during feeding. The agent of the disease is unknown. It soon becomes non-infectious outside the labial glands. Diseased females were not seen to feed larvae. Yet their offspring contained secretergates. The discrepancy remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Summary The salivary glands of the moth, Manduca sexta (Insecta: Sphingidae), are unlike most other salivary glands in that they are innervated from one source only. Vital staining of nerves with methylene-blue reveals numerous fine nerves extending to the glands from the oesophageal nerve, a part of the stomatogastric or visceral nervous system. Light and electron microscopy confirm that only the fluid-secreting cells, confined to a discrete region in these glands, are innervated. Axons with or without glial wrappings are found in intercellular spaces between fluid-secreting cells. Axons lacking a glial sheath contain, after glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation, large granular and small agranular vesicles. In nerve endings in glands fixed with permanganate these smaller vesicles are granular, having the electron-dense cores characteristic of monoamine-containing neurons. These nerve endings with synaptoid areas are in close (direct) contact with the fluid-secreting cells.I am grateful to Professor T. Weis-Fogh for accommodation in the department of Zoology and to Dr. Nancy Lane for use of A.R.C. facilities and advice. Thanks are also due to Drs. M. J. Berridge, S.H.P. Maddrell, and W. T. Prince and Mr. R. A. Leslie for helpful discussion. Financial assistance from Clare College, Cambridge is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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