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火炬树腺毛的形态结构和发育的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了火炬树(RhustyphinaTorner.)叶柄腺毛的形态结构和发育过程,结果表明,其腺毛起源于叶柄的表皮细胞,每个腺毛都由1个基细胞、3个柄细胞和分泌细胞组成的头部3部分组成。  相似文献   

荇菜花蜜腺的发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荇菜花蜜腺的发育过程可分为:起源期、生长期、分泌期以及泌蜜停止期等4个时期。荇菜的5枚花蜜腺均起源于子房基部的表皮及表皮内的2-4层细胞。这些细胞经反分化后分别成为蜜腺的原分泌表皮及原泌蜜组织,两部分细胞径不断地分裂分化,最冬成为成熟蜜腺。在蜜腺发育过程中,蜜腺的分泌表皮及蜜腺组织内的内质网、质体、线粒体、液泡等细胞器结构均发生了有规律的变化,内质网在蜜腺分泌期最为发达,且产生大量的分泌小泡。质体  相似文献   

观察了温州蜜柑汁囊的形态发生过程。结果表明,汁囊起源于心皮内表皮的单个细胞,汁囊原始细胞垂周和平周分裂形成由多细胞构成的球状体。心皮内下的细胞也参与汁囊的形成。随着果实的生长,球状体进一步发育成一个伸长的柱状结构,在此过程中,伴有组织的分化,在柱状结构顶端的中央部分分化为一团类似分生组织的细胞群,这群细胞为多边形,中央有一个大而明显的细胞核,有浓厚的细胞质。柱状结构其它部分的细胞则由薄壁细胞组成。  相似文献   

鲤胚胎孵化腺细胞   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
鲤胚胎孵化腺为单细胞腺体,发生于外胚层,可特异地被PAS染色。最早可在眼色素期检验出孵化腺细胞(Hatching gland cell,HGC)它们主要分布在头部腹面及头部与卵黄囊连接处。开始,HGC位于表皮细胞下面,随发育迁移到胚胎表面。根据扫描和透射电镜观察,在分泌孵化酶的前后,HGC区表面细胞呈鸡冠花状和疣状两种突起。前者系HGC处于分泌孵化酶期间;后者系HGC业已完成分泌作用,由于相邻的表皮细胞活动而形成的。HGC内富有粗面内质网、线粒体、核糖体和高尔基体,并由后者合成酶原颗粒。HGC在完成分泌作用后,仍留在表皮中,以后逐渐退化,但在孵化后30h仍可见残留的HGC。  相似文献   

阔口尖毛虫形成包囊期间细胞超微结构的观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
顾福康  季玲妹 《动物学报》1997,43(3):227-231
阔口尖毛虫形成囊期间,细胞质内出现条带状或管产产的内质网和由不同大小的囊泡组成的包囊壁前体。并且,前体的产生与内质网有关;细胞质内发生自噬泡消化现象,这是细胞将原有结构和能量进行贮存,利用的一种重要形式;大核向细胞质突出形成阿米巴形结构,这与大核向细胞质排出部分核物质有关。  相似文献   

我在教学中发现,有些学生对一些易对表皮相混淆的名词,或功能上与表皮相似的名词发生误解,现分述如下供参考。表皮表皮与表皮上的附属物一起通称为表皮层,它是植物体所有器官初生构造表面的保护组织。表皮通常是一层连续的薄壁细胞。细胞的外壁常角质化,并外附角质层,蜡质层及毛茸等附属物以增加保护机能。部分表皮细胞特化成保卫细胞形成气孔,来调节植物体内外气体的交换。根的部分表皮细胞特化成根毛,根毛具有吸收水分和无机盐的作用。在植物体进行次生生长时,表皮常不能适应次生生长而被破坏,由其它类型的保护组织代替表皮行使保护机能。周皮周皮是一种代替表皮的次生保护组织,多见于根和茎的次生结构。它由木栓层,木栓形成层和栓内层组成。在周皮一定的部位上还产生皮孔,来进行植物内外气体的交换。周皮的最外方的木栓层细  相似文献   

荇菜腺毛的发育及其分泌过程的超微结构研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
荇菜 (Nymphoides peltatum (Gmel.) O.Kuntz)腺毛由具分泌功能的单列圆筒状细胞组成。它们起源于苗端倒数第二叶原基近轴面 ,由原表皮细胞发育而来。处于分泌期的腺毛细胞其胞质浓厚 ,液泡化程度小。细胞内具丰富的线粒体、高尔基体和内质网等细胞器 ,还具发达的胞间连丝。粘液物质由高尔基体分泌小泡、内质网分泌小泡及多膜体共同携带至细胞边缘 ,经胞吐和渗透相结合的方式分泌至细胞外。腺毛细胞侧壁因积有大量分泌物而呈膨胀状态。经检测 ,粘液由多糖和蛋白质组成 ,对营养芽的生长发育起保护作用。  相似文献   

荇菜成熟花蜜腺的形态及其泌蜜过程的超微结构研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
荇菜花蜜腺共五枚,黄色,肾形,着生子房基部。它们由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织组成,属结构蜜腺。成熟蜜腺的分泌表皮具明显的角质层和气孔,还具少量短期生活的分泌毛,分泌毛不具明显的角质层。泌蜜组织具较小的胞间隙,胞间连丝发达。成熟蜜腺细胞中不人有丰富的线粒体,内质网,还有大量的质体。  相似文献   

中国特有濒危植物伯乐树根的生态解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl.)是中国特有濒危的第三纪孑遗植物。本研究采用石蜡切片、整体封片、扫描电镜和激光共聚焦扫描等技术研究其根的表面特征和形态结构,从生态解剖学角度揭示其对生境的适应和特殊要求。结果显示伯乐树作为特殊的菌根型木本植物,根尖表面无根毛分化;初生结构包括表皮、皮层和中柱三部分,系原始的发育类型,其皮层明显排列为两轮且存在自然的间隙,皮层内有含黑芥子酶的分泌细胞,中柱内有髓。菌根菌以单菌丝或菌丝网侵入根表皮,并刺激表皮分泌沉积了较厚的无定形物质,入侵后可在皮层间隙内大量分枝,还能进一步形成泡囊结构;菌根菌在寄主细胞内常包围在淀粉粒的周围吸收营养,同时部分菌丝在细胞内被分解形成小泡和碎屑,为寄主细胞提供营养以形成共生关系。根据以上特征,应在就地保护和迁地保育中深入研究适宜伯乐树的土壤条件,以促进菌根的发生和发育。  相似文献   

根毛是根系特异化表皮细胞外伸形成的管状凸起物,是植物吸收矿质养分和水分的重要器官。根毛的发育可分为根毛细胞命运决定、根毛起始、根毛顶端生长和根毛成熟等阶段。本文对根毛发育生长过程中的细胞形态及其生理生化变化进行了综述,并从根表皮细胞命运决定分子机理, EXPANSIN、bHLH和MYB等转录因子以及小G蛋白和生长素/乙烯等方面简要说明了根毛生长发育的遗传基础。  相似文献   

Nectary trichomes of Abutilon striatum var. thompsonii arise by sequential periclinal divisions of outpushings from epidermal cells so producing trichomes that, when mature, are about 12 cells long. All epidermal cells within the nectary undergo this transformation. Later, anticlinal divisions lead to a multiseriate lower part of the trichome. The original epidermal cell becomes the basal cell which increases substantially in volume during development, thus leading to lateral separation of the trichomes. Above the basal cell is the stalk cell which develops an apoplastic barrier in its anticlinal (outer) wall. Secretion ultimately takes place from a capitate tip cell. An initially very thin cuticular layer, which overlies the whole trichome, eventually becomes as thick as the cell wall itself (approx. 0.4 μm). The pre-secretory hairs contain numerous small, condensed mitochondria; poorly differentiated plastids; dictyosomes with coated vesicles; small vacuoles; and a large amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum ("secretory reticulum") which contrasts with the rough endoplasmic reticulum seen during earlier developmental stages. As secretion proceeds, vacuolation becomes more extensive. Plasmodesmata are present between all the cells of the trichome and diminish in frequency from about 12.0 μm-2 in the stalk cell to about 4.0 μm-2 in the apical cells. This variation in plasmodesmatal frequency along the trichome is seen at all stages of development. The ultrastructural evidence would be consistent with the hypothesis that the pre-nectar flows through the plasmodesmata from cell to cell, is loaded into a "secretory compartment", and is then unloaded into the apoplast from all cells of the trichome distal to the stalk cell.  相似文献   

慈菇下胚轴毛的形态发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施国新  徐祥生   《广西植物》1989,9(2):113-116+195
慈菇种子萌发前,下胚轴基部的表皮细胞分化成生毛细胞。当下胚轴穿出种皮约1—2毫米时,生毛细胞的外壁向外突出,形成下胚轴毛。开始时,其顶端膨大,呈分泌毛状,后呈根毛状。下胚轴毛的主要功能是起固着作用。下胚轴毛发育后期,在其保留细胞核的膨大的基部和突起的毛状体之间形成一细胞壁,此时毛状体便开始萎缩脱落。下胚轴毛的基部重新形成完整的表皮细胞。  相似文献   

Development of peltate glandular trichomes of peppermint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cryofixation and conventional chemical fixation methods were employed to examine the ultrastructure of developing peltate glandular trichomes of peppermint (Mentha x piperita). Our results are discussed in relation to monoterpene production and the mechanism of essential oil secretion. Peltate glands arise as epidermal protuberances (initials) that divide asymmetrically to produce a vacuolate basal cell, a stalk cell, and a cytoplasmically dense apical cell. Further divisions of the apical cell produce a peltate trichome with one basal cell, one stalk cell, and eight glandular (secretory) disc cells. Presecretory gland cells resemble meristematic cells because they contain proplastids, small vacuoles, and large nuclei. The secretory phase coincides with the separation and filling of the sub-cuticular oil storage space, the maturation of glandular disc cell leucoplasts in which monoterpene biosynthesis is known to be initiated, and the formation of extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum at which hydroxylation steps of the monoterpene biosynthetic pathway occur. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the secretory cells appears to form associations with both the leucoplasts and the plasma membrane bordering the sub-cuticular oil storage cavity, often contains densely staining material, and may be involved with the transport of the monoterpene-rich secretion product. Associated changes in the ultrastructure of the secretory stage stalk cell are also described, as is the ultrastructure of the fragile post-secretory gland for which cryofixation methods are particularly well suited for the preservation of organizational integrity.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy confirms previous light microscope observations that tobacco leaf trichomes are glandular and that there are two different types. Both the tall trichome (multicellular stalk, unicellular or multicellular head) and the short trichome (unicellular stalk; multicellular head) exhibit characteristics common to gland cells—a dense cytoplasm, numerous mitochondria, and little vacuolation. The tall trichome contains structurally well developed chloroplasts and an elaborate network of endoplasmic reticulum. The short trichome contains undifferentiated plastids and endoplasmic reticulum which parallels the nucleus and plasmalemma. Few dictyosomes are seen either in the short trichome or in the tall trichome. The short trichome appears to undergo structural changes concurrently with the appearance of secretory product within the cells. The most noticeable change is the formation of the extraplasmic space between the cell wall and the plasmalemma. Electron dense secretory product is observed between the plasmalemma and the cell wall and within the intercellular spaces.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜技术,观察了龙葵“四叶一心”期时叶片及茎表皮的腺毛的种类、分布,探究了不同类型腺毛的起源、生长、成熟、分泌、衰老等发育过程的细胞学特征;通过组织化学染色和荧光显微技术,观察了龙葵腺毛成分、分布,为龙葵的进一步开发利用提供参考。结果表明:(1)龙葵腺毛分为单细胞头腺毛和多细胞头腺毛两类,前者主要分布于茎表面和叶上下表皮,后者主要分布于茎表面的单细胞头腺毛之间、叶脉及叶边缘;(2)龙葵腺毛发育起始于表皮细胞突起,单细胞头腺毛行顶端生长,具1-4个柄细胞,四种类型;多细胞头腺毛可再分为一层、两层与三层多细胞头腺毛,另具三种特殊类型;(3)龙葵成熟腺毛具分泌能力,通过皮下空间的物质积累导致腺毛头细胞表面形成突起、包块、破口,最终释放分泌物;而头细胞与柄细胞随即皱缩、衰老。(4)超微结构显示,腺毛头细胞中内质网与高尔基体极为丰富,合成代谢及分泌活动活跃,产生大量包裹嗜锇物质的囊泡,囊泡与细胞壁融合,进而将嗜锇物质转移至细胞壁并积累,随后储存在角质层下的皮下空间直至分泌释放;(5)组织化学染色结果表明,腺毛含有萜类、生物碱、脂类、蛋白质、酚类和多糖。头细胞中主要含有萜类、生物碱、脂类、蛋白质、酚类和中性多糖;柄细胞中主要含有萜类、生物碱、脂类。  相似文献   

Pogostemon cablin possesses two morphologically and ontogenetically different types of glandular trichomes, one type of bristle hair on the surfaces of leaves and stems and one type of internal gland inside the leaves and stems. The internal gland originates from elementary meristem and is associated with the biosynthesis of oils present inside the leaves and stems. However, there is little information on mechanism for the oil biosynthesis and secretion inside the leaves and stems. In this study, we identified three kinds of glandular trichome types and two kinds of internal gland in the Pogostemon cablin. The oil secretions from internal glands of stems and leaves contained lipids, flavones and terpenes. Our results indicated that endoplasmic reticulum and plastids and vacuoles are likely involved in the biosynthesis of oils in the internal glands and the synthesized oils are transported from endoplasmic reticulum to the cell wall via connecting endoplasmic reticulum membranes to the plasma membrane. And the comparative analysis of the development, distribution, histochemistry and ultrastructures of the internal and external glands in Pogostemon cablin leads us to propose that the internal gland may be a novel secretory structure which is different from external glands.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of epidermal glands in neotenic reproductives of Prorhinotermes simplex is described and their development is compared among young and old neotenics of both sexes. Secretory cells forming the epidermal gland are attached to the cuticle all over the body. The glands are formed by class 1 and class 3 secretory cells and corresponding canal cells with secretory function. Class 1 cells are sandglass-like and class 3 secretory units are located among them. Class 1 cells contain predominantly tubular endoplasmic reticulum, the major part represents the smooth and the minor the rough form. Numerous electron dense granules occur in the cytoplasm, they are always disintegrated prior to be released. Class 3 secretory cells contain a large amount of vacuoles, which are always lucent in males while newly produced vacuoles are dense in females. Dense vacuoles are frequently transformed into lucent ones before being released. Canal cells are locally equipped with microvilli. The conducting canal is surrounded by an electron dense secretion of regular inner structure. The cytoplasm of the canal cell contains numerous mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and a large proportion of microtubules. The young neotenic reproductives differ from the old ones by a lower amount of secretory products. Epidermal glands probably produce substances inhibiting the occurrence of superfluous reproductives.  相似文献   

Stigmatic hairs of the cotton flower were studied through their developmental stages up to anthesis. Stigmatic hairs invariably develop from a densely straining band of epidermal cells opposite the transmitting tissue cells. At anthesis, these are single cell structures measuring up to 300 μm long. At the 5-mm stage of stylar length (7–10 days before anthesis), some stigmatic hair cells begin to accumulate an osmiophilic substance between the plasmalemma and the cell wall, possibly synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum. This material is apparently never secreted outside the cell wall. Immediately following this secretory phase in some stigmatic hair cells a second secretory phase starts. A dense osmiophilic substance, different in appearance from the previous phase, accumulates in the vacuoles of each hair cell. Concomitantly, dimorphism develops in the cytoplasmic densities of stigmatic hair. Some stigmatic hair cytoplasm appears very dense and shows signs of degeneration while other cytoplasm appears normal. A third secretory phase, which begins at anthesis, occurs in the normal hair cells. This phase is characterized by enhanced activity in the cytoplasm of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Large vesicles containing granular material are seen fusing with the plasmalemma. Coincident with this activity there is dissolution of the middle layers of the cell wall and the cuticle is ruptured at various points. The dense osmiophilic substance that had accumulated in the vacuole breaks down into fine granular material. Significance of these changes is discussed in relation to the pollen germination mechanism on the dry type stigma of cotton.  相似文献   

The anatomy and ultrastructure of glandular trichomes at differentdevelopmental stages were investigated inPhillyrea latifoliaL.leaves by transmission electron microscopy and histochemicaltechniques. The trichome consisted of a multicellular secretoryhead, a unicellular stalk and a collecting cell surrounded byepidermal cells and spongy mesophyll cells. There were numerousplasmodesmata across the cell walls of trichome cells, and especiallybetween the stalk cell and the collecting cell. The collectingcell and stalk cell contained few chloroplasts. Mitochondria,elements of the endoplasmic reticulum and small vacuoles wereabundant in the secretory cells. Crystals were present in thesecretory cells and the collecting cell, especially at the matureand senescent stages of trichome development. As the cuticle,which covered the secretory cells, did not show pores or perforations,it is proposed that secretion occurred by accumulation of productsin subcuticular spaces followed by diffusion through the cuticle.Callose accumulation was observed between the stalk cell andthe collecting cell of senescent trichomes, especially in salt-treatedplants. Trichome ontogeny was accelerated in salt-treated plants.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Cuticle;Phillyrea latifolia; secretion; transmission electron microscopy; trichome development.  相似文献   

慈菇匍匐茎中分泌道的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
慈茹匍蔔茎的分泌道是裂生的胞间道,分布于匍匐茎的基本组织中。单个分泌道原始细胞起始于离茎端约1毫米处的基本分生组织中,原始细胞经分裂形成5—7个上皮细胞包围着中央的裂生腔隙,成为管道系统。上皮细胞无鞘细胞包围。上皮细胞中高尔基体和内质网发达,并溢出小囊泡向着分泌道腔隙面壁的质膜附近迁移,乳汁中亦存在大量完整的小囊泡。上皮细胞和外围薄壁细胞之间的壁层具有大量胞间连丝,小囊泡和内质网的膜结构与胞间连丝末端相接,同时可见上皮细胞的质膜在数处反折内陷,形成袋状结构,在与上皮细胞相对的薄壁细胞内也有同样现象出现,袋状结构内含小形颗粒或囊泡,并在结构上显示出上皮细胞与相邻薄壁细胞间存在着活跃的物质交流。由此认为。代谢物质以整体小囊泡的形式经胞间连丝或内陷的质膜向分泌道迁移是物质运输和分泌的可能方式之一。在电镜下观察,液泡中的积聚物与乳汁十分相似,液泡可能是乳汁的贮存场所之一。  相似文献   

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