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Forty-eight strains representing the eight recognized Rhizobium species, two new Phaseolus bean Rhizobium genomic species, Bradyrhizobium spp., Agrobacterium spp., and unclassified rhizobia from various host plants were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of 16S rRNA genes amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Twenty-one composite genotypes were obtained from the combined data of the RFLP analysis with nine endonucleases. Species assignments were in full agreement with the established taxonomic classification. Estimation from these data of genetic relationships between and within genera and species correlated well with previously published data based on DNA-rRNA hybridizations and sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes. This PCR-RFLP method provides a rapid tool for the identification of root nodule isolates and the detection of new taxa.  相似文献   

利用T_RFLP(末端限制性片段长度多态性)技术,分析硝化细菌富集反应器中的微生物群落结构,并对硝化细菌的丰度进行半定量研究。结果表明,培养48h后,硝化细菌富集效果最佳,多样性指数与初始培养相比下降了62.80%,富集出的硝化细菌主要为亚硝酸盐氧化菌(Nitrobacter)。同时对投加该硝化细菌前后的对虾养殖水体进行微生物多样性的动态研究,并推测了虾塘水中可能稳定存在的几种主要细菌种类,其中投加富集硝化细菌前后均存在的细菌种类包括短芽孢杆菌Brevibacillus brevis、微杆菌Microbacterium lactium、固氮弧菌Azoarcus indigens或者霍氏鲍特菌Bordetella holmesii。  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of PCR-amplified genes is a widely used fingerprinting technique in molecular microbial ecology. In this study, we show that besides expected terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs), additional secondary T-RFs occur in T-RFLP analysis of amplicons from cloned 16S rRNA genes at high frequency. A total of 50% of 109 bacterial and 78% of 68 archaeal clones from the guts of cetoniid beetle larvae, using MspI and AluI as restriction enzymes, respectively, were affected by the presence of these additional T-RFs. These peaks were called “pseudo-T-RFs” since they can be detected as terminal fluorescently labeled fragments in T-RFLP analysis but do not represent the primary terminal restriction site as indicated by sequence data analysis. Pseudo-T-RFs were also identified in T-RFLP profiles of pure culture and environmental DNA extracts. Digestion of amplicons with the single-strand-specific mung bean nuclease prior to T-RFLP analysis completely eliminated pseudo-T-RFs. This clearly indicates that single-stranded amplicons are the reason for the formation of pseudo-T-RFs, most probably because single-stranded restriction sites cannot be cleaved by restriction enzymes. The strong dependence of pseudo-T-RF formation on the number of cycles used in PCR indicates that (partly) single-stranded amplicons can be formed during amplification of 16S rRNA genes. In a model, we explain how transiently formed secondary structures of single-stranded amplicons may render single-stranded amplicons accessible to restriction enzymes. The occurrence of pseudo-T-RFs has consequences for the interpretation of T-RFLP profiles from environmental samples, since pseudo-T-RFs may lead to an overestimation of microbial diversity. Therefore, it is advisable to establish 16S rRNA gene sequence clone libraries in parallel with T-RFLP analysis from the same sample and to check clones for their in vitro digestion T-RF pattern to facilitate the detection of pseudo-T-RFs.  相似文献   

We have developed a DNA-based assay to reliably detect brown rot and white rot fungi in wood at different stages of decay. DNA, isolated by a series of CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) and organic extractions, was amplified by the PCR using published universal primers and basidiomycete-specific primers derived from ribosomal DNA sequences. We surveyed 14 species of wood-decaying basidiomycetes (brown-rot and white-rot fungi), as well as 25 species of wood-inhabiting ascomycetes (pathogens, endophytes, and saprophytes). DNA was isolated from pure cultures of these fungi and also from spruce wood blocks colonized by individual isolates of wood decay basidiomycetes or wood-inhabiting ascomycetes. The primer pair ITS1-F (specific for higher fungi) and ITS4 (universal primer) amplified the internal transcribed spacer region from both ascomycetes and basidiomycetes from both pure culture and wood, as expected. The primer pair ITS1-F (specific for higher fungi) and ITS4-B (specific for basidiomycetes) was shown to reliably detect the presence of wood decay basidiomycetes in both pure culture and wood; ascomycetes were not detected by this primer pair. We detected the presence of decay fungi in wood by PCR before measurable weight loss had occurred to the wood. Basidiomycetes were identified to the species level by restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the internal transcribed spacer region.  相似文献   

Soil microbes are active players in energy flow and material exchange of the forest ecosystems, but the research on the relationship between the microbial diversity and the vegetation types is less conducted, especially in the subtropical area of China. In this present study, the rhizosphere soils of evergreen broad-leaf forest (EBF), coniferous forest (CF), subalpine dwarf forest (SDF) and alpine meadow (AM) were chosen as test sites. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP) analysis was used to detect the composition and diversity of soil bacterial communities under different vegetation types in the National Natural Reserve of Wuyi Mountains. Our results revealed distinct differences in soil microbial composition under different vegetation types. Total 73 microbes were identified in soil samples of the four vegetation types, and 56, 49, 46 and 36 clones were obtained from the soils of EBF, CF, SDF and AM, respectively, and subsequently sequenced. The Actinobacteria, Fusobacterium, Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria were the most predominant in all soil samples. The order of Shannon-Wiener index (H) of all soil samples was in the order of EBF>CF>SDF>AM, whereas bacterial species richness as estimated by four restriction enzymes indicated no significant difference. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the soil bacterial communities’ structures of EBF, CF, SDF and AM were clearly separated along the first and second principal components, which explained 62.17% and 31.58% of the total variance, respectively. The soil physical-chemical properties such as total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and total potassium (TK) were positively correlated with the diversity of bacterial communities.  相似文献   

Specific fecal DNA markers were investigated for major pollution sources, cow, human, and pig, and occurrence of the identified markers was analyzed in river waters using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) techniques and sequencing of 16S rDNA of Bacteroides-Prevotella. The unique and specific DNA markers for cow and human were identified as a 222 bp and 60 bp peak in HaeIII T-RFLP profiles, respectively, and the pig-specific marker was not identified but the unique T-RFLP profile of pig could be used as a substitution. Human-specific marker was detected in most of the river waters tested (92.1%) and T-RFLP profiles of river waters were shown to be similar to those of human feces. Cluster analysis of T-RFLP data showed that the fecal sources were multiple (human plus cow and human plus dairy cow) in most of the river waters. The phylogenetic analysis for the clones recovered from the fecal and water samples showed that the clones from cow formed a discreet cluster from those of other sources. The other clones from human, pig, and river water formed two groups all together. The results of this study could be used to identify and control the fecal pollution source in the bodies of water in Korea.  相似文献   

To define and monitor the structure of microbial communities found in the human vagina, a cultivation-independent approach based on analyses of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP) of 16S rRNA genes was developed and validated. Sixteen bacterial strains commonly found in the human vagina were used to construct model communities that were subsequently used to develop efficient means for the isolation of genomic DNA and an optimal strategy for T-RFLP analyses. The various genera in the model community could best be resolved by digesting amplicons made using bacterial primers 8f and 926r with HaeIII; fewer strains could be resolved using other primer-enzyme combinations, and no combination successfully distinguished certain species of the same genus. To demonstrate the utility of the approach, samples from five women that had been collected over a 2-month period were analyzed. Differences and similarities among the vaginal microbial communities of the women were readily apparent. The T-RFLP data suggest that the communities of three women were dominated by a single phylotype, most likely species of Lactobacillus. In contrast, the communities of two other women included numerically abundant populations that differed from Lactobacillus strains whose 16S rRNA genes had been previously determined. The T-RFLP profiles of samples from all the women were largely invariant over time, indicating that the kinds and abundances of the numerically dominant populations were relatively stable throughout two menstrual cycles. These findings show that T-RFLP of 16S rRNA genes can be used to compare vaginal microbial communities and gain information about the numerically dominant populations that are present.  相似文献   

A database of terminal restriction fragments (tRFs) of the 16S rRNA gene was set up utilizing 13 restriction enzymes and 17,327 GenBank sequences. A computer program, termed TReFID, was developed to allow identification of any of these 17,327 sequences by means of polygons generated from the specific tRFs of each bacterium. The TReFID program complements and exceeds in its data content the Web-based phylogenetic assignment tool recently described by A. D. Kent, D. J. Smith, B. J. Benson, and E. W. Triplett (Appl. Environ. Microb. 69:6768-6766, 2003). The method to identify bacteria is different, as is the region of the 16S rRNA gene employed in the present program. For the present communication the software of the tRF profiles has also been extended to allow screening for genes coding for N2 fixation (nifH) and denitrification (nosZ) in any bacterium or environmental sample. A number of controls were performed to test the reliability of the TReFID program. Furthermore, the TReFID program has been shown to permit the analysis of the bacterial population structure of bacteria by means of their 16S rRNA, nifH, and nosZ gene content in an environmental habitat, as exemplified for a sample from a forest soil. The use of the TReFID program reveals that noncultured denitrifying and dinitrogen-fixing bacteria might play a more dominant role in soils than believed hitherto.  相似文献   

Although it is widely believed that horizontal patchiness exists in microbial sediment communities, determining the extent of variability or the particular members of the bacterial community which account for the observed differences among sites at various scales has not been routinely demonstrated. In this study, horizontal heterogeneity was examined in time and space for denitrifying bacteria in continental shelf sediments off Tuckerton, N.J., at the Rutgers University Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory (LEO-15). Characterization of the denitrifying community was done using PCR amplification of the nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) gene combined with terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Spatial scales from centimeters to kilometers were examined, while temporal variation was assayed over the course of 1995 to 1996. Sorenson's indices (pairwise similarity values) were calculated to permit comparison between samples. The similarities of benthic denitrifiers ranged from 0.80 to 0.85 for centimeter scale comparisons, from 0.52 to 0.79 for meter level comparisons, and from 0.23 to 0.53 for kilometer scale comparisons. Sorenson's indices for temporal comparisons varied from 0.12 to 0.74. A cluster analysis of the similarity values indicated that the composition of the denitrifier assemblages varied most significantly at the kilometer scale and between seasons at individual stations. Specific nosZ genes were identified which varied at centimeter, meter, or kilometer scales and may be associated with variability in meio- or macrofaunal abundance (centimeter scale), bottom topography (meter scale), or sediment characteristics (kilometer scale).  相似文献   

Wetlands are major sources of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases released during microbial degradation. Despite the fact that decomposition is mainly driven by bacteria and fungi, little is known about the taxonomic diversity of bacterial communities in wetlands, particularly Sphagnum bogs. To explore bacterial community composition, 24 bogs in Vermont and Massachusetts were censused for bacterial diversity at the surface (oxic) and 1 m (anoxic) regions. Bacterial diversity was characterized by a terminal restriction fragment length (T-RFLP) fingerprinting technique and a cloning strategy that targeted the 16S rRNA gene. T-RFLP analysis revealed a high level of diversity, and a canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated marked similarity among bogs, but consistent differences between surface and subsurface assemblages. 16S rDNA sequences derived from one of the sites showed high numbers of clones belonging to the Deltaproteobacteria group. Several other phyla were represented, as well as two Candidate Division-level taxonomic groups. These data suggest that bog microbial communities are complex, possibly stratified, and similar among multiple sites.  相似文献   

Marine bacterioplankton diversity was examined by quantifying natural length variation in the 5′ domain of small-subunit (SSU) rRNA genes (rDNA) amplified by PCR from a DNA sample from the Oregon coast. This new technique, length heterogeneity analysis by PCR (LH-PCR), determines the relative proportions of amplicons originating from different organisms by measuring the fluorescence emission of a labeled primer used in the amplification reaction. Relationships between the sizes of amplicons and gene phylogeny were predicted by an analysis of 366 SSU rDNA sequences from cultivated marine bacteria and from bacterial genes cloned directly from environmental samples. LH-PCR was used to compare the distribution of bacterioplankton SSU rDNAs from a coastal water sample with that of an SSU rDNA clone library prepared from the same sample and also to examine the distribution of genes in the PCR products from which the clone library was prepared. The analysis revealed that the relative frequencies of genes amplified from natural communities are highly reproducible for replicate sets of PCRs but that a bias possibly caused by the reannealing kinetics of product molecules can skew gene frequencies when PCR product concentrations exceed threshold values.  相似文献   

Thirty clones derived from twenty isolates of heterotrophic nanoflagellates originating from a variety of marine and freshwater environments were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of small subunit ribosomal RNA genes amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (riboprinting). The data were compared with light and electron microscopical identification of the isolates. On morphological criteria, sixteen of the thirty clones belonged to the genus Paraphysomonas De Saedeleer, seven to the genus Spumella Cienkowski, four to the genus Pteridomonas Penard and three to the genus Cafeteria Fenchel and Patterson. Among these taxa, eleven ribotypes were detected by analysis with the restriction enzymes Hinf I, Hae III, Sau3A I, and Msp I. Differentiation of nanoflagellate taxa by the riboprinting method supported taxonomic classification based on morphology at the generic and species level. The utility of the method for discriminating the 'naked' flagellates and for confirming the identity of polymorphic forms among species of Paraphysomonas is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The genus Carnobacterium is currently divided into the following eight species: Carnobacterium piscicola, C. divergens, C. gallinarum, C. mobile, C. funditum, C. alterfunditum, C. inhibens, and C. viridans. An identification tool for the rapid differentiation of these eight Carnobacterium species was developed, based on the 16S-23S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) intergenic spacer region (ISR). PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of this 16S-23S rDNA ISR was performed in order to obtain restriction profiles for all of the species. Three PCR amplicons, which were designated small ISR (S-ISR), medium ISR (M-ISR), and large ISR (L-ISR), were obtained for all Carnobacterium species. The L-ISR sequence revealed the presence of two tRNA genes, tRNAAla and tRNAIle, which were separated by a spacer region that varied from 24 to 38 bp long. This region was variable among the species, allowing the design of species-specific primers. These primers were tested and proved to be species specific. The identification method based on the 16S-23S rDNA ISR, using PCR-RFLP and specific primers, is very suitable for the rapid low-cost identification and discrimination of all of the Carnobacterium species from other phylogenetically related lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

Two hundred and four isolates of rhizobia were sampled from root nodules of Astragalus sinicus grown in rice fields of six southern provinces of China. Genotypic diversity was determined by Southern hybridization using nodDBC genes as a probe, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of PCR-amplified 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacers (IGS), and plasmid profile. Our results show that rhizobia associated with A. sinicus were very diverse, and 10 genotypes were resolved within the previously identified dominant 16S rDNA type. Diversity levels varied greatly between different geographical locations. The same nod gene genotypes were harbored by distinct chromosomal types, suggesting that lateral plasmid transfer occurred during the evolution process. Received: 14 June 1999 / Accepted: 20 July 1999  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of reverse-transcribed 16S rRNA during periods of community flux was used as a tool to delineate the roles of the members of a 2-bromophenol-degrading, sulfate-reducing consortium. Starved, washed cultures were amended with 2-bromophenol plus sulfate, 2-bromophenol plus hydrogen, phenol plus sulfate, or phenol with no electron acceptor and were monitored for substrate use. In the presence of sulfate, 2-bromophenol and phenol were completely degraded. In the absence of sulfate, 2-bromophenol was dehalogenated and phenol accumulated. Direct terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting of the 16S rRNA in the various subcultures indicated that phylotype 2BP-48 (a Desulfovibrio-like sequence) was responsible for the dehalogenation of 2-bromophenol. A stable coculture was established which contained predominantly 2BP-48 and a second Desulfovibrio-like bacterium (designated BP212 based on terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting) that was capable of dehalogenating 2-bromophenol to phenol. Strain 2BP-48 in the coculture could couple reductive dehalogenation to growth with 2-bromophenol, 2,6-dibromophenol, or 2-iodophenol and lactate or formate as the electron donor. In addition to halophenols, strain 2BP-48 appears to use sulfate, sulfite, and thiosulfate as electron acceptors and is capable of simultaneous sulfidogenesis and reductive dehalogenation in the presence of sulfate.  相似文献   

A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assay was developed to examine the genetic variability and similarity of the VP4 genes of human rotaviruses. The VP4 genes of 14 human rotavirus strains, including VP4 serotype P1A strains (Wa, P, VA70), serotype P1B strain (DS-1), serotype P2 strains (M37, 1076, McN, ST3) and serotype P3 strains (AU-1, AU228, K8, PA151, PCP5, MZ58), and those of 2 feline strains (FRV-1 and Cat2) were reverse-transcribed and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The amplified VP4 cDNAs were then digested with a panel of restriction endonucleases (HindIII, NruI, HaeIII, and EcoRI), resulting in the identification of at least one enzyme with which digestion produced an RFLP profile specific for a particular P serotype. Of interest was the presence of two distinct RFLP patterns within the serotype P3 VP4 genes: one corresponding to the VP4 gene carried by the members of the AU-1 genogroup and the other corresponding to the VP4 genes carried by naturally-occurring reassortants between members of the AU-1 and other genogroups.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method for detection and identification of cry1I genes from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) was established. Based on the analysis of conserved regions of the cry1I genes, 2 oligonucleotide primers were designed to amplify a 665-bp fragment of the genes. The amplification products were digested with restriction endonuclease HinfI or with RsaI in addition for specific detection of different variants from the known subclasses of cry1I genes. The PCR-RFLP pattern obtained revealed the detection of cry1I genes in 151 of 202 native Bt isolates. Furthermore, cry1I genes were detectable in 10 of 19 standard strains tested. The cry1Ia gene was the most abundant cry1I gene subclass present in 54 of 56 native Bt isolates and in 8 of 10 standard strains. Based on the results obtained, the PCR-RFLP method may be a valuable and reliable tool for specific detection and identification of cry1I genes.  相似文献   

Yang G  Zhang M  Li W  An L 《Mycopathologia》2008,166(4):203-208
OBJECTIVE: To seek a rapid and reliable molecular biology method to identify the common pathogenic dermatophyte fungi from clinical samples. METHOD: The genome DNA was extracted from cultured strains of seven common dermatophyte fungi species and part of each positive clinical specimen by microscopy. Intergenic spacer regions of ribosomal DNA (ITS) were amplified by semi-nested PCR (snPCR) with three universal primers (NS5, ITS1, and ITS4) for fungi. The amplified products were digested with two restriction endonucleases (BciT130 I, Dde I), the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism(RFLP). The rest of each clinical specimen was cultured in Sabouraud's Agar medium. Then the results of RFLP were compared with the traditional culture results. RESULTS: The digestion of seven common dermatophyte fungi produced seven different restriction profiles. Restriction profiles of 17 clinical specimens matched, respectively, to that of the cultured strains, and 14 profiles of the 17 ones matched the culture result completely. The coincidence was 100.0%. CONCLUSIONS: snPCR-RFLP analysis of intergenic spacer regions of ribosomal DNA is a valuable method of exactness and clarity for species identification of common dermatophyte fungi from clinical specimens.  相似文献   

PCR methods have been shown to be biased by several factors. In the present study, we have developed a theoretic and practical approximation to elucidate how the presence of mismatches at the primers annealing regions and the different number of rDNA operons per cell can influence PCR and subsequent restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses from bacterial populations. We have performed RFLP analyses of 16S rRNA genes amplified by PCR from mixed bacterial cultures showing different primer identities and number of rDNA operons. Our results clearly corroborate that both factors, number of rDNA operons and primers identity, clearly influence the 16S rDNA-RFLP estimations. It has been demonstrated that a higher number of operons leads to a higher efficiency of detection, but a lower degree of primer complementarity implies a decrease in such efficiency.  相似文献   

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