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NMR measurements of in vivo myocardial glycogen metabolism   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Using 13C and 1H NMR we measured the rate of glycogen synthesis (0.23 +/- 0.10 mumol/min gram wet weight tissue (gww) in rat heart in vivo during an intravenous infusion of D-[1-13C]glucose and insulin. Glycogen was observed within 10 min of starting and increased linearly throughout a 50-min infusion. This compared closely with the average activity of glycogen synthase I (0.22 +/- 0.03 mumol/min gww) measured at physiologic concentrations of UDP-glucose (92 microM) and glucose-6-phosphate (110 microM). When unlabeled glycogen replaced D-[1-13C]glucose in the infusate after 50 min the D-[1-13C]glycogen signal remained stable for another 60 min, indicating that no turnover of the newly synthesized glycogen had occurred. Despite this phosphorylase a activity in heart extracts from rats given a 1 h glucose and insulin infusion (3.8 +/- 2.4 mumol/min gww) greatly exceeded the total synthase activity and if active in vivo should promote glycogenolysis. We conclude that during glucose and insulin infusion in the rat: (a) the absolute rate of myocardial glycogen synthesis can be measured in vivo by NMR; (b) glycogen synthase I can account for the observed rates of heart glycogen synthesis; (c) there is no futile cycling of glucose in and out of heart glycogen; and (d) the activity of phosphorylase a measured in tissue extracts is not reflected in vivo. These studies raise the question whether significant regulation of phosphorylase a activity in vivo is mediated by factors in addition to its phosphorylation state.  相似文献   

Effects of peripheral venous injection of glucagon and insulin on [1-13C]glucose incorporation into hepatic glycogen of rats were studied by 13C NMR in vivo. Each animal was given a continuous somatostatin infusion and a 100-mg intravenous injection of [1-13C] glucose in NMR experiments or unlabeled glucose in parallel experiments for determination of serum glucose. Insulin administration caused serum glucose to fall below basal levels and accelerated the loss of hepatic [1-13C]glucose; these effects were counteracted by the addition of glucagon. Glucagon administration alone did not affect serum glucose or hepatic [1-13C] glucose but caused the loss of [1-13C]glucose from glycogen and inhibited [1-13C]glucose incorporation into glycogen. Insulin did not alter [1-13C]glucose incorporation into glycogen when given alone or in combination with glucagon. The data are consistent with a model in which liver glycogen synthesis increases linearly with hepatic glucose concentration above a threshold glucose concentration. Insulin did not alter the rate constant or the threshold for synthesis.  相似文献   

13C NMR studies of glycogen turnover in the perfused rat liver   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To assess whether hepatic glycogen is actively turning over under conditions which promote net glycogen synthesis we perfused livers from 24-h fasted rats with 20 mM D-[1-13C]glucose, 10 mM L-[3-13C]alanine, 10 mM L-[3-13C]lactate, and 1 microM insulin for 90 min followed by a 75-min "chase" period with perfusate of the same composition containing either 13C-enriched or unlabeled substrates. The peak height of the C-1 resonance of the glucosyl subunits in glycogen was monitored, in real time, using 13C NMR techniques. During the initial 90 min the peak height of the C-1 resonance of glycogen increased at almost a constant rate reflecting a near linear increase in net glycogen synthesis, which persisted for a further 75 min if 13C-enriched substrates were present during the "chase" period. However, when the perfusate was switched to the unenriched substrates, the peak height of the C-1 resonance of glycogen declined in a nearly linear manner reflecting active glycogenolysis during a time of net glycogen synthesis. By comparing the slopes of the curve describing the time course of the net [1-13C] glucose incorporation into glycogen with the rate of net loss of 13C label from the C-1 resonance of glycogen during the "chase" period we estimated the relative rate of glycogen breakdown to be 60% of the net glycogen synthetic rate. Whether this same phenomenon occurs to such an appreciable extent in vivo remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The field dependence of relaxation times of the C-1 carbon of glycogen was studied in vitro by natural-abundance 13C NMR. T1 is strongly field dependent, while T2 does not change significantly with magnetic field. T1 and T2 were also measured for rat hepatic glycogen enriched with [1-13C]glucose in vivo at 4.7 T, and similar relaxation times were observed as those obtained in vitro at the same field. The in vitro values of T1 were 65 +/- 5 ms at 2.1 T, 142 +/- 10 ms at 4.7 T, and 300 +/- 10 ms at 8.4 T, while T2 values were 6.7 +/- 1 ms at 2.1 T, 9.4 +/- 1 ms at 4.7 T, and 9.5 +/- 1 ms at 8.4 T. Calculations based on the rigid-rotor nearest-neighbor model give qualitatively good agreement with the T1 field dependence with a best-fit correlation time of 6.4 X 10(-9) s, which is significantly smaller than tau M, the estimated overall correlation time for the glycogen molecule (ca. 10(-5) s). A more accurate fit of T1 data using a modified Lipari and Szabo approach indicates that internal fast motions dominate the T1 relaxation in glycogen. On the other hand, the T2 relaxation is dominated by the overall correlation time tau M while the internal motions are almost but not completely unrestricted.  相似文献   

13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to study triglyceride metabolism in 3T3-L1 cells incubated with [1-13/14C] acetate, myristate, palmitate, stearate, or oleate. Labeled cells embedded in agarose filaments were perfused in a specially fitted NMR tube within the spectrometer magnet. Incubation of 3T3-L1 cells with a specific fatty acid enriched the cellular triglycerides with that fatty acid; the NMR signal observed in the carbonyl region of the cell spectrum was due in large part to that fatty acid. NMR data demonstrated that cellular enzymes preferentially esterified saturated fatty acids at the glyceride sn-1,3 position and unsaturated fatty acids at the sn-2 position. cellular triglyceride hydrolysis by hormone-sensitive lipase was monitored by measuring the decrease in the integrated intensities of resonances arising from fatty acyl carbonyls esterified at glycerol carbons sn-1,3 and sn-2. Under basal conditions, the time courses were first-order, and the average rates were 0.14% of signal/min at both carbonyl positions. Under isoproterenol stimulated conditions, these rates were still first-order and increased 6.4-fold at the sn-1,3 position and 2.4-fold at the sn-2 position. The observation that the hydrolysis time courses were first-order suggested that only a small amount of cellular triglyceride was available to hormone-sensitive lipase, supporting the view that lipolytic enzymes operate at lipid surfaces where only small amounts of neutral lipid may be soluble. Attempts to correlate the measured rates with the rates of hydrolysis at the sn-1,3 and sn-2 positions were hindered by the fact that the chemical shifts of the carbonyl carbons of the diglyceride hydrolysis product did not overlie those of the triglyceride. Analysis of hydrolysis kinetics revealed that hormone-sensitive lipase exhibited little preference for a particular esterified fatty acid under basal conditions; however, under stimulated conditions, the enzyme exhibited a preference for certain triglyceride species.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to determine non-invasively absolute concentrations of phosphorylated metabolites in the perfused rat liver. It has been shown that the NMR method does detect cytoplasmic ATP and ADP (ATP:ADP ratio of 15 +/- 3) with no contribution from mitochondrial adenine nucleotides. The concentration of ATP was 7.2 +/- 0.3 mM in the cytosol of well-oxygenated liver, after two hours of perfusion with a Krebs-Ringer buffer. Other phosphorylated metabolites were detected, mainly inorganic phosphate (1.1 mumol/g liver wet weight), phosphorylcholine (1.0 mumol/g wet weight), glycerophosphorylethanolamine (0.34 mumol/g wet weight) and glycerophosphorylcholine (0.30 mumol/g wet weight). The intracellular pH measured from the position of the Pi resonance has a value of 7.2 +/- 0.1. It is likely that the detectable Pi originates from the cytosolic compartment since a pH value of 7.4-7.6 would be expected for the mitochondrial matrix. Natural abundance carbon-13 NMR has also been used to follow the glycogen breakdown in situ by measuring the intensity of the glycogen C-1 resonance in the perfused liver spectrum as a function of the perfusion time. The glycogenolytic process has been studied as a function of the glucose content of the perfusate. Rate of glycogenolysis from 2.7 to 0.16 muEq glycosyl units g wet weight-1 min-1 were found when glucose concentration in the perfusate was varied from 0 to 50 mM. The fate of 90% enriched [2-13C] acetate has been studied in the perfused rat liver by 13C-NMR in order to investigate the mitochondrial metabolism and the interrelations between cytosolic and mitochondrial pools of metabolites. Some compounds of the intermediary metabolism where found to be extensively labelled, e.g. glutamate, glutamine, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. Under our experimental conditions, labelling of glutamate reached a steady-state within 30 min after the onset of perfusion of 20 mM acetate. In addition, the observed incorporation of carbon-13 isotope into glutamine can be linked to the operation of the glutamate-glutamine antiporter and to the high activity of the cytosolic glutamate synthetase. The finding of both active glutaminase and glutamine synthetase activity in the same liver cells is an evidence of the existence of an active glutamine-glutamate futile cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Freeze-tolerance in larvae ofGynaephora groenlandica is enhanced by the accumulation of glycerol in the winter. Since summer larvae remain freeze-tolerant despite the lack of glycerol, we investigated glycerol metabolism as a function of acclimation and body temperature using non-invasive13C NMR spectroscopy. Major constituents of hemolymph isolated from cold- and warm-acclimated larvae were identified with the aid of standard NMR spectra and confirmed by TLC and GLC. Spectra obtained on live, warm-acclimated larvae showed the presence of lipids, glycogen, glucose, trehalose and amino acids. Similar spectra of cold-acclimated or previously frozen larvae showed the additional presence of glycerol. In vitro time-lapse13C spectra ofd-[1-13C]glucose added separately to hemolymph or extracted fat body tissue showed that glycerol is synthesized from glucose in the fat body tissue and distributed to the peripheral tissue via hemolymph. In vivo time-lapse13C spectra of cold- and warm-acclimated larvae were obtained after injection withd-[1-13C]glucose to monitor the production of labeled metabolic intermediates and end-products. [13C]Glycerol was produced between –30°C and 30°C but accumulated only below 5°C. Above 5°C glycerol was degraded and the13C label incorporated mainly into glycogen. The mechanism underlying temperature control of glycerol biosynthesis and degradation may provide a clue to the role of glycerol in enhancing freeze-tolerance in these insects.  相似文献   

The correlation between blood glucose levels, the concentration of glycogen, the activities of glycogen synthase and phosphorylase and their respective kinases and phosphatases was examined in liver of rat fetuses between day 18 of gestation and one day after birth. Between day 18 and 21 there is a rapid increase in the concentration of glycogen and in the activity of synthase a and a much slower increase in the activity of phosphorylase a. The activity of the respective kinases increased rapidly during this period and reached maximum on day 21. The activity of synthase phosphatase and phosphorylase phosphatase increased after day 18, to reach a maximum on day 19 and 20, respectively, but decreased again towards day 21. The possibility that the changes in glycogen concentration and enzyme activities were related to an effect of glucose or AMP on the respective phosphatases was considered. It was found that the Km of phosphorylase phosphatase for glucose in the prenatal period was 5--7 mM, as in the adult. Since the level of blood glucose during this period was constant (2.8 mM), an effect of glucose on phosphatase activity seems unlikely. AMP concentration increased between day 18 and 21 from 6--15 nmol/g. In view of the low level of phosphorylase a activity during this period, the increase in AMP concentration is not considered to be important in the regulation of glycogen breakdown at this time. Immediately after birth blood glucose levels dropped to 5 mg/dl. This was accompanied by a rapid decrease in glycogen concentration and in the activity of glycogen synthase and a rise in phosphorylase activity. Blood glucose levels returned to the initial level within 1 h after birth, whereas the changes in glycogen concentration and enzyme activities continued for at least 3 h after birth. On day 22 all parameters examined had reached the level found in adult rat liver. It is suggested that the rapid changes observed immediately after birth are due to an effect of gypoglycemia mediated by hormones and cannot be ascribed to direct effects of metabolites on the enzyme systems involved.  相似文献   

13C NMR for the assessment of human brain glucose metabolism in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N Beckmann  I Turkalj  J Seelig  U Keller 《Biochemistry》1991,30(26):6362-6366
Proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectra of the human head were obtained during hyperglycemic glucose clamping using intravenous infusions of [1-13C]glucose in normal volunteers. In addition to 13C signals of mobile lipids, a variety of new metabolite resonances could be resolved for the first time in the human brain. At an enrichment level of 20% [1-13C]glucose, the signals of alpha- and beta-glucose at 92.7 and 96.6 ppm, respectively, could be detected in the human brain after only an infusion period of 15 min. The spatial localization of the different regions of interest was confirmed by 13C NMR spectroscopic imaging with a time resolution of 9 min. Increasing the enrichment level to 99% [1-13C]glucose not only improved the time resolution but allowed the detection of metabolic breakdown products of [1-13C]glucose. The time course of 13C label incorporation into the C2, C3, and C4 resonances of glutamate/glutamine and into lactate could be recorded in the human brain. These results suggest the possibility of obtaining time-resolved, spatially selective, and chemically specific information on the human body.  相似文献   

Brain glycogen metabolism was recently observed in vivo and found to be very slow in the lightly alpha-chloralose anesthetized rat [J. Neurochem. 73 (1999) 1300]. Based on that slow turnover, the total glycogen content in the awake rat brain and its turnover time were assessed after administering 13C-labeled glucose for 48 h. Label incorporation into glycogen, glucose, amino acid, and N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) resonances was observed. The amount of 13C label incorporated into glycogen was variable and did not correlate with that in glutamate (r=-0.1, P>0.86). However, the amount of 13C label incorporated into glycogen was very similar to that in NAA (r=0.93), implying similar turnover times between brain glycogen and NAA (approximately 10 h). Absolute quantification of the total concentration of brain glycogen in the awake, normoglycemic rat yielded 3.3+/-0.8 micromol/g (n=6, mean+/-S.D.).  相似文献   

Localized 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy provides a unique window for studying cerebral carbohydrate metabolism through, e.g. the completely non-invasive measurement of cerebral glucose and glycogen metabolism. In addition, label incorporation into amino acid neurotransmitters such as glutamate (Glu), GABA and aspartate can be measured providing information on Krebs cycle flux and oxidative metabolism. Given the compartmentation of key enzymes such as pyruvate carboxylase and glutamine synthetase, the detection of label incorporation into glutamine indicated that neuronal and glial metabolism can be measured in vivo. The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical overview of these recent advances into measuring compartmentation of brain energy metabolism using localized in vivo 13C NMR spectroscopy. The studies reviewed herein showed that anaplerosis is significant in brain, as is oxidative ATP generation in glia and the rate of glial glutamine synthesis attributed to the replenishment of the neuronal Glu pool and that brain glycogen metabolism is slow under resting conditions. This new modality promises to provide a new investigative tool to study aspects of normal and diseased brain hitherto unaccessible, such as the interplay between glutamatergic action, glucose and glycogen metabolism during brain activation, and the derangements thereof in patients with hepatic encephalopathy, neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes.  相似文献   

The control of glycogen metabolism in the liver   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

An in situ and in vivo surface coil 13C NMR study was performed to study hepatic glycogen synthesis from [3-13C]alanine and [1-13C]glucose administered by intraduodenal infusion in 18-h fasted male Sprague-Dawley rats. Combined, equimolar amounts of alanine and glucose were given. Hepatic appearance and disappearance of substrate and concurrent glycogen synthesis was followed over 150 min, with 5-min time resolution. Active glycogen synthesis from glucose via the direct (glucose----glycogen) and indirect (glucose----lactate----glycogen) pathways and from alanine via gluconeogenesis was observed. The indirect pathway of glycogen synthesis from [1-13C]glucose accounted for 30% (+/- 6 S.E.) of total glycogen formed from labeled glucose. This estimate does not take into account dilution of label in the hepatic oxaloacetate pool and is, therefore, somewhat uncertain. Hepatic levels of [3-13C]alanine achieved were significantly lower than levels of [1-13C]glucose in the liver, and the period of active glycogen synthesis from [3-13C]alanine was longer than from glucose. However, the overall pseudo-first-order rate constant during the period of active glycogen synthesis from [3-13C]alanine (0.075 min-1 +/- 0.026 S.E.) was almost 3 times that from [1-13C]glucose via the direct pathway (0.025 min-1 +/- 0.005 S.E.). The most likely reason for the small rate constant governing direct glycogen formation from duodenally administered glucose compared to that from duodenally administered alanine is a low level of glucose phosphorylating capacity in the liver.  相似文献   

The correlation between blood glucose levels, the concentration of glycogen, the activities of glycogen sythase and phosphorylase and their respective kinases and phosphatases was examined in liver of rat fetuses between day 18 of gestation and one day after birth. Between day 18 and 21 there is a rapid increase in the concentration of glycogen and in the activity of synthase a and a much slower increase in the activity of phosphorylase a. The activity of the respective kinases increased rapidly during this period and reached maximun on day 21. The activity of synthase phosphatase and phosphorylase phosphatase increased after day 18, to reach a maximum on day 19 and 20, respectively, but decreased again towards day 21. The possibility that the changes in glycogen concentration and enzyme activities were related to an effect of glucose of AMP on the respective phosphatases was considered. It was found that the Km of phosphatase for glucose in the prenatal period was 5–7 mM, as in the adult. Since the level of blood glucose during this period was constant (2.8 mM), an effect of glucose on phosphatase activity seems unlikely. AMP concentration increased between day 18 and 21 from 6–15 nmol/g. In view of the low level of phosphorylase a activity during this period, the increase in AMP concentration is not considered to be important in the regulation of glycogen breakdown at this time.Immediately after birth blood glucose levels dropped to 5 mg/dl. This was accompanied by a rapid decrease in glycogen concentration and in the activity of glycogen synthase and a rise in phosphorylase activity. Blood glucose levels returned to the initial level within 1 h after birth, whereas the changes in glycogen concentration and enzyme activities continued for at least 3 h after birth. On day 22 all parameters examined had reached the level found in adult rat liver.It is suggested that the rapid changes observed immediately after birth are due to an effect of hypoglycemia mediated by hormones and cannot be ascribed to direct effects of metabolites on the enzyme systems involved.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to study the metabolism of cells from the central nervous system both in vitro on perchloric acid extracts obtained either from cultured tumoral cells (C6 rat glioma) or rat astrocytes in primary culture, and in vivo within the human brain. Analysis of carbon 13 NMR spectra of perchloric acid extracts prepared from cultured cells in the presence of NMR [1-13C] glucose as substrate allowed determination of the glutamate and glutamine enrichments in both normal and tumoral cells. Preliminary results indicated large changes in the metabolism of these amino acids (and also of aspartate and alanine) in the C6 cell as compared to its normal counterpart. Localized proton NMR spectra of the human brain in vivo were obtained at 1.5 T, in order to evaluate the content of various metabolites, including glutamate, in peritumoral edema from a selected volume of 2 x 2 x 2 cm3. N-acetyl aspartate, glutamate, phosphocreatine, creatine, choline and inositol derivative resonances were observed in 15 min spectra. N-acetyl-aspartate was found to be at a lower level in contrast to glutamate which was detected at a higher level in the injured area as compared to the contralateral unaffected side.  相似文献   

Carbon 13 NMR spectroscopy: a powerful tool for studying renal metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using precise examples, this paper shows that carbon 13 NMR spectroscopy in conjunction with radioactive and enzymatic methods as well as with adequate mathematical modeling of metabolic pathways allows not only to identify but also to quantify fluxes through enzymes involved in substrate and drug metabolism. Carbon 13 NMR spectroscopy is a tool of unprecedented power to unravel the complexity of renal metabolism. Currently it plays a major role in what is nowadays called metabolomics.  相似文献   

The cyclic AMP and glycogen concentrations and the activities of phosphorylase kinase, phosphorylase a and glycogen synthase a were not different in livers from lean or ob/ob mice despite increased plasma glucose and insulin in the obese group. The liver water content was decreased by 10% in the obese mice. In hepatocytes isolated from lean mice and incubated with increasing glucose concentrations (14-112 mM), a sequential inactivation of phosphorylase and activation of glycogen synthase was observed. In hepatocytes from obese mice the inactivation of phosphorylase was not followed by an activation of synthase. The inactivation of phosphorylase occurred more rapidly and was followed by an activation of synthase in hepatocytes isolated from both groups of mice when in the incubation medium Na+ was replaced by K+ or when Ca2+ was omitted and 2.5 mM-EGTA included. The inactivation of phosphorylase and activation of synthase were not different in broken-liver-cell preparations from lean and obese animals. The re-activation of phosphorylase in liver filtrates in the presence of 0.1 microM-cyclic AMP and MgATP was inhibited by about 70% by EGTA and stimulated by Ca2+ and was always greater in preparations from ob/ob mice. The apparent paradox between the impairment of glycogen metabolism in isolated liver preparations and the situation in vivo in obese mice is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The liver enzymes responsible for the breakdown and synthesis of glycogen from glucose have been investigated cytochemically in rats exposed to 1200 rads of x-irradiation. It was found that significant changes occur in their activities and that amylophosphorylase and amylo-1,6-glucosidase (debranching enzyme), both of which are responsible for the conversion of glycogen to glucose, are markedly inhibited by radiation. A significant inhibition of the activity of 1,41,6 transglucosidase (branching enzyme) was also observed. In contrast, the activity of UDPG-glycogen transglucosylase, which is responsible for the in vivo synthesis of 1,4-polysaccharides, was found to be stimulated.  相似文献   

The metabolism of glucose and cellobiose, products of cellulose hydrolysis, was investigated in four cellulolytic strains of the genus Fibrobacter: Fibrobacter succinogenes S85, 095, HM2 and Fibrobacter intestinalis NR9. In vivo 13C nuclear magnetic resonance was used to quantify the relative contribution of glucose and cellobiose to metabolite production, glycogen storage and cellodextrins synthesis in these four strains. The same features were found in all four strains of the genus Fibrobacter metabolizing simultaneously glucose and cellobiose: i) differential metabolism of glucose and cellobiose; glucose seems preferentially used for glycogen storage and energy production, while part of cellobiose seems to be diverted from glycolysis, ii) synthesis of cellodextrins, mainly from cellobiose not entering into glycolysis, iii) accumulation of glucose 6-phosphate, iv) simultaneous presence of cellobiose phosphorylase and cellobiase activities.Although genetically diverse, the Fibrobacter genus appears to possess a marked homogeneity in its carbon metabolism.  相似文献   

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