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A new vampyropod coleoid from the Cenomanian limestones of Coahuila (Mexico) is described. Glyphiteuthis rhinophora n. sp. is classified as a member of the Trachyteuthididae because of its general gladius morphology. Within the genus Glyphiteuthis, Gl. rhinophora n. sp. is unique by its nose-shaped extension of the anterior median field extremity. The ventral gladius surface reflects the dorsal surface and lacks evidence of a phragmocone, so affiliations with sepiids are unlikely. Gl. rhinophora n. sp. represents the first Cenomanian record of a vampyropod coleoid in the New World and the first evidence of the genus outside the Tethyan and Boreal realm. The paleoenvironment indicates a nektonic lifestyle for Gl. rhinophora n. sp.  相似文献   

A fairly complete and relatively well-preserved gladius of the vampyropod coleoid cephalopod Teudopsis bollensis Voltz is recorded from the Lower Toarcian succession of the Kysuca Unit in the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Slovakia. These sediments are represented by dark-grey and black shales laid down in an oxygen-depleted environment during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event and potentially represent the first Jurassic ??Konservat-Lagerst?tte?? in the Western Carpathians. The first reliable record of the Early Jurassic genus Teudopsis from this area notably extends its palaeogeographic distribution to the northwestern continental margin of the Tethys Ocean. The systematics, palaeogeography and stratigraphy are briefly discussed in a European context.  相似文献   

Limpet-like and non-mineralized fossils from the upper Kimmeridgian Nusplingen Plattenkalk are identified as internal shells of coleoid cephalopods, more specifically as octobrachian gladii. The significantly reduced median field provokes us to consider this new gladius type to be shorter than the mantle length. It is consequently seen as a vestigial gladius. The first recognition of an unpaired gladius vestige in the fossil record sheds new light on the evolutionary history of the gladius vestiges of incirrate and cirrate Octopoda. Patelloctopus ilgi sp. nov. is most similar to Callovian Pearceiteuthis buyi in having a rudimentary median field with an extraordinary large opening angle and radiating ribs on the lateral fields. Both P. ilgi sp. nov. and P. buyi are therefore combined in the new family Patelloctopodidae. The patella-shaped lateral fields of the gladius vestige exposes Patelloctopus and Pearceiteuthis as members of the superfamily Muensterelloidea, which includes, apart from Patelloctopodidae, the Muensterellidae and Enchoteuthidae. The unpaired patelloctopodid gladius vestige is morphologically intermediate between the muensterelloid gladius type and the paired (bipartite) gladius vestige of Late Cretaceous Palaeoctopodidae (Palaeoctopus, Keuppia). The gladius vestige morphology suggests that the mode of locomotion and the life style of these shallow water inhabitants were similar to those of extant deep-sea octopods (Cirrata) and that the Patelloctopodidae represents the stem group of the Octopoda (Cirrata and Incirrata), although Patelloctopus ilgi sp. nov. might alternatively be a stem incirrate.  相似文献   

A morphological comparison of shell‐muscle contacts in coleoid cephalopods mainly from the Early Jurassic (Toarcian) Posidonia Shales of Holzmaden (Germany), the Middle Jurassic (Callovian) Oxford Clay of Christian Malford (UK), Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian‐Tithonian) plattenkalks of Solnhofen (Germany), and the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Hâdjoula and Hâkel (Lebanon) provides new and meaningful insights into their locomotion systems. The study shows that both pro‐ostracum‐ and gladius‐bearing coleoids are typified by a marginal mantle attachment and by distinctly separated fins, which usually insert (indirectly via the shell sac and basal fin cartilages) to posterior shell parts. While absent in gladius‐bearing forms, mantle‐locking cartilages might have existed already in pro‐ostracum‐bearing belemnoids. Similar to ectocochleate ancestors, funnel‐ and cephalic retractors are generally attached to the internal (ventral) shell surface. A comparison of Mesozoic and Recent gladius‐bearing coleoids shows that the locomotion system (most significantly the dorsal mantle configuration, and the presence of nuchal‐ and funnel‐locking cartilages) is fundamentally different. This does not support the concept of ‘fossil teuthids’, but suggests, owing to similarities with Recent Vampyroteuthis, placement of Mesozoic gladius‐bearing coleoids within the Octobrachia (Octopoda + Vampyromorpha). Classification of Mesozoic gladius‐bearing coleoids as octobrachians implies that: (1) unambiguous teuthids are still unknown in the fossil record and (2) the similarity between Recent and some fossil gladiuses represents a matter of homoplasy.  相似文献   

Data on the re‐examined‐type specimens of the Early Permian Glochinomorpha stifeli Gordon 1971 (Coleoidea, Cephalopoda) gives new insight into the evolutionary origination of gladius‐bearing coleoids in the Late Palaeozoic and suggests their parallel evolution with the belemnoids and phragmoteuthids. The iron‐oxidized arm hooks are found in front of a gladius on an un‐illustrated paratype (USNM 170614). They are dispersed in a maximum distance equal to 2.5 the gladius length from the incomplete anterior end of the rachis of the gladius. The hook height ranges from less than 1 mm to as much as 4 mm. They have a massive curved base, and a strongly curved shaft with a long thin distal part. The hooks confirm the cephalopod and the coleoid affiliation of G. stifeli that is widely rejected. The iron‐oxidized gladii (preserved length is less than 20 mm) show micro‐laminations and a fibrous ultrastructure; the fibre bundles are approximately 0.5 μm thick. Lack of calcium and the high content of nitrogen (up to 12% of total weight) confirm the originally non‐biomineralized (apparently chitin) composition of the gladii suggested by their fibrous ultrastructure. These data lead to the conclusion that in the evolutionary history of gladius‐bearing coleoids, the biomaterial (biochemical) development of the skeleton preceded its morphological transformation. This phenomenon resulted in a recombination of an advanced composition (being non‐biomineralized) with archaic features (sensu morphological structure of the posterior part) in the gladius of G. stifeli. The data cast doubt on the hypothesized origination of a gladius from a phragmoteuthid pro‐ostracum as well as the evolutionary origination of the gladius‐bearing coleoids from pro‐ostracum‐bearing phragmoteuthids or belemnitids.  相似文献   

We present in this work a leaf-type corresponding to the Ginkgoales genus Sphenobaiera recorded in deposits from the middle-upper Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of northeastern Spain. The fossil leaf shows a widely dissected lamina that forks regularly six times ending at the apex in sixty-four tiny wedge-shaped segments, which are characters similar to those in Sphenobaiera pecten from the Middle Jurassic of England. The exceptional preservation of this fossil leaf, which preserves all segments in connection with its base, in addition to taphonomical and sedimentological data, indicates a nearby location for the parent plant, which grew near the shores of a tidally-influenced fluvial environment. A palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the sub-environments where the different types of Ginkgoales known from the Albian of northeastern Spain developed is also presented. The presence of a variety of different types of Ginkgoales in middle-upper Albian deposits from Spain represents a new contribution to the knowledge of the palaeoenvironmental conditions for this region of southwestern Eurasia during the late Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Authors describe a new, iranian, variety of Semenovites baisunensis (Upper Albian of Turkmenia) and Semenovites aff. michalskii (Upper Albian of Mangyschlak and Kopet-Dag) collected for the first time in the Cretaceous beds of Kuh-E-Vacha chain in Central Iran. This Hoplitid genus permits to incorporate this region in the North-Tethydian Province as it is yet unknown in the mesogean Zaghros Mountains of South Iran.  相似文献   

The Albian spore-pollen zonation of Australia is used to date terrestrial sequences from Antarctica to New Zealand. A detailed qualitative and quantitative study of the Albian Crybelosporites striatus and Coptospora paradoxa Zones in the Gippsland Basin confirms many of the published zone indicator taxa are reliable. The first and last appearance datums can be further refined quantitatively based on the upward reduction in the abundance of seed fern produced pollen. Three subzones are defined in the C. paradoxa Zone using a combination of presence/absence range and abundance data. These are (from oldest to youngest): the Trilobosporites trioreticulosus, Pilosisporites grandis and Cicatricosisporites cuneiformis Subzones. This latter subzone presents a new subdivision of this zone in the Gippsland Basin in southeast Australia. All these subzonal divisions have sufficient resolution to facilitate reservoir-scale correlation of fluvial strata confined to the C. paradoxa Zone in the Gippsland Basin. This study has the first record of Taxodiaceaepollenites hiatus in the Early Cretaceous of Australia and a new species Aequitriradites burgerii is described. A re-examination of the chronology of the zones in the Cretaceous marine basins confirms a 103.5 Ma age for the top of the C. paradoxa Zone, however the chronology of the base of this zone is unclear in the Albian.  相似文献   

Our understanding of early metriorhynchid evolution, the highly specialised pelagic clade of Mesozoic crocodylomorphs, is hampered by the paucity of basal metriorhynchoids and how poorly preserved most of these fossils are. This means the transition from a ‘gharial-like’ body-plan to a ‘pseudo-dolphin-like’ one, which characterises metriorhynchoid evolution, is still poorly understood. Herein the Middle Jurassic taxon Teleidosaurus calvadosii (J.A. Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1866) is re-evaluated. The holotype of T. calvadosii was destroyed during World War Two, as were all referred specimens. All that survived are plaster casts of the holotype. However, a recently discovered specimen from the middle Bathonian of Ecouché, Normandy, France is herein referred to T. calvadosii. This specimen preserves the antorbital region, an incomplete mandible and one cervical vertebra. This specimen is designated as neotype of T. calvadosii. The new specimen allows to re-evaluate the anatomy of T. calvadosii, in particular the antorbital fenestra, which has been misunderstood. Moreover, a comparison is made between the French Middle Jurassic metriorhynchoids Teleidosaurus and Eoneustes. Both genera appear as valid and E. bathonicus is considered to be a nomen dubium.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Three previously unknown octopods are described from Upper Cenomanian limestones of the Hâqel and Hâdjoula localities (Lebanon). Keuppia levante gen. nov., sp. nov., Keuppia hyperbolaris gen. nov,. sp. nov. and Styletoctopus annae gen. nov, . sp. nov. are regarded as the earliest representatives of the Octopoda (= Incirrata). This assumption is mainly based on their medially isolated bipartite gladius vestige. As can be inferred from growth increments, Keuppia gen. nov. can be distinguished from the genus Palaeoctopus by blades that grow forwards along their longitudinal axis. The gladius vestige of Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov. differs from that of Keuppia levante sp. nov. in having a more heterogeneous course of growth lines. Based on a pair of widely separated stylets, which closely resemble the rods of modern octopods, Styletoctopus annae gen. nov., sp. nov. is assigned to the Recent family Octopodidae. Peculiar encrustations, which are situated in close association with the gladius vestiges of Keuppia levante sp. nov., Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov., and Styletoctopus annae sp. nov. are interpreted as basal fin cartilages. The gladius vestige morphology of Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov. and Keuppia levante sp. nov. opens the possibility that both the Octopda and the Cirroctopoda originated from loligosepiid vampyropods instead of teudopseid. The surprising existence of a stylet-like gladius vestige in Styletoctopus annae sp. nov. suggests that the octopod clade branched off much earlier than previously believed. Octopod apomorphies such as the development of stylets, loss of fins and cirri must have been occurred before the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

The most complete angiospermous palynological assemblage for the middle-earliest late Albian of north-eastern Spain is reported from the Middle Member of the Escucha Formation at the San Just site. Nine palynological samples yielded mainly monosulcates (Clavatipollenites, Dichastopollenites, Hammenia, Jusinghipollis, Liliacidites, Pennipollis including proposed new species P. escuchensis, Retimonocolpites, and Transitoripollis) and a few tricolpates (Phimopollenites, Rousea, Striatopollis, and Tricolpites). These assemblages, mainly composed of angiosperm pollen grains, suggest that significantly diversified flowering plants flourished both in brackish and freshwater swamp plain environments represented by the Escucha Formation in Albian times, although they were less diverse than angiosperms in the Late Cretaceous. The palynological assemblages share greatest similarities with those of other southern Laurasian localities, although there are some taxa more typical of palynofloras of northern Gondwana.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of jewel beetles, Cretalbiana sukatshevae gen. et sp. nov. and C. major sp. nov., are described from the Middle Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of Khetana, Khabarovsk Region, Russia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Palaeoctopus pelagicus sp. nov. is described from the early Turonian Vallecillo Limestone in north‐eastern Mexico. The species represents the first record of a fossil octopod from the Americas and the second species of the genus Palaeoctopus. The holotype and only known specimen preserves one half of an originally bipartite gladius vestige. Soft parts are not preserved. The gladius vestige is distinguished from P. newboldi from the Santonian Limestone of Lebanon by the arrangement of fields, striation and reinforcements. The new material supports previous ideas suggesting that the paired stylets of modern Octopoda evolved through gradual reduction of a Teudopsis‐like gladius via a transitional stage similar to Palaeoctopus. The origin of Octopoda and Cirroctopoda likely dates back to a period between the Toarcian (180 Ma) and the early Turonian (93 Ma). Palaeoecological conditions in the Vallecillo ocean suggest that P. pelagicus sp. nov. inhabited the pelagic shelf. Hostile low oxygen conditions on the sea floor exclude a benthic mode of life for P. pelagicus sp. nov.  相似文献   

The Albian sediments of the Transdanubian Range in Hungary were deposited in non-marine to fully-marine environments. The studied sections revealed diverse benthic ostracod faunas with moderately-preserved specimens. Forty-six taxa are identified and Cypridea zalanyii n. sp. is newly described. The detailed palaeoecological study of these ostracod faunas provided an opportunity to distinguish eight assemblages. The assemblages include limnic, brackish lagoon, shallow marine, reef and low oxygenated semi-enclosed basin environments in the Northern Tethys region we investigated. This work contributes to the knowledge about Albian non-marine faunas from Europe and explores ecological requirements of brackish faunas.  相似文献   

Dictyoconites from the middle Triassic Cassian Formation is a characteristic representative of the Aulacocerida. Embryonic development and construction of the phragmocone is like that of Jurassic belemnites. The siphuncular tube is double-walled with a long retrochoanitic mineralized septal neck continuing into an organic tube. The extended decoupling zone resembles that ofSpirula. Characteristic ofDictyoconites are the tubular »living chamber« and two layered deposits of the muscular mantle on the phragmocone. The Triassic coleoid was a slender squid with visceral mass and mantle cavity encapsuled in shell and the whole conch covered by muscular mantle extending in two lateral apical fins attached to the aragonitic rostrum.  相似文献   

Echinochara Peck, 1957 is a poorly known charophyte genus from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the United States and Europe. Its fossil record is currently limited to two species, Echinochara spinosa Peck, 1957 and Echinochara peckii (Mädler, 1952) nov. comb. Grambast, 1956 emend. Schudack, 1993, which have obscure phylogenetic relationships. A third species of this genus, Echinochara triplicata nov. sp., is described here from the Lower Albian of Jebel Koumine (Central Tunisia) and is hypothesized to derive from the Barremian-Aptian morphotypes of Echinochara peckii. The new species represents the first record of the genus in Africa and its more recent record worldwide. It occurs along with the clavatoraceans: Clavator harrisii zavialensis and Atopochara trivolvis trivolvis and provides an additional tool for the biostratigraphic characterization of non-marine Albian of Europe and North Africa.  相似文献   

Four new laniatorean harvestmen specimens (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores) are described from the mid-Cretaceous (upper Albian–lower Cenomanian) Burmese amber of Northern Myanmar. One is placed as Insidiatores indet., but is not formally named as it is probably immature. Burmalomanius circularis n. gen. n. sp. and Petroburma tarsomeria n. gen. n. sp. represent the first fossil records of the extant families Podoctidae and Petrobunidae respectively. Finally, Mesodibunus tourinhoae n. gen. n. sp. belongs to Epedanidae, a family previously recorded from Burmese amber. These new records bring the total number of Burmese amber laniatorean species to ten, and the total number of fossil laniatoreans to fifteen. The new finds offer additional calibration points for the Laniatores tree of life and are consistent with the hypothesis that the modern Laniatores fauna of Southeast Asia may have had Gondwanan, as opposed to a Laurasian, origins.  相似文献   



Australia''s dinosaurian fossil record is exceptionally poor compared to that of other similar-sized continents. Most taxa are known from fragmentary isolated remains with uncertain taxonomic and phylogenetic placement. A better understanding of the Australian dinosaurian record is crucial to understanding the global palaeobiogeography of dinosaurian groups, including groups previously considered to have had Gondwanan origins, such as the titanosaurs and carcharodontosaurids.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We describe three new dinosaurs from the late Early Cretaceous (latest Albian) Winton Formation of eastern Australia, including; Wintonotitan wattsi gen. et sp. nov., a basal titanosauriform; Diamantinasaurus matildae gen. et sp. nov., a derived lithostrotian titanosaur; and Australovenator wintonensis gen. et sp. nov., an allosauroid. We compare an isolated astragalus from the Early Cretaceous of southern Australia; formerly identified as Allosaurus sp., and conclude that it most-likely represents Australovenator sp.


The occurrence of Australovenator from the Aptian to latest Albian confirms the presence in Australia of allosauroids basal to the Carcharodontosauridae. These new taxa, along with the fragmentary remains of other taxa, indicate a diverse Early Cretaceous sauropod and theropod fauna in Australia, including plesiomorphic forms (e.g. Wintonotitan and Australovenator) and more derived forms (e.g. Diamantinasaurus).  相似文献   

Henri Cappetta 《Geobios》1977,10(6):967-973
Screening in the Albian of Wissant area has allowed to collect an interesting selachian fauna including some new elements: Orectoloboides nov. gen., Scyliorhinus destombesi nov. sp. and Protosqualus sigei nov. gen., nov. sp.. The relationships of these forms are discussed.  相似文献   

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