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Most bird eggs have evolved a suite of remarkably consistentadaptations for appropriate exchanges of respiratory gases andwater vapor during incubation in nests above ground. Howeverunderground incubation is associated with selective forces differentfrom those operating at the surface. New information from mound-buildingbirds living reptiles and extinct dinosaurs shows comergentadaptations to nest atmospheres that are high in CO2 low inO2 and nearly saturated with water vapor. High humidity eliminatesthe danger of excessive dehydration so gas conductance of theeggshell may be higher than normal, as a compensation for theunusual nest gases. In contrast with embryos of birds that nextabove ground and initiate breathing inside the shell, thoseof megapode birds lack an aircell and can breathe only afterthe shell is broken. Extreme precocity of megapode chicks isrelated to long incubation time and large energy stores in theegg. Because the material around a buried nest restricts diffusionthe size of the nest must be limited to prevent intolerablegas tensions adjacent to the eggs. This effect may have forcedcertain large reptiles to separate their layings into severalclutches and some megapodes to actively ventilate their mounds.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate the long-term influenceof humidity on the short-term responses of stomata and CO2 assimilationto vapor pressure difference in Oryza sativa (rice, C3 species)and Panicum maximum (green panic, C4 species). Plants were grownfor four weeks in growth chambers set at 35% and 85% relativehumidity at 25C air temperature, 38+2 Pa CO2 partial pressureand 1,700µmol m-2s-1 photon flux density. Soil was saturatedwith water in both humidity treatments. Low humidity pretreatmentscaused low leaf conductance and low rates of transpiration andCO2 assimilation in O. sativa, but small changes in stomatalresponses to humidity and in CO2 assimilation were found inP. maximum. From the short-term gas exchange experiments, itwas noted that the responsiveness of leaf conductance to vaporpressure difference were affected by humidity pretreatmentsin O. sativa, whereas unaffected in P. maximum. In O. sativameasurements of CO2 assimilation as a function of internal CO2partial pressure (A-Ci curve) indicated that low humidity pretreatmentsreduced the CO2 assimilation at high internal CO2 partial pressure,but the initial slope of the A-Ci curve was unaffected. Furthermore,plant characteristics such as total dry weight and leaf areaof plants subjected to low umidity were lower than plants subjectedto high humidity. The reductions in O. sativa, however, werelarger than in P. maximum. Stomatal frequency from low humiditygrown plant was higher than that from high humidity grown plantsin both species although there is no significant difference.The data indicated that if the short term inhibition of netCO2 assimilation at a high vapor pressure difference was imposedduring vegetative growth, the photosynthetic biochemistry andthe resultant plant growth were largely depressed in O. sativa,a C3 species. (Received May 26, 1992; Accepted November 2, 1992)  相似文献   

邱明生  赵志模 《昆虫学报》1999,42(2):145-149
研究了环境因子对角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) 秋迁蚜生殖和雌性蚜发育的影响。温、湿度单因子试验表明,秋迁蚜在26℃和80%RH条件下有最大生殖量;温、湿度对秋迁蚜生殖量的影响均符合开口向下的二次抛物线变化趋势,极端温、湿度会导致生殖量的下降。采用三元一次正交组合设计,研究了环境温度(X1)、湿度(X2)和光照强度(X3)三因子不同水平组合对雌性蚜发育的影响,表明温度是影响发育历期的主要因子,其次是光照强度,最后是湿度。因此,适当高温、强光照条件可以加快雌性蚜发育;而适当高湿条件可以降低雌性蚜的发育速率而延长其发育历期。在人工培育角倍蚜生产中,创造有利于秋迁蚜生殖的温、湿度条件可以使秋迁蚜产下较多的越冬侨蚜;在适当降低温度、增加湿度的阴暗条件下贮留雌性蚜可以适当延长其发育,以使角倍蚜与盐肤木在物候上达到最佳吻合。  相似文献   

Unlike most social insects, Eciton burchellii army ants cannot thermoregulate through nest construction. Instead, army ants thermoregulate behaviorally by creating a living nest (bivouac), shifting its position and structure, and potentially through nest site selection. We hypothesized that bivouac site selection is critical to E. burchellii colony survival. We predicted elevation above sea level, with associated variation in local abiotic environments, would affect bivouac site selection by E. burchellii colonies. We also expected nest sites to buffer against ambient variation in abiotic conditions. We recorded bivouac site choice by E. burchellii colonies at sites ranging from lowland wet forests to montane forests and reviewed previously published data. We measured microclimatic variables associated with nest sites in high-elevation montane forests: temperature, relative humidity, and light levels. Bivouac site selection varied with elevation: as elevation increased, fewer bivouac sites were exposed, more were underground, and fewer were elevated (in trees). High-elevation bivouac sites moderated diurnal temperature variation and had higher relative humidity levels and lower light levels than ambient conditions. The buffering of ambient temperature and humidity decreased with elevation in montane forests, suggesting that abiotic extremes in bivouac sites at the highest elevations may contribute to the upper elevational range limits of E. burchellii.  相似文献   

The C3 species wheat and rice and the C4 species maize weregrown for 2–3 weeks in controlled environment growth chambersat 20 or 30 °C day and 15 °C night temperatures. CO2assimilation rates (at 20 and 30 °C) and several leaf parametersincluding total nitrogen, soluble protein, and RuBP carboxylaseprotein were determined. When the assimilation rates under atmosphericCO2 and O2 levels were expressed on a total nitrogen basis (=nitrogen use efficiency), the C4 species maize had a greaternitrogen use efficiency than either of the two C3 species examined,regardless of the combination of temperatures used for growthor measurement of CO2 assimilation. Maize is also shown to makemore efficient use of its soluble protein and RuBP carboxylaseprotein than either wheat or rice when measurements are madeat 320 parts 10–6 CO2 and 21% O2. Atmospheric CO2 enrichmentduring CO2 assimilation measurements increased the nitrogenuse efficiency in the C3 species. In one treatment (wheat grownand measured at 20 °C), CO2 assimilation under saturatingCO2 showed nitrogen, soluble protein, and RuBP carboxylase proteinuse efficiencies equal to or greater than that of the C4 species. These data indicate that C4 species may make more efficientuse of their nitrogen, soluble protein, and RuBP carboxylaseprotein than C3 species under atmospheric CO2 conditions. Thismay be due in part to the C4 cycle and CO2-concentrating mechanismin C4 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Adaptation of the Avian Egg to High Altitude   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theoretical predictions and experiments on eggs of domesticatedbirds indicate that the diffusion coefficient of gases is inverselyproportional to barometric pressure. Therefore potentially lethallosses of CO2 and water vapor from eggs laid at high altitudemight result if the increased tendency of gases to diffuse atreduced barometric pressure were not counteracted in some manner.Limited data from two wild populations indicate that water lossfrom eggs is independent of altitude over a 3000 m elevationalgradient. Four different possibilities are discussed by whichcompensation for increased diffusion of water vapor might beachieved at high elevations 1) a reduction in eggshell conductance(GH2O) 2) an increase in the initial water content of the eggs3) an increase in shell thickness, and 4) alteration of watervapor pressure in the nest microenvironment or incubation temperatureby variation in parental behavior. Mean GH2O of eggs of twoprecocial and four altricial species breeding above 2800 m issignificantly reduced below values of related birds breedingat lower elevations, but no change in initial water contentor shell thickness has been observed in such eggs. Observationsof parental behavior in species breeding over wide elevationalgradients have not yet been made. Identification of the mechanismsby which eggshell structure is modified to achieve a reducedGH2O the environmental cues used by females to determine theelevation of the breeding location and the rapidity with whichshell structuie can be modified awaits further research.  相似文献   

The response of photosynthesis in the flag leaf of rice (Oryzasativa) to elevated CO2 or reduced O2 was investigated relativeto other environmental factors using steady-state gas exchangetechniques. We found under moderate conditions of temperatureand photosynthetic flux density (PFD) (26°C and 700µmolquanta m–2s–1 similar to growth conditions) photosynthesisin the flag leaf of rice during heading and grain filling saturatedat near ambient levels of CO2, with a concomitant loss of O2sensitivity, when a high stomatal conductance was maintainedby high humidity (low vapor pressure deficit). Under 18°Cthere was near complete loss of O2 sensitivity of photosynthesisat normal ambient levels of CO2. This is in contrast to thelarge enhancement of photosynthesis by supra-atmospheric levelsof CO2 and sub-atmospheric levels of O2 by suppression of photorespirationwhen there is no limitation on utilizing the initial productof CO2 assimilation (triose-P) as predicted from Ribulose-l,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) kinetic properties. Thus, lossof sensitivity to CO2 and O2 has been previously explained asa limitation on utilization of triose-P to synthesize carbohydrates.Under high PFD at 25°C, the rate of photosynthesis in ricedeclined over a period of hours around midday, while the intercellularlevels of CO2 remained constant suggesting a limitation on utilizationof photosynthate. Short-term fluctuations in climatic factorsincluding temperature, light and humidity could result in afeedback limitation on photosynthesis in rice which may be exacerbatedby rising CO2. (Received March 12, 1998; Accepted May 14, 1998)  相似文献   

To test whether stomatal density measurements on oak leaf remainsare reliable tools for assessing palaeoatmospheric carbon dioxideconcentration [CO2], under changing Late Miocene palaeoenvironmentalconditions, young seedings of oak (Quercus petraea,Liebl.) weregrown at elevatedvs.ambient atmospheric [CO2] and at high humiditycombined with an increased air temperature. The leaf anatomyof the young oaks was compared with that of fossil leaves ofthe same species. In the experiments, stomatal density and stomatalindex were significantly decreased at elevated [CO2] in comparisonto ambient [CO2]. Elevated [CO2] induced leaf cell expansionand reduced the intercellular air space by 35%. Leaf cell sizeor length were also stimulated at high air humidity and temperature.Regardless of a temperate or subtropical palaeoclimate, leafcell size in fossil oak was not enhanced, since neither epidermalcell density nor length of the stomatal apparatus changed. Theabsence of these effects may be attributed to the phenologicalresponse of trees to climatic changes that balanced temporalchanges in environmental variables to maintain leaf growth underoptimal and stable conditions.Quercus petraea,which evolvedunder recurring depletions in the palaeoatmospheric [CO2], maypossess sufficient phenotypic plasticity to alter stomatal frequencyin hypostomatous leaves allowing high maximum stomatal conductanceand high assimilation rates during these phases of low [CO2].Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Atmospheric CO2, high humidity, elevated temperature,Quercus petraea,durmast oak, Late Miocene, palaeoclimates, leaf anatomy, stomatal density, stomatal index  相似文献   

We examined the influence of gas exchange on the architectureof termite mounds. In Comoé National Park (Côted'Ivoire), Macrotermes bellicosus builds, as an adaptation toambient temperature conditions, differently shaped mounds inthe shrub savanna and the gallery forest. Previous studies suggestedthat there might be a constraint that limits the degree of thermalinsulation of the interior (i.e., nest) of the mounds in environmentswith relatively low ambient temperatures. This factor causes,in proximate terms, suboptimal low nest temperatures and ultimatelyleads to reduced reproductive success in the gallery forest.In this study, we examined whether the necessity for gas exchangemight constrain mound architecture. We measured CO2 concentrationsin the air channels of mounds in different habitats and undermanipulated temperature regimes. During both the dry and therainy season we found higher CO2 concentrations in mounds ofthe gallery forest than in mounds of the savanna. Additional measurementsin forest mounds, architecturally resembling those of the savanna dueto an experimental increase in ambient temperatures, revealedlower CO2 concentrations than unmanipulated mounds in this habitat. Generally,concentrations were higher during the rainy season comparedto the dry season and lower during day than during night. Summarizingthese results we present a model that illustrates this trade-offbetween thermoregulation and gas exchange under different temperatureregimes. Both factors together result in different mound architecturesunder different environmental temperatures and may finally limitthe distribution of this species.  相似文献   

The mechanisms for species-specific growth responses to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration within narrow ecological groups of species, such as shade-tolerant, late-successional trees, have rarely been addressed and are not well understood. In this study the underlying functional traits for interspecific variation in the biomass response to elevated CO2 were explored for seedlings of five late-successional temperate forest tree species (Fagus sylvatica, Acer pseudoplatanus, Quercus robur, Taxus baccata, Abies alba). The seedlings were grown in the natural forest understorey in very low and low light microsites (an average of 1.3% and 3.4% full sun in this experiment), and were exposed to either current ambient CO2 concentrations, 500, or 660 µl CO2 l-1 in 36 open-top chambers (OTC) over two growing seasons. Even across the narrow range of successional status and shade tolerance, the study species varied greatly in photosynthesis, light compensation point, leaf dark respiration (Rd), leaf nitrogen concentration, specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area ratio (LAR), and biomass allocation among different plant parts, and showed distinct responses to CO2 in these traits. No single species combined all characteristics traditionally considered as adaptive to low light conditions. At very low light, the CO2 stimulation of seedling biomass was related to increased LAR and decreased Rd, responses that were observed only in Fagus and Taxus. At slightly higher light levels, interspecific differences in the biomass response to elevated CO2 were reversed and correlated best with leaf photosynthesis. The data provided here contribute to a mechanistic process-based understanding of distinct response patterns in co-occurring tree species to elevated CO2 in natural deep shade. I conclude that the high variation in physiological and morphological traits among late-successional species, and the consequences for their responses to slight changes in resource availability, have previously been underestimated. The commonly used broad definitions of functional groups of species may not be sufficient for the understanding of recruitment success and dynamic changes in species composition of old-growth forests in response to rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

The performance of the cardiorespiratory gas exchange systemof the turtle, Pseudemys scripla, at rest and at three bodytemperatures (15, 25, 35°C), was assessed in reference totheory and experimental data. The primary processes governinggas exchange(ventilation, perfusion, diffusion) were found tobe uniformly balanced in regard to CO2 exchange. This was nottrue for O2 transport where, at higher body temperature, thesystemis characterized by underventilation and overperfusionin conjunction with declining O2 saturation levels. Adjustmentsin convection of air or blood, which favor improvement in arterialO2 saturation levels, are incompatible with stability of theCO2stores and acid-base state. The latter were preserved acrossthe temperature range. Comparisons between bird, mammal, andturtle illustrate close similarity in the relative roles ofthe primary processes governing CO2 exchange. This persistsin the face of wide differences inmetabolic intensity, cardiopulmonaryarchitecture and complexity, and body temperatures characterizingthe species which were compared. The close control of carbondioxide transport may reflect a fundamental adjustment to airbreathing by lungs as primitive vertebrates emerged from waterto the terrestrial domain. From a regulatory point of view thestudy emphasizes the importance of both structural and functionalcontrol of CO2 homeostasis. It does not rule out regulatoryfeatures which may insure more effective O2 transport; however,the latter are not evident within the context of the steadystate assumptions underlying this analysis.  相似文献   

Like many ants inhabiting temperate regions, leaf-cutting ant colonies of a number of Acromyrmex species build thatched nests that achieve more stable temperatures than those of the environment. Workers are expected to counteract short-term variations in nest microclimate by modifying the thatch structure, for instance by reducing thatch thickness or by permeating the thatch with openings so as to favor heat exchanges with the outside. Such thermoregulatory responses may compromise the control of nest humidity because of the concomitant water losses resulting from the escape of humid air to the environment. We asked whether water losses through the thatch trigger deposition of nest material as a regulatory response for humidity control. In a laboratory colony of A. heyeri, we defined four equidistant spots on the nest thatch through which losses of air with different humidities were experimentally simulated. The deposition of building material on the spot was recorded as indicative building response. Results showed that material deposition occurred significantly more frequently with higher humidity content of the air leaving the spot. Dry air leaving the nest hardly triggered material deposition. The observation of a continuous turnover of thatch material indicates that the building of a nest thatch is a permanent process, and that short-term responses for the control of nest climate, as the deposition of building material to suppress an outflow of humid air, are guided by specific cues such as the humidity content of the air stream.  相似文献   

Enzymes of the C4, C3 pathway and photorespiration have beenanalyzed for P. hians and P. milioides, which have chlorenchymatousbundle sheath cells in the leaves. On whole leaf extracts thelevels of PEP carboxylase are relatively low compared to C4species, RuDP carboxylase is typical of C3 species, and enzymesof photorespiratory metabolism appear somewhat intermediatebetween C3 and C4. Substantial levels of PEP carboxylase, RuDPcarboxylase, and photorespiratory enzymes were found in bothmesophyll and bundle sheath cells. Low levels of C4-acid decarboxylatingenzymes may limit the capacity for C4 photosynthesis in P. hiansand P. milioides. The results on enzyme activity and distributionbetween mesophyll and bundle sheath cells are consistent withCO2 fixation via C3 pathway in these two species. 1 This research was supported by the College of Agriculturaland Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison; and bythe University of Wisconsin Research Committee with funds fromthe Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation; and by the NationalScience Foundation Grant BMS 74-09611. (Received September 16, 1975; )  相似文献   

An Analysis of Ball's Empirical Model of Stomatal Conductance   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) seedlings were subjected tothree regimens of atmospheric humidity in a growth chamber experiment.Relative humidity was varied to achieve daytime vapour pressuredeficits (VPD) during growth of 29, 48 and 77 kPa. Photosyntheticgas exchange, carbon isotope composition and biomass productionwere measured after 8–10 weeks of treatment. Whereas stomatalconductance (g) declined linearly with increasing ambient VPD,CO2 assimilation rate (A) was not measurably affected by changesin ambient VPD. This resulted in a decrease in intrinsic wateruse efficiency (ratio of CO2 assimilation to stomatal conductance;A/g) with increasing VPD. Leaf carbon isotope discrimination(A) was negatively correlated (r2 = 088) with A/g ratios. Carbonisotope discrimination also correlated positively with ratiosof internal (C1) to ambient (ca) CO2 levels determined by gasexchange measurements (c1/c). The ratio of c1 to ca was lowerat higher VPD levels. Leaf biomass decreased with increasingambient VPD and correlated positively with. Root to leaf biomassratio increased at higher VPD levels and correlated negativelywith. Key words: Larrea tridentata, vapour pressure deficit, carbon isotope discrimination, intrinsic water-use efficiency  相似文献   

There are at least four main hypotheses that may explain how the evolution of host selection by avian brood parasites could be linked to nest predation among their potential hosts. First, selection may have favoured parasite phenotypes discriminating among hosts on the basis of expected nest failure. Second, parasitized nests may be more easily detected by predators and extra costs of parasitism may accelerate the evolution of host defences. Third, selection may have favoured predator phenotypes avoiding parasitized nests because parasitism enhances nest defence. Fourth, female brood parasites may directly or indirectly induce host nesting failures in order to enhance future laying opportunities. We collected data on brood parasitism and nest failure due to predation to test these hypotheses in a comparative approach using North American passerines and their brood parasite, the brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater. Under the hypotheses 1 or 3 we predicted brood parasitism to be negatively associated with nest predation across species, whereas this relation is expected to be positive if hypotheses 2 or 4 are true. We demonstrate that independent of host suitability, nest location, habitat type, length of the nestling period, body mass and similarity among species due to common ancestry, species experiencing relatively high levels of nest predation suffered lower levels of cowbird parasitism. Our results suggest a previously ignored role for nest predation suffered by hosts on the dynamics of the coevolutionary relationships between hosts and avian brood parasites. Co-ordinating editor: Dr. F. Stuefer  相似文献   

When grown under conditions of low relative humidity, the C3–C4intermediate Panicum milioides, as well as the C3 grasses Triticumaestivum and Poa pratense, exhibited 13C values which were upto 2–7%o less negative than the 13C values of the correspondingplants grown at high relative humidity. At both humidity levels,there was no evidence of a substantial contribution of phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase to carbon gain in Panicum milioides  相似文献   

Raphidophycean flagellates, Chattonella marina and C. ovata,are harmful red tide phytoplankters; blooms of these phytoplanktersoften cause severe damage to fish farming. Previous studieshave demonstrated that C. marina and C. ovata continuously producereactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anion (O2)hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) under normal growth conditions, andan ROS-mediated toxic mechanism against fish and other marineorganisms has been proposed. Although the exact mechanism ofROS generation in these phytoplankters still remains to be clarified,our previous study suggested that NADPH oxidase-like enzymelocated on the cell surface of C. marina may be involved inO2 generation. To investigate the localization of O2and H2O2 generation in C. marina and C. ovata, we employed 2-methyl-6(p-methoxyphenyl)-3,7-dihydroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-3-oneand 5-(and-6)-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorodihydrodihydrofluoresceindictate, acetyl ester, which are specific fluorescent probefor detecting O2 and H2O2, respectively. Observationby fluorescence microscopy of live phytoplankters incubatedwith each probe revealed that O2 is mainly generatedon the cell surface, whereas H2O2 is generated in the intracellularcompartment in these phytoplankters. When the cells were rupturedby ultrasonic treatment, O2 levels of C. marina and C.ovata decreased significantly, whereas a few times higher levelsof H2O2 were detected in the ruptured cell suspensions whencompared with the levels of the live cell suspension. In immunoblottinganalysis, the protein recognized by anti-human gp91 phox wasdetected in both species. These results suggest that, in bothphytoplankters, the underlying mechanisms of O2 and H2O2generation may be distinct and such systems are independentlyoperating in the cells.  相似文献   

Summary: Bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) react to disturbances within the nest by a conspicuous hissing sound. The sound is characterised by a high intensity in the ultrasonic frequency range. It is elicited by vibrations of the nest and by mammalian breath and artificial air currents containing CO2. Domestic mice entering a bumblebee nest elicit these sounds and retreat immediately in response to the bumblebees' signal. It is concluded that the hissing sounds serve as aposematic warning signals aimed at predators entering the nest.  相似文献   

Egg predation is a common feature influencing the reproductive success of open nesting birds. Evolutionary pressure therefore favours building cryptic, inconspicuous nests. However, these antipredatory pressures may be in conflict with thermoregulatory constraints, which select for dry nest material maintaining optimum temperature inside a nest cup during the absence of incubating parents. Here we examined possible trade-offs between nest crypsis and thermoregulation in Little Grebes (Tachybaptus ruficollis), which lay their eggs in floating nests built from wet plant material. As this species regularly covers its eggs with nest material, we experimentally examined (1) the rates of egg predation on covered and uncovered artificial nests and (2) possible thermoregulatory costs from nest covering by comparing temperature and relative humidity changes inside the nest cup. Results revealed that covering clutches is beneficial in terms of deterring predators, because uncovered eggs were more vulnerable to predation. Moreover, covering clutches also had thermoregulatory benefits because the mean temperature and relative humidity inside nest cups covered by dry or wet materials were significantly higher for covered compared to uncovered treatments. Covering clutches in Little Grebes therefore does not pose thermoregulatory costs.  相似文献   

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