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Regulation of lake water level for power production and flood control is among the major anthropogenic disturbances in boreal aquatic ecosystems. In Finland, over 300 lakes, representing one third of the total inland water area of the country, are artificially regulated. To study the effects of regulation on lake littoral macroinvertebrate communities, samples were taken from upper stony littoral and from lower soft bottom littoral habitats of 11 lakes with different regulation amplitudes (wintertime fall in water level 1.19–6.75 m). Twelve unregulated (wintertime fall in water level 0.11–0.55 m) lakes with otherwise similar characteristics were used as a reference. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling ordinations showed that the composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages was strongly associated with the amplitude of water level regulation. Taxon richness also decreased with increasing intensity of regulation. Freezing and flushing of sediments in late winter are probably the most important factors leading to the impoverished littoral macroinvertebrate fauna. Invertebrates with long life cycle seem to be particularly vulnerable to unnatural water level fluctuation. Our results show that regulation of water level has a major impact on functionally significant lake littoral macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

E V Avdeeva 《Parazitologiia》1989,23(3):244-249
The formation of parasite fauna of fishes from water reservoirs of the Daugava differs from that of plain type water reservoirs of the moderate zone. Instead of expected flourishing of limnophilic elements an intense, increasing with years impoverishment of the specific composition of nearly all systematic groups of fish parasites is observed in the studied reservoirs. The impoverishment of the parasite fauna in the water reservoirs is associated first of all with their relatively small sizes, frequent and strong fluctuations of the water level and repeated dryings of large bottom areas. The investigations show that such a picture of fish parasite fauna genesis is observed in all relatively small water reservoirs with frequent and strong fluctuations of water level.  相似文献   

During a biotypological research of surface waters in the province of Friesland, The Netherlands, the macroinvertebrate fauna was sampled, both from the littoral and bottom substrata. Results of this investigation in different types of water on 60 and 55 stations in 1981 and 1982, respectively, are presented. The species richness in the littoral samples exceeded that of the bottom samples, and the samples per station had relatively few species in common. Even in many cases the most abundant taxon was a different one in both samples of the same spot. With multivariate analysis of the data sets from bottom, littoral and total samples a fairly good resemblance was found between these data sets. It is concluded that the semi-quantitative processing of macroinvertebrate fauna data leads to reliable results. One can use one sample per station, wherein different substrata are combined. Distinct clusters were recognized in more extreme environmental conditions such as brackish and acid waters. With the help of the macroinvertebrate fauna the other types of water could not easily be differentiated.  相似文献   

To estimate annual production, Hamilton (1969) initially calculated mean losses/sample, as did Hynes (1961) and Hynes & Coleman (1968). While the latter failed to convert these means to annual production, Hamilton has overcome this problem by assuming a population at equilibrium. Then, production may be calculated by multiplying mean losses with the number of classes through which specimens can grow. The method was claimed to be suitable for unidentified material and not to depend strongly on growth patterns; both claims are refuted here. The main objection is that for calculations, populations must be divided into fractions. While equilibrium might be acceptable for an entire population, it is not for any of its fractions. The particular conversion factor therefore has no justification and the method becomes inapplicable.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. An investigation into the ecology of benthic fauna in the eutrophic Lake McIlwaine (Rhodesia) was carried out in 1968–69. The profundal zone was only colonized in winter when the lake was isothermal and oxygen was present. The littoral zone was greatly affected by lake level fluctuation during the study period, and the population of lamellibranchs was destroyed by a drop in water level. While the water level was low, numbers of oligochaetes were high, but they declined as the water level rose. Chironomid larvae colonized the newly-flooded land and their numbers increased considerably. The effects of eutrophication were less clear but it is suggested that the presence of Chironomus in the profundal in winter, and an increase in Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri , was linked with eutrophication.  相似文献   

We investigated chironomid fauna of surface sediments and a short sediment core (Bol’shoy Kharbey Lake) from Pechora river basin, Northern Russia. Twenty three investigated lakes have thermokarst, glacial or floodplain origin and are characterised by low mineralization, mostly hydrocarbon-calcium type of water and low concentration of nutrients. Most of the lakes have circumneutral pH around ≤7 and only two lakes are slightly more acidic with pH ≤ 6. Ninety six chironomid taxa were identified in the surface sediments. Distribution of chironomids in the studied region is driven by continentality, mean TJuly and рН. Chironomid communities from the core of the B. Kharbei Lake demonstrate the highest similarity with the fauna of the deeper lakes of the glacial origin. The glacial lakes have the highest indices of continentality and the lowest winter temperatures within the investigated data set. The chironomid fauna of the glacial lakes is composed of the profundal, oligotrophic and cold-stenotherm taxa. The fauna of the floodplain and thermokarst lakes is more closely related to TJuly and is composed of littoral and phytophilic taxa of meso–or eutrophic waters and moderate temperature conditions. The fauna of the acidic thermokarst lakes considerably differs from the other lakes. Chironomid communities here are represented by tolerant to acidification taxa, and by the typically littoral and shallow water acid-tolerant taxa that apparently also can tolerate acidification. Studied sediment record covers ca last 200 years. The reconstructed TJuly during the entire period remain slightly below the modern temperatures. From 1970 reconstructed TJuly shows steady increase to the modern level. The reconstructed water depths (WDs) of the lake are higher than today till 1980. The highest WDs are reconstructed for ca 1970. After that the WDs gradually decrease to the modern level. Changes of the WDs are most probably related to changes in the precipitation rate.  相似文献   

Physics-based remote sensing in littoral environments for ecological monitoring and assessment is a challenging task that depends on adequate atmospheric conditions during data acquisition, sensor capabilities and correction of signal disturbances associated with water surface and water column. Airborne hyper-spectral scanners offer higher potential than satellite sensors for wetland monitoring and assessment. However, application in remote areas is often limited by national restrictions, time and high costs compared to satellite data. In this study, we tested the potential of the commercial, high-resolution multi-spectral satellite QuickBird for monitoring littoral zones of Lake Sevan (Armenia). We present a classification procedure that uses a physics-based image processing system (MIP) and GIS tools for calculating spatial metrics. We focused on classification of littoral sediment coverage over three consecutive years (2006–2008) to document changes in vegetation structure associated with a rise in water levels. We describe a spectral unmixing algorithm for basic classification and a supervised algorithm for mapping vegetation types. Atmospheric aerosol retrieval, lake-specific parameterisation and validation of classifications were supported by underwater spectral measurements in the respective seasons. Results revealed accurate classification of submersed aquatic vegetation and sediment structures in the littoral zone, documenting spatial vegetation dynamics induced by water level fluctuations and inter-annual variations in phytoplankton blooms. The data prove the cost-effective applicability of satellite remote-sensing approaches for high-resolution mapping in space and time of lake littoral zones playing a major role in lake ecosystem functioning. Such approaches could be used for monitoring wetlands anywhere in the world.  相似文献   

We evaluate the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the community structure of rotifers across a regional hydrological cycle in lotic and lentic environments of the upper River Paraná. Depth, transparency, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a and densities of rotifers were measured at two stations in Lake Guaraná (littoral and open water regions) and at one station in the River Baía (open water region). Highest densities of rotifers were found at the lake littoral. Canonical correlation analysis related environmental variables with the densities of the most abundant rotifers. The strongest relationship was with chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, hydrological level and water temperature. Diversity of rotifers at each station was mainly explained by fluctuations in hydrological level. Results of grouping analysis suggested the formation of groups according to phases of the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

Aim The influence of the last glaciation on the shallow‐water marine malacofauna of the Azores Islands is reviewed. We test, for this fauna, the ‘Pleistocene temperature theory’ of J.C. Briggs, which hypothesizes that a (supposed) lack of endemics in the older (Azorean endemic) fauna resulted from extinctions caused by a severe drop in sea surface temperatures during the Pleistocene. Location Santa Maria Island, Azores, Portugal. Methods We compare the fossil mollusc fauna of Prainha, Praia do Calhau and Lagoinhas Pleistocene outcrops with the recent mollusc fauna of the Azores Islands. We dated the fossil fauna, using shells of Patella aspera Röding, 1798, by standard U/Th methodology at the GEOTOP laboratory (Université du Québec à Montreal, Canada). Results Dating of the shells of P. aspera indicates that the deposition of the lower unit of the Prainha outcrop corresponded to Marine Oxygen Isotope Substage 5e (MISS 5e). Not a single endemic Azorean species of mollusc that is present in the Pleistocene fossil record has since become extinct, and we found no signs of ‘mass extinctions’ in the littoral marine molluscs of the Azores. The only species that were extirpated from these islands were thermophilic molluscs and littoral bivalves living in fine sand. Main conclusions Our results do not support Briggs’‘Pleistocene temperature theory’. Nor did we find evidence supporting the hypothesis that most of the marine organisms now present in the Azores recolonized the islands after the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

Water level fluctuations of up to 5.5 m in the newly constructed reservoir, Llyn Celyn, were shown to result in a uniformly barren littoral zone in which Lumbriculidae, Pisidium sp. and Chironomidae were the only animals to occur in significant numbers throughout the year. Other groups of animals were unable to survive the big fluctuations in water level and this in turn affected the food and growth of trout in the environment.  相似文献   

This study deals with the vegetational changes and the course of erosion on two types of river banks bordering a river reservoir, in northern Sweden. The water-level has been short-term regulated since 1961, with an amplitude of about 3 m in the uppermost reaches of the reservoir and about 1 m furthest downstream. The pattern of regulation includes both a weekly and a daily rhythm. The banks of the river reservoir have been cut in fine-grained sediments. The two sites selected for study were (1) a formerly littoral area (2) a formerly dry-land area. Percentage cover and number of shoots were determined annually within belt transects subdivided into 10 times 10 cm quadrats, during the period 1977–1981.
The course of bank erosion was initiated and mainly continued by water movements. In the formerly littoral area, erosion proceeded only slowly, whereas in the formerly dry-land area erosion was rapid and the bank was continuously being undercut, leading to the formation of an overhanging mat of vegetation. As erosion progressed, this overhanging mat split up and slumped down into the reservoir. The vegetational changes on the overhang were considerable, while the terrace maintained a more stable vegetation cover. In the long-term, the composition of the vegetation on the former littoral river-bank remained more stable than on that cut into the former dry-land area. The break-up of the vegetation cover on the overhang also initiated secondary vegetational successions on the exposed soil. Considerable differences in the vegetation cover were also recorded from one year to the next. These differences were considered to be mainly due to differences in the rate and local course of erosion. Annual differences in the rhythm and/or amplitude of the fluctuations in water-level were considered to be less important in this respect.  相似文献   

Global warming has been shown to strongly influence inland water systems, producing noticeable increases in water temperatures. Rising temperatures, especially when combined with widespread nutrient pollution, directly favour the growth of toxic cyanobacteria. Climate changes have also altered natural water level fluctuations increasing the probability of extreme events as dry periods followed by heavy rains. The massive appearance of Dolichospermum lemmermannii ( = planktonic Anabaena), a toxic species absent from the pelagic zone of the subalpine oligotrophic Lake Maggiore before 2005, could be a consequence of the unusual fluctuations of lake level in recent years. We hypothesized that these fluctuations may favour the cyanobacterium as result of nutrient pulses from the biofilms formed in the littoral zone when the lake level is high. To help verify this, we exposed artificial substrates in the lake, and evaluated their nutrient enrichment and release after desiccation, together with measurements of fluctuations in lake level, precipitation and D.lemmermannii population. The highest percentage of P release and the lowest C∶P molar ratio of released nutrients coincided with the summer appearance of the D.lemmermannii bloom. The P pulse indicates that fluctuations in level counteract nutrient limitation in this lake and it is suggested that this may apply more widely to other oligotrophic lakes. In view of the predicted increase in water level fluctuations due to climate change, it is important to try to minimize such fluctuations in order to mitigate the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms.  相似文献   

1. A study was conducted on the northern shore of Lake Victoria (Uganda) to determine the factors controlling the occurrence of floating root mats and the influence of the floating mats on the distribution of emergent vegetation. 2. Environmental conditions within 78 bays in the study area were characterised using bay size, wave exposure, water depth, littoral slope, sediment characteristics and water level fluctuations. Emergent plants that form floating root mats occur along the shores of these bays. The way in which commonly occurring shoreline vegetation was distributed across a wave‐exposure gradient was compared with their distribution across a water level fluctuation gradient. 3. Results suggested that wind–wave action and water level fluctuations are important factors determining the occurrence of floating mats. Mat‐forming plants occur in the most sheltered locations along the shore and in waterbodies with modest water level fluctuations. 4. The ability to form mats facilitated the lakeward expansion of emergent plants. Plants forming floating root mats had a larger depth range than non‐mat forming plants. 5. The initiation mechanisms for the floating mats of emergent vegetation in Lake Victoria appear to be: (i) invasion of mats of free‐floating plants by emergent vegetation; and (ii) detachment of emergent plants from the lake bed following flooding. 6. The formation of floating mats comes with a cost and benefit to emergent plants. The cost is increased vulnerability to damage by water level fluctuations or wind–wave action, leading to reduced horizontal distribution. The benefit is that deep flooding is avoided, thus increasing vertical distribution. The net effect may be to lead to dominance of mat‐forming plants in low‐energy environments and non‐mat‐forming plants in high‐energy environments.  相似文献   

One hundred and eight species and forms of planktonic organisms have been revealed in three small reservoirs in the Komi Republic (the northeast of European Russia). Species that were not previously known for the water bodies of the Vychegda River Basin (Limnosida frontosa) and the Republic of Komi (Lecane mira, Macrochaetus subquadratus, Filinia longiseta limnetica, and Rhynchotalona falcata) have been found. It has been established that the richness of the planktonic fauna depends on the age of the water body: the maximum number of species is found in the oldest reservoir, namely, the Kazhim Reservoir. The planktonic communities of artificial reservoirs are distinguished by a low level of similarity of faunas both with each other and in comparison with the natural lakes of the region. The fauna distribution in the old reservoirs is uneven. The relatively large fauna richness of planktonic communities in the littoral zones is due to the water-level regime in the reservoirs.  相似文献   

The conditions of phenotypic and genetic population differentiation allow inferences about the evolution, preservation and loss of biological diversity. In Lake Tanganyika, water level fluctuations are assumed to have had a major impact on the evolution of stenotopic littoral species, though this hypothesis has not been specifically examined so far. The present study investigates whether subtly differentiated colour patterns of adjacent Tropheus moorii populations are maintained in isolation or in the face of continuous gene flow, and whether the presumed influence of water level fluctuations on lacustrine cichlids can be demonstrated in the small-scale population structure of the strictly stenotopic, littoral Tropheus. Distinct population differentiation was found even across short geographic distances and minor habitat barriers. Population splitting chronology and demographic histories comply with our expectation of old and rather stable populations on steeper sloping shore, and more recently established populations in a shallower region. Moreover, population expansions seem to coincide with lake level rises in the wake of Late Pleistocene megadroughts ~100 KYA. The imprint of hydrologic events on current population structure in the absence of ongoing gene flow suggests that phenotypic differentiation among proximate Tropheus populations evolves and persists in genetic isolation. Sporadic gene flow is effected by lake level fluctuations following climate changes and controlled by the persistence of habitat barriers during lake level changes. Since similar demographic patterns were previously reported for Lake Malawi cichlids, our data furthermore strengthen the hypothesis that major climatic events synchronized facets of cichlid evolution across the East African Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Water level fluctuations in lakes lead to shoreline displacement. The seasonality of flooding or beaching of the littoral area affects nutrient cycling, redox gradients in sediments, and life cycles of aquatic organisms. Despite the ecological importance of water level fluctuations, we still lack a method that assesses water levels in the context of hydropower operations. Water levels in reservoirs are influenced by the operator of a hydropower plant, who discharges water through the turbines or stores water in the reservoir, in a fashion that maximizes profit. This rationale governs the seasonal operation scheme and hence determines the water levels within the boundaries of the reservoir''s water balance. For progress towards a sustainable development of hydropower, the benefits of this form of electricity generation have to be weighed against the possible detrimental effects of the anthropogenic water level fluctuations. We developed a hydro-economic model that combines an economic optimization function with hydrological estimators of the water balance of a reservoir. Applying this model allowed us to accurately predict water level fluctuations in a reservoir. The hydro-economic model also allowed for scenario calculation of how water levels change with climate change scenarios and with a change in operating scheme of the reservoir (increase in turbine capacity). Further model development will enable the consideration of a variety of additional parameters, such as water withdrawal for irrigation, drinking water supply, or altered energy policies. This advances our ability to sustainably manage water resources that must meet both economic and environmental demands.  相似文献   

The littoral zone of lakes and lagoons is often used by fish for feeding or reproduction. However, the large changes in temperature that are typical of natural environments, including the littoral zone, represent a potential stressor for fish. Despite the importance of this habitat, little is known about the effect of daily temperature fluctuations on the stress responses of fish. We monitored daily temperature changes in the near-shore and offshore regions of a natural lagoon between May and July 2008–2010. We observed large temperature fluctuations more frequently in the near-shore zone than the offshore zone. We then exposed common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to a temperature regime similar to that observed in the near-shore zone and measured the levels of cortisol released into the water. The rate of cortisol release increased when carp were exposed to an increase in temperature of ~0.6°C/h over a 5-h period. Conversely, there was no change in the rate of release when temperatures decreased. Our results highlight the importance of maintaining high temporal resolution when evaluating the stress response to daily fluctuations temperature.  相似文献   

A 7 year study (1992–1998) of littoral microcrustaceans (Cladocera and Copepoda) in the watercourse of the River Rore, South Norway, illustrates that qualitative data on cladocerans and copepods are well suited to indicate the recovery of lakes following liming. Eight limed, two acid and two circum neutral reference lakes, were sampled twice a year (June/July and September/October). In the limed lakes, species associated with neutral lakes have become more common, whereas apparently acid-tolerant species have become rarer. In Lake Rore and Lake Syndle, the two largest limed lakes which exhibited a gradual increase in pH, the changes in species composition indicated that these lakes were about to recover. Species composition in Lake Røynelandsvatn, which has reacidified after liming, first reflected improved water quality, then reverted to dominance by acid-tolerant species. In the remaining lakes, the species composition reflects a fauna which has recovered compared with the preliming situation. There is strong evidence, however, that temporary fluctuations in pH have a negative influence on the speed of recovery, confirming the importance of keeping pH stable.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between spatial variations in predation risk and abundance of northern redbelly dace Phoxinus eos at both macroscale (littoral v. pelagic zones) and microscale (structured v. open water habitats in the littoral zone) of Canadian Shield lakes. Minnow traps were placed in both structured and open water habitats in the littoral zone of 13 Canadian Shield lakes, and estimates of the relative predation risk of P. eos in both the pelagic and the littoral zones were obtained from tethering experiments. Results showed that (1) the mean abundance of P. eos in the littoral zone was positively correlated with the relative predation risk in the pelagic zone, (2) P. eos preferentially used structured over open water habitats in the littoral zone and (3) this preference was not related to the relative predation risk in the littoral zone but decreased as the relative predation risk increased in the pelagic zone. At the lake level, these results support the hypothesis that P. eos enter the littoral zone to avoid pelagic piscivores. At the littoral zone level, the results do not necessarily contradict the widely accepted view that P. eos preferentially use structured over open habitats to reduce their predation risk, but suggest that flexibility in antipredator tactics ( e.g. shelter use v. shoaling) could explain the spatial distribution of P. eos between structured and open water habitats.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative samples of the bottom fauna obtained from a tropical freshwater fish pond during a period of two years were studied with regard to species composition, zonal variation and seasonal fluctuation. Two different zones with differences in faunal composition could be distinguished. The littoral zone was dominated by Mollusca, whereas Oligochaetes were predominant in the profundal zone. Most of the organisms showed their peaks in the months January to April. Breeding activities ofVivipara bengalensis, Digoniostoma cerameopoma, Melanoides granifera andPisidium clarkeanum as evidenced by presence of younger length groups in the populations were also observed during the same period (January to April). The influence of environmental factors as temperature, alkalinity and food were discussed as probable causes for the peaks in abundance. The average number of total organisms per square metre was found to be comparatively high indicating a high standing crop. Differences observed in the total number of organisms present have been attributed to inflow of water resulting in sudden alteration of the nutrient condition of the bottom mud. The seasonal variations of the standing crop of bottom fauna during both the years have been found to be influenced by fluctuations of the bivalve mollusc,Lamellidens corrianus. The availability of sufficient amount of benthic fauna for consumption by bottom feeding fishes has been indicated.This work formed part of a thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the University of Calcutta, India in 1964.  相似文献   

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