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研究了某焦化废水处理厂接触氧化池中降酚菌群的苯酚羟化酶大亚基基因(the largest subunit of the multi-component phenol hydroxylase,LmPH)的多样性。通过温度梯度凝胶电泳(temperature gradient gel electrophoresis,TGGE)对比分析了氧化池4个区段(O1-O4)中降酚菌群LmPH的组成。它们的TGGE图谱完全一样、相似性为100%,表明该处理池中不同区段的降酚菌群的功能基因组成是高度相似的。以O4段的菌群为代表建立LmPH基因克隆文库,从中挑选了49个克隆测序。依据LmPH基因的DNA序列所推测的氨基酸序列完全相同的归为一类的原则,49个克隆被分为16种类型,其中优势LmPH基因主要有5种类型(多于4个克隆),而另外11种类型都只有1个克隆。与已知基因同源性超过90%的有7种类型,低于80%的有2种类型。基于氨基酸序列的系统进化树分析表明,LmPH文库中绝大部分的类型都属于低亲和常数(low-Ks)的LmPH,占所有克隆的92%。只有一个类型属于高亲和常数(high-Ks)的。因此,处理焦化废水的工业装置中不仅具有丰富多样的苯酚羟化酶基因类型,而且以编码低亲和常数的占优势地位,而过去报道的通过富集培养分离得到的降酚菌则多带有高亲和常数的酶。这提示我们传统的富集培养方法并不能筛选到生态环境中的真正优势功能菌。  相似文献   

目的:应用分子生物学方法,以处理焦化工业废水(A2/O生物膜工艺)中的悬浮污泥和生物膜的微生物群落作为研究对象,分析不同环境微生物群落的组成差异.方法:首先提取群落的总DNA,获得ERIC-PCR和LP-RAPD指纹图谱并进行对比分析,然后结合群落探针杂交的技术,检查同样迁移率的条带的序列同源性,运用UVIBAND/MAP软件比较所得群落指纹图谱的相似性指数,从而可以得到群落差异的量化结果.结果:焦化废水接触氧化池中,悬浮污泥和生物膜的微生物群落组成存在相当大的差异.结论:通过这种差异的比较分析,有可能让我们更准确地了解氧化池中微生物的群落组成情况,有利于分析其与系统功能的关系.  相似文献   

反应器的群落结构分析有助于对工业装置的故障原因进行诊断。为了解决某焦化废水处理装置硝化功能低下的故障,构建了一套相似的实验室装置作为参照系统,该装置的硝化功能良好。通过工业装置和实验室装置好氧池生物膜16SrDNA克隆文库的比较,分析了它们之间硝化菌群的组成差异。实验室装置克隆文库的构成说明Nitrosomonas europaea-Nitrosoccus mobilis类群和Nitrospira属Ⅰ亚区系分别是该工艺条件下优势的氨氧化菌和亚硝酸氧化菌,但工业装置的克隆文库中却没有找到任何与硝化菌序列相近的克隆,这说明工业装置中硝化菌的多度较低。进一步使用Taqman荧光探针实时定量PCR测定了样品中Nitrospira属的多度,实验室装置中Nitrospira属16S rDNA的拷贝数达到3.4×106个/微克基因组DNA,而工业装置的测定值不到实验室装置的1/300。这些试验结果都表明工业装置好氧池微生物群落中缺少适当的硝化菌群是造成其硝化能力低下的重要原因。提高菌群中Nitrosomonas属和Nitrospira属的多度是解决工业装置硝化能力低下的关键。  相似文献   

张玉秀  蒙小俊  柴团耀 《微生物学报》2013,53(10):1117-1124
摘要:【目的】酚类物质的去除是焦化废水处理的关键问题,目的是从焦化废水中分离高效的苯酚降解细菌。【方法】以苯酚为唯一碳源筛选纯化降解苯酚细菌,菌株鉴定采用菌落形态和16S rRNA 序列分析方法,并研究其苯酚降解特性和在焦化废水中的除酚作用。【结果】菌落形态和16S rRNA序列比对分析表明分离的P1菌株为红球菌属(Rhodococcus sp.)细菌;其耐酚浓度高达1400 mg/L,苯酚降解的最适条件为32℃-42℃、pH 7.0和0-4%盐;苯酚降解动力学曲线符合Haldane动力学模型,qmax=0.517/h,Ks=77.487 mg/L,Ki=709.965 mg/L;不同重金属对红球菌P1菌株的苯酚降解抑制作用不同,Zn2+、Mn2+和低浓度的Pb2+对菌株降酚没有影响,Cu2+、Ni2+、Cd2+均抑制菌株对酚的降解;红球菌P1菌株2d内可完全降解1/3焦化原水中的279.9 mg/L酚类物质。【结论】P1菌株是1株高效的苯酚降解菌,具有生物处理焦化废水酚类物质的潜力。  相似文献   

采用免培养的rpoB和16S rDNA基因的变性梯度凝胶电泳技术(DGGE)对3种山羊(波尔山羊,内蒙古绒山羊,四川南江黄羊)瘤胃细菌优势菌群结构进行了比较分析。研究结果显示rpoBDGGE图谱中条带数目少于16S rDNA图谱,并且条带分离效果明显,更有利于分析瘤胃细菌群落组成。从两种DGGE图谱中均可以发现3种山羊瘤胃细菌具有一定的相似性,种内个体间相似性明显高于种间相似性,这说明寄主品种是影响瘤胃细菌种群构成的一个重要因素。同时进行了部分优势细菌16S rDNA基因V6-V8区序列的系统发育分析。基因序列分析表明,DGGE图谱中优势条带的16S rDNA基因序列中有4条克隆的序列与基因库最相似菌的相似性大于97%,余下的克隆序列相似性在89%~96%之间,其中13条序列的与之相似性最高的序列均来自于未被鉴定的瘤胃细菌。  相似文献   

Bacterial community composition and succession were examined over the course of the summer season in the Great South Bay, Long Island, NY, USA, using a 16S rDNA clone library approach. There was a progression of changes in dominant species in the libraries during the summer of 1997. The July library had several groups dominant, the SAR407 relatives of the alpha-Proteobacteria (24%) and the SAR86 (18%), sulfur-oxidizing symbiont relatives (8%) of the gamma-Proteobacteria, and unidentified Cytophaga-Flexibacter representatives (22%). In August, the Cytophaga-Flexibacter (Gelidibacter sp. and unidentified Cytophaga-Flexibacter representative) and Cyanobacteria (Synechococcus sp.) increased to 28% and 14%, respectively. High GC Gram-positives appeared at 18%, and beta-Proteobacteria (Ralstonia sp.) at 10%. By September these groups had either declined or were absent, while the SAR86 cluster, Pseudoalteromonas and Alteromonas of the gamma-Proteobacteria were dominant in the community (61%). The dominance of open ocean bacteria along with the presence of Aureococcus anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae) in July suggests possible open ocean coupling to bloom events. Many clones in this study were related to previously described clones from a wide distribution of marine environments, substantiating the cosmopolitan nature of pelagic bacteria. Only one isolated bacterium was closely related to 16S rDNA found in the August library.  相似文献   

The structure of the biofouling layers formed on a pilot-scale membrane-coupled upflow anaerobic sludge blanket bioreactor (UASB) used to treat urban wastewater was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and electron-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. For comparison, control samples of the membranes were fed either UASB effluent or raw wastewater in a laboratory-scale experiment. Microbial diversity in the fouling materials was analyzed by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) combined with sequence analysis of partial 16S rRNA. Significant differences in structure of the Bacteria communities were observed amongst the different fouling layers analyzed in the UASB membranes, particularly following a chemical cleaning step (NaClO), while the Archaea communities retained more similarity in all samples. The main Bacteria populations identified were evolutively close to Firmicutes (42.3%) and Alphaproteobacteria (30.8%), while Archaea were mostly affiliated to the Methanosarcinales and Methanospirillaceae. Sphingomonadaceae-related bacteria and methanogenic Archaea were persistently found as components of biofouling, regardless of chemical cleaning.  相似文献   

In this study, PCR-RFLP and GC-MS approaches were used to characterize the bacterial diversity, organic pollutants and metabolites during the tannery wastewater treatment process at common effluent treatment plant (CETP). Results revealed that the bacterial communities growing in aeration lagoon-I were dominated with Escherichia sp., Stenotrophomonas sp., Bacillus sp. and Cronobacter sp. while that of aeration lagoon-II prevailed with Stenotrophomonas sp., and Burkholderiales bacterium, respectively. The HPLC and GC-MS analysis revealed that most of the organic pollutants detected in untreated tannery wastewater samples were diminished from bacterial treated tannery wastewater samples. Only two pollutants i.e. L-(+)-lactic acid and acetic acid could not be degraded by bacteria whereas benzene and 2-hydroxy-3-methyl-butanoic acid was produced as new metabolites during the bacterial treatment of tannery wastewater in aeration lagoon II of CETP. Further, it was observed that after bacterial treatment, the toxicity of tannery effluent was reduced significantly allowing 90% seed germination.  相似文献   

The microbial communities established in mesophilic and thermophilic expanded granular sludge bed reactors operated with sulfate as the electron acceptor were analyzed using 16S rRNA targeted molecular methods, including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, cloning, and phylogenetic analysis. Bacterial and archaeal communities were examined over 450 days of operation treating ethanol (thermophilic reactor) or ethanol and later a simulated semiconductor manufacturing wastewater containing citrate, isopropanol, and polyethylene glycol 300 (mesophilic reactor), with and without the addition of copper(II). Analysis, of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed a defined shift in microbial diversity in both reactors following a change in substrate composition (mesophilic reactor) and in temperature of operation from 30°C to 55°C (thermophilic reactor). The addition of copper(II) to the influent of both reactors did not noticeably affect the composition of the bacterial or archaeal communities, which is in agreement with the very low soluble copper concentrations (3–310 μg l−1) present in the reactor contents as a consequence of extensive precipitation of copper with biogenic sulfides. Furthermore, clone library analysis confirmed the phylogenetic diversity of sulfate-reducing consortia in mesophilic and thermophilic sulfidogenic reactors operated with simple substrates.  相似文献   

In this study, dual-cylindrical anaerobic digesters were designed and built on the pilot plant scale for the improvement of anaerobic digestion efficiency. The removal efficiency of organics, biogas productivity, yield, and microbial communities was evaluated as performance parameters of the digester. During the stable operational period in the continuous mode, the removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand and total solids were 74.1 and 65.1%, respectively. Biogas productivities of 63.9 m3/m3-FWW and 1.3 m3/kg-VSremoved were measured. The hydrogenotrophic methanogen orders, Methanomicrobiales and Methanobacteriales, were predominant over the aceticlastic methanogen order, Methanosarcinaceae, probably due to the tolerance of the hydrogenotrophs to environmental perturbation in the field and their faster growth rate compared with that of the aceticlastics.  相似文献   

The microbial community and its diversity in production water from a high-temperature, water-flooded petroleum reservoir of an offshore oilfield in China were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed from the community DNA and, using sequence analysis, 388 bacterial and 220 archaeal randomly selected clones were clustered with 60 and 28 phylotypes, respectively. The results showed that the 16S rRNA genes of bacterial clones belonged to the divisions Firmicutes, Thermotogae, Nitrospirae and Proteobacteria, whereas the archaeal library was dominated by methanogen-like rRNA genes (Methanothermobacter, Methanobacter, Methanobrevibacter and Methanococcus), with a lower percentage of clones belonging to Thermoprotei. Thermophilic microorganisms were found in the production water, as well as mesophilic microorganisms such as Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter-like clones. The thermophilic microorganisms may be common inhabitants of geothermally heated specialized subsurface environments, which have been isolated previously from a number of high-temperature petroleum reservoirs worldwide. The mesophilic microorganisms were probably introduced into the reservoir as it was being exploited. The results of this work provide further insight into the composition of microbial communities of high-temperature petroleum reservoirs at offshore oilfields.  相似文献   

A variety of physical and chemical parameters are routinely monitored during operation of the Natural Circulation System, a wastewater purification bioreactor in which only natural materials and no synthetic chemicals are used. However, the microbial community structures existing in the Natural Circulation System have not been well characterized. Thus, bacterial community structure and composition in this system were studied using clone library analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA genes amplified using PCR with universal bacterial primer sets. The PCR products were then subcloned into the pGEM-T vector. Each unique restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern, created by using two pairs of restriction endonucleases, was designated as an operational taxonomic unit (OTU). The Natural Circulation System comprises five tanks, the second and third of which play a major role in the bioreactor. Clone library pro-files and principal component analysis revealed differences in the bacterial community structures of the second (anaerobic chamber) and the third (aerobic chamber) tanks. However, the beta-proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes/ Chlorobi and gamma-proteobacteria groups were dominant in both tanks. Bacterial composition was more complex in the second tank (107 OTUs) than in the third tank (68 OTUs). Of a total of 154 OTUs in the clone libraries, only 21 were common to the two tanks. The results obtained in this study should provide important information for future research into and management of the Natural Circulation System wastewater bioreactor.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective of this study is to determine the bacteria playing an important role in denitrification by monitoring the molecular dynamics accompanying the start of denitrification. METHODS AND RESULTS: cDNA reverse-transcribed from 16S rRNA was amplified with fluorescent labelled primer for terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis and an unlabelled primer for cloning analysis. The terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) that increased in association with the start of denitrification were determined. These T-RFs were identified by in silico analysis of 16S rRNA sequences obtained from cloning. As a result, it was clearly observed that the bacteria belonging to the genera Hydrogenophaga and Acidovorax increased in number after the start of denitrification. CONCLUSIONS: It was demonstrated that T-RFLP analysis targeting 16S rRNA is appropriate for the daily monitoring of a bacterial community to control wastewater treatment processes. Combination of the results of T-RFLP analysis and 16S rRNA clone library indicated that the bacteria belonging to the genera Hydrogenophaga and Acidovorax play an important role in denitrification. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results of this study provide new insight to the 16S rRNA level of active denitrifying bacteria in wastewater treatment processes.  相似文献   

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