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M. K. Barton  J. Kimble 《Genetics》1990,125(1):29-39
In wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans, the XO male germ line makes only sperm and the XX hermaphrodite germ line makes sperm and then oocytes. In contrast, the germ line of either a male or a hermaphrodite carrying a mutation of the fog-1 (feminization of the germ line) locus is sexually transformed: cells that would normally make sperm differentiate as oocytes. However, the somatic tissues of fog-1 mutants remain unaffected. All fog-1 alleles identified confer the same phenotype. The fog-1 mutations appear to reduce fog-1 function, indicating that the wild-type fog-1 product is required for specification of a germ cell as a spermatocyte. Two lines of evidence indicate that a germ cell is determined for sex at about the same time that it enters meiosis. These include the fog-1 temperature sensitive period, which coincides in each sex with first entry into meiosis, and the phenotype of a fog-1; glp-1 double mutant. Experiments with double mutants show that fog-1 is epistatic to mutations in all other sex-determining genes tested. These results lead to the conclusion that fog-1 acts at the same level as the fem genes at the end of the sex determination pathway to specify germ cells as sperm.  相似文献   

Barth syndrome is an X-linked mitochondrial disease, symptoms of which include neutropenia and cardiac myopathy. These symptoms are the most significant clinical consequences of a disease, which is increasingly recognised to have a variable presentation. Mutation in the Taz gene in Xq28 is thought to be responsible for the condition, by altering mitochondrial lipid content and mitochondrial function. Male chimeras carrying a targeted mutation of Taz on their X-chromosome were infertile. Testes from the Taz knockout chimeras were smaller than their control counterparts and this was associated with a disruption of the progression of spermatocytes through meiosis to spermiogenesis. Taz knockout ES cells also showed a defect when differentiated to germ cells in vitro. Mutant spermatocytes failed to progress past the pachytene stage of meiosis and had higher levels of DNA double strand damage and increased levels of endogenous retrotransposon activity. Altogether these data revealed a novel role for Taz in helping to maintain genome integrity in meiosis and facilitating germ cell differentiation. We have unravelled a novel function for the Taz protein, which should contribute to an understanding of how a disruption of the Taz gene results in the complex symptoms underlying Barth Syndrome.  相似文献   

R. E. Ellis  J. Kimble 《Genetics》1995,139(2):561-577
In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, germ cells normally adopt one of three fates: mitosis, spermatogenesis or oogenesis. We have identified and characterized the gene fog-3, which is required for germ cells to differentiate as sperm rather than as oocytes. Analysis of double mutants suggests that fog-3 is absolutely required for spermatogenesis and acts at the end of the regulatory hierarchy controlling sex determination for the germ line. By contrast, mutations in fog-3 do not alter the sexual identity of other tissues. We also have characterized the null phenotype of fog-1, another gene required for spermatogenesis; we demonstrate that it too controls the sexual identity of germ cells but not of other tissues. Finally, we have studied the interaction of these two fog genes with gld-1, a gene required for germ cells to undergo oogenesis rather than mitosis. On the basis of these results, we propose that germ-cell fate might be controlled by a set of inhibitory interactions among genes that specify one of three fates: mitosis, spermatogenesis or oogenesis. Such a regulatory network would link the adoption of one germ-cell fate to the suppression of the other two.  相似文献   

The distal tip cell (DTC) regulates the proliferation or differentiation choice in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline by an inductive mechanism. Cell signaling requires a putative receptor in the germline, encoded by the glp-1 gene, and a putative signal from the DTC, encoded by the lag-2 gene. Both glp-1 and lag-2 belong to multigene gene families whose members are essential for cell signaling during development of various tissues in insects and vertebrates as well as C. elegans. Relatively little is known about how these pathways regulate cell fate choice. To identify additional genes involved in the glp-1 signaling pathway, we carried out screens for genetic enhancers of glp-1. We recovered mutations in five new genes, named ego (enhancer of glp-1), and two previously identified genes, lag-1 and glp-4, that strongly enhance a weak glp-1 loss-of-function phenotype in the germline. Ego mutations cause multiple phenotypes consistent with the idea that gene activity is required for more than one aspect of germline and, in some cases, somatic development. Based on genetic experiments, glp-1 appears to act upstream of ego-1 and ego-3. We discuss the possible functional relationships among these genes in light of their phenotypes and interactions with glp-1.  相似文献   

Genetic evidence suggests that the mei-1 locus of Caenorhabditis elegans encodes a maternal product required for female meiosis. However, a dominant gain-of-function allele, mei-1(ct46), can support normal meiosis but causes defects in subsequent mitotic spindles. Previously identified intragenic suppressors of ct46 lack functional mei-1 activity; null alleles suppress only in cis but other alleles arise frequently and suppress both in cis and in trans. Using a different screen for suppressors of the dominant ct46 defect, the present study describes another type of intragenic mutation that also arises at high frequency. These latter alleles appear to have reduced meiotic activity and retain a weakened dominant effect. Characterization of these alleles in trans-heterozygous combinations with previously identified mei-1 alleles has enabled us to define more clearly the role of the mei-1 gene product during normal embryogenesis. We propose that a certain level of mei-1 activity is required for meiosis but must be eliminated prior to mitosis. The dominant mutation causes mei-1 activity to function at mitosis; intragenic trans-suppressors act in an antimorphic manner to inactivate multimeric mei-1 complexes. We propose that inactivation of meiosis-specific functions may be an essential precondition of mitosis; failure to eliminate such functions may allow ectopic meiotic activity during mitosis and cause embryonic lethality.  相似文献   

E. M. Maine  J. Kimble 《Genetics》1993,135(4):1011-1022
The glp-1 gene is essential for two cell interactions that control cell fate in Caenorhabditis elegans: induction of anterior pharynx in the embryo and induction of mitotic proliferation in the germ line. To identify other genes involved in these cell interactions, we have isolated suppressors of two temperature sensitive alleles of glp-1. Each of 14 recessive suppressors rescues both embryonic and germline glp-1(ts) defects. These suppressors are extragenic and define a set of six genes designated sog, for suppressor of glp-1. Suppression of glp-1 is the only obvious phenotype associated with sog mutations. Mutations in different sog genes show allele-specific intergenic noncomplementation, suggesting that the sog gene products may interact. In addition, we have analyzed a semidominant mutation that suppresses only the glp-1 germline phenotype and has a conditional feminized phenotype of its own. None of the suppressors rescues a glp-1 null mutation and therefore they do not bypass a requirement for glp-1. Distal tip cell function remains necessary for germline proliferation in suppressed animals. These suppressor mutations identify genes that may encode other components of the glp-1 mediated cell-signaling pathway or regulate glp-1 expression.  相似文献   

ERK3 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3) is an atypical member of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase family of serine/threonine kinases. Little is known about its function in mitosis, and even less about its roles in mammalian oocyte meiosis. In the present study, we examined the localization, expression and functions of ERK3 during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Immunofluorescent analysis showed that ERK3 localized to the spindles from the pre-MI stage to the MII stage. ERK3 co-localized with α-tubulin on the spindle fibers and asters in oocytes after taxol treatment. Deletion of ERK3 by microinjection of ERK3 morpholino (ERK3 MO) resulted in oocyte arrest at the MI stage with severely impaired spindles and misaligned chromosomes. Most importantly, the spindle assembly checkpoint protein BubR1 could be detected on kinetochores even in oocytes cultured for 10 h. Low temperature treatment experiments indicated that ERK3 deletion disrupted kinetochore-microtubule (K-MT) attachments. Chromosome spreading experiments showed that knock-down of ERK3 prevented the segregation of homologous chromosomes. Our data suggest that ERK3 is crucial for spindle stability and required for the metaphase-anaphase transition in mouse oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

A. Y. Sun  E. J. Lambie 《Genetics》1997,147(3):1077-1089
The gonad of the Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodite is generated by the postembryonic divisions of two somatic precursors, Z1 and Z4, and two germline precursors, Z2 and Z3. These cells begin division midway through the first larval stage. By the end of the fourth larval stage, Z1 and Z4 produce 143 descendants, while Z2 and Z3 give rise to ~1000 descendants. The divisions of Z2 and Z3 are dependent on signals produced by Z1 and Z4, but not vice versa. We have characterized the properties of five loss-of-function alleles of a newly described gene, which we call gon-2. In gon-2 mutants, gonadogenesis is severely impaired; in some animals, none of the gonad progenitors undergo any postembryonic divisions. Mutations in gon-2 have a partial maternal effect: either maternal or zygotic expression is sufficient to prevent the severe gonadogenesis defects. By cell lineage analysis, we found that the primary defect in gon-2 mutants is a delay (sometimes a complete block) in the onset and continuation of gonadal divisions. The results of upshift experiments using a temperature-sensitive allele suggest that zygotic expression of gon-2 begins early in embryogenesis, before the birth of Z1 and Z4. The results of downshift experiments suggest that Z1 and Z4 can generate the full complement of gonadal tissues even when gon-2 function is inhibited until the end of the second larval stage. Thus, gon-2 activity is probably not required for the specification of gonadal cell fates, but appears to be generally required for gonadal cell divisions.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2020,52(4):429-445.e10
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K. S. McKim  K. Peters    A. M. Rose 《Genetics》1993,134(3):749-768
Previous studies have shown that isolated portions of Caenorhabditis elegans chromosomes are not equally capable of meiotic exchange. These results led to the proposal that a homolog recognition region (HRR), defined as the region containing those sequences enabling homologous chromosomes to pair and recombine, is localized near one end of each chromosome. Using translocations and duplications we have localized the chromosome I HRR to the right end. Whereas the other half of chromosome I did not confer any ability for homologs to pair and recombine, deficiencies in this region dominantly suppressed recombination to the middle of the chromosome. These deletions may have disrupted pairing mechanisms that are secondary to and require an HRR. Thus, the processes of pairing and recombination appear to utilize at least two chromosomal elements, the HRR and other pairing sites. For example, terminal sequences from other chromosomes increase the ability of free duplications to recombine with their normal homologs, suggesting that telomere-associated sequences, homologous or nonhomologous, play a role in facilitating meiotic exchange. Recombination can also initiate at internal sites separated from the HRR by chromosome rearrangement, such as deletions of the unc-54 region of chromosome I. When crossing over was suppressed in a region of chromosome I, compensatory increases were observed in other regions. Thus, the presence of the HRR enabled recombination to occur but did not determine the distribution of the crossover events. It seems most likely that there are multiple initiation sites for recombination once homolog recognition has been achieved.  相似文献   

S. E. Baird  S. W. Emmons 《Genetics》1990,126(2):335-344
We have identified eight mutations that define at least five terminal differentiation genes (ram genes) whose products are required during the extension of the male-specific ray sensilla in Caenorhabditis elegans. ram gene mutations result in morphological abnormalities in the sensory rays but do not appear to interfere with ray functions. A similar ray morphology phenotype was observed in males harboring mutations in three previously defined genes, dpy-11, dpy-18 and sqt-1, that also affect body shape. One of these genes, sqt-1, is known to encode a collagen. Mutations in different ram genes failed to complement, from which we infer that their gene products functionally interact. For one ram gene, failure to complement was shown to result from haploinsufficiency. Intergenic noncomplementation did not extend to the body morphology genes. The temperature-sensitive periods of both ram and body morphology mutations corresponded to the period of development in which ray extension occurs. We propose that ram gene products act together in a critical interaction between the rays and the cuticle required for wild-type ray morphology.  相似文献   

D. M. Raizen  RYN. Lee    L. Avery 《Genetics》1995,141(4):1365-1382
We studied the control of pharyngeal excitation in Caenorhabditis elegans. By laser ablating subsets of the pharyngeal nervous system, we found that the MC neuron type is necessary and probably sufficient for rapid pharyngeal pumping. Electropharyngeograms showed that MC transmits excitatory postsynaptic potentials, suggesting that MC acts as a neurogenic pacemaker for pharyngeal pumping. Mutations in genes required for acetylcholine (ACh) release and an antagonist of the nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR) reduced pumping rates, suggesting that a nAChR is required for MC transmission. To identify genes required for MC neurotransmission, we screened for mutations that cause slow pumping but no other defects. Mutations in two genes, eat-2 and eat-18, eliminated MC neurotransmission. A gain-of-function eat-18 mutation, ad820sd, and a putative loss-of-function eat-18 mutation, ad1110, both reduced the excitation of pharyngeal muscle in response to the nAChR agonists nicotine and carbachol, suggesting that eat-18 is required for the function of a pharyngeal nAChR. Fourteen recessive mutations in eat-2 fell into five complementation classes. We found allele-specific genetic interactions between eat-2 and eat-18 that correlated with complementation classes of eat-2. We propose that eat-18 and eat-2 function in a multisubunit protein complex involved in the function of a pharyngeal nAChR.  相似文献   

The nonrandom segregation of organelles to the appropriate compartment during asymmetric cellular division is observed in many developing systems. Caenorhabditis elegans spermatogenesis is an excellent system to address this issue genetically. The proper progression of spermatogenesis requires specialized intracellular organelles, the fibrous body-membranous organelle complexes (FB-MOs). The FB-MOs play a critical role in cytoplasmic partitioning during the asymmetric cellular division associated with sperm meiosis II. Here we show that spe-5 mutants contain defective, vacuolated FB-MOs and usually arrest spermatogenesis at the spermatocyte stage. Occasionally, spe-5 mutants containing defective FB-MOs will form spermatids that are capable of differentiating into functional spermatozoa. These spe-5 spermatids exhibit an incomplete penetrance for tubulin mis-segregation during the second meiotic division. In addition to morphological and FB-MO segregation defects, all six spe-5 mutants are cold-sensitive, exhibiting a more penetrant sterile phenotype at 16° than 25°. This cold sensitivity could be an inherent property of FB-MO morphogenesis.  相似文献   

To identify genomic regions required for establishment and patterning of the epidermis, we screened 58 deficiencies that collectively delete at least ~67% of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome. The epidermal pattern of deficiency homozygous embryos was analyzed by examining expression of a marker specific for one of the three major epidermal cell types, the seam cells. The organization of the epidermis and internal organs was also analyzed using a monoclonal antibody specific for epithelial adherens junctions. While seven deficiencies had no apparent effect on seam cell production, 21 were found to result in subnormal, and five in excess numbers of these cells. An additional 23 deficiencies blocked expression of the seam cell marker, in some cases without preventing cell proliferation. Two deficiencies result in multinucleate seam cells. Deficiencies were also identified that result in subnormal numbers of epidermal cells, hyperfusion of epidermal cells into a large syncytium, or aberrant epidermal differentiation. Finally, analysis of internal epithelia revealed deficiencies that cause defects in formation of internal organs, including circularization of the intestine and bifurcation of the pharynx lumen. This study reveals that many regions of the C. elegans genome are required zygotically for patterning of the epidermis and other epithelia.  相似文献   

After programmed cell death, a cell corpse is engulfed and quickly degraded by a neighboring cell. For degradation to occur, engulfing cells must recognize, phagocytose and digest the corpses of dying cells. Previously, three genes were known to be involved in eliminating cell corpses in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: ced-1, ced-2 and nuc-1. We have identified five new genes that play a role in this process: ced-5, ced-6, ced-7, ced-8 and ced-10. Electron microscopic studies reveal that mutations in each of these genes prevent engulfment, indicating that these genes are needed either for the recognition of corpses by other cells or for the initiation of phagocytosis. Based upon our study of double mutants, these genes can be divided into two sets. Animals with mutations in only one of these sets of genes have relatively few unengulfed cell corpses. By contrast, animals with mutations in both sets of genes have many unengulfed corpses. These observations suggest that these two sets of genes are involved in distinct and partially redundant processes that act in the engulfment of cell corpses.  相似文献   

R. Francis  M. K. Barton  J. Kimble    T. Schedl 《Genetics》1995,139(2):579-606
We have characterized 31 mutations in the gld-1 (defective in germline development) gene of Caenorhabditis elegans. In gld-1(null) hermaphrodites, oogenesis is abolished and a germline tumor forms where oocyte development would normally occur. By contrast, gld-1(null) males are unaffected. The hermaphrodite germline tumor appears to derive from germ cells that enter the meiotic pathway normally but then exit pachytene and return to the mitotic cycle. Certain gld-1 partial loss-of-function mutations also abolish oogenesis, but germ cells arrest in pachytene rather than returning to mitosis. Our results indicate that gld-1 is a tumor suppressor gene required for oocyte development. The tumorous phenotype suggests that gld-1(+) may function to negatively regulate proliferation during meiotic prophase and/or act to direct progression through meiotic prophase. We also show that gld-1(+) has an additional nonessential role in germline sex determination: promotion of hermaphrodite spermatogenesis. This function of gld-1 is inferred from a haplo-insufficient phenotype and from the properties of gain-of-function gld-1 mutations that cause alterations in the sexual identity of germ cells.  相似文献   

J. Ahnn  A. Fire 《Genetics》1994,137(2):483-498
We have used available chromosomal deficiencies to screen for genetic loci whose zygotic expression is required for formation of body-wall muscle cells during embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. To test for muscle cell differentiation we have assayed for both contractile function and the expression of muscle-specific structural proteins. Monoclonal antibodies directed against two myosin heavy chain isoforms, the products of the unc-54 and myo-3 genes, were used to detect body-wall muscle differentiation. We have screened 77 deficiencies, covering approximately 72% of the genome. Deficiency homozygotes in most cases stain with antibodies to the body-wall muscle myosins and in many cases muscle contractile function is observed. We have identified two regions showing distinct defects in myosin heavy chain gene expression. Embryos homozygous for deficiencies removing the left tip of chromosome V fail to accumulate the myo-3 and unc-54 products, but express antigens characteristic of hypodermal, pharyngeal and neural development. Embryos lacking a large region on chromosome III accumulate the unc-54 product but not the myo-3 product. We conclude that there exist only a small number of loci whose zygotic expression is uniquely required for adoption of a muscle cell fate.  相似文献   

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