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T Kirsch  L Beevers 《Plant physiology》1993,103(1):205-212
A cytosolic ATPase (an enzyme that dissociates clathrin from clathrin-coated vesicles in the presence of ATP) was isolated from developing pea (Pisum sativum L.) cotyledons using chromatography on ATP-agarose. After chromatography on phenyl Sepharose, the fraction with uncoating activity was enriched in a doublet of 70-kD peptides. Using chromatofocusing, it was possible to produce fractions enriched in the upper component of the doublet of 70-kD peptides; these fractions still retained ATP-dependent uncoating activity. In western blot analysis, antibodies against a member of the 70-kD family of heat-shock proteins interacted with the upper component of the doublet of the 70-kD peptides from the phenyl Sepharose-purified fractions. On the basis of these data, it appears that the uncoating ATPase may be a member of the 70-kD family of heat-shock proteins. The uncoating activity removed clathrin from both pea and bovine brain clathrin-coated vesicles. The uncoating ATPase from bovine brain also uncoated coated vesicles from peas. Pea clathrin-coated vesicles that were prepared by three different methods were uncoated to different extents by the plant uncoating ATPase. Different populations of clathrin-coated vesicles from the same preparation showed differential sensitivity to the uncoating ATPase. Limited proteolysis of the clathrin light chains in the protein coat abolished the susceptibility of the clathrin-coated vesicles to the uncoating ATPase. The properties of the uncoating ATPase isolated from developing pea cotyledons are similar to those of uncoating ATPases previously described from mammalian and yeast systems. It appears that despite dissimilarities in composition of the clathrin components of the vesicles from the respective sources, uncoating is achieved by a common mechanism.  相似文献   

The chaperone Hsc70 drives the clathrin assembly–disassembly cycle forward by stimulating dissociation of a clathrin lattice. A J‐domain containing co‐chaperone, auxilin, associates with a freshly budded clathrin‐coated vesicle, or with an in vitro assembled clathrin coat, and recruits Hsc70 to its specific heavy‐chain‐binding site. We have determined by electron cryomicroscopy (cryoEM), at about 11 Å resolution, the structure of a clathrin coat (in the D6‐barrel form) with specifically bound Hsc70 and auxilin. The Hsc70 binds a previously analysed site near the C‐terminus of the heavy chain, with a stoichiometry of about one per three‐fold vertex. Its binding is accompanied by a distortion of the clathrin lattice, detected by a change in the axial ratio of the D6 barrel. We propose that when Hsc70, recruited to a position close to its target by the auxilin J‐domain, splits ATP, it clamps firmly onto its heavy‐chain site and locks in place a transient fluctuation. Accumulation of the local strain thus imposed at multiple vertices can then lead to disassembly.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the C-terminal 20 kDa portion of auxilin, which consists of the clathrin binding region and the C-terminal J-domain, has been determined by NMR. Auxilin is an Hsp40 family protein that catalytically supports the uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles through recruitment of Hsc70 in an ATP hydrolysis-driven process. This 20 kDa auxilin construct contains the minimal sequential region required to uncoat clathrin-coated vesicles catalytically. The tertiary structure consists of six helices, where the first three are unique to auxilin and believed to be important in the catalytic uncoating of clathrin. The last three helices correspond to the canonical J-domain of Hsp40 proteins. The first helix, helix 1, which contains a conserved FEDLL motif believed to be necessary for clathrin binding, is transient and not packed against the rest of the structure. Helix 1 is joined to helix 2 by a flexible linker. Helix 2 packs loosely against the J-domain surface, whereas helix 3 packs tightly and makes critical contributions to the J-domain core. A long insert loop, also unique to the auxilin J-domain, is seen between helix 4 and helix 5. Comparison with a previously reported structure of auxilin containing only helices 3-6 shows a significant difference in the invariant HPD segment of the J-domain. The region where helix 1 is located corresponds to the expected region of the unstructured G/F-rich domain seen in DnaJ, i.e., the canonical N-terminal J-domain protein. In contrast, the location of helix 1 differs from the substrate binding regions of two other Hsp40 proteins, Escherichia coli Hsc20 and viral large T antigen. The variety of biological functions performed by Hsp40 proteins such as auxilin, as well as the observed differences in the structure and function of their substrate binding regions, supports the notion that Hsp40 proteins act as target-specific adaptors that recruit their more general Hsp70 partners to specific biological roles.  相似文献   

CK2 and GAK/auxilin2 are major protein kinases in clathrin-coated vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several peripheral membrane proteins associated with clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) are reversibly phosphorylated, but it is not clear precisely which protein kinases are involved. In order to address this question directly, we have isolated highly purified CCVs from porcine brain. The peripheral membrane proteins have been removed and assayed for kinase activity using the CCV peripheral membrane proteins as substrate. The major kinase activity identified has a molecular mass of 40 kDa, is inhibited by known specific inhibitors of the protein kinase CK2 and is recognised by an antibody specific to CK2. We show that CK2 is responsible for the phosphorylation of the majority of CCV-associated proteins that are subject to phosphorylation. Intriguingly, CK2 is inactive when associated with CCVs but becomes active once the clathrin coat has been removed. The medium subunit of the AP2 adaptor complex (μ2) is not a substrate for CK2, but is phosphorylated by a second kinase that we show to be cyclin G-associated kinase (GAK/auxilin2). Unlike the situation for the CK2 substrates, μ2 is a substrate for GAK/auxilin2, both in intact CCVs and in solution. In addition, we show that the 'stripped' CCV membranes that remain once the peripheral membrane proteins have been removed from CCVs inhibit CK2 but not GAK/auxilin2 activity.  相似文献   

Multiple roles of auxilin and hsc70 in clathrin-mediated endocytosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ATP-dependent dissociation of clathrin from clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) by the molecular chaperone Hsc70 requires J-domain cofactor proteins, either auxilin or cyclin-G-associated kinase (GAK). Both the nerve-specific auxilin and the ubiquitous GAK induce CCVs to bind to Hsc70. The removal of auxilin or GAK from various organisms and cells has provided definitive evidence that Hsc70 uncoats CCVs in vivo. In addition, evidence from various studies has suggested that Hsc70 and auxilin are involved in several other key processes that occur during clathrin-mediated endocytosis. First, Hsc70 and auxilin are required for the clathrin exchange that occurs during coated-pit invagination and constriction; this clathrin exchange may catalyze any rearrangement of the clathrin-coated pit (CCP) structure that is required during invagination and constriction. Second, Hsc70 and auxilin may chaperone clathrin after it dissociates from CCPs so that it does not aggregate in the cytosol. Third, auxilin and Hsc70 may be involved in the rebinding of clathrin to the plasma membrane to form new CCPs and independently appear to chaperone adaptor proteins so that they can also rebind to membranes to nucleate the formation of new CCPs. Finally, if formation of the curved clathrin coat induces membrane curvature, then Hsc70 and auxilin provide the energy for this curvature by inducing ATP-dependent clathrin exchange and rearrangement during endocytosis and ATP-dependent dissociation of clathrin at the end of the cycle so that it is energetically primed to rebind to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

During clathrin-mediated endocytosis Hsc70, supported by the J-domain protein auxilin, uncoats clathrin-coated vesicles. Auxilin contains both a clathrin-binding domain and a J-domain that binds Hsc70, and it has been suggested that these two domains are both necessary and sufficient for auxilin activity. To test this hypothesis, we created a chimeric protein consisting of the J-domain of auxilin linked to the clathrin-binding domain of the assembly protein AP180. This chimera supported uncoating, but unlike auxilin it acted stoichiometrically rather than catalytically because, like Hsc70, it remained associated with the uncoated clathrin. This observation supports our proposal that Hsc70 chaperones uncoated clathrin by inducing formation of a stable Hsc70-clathrin-AP complex. It also shows that Hsc70 acts by dissociating individual clathrin triskelions rather than cooperatively destabilizing clathrin-coated vesicles. Because the chimera lacks the C-terminal subdomain of the auxilin clathrin-binding domain, it seemed possible that this subdomain is required for auxilin to act catalytically, and indeed its deletion caused auxilin to act stoichiometrically. In contrast, deletion of the N-terminal subdomain weakened auxilin-clathrin binding and prevented auxilin from polymerizing clathrin. Therefore the C-terminal subdomain of the clathrin-binding domain of auxilin is required for auxilin to act catalytically, whereas the N-terminal subdomain strengthens auxilin-clathrin binding.  相似文献   

The 70-kDa heat-shock cognate protein (Hsc70) chaperone is an ATP-dependent "disassembly enzyme" for many subcellular structures, including clathrin-coated vesicles where it functions as an uncoating ATPase. Hsc70, and its cochaperone auxilin together catalyze coat disassembly. Like other members of the Hsp70 chaperone family, it is thought that ATP-bound Hsc70 recognizes the clathrin triskelion through an unfolded exposed hydrophobic segment. The best candidate is the unstructured C terminus (residues 1631-1675) of the heavy chain at the foot of the tripod below the hub, containing the sequence motif QLMLT, closely related to the sequence bound preferentially by the substrate groove of Hsc70 (Fotin et al., 2004b). To test this hypothesis, we generated in insect cells recombinant mammalian triskelions that in vitro form clathrin cages and clathrin/AP-2 coats exactly like those assembled from native clathrin. We show that coats assembled from recombinant clathrin are good substrates for ATP- and auxilin-dependent, Hsc70-catalyzed uncoating. Finally, we show that this uncoating reaction proceeds normally when the coats contain recombinant heavy chains truncated C-terminal to the QLMLT motif, but very inefficiently when the motif is absent. Thus, the QLMLT motif is required for Hsc-70-facilitated uncoating, consistent with the proposal that this sequence is a specific target of the chaperone.  相似文献   

J-domains are widespread protein interaction modules involved in recruiting and stimulating the activity of Hsp70 family chaperones. We have determined the crystal structure of the J-domain of auxilin, a protein which is involved in uncoating clathrin-coated vesicles. Comparison to the known structures of J-domains from four other proteins reveals that the auxilin J-domain is the most divergent of all J-domain structures described to date. In addition to the canonical J-domain features described previously, the auxilin J-domain contains an extra N-terminal helix and a long loop inserted between helices I and II. The latter loop extends the positively charged surface which forms the Hsc70 binding site, and is shown by directed mutagenesis and surface plasmon resonance to contain side chains important for binding to Hsc70.  相似文献   

A procedure for computer simulation is proposed, which allows one to quantitatively characterize the spatial distribution of synaptic vesicles in presynaptic terminals (PST) using ultrathin sections of such terminals. The procedure includes three stages: simulation, topographical analysis, and comparison. At the first stage, the spatial distribution of vesicles within a PST and the process of random sectioning of it are simulated using the corresponding mathematical model. At the second stage, the topographical distribution of vesicle profiles within the plane of PST section is estimated; three respective approaches have been used: (i) nearest neighbor distance distribution; (ii) minimal spanning tree; and (iii) Voronoi paving. At the third stage, the simulated parameters are compared with the parameters of native terminal sections; when the coincidence of these two parameter groups is satisfactory, we believe that the simulated spatial distribution agrees with the real distribution. The software for the procedure is written in C++ programing langage. The results of a pilot study on ultrathin sections of cultured rat hippocampal neurons showed that the method offers broad possibilities for spatial interpretation and quantitative characterization of distributions of synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Within the clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV) cycle, coat assembly drives the internalization of receptors from the cell surface and disassembly allows for the processing of internalized ligands. The heat shock cognate protein, hsc70, has been implicated in regulating coat disassembly. We find that in cells overexpressing ATPase-deficient hsc70 mutants, uncoating of CCVs is inhibited in vivo, and the majority of unassembled cytosolic clathrin shifts to an assembled pool that cofractionates with AP1 and AP2. Surprisingly, this assembled pool of coat proteins accumulates in the absence of cargo receptors, suggesting that disruption of hsc70 activity may cause misassembly of empty clathrin cages. The strongest effect of overexpression of hsc70 mutants is a block in transferrin receptor (TfnR) recycling, which cannot be accounted for by the degree of inhibition of uncoating of endocytic CCVs. These results suggest that hsc70 participates in multiple transport and/or sorting events between endosomal compartments. Additionally, the mutant-expressing cells are defective at internalizing transferrin. In the most potent case, the initial rate of uptake is inhibited 10-fold, and TfnR levels double at the cell surface. Our findings demonstrate that hsc70 indeed regulates coat disassembly and also suggest that this chaperone broadly modulates clathrin dynamics throughout the CCV cycle.  相似文献   

A model structure of the Hsc70/auxilin complex has been constructed to gain insight into interprotein substrate transfer and ATP hydrolysis induced conformational changes in the multidomain Hsc70 structure. The Hsc70/auxilin system, which is a member of the Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone system family, uncoats clathrin-coated vesicles in an ATP hydrolysis-driven process. Incorporating previous results from NMR and mutant binding studies, the auxilin J-domain was docked into the Hsc70 ATPase domain lower cleft using rigid backbone/flexible side chain molecular dynamics, and the Hsc70 substrate binding domain was docked by a similar procedure. For comparison, J-domain and substrate binding domain docking sites were obtained by the rigid-body docking programs DOT and ZDOCK, filtered and ranked by the program ClusPro, and relaxed using the same rigid backbone/flexible side chain dynamics. The substrate binding domain sites were assessed in terms of conserved surface complementarity and feasibility in the context of substrate transfer, both for auxilin and another Hsp40 protein, Hsc20. This assessment favors placement of the substrate binding domain near D152 on the ATPase domain surface adjacent to the J-domain invariant HPD segment, with the Hsc70 interdomain linker in the lower cleft. Examining Hsc70 interdomain energetics, we propose that long-range electrostatic interactions, perhaps due to a difference in the pKa values of bound ATP and ADP, could play a major role in the structural change induced by ATP hydrolysis. Interdomain electrostatic interactions also appear to play a role in stimulation of ATPase activity due to J-domain binding and substrate binding by Hsc70.  相似文献   

Vesicle budding requires recruitment of a coat, which must then be removed to allow fusion with the target compartment. In vitro assays have implicated Hsc70 and auxilin family members as key players in clathrin-coated vesicle uncoating. New in vivo studies now show that this is indeed the case and reveal additional functions of the Hsc70/auxilin complex.  相似文献   

C King  E Eisenberg  L E Greene 《Biochemistry》1999,38(38):12452-12459
We previously found that, in the presence of ATP, DnaJ homologues catalytically induce formation of a metastable Hsc70 polymer and, similarly, the DnaJ homologue auxilin catalytically induces formation of a metastable Hsc70-clathrin basket complex. Since this suggests that the induction of metastable complexes, which form in ATP but dissociate in ADP, may be a general property of DnaJ homologues, in the present study we investigated in more detail the ability of DnaJ homologues to induce polymerization of Hsc70. This study shows that DnaJ homologues induce polymerization of Hsc70 at the same rate as they induce an initial burst of Hsc70 ATPase activity, showing that polymerization is a specific effect of DnaJ homologue binding to Hsc70. However, polymerization does not always accompany the initial burst of ATPase activity. The dependence of the rates of ATPase activity and polymerization on DnaJ homologue concentration shows that DnaJ homologues bind very weakly to Hsc70 in the presence of ATP and do not bind at all in ADP. Surprisingly, however, under certain conditions the rate of polymerization appears to be independent of Hsc70 concentration, suggesting that polymerization is a first-order reaction, perhaps occurring when two Hsc70 molecules bind to a single DnaJ molecule and then shift their binding to each other. We propose that both the polymerization of Hsc70 by DnaJ homologues and the presentation of substrate by DnaJ homologues to Hsc70 involve the bringing of substrate into proximity with Hsc70 and then independently inducing rapid ATP hydrolysis to cause formation of a metastable Hsc70-substrate complex.  相似文献   

The Hsp70 and Hsp40 chaperone machine plays critical roles in protein folding, membrane translocation, and protein degradation by binding and releasing protein substrates in a process that utilizes ATP. The activities of the Hsp70 family of chaperones are recruited and stimulated by the J domains of Hsp40 chaperones. However, structural information on the Hsp40–Hsp70 complex is lacking, and the molecular details of this interaction are yet to be elucidated. Here we used steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulations to investigate the molecular interactions that occur during the dissociation of the auxilin J domain from the Hsc70 nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). The changes in energy observed during the SMD simulation suggest that electrostatic interactions are the dominant type of interaction. Additionally, we found that Hsp70 mainly interacts with auxilin through the surface residues Tyr866, Arg867, and Lys868 of helix II, His874, Asp876, Lys877, Thr879, and Gln881 of the HPD loop, and Phe891, Asn895, Asp896, and Asn903 of helix III. The conservative residues Tyr866, Arg867, Lys868, His874, Asp876, Lys877, and Phe891 were also found in a previous study to be indispensable to the catalytic activity of the DnaJ J domain and the binding of it with the NBD of DnaK. The in silico identification of the importance of auxilin residues Asn895, Asp896, and Asn903 agrees with previous mutagenesis and NMR data suggesting that helix III of the J domain of the T antigen interacts with Hsp70. Furthermore, our data indicate that Thr879 and Gln881 from the HPD loop are also important as they mediate the interaction between the bovine auxilin J domain and Hsc70.  相似文献   

A J Jin  R Nossal 《Biophysical journal》1993,65(4):1523-1537
By examining the basic characteristics of clathrin lattices, we discover that simple topological rules impose strict constraints on clathrin lattice transformations. These constraints require that internal bond rearrangements take place in conjunction with the addition or removal of pairs of clathrin triskelions within the interior of existing clathrin lattice patches. Similar constraints also are relevant to coated-vesicle shape changes and their budding-off from pit lattices. Via specific illustrations, successive vesicles with hexagonal-barrel and other coats are shown to grow out from the interior of a initially flat clathrin-coated pit so long as free triskelions are available from cytoplasm. Concomitantly, we present mathematical derivations of several simple and useful topological equations. These equations govern the numbers of nonhexagonal clathrin lattice facets and their variations during internal shape transformations and justify the proposed mechanisms of triskelion pair insertion and removal.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles mediate vesicular traffic in cells. Three-dimensional image reconstructions of homogenous populations of in vitro assembled clathrin coats have yielded a molecular model for clathrin and its interactions with some of its partners. The intrinsic averaging required for those calculations has precluded detailed analysis of heterogeneous populations of clathrin-coated vesicles isolated from cells. We have therefore used cryo-electron tomography to study the lattice organization of individual clathrin-coated vesicles and the disposition of the captured vesicle with respect to the surrounding coat. We find a wide range of designs for the clathrin lattice, with different patterns of pentagonal, hexagonal, and occasionally heptagonal facets. Many coats, even smaller ones, enclose membrane vesicles, which are generally offset from the center of the clathrin shell. The electron density distribution between the coat and the underlying vesicle is not uniform, and the number of apparent contacts that anchor the clathrin lattice to the vesicle membrane is significantly less than the number of clathrin heavy chains in the assembly. We suggest that the eccentric position of the vesicle reflects the polarity of assembly, from initiation of coat formation to membrane pinching.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles, identified by negative staining with uranyl acetate, were purified from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Isolated coated vesicles had diameters ranging from 70 to 140 nm (mean diameter +/- SD of 95 +/- 17 nm, n = 300). These vesicles were markedly heterogeneous in both density and surface charge, as indicated by equilibrium density sedimentation and elution from anion-exchange columns. Highly-purified coated-vesicle fractions contained 2 major polypeptides, identified as the clathrin heavy chain (185 kDa) and the clathrin light chain (40 kDa). Chlamydomonas clathrin heavy chain cross-reacts weakly with an antibody against bovine brain clathrin heavy chain. Coat stability in several buffers was compared to that of bovine brain coated vesicles. Stability was similar, except for a greater stability of Chlamydomonas coated vesicles in 0.5 M Tris at pH 7.0.  相似文献   

We reconstituted prepro-alpha-factor translocation and signal peptide processing using a yeast microsomal detergent soluble fraction formed into vesicles with soybean phospholipids. Reconstituted translocation required ATP, and was deficient when sec63 and kar2 (BiP) mutant cells were used as a source of membranes. Normal translocation was observed with vesicles reconstituted from a mixture of pure wild-type yeast BiP and a soluble fraction of kar2 mutant membranes. Two other heat-shock cognate (hsc) 70 homologs, yeast cytosolic hsc70 (Ssalp) and E. coli dnaK protein did not replace BiP. Conversely, BiP was not active under conditions where translocation into native ER vesicles required cytosolic hsc70. We conclude that cytosolic hsc70 and BiP serve noninterchangeable roles in polypeptide translocation, possibly because distinct, asymmetrically oriented membrane proteins are required to recruit each protein to opposing surfaces of the ER membrane.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3425-3433
Nerve endings of the posterior pituitary are densely populated by dense- core neurosecretory granules which are the storage sites for peptide neurohormones. In addition, they contain numerous clear microvesicles which are the same size as small synaptic vesicles of typical presynaptic nerve terminals. Several of the major proteins of small synaptic vesicles of presynaptic nerve terminals are present at high concentration in the posterior pituitary. We have now investigated the subcellular localization of such proteins. By immunogold electron microscopy carried out on bovine neurohypophysis we have found that three of these proteins, synapsin I, Protein III, and synaptophysin (protein p38) were concentrated on microvesicles but were not detectable in the membranes of neurosecretory granules. In addition, we have studied the distribution of the same proteins and of the synaptic vesicle protein p65 in subcellular fractions of bovine posterior pituitaries obtained by sucrose density centrifugation. We have found that the intrinsic membrane proteins synaptophysin and p65 had an identical distribution and were restricted to low density fractions of the gradient which contained numerous clear microvesicles with a size range the same as that of small synaptic vesicles. The peripheral membrane proteins synapsin I and Protein III exhibited a broader distribution extending into the denser part of the gradient. However, the amount of these proteins clearly declined in the fractions preceding the peak of neurosecretory granules. Our results suggest that microvesicles of the neurohypophysis are biochemically related to small synaptic vesicles of all other nerve terminals and argue against the hypothesis that such vesicles represent an endocytic byproduct of exocytosis of neurosecretory granules.  相似文献   

Calcium transients in cerebellar granule cell presynaptic terminals.   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Calcium ions act presynaptically to modulate synaptic strength and to trigger neurotransmitter release. Here we detect stimulus-evoked changes in residual free calcium ([Ca2+]i) in rat cerebellar granule cell presynaptic terminals. Granule cell axons, known as parallel fibers, and their associated boutons, were labeled with several calcium indicators. When parallel fibers were extracellularly activated with stimulus trains, calcium accumulated in the terminals, producing changes in the fluorescence of the indicators. During the stimulus train, the fluorescence change per pulse became progressively smaller with the high affinity indicators Fura-2 and calcium green-2 but remained constant with the low affinity dyes BTC and furaptra. In addition, fluorescence transients of high affinity dyes were slower than those of low affinity indicators, which appear to accurately report the time course of calcium transients. Simulations show that differences in the observed transients can be explained by the different affinities and off rates of the fluorophores. The return of [Ca2+]i to resting levels can be approximated by an exponential decay with a time constant of 150 ms. On the basis of the degree of saturation in the response of high affinity dyes observed during trains, we estimate that each action potential increases [Ca2+]i in the terminal by several hundred nanomolar. These findings indicate that in these terminals [Ca2+]i transients are much larger and faster than those observed in larger boutons, such as those at the neuromuscular junction. Such rapid [Ca2+]i dynamics may be found in many of the terminals in the mammalian brain that are similar in size to parallel fiber boutons.  相似文献   

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