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Nodules of fossil resin or amber, first drifted and then deposited in the marine series with cephalopods, were discovered in several areas of High-Provence, in geological series of the Cretaceous system. These areas are located around the Mountain of Lure; amber nodules have been found in the upper Albian (Ongles, Revest-des-Brousses) and in the lower Cenomanian (Saint-Étienne-les-Orgues, Aubignosc and Salignac). These ambers have very homogeneous and characteristic FTIR spectra, making it possible to distinguish them not only from more recent ambers of the upper Cretaceous of Provence (Santonian), but also from tertiary ambers of the Baltic sea. These organic matters in marine environment, brought by the currents and deposited in shallow waters of the Ventoux-Lure area, are in agreement with close emerged grounds, which were set up by the Albo-Cenomanian tectonic movements.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton of the Etang de Berre and Etang de Vaïne (N.W. Mediterranean) The phytoplankton in the brackish Etang de Berre and Etang de Vaïne was studied regularly at 12 stations for two years. The recent diversion of the Durance River into the Etang de Berre has effected a fundamental change in this formerly marine environment, which has had a great impact on its plankton populations. A total of 182 taxa were identified, including 111 Bacillariophyceae, 44 Chlorophyceae, and 15 Cyanophyceae. The most abundant species are small freshwater algae, mainly Chlorophyceae, since the salinity is generally less than 3 0/00. However, during summer and fall, as well as in waters near the bottom, the salinity can reach 15 0/00 and marine diatoms are predominant. Because the nutrients in the environment are constantly replenished, phytoplankters are always numerous, ranging in abundance between several million to several hundred million per liter. There is a somewhat irregular seasonal cycle. The average density is about 108 cells/1 in the Etang de Berre, and about double that amount in the Etang de Vaïne. Differences in phytoplankton abundance and composition at the various stations or at various depths are slight.  相似文献   

The mines exploiting the Cenomanian lignites at Simeyrols (Dordogne, France) were long known in geological terms. The presence of amber had been occasionally reported. Recent investigations have helped to collect material from cuttings of the old exploitations that provided amber beads of small size. The grains have mostly a teardrop shape more or less elongated and appear translucent. The opaque parts of the grains correspond to colonization of filamentous microorganisms that will be further studied.  相似文献   

A 122 cm-long core was taken in the El-Guettiate Sebkha of Skhira (southeastern part of Tunisia) in order to investigate the recent palaeoenvironmental evolution of this region. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of ostracod and benthic foraminifera assemblages coupled with a correspondence analysis allows the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Holocene in this area. Four typical associations of ostracods (open marine, coastal marine, lagoonal and estuarine brackish) and two associations of benthic foraminifera (coastal and lagoonal) were distinguished. The onset of restricted lagoonal environments linked to the building-up of sand spit led to the onset of restricted lagoon and brackish environment at cal. 5408 years BP. The Shannon and equitability index of diversity were used to decipher the structural variations of the populations of ostracods and benthic foraminifera along the sampled core. We note a reduction in the Shannon index from the bottom to the top, which indicates a progressive isolation of the biotope. The open lagoonal episode is characterized by high values of diversity. During restricted lagoonal episodes the Shannon and equitability index are reduced. The correspondence analysis reveals an environmental gradient related to the marine influence. It shows an antagonism between the widely opened estuarian lagoonal species and those of restricted lagoon. The less opened estuarian lagoonal taxa occupy an intermediate position. Based on these evidences, microfauna carried out in the El-Guettiate Sebkha allows us to recognize four phases beginning with a widely opened estuarian lagoon (ca. cal. 7460 years PB), followed by a restricted lagoon (ca. cal. 5408 years BP) and finally a brackish lagoon evolving towards the present-day sebkha environment. The opened estuarine lagoon is characterized by high values of species richness and diversity indices.  相似文献   

Some animal and mineral resources, rarely identified in the levels of the Cantabrian Magdalenian, were exploited by the Paleolithic populations of the Nalón Valley (western Asturias) at the end of the Pleistocene. In this research, we present some of them, preserved in the Las Caldas Cave: dental remains and representations of marine mammals, marine crustaceans and molluscs, and diverse remains of amber and jet. These were selected, collected in ecosystems far away from the cave and, finally, transformed by the groups. These remains seem to complement the common resources exploited in Magdalenian paleoeconomy (e.g., ungulates, birds, fish, small carnivores, vegetables, flint, quartzite, quartz) recovered and exploited biotopes closest to the site. Our aim is thus to confirm a certain mobility of these communities towards the specific sources of raw material in search of subsistence resources potentially used in the activities of these communities (e.g., food, technology, social and symbolic expression, exchange).  相似文献   

Paleogene sedimentation in the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes de Haute Provence regions is composed of one complete sedimentary sequence. This sequence begins with the continental Formation from Microcodium and continues with the Cerithium layers, the Calcaires Nummulitiques and the Marnes Bleues, which are overlaid by the turbidites of the Grès d’Annot Formation. Sedimentation starts in the Nummulites perforatus zone close to the base of ‘the Truncorotaloides rohri zone (P 14) and ends in the Cassigerinella chipolensis-Pseudohastigerina micra zone (P 18) and the NP21 zone in the upper part of the Grès d’Annot. More biomarkers were used in order to define a more detailed local biozonation (biozones AMP 1 to AMP 7). Four local zones were also defined by the last occurrence of Nummulites millecaput and N. perforatus-N. ptukhiani and then by the first appearance of N. retiatus (AMGF 1-4). The evolution of benthic foraminiferal assemblages shows an increase in bathymetry from the internal platform in the Cerithium layers to the calcareous platform with large foraminifers, then to the external platform and the deep offshore environment of the Marnes Bleues and Grès d’Annot. Low faunal diversity in the Grès d’Annot together with the predominance of agglutinated species indicates a poorly oxygenated, organic rich and turbidite environment. Seven steps (SD 1 to SD 7) in the Eocene marine transgression are shown from East to West by detailed local biozonation and sequence analysis. Grès d’Annot sedimentation is also diachronous, beginning within the Truncorotaloides rohri zone (P 14, AMP 1) in the East and ending within the Pararotalia opima opima zone (P 20, middle Rupelian) in the West (Barrême). Small foraminifer Paleogene fauna from the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes de Haute Provence was studied from 400 samples. It is composed of 378 species. Two new taxa are proposed: Fissurina niceana n. sp. and Globocassidulina alpina n. sp. The species from the Escarène and Gorbio neighborhood described by M. von Hantken (1884) were re-examined.  相似文献   

The “Aleria formation”, described in northeastern Corsica, consists of siliciclastic deposits referred to a deltaic environment and comprises diatomitic lenses exposed at Casabianda. The Aleria formation fills a depression of the Messinian erosional surface and is overlain by Early Pliocene sediments in several places. This suggests a late Messinian-earliest Pliocene age. Diatom microflora is well-preserved and contains 59 species. Pennates indicate a very large diversity with 54 species, while Centrics are represented only by five species. Diatom assemblages show a relative constant composition along the studied interval. The species Aulacoseiragranulata is the dominant taxon with about 90% in all samples. Taxa are of different salinity classes and different modes of life (planktic, tychoplanktic, benthic, epiphytic…), suggesting multiple environmental factor interactions. The environmental model suggested by sedimentological and biological data led as to assume a pond-like coastal receptacle common in deltaic system. This receptacle was slightly influenced by the close marine waters and was supplied by permanent freshwaters from continental run-off and alluvial sheet. This model based on diatom assemblages provides new data for palaeoenvironmental and chronological interpretations of the so-called Messinian Lago-Mare deposits.  相似文献   

A micropaleontological study (Order Foraminiferida) was conducted on two Holocene cores from Golfo Nuevo (Patagonia, Argentina). The most abundant species are Buccellaperuviana f. campsi (Boltovskoy) and Bulimina patagonica (d’Orbigny), suggesting an inner-shelf environment. Qualitative and quantitative analyses indicate the paleoecological and paleoenvironmental variations along cores. A transition from normal marine conditions of the inner shelf during the Middle Holocene (ca. 8160-7700 years B.P.) to marginal marine conditions in the Late Holocene (ca. 1890 years B.P.) is inferred. This transition was accompanied by lower oxygen levels than the current values in Golfo Nuevo. These variations may have been due to an increase in precipitation near the study zone and a rise in sea level caused by an improvement in the climatic conditions related to the Climate Optimum (ca. 7000 years B.P.). These new conditions of higher temperature and lower salinity of the surface waters may have hindered deep-water renewal, producing a change in the circulation dynamics of the gulf and causing a reducing environment.  相似文献   

A new Turonian amber occurrence, representing the oldest in situ amber locality in Australia and the southern-most locality in Gondwana, has recently been discovered in the Otway Basin of Victoria. The amber was collected from petroleum cores and many pieces contain a range of inclusions that can provide information on the depositional history of the resin. To date, one species of fern spore (Cyathidites minor) and one species of lycophyte spore (Kraeuselisporites sp?) have been conclusively identified in the amber, along with filamentous microorganisms and degraded plant matter. Several samples are also rife with pseudoinclusions as reported recently in other ambers. The abundance of preserved particulate debris and wind dispersed spores suggest that the Otway amber formed subaerially. Furthermore, based on the range of bioinclusions and forms of pseudoinclusions preserved within a single piece of amber, the locus of hardening for individual samples is variably interpreted as occurring in the tree tops, on the tree trunk or on the ground surface. Notably, specific inclusion assemblages are associated with certain colours of amber. By extension, and in accordance with recent studies, amber colour may be indicative of depositional environment. Variation in the environment of solidification may, therefore, be sufficient to account for the broad range of morphological characteristics preserved in a single amber deposit.  相似文献   

Remarkable Invertebrates from the Lower Callovian of la Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche, France). The four-excavating field expeditions from 1983 to 1986 led to collect a considerable amount of new data from this exceptional paleontological site, which was neglected, and unexplored for the essential, until now. This paper presents a synthesis of the main available results. For the first time, the succession of the lithofacies is precised from all preserved deposits thick about 12 m. These observations reveal, on the whole, a great homogeneity of lithologic, paleobiologic or taphonomic characteristics, which denote a rather great constancy of the global environmental conditions. The lithofacies are schistous marls revealing former uncemented paleosubstrates, with clay very dominating (montmorillonite for 60–70%, calcium carbonate, siderite and limonite for less than 30% or 40%). The faunas are nearly exclusively composed of pelagic, nectopelagic or mesopelagic organisms (swimming in full water or dependent on free algal environments); they include very few benthic organisms. The marine water depth in this area would be estimated to have reached roughly 200 m. The surface and middle water strata, where lived the major part of organisms, must have been usually agitated, well oxygenated and illuminated. At the opposite side, the bottom water must have been very quiet and anoxic, in aphotic zona, which is responsible for the soft tissue mineralisation.  相似文献   

On the basis of otoliths three fish species are described from the Maifeld Beds of the Neuwied Basin (Rhenish Massif/Western Germany):Dapaloides sieblosensis (Winkler),Umbra weileri Martini andThaumaturus sp. The fish assemblage indicates an early Oligocène age and a brackish environment in a shallow water. A marine connection during the Latdorfian between the Upper Rhinegraben and the Neuwied Basin on one side and the Sieblos/Rhön area on the other side seems possible.  相似文献   

The lithic assemblage of La Garde offers the opportunity to observe a Final Acheulean series located in the Loire department (south-east France). The site was probably a multi-activity place asking large tools and flakes, according to the strategies used by humans. Three main categories of large bifacial tools mainly made of flint can be described, with a triangular or oval shape and with a transversal cutting edge. These tools are more bifacial-tools than bifaces through the kind of shaping and the retouches on the cutting edges. The Levallois flaking is associated to various other types of knapping. The site, located along a small valley, suggests a human circulating between the Saône-Rhône corridor and the interior basins of the Massif Central Mountains. The Rhodanian corridor yielded little evidence of Acheulean settlements while in the Centre of France, they are numerous. La Garde proves that systematic prospecting in this area will permit in future to complete the map of the Acheulean occupations in south-east France.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans ce travail, il a été étudié (influence de la température sur la consommation d'oxygène de trois larves de Trichoptères: Polycentropus flavomaculatus Pict., Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curt.), et Limnophilus rhombicus (L.). Les animaux étaient accoutumés à la température 48 heures avant le début des expériences.La consommation d'oxygène de ces trois larves croît avec la température.Cet accroissement n'est pas régulier. Il est nul entre 4° et 10°C. Il est faible entre 10° et 20–22°C. Au delà de 22°C l'augmentation est au contraire brutale. Le métabolisme passe du simple au double. On peut en conclure que ces larves sont bien adaptées à des températures allant de 4° à 22°C les températures supérieures n'étant pas des températures de vie normale.On ne note pas de différence significative entre les courbes des formes d'eau courante ou lotiques (Polycentropus et Plectrocnemia) et celle de la forme d'eau stagnante ou forme lénitique (Limnophilus).A une même température, la consommation d'oxygène présente de grandes variations chez les Polycentropidae, animaux actifs et excitables. Ces variations sont faibles chez Limnophilus rhombicus, larve peu active et peu excitable.
Summary The influence of temperature on oxygen consumption has been studied for three Caddis-fly larvae: Polycentropus flavomaculatus Pict., Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curt.), Limnophilus rhombicus (L.). The animals were acclimated to each new temperature 48 hours before the beginning of the experiments.The higher the temperature, the more oxygen the three larvae consume, but the increase in oxygen consumption with temperature is not regular. Respiratory metabolism is constant between 4 and 10°C. It increases slightly within the 10 to 20°C-range. Above 22°C, the increase becomes quite sharp and often twofold.These larvae are well adapted to the 4–22°C temperature range, whereas higher temperature may be considered as abnormal for them.No significative difference was found between the metabolism-temperature-curves for running-water species (Polycentropus and Plectrocnemia) and for a stagnant-water species (Limnophilus).The oxygen consumption of Polycentropidae varies greatly within the same level of temperature. The animals are active and excitable. The oxygen consumption of Limnophilus varies much less, Limnophilus being less active and less excitable.

Between 1990 and 1993, we found 175 pebble-tools and two flake-tools on the western high-terrace south of Lyon (Southeast, France) at two different levels (290 m and 235 m NN). Most of them show the classical spectrum of choppers and chopping-tools, joined by six protobifaces. They all belong to the developed Olduvan (Olduvan II). On the lower terrace, corresponding with its younger age, we met a more progressive pebble-tool culture. Both stocks are secondary sites, brought from the East by the most extreme tongue of the Rhône glacier and, therefore, cannot be dated exactly.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and potentials of marine-derived microorganisms   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The marine environment is a prolific resource for the isolation of less exploited microorganisms. As a matter of fact, in the sea, untapped habitats exist with unique characteristics. In addition, the potential contribution of marine sources to the discovery of new bioactive molecules was recently recognized. Biosearch Italia possesses a collection of about 40 000 microorganisms, isolated from different ecological niches. In the search of new bioactive entities, investigations were expanded to marine habitats including marine sediments and organisms. More then 800 microorganisms have been isolated. About half belong to fungal genera, the others being actinomycetes. The frequency of antibiotic activities produced by these marine strains has been determined. Initial data are encouraging: marine isolates produce antibiotic activities with frequencies comparable to terrestrial ones. These activities probably represent a mixture of novel metabolites and known products previously discovered from terrestrial isolates. Further investigations are ongoing to assess the novelty of these observed microbiological activities.  相似文献   

To identify the bacteria that play a major role in the aerobic degradation of petroleum polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a marine environment, bacteria were enriched from seawater by using 2-methylnaphthalene, phenanthrene, or anthracene as a carbon and energy source. We found that members of the genus Cycloclasticus became predominant in the enrichment cultures. The Cycloclasticus strains isolated in this study could grow on crude oil and degraded PAH components of crude oil, including unsubstituted and substituted naphthalenes, dibenzothiophenes, phenanthrenes, and fluorenes. To deduce the role of Cycloclasticus strains in a coastal zone oil spill, propagation of this bacterial group on oil-coated grains of gravel immersed in seawater was investigated in beach-simulating tanks that were 1 m wide by 1.5 m long by 1 m high. The tanks were two-thirds filled with gravel, and seawater was continuously introduced into the tanks; the water level was varied between 30 cm above and 30 cm below the surface of the gravel layer to simulate a 12-h tidal cycle. The number of Cycloclasticus cells associated with the grains was on the order of 10(3) cells/g of grains before crude oil was added to the tanks and increased to 3 x 10(6) cells/g of grains after crude oil was added. The number increased further after 14 days to 10(8) cells/g of grains when nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers were added, while the number remained 3 x 10(6) cells/g of grains when no fertilizers were added. PAH degradation proceeded parallel with the growth of Cycloclasticus cells on the surfaces of the oil-polluted grains of gravel. These observations suggest that bacteria belonging to the genus Cycloclasticus play an important role in the degradation of petroleum PAHs in a marine environment.  相似文献   

Numerous fragments of spatangoid echinoids have been discovered in the Pliocene deposits of Challans, in Vendée (western France). In spite of the fragmentary data of the samples, a reconstitution of a complete test could be realized using the different fragments and their symetrization. The general shape of the test, and its architectural and ornemental characters allow establishing the presence of the genus Spatangus in western France during the end of Neogene. It allows to precise the biogeography of the genus Spatangus and of the morphological group S. (S.) purpureus on the Atlantic coast after the Messinian crisis. The Pliocene species is compared to the Miocene Spatangus (Phymapatagus) brittanus, abundant in Anjou, Brittany and Touraine. This older species was refered to the subgenus Phymapatagus according to the presumed lack of primary tubercles on its posterior interambulacrum. The discovery of well-preserved specimens, with primary tubercles on every parts of the test, in the Middle Miocene of Brittany allows to refute this subgeneric distinction and to refer the species brittanus to the subgenus Spatangus (Spatangus). The presence of this subgenus in western France is finally confirmed from Middle Miocene to Pliocene.  相似文献   

Palynological assemblages are reported for the first time for the La Irene Formation, southwestern Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. This unit represents the sedimentation during a regressive period from transitional or delta-plain to fluvial environments. Palynological assemblages are scarce and moderately well preserved. They mainly consist of continental elements (wood remains, cuticles, spores and pollen grains) with scarse marine palynomorphs (dinoflagellate cysts). The spore-pollen assemblages are dominated by fern spores, followed by angiosperm and gymnosperm pollen grains. Bryophyte spores and fungal remains are also present. Among ferns, Cyatheaceae and spores of Laevigatosporites, of uncertain affinity, are dominant. Of the angiosperm pollen, those of Chloranthaceae (Clavatipollenites sp.) and Arecaceae (Arecipites spp., Longapertites sp., Spinizonocolpites hialinus Archangelsky and Zamaloa) are the most abundant. Pollen of Liliaceae (Liliacidites spp.), Proteaceae (Proteacidites sp., Peninsulapollis gillii (Cookson) Dettmann and Jarzen, Retidiporites camachoii Archangelsky) and Ericaceae (Ericipites scabratus Harris) are also present. Gymnosperm pollen is represented by Podocarpaceae (Podocarpidites spp.) and Ephedraceae (Equisetosporites sp.). These palynological suites would represent a fern-angiosperm dominated coastal vegetation, developed under warm and at least locally humid climatic conditions. La Irene Formation is considered Maastrichtian in age based on stratigraphic evidence, which is, in turn consistent with the ages suggested by the species ranges and the similarities observed with others previously described assemblages. This is the southernmost record of Spinizonocolpites, similar to the extant mangrove palm Nypa.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence now supports the isolation of microorganisms from ancient materials. However, questions about the stringency of extraction methods and the genetic relatedness of isolated organisms to their closest living relatives continue to challenge the authenticity of these ancient life forms. Previous studies have successfully isolated a number of spore-forming bacteria from organic and inorganic deposits of considerable age whose survival is explained by their ability to enter suspended animation for extended periods of time. However, despite a number of putative reports, the isolation of non-spore-forming bacteria and an explanation for their survival have remained enigmatic. Here we describe the isolation of non-spore-forming cocci from a 120-million-year-old block of amber, which by genetic, morphological, and biochemical analyses are identified as belonging to the bacterial species Micrococcus luteus. Although comparison of 16S rRNA sequences from the ancient isolates with their modern counterparts is unable to confirm the precise age of these bacteria, we demonstrate, using complementary molecular and cell biological techniques, evidence supporting the view that these (and related modern members of the genus) have numerous adaptations for survival in extreme, nutrient-poor environments, traits that will assist in this bacterias persistence and dispersal in the environment. The bacterias ability to utilize succinic acid and process terpine-related compounds, both major components of natural amber, support its survival in this oligotrophic environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a biostratigraphic analysis of pyritized diatom assemblages in the Saint-Josse core (CC82) located in the northern part of the Paris basin (coordinates: X =555?000, Y =307?324 and Z =56.9 m). During the Paleocene-Eocene this locality was situated in a small bight of the North Sea Basin. The results are obtained from sediments of the Thanet and Mont-Bernon group equivalents belonging to the Paleocene-Eocene interval. Thirteen samples were studied and eleven contain pyritized diatoms. By epigenesis, the siliceous frustule of the diatom is changed into a pyritized skeleton with all the ornamentation very well preserved such as the velum, the areolae, the labiate processes, etc. Dispersive X-Ray analyses show this complete replacement of silica by pyrite. Another form of pyritization is crystallization of pyrite (in cubes, pyritohedrons, octahedrons, framboids) in internal cavities of the diatoms to produce internal moulds, also called steinkerns, which preserve the external morphology of the diatoms and some details such as the girdle. Despite pyritization, diatoms can often be recognized at the species level; brackish and marine species were observed but no fresh water specimens were encountered. Pyrite is easily altered into iron oxides. In outcrops, pyritized diatoms can be obscured or destroyed by oxidation. We have chosen borehole samples for this study to avoid the affects of weathering. Deposits from the Sorrus Unit (of the Thanet Group) have low abundances of pyritized diatoms (3 to 25 specimens per sample). This unit contains allochtonous diatom assemblages comprising Actinoptychussenarius, Coscinodiscus morsianus var. morsianus, and Coscinodiscus morsianus var. moelleri. Sample 34.31-34.45 from this unit is particularly interesting. It contains three specimens of Paralia siberica var. laevis, which is typical of an estuarine or littoral paleoenvironment, and corresponds to the more continental deposit of the Sorrus Unit. Seven samples, taken in the Argile de Saint-Aubin Unit (from the Mont-Bernon Group), contain more than 200 pyritized diatoms and between 9 to 16 different species per sample. A brackish assemblage (Actinoptychus senarius, Coscinodiscus commutatus and Stellarima microtrias) and a marine assemblage (C. morsianus var. morsianus, Coscinodiscus var. moelleri, Fenestrella antiqua, Odontellaheibergii, Rhizosolenia sp. 1 and Trinacria regina) are observed. The brackish assemblage expands in the upper part of the Saint-Aubin Unit indicating more widespread brackish paleoenvironmental conditions. Pyritized diatoms are important fossil markers in the Paris basin mainly when siliceous fossils (silicoflagellates or radiolarians) and others microfossils (foraminifers and dinoflagellates) are very poor or absent. Two diatom assemblages have been identified in the Saint-Josse borehole. The first assemblage D1, comprising C. morsianus var. moelleri (high occurrence), C. morsianus (a few) and T. regina (rare), is recorded in the Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and lower Saint-Aubin Units. The second assemblage D2, characterized by great abundance of F. antiqua and decreasing numbers of C. morsianus species, is found in the upper part of the Saint-Aubin Unit. These diatom assemblages can be correlated with other biozonations established in the North Sea basin and based on nannoplankton and diatoms (King, 1983), diatoms (Mitlehner, 1996) and calcareous nannoplankton (Martini, 1971). F. antiqua and C. morsianus var. moelleri are the more important diatom species encountered. F. antiqua (previously named Coscinodiscus sp. 1, King, 1983) is the fossil marker used by King to define his NSP4 biozone. The base of NSP4 corresponds to the lowest occurrence of F. antiqua and the top is marked by the highest occurrence of this species. The Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and Saint-Aubin (“Sparnacian” stage) Units, the last one comprising F. antiqua (increasing to acme), correspond to the NSP4 zone of King (1983). The Mont-Hulin and Château de la Bruyère Units correspond probably to the NSP5 zone of King (1983). F. antiqua and C. morsianus var. moelleri were also used by Mitlehner (1996) to differentiate the NSP4a zone (low abundance of F. antiqua and abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri) from the NSP4b zone (great abundance and acme of F. antiqua). The abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri is recorded in the lower part of Saint-Aubin Unit and the abundance of F. antiqua (high peak at 46% in the sample 17.87) is found in the upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit. Therefore, Sorrus, La Calotterie, Bois Gorguette, Le Goulet and the lower part of Saint-Aubin Units are correlated with the NSP4a zone and the upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit with the NSP4b zone. By correlating the calcareous nannoplankton biozonation (NP) of Martini (1971) with the biozonation of King (1983), adapted by Mitlehner (1996), the boundary between the NP9 and NP10 zones could be located in the 18.75-17.87 interval and the NP10-NP11 boundary at the top of Saint-Aubin Unit. Lithostratigraphic correlations between the units of the Saint-Josse borehole (Paris basin) and the formations of the North Sea basin can be established. The great abundance of C. morsianus var. moelleri and the great abundance (including acme) of F. antiqua are respectively recorded in the Sele and Balder Formations. Therefore, the interval Sorrus/lower Saint-Aubin Units is correlated with the Sele Formation and upper part of Saint-Aubin Unit with the Balder Formation.  相似文献   

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