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卷叶锦鸡儿——锦鸡儿属(豆科)一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了产于蒙古、内蒙古、宁夏和甘肃的锦鸡儿属(豆科)一新种--卷叶锦鸡儿。该种因叶轴全部宿存,荚果里外均被毛,植株垫状而与Caragana tibetica Kom.相近,但因小叶内卷,管状,横切面呈"O"形,翼瓣耳圆钝而不同。  相似文献   

本文发表了锦鸡儿属一新变种,即毛叶甘蒙锦鸡儿Caragana opulens Kom.var.trichophylla Z.H.Cao et S.C.Zhang  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属(Caragana)是一个温带亚洲分布属.在我们对这一属系统发育树以及13个分布区的基础上,重点采用Bremer(1992),Ronquist(1994)和Hausdorf(1997)提出的方法,进行本属祖先分布区的分析和探讨.结果表明,3种方法均表明远东-我国东北,阿尔泰-萨彦岭以及华北-秦岭是可能的祖先分布区.结合北温带植物类群属的北方起源学说,认为远东-我国东北为原始分布区的可能性更大一些.同时这三个分布区彼此地理上是隔离的,也恰是本属内一个较原始种树锦鸡儿(Caragana arborescens)的分布区,结合我们以前的分析生物地理学研究,认为隔离分化是本属最重要的物种形成方式,扩散是次要的而且是短距离的扩散.  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属(豆科)祖先分布区分析(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锦鸡儿属(Caragana)是一个温带亚洲分布属。在我们对这一属系统发育树以及13个分布区的基础上,重点采用Bremer(1992),Ronquist(1994)和Hausdorf(1997)提出的方法,进行本属祖先分布区的分析和探讨。结果表明,3种方法均表明远东-我国东北,阿尔泰-萨彦岭以及华北-秦岭是可能的祖先分布区。结合北温带植物类群属的北方起源学说,认为远东-我国东北为原始分布区的可能性更大一些。同时这三个分布区彼此地理上是隔离的,也恰是本属内一个较原始种树锦鸡儿(Caraganaarborescens)的分布区,结合我们以前的分析生物地理学研究,认为隔离分化是本属最重要的物种形成方式,扩散是次要的而且是短距离的扩散。  相似文献   

豆科锦鸡儿属植物研究进展   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
贾丽  曲式曾 《植物研究》2001,21(4):515-518
锦鸡儿属植物全世界约有80 余种, 是重要的资源植物。从定名至今已有200 多年的研究历史。本文主要从以下三方面的研究作以综述:(1)分类方面的研究进展;(2)植物区系的研究;(3)植物资源的开发利用研究情况。并在总结现有研究结果的基础上, 对本属植物今后的研究方向提出了初步的构想, 以供商榷。  相似文献   

本文发表了锦鸡儿属一新种,即:特克斯锦鸡儿Caragana tekesiensis Y.Z.Zhao et D.W.Zhou.  相似文献   

根据对乐都锦鸡儿Caragana leduensis Y.Z.Zhao,Y.H.Wu&L.Q.Zhao和玉树锦鸡儿CtanguticaMaxim.ex Kom.var.yushuensis Y.H.Wu模式标本的观察及对国内标本馆大量标本的研究,将它们分别处理为青甘锦鸡儿C.tangutica Maxim.ex Kom.和沧江锦鸡儿C.kozlowi Kom.的新异名,并对二者的地理分布范围进行了讨论。  相似文献   

豆科锦鸡儿属(Caragana Fabr.)植物地理分布与分化研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
豆科锦鸡儿属约80种,可以明确地分为6组14系。编绘了79个种的分布图,在此基础上,描述了每个种的分布范围和生存生境,以系和组为单位探讨了锦鸡儿属植物各类群的分布规律,并进一步研究了种类形成和演化过程。Sect. Caragana为东亚--蒙古高原分布型,其Ser. Caraganae的种类在东亚地区随纬度的变化呈现出明显的地理替代分布规律, Ser. Microphyllae在蒙古高原地区随经度的干旱梯度变化呈现出清晰的种类替代关系,本组各系间也有明显的地理替代分布现象。Sect. Prunosa为东亚--中亚间断分布型。Sect. Longispina为喜马拉雅分布型。Sect. Tragacan thoides为环青藏高原--北极高山分布型。Sect. Frutescentes广泛分布于亚洲干旱地区。Sect. Chamlagu为东亚分布型。本属种类可分为6个分布型,分布型之间的关系揭示了亚洲干旱区植物区系形成的渊源和联系。Sect. Caragana为本属的原始类群,起源于东亚,曾广泛分布于亚洲大陆,随青藏高原的隆起,原始类群就地分化形成不同的类群,在此基础上迁移分化适应,形成了现代多样的分布格局,中亚为本属的分化中心。  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属植物区系成份分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
杨昌友  李楠 《植物研究》1990,10(4):93-99
锦鸡儿属(Caragana Fabr.)属蝶形花科山羊豆族,是温带亚洲的代表属之一。本文对锦鸡儿属已知种类的区系成份进行了研究,将105种植物共划分为20个分布区类型,其中包括:(1)青藏高原分布;(2)沿喜马拉雅分布;(3)云贵高原分布;(4)云贵高原—华北分布;(5)秦岭山地分布;(6)华北分布;(7)中国东北分布;(8)蒙古高原分布;(9)西伯利亚阿尔泰分布;(10)亚洲中部分布;(11)西亚分布;(12)天山山地分布;(13)帕米尔—阿赖依分布;(14)小亚细亚—里海—哈萨克斯坦分布;(15)准噶尔—哈萨克斯坦分布;16)塔尔巴哈台—准噶尔—蒙古分布;(17)准噶尔特有分布;(18)昆仑山特有分布;(19)黑海—西西伯利亚分布;(20)欧洲—高加索分布。统计结果表明:属青藏高原分布的种类最为丰富,有18种,占总数的17.16%,沿喜马拉雅分布次之,共计12种,占总数的11.45%;再次之是中国华北分布和天山山地分布,均为10种,占总数的9.54%。通过区系分析可以清晰地看出:本属在中国,的分布很广,种类也很多,共计80种,约占全属总数的76.32%。中国特有种也很丰富,共计43种,占全国分布总数的一半以上(53.75%),占本属总数的40.95%。  相似文献   

中国锦鸡儿属的分子系统发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了中国锦鸡儿属Caragana各属下分类群20个代表种的ITS、trnL-F和trnS-G序列.基于3种DNA片段的单独分析所获得的系统发育树具有相似的拓扑结构;3种片段的合并分析提高了各分支的支持度,并获得了相似的系统发育树.落轴亚属subgen.Caragana的种类构成了一个在系统树上首先分化出来的单系分支,与形态特征和地理分布的研究一致.短齿系ser. Occidentales和长齿系ser. Bracteolatae的代表种构成了1个单独的分支,因此短齿系应被放入长齿系所属刺叶组sect.Longspina 而不是针刺组sect.Spinosae或sect.Pruinosa.分子系统学证据支持依据叶片宽窄在掌叶组sect.Frutescentes中再划分2个系的形态学研究结论;但Ser.Dasyphyllae和针刺系ser.Spinosae的亲缘关系较近,系统发育分析的结果似乎不支持在针刺组中单独划分2个系.宿轴类的物种聚成一个单系的分支,因此应被处理为一个组--鬼箭组sect.Jubatae;荚果里面被毛和无毛的种类各自构成2个小支,支持依据该特征在组下分系.系统树显示Sanczir定义的sect.Tragacanthoides然为多系类群,应将该组中所包含的刺叶组、针刺组、和鬼箭组的种类划分出来.基于ITS的遗传距离表明卷叶锦鸡儿C. ordosica与藏锦鸡儿C, tibetica应该是2个不同的种.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of thirty one species and two varieties of the genus Caragana Fabr. were observed under LM and SEM.The results revealed that the pollen exine ornamentation of the species examined could be divided into two types: perforate and reticulate.The later type consists of two subtypes according to lumina size and muri width. In the first subtype the lumina is round with d iameter equal to muri width,and the exine is perforate in two polar areas,while in the second subtype lumina is irregular or polygonal,with diameter sm aller than muri width.The pollen volume was divided into four types.The genus Caragana is a natural group which was indicated by the general resemblance of pollen morphology. In this genus the pollen morphological classification was not in concordance with the arrangement of the sections and series except Ser.Pygmeae and some species. The pollen variation at infraspecific level was obvious,especially the species distributed in Qinghai Xizang Plateau, such as C.jubata, C.bicolor and C. erinacea . The evolutionary trend of pollen morphology is from perforate to reticulate, which is congruous with the evolution from the pinnate leaf group to the almate leaf group in the genus.  相似文献   

Non‐rewarding orchids rely on various ruses to attract their pollinators. One of the most common is for them to resemble flowers sought by insects as food sources. This can range from generalized food deception to the mimicry of specific sympatric food plants. We investigated the basis of pollinator deception in the European food‐deceptive orchid Traunsteinera globosa, which has unusually compact flowerheads resembling those of sympatric rewarding species of Knautia and Scabiosa (Dipsacaceae), and Valeriana (Caprifoliaceae). Visual signals of T. globosa are similar in both fly and bee vision models to those of the sympatric food plants used in the choice experiments, but scent signals are divergent. Field experiments conducted in Austria and the Czech Republic showed that both naive and experienced (with respect to visitation of T. globosa) insect species approached the orchids at the same rate as food plants, but direct contact with orchid flowers was taxon specific. Flies were most easily duped into probing the orchid, and, in doing so, frequently received and deposited pollinaria, whereas most bees and butterflies avoided landing on orchid flowers. We conclude that T. globosa is a mimic of a guild of fly‐pollinated plants, but the ecological dependence of the orchid on its models remains to be fully tested. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 269–294.  相似文献   

将毛冠喜花草Eranthemum pubipetalum S. Z. Huang ex H. P. Tsui 处理为华南喜花草E. austrosinense H. S. Lo的变种,即E. austrosinense H. S. Lo var. pubipetalum (S. Z. Huang ex H. P. Tsui) T. L. Li & Y. F. Deng。该变种与华南喜花草的区别在于花冠被毛和子房无毛。  相似文献   

康云  张明理 《广西植物》2017,37(2):225-227
原簇毛黄耆亚属的部分种类从黄耆属中分出,在此基础上恢复了膨果豆属,由此也产生了许多新组合。其中,新组合蒺藜叶膨果豆包含了原蒺藜叶黄耆和甘青黄耆。为验证该分类处理的合理性,该文统计分析了蒺藜叶黄耆和甘青黄耆在果实形态上的差异,同时比较了二者的地理分布式样。结果表明:甘青黄耆和蒺藜叶黄耆之间存在着明显区别,甘青黄耆种级的分类学地位应予以保留,新组合为甘青膨果豆[Phyllolobium tangutica(Batalin)Y.Kang M.L.Zhang]。  相似文献   

The recent worldwide effort to transfer all non‐Australian taxa of Acacia s.l. mostly to the genera Senegalia and Vachellia follows the acceptance of the proposed re‐typification of the genus with an Australian species. The Madagascan species have, as yet, not been included in phylogenetic studies of Acacia s.l. and their position in the new generic classification of Acacia s.l. is therefore still unclear. In this study, plastid DNA sequence data were generated for seven Madagascan species, included in existing matrices for Acacia s.l. and analysed to assess the placement of these species. The results indicate that the Madagascan species are placed either in Senegalia or Vachellia and conform to the morphological characters used to distinguish these genera, despite some taxa having unusual red flowers. New combinations are formalized for Senegalia baronii , S . hildebrandtii , S . kraussiana ssp. madagascariensis , S . menabeensis , S . meridionalis , S . pervillei , S . pervillei ssp. pubescens , S . polhillii , S . sakalava , S . sakalava ssp. hispida , V achellia bellula , V . myrmecophila and V . vigueri . Nomenclatural errors are also corrected for three African taxa and, as such, new combinations are provided for Senegalia fleckii , S . hamulosa and V achellia theronii . © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 288–294.  相似文献   

Bauhinia flagelliflora Wunderlin,B. haughtii Wunderlin, andB. pichinchensis Wunderlin, all endemic to Ecuador, are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Lupinus rubriflorus Planchuelo, from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is described and illustrated. This species is related toL. bracteolaris s.l. differing in pubescence, stipules, and floral characters.  相似文献   

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