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Capsule Golden and White‐tailed Eagles selected different habitats for nesting.

Aim To investigate differences in nesting habitat used by sympatrically breeding eagles in western Scotland, following reintroduction of White‐tailed Eagles from 1975 onwards.

Methods Nest‐site locations from national surveys in 2003–05 were entered into a geographical information system (GIS) in order to measure a set of geographic parameters for each nest site. Binary logistic regression with backwards deletion of non‐significant terms was used to derive minimum adequate models at two spatial scales of the likelihood of an eagle nest belonging to one species or the other. We compared changes in occupancy between 1992 and 2003 of Golden Eagle territories inside and outside a GIS model of potential White‐tailed Eagle habitat and according to proximity to White‐tailed Eagle nests.

Results White‐tailed Eagles nested at lower altitudes than Golden Eagles, in more wooded habitats with more open water close by, tending to nest in trees where these were present. There were 3359 km2 of potential White‐tailed Eagle nesting habitat within 25 km of existing White‐tailed Eagle nests, containing 54 Golden Eagle territory centres, but we found no difference in change of occupancy for Golden Eagle territories close to White‐tailed Eagles compared with those further away.

Conclusion White‐tailed and Golden Eagles appear to partition nesting habitat in the west of Scotland by altitude. This corresponds with behaviour in western Norway and with the situation described in historical accounts of nest‐sites in western Scotland prior to extinction of White‐tailed Eagles. It is also consistent with recent studies showing little overlap in breeding season diet of Golden and White‐tailed Eagles in western Scotland, and likely partitioning of foraging habitat by altitude. We conclude that the likelihood of competitive exclusion is less than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Few studies have quantified the dynamics of recovering populations of large raptors using long‐term, spatially explicit studies. Using data collected over 37 years in the western Italian Alps, we assessed the trends in distribution, abundance, fecundity and breeding population structure of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Using the spatial distribution of territory centroids in 2007, we found that the spatial distribution of eagle territories was over‐dispersed up to 3 km. Although population size and total productivity increased from 1972 to 2008, the proportion of pairs that laid eggs showed a strong decline, falling to no more than 50% after 2003. On average, 15% of successful nests produced two fledglings, and productivity also declined over time. No significant relationship between population growth rate and total population size was detected, but the percentage of pairs that bred and breeding success showed evidence of density dependence, as they declined significantly with increasing density. Our results suggest that density dependence, operating across heterogeneous habitats, is currently regulating this population, while the carrying capacity may still be increasing. This may explain the apparent paradox of reduced breeding effort despite increasing total productivity.  相似文献   

In the Appalachian portion of their breeding range, Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) nest in shrubland and regenerating forest communities created and maintained by disturbance. Because populations of Golden‐winged Warblers have exhibited precipitous declines in population throughout their Appalachian breeding range, management activities that create or maintain early successional habitat are a priority for many natural resource agencies and their conservation partners. Within these early successional habitats, however, additional information is still needed concerning the relative importance of different vegetation features in selection of breeding territories by Golden‐winged Warblers. Our objective, therefore, was to use logistic regression to estimate the probability of territory‐level occupancy by Golden‐winged Warblers in north‐central Pennsylvania at two sites, each with its own early successional community, based on vegetation characteristics. Our communities were composed of shrublands and regenerating forest sites resulting from two disturbances: agriculture and forest fire. Despite differences in vegetation structure, portions of both study areas (regenerating forest and old field) supported territorial Golden‐winged Warblers. Probability of territory occupancy by Golden‐winged Warblers increased with percent blackberry (Rubus) cover in the regenerating forest community, and decreased as basal area and distance to microedge increased (i.e., as vegetation patchiness decreased) in both communities. These habitat features have also been found to influence other aspects of Golden‐winged Warbler breeding ecology such as nest‐site selection, pairing success, and territory abundance. Vegetation features influencing Golden‐winged Warbler territory establishment can differ among shrubland and regenerating forest communities, and management decisions and outcomes may be affected by these differences. Our study provides a starting point for a more comprehensive hypothesis‐driven occupancy survey to investigate features of the territories of Golden‐winged Warblers across a broader geographic range and in different vegetation communities.  相似文献   

David Lack 《Bird Study》2013,60(1):9-20
Capsule Fledgling Golden Eagles in northern Sweden preferred clearcuts and other open forest habitats, as well as steep slopes.

Aims To study the post-fledging habitat use and ranging behaviour of juvenile Golden Eagles on their natal territories.

Methods Fourteen juvenile Golden Eagles in northern Sweden were marked with GPS transmitters and tracked until they left their natal territory.

Results Eagles fledged at the end of July–beginning of August and remained on their natal territories until October–early November. Fledged eagles' home range size before flying south was on average 41?km2. Juvenile eagles showed a preference for clearcuts, coniferous forest on lichen-covered bedrock and edges between clearcuts and forest, whilst all other habitat types were used less than expected. The eagles showed a preference for steep slopes, in particular south-facing ones, whilst north-facing slopes were used less than expected.

Conclusion Golden Eagles' preference for clearcuts and steep slopes can be used in the planning and management of ‘eagle friendly’ wind farms.  相似文献   

We report on an 11‐year study of floater interference in a population of Spanish Imperial Eagles Aquila adalberti. We analysed changes over the years in the productivity of 15 territories to test predictions of two hypotheses of density‐dependent productivity in relation to the presence of floaters (birds without territories). According to the ‘interference' hypothesis, the frequency of intrusion by floaters increases with density, resulting in a decrease in productivity. Thus, in a high‐density population a negative relationship between floater intrusions and productivity of the territory is expected. In contrast, under the ‘habitat heterogeneity' hypothesis, as density increases a higher proportion of individuals is forced to occupy lower quality habitats. Support of this hypothesis requires that floaters detect differences in quality among territories and preferentially visit the better quality territories. Consequently, a positive relationship between floater intrusions and productivity is expected. Results showed that floaters tended to visit their natal area at the beginning of the breeding season. Among floater Eagles, males made significantly more intrusions per day than did females, but females stayed in the natal population for longer each year than males. Floater intrusions and productivity were highly positively correlated, supporting the ‘habitat heterogeneity' hypothesis; individuals were apparently able to assess the quality of a territory and, at the frequencies observed, their interference with the breeding pair had no obvious negative effect on productivity.  相似文献   

Density-dependence effects acting on fecundity can be explained by two competing hypotheses. The individual adjustment hypothesis (IAH) states that, as population density increases, interference among individuals negatively affects their breeding performance. The second hypothesis, the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis (HHH), proposes that, as more individuals occupy the space available, lower quality habitats are increasingly used, causing average population fecundity to decline. In territorial species, it is often predicted that interference mechanisms (IAH) should be of less importance than spatial heterogeneity (HHH). Here, we test this prediction in Golden Eagles, using 35 years of reproduction monitoring data from a population that has been recolonizing the grounds of a French National Park (Ecrins) in the Alps. During the study period, the Eagle population increased from c. 11 to 41 territorial pairs, providing a good opportunity to explicitly assess fecundity across a gradient of densities. Under the IAH, we expect the fecundity of all territories to diminish as density rises. Under strict HHH, older territories should maintain higher fecundity across time, and a positive relationship between fecundity and the seniority of a territory should be observed. A density-dependent pattern was clearly detected at the population level. At the territory level, the decrease of fecundity was strongly related to population size but not to territory seniority. Fecundity decreased similarly in all territories, suggesting that the IAH better explains the observed pattern. Two alternative mechanisms, related to the IAH, could be at play in this population: (1) negative interference by neighbours and non-territorial Eagles and (2) the contraction of individual territories over time. Our results provide new insights into density dependence in territorial raptors, suggesting that, in addition to habitat heterogeneity, interference mechanisms might actually also play an important role.  相似文献   

P. Pedrini  F. Sergio 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):194-199
Land abandonment and afforestation are causing considerable forest expansion in the Alpine chain, with consequent loss of Alpine pastures, the main foraging habitat for Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos. A population of 46 pairs of Golden Eagles was systematically surveyed between 1984 and 1989 in the central-eastern Italian Alps. We measured the amount of woodland within the potential hunting range of 36 pairs. Nearest-neighbour distance was correlated positively with the extent of woodland within the potential hunting range. Productivity was not significantly affected by the amount of woodland within the potential for-aging range. At current rates of forest expansion, such data suggest a 5–9% density decline in the next 20 years. However, increasing food supply and decreasing human persecution could be masking current effects of habitat loss.  相似文献   

We investigated three possible causes of territory desertion among Bonelli's eagles Hieraaetus fasciatus in Murcia (southeastern Spain): low demographic parameters, low habitat quality and competition with Golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos. From 1983 to 1997, we surveyed a Bonelli's eagle population. Abandoned and occupied territories were compared to find differences in demographic parameters (flight rate, productivity and mortality) or habitat characteristics. Mortality was significantly higher in abandoned territories. Abandoned territories also had larger areas of forest and extensive agriculture, while occupied territories had more shrublands. Competition with Golden eagles was not a determinant of territorial abandonement but interacted with human persecution of the species. Management implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding relationships between environmental conditions and reproductive parameters is important when interpreting variation in animal population size. The northwestern North American population of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos canadensis initiates courtship and nesting in early spring when prey diversity is low and weather conditions are severe. Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus and Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus, the primary prey of Golden Eagles early in their nesting season in interior Alaska, both exhibit cyclical fluctuations in abundance, providing the opportunity to investigate such relationships. We used Bayesian hierarchical models to explore variation in territory occupancy, nesting rates, nesting success and productivity of Golden Eagles from 1988 to 2010 in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, in relation to annual and site‐specific parameters including prey abundance, weather conditions, elevation and human activity. We also investigated the long‐term fluctuations of breeding performance over the course of the study. The abundance of Hares influenced both the number of Eagles that laid eggs and the number of Eagles that produced fledglings. The conditions on the breeding ground did not explain observed declines in nesting rates and fledgling production, suggesting that other factors such as change in the age structure of the population, increased intraspecific competition or deterioration of migration and wintering habitat are driving the long‐term trends of these parameters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Carotenoid‐based coloration of skin and plumage has been found to be correlated with individual quality in many species of birds during the breeding season. However, less is known about the possible role of these signals during the nonbreeding season, particularly among nonpasserines that defend winter territories. American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) are sexually dimorphic raptors that defend winter territories and possess carotenoid‐based morphological features known to be correlated with individual quality. Much is known about winter territory use and habitat segregation by male and female kestrels, but possible relationships among morphological features, individual quality, and habitat quality have not been examined. Our objective was to examine possible relationships between morphology, territory quality, and skin color of American Kestrels. Male kestrels had brighter skin than females, and the skin color of male kestrels was positively correlated with size (wing chord and tail length) and territorial quality (hunting territories with less canopy and more grass cover). No such relationships were found for female kestrels. Skin color appears to be an honest indicator of quality for male American Kestrels and may serve both intersexual (territory acquisition) and intersexual (mate choice) functions during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent breeding performance due to habitat heterogeneity has been shown to regulate populations of territorial species, since the progressive occupation of low quality territories as breeding density increases may cause a decline in the mean per capita fecundity of a population while variation in fecundity increases. Although the preemptive use of sites may relegate low quality individuals to sites of progressively lower suitability, few studies on density dependence have tried to separate the effects of territory quality from individual quality, and none have simultaneously considered the effects of heterospecific competitors. Using two long‐term monitored populations, we assessed the relative contribution of habitat heterogeneity and bird quality (in terms of age) on the productivity of sympatric golden Aquila chrysaetos and Bonelli's eagles Hieraaetus fasciatus under different scenarios of intra‐ and inter‐specific competition. Productivity (number of offspring fledged) varied among territories and average annual productivity was negatively related to its variability in both species and populations, thus giving some support to the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis. However, the effect of habitat heterogeneity on productivity became non‐significant when parental age and local density estimators were included in multivariate analyses. Therefore, temporal changes in bird quality (age) combined with intra‐ and interspecific competition explained variability in territory productivity rather than habitat heterogeneity among territories per se. The recruitment of subadult breeders, a surrogate of mortality in eagles, strongly varied among territories. Habitat heterogeneity in productivity may thus arise not because sites differ in suitability for reproduction but because of differences in factors affecting survival. Territories associated with high mortality risks have a higher probability of being occupied by young birds, whose lower quality, interacting with the density competitors, leads to a reduction of productivity. Site‐dependent variability in adult survival and interspecific competition may be extensive, but so far largely overlooked, factors to be seriously considered for the site‐dependent population regulation framework.  相似文献   

The propensity of males to behave territorially may be greatly affected by the perceived quality of the habitat. In suboptimal habitats, the cost of defence may be prohibitively large compared to the associated benefits, and territorial behaviour may be expected to decline. We tested this hypothesis in a population of black-capped chickadees breeding in adjacent habitats: one habitat consisted of an 85-ha patch of early seral forests regenerating after clear-cut logging (disturbed site), and the other consisted of an 85-ha patch of mature mixed-wood forests (undisturbed site). Breeding success of pairs in the disturbed site was significantly lower than in the undisturbed site, suggesting a difference in the relative quality of the two habitats. During the spring of 2000 and 2001, we mapped the actively defended areas and song posts of colour-marked chickadees and found that pairs occupying the disturbed site were subject to more territorial intrusions than pairs in the undisturbed mature woodlands. Five pairs of chickadees in the disturbed habitat and five pairs in the undisturbed habitat were radiotagged and we conducted repeated focal observations on the movement patterns of the birds. All five pairs in the disturbed habitat regularly intruded into areas actively defended by neighbouring birds; only one of the five pairs in the undisturbed habitat ever intruded onto the known territory of another pair during an observation period. Our results suggest that the quality of the disturbed habitat may have been sufficiently low so as to make normal levels of exclusive defence cost inefficient. Conversely, birds in disturbed habitat may have intruded more frequently into neighbouring territories because resource levels in their own exclusively defended territory were insufficient to meet energetic requirements during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Loss, fragmentation and decreasing quality of habitats have been proposed as major threats to biodiversity world‐wide, but relatively little is known about biodiversity responses to multiple pressures, particularly at very large spatial scales. We evaluated the relative contributions of four landscape variables (habitat cover, diversity, fragmentation and productivity) in determining different components of avian diversity across Europe. We sampled breeding birds in multiple 1‐km2 landscapes, from high forest cover to intensive agricultural land, in eight countries during 2001?2002. We predicted that the total diversity would peak at intermediate levels of forest cover and fragmentation, and respond positively to increasing habitat diversity and productivity; forest and open‐habitat specialists would show threshold conditions along gradients of forest cover and fragmentation, and respond positively to increasing habitat diversity and productivity; resident species would be more strongly impacted by forest cover and fragmentation than migratory species; and generalists and urban species would show weak responses. Measures of total diversity did not peak at intermediate levels of forest cover or fragmentation. Rarefaction‐standardized species richness decreased marginally and linearly with increasing forest cover and increased non‐linearly with productivity, whereas all measures increased linearly with increasing fragmentation and landscape diversity. Forest and open‐habitat specialists responded approximately linearly to forest cover and also weakly to habitat diversity, fragmentation and productivity. Generalists and urban species responded weakly to the landscape variables, but some groups responded non‐linearly to productivity and marginally to habitat diversity. Resident species were not consistently more sensitive than migratory species to any of the landscape variables. These findings are relevant to landscapes with relatively long histories of human land‐use, and they highlight that habitat loss, fragmentation and habitat‐type diversity must all be considered in land‐use planning and landscape modeling of avian communities.  相似文献   

For migrant birds, which habitats are suitable during the non‐breeding season influences habitat availability, population resilience to habitat loss, and ultimately survival. Consequently, habitat preferences during winter and whether habitat segregation according to age and sex occurs directly influences migration ecology, survival and breeding success. We tested the fine‐scale habitat preferences of a declining Palearctic migrant, the whinchat Saxicola rubetra, on its wintering grounds in west Africa. We explored the influence of habitat at the territory‐scale and whether dominance‐based habitat occupancy occurs by describing the variation in habitat characteristics across wintering territories, the degree of habitat change within territories held throughout winter, and whether habitat characteristics influenced territory size and space‐use within territories or differed with age and sex. Habitat characteristics varied substantially across territories and birds maintained the same territories even though habitat changed significantly throughout winter. We found no evidence of dominance‐based habitat occupancy; instead, territories were smaller if they contained more perching shrubs or maize crops, and areas with more perching shrubs were used more often within territories, likely because perches are important for foraging and territory defence. Our findings suggest that whinchats have non‐specialised habitat requirements within their wintering habitat of open savannah and farmland, and respond to habitat variation by adjusting territory size and space‐use within their territories instead of competing with conspecifics. Whinchats show a tolerance for human‐modified habitats and results support previous findings that some crop types may provide high‐quality wintering habitat by increasing perch density and foraging opportunities. By having non‐specialised requirements within broad winter habitat types, migrants are likely to be flexible to changing wintering conditions in Africa, both within and across winters, so possibly engendering some resilience to the rapid anthropogenic habitat degradation occurring throughout their wintering range.  相似文献   

《Bird Study》2012,59(3):407-412

Capsule: The undulating display flight of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos has a territorial function on current consensus: we found that displays could occur at any location within a home range of territorial birds and were not more frequent at the territorial limits (as documented by a previous study) or around the nest site.

Aims: To test the null hypothesis that display activity does not spatially differ within the home range of territorial Golden Eagles.

Methods: We used 1488?h of observations of Golden Eagles between April 2003 and October 2004 (excluding November through January inclusive) on the Isle of Lewis, northwest Scotland involving primarily four territories. Territorial boundaries and nest sites were determined by the behaviour of the focal territorial birds. All flight activity was cast into three spatial categories (near-boundary, near-nest and elsewhere) and the relative occurrence of displays was referenced by overall flight activity recorded in these spatial categories.

Results: We failed to reject the null hypothesis. Prior findings of greater display rate at territory limits were not confirmed. Territorial Golden Eagles apparently displayed wherever they happened to be in their home range. There was no difference in display frequency between successful and failed breeding pairs and, within pairs, between successful and failed breeding seasons. Monthly changes in display activity did not differ from monthly changes in the presence of ‘intruding’ sub-adults. A peak in non-territorial bird activity in August and September was not reflected by a peak in display, however, we could not distinguish recently fledged ‘non-threatening’ birds in this period.

Conclusions: Undulating flight displays of Golden Eagles focused neither on territory boundaries nor the nest. Displays may be spontaneous or occur in response to the detection of potential trespassers or neighbours, however, we could not rule out any role of pair-bonding.  相似文献   

Capsule Territory habitat influenced clutch size and within-brood variability of chick condition in Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus.

Aims To assess the relationship of Ring Ouzel productivity and chick condition with territory habitat, in order to improve understanding of the importance of breeding habitat for population change.

Methods Productivity and chick condition were recorded for Ring Ouzel pairs in a small area of upland Scotland and these were related to vegetation and physical characteristics for all breeding territories using General Linear Models.

Results We found that clutch size and variability of chick condition varied with Ring Ouzel breeding habitat.

Clutch size was related to variation in territory habitat, broadly increasing with territory grass, sedge and rush cover. The best-supported models for within-brood variability of chick condition included fledgling number and territory habitat, with chick condition broadly becoming more variable with territory bracken cover. Relationships between breeding habitat and brood size, fledgling number or mean chick condition were not supported by the data, although statistical power was low.

Conclusion Breeding habitat may be a driver of demographic rates of Ring Ouzel, with the effects of poor habitat being passed on indirectly through chick condition. The population-level importance of these effects is unclear, but this study highlights a possible link between recent observed habitat changes and first-year survival, the demographic parameter contributing most to variation in population growth rate in UK Ring Ouzels.  相似文献   

Alan C. Kemp 《Ostrich》2013,84(2-3):61-68
Kemp, A. C. 1995. Aspects of the breeding biology and behaviour of the Secretarybird Sagittarius serpentarius near Pretoria, South Africa. Ostrich 66: 61–68.

Secretarybirds in three adjacent territories were monitored from 1977 to 1988 on grass- and croplands near Pretoria, South Africa. Most observations of breeding biology and behaviour confirmed or extended previous studies. There was no correlation between pairs in occupancy of territory, productivity or development periods of young: this confirms the flexible breeding abilities which are unusual for such a large bird. Some aspects of breeding biology (egg shape and texture, watering of chicks) and behaviour (Wings open and Up-down greeting displays) may be homologous with storks and important in understanding the phylogeny and evolution of the Sagitariidae and other diurnal raptors.  相似文献   

CLARE J. VELTMAN 《Ibis》1989,131(4):601-608
The social behaviour of Australian Magpies Gymnorhina tibicen was studied at Linton in the Manawatu district, New Zealand, from June 1978 to November 1982. Territorial magpies defended all-purpose areas averaging 5 ha in size, and there was no correlation between territory size and the number of occupants. The mean adult survival rate was 0.85, and average annual productivity was 0.96 juveniles per breeding female. Nomadic flocks formed in the spring and foraged on open, treeless pasture. They mainly comprised 1–3-year-old magpies which did not breed. Territories were defended by monogamous pairs, and by groups ranging from three to six individuals. Some territorial groups probably originated in the flock, and may therefore have consisted of unrelated birds. Other territorial groups formed when juveniles did not disperse away from the natal territory, and were called family groups. Non-breeders did not help at the nest in any group, and there was no difference in the production of young by females breeding in group-defended territories compared with those in pair-defended territories. The opportunity to disperse into non-territorial flocks may have liberated Australian Magpies from cooperation.  相似文献   

An influential period in avian life‐cycles is the annual breeding season, when competition over suitable nesting sites and territories is a key factor that can determine fitness and distribution, especially for species that are highly selective in their nesting habitats. We analysed nest‐site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two apex predator populations. Whereas the Short‐toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus has nested in the Judean Foothills (Israel) for a long time, the Long‐legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus has only invaded the nesting habitat of the Short‐toed Eagle during their breeding season in the last two decades. These two recently sympatric species have similar nesting ecology and frequently use the same nests. They are therefore expected to compete over nesting sites and territories. We analysed interspecific interactions between these two species by combining information from comprehensive observational, experimental, GIS analysis and remote sensing data, deriving 65 variables to characterize the nest‐sites used and the breeding success in 381 breeding attempts over four consecutive breeding seasons. To assess interspecific and intraspecific territorial behaviour and aggressiveness, stuffed Long‐legged Buzzards and Short‐toed Eagles were presented close to nests. Nest‐site characteristics overlapped substantially between species, and Long‐legged Buzzards occupied 21% of all Short‐toed Eagle nests. Intraspecific aggression rates among Long‐legged Buzzards were higher than their interspecific aggression rates with Short‐toed Eagles and also higher than intraspecific aggression among Short‐toed Eagles. Long‐legged Buzzard and Short‐toed Eagle breeding densities (1.59 ± 0.11 and 2.96 ± 0.11 pairs per 10 km2, respectively) are likely to be the highest across their respective breeding distributions, with a maximum productivity of 0.96 ± 0.01 and 0.56 ± 0.05 (young fledged/breeding pair) for Long‐legged Buzzard and Short‐toed Eagle, respectively. Intraspecific interactions among both species play an important role in determining their breeding success and the spatial distribution of nesting sites. Our results suggest that interspecific competition over nesting sites and territories between both species, and the potential dominance of Long‐legged Buzzard, has both direct and indirect impacts on the spatial and demographic distribution of Short‐toed Eagles due to the recent establishment of Long‐legged Buzzard territories in the Judean breeding area.  相似文献   

Determining whether animals select some habitats over others provides basic information about how animals meet their requirements for survival and reproduction. Habitat selection is therefore an important component of conservation research. Studies involving the release and establishment of threatened species on island refuges can be particularly insightful because breeding pairs should be able to select habitat of the highest quality within the range available. This study uses GIS technology to investigate the spatial distribution of breeding territories in relation to overall habitat availability of two threatened passerines, South Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus) and Stewart Island robins (Petroica australis rakiura) two years after their release onto predator-free Ulva Island. Both species established breeding territories around the periphery of the island in coastal forest fringe habitat and away from mature forest in the interior of the island. Compositional analysis suggested that both species prefer dense, fringe-type habitat with open ground cover and deep litter layers and avoid more mature forests, especially with moss cover. Thus habitat structure is likely to be more important for both species than plant-species composition. However, the possibility exists that the preference of coastal fringe habitat could represent an ‘ecological trap’, where habitat preference does not correspond to better quality habitat in terms of reproductive fitness. It will be useful to continue monitoring saddlebacks and robins to obtain data on survival and fecundity as the density of birds increases, and breeding pairs are forced to establish territories in what is presently perceived to be less preferred habitat in the interior part of the island.  相似文献   

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