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Interspecific hybridization may occur in situations of recent contact between a colonizer and a resident species, being more intense in the colonization front. Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout S. trutta have been sympatric species since their origin and they share spatial and temporal spawning niches, exhibiting low levels of bidirectional interspecific hybridization and introgression throughout their distribution range. Different causes have been identified for increased hybridization, from escapes or deliberate releases of domesticated fish to sneaking male behavior. We have examined hybridization rates and direction in different situations of advance of one of these species into a territory formerly inhabited by the other (247 samples were analyzed in northern Spain and 487 in Kerguelen Islands). In all cases, hybrids found in the colonization front were offspring of colonizer females and resident males. We hypothesize that these findings are the result of adaptive relaxed mate choice of colonizing females, regardless of the relative abundance of each species.  相似文献   

Is Atlantic salmon production limited by number of territories?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr (mean 135 mm total length, L T) in the River Alta, Norway, were radio‐tagged and tracked during a 11–13 day period. The parr stayed within defined home ranges with a 95% probability of localization within an average area of 1286 m2(241–3484 m2). On average, each parr had overlapping home ranges with 7·7 other parr, and the overlap between pairs of fish covered on average 24% of their home range areas. Mean length of the river stretch used was 90 m (22–383 m). On average, during 38%(16–77%) of the tracking surveys, the fish had moved >10 m since the previous survey. Mean total distance moved during the whole study was 402 m (208–862 m). The Atlantic salmon were most often recorded in riffles, but 27% of the parr alternated between riffles and pools. The extensive movements, flexible habitat utilization and relatively large home ranges, together with the fact that all the parr had home ranges partly overlapping with other radio‐tagged parr, indicate a flexible and variable behaviour and, thereby, a more complex social structure than a rigid defence of a fixed territory. Thus, Atlantic salmon production seems not to be limited by the highest potential number of territories for large parr in a given area.  相似文献   

Non-indigenous species may be the most severe environmental threat the world now faces. Fishes, in particular, have been intentionally introduced worldwide and have commonly caused the local extinction of native fish. Despite their importance, the impact of introduced fishes on threatened populations of Pacific salmon has never been systemically examined. Here, we take advantage of several unique datasets from the Columbia River Basin to address the impact of non-indigenous brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, on threatened spring/summer-run chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. More than 41 000 juvenile chinook were individually marked, and their survival in streams without brook trout was nearly double the survival in streams with brook trout. Furthermore, when brook trout were absent, habitat quality was positively associated with chinook survival, but when brook trout were present no relationship between chinook survival and habitat quality was evident. The difference in juvenile chinook survival between sites with, and without, brook trout would increase population growth rate (lambda) by ca. 2.5%. This increase in lambda would be sufficient to reverse the negative population growth observed in many chinook populations. Because many of the populations we investigated occur in wilderness areas, their habitat has been considered pristine; however, our results emphasize that non-indigenous species are present and may have a dramatic impact, even in remote regions that otherwise appear pristine.  相似文献   

I manipulated egg size and followed individual mass trajectories from the egg stage in Atlantic salmon to test for effects of size, and for interactions between size and paternal body mass, on offspring performance in strongly food-limited environments. Egg size had a strong effect on body mass at yolk absorption, causing juveniles originating from large eggs to outgrow their siblings from small eggs. This corroborates previous findings of egg size effects under more benign environments, and demonstrates that positive effects of egg size on offspring success are manifested even under strong food-limitation. Previously reported negative effects of being large during the critical period for survival in dense populations are thus likely related to social interactions, rather than to effects of density on total food abundance in the environment. The effect of egg size on offspring performance, and hence the optimal egg size, was independent of paternal body mass.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - We studied downstream migration behaviour of Atlantic salmon smolt at a hydropower station that offers four safe (weir, new incision gate on weir, downstream bypass and Archimedes...  相似文献   

Effects of intraspecific competition intensities on the relative performance (growth and movement) of juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta originating from nine different families were tested in tank experiments and in semi-natural streams. Both growth and movement differed consistently among families, indicating genetic variation in these traits. There were no significant interaction effects, however, between the intensity of competition and family origin on performance in either of the two experimental systems. Thus, genetic variation in response to competition intensity appeared to be limited in the population from which the juveniles used in this experiment originate.  相似文献   

Post‐smolt scale circulus spacing patterns for two Atlantic salmon Salmo salar populations from the Southern Upland (SU) of Nova Scotia, Canada, were compared with spacings from two endangered populations from the inner Bay of Fundy (iBoF) Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, to determine if growth patterns differed among these populations, and if growth patterns had changed as the abundance of these populations declined. An analysis of numbers of marine circuli from scales of post‐smolts and one‐sea‐winter adults of known age indicated that circuli were deposited at a rate of about one circulus per week in summer and slowed to one every 2 weeks in winter. During the summer and the autumn, mean circulus spacing in the iBoF populations, known to have occupied the outer Bay of Fundy during these seasons, was lower than in the SU populations, which are known to migrate to the North Atlantic. Similar circulus spacing patterns within SU populations is suggestive of a common marine distribution for these populations. In contrast, a cluster analysis revealed that within the geographically intermediate Big Salmon River (iBoF), some individuals exhibited wider spacing patterns that resemble the distant migrating SU populations, while others exhibited narrower spacing similar to other iBoF S. salar. Within the Big Salmon River, the relative abundance of the wider and the narrower spacing patterns varied in the earlier years, but all fish sampled since 1999, exhibited wider spacings similar to distant migrating SU S. salar. The apparent disappearance of the narrower pattern, characteristic of localized migration and indicative of historical iBoF populations, suggests that local migration may not presently be a successful strategy for these populations.  相似文献   

Matsuno K  Paton RC 《Bio Systems》2000,55(1-3):39-46
This paper briefly considers the notion of a biology of quantum information from a number of complementary points of view. We begin with a very brief look at some of the biomolecular systems that are thought to exploit quantum mechanical effects and then turn to the issue of measurement in these systems and the concomitant generation of information. This leads us to look at the internalist stance and the exchange interaction of quantum particles. We suggest that exchange interaction can also be viewed using ecological ideas related to apparatus-object. This can also help develop the important notion of complementarity in biosystems in relation to the nature and generation of information at the microphysical scale.  相似文献   

The identification of an association between polymorphisms of the prion protein (PrP) gene and susceptibility to scrapie has enabled the development of breeding programmes to increase natural resistance to scrapie. It is, however, imperative to identify if such selection would affect important reproduction and production traits. The objective of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between polymorphisms at codons 136, 154 and 171 of the PrP gene and ovulation rate or litter size in sheep. Data were collected from a mixed-aged flock of Belclare ewes, over a 9-year period. Ovulation rate was determined annually using laparoscopy by counting the number of corpora lutea at each of two consecutive oestrous cycles, one immediately before and one after mating (2418 records from 366 ewes). Litter size was recorded at parturition (875 records from 353 ewes). The five common PrP alleles were present in the population and 14 PrP genotypes were represented among the animals studied. There was no significant overall effect of PrP genotype on ovulation rate or litter size and pairwise comparisons among genotypes did not reveal any significant differences for either trait. These data suggest that breeding programmes based on selection for specific polymorphisms of the PrP gene will not influence ovulation rate or litter size, at least in the breed studied.  相似文献   

Ben-David M  Titus K  Beier LR 《Oecologia》2004,138(3):465-474
The risk of infanticide may alter foraging decisions made by females, which otherwise would have been based on nutritional requirements and forage quality and availability. In systems where meat resources are spatially aggregated in late summer and fall, female brown bears ( Ursus arctos) would be faced with a trade-off situation. The need of reproductive females to accumulate adequate fat stores would likely result in a decision to frequent salmon streams and consume the protein- and lipid-rich spawning salmon. In contrast, aggregations of bears along salmon streams would create conditions of high risk of infanticide. We investigated consumption of salmon by brown bears on Admiralty and Chichagof Islands in Southeast Alaska from 1982 to 2000 using stable isotope analysis and radiotelemetry. While nearly all males (22 of 23) consumed relatively large amounts of salmon (i.e., >10% relative contribution to seasonal diet), not all females ( n =56) did so. Five of 26 females for which we had reproductive data, occupied home ranges that had no access to salmon and thus did not consume salmon when they were mated or accompanied by young. Of females that had access to salmon streams ( n =21), all mated individuals ( n =16) had 15N values indicative of salmon consumption. In contrast, 4 out of 16 females with cubs avoided consuming salmon altogether, and of the other 12, 3 consumed less salmon than they did when they were mated. For 11 of 21 females with access to salmon streams we had data encompassing both reproductive states. Five of those altered foraging strategies and exhibited significantly lower values of 15N when accompanied by young than when mated, while 6 did not. Radiotelemetry data indicated that females with spring cubs were found, on average, further away from streams during the spawning season compared with females with no young, but both did not differ from males and females with yearlings and 2-year-olds. Females with young that avoided salmon streams were significantly lighter indicating that female choice to avoid consumption of salmon carries a cost that may translate to lower female or cub survivorship. The role of the social hierarchy of males and females, mating history, and paternity in affecting the risk of infanticide and foraging decisions of female brown bears merit further investigation.  相似文献   

We studied the developmental stability of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in 10 populations (five acidified, five control) in Norway, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and departure from the morphological norm. We measured four meristic and four morphometric characters, and scored the level of biochemical heterozygosity at 49 loci (20 polymorphic). We reared eggs of a single population in a hatchery using four different water qualities (three replicates of each treatment) to test the effect of acidification stress on developmental instability. There were no significant differences in the level of FA, in departure from the morphological norm between brown trout sampled from lakes with acidified or control water qualities, or in brown trout hatched at different water qualities. There was no correlation between level of heterozygosity and FA or departure from the morphological norm, either when tested within populations or among populations. There were no single-locus effects on developmental stability tested for 11 loci. We conclude that measures of developmental stability or morphological variability are not useful for detecting acidification stress in brown trout. Furthermore, we conclude that developmental stability in our material varies independently of heterozygosity.  相似文献   



Mature male parr (MMP) represent an important alternative life-history strategy in Atlantic salmon populations. Previous studies indicate that the maturation size threshold for male parr varies among wild populations and is influenced by individual growth, environmental conditions, and genetics. More than ten generations of breeding have resulted in domesticated salmon displaying many genetic differences to wild salmon, including greatly increased growth rates. This may have resulted in domesticated fish with the potential to outgrow the size threshold for early maturation, or evolution of the size threshold of the trait itself. To investigate this, we performed a common-garden experiment under farming conditions using 4680 salmon from 39 families representing four wild, two wild-domesticated hybrid, and two domesticated strains.


Domesticated salmon outgrew wild salmon 2–5-fold, and hybrids displayed intermediate growth. Overall, the numbers of MMP varied greatly among families and strains: averaging 4–12% in domesticated, 18–25% in hybrid, and 43–74% in the wild populations. However, when the influence of growth was accounted for, by dividing fish into lower and upper size modes, no difference in the incidence of MMP was detected among domesticated and wild strains in either size mode. In the lower size mode, hybrids displayed significantly lower incidences of mature males than their wild parental strains. No consistent differences in the body size of MMP, connected to domestication, was detected.


Our data demonstrate: 1- no evidence for the evolution of the size threshold for MMP in domesticated salmon, 2- the vastly lower incidence of MMP in domesticated strains under aquaculture conditions is primarily due to their genetically increased growth rate causing them to outgrow the size threshold for early maturation, 3- the incidence of MMP is likely to overlap among domesticated and wild salmon in the natural habitat where they typically display overlapping growth, although hybrid offspring may display lower incidences of mature male parr. These results have implications for wild salmon populations that are exposed to introgression from domesticated escapees.

Daytime activity is largely regulated by the day/night pattern. Various physiological and cognitive functions display a variation during the diurnal period, where individuals manage their balance, spatial orientation and consequently their perception of the vertical. However, findings concerning daytime changes of postural control quality remain contradictory, mainly due to methodogical considerations. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effect of time of day on postural control and perception of the vertical.

Fifteen male subjects underwent six test sessions over a 24-hour period. Each session involved a postural balance test (static/dynamic; eyes open/closed) and a subjective evaluation of sleepiness, fatigue and subjective visual vertical (SVV) (light stick tilted from 10 to 40°; eight trials). No time-of-day effect was observed on postural balance. However, perception of the vertical fluctuates during the day and is better at 10 a.m. than at 10 p.m. Despite the gradual perception of the vertical deterioration over the day, postural balance does not show any fluctuation. This postural balance consistency throughout the day may be the result of compensation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Schub T 《Lab animal》2001,30(6):39-42
There is evidence of a shortage of qualified laboratory animal veterinarians. Based on conversations with directors of animal care programs and heads of laboratory animal medicine training program, the author explores the problem of attracting veterinary school graduates to the field.  相似文献   

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