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Rubella antibody determination by the hemagglutination-inhibition test was effectively simplified by substitution of formalinized sheep red blood cells for avian erythrocytes.  相似文献   

A method of treating human erythrocytes with trypsin has been modified and found to be an efficient and practical indicator system for the rubella hemagglutination-inhibition test. Both the trypsin-treated human cells and the widely used, newborn chicken erythrocytes were used in comparative testing of 464 selected diagnostic rubella serums. Results with each cell system were essentially the same. The trypsin treatment procedure has been found to be relatively simple, and with our limited testing has not presented any problems with reproducibility. Other advantages include the ready availability of human cells, greater intralaboratory standardization of the test by using the same donors over a long period of time, and elimination of adsorption of test sera with red blood cells.  相似文献   

A hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test for rubella is described which utilizes human group O, rather than 1-day-old chick, erythrocytes. The test was found to be as sensitive and reproducible for detection of rubella antibody as HI tests employing chick erythrocytes. Advantages to the use of human erythrocytes are (i) they are more available, (ii) it is unnecessary to absorb natural agglutinins from human test sera, and (iii) heparin-MnCl2-treated sera do not agglutinate human erythrocytes, as is sometimes the case with chick erythrocytes. Factors influencing the reliability of the test are discussed.  相似文献   

Antigens were prepared from Mycoplasma gallisepticum in the logarithmic phase of growth and were treated with 2, 5, and 10% Formalin by slow diffusion through a dialysis sac. Chicken erythrocytes were similarly treated with 20% Formalin. Formalin-treated antigens hemagglutinated fresh and formalinized chicken erythrocytes. The antigens retained this hemagglutinating ability over an extended period.  相似文献   

Results of comparative tests using trypsin-modified human type O erythrocytes and cells from newly hatched chickens with three standard serum treatment methods for rubella hemagglutination-inhibition techniques are reported. The kaolin, heparin-manganous chloride and dextran sulfate-calcium chloride methods could all be used with both cell types. Reproducibility with heparin-manganous chloride and dextran sulfate-calcium chloride was excellent with both cell types. Both methods gave generally higher antibody titers than the kaolin procedure. However, the use of human cells resulted in a more sensitive system than chicken cells with all serum treatment methods.  相似文献   

A systematic study was made of certain variables of the rubella hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test system and their effect on antigen and antibody titers. Erythrocytes from pigeons and 1-day-old chicks gave similar antigen and antibody titers, but goose erythrocytes gave lower titers. Indicator erythrocytes could be stored in Alsever's solution at 4 C for as long as 2 weeks without losing sensitivity in hemagglutination (HA) and HI tests. Antigen titers varied by eightfold or more in different diluent systems; titers were generally higher at pH 6.2 than at pH 7.2. A diluent without Ca2+ gave antigen titers as high as those obtained in diluents with added Ca2+ ions. Antibody titers also varied in different diluent systems. HEPES diluents at pH 6.2 gave higher antibody titers than those obtained in other diluents, but occasional “false-positive” inhibition reactions were seen. Kaolin suspended in borate saline at pH 9.0 effectively removed inhibitor from sera without absorbing specific antibody, but at pH 7.3 it removed various amounts of specific antibody. Antibody titers of sera treated with kaolin at pH 9.0 were similar to those of sera treated with heparin-MnCl2; treatment with dextran sulfate-CaCl2 gave lower antibody titers. Antigens varied widely in sensitivity for detecting HI antibody and in the ability to detect diagnostically significant increases in antibody. Sensitivity in detecting antibody was not related to the HA titer of the antigens. Tween-ether-treated antigens gave lower antibody titers but were more reliable than corresponding untreated antigens for serological diagnosis of infection.  相似文献   

An investigation of the influence of different factors affecting the sensitivity of the indirect hemagglutination test has been performed with antigens of four mycoplasmas isolated from sheep or goat. Tanned erythrocytes of sheep, fresh and formalinized, were sensitized with the above antigens. It was demonstrated that, with formalinized erythrocytes, the sensitivity was increased by 50 to 100 times when the sensitization was done at a low pH level. The pH level was unimportant for sensitizing fresh erythrocytes. The greatest sensitivity of the indirect hemagglutination test was obtained with fresh rather than formalinized erythrocytes. Three different types of antigens were used, and the most suitable antigen was found to be the supernatant fluid from an ultrasonically treated centrifuged Mycoplasma suspension.  相似文献   

Microtiter hemagglutination tests employing formalinized sheep erythrocytes sensitized with either crude or purified cholera toxin were used to assay the cholera antitoxin content of human sera. Comparable results were obtained with either crude or purified toxin-sensitized cells with the exception of two sera that gave unusually high hemagglutination titers with the crude toxin. Sera from 13 convalescent cholera patients showed a high degree of correlation between antitoxin levels as determined in vitro by the hemagglutination test and in vivo by the skin permeability factor neutralization test. Fourfold or greater rises in antitoxin levels between acute and convalescent sera were detected in 9 of 15 patients with bacteriologically proven cholera. No significant increases in titer were observed in 14 cases of noncholera diarrhea. Cholera antitoxin was detected by hemagglutination in only 1 of 33 sera, obtained from eight countries, containing vibriocidal antibodies. Formalinized sheep erythrocytes sensitized with toxin and stored at 4 C in the presence of 1:10,000 thimerosal were stable and sensitive for at least 6 months (the longest time tested).  相似文献   

A new diluent (ADGP) for the rubella virus hemagglutination (HA) and hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) tests is described. It was found that the HA and HI titers and the erythrocyte agglutination pattern were improved in ADGP compared to previously described diluents. The influence of the components of ADGP and of various test conditions on optimal HA and HI results were examined.  相似文献   

An automated hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test for the "shipping fever" strain (SF-4) of parainfluenza 3 antibody in bovine sera was developed and compared to manual tube and microtiter test procedures. The automated system operating at 60 samples per hr provided the most test results per specified time period, and the manual tube test provided the least. The manual microtiter test and the automated system at 40 samples per hr, falling between the two above procedures, were comparable in the number of sera that could be titrated in 1 day by one technician. There was little difference between automated and manual test reproducibility when measured at the twofold titer one-dilution difference level. However, the automated system titrated a higher number of sera at the same titer on repeat runs than either of the manual test procedures. The automated one-quartile difference reproducibility (each twofold dilution subdivided into 4 units-"quartiles") was equal to the manual test one-dilution difference reproducibility. The standard deviation of the per cent variation from the mean of paired serum titers for 40-sample-per-hr runs ranged from +/-3.49 to +/-5.36%. The manual and automated systems were of comparable sensitivity in their detection of negative sera.  相似文献   

Several variables were found to affect the agglutination of sheep erythrocytes by encephalomyocarditis virus. A satisfactory and reliable microtiter hemagglutination-inhibition test is described.  相似文献   

THE nature of the T and B cell interaction in the response to erythrocyte antigens1 has been an area of intense interest recently. Perhaps because of the influences of molecular biology, there has been a tendency to invoke specific mechanisms such as informational RNA and thymus specific immunoglobulins as mediators of this synergism. But once it was demonstrated that antigen specific receptors of immunoglobulin nature were on the surface of immune competent cells2, it was possible to approach the problem more simply; that is from the viewpoint of control of protein synthesis and/or release of proteins from the cell surface. This communication outlines recent evidence concerning the role of non-specific mitogens in the control of antibody precursor (B cells) and antibody secreting cells.  相似文献   

Restoration of the Immune Response to Sheep Erythrocytes by a Serum Factor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
THE immune response of CBA mice to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) is known to be thymus-dependent because strain members thymectomized during the first few hours of life exhibit a marked inability to respond to this antigen1,2. Experiments with isoantisera suggested that a cell to cell interaction is involved in this response. Thymus cells per se do not develop into haemolytic plaque-forming cells, but in some, so far obscure, way they cause cells of bone marrow origin to become producers of haemolytic plaques2,3. A study of spleen cells from neonatally thymectomized (NNT) mice in a tissue culture system indicated that the decreased responsiveness to SRBC is also expressed in vitro. In that case 15×106 NNT spleen cells produced only 500 haemolytic plaques when assayed on day 4 of culture. But when 15×106 thymus cells were added to identical cultures of NNT spleen cells at inception, the number of haemolytic plaque forming cells increased to 2,300 (ref. 4). When an equivalent number of thymus cells alone were incubated with SRBC there was no response.  相似文献   

A solubilized sheep red blood cell (SRBC) antigen (supernatant fraction obtained by centrifuging 107-2 × 108 sonicated SRBC at 6 × 104 g for 30 min [Sup-SRBC]), whose ability to inhibit anti-SRBC plaque formation was 70% of that of the original sonicated SRBC, was unable to elicit a detectable antibody response in either unprimed or SRBC-primed mice. However, Sup-SRBC as well as intact SRBC antigens generated memory for the secondary response, which was transferable to irradiated syngeneic recipients by injection of immune spleen cells. The memory generated by Sup-SRBC involved helper memory for anti-trinitrophenyl group (TNP) response to challenge with TNP-conjugated SRBC. Increase in the helper T cell memory in the spleens of Sup-SRBC-primed mice was also demonstrated by an in vitro culture experiment and by an adoptive cell transfer experiment. In contrast, no detectable B cell memory was generated by Sup-SRBC. Repeated stimulation with Sup-SRBC never induced significant antibody response but reduced the level of memory. A single injection of a low dose (106) of SRBC also failed to induce a definite primary antibody response generating memory for the secondary response. However, repeated stimulation with this dose of SRBC induced a high antibody response and generated good memory. From these results it is suggested that the intact structure of SRBC is required for the activation of B cells, but is not necessary for the stimulation of T cells.  相似文献   

The Technicon autoanalyzer system used for the detection of homologous human hemagglutinins has been modified for the detection of hemagglutinins to sheep red blood cells. Antibody quantitation was obtained by plotting the optical density (OD) readings of peak heights of a serially diluted reference serum versus the serum dilutions. When the OD of the peak height of an unknown sample fell within the linear portion of the plot, a direct determination of the antibody titer was made. If the OD of the sample fell outside the linear portion, dilutions of the sample were carried out until a direct reading could be made. Assay by this method of at least 140 samples was possible within a day. Titers obtained with the autoanalyzer agreed very closely with those obtained by manual titration.  相似文献   

Modification of the pH of kaolin-serum treatment produces hemagglutination-inhibition test results comparable with the plaque neutralization test in duck embryo tissue culture; the standard treatment does not.  相似文献   

During a 12-month period 170 women received early postpartum rubella vaccination. An injectable “depot” progestogen was given to each of these patients for contraceptive purposes at the same time as the vaccine was administered. Subsequent observations showed that the progestogen was effective as a contraceptive in this context and that it did not appear to affect the immune response of the patients to the vaccine.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) and SDS-PAGE are the two most useful methods in protein separation. Proteins separated by 2DE or SDS-PAGE are usually transferred to membranes using a variety of methods, such as electrophoretic transfer, heat-mediated transfer, or nonelectrophoretic transfer, for specific protein detection and/or analysis. In a recent study, Pettegrew et al.1 claim to reuse transfer buffer containing methanol for at least five times for transferring proteins from SDS-PAGE to polyvinylidene difluoride. They add 150–200 ml fresh transfer solution each time for extended use as a result of loss of transfer buffer. Finally, they test efficiency of each protein transfer by chemiluminescence detection. Here, we comment on this report, as we believe this method is not accurate and useful for protein analysis, and it can cause background binding as well as inaccurate protein analysis.  相似文献   

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