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Cell walls have long been recognized as important and uniquefeatures of plant cells, contributing not only to the architectureof plant organs but also to the control of growth, to the exclusionof pathogens and to the production and transmission of signallingmolecules. Gross measurements of plant cell composition establishedlong ago that the plant devotes a large  相似文献   


Few areas of science have progressed as rapidly, or have hadsuch an impact on public consciousness and governments, as recentadvances in plant biotechnology. These exciting scientific discoveriesand their increasing application are continuing to generateconsiderable economic, social and ethical considerations. Particularconcerns have been expressed, however, about potential ‘foodsafety’ and ‘environmental impact’ implications,in particular, of this ‘revolution in biology’ inagriculture and the food  相似文献   

Otte  M. L. 《Annals of botany》2004,94(3):480

Sulphur metabolism of plants (I'll stick with British Englishspelling here) has always received less attention and attractedless funding than has research on nitrogen and phosphorus. Oneof the most important reasons no doubt is that, unlike nitrogenand phosphorus, sulphur availability to plants was rarely aproblem. As the post-World War II use of fertilizer  相似文献   

LAISK  AGU 《Annals of botany》2004,94(6):919-920
In photosynthesis, CO2 enters theleaf from the atmosphere and moves to the active site of thecarboxylating enzyme, to be bound in an organic compound. Theprocess is largely diffusional and the pathway, although complicatedin detail, is usually split into sections related to differentanatomic structures, such as chloroplasts, cell walls, intercellularair space, stomatal pores and, finally the leaf boundary layer.Biologists have mainly been concerned with those sections thatare embedded within the leaf, considering the boundary layeras something external, not under the control by biological processes.Well, light is also not controlled  相似文献   

Osborne  D. J. 《Annals of botany》2004,94(3):479-480

Two indisputable features distinguish plants from animals –one is the chloroplast, the other the cell wall. This volumeis directed to the newest information we have on the cell wall,the major polysaccharide component, pectin, and the ways thatpectins can be changed. A summary of 36 papers presented at the Second InternationalSymposium on Pectins and Pectinases (2001), this book describesaspects of synthesis, chemical constitution, properties andimmunological identification of pectins with the molecular genetics,structure and function  相似文献   

All but five of the 46 contributionsin this symposium volume have been published already as a specialissue in Volume 255 of Plant and Soil in 2003. They are reproducedin exactly the same format and with the same pagination as inthe journal. To anyone who has access to Plant and Soil thisbook would therefore not be a sensible purchase. This is allthe more true because the editor has not provided any commentaryon the papers or subdivided them  相似文献   

This book is a collection of papersfrom the major researchers involved in physiological, molecularand genomic research on bryophytes, mainly, although not exclusively,using the moss Physcomitrella patens. This is a growing areaof research and the book aims to provide ‘... a synopsisof the outstanding basic research being conducted using mossesas a model multi-cellular eukaryote’. Bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and hornworts) are an importantand often neglected group  相似文献   

Gasson  Peter 《Annals of botany》2006,97(2):305-306
This DVD-ROM isa computerized version of Clive Stace's New Flora of the BritishIsles (1997, Cambridge University Press), with distributionmaps from the New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora (Prestonet al., 2002, Oxford University Press). In addition, the DVDhas more than 6500 colour photographs by 100 different photographersand over 2000 line drawings, mostly from the flora but alsofrom BSBI Handbooks, Watsonia and BSBI News (all publicationsof the Botanical Society of the British Isles). All the vascularplants (pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms) in the regionare covered, i.e. 3525 species in 166 families. The DVD enablesthe user to identify virtually any plant growing in  相似文献   

STEVENS  P. F. 《Annals of botany》2005,96(7):1331-1332
Spichiger et al. introduce a studentwithout too much botanical knowledge to the diversity of floweringplants in this text, which is a translation from the Frenchof the second edition, published in 2002. Five brief introductorychapters lead to the main part of the book, short and well-illustratedaccounts of 113 families. There is also a glossary and an identificationkey to tropical families; a taxon index and a CD-ROM completethe book. The CD-ROM includes 350 photographs of the familiesdescribed, separate lists of medicinal and non-medicinal usesof plants  相似文献   

This book (a translation fromSchulze et al., 2002) is one of the most comprehensive textbooksof plant ecology so far. The authors aim to ‘for the firsttime bring together and clearly organize the large subdisciplinesof plant ecology’ and, to a large extent they have succeeded.The book is well written, and its more than 500 illustrationsare beautifully laid out and well chosen to help the readerunderstand the theory. It is clearly suitable not only  相似文献   

Googling the term‘molecular ecotoxicology’ results in less than 1000hits compared to more than 8·5 million for ‘moleculargenetics’. Hence, we are dealing with a rather new orless well-defined and less propagated field of science. Springer'sbook Molecular ecotoxicology of plants edited by H. Sandermannmay therefore fill a gap and it is unique in focusing on plants.A first introductory chapter sets the stage and tries to definethe term for a broad  相似文献   

Dickie  John 《Annals of botany》2006,97(1):151-152
This volume is a timely updateand considerable expansion of the small book Seed Ecology, publishedby the first author twenty years ago, and long out of print. Is it useful to separate a particular branch of study such as‘seed ecology’ from the wider field of plant ecology?Aren't seeds just a particular packaged form of the sporophyte,at a certain stage in its life cycle? While some may ask thosequestions, a major strength of this book is the care that theauthors take throughout to set their review in the context ofcurrent ecological  相似文献   

Diel vertical studies of zooplankton community filtration rates(CFR) were undertaken in situ over two annual cycles in a shelteredbay of Lake le Roux, a large silt-laden oligotrophic reservoirin the arid subtropics of South Africa. The grazer communitywas dominated by a copepod, Meradiaptomus meridianus, whileDaphnia gibba. D. barbara and Moina brachiara accounted forthe balance. Spot estimates of CFR varied from 0.1 to 75% d–1( = 12.2) in the upper 10 m, while depth-integrated values ranged seasonally from 0.1 to 15% d–1 ( = 7.4). Most variation in CFR was attributable toseasonal changes in grazer biomass (0–408, = 58.2 µg 1–1 or 3–1000, 360 mg m–2 dry wt), and temperature (12–22C). Thesevariables are used to construct multiple linear regression modelsfor the prediction of CFR in this system. Some higher CFR values(up to 260% d–1 were measured in wanner (up to 26.5C)surface waters with an unusually rich zooplankion (786 rg 1–1).No significant did vertical changes in CFR or grazer biomasswere observed. Both variables declined sharply with depth. Inorganicturbidity dominated the seston, and algal carbon probably accountedon average for less than about 20% of the total POC available.The feeding responses of this turbid-water community were generallyconsistent with observations made on other assemblages, apartfrom seemingly high specific filtration rates which, atypically,were inversely related to temperature.  相似文献   

All Earthly events can be eventually blamed on the Sun. Is itnot? There is no doubt that solar radiation is a fundamental forcein nature. At least two earlier books have dealt with the premisethat solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) penetrating our wateryplanet profoundly impacts both the living as well as the non-livingcomponents (Calkins, 1982; De Mora et al., 2000). Today, inan  相似文献   

Volume 16 of the Annual Plant Reviews series, compiled by AndrewJ. Fleming, focuses on intercellular communication in plants.This is an extremely interesting book that extensively coversten topics related to cell–cell or long-distance communicationin plants. The chapters are written in a clear style and theycompile the most relevant and up-to-date information in a mannerunderstandable for anybody seriously interested in short- andlong-distance intercellular communication. Moreover, besidesblack-and white illustrations and photographs found in all chapters,there are also six separate colour plates. I highly recommendthis book  相似文献   

It was shown in the previous paper of this series that the Mexicanspecies Solanum bulbocastanum, S. cardiophyllum subsp. cardiophyllumand subsp. ehrenbergii, S. michoacanum and S. pinnatisectummay be differentiated to some extent by the double diffusiontechnique, and more fully by immuno-electrophoretic analysis.Above all, the relative electrophoretic mobilities of certaincomponents, as expressed by the index have been found to be very constant for each species, with the apparent exception of S. bulbocastanum. A detailed investigation of S. bulbocastanum has now shown thatalthough the many clones of this species appeared similar whenexamined by double diffusion, differences were exposed by immuno-electrophoreticanalysis. In particular, the values fell into two discrete groups, 0.15 to 0.23 and 0.30 to 0.46. Theplants in these groups had been collected from Oaxaca and Guatemala,and from Central Mexico, respectively. Most of the former grouphad been identified as S. bulbocastanum subsp. partitum, andall the latter group as subsp. bulbocastanum and subsp. dolichophyllum.Not only was the wide variation in values of index resolved into two meaningful groups, but it was also found thatall lines within any one collection had almost identical values. The index value for S. cardiophyllum subsp.cardiophyllum is 1.0, and for subsp. ehrenbergii is 0.7. The F1 hybrids between either ofthese subspecies and S. bulbocastanum had fairly uniform valuesclose to the calculated means of the parental values. The shapesof the leaves of these hybrids were also uniform and more orless intermediate between those of the parents in each case. The F2 hybrids between S. bulbocastanum and S. pinnatisectum,and also the triple hybrids between these two species and eitherS. cardiophyllum or S. michoacanum, showed a wide range of valuesof index and of leaf shapes, with partial segregation towards the parental types. The serological andmorphological characters segregated independently. S. X sambucinum was found to have a wide variation in serologicaland morphological characters. This variation was consistentwith the theory that S. X sambucinum is a natural hybrid betweenS. pinnatisectum and S. cardiophyllum subsp. ehrenbergii. Within the groups of species investigated, the relative electrophoreticmobilities of certain antigens as displayed by immuno-electrophoreticanalysis were found to vary significantly in different species,in different subspecies of the same species, and in specieshybrids.  相似文献   

Hansen, A. P., Pate, J. S. and Atkins, C. A. 1987. Relationshipsbetween acetylene reduction activity, hydrogen evolution andnitrogen fixation in nodules of Acacia spp.: Experimental backgroundto assaying fixation by acetylene reduction under field conditions.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1–12 Glasshouse grown, symbiotically-dependent seedlings of Acaciaalata R.Br., .A. extensa Lindl., and A. pulchella R.Br. wereexamined for acetylene reduction in closed assay systems usingundisturbed potted plants, excavated whole plants, nodulatedroots or detached nodules. Nitrogenase activity declined sharplyover the first hour after exposure of detached nodules to acetylene(10% v/v in air), less steeply or not at all over a 3 h periodin assays involving attached nodules. Using detached nodules,rates of acetylene reduction, nitrogen (15N2) fixation, andhydrogen evolution in air (15N2) and acetylene-containing atmosphereswere measured in comparable 30 min assays. Total electron flowthrough nitrogenase in air was determined from rates of nitrogen(15N2) fixation ( ? 3) plus hydrogen evolution, that in thepresence of acetylene from rates of acetylene reduction andhydrogen evolution in air: acetylene. Values for the ratio ofelectron flow in air: acetylene to that in air ranged from 0?43to 0?83 in A. pulcheila, from 0?44 to 0?66 in A. alala and from0?37 to 0?70 in A. extensa, indicating substantial inhibitionof electron flow through nitrogenase of detached nodules byacetylene. Relative efficiencies of nitrogenase functioningbased on hydrogen evolution and acetylene reduction were from0?15 to 0?79, those based on nitrogen (15N2) fixation and hydrogenevolution from 0?53 to 0?87. Molar ratios of acetylene reducedto nitrogen (15N2) fixed were 2?82 ? 0?24, 201 ? 0?15, and 1?91? 0?11 (?s.e.; n = 7) for A. pulcheila,A. extensa and A. alata respectively A standard 5–10 min acetylene reduction assay, conductedon freshly detached unwashed nodules in daytime (12.00–14.00h), was calibrated for field use by comparing total N accumulationof seedlings with estimated cumulative acetylene reduction overa 7-week period of glasshouse culture. Molar ratios for acetylenereduced: nitrogen fixed using this arbitrary method were 3?58for A. alata, 4?82 for A. extensa and 1?60 for A. pulchella.The significance of the data is discussed. Key words: Acacia spp, nitrogenase functioning  相似文献   

The left-hand side of equation (2·8), on p. 671, shouldread {1 (1 – 1)}–1/2 (21 – 1) rather than{(1 – 1)/1}1/2 (21 – 1). Reflecting this change,the left-hand side of equation (3·1) on the same pageshould be altered to , and the formula at the foot of p. 677 should be modified to {1 (1– 1)}–1/2 (21 – 1) + Op(n–1/2). No otherformula is affected, and the left-hand side of (2·8)is still increasing in 1. The numerical results, discussed in4, are influenced in minor ways. In the simulation study, absolutebias is reduced, and variance is either slightly increased orslightly decreased. In the real-data example, using the nonparametricapproach to analysis, mean squared error is further reduced,from 0·0011 to 0·0004. We are grateful to HiroKasahara and Katsumi Shimotsu for pointing out the error.  相似文献   

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