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Plasma levels of prolactin and FSH in free-living Pied flycatchers were studied in relation to breeding stage, clutch size and diurnal variations. In the female, the concentration of prolactin started to increase during the egg-laying and reached maximal values at the end of the incubation period. After hatching prolactin levels decreased. Male Pied flycatchers showed an increase in plasma levels of prolactin at the time when they returned to their home-territories, i.e. at the end of the incubation period. Males still occupying secondary territories at this time had low levels of prolactin. In the males, as in the females, plasma levels of prolactin decreased after hatching.
Male Pied flycatchers showed at all times higher plasma levels of FSH than did females. In both sexes FSH levels were high during the early part of the breeding season and started to decrease after the egg-laying period. After hatching time plasma levels of FSH were below the sensitivity of the assay. No differences in FSH were found between males occupying secondary territories and males in home-territories.
In incubating females FSH, but not prolactin, showed a distinct unimodal daily cycle.
No differences were found in plasma levels of prolactin and FSH between females incubating different sized clutches.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin associated with parental behavior were measured in the Antarctic winter breeding emperor penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri. Males exclusively incubate the egg while females exclusively brood the nonhomeothermic young; both sexes alternate in rearing the homeothermic young. Birds were sampled on arrival from the sea through egg laying, incubation, and brooding. All parent birds lost their chicks at the end of the brooding period due to harsh weather but sampling continued. In females, LH titers dropped after egg laying but levels were restored when the birds returned from the sea to brood the chicks and were not depressed by high prolactin levels. Plasma prolactin remained low in males captured on arrival and kept until the free-living males finished incubation. In breeders, prolactin secretion increased during the prelaying period when day length decreased. Prolactin levels stayed elevated in males during incubation and in brooding females returning after a 2-month absence at sea. Prolactin values were higher in brooding females than in males ending incubation or returning in late brooding. These levels did not drop after chick loss, and the sexual difference in prolactin values was maintained after breeding failure. In emperor penguins, increased prolactin secretion appears to be triggered around the time of egg laying and continues, driven by an endogenous mechanism, through incubation and brooding until rearing is completed. Prolactin secretion independent of external stimuli may have evolved in pelagic seabirds to maintain parental care despite long absences at sea from the breeding colony.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), and prolactin were measured in samples collected from free-living song sparrows, Melospiza melodia. In males, plasma levels of T were elevated early in the season when territories were established and when females laid the first clutch of eggs. Thereafter, T levels declined and remained low throughout the remainder of the breeding cycle. However, if the first brood was lost to a predator, or by experimental removal of the nest, plasma levels of T increased as renesting, to replace the clutch, occurred. Circulating levels of prolactin in males began to rise during the egg-laying stage of the first brood, reached a maximum toward the end of the incubation stage, remained elevated until breeding was terminated, and then declined throughout the moulting stage to basal values in October. Prolactin levels remained high throughout the breeding season irrespective of whether a brood was raised successfully or whether the nest was lost and renesting occurred. In females, plasma levels of E2 were elevated prior to the egg-laying stage for each brood as is typical of multiple-brooded species. However, prolactin titers rose dramatically during egg-laying for the first clutch (slightly higher than in males) and were maximal by onset of incubation. Only females of this species incubate, although males do feed young. As in males, plasma prolactin in females remained high between broods and during experimentally induced renesting, and then declined to basal by the end of the moult stage in October. These data suggest that there are no differences in the temporal patterns of prolactin concentrations in blood between multiple-brooding and renesting. In a separate experiment, captive male song sparrows were transferred from a short day to artificial long days (18L 6D) and a control group was maintained on 9L 15D. In the long-day group, prolactin levels rose abruptly over the first 20 days, as the testes developed, and remained high well into postnuptial moult after the gonads had regressed. Prolactin remained basal in the control group. These data suggest that the temporal pattern of circulating prolactin levels throughout the breeding season is regulated at least partly by changing photoperiod. However, nonphotoperiodic factors are also important since photoperiodically induced increases in prolactin are significantly less than those seen in free-living individuals. These differences may be related to parental behavior.  相似文献   

We report the results of the first field study examining seasonal changes in corticosterone responses of typically long-lived birds of the order Procellariiformes. In particular, we examined whether grey-faced petrels Pterodroma macroptera gouldi showed changes in circulating baseline corticosterone concentrations and corticosterone responses to a standardized handling protocol across the breeding season. Such changes have been associated with changes in body condition and variations in energy demands on adult birds through the breeding season. During early incubation, males were in significantly better condition than females that had just completed laying, whereas during late incubation, males were in significantly poorer condition than females. In spite of these differences, there was no significant difference in baseline corticosterone concentrations between sexes or among birds at different reproductive stages. However, we detected significant differences in corticosterone responses associated with a standardized handling protocol at different stages through the breeding season. Responses were significantly greater during incubation compared with the prelay period and late chick rearing. Body condition was weakly and negatively correlated with maximum and total integrated corticosterone level, indicating that some of the individual variability in stress corticosterone responses could be explained by variation in body condition. However, the largest stress response occurred during late incubation and was independent of sex, although males were in relatively poor condition and females in relatively good condition. This period coincided with the breeding stage in which energy constraints on individual adults were higher than at other periods of the reproductive cycle and birds may be physiologically primed for extended fasts.  相似文献   

Gifujidori hens were allowed to repeat a breeding cycle in one season. In the first breeding cycle the duration of the brooding (raising chicks) stage was limited to 3 weeks, whereas in the second breeding cycle it was limited to 1 week by removing all chicks from mother hens. In the first breeding cycle, plasma prolactin (PRL) was high during the incubation period, but rapidly decreased on the day of hatching and reached minimum values about 1 week after hatching. In contrast, plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were low during the incubation period, but after hatching they gradually increased and reached peak values immediately after removal of chicks. Concentrations of oestradiol in plasma were low in the incubation and brooding stages but increased significantly immediately after removal of chicks. In the second breeding cycle, changes in PRL and LH concentrations were similar to those observed in the first breeding cycle except that even greater increases in plasma LH and oestradiol concentrations were observed one week after hatching when the chicks were removed. These results suggest that coexistence of newly hatched chicks may suppress LH secretion from the pituitary of the hen in the natural breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) males and females, nesting in Antarctica, alternate attendance at the nest with absences of many days to forage at sea. We investigated the importance of tactile input from egg and chicks on prolactin levels by observing nest attendance patterns and obtaining blood samples (1) during the first nest exchange of the incubation stage, (2) from birds whose incubation period was artificially increased or decreased by about 10 days, and (3) from birds whose nests had failed. Prolactin levels in females after 8 to 11 days of absence from the breeding colony did not differ from those in incubating males and did not change after females resumed incubation. Moving eggs between nests resulted in nests in which chicks hatched after about 26, 36 (normal), or 46 days. Duration of incubation did not affect prolactin levels in the parents measured during incubation, at the pip stage, hatch stage, or early brood stage. Adults first left their chicks unguarded on about the same calendar date, regardless of chick age. However, chicks from long incubation nests averaged 8 days younger when they were left unguarded than chicks from control or short-incubation nests. In females, there was no effect of nest failure on prolactin levels. In males, prolactin levels were slightly lower after nest failure than in males tending nests. Testosterone was significantly higher in males after nest failure than in males still tending nests. Prolactin is elevated in Adélie penguins as part of the program of cyclical hormonal changes that accompany the lengthy reproductive season and is relatively independent of tactile input. Sustained prolactin secretion is probably required for the maintenance of parental behavior in offshore feeding species that must be absent from the nest for many days at a time.  相似文献   

In a number of species of seasonally breeding marsupial, the male is fertile throughout the year but there is a marked seasonal change in weight of the accessory sexual glands. In this study, body weight, prostate, epididymis and testis weights and plasma concentrations of testosterone, LH and prolactin and pituitary content of LH and prolactin were determined in male Bennett's wallabies shot at 1–2 month intervals over a period of 17 months. There was a highly significant increase in prostate weight which was coincident with the breeding season for this species. A small but significant increase in testis weight was also observed but epididymis weight remained unchanged. Plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly increased at a time coincident with the increase in prostate weight. Plasma prolactin and LH concentrations were low in most animals and remained unchanged during the study. In contrast, pituitary prolactin and LH contents showed highly significant changes, with increasing and peak hormone content preceding maximum prostate weight and plasma testosterone concentrations by several months. While these latter results suggest a role for prolactin and LH in the seasonal control of the reproductive organs in the male wallaby, a more intensive study of the pattern of secretion of these hormones and possibly more sensitive hormone assays are required to understand their relative roles in regulating the annual cycle of prostate growth.  相似文献   

Current theory suggests that mass change in adult birds while breeding may be adaptive (to reduce wing-loading during nestling feeding) or result from physiological stress. To test which might be more important in determining mass loss in breeding Savi’s Warblers (Locustella luscinioides), we used a new approach in which the variation in four indices of body condition was described: weight, fat score, muscle score and lean weight (i.e. excluding fat and muscle). We expected weight variations to be adaptive if they involved changes in fat and lean weight, whereas physiological stress should influence the muscle score to a greater extent. As in other species, females showed a greater variation in weight, and carried more fat, than males during the breeding cycle. During incubation, females had greater weight and fat score than males. The weight remained constant and lean weight declined in both sexes, whereas females increased in muscle, which probably reflects the regression of the reproductive organs. During the nestling stage, both sexes declined significantly in all four indices of condition, showing evidence of physiological stress. However, the greater decline in weight in females than in males is consistent with the flight-adaptation hypothesis, as are the cyclic changes in lean weight associated with the various nesting attempts. The fact that both sexes declined significantly in weight, muscle and lean weight with an increasing number of nesting attempts, but not in fat, which was recovered after each nestling period, also indicates that both reproductive stress and adaptive changes occur during breeding. When the whole breeding season was considered, females showed a greater decline in muscle than males, which we interpret to be evidence for a greater reproductive stress in females. We suggest that the small breast muscle size and depleted protein reserves at the end of the breeding period might influence future survival through impaired flight ability and a compromised post-breeding moult.  相似文献   

The relationship between plasma prolactin and: crop growth; incubation; brooding; and feeding young in Columbiformes is reviewed. There is a good parallel between changes in crop growth and plasma prolactin fluctuations during the breeding cycle. Prolactin does not play a role in the initiation of incubation, though it can maintain the response. Toward the end of breeding, a decline in prolactin precedes the decline in incubation (of infertile eggs) or brooding (of young), while exogenously administered prolactin can prolong the response. There is no evidence of a necessary relationship between prolactin secretion and parental feeding of young, as this behavior can precede and outlast the secretion of the hormone during breeding.  相似文献   

We investigated a new method of urine collection in the common marmoset. We entered the cage as soon as the light cycle started in the breeding room and collected urine from the animal directly without any restraint. We were able to take separate samples from completely different individuals housed together for behavioral studies in the same cage. Urine and blood samples were taken from individuals from late pregnancy through postpartum nursing period. Cortisol and prolactin concentrations measured in urine were compared to those measured in blood to evaluate this collection method. LH/CG level in the urine samples was also measured. Urine data in females indicated a tendency toward high cortisol values during late pregnancy, a sharp drop before parturition, and increase after delivery. In females cortisol levels measured in blood closely resembled concentrations measured in urine. Urine cortisol in males clearly indicated an increase postpartum, but the increase was not indicated in plasma. Plasma and urine prolactin concentrations in females made a similar increase during lactation. Male's plasma prolactin clearly indicated an increase directly proportional to strong behavioral contact with the infant. We also confirmed hormonal changes during pregnancy, and postpartum ovulation and subsequent pregnancies, from urine LH/CG data. We found this method extremely useful because of the high correlation between cortisol, prolactin and LH/CG data from blood and urine. Additionally, we collected urine samples with little stress to the animal from fear, irritation, pain, etc.  相似文献   

Nesting holes are a scarce resource for obligated cavity‐nesting birds and an important selective force for the evolution of aggressive female behaviours, which may be mediated by testosterone (T) levels. It is known that during periods of intense intrasexual competition such as initial breeding stages, females are highly aggressive towards intruding females. Here, we studied the implications of T levels for female–female competition by comparing levels of aggressiveness towards simulated female intruders (decoys) in two populations of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) with a marked difference in breeding density. To this end, we exposed free‐living females to simulated territorial intrusions during 30 min when nest construction was almost complete. T levels of females were measured at the beginning of incubation under the assumption that they are positively associated with T levels during nest building. We also related aggressiveness to T levels in both populations. Furthermore, we aimed at detecting whether variation of T levels may explain female incubation attendance. Females showed higher T levels in the populations where pied flycatchers were exposed to a higher likelihood of conspecific interactions (high breeding density) than in the population with low breeding density. Female territorial presence, vigilance at the nest box and proximity to decoys were negatively related to circulating T levels in the high‐density population, but not in the low‐density population. Differences in T levels between populations did not result in differences in female incubation attendance, but T levels were negatively related to the incubation attendance in females from the population showing high T levels. In our populations, T levels in females prior to laying reflect the need to defend nesting cavities which is higher at high breeding density and in subdominant females. High T levels are costly in terms of incubation attendance.  相似文献   

1. The turnovers of hypothalamic 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT), dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NE) were measured in male and female ring doves (Streptopelia risoria) at three stages of the breeding cycle: courtship, 3 days after pairing; early incubation, 1–2 days after egg laying; and brooding, 1–3 days after the squabs had hatched.2. In both sexes plasma LH decreased progressively from courtship through incubation to brooding young. Crop sacs were fully developed in doves brooding young but not at other stages of the reproductive cycle, indicating increased concentrations of plasma prolactin.3. The turnovers of 5HT and DA in both sexes were significantly higher (P<0.001) in doves brooding young than in birds incubating eggs or nest building. The turnover of DA was higher in females than in males at the onset of incubation. The turnover of NE was lower (P > 0.01) in females at the onset of incubation than during courtship or brooding.4. Increased turnover of hypothalamic DA may be more closely related to brooding behaviour than to changes in prolactin or LH secretion.5. Increased hypothalamic 5HT turnover in brooding doves appears to be more directly related to crop sac development, and by inference increased prolactin secretion, than to depressed plasma LH concentrations.  相似文献   


The specific binding of lactoperoxidase-labelled 125I-labelled ovine prolactin was determined in a membrane particulate of the pigeon crop-sac mucosal epithelium. Binding was found to be dependent upon the particulate preparation used, its protein concentration and the length of the incubation at 5°C. Scatchard analysis of the binding to crop-sacs from saline or prolactin-injected (1.9 μg per pigeon) revealed that prolactin stimulated 7-fold its own receptors by increasing the number of binding sites per mg protein: saline - 392±75 fmol/mg protein and prolactin 2736±602 fmol/mg protein (p<0.01). This increase did not affect the affinity constant (Ka): saline - 5.28±0.75x108 l/mol and prolactin-3.28±0.40x108 l/mol (N.S.), in keeping with the stimulatory effect of prolactin in the rat liver and mammary gland. This study further demonstrates the physiological role of endogenous prolactin in maintaining its own binding-sites in the pigeon crop-sac, since the administration of 0.8 ml anti-serum to prolactin resulted in a 63% reduction in the specific binding of the labelled hormone in vitro. These results confirm the prolactin binding to the pigeon crop-sac mucosa, quantify the stimulation of this binding by prolactin itself, and demonstrate the role of the endogenous hormone in the maintenance of these receptors.  相似文献   

BIRGER HÖRNFELDT  ULF EKLUND 《Ibis》1990,132(3):395-406
The breeding of Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus was studied at Umeå, Sweden, during the 1984–85. Mean clutch-size was one egg larger in 1984 than in 1985 despite the later laying in 1984. The difference in clutch-size was related to a better food supply in 1984. Daily weight increase of females during the prelaying period showed a high negative correlation with laying date in 1985, and a high positive correlation with clutch-size independently of laying date in 1984–85. This suggested that food eaten before and during laying had a great and direct influence on both laying date and clutch-size. Many females increased in weight during laying and most others decreased only moderately (relative to egg weight), suggesting that body reserves were not a main source for egg production.
Late breeding females were provided with extra food during the prelaying and laying periods in 1985. Fed females weighed more, bred eight days earlier and laid one more egg than controls. At the same laying dates in mid season, and after heavy snow-fall, clutch-size and female weight were larger in the fed birds than in controls, but this was not so near the end of the laying season. Although the earliest of the fed late breeders weighed more, and probably were less restricted by food availability just before or during laying, they did not lay more eggs than did early breeders. This result suggested some limitation on clutch-size that could not be overcome by the supplementary feeding. Weights of females during laying did not show any consistent relationship with clutch-size during successive laying date intervals, suggesting that clutch-size was not directly related to body condition.  相似文献   

Individual variation in life-history trade-offs can be causedby differences in quality and age. We tested for individualvariation in parental investment in incubating tree swallows(Tacyhcineta bicolor) subjected to a feather-clipping manipulation.Individual quality influenced how females were affected by featherclipping; lower quality clipped females showed a greater reductionin incubation and a greater loss of body condition than higherquality clipped females compared with controls. Most importantly,responses during incubation influenced nestling traits; lowerquality clipped females, particularly those losing the mostbody mass, raised nestlings in the poorest condition. Therewas no difference in incubation patterns of control females,but older clipped females suffered self-maintenance costs andraised offspring in better condition. In contrast, younger clippedfemales passed costs on to offspring through lower egg temperaturesand reduced nestling condition while maintaining their own condition.Overall, we found a strong individual quality effect: at thepopulation level, there was a trade-off between investing inincubation and maintaining parental condition, but among individuals,there was a positive correlation between change in parentalcondition and offspring quality. Individual differences in parentalstrategy can be important causes of life-history variation,especially through subtle, but important, aspects of reproductionsuch as maintaining egg temperature during incubation.  相似文献   

Harvey I.  Fisher 《Ibis》1967,109(3):373-382
Male Laysan Albatrosses are heavier (3300 gm.) than females (3000 gm.) upon arrival on Midway. This difference between the sexes persists except at egg-laying and during certain periods of incubation. Weights of males and females are essentially the same at egg-laying, perhaps because of the presence of the 300 gm. egg in the female, but mostly because the males have lost weight in the pre-egg phase. Losses in weight during the long, continuous incubation spans are about 18–25% of the body weight. Males show a net loss of about 10% during the entire incubation period; there is no statistically significant change in the weights of the females. Weights of both sexes decline in parallel from the end of incubation to mid-May. Thereafter, they increase as attentiveness to the young is less and the parents have more time to forage at sea. Nevertheless, the body weights of both sexes at the end of the breeding season (July) are down 10–45%. Decreased body weights of breeding birds cannot be attributed solely to the rigours of parental care; former breeders and juveniles not yet of breeding age show a similar decline in weight. It is suggested that the normal pattern of yearly breeding by adult Laysan Albatrosses may be broken by failure to add weight (fat) before the breeding season. Former breeders consistently weigh 15–20% less than current breeders. Nestlings normally show a gradual increase in body weight from hatching in late January until mid-May, at which time they may be significantly heavier than either parent. As a result of the increased energy requirements of locomotion and wing exercise and decreased food supplied by parents, nestlings lose about 30% of the May weight before they finally go to sea in Jufy A possible “mutation” for small body weight is discussed.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin were measured by radioimmunoassay in plasma samples collected from free-living starlings, Sturnus vulgaris , trapped in nest-boxes. By leaving some nest-boxes undisturbed, and repeatedly destroying nests in others, birds from a single-brooded population were trapped whilst nest-building, incubating or feeding nestlings, at different times throughout the normal breeding season. In both males and females trapped whilst nest-building, plasma LH and prolactin levels increased progressively from mid March until late May. In females sampled during incubation, LH and FSH levels were high throughout May but decreased in early June. Prolactin levels were highest in late May. In both males and females trapped during mid May, LH levels were highest in these birds which were nest-building at this time and lowest in those feeding nestlings, FSH did not change significantly, and prolactin was low in those birds which were nest-building and high in those incubating or feeding nestlings. In female starlings from a double-brooded population, levels of LH and FSH were much lower whilst feeding the second brood than when feeding the first brood, whereas prolactin levels were similar. The results suggest that incubation and feeding behaviour inhibit the increase in LH secretion caused by increasing daylength, but stimulate prolactin secretion in excess of that caused by increasing daylength.  相似文献   

Gonadal size and the circulating concentrations of two pituitary hormones (luteinizing hormone and prolactin) and three gonadal steroids (testosterone, progesterone and oestradiol-17β) were measured in two closely related Diomedea albatrosses at South Georgia. The Grey-headed albatross D. chrysostoma , if successful in rearing a chick, usually breeds biennially, whilst the Black-browed albatross D. melanophris normally breeds annually. Direct examination (by laparoscopy) of the gonads showed that the testes of both species underwent annual cycles, whilst endocrine data confirmed that those male Grey-headed albatrosses at the colony in the pre-laying period but not breeding in that year (having bred successfully the previous year) were apparently in full reproductive condition with elevated testosterone levels typical of breeding birds. However, the females of the two species differed markedly. Grey-headed albatrosses, in a year following successful breeding, had undeveloped ovaries with low levels of circulating oestradiol but high levels of progesterone, whereas the Black-browed albatrosses showed a pattern consistent with annual ovarian development. The profiles of gonadal steroids through the breeding season were similar for the males of both species but differences existed between the females. In the female Grey-headed albatrosses, transient peaks of progesterone were present throughout chick rearing but these were absent from Black-browed albatrosses. Prolactin had a similar profile in both species, with uniformly high levels throughout incubation and a rapid fall near the end of the brood-guard period. It is suggested that Grey-headed, like Black-browed, albatrosses are intrinsically annual breeders. However, if a female Grey-headed albatross breeds successfully in one year, then nutritional factors operate to ensure that in the following year the female does not show ovarian development, although the ovary is active in terms of progesterone secretion.  相似文献   

Four pairs of captive crowned lemurs (Lemur coronatus) were studied during their annual breeding season in order to obtain baseline data on their reproductive biology for comparison with other Lemur species and to enhance their captive breeding success. Vaginal smears, testicular measurements, and records of the Duke University Primate Center provided the presented data. During a single breeding season, females cycled an average of three times, with an average cycle length of 34 days. Cycles were detected between November and March. Vaginal estrus and copulations were limited to one day per cycle. After 125 days of gestation females gave birth to one or two young. Both sexes attained sexual maturity at an age of about 20 months. Mean male testis size peaked in late December; at the same time, three of the females experienced their first estrus. Based on all available data, there was a significant positive correlation between cycle length and gestation length in the genus Lemur.  相似文献   

The production of and care for a replacement clutch can bear costs in terms of future reproduction or survival. However, renesting is quite common among seabirds and can contribute considerably to individual fitness. Prolactin and corticosterone are two hormones involved in the mediation of breeding behavior and, as they are linked to body condition or effort, it is of interest if these hormone values change during a second demanding breeding phase within a year. We compared baseline prolactin and corticosterone between the first and the renesting attempt in common terns (Sterna hirundo) on individual level. Therefore, in addition to control birds, 37 breeders were sampled during incubation of their first and their replacement clutch in 2008 and 2009. Blood samples were taken non-invasively by blood-sucking bugs. Prolactin level was lower during the renesting period, especially in birds which abandoned their clutch afterwards, whereas corticosterone did not change. Excluding the deserting birds, the reduced prolactin level was not linked to minor success, but could be related to seasonal processes. The control group of late laying common terns showed comparably low prolactin values, but increased corticosterone concentrations. Renesting individuals exhibited higher prolactin during incubation of their first clutch than non-renesting birds, probably indicating their higher quality. The fact that terns still have relatively high prolactin and low corticosterone values during renesting might confirm their higher quality and suggests that they are able to meet the costs of a second demanding breeding period without being considerably stressed.  相似文献   

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