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Cell walls, the extracytoplasmic matrices of plant cells, consist of an ordered array of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a matrix of polysaccharides and glycoproteins. This construction is reminiscent of steel rods in reinforced concrete. How a cell organizes these ordered textures around itself, creating its own desirable environment, is a fascinating question. We believe that nature adopted an economical solution to this design problem: it exploits the geometrical constraints imposed by the shape of the cell and the limited space in which microfibrils are deposited, enabling the wall textures essentially to 'build themselves'. This does not imply that the cell cannot control its wall texture. On the contrary, the cell has ample regulatory mechanisms to control wall texture formation by controlling the insertion of synthases and the distance between individual microfibrils within a wall lamella.  相似文献   

Burk DH  Ye ZH 《The Plant cell》2002,14(9):2145-2160
It has long been hypothesized that cortical microtubules (MTs) control the orientation of cellulose microfibril deposition, but no mutants with alterations of MT orientation have been shown to affect this process. We have shown previously that in Arabidopsis, the fra2 mutation causes aberrant cortical MT orientation and reduced cell elongation, and the gene responsible for the fra2 mutation encodes a katanin-like protein. In this study, using field emission scanning electron microscopy, we found that the fra2 mutation altered the normal orientation of cellulose microfibrils in walls of expanding cells. Although cellulose microfibrils in walls of wild-type cells were oriented transversely along the elongation axis, cellulose microfibrils in walls of fra2 cells often formed bands and ran in different directions. The fra2 mutation also caused aberrant deposition of cellulose microfibrils in secondary walls of fiber cells. The aberrant orientation of cellulose microfibrils was shown to be correlated with disorganized cortical MTs in several cell types examined. In addition, the thickness of both primary and secondary cell walls was reduced significantly in the fra2 mutant. These results indicate that the katanin-like protein is essential for oriented cellulose microfibril deposition and normal cell wall biosynthesis. We further demonstrated that the Arabidopsis katanin-like protein possessed MT-severing activity in vitro; thus, it is an ortholog of animal katanin. We propose that the aberrant MT orientation caused by the mutation of katanin results in the distorted deposition of cellulose microfibrils, which in turn leads to a defect in cell elongation. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that cortical MTs regulate the oriented deposition of cellulose microfibrils that determines the direction of cell elongation.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracturing of Glaucocystis nostochinearum Itzigsohn cells during cell-wall microfibril deposition indicates that unidirectionally polarized microfibril ends are localized in a zone of synthesis covering about 30% of the sarface area of the plasma membrane. Within this zone there are about 6 microfibril ends/m2 cell surface. It is proposed that microfibrils are generated by the passage of their tips over the cell surface and that the pattern of microfibril organization at the poles of the cells, in which microfibrils of alternate layers are interconnected at 3 rotation centres, results directly from the pattern of this translation of microfibril tips. In a model of the deposition pattern it is proposed that the zone of synthesis may split into 3 sub-zones as the poles are approached, each sub-zone being responsible for the generation of one rotation centre. It is demonstrated that the microfibrillar component of the entire wall could be generated by the steady translation of the microfibril tips (at which synthesis is presumed to occur) over the cell surface at a rate of 0.25–0.5 m min-1. Microcinematography indicates that the protoplast rotates during cell-wall deposition, and it is proposed that this rotation may play a role in the generation of the microfibril deposition pattern.  相似文献   

Several members of the kinesin superfamily are known to play a prominent role in the motor-driven transport processes that occur in mitotic cells. Here we describe a new mitotic human kinesin-like protein, RB6K (Rabkinesin 6), distantly related to MKLP-1. Expression of RB6K is regulated during the cell cycle at both the mRNA and protein level and, similar to cyclin B, shows a maximum during M phase. Isolation of the RB6K promoter allowed identification of a CDE-CHR element and promoter activity was shown to be maximal during M phase. Immunofluorescence microscopy using antibodies raised against RB6K showed a weak signal in interphase Golgi but a 10-fold higher signal in prophase nuclei. During M phase, the newly synthesized RB6K does not colocalise with Rab6. In later stages of mitosis RB6K localized to the spindle midzone and appeared on the midbodies during cytokinesis. The functional significance of this localization during M phase was revealed by antibody microinjection studies which resulted exclusively in binucleate cells, showing a complete failure of cytokinesis. These results substantiate a crucial role for RB6K in late anaphase B and/or cytokinesis, clearly distinct from the role of MKLP-1.  相似文献   

We report here that disruption of a recently discovered kinesin-like protein in Drosophila melanogaster, KLP61F, results in a mitotic mutation lethal to the organism. We show that in the absence of KLP61F function, spindle poles fail to separate, resulting in the formation of monopolar mitotic spindles. The resulting phenotype of metaphase arrest with polyploid cells is reminiscent of that seen in the fungal bimC and cut7 mutations, where it has also been shown that spindle pole bodies are not segregated. KLP61F is specifically expressed in proliferating tissues during embryonic and larval development, consistent with a primary role in cell division. The structural and functional homology of the KLP61F, bimC, cut7, and Eg5 kinesin-like proteins demonstrates the existence of a conserved family of kinesin-like molecules important for spindle pole separation and mitotic spindle dynamics.  相似文献   

We have performed a mutational analysis together with RNA interference to determine the role of the kinesin-like protein KLP67A in Drosophila cell division. During both mitosis and male meiosis, Klp67A mutations cause an increase in MT length and disrupt discrete aspects of spindle assembly, as well as cytokinesis. Mutant cells exhibit greatly enlarged metaphase spindle as a result of excessive MT polymerization. The analysis of both living and fixed cells also shows perturbations in centrosome separation, chromosome segregation, and central spindle assembly. These data demonstrate that the MT plus end-directed motor KLP67A is essential for spindle assembly during mitosis and male meiosis and suggest that the regulation of MT plus-end polymerization is a key determinant of spindle architecture throughout cell division.  相似文献   

Expansins are plant cell wall-loosening proteins that promote cell growth and are essential for many critical developmental processes and stress responses. The molecular basis for expansin action is uncertain. Recently, it has been proposed that expansins loosen the wall by means of the generation of mobile conformational defects at the surface of cellulose microfibrils. The present work addresses this hypothesis by elaborating three assumptions: (1) microfibril–matrix interfaces cause steep stress gradients on the microfibril surface, (2) stress gradients drive the motion of conformational defects along the microfibril surface toward the microfibril–matrix interfaces, and (3) the approach of the defects to the microfibril–matrix interfaces facilitates the dissociation of matrix polysaccharides from cellulose microfibrils.  相似文献   

The kinesin-like calmodulin (CaM) binding protein (KCBP), a minus end-directed microtubule motor protein unique to plants, has been implicated in cell division. KCBP is negatively regulated by Ca(2)+ and CaM, and antibodies raised against the CaM binding region inhibit CaM binding to KCBP in vitro; therefore, these antibodies can be used to activate KCBP constitutively. Injection of these antibodies into Tradescantia virginiana stamen hair cells during late prophase induces breakdown of the nuclear envelope within 2 to 10 min and leads the cell into prometaphase. However, mitosis is arrested, and the cell does not progress into anaphase. Injection of antibodies later during cell division has no effect on anaphase transition but causes aberrant phragmoplast formation and delays the completion of cytokinesis by approximately 15 min. These effects are achieved without any apparent degradation of the microtubule cytoskeleton. We propose that during nuclear envelope breakdown and anaphase, activated KCBP promotes the formation of a converging bipolar spindle by sliding and bundling microtubules. During metaphase and telophase, we suggest that its activity is downregulated.  相似文献   

The bag shaped peptidoglycan layer of Rhizobium cell wall was isolated from intact cells after treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate and trypsin, chymotrypsin or pepsin digestion. Results of chemical analysis of acid hydrolyzed peptidoglycan revealed beside two amino sugars: glucosamine and muramic acid, three major amino acids; alanine, glutamic acid and 2,6-diaminopimelic acid and also significant amount of glucose. Evidence were provided that the polyglucose found in peptidoglycan preparations of three strains of Rhizobium trifolii, one of Rhizobium leguminosarum and one of Rhizobium meliloti consist of cellulose microfibrils. The content of cellulose present in Rhizobium peptidoglycans ranged from 60 to 80%. Methods of peptidoglycan purification from the cellulose microfibrils are described.  相似文献   

In maize (Zea mays L.) and pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings, cellulose microfibril impressions are present on freeze-fractured plasma membranes. It has been proposed that impressions of newly synthesized microfibrils are a record of the movement of terminal synthesizing complexes through the plasma membrane (Mueller and Brown, 1980, J. Cell Biol. 84, 315–326). The association of terminal complexes with the ends of microfibril impressions or with the ends of microfibrils torn through the membrane indicates the orientation of microfibril tips. Unidirectionally-oriented microfibril tips (all pointing in the same direction) are associated with the organized deposition of parallel arrays of microfibrils. Multidirectionally-oriented microfibril tips were observed in a cell in which microfibril deposition was unusually disorganized. Microfibril patterns around pit fields are asymmetric and resemble flow patterns. Unidirectionally-oriented tears are associated with these microfibrils. Although microfibril orientations are deflected around pit fields, the main axis of microfibril orientation is maintained across the surface of the cell. The hypothesis is proposed that the interaction of a flowing plasma membrane with microfibril synthesizing complexes in the plane of the membrane may result in unidirectional deposition and asymmetric microfibril impressions around pit fields.Some of this work has been published in preliminary form (Brown 1979)  相似文献   

During secondary cell wall formation, developing xylem vessels deposit cellulose at specific sites on the plasma membrane. Bands of cortical microtubules mark these sites and are believed to somehow orientate the cellulose synthase complexes. We have used live cell imaging on intact roots of Arabidopsis to explore the relationship between the microtubules, actin and the cellulose synthase complex during secondary cell wall formation. The cellulose synthase complexes are seen to form bands beneath sites of secondary wall synthesis. We find that their maintenance at these sites is dependent upon underlying bundles of microtubules which localize the cellulose synthase complex (CSC) to the edges of developing cell wall thickenings. Thick actin cables run along the long axis of the cells. These cables are essential for the rapid trafficking of complex-containing organelles around the cell. The CSCs appear to be delivered directly to sites of secondary cell wall synthesis and it is likely that transverse actin may mark these sites.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(11):2375-2389.e6
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The morphology of peptidoglycan layer of Rhizobium cell wall was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Peptidoglycans were isolated from intact cells after treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate, extraction with aqueous 45% phenol and then with a mixture of chloroform-methanol. Finally rigid layers were digested with trypsin and chymotrypsin. The results indicate the presence of lump or bar-like structures on the surface of the cell shaped peptidoglycan sacculi. Evidence is provided suggesting that the cellulose microfibrils arise directly from these excrescences found on the peptidoglycan surface. Digestion with cellulase removed all cellulose microfibrils whereas the lumps and bars remained as an integral part of the Rhizobium peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

The cps5-138 fission yeast mutant shows an abnormal lemon-like morphology at 28 degrees C in minimal medium and a lethal thermosensitive phenotype at 37 degrees C. Cell growth is completely inhibited at 28 degrees C in a Ca2+-free medium, in which the wild type is capable of growing normally. Under these conditions, actin patches become randomly distributed throughout the cell, and defects in septum formation and subsequent cytokinesis appear. The mutant cell is hypersensitive to the cell wall-digesting enzymatic complex Novozym234 even under permissive conditions. The gene SPBC31E1.02c, which complements all the mutant phenotypes described above, was cloned and codes for the Ca2+-ATPase homologue Pmr1p. The gene is not essential under optimal growth conditions but is required under conditions of low Ca2+ (<0.1 mM) or high temperature (>35 degrees C). The green fluorescent protein-tagged Cps5 proteins, which are expressed under physiological conditions (an integrated single copy with its own promoter in the cps5Delta strain), display a localization pattern typical of endoplasmic reticulum proteins. Biochemical analyses show that 1,3-beta-D-glucan synthase activity in the mutant is decreased to nearly half that of the wild type and that the mutant cell wall contains no detectable galactomannan when the cells are exposed to a Ca2+-free medium. The mutant acid phosphatase has an increased electrophoretic mobility, suggesting that incomplete protein glycosylation takes place in the mutant cells. These results indicate that S. pombe Pmr1p is essential for the maintenance of cell wall integrity and cytokinesis, possibly by allowing protein glycosylation and the polarized actin distribution to take place normally. Disruption and complementation analyses suggest that Pmr1p shares its function with a vacuolar Ca2+-ATPase homologue, Pmc1p (SPAPB2B4.04c), to prevent lethal activation of calcineurin for cell growth.  相似文献   

Among the proteins that accumulate as plant seeds desiccate are several protein families that are composed principally of a tandemly repeated 11-mer amino acid motif. Proteins containing the same motif accumulate in the desiccating leaves of a desiccation-tolerant plant species. This motif is characterized by apolar residues in positions 1, 2, 5 and 9, and charged or amide residues in positions 3, 6, 7, 8 and 11. An α helical arrangement of the 11-mer repeating unit gives an amphiphilic helix whose hydrophobic stripe twists in a right-handed fashion around the helix. Should these proteins dimerize via binding of their hydrophobic faces, a right-handed coiled coil would be formed. Such a structure has not previously been observed. A conceivable function for these proteins in ion sequestration in the desiccated state is proposed.  相似文献   

A major breakthrough was the recent discovery that cellulose synthases really do move along the plasma membrane upon tracks provided by the underlying cortical microtubules. It emphasized the cytoplasmic contribution to cell wall organization. A growing number of microtubule-associated proteins has been identified and shown to affect the way that microtubules are ordered, with downstream effects on the pattern of growth. The dynamic properties of microtubules turn out to be key in understanding the behaviour of the global array and good progress has been made in deciphering the rules by which the array is self-organized.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel kinesin-like protein (KCBP) that is regulated by Ca2+/calmodulin was isolated from dicot plants. A homolog of KCBP has not been reported in monocots. To determine if this motor protein is present in phylogenetically divergent flowering plants, Arabidopsis KCBP cDNA was used as a probe to screen a genomic library of maize, an evolutionarily divergent species. This screening resulted in isolation of a KCBP homolog. Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence of the KCBP from maize (ZmKCBP), a monocot, with the previously reported KCBP sequences from dicot species showed that the amino acid sequence, domain organization, and gene structure are highly conserved between monocots and dicots. The C-terminal region of ZmKCBP, containing the motor domain and the calmodulin-binding domain, and the N-terminal tail, with a myosin tail homology region (MyTH4) and talin-like region, showed strong sequence similarity to the KCBP homolog from dicots. However, the coiled-coil region is less conserved between monocots and dicots. The ZmKCBP gene contained 22 exons and 21 introns. The location of 19 of the 21 introns of ZmKCBP is also conserved. The ZmKCBP protein is encoded by a single gene and expressed in all tissues. Affinity-purified antibody to the calmodulin-binding domain of Arabidopsis KCBP detected a protein in both the soluble and the microsomal fractions. The C-terminal region of ZmKCBP, containing the motor and calmodulin-binding domains, bound calmodulin in the presence of calcium and failed to bind in the presence of EGTA. The ZmKCBP, along with other KCBPs from dicots, was grouped into a distinct group in the C-terminal subfamily of kinesin-like proteins. These data suggest that the KCBP is ubiquitous and highly conserved in all flowering plants and the origin of KCBP predated the divergence of monocots and dicots.  相似文献   

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