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Gibberellin A3 (GA3) was found to reduce the starch contentin chloroplasts isolated from light-grown cucumber (cv. Aonagajibai)hypocotyls. Chloroplasts incubated with 50 mM sucrose showedan increase in starch content. The GA3-induced reduction occurredboth in the presence and absence of exogenous sucrose. GA3 hadno effect on the level of starch already formed from exogenoussucrose. (Received April 4, 1984; Accepted June 7, 1984)  相似文献   

The effects of GA3 on the water absorption, osmotic potentialand starch content of light-grown cucumber (cv. Aonagajibai)hypocotyl sections were examined. GA3 (100µM.) stimulatedfresh weight increase as well as elongation. It had no effecton the dry weight change in the presence, or absence, of 50mM sucrose although dry weight increased significantly in thepresence of sucrose. In the absence of sucrose the weight wasunchanged. The osmotic potential of the epidermal cells of sectionsincubated with GA3 was lower than that of the control, and thedifference between the two values was larger in young seedlings.When sections were incubated with sucrose, the osmotic potentialgreatly decreased. This decrease was more marked in the presenceof GA3. GA3 reduced the starch content of the sections bothin the presence and absence of sucrose. The total amount ofstarch, however, was markedly increased in its presence. Thedegradation of starch formed in advance from exogenous sucrosein light was not accelerated by GA3. We discuss a possible rolefor gibberellin in cell elongation, based on our results, interms of cell water relations. (Received January 18, 1983; Accepted July 19, 1983)  相似文献   

Effects of diamines, polyamines, and other basic amino acidson the growth of lettuce hypocotyls were investigated. Putrescine,cadaverine and agmatine enhanced the hypocotyl growth in thepresence of gibberellin, while spermidine and spermine werenon-effective. Arginine and ornithine, which may be precursorsof putrescine, had similar effect. While the growth inhibitiondue to arcaine (1,4-diguanidinobutane), which is a agmatineiminohydrolase inhibitor, was recovered by agmatine, cadaverine,putrescine, and spermidine, putrescine most effectively recoveredits growth-enhancing effect. (Received August 25, 1982; Accepted December 27, 1982)  相似文献   

在MS基本培养基上,黄瓜和绿豆幼苗的下胚轴切段培养4d时即可见不定根发生。下胚轴不同部位切段的发根能力不同。下胚轴切段反插时比正插时发根快1-2d,发根率也高于正插的;0.01-0.05mg/L的NAA还诱导下胚轴切段在形态学上端发根。TIBA对正插或反插的下胚轴切段的不定根发生都有抑制作用。结果提示,生长素极性运输活性对不定根形成起着重要作用。  相似文献   

1 ppm表油菜素内酯(epiBR)能显著地促进光下生长的黄瓜下胚轴伸长。其促进伸长的效应需约5h滞后期,明显超过IAA而与GA_3的滞后期接近。GA_3对epiBR促进黄瓜下胚轴的伸长具有增效作用。epiBR能提高内源GA_3,ABA的水平,处理24h后,GA_3/ABA值约为对照的两倍。经epiBR处理后的黄瓜下胚轴内淀粉含量较低,并维持在同一水平,这与GA_3的作用颇为一致。  相似文献   

Adventitious root formation in encumber hypocotyl cuttings was studied. Root formation was quantitatively related to the amount of the cotyledons attached to the hypocotyl. Complete removal of the cotyledons diminished root formation entirely. Hut the removal of the apical bud had no effect. Treatment of the hypocotyl with triiodobenzoic acid resulted in the inhibition of root formation. On t he other hand, IAA promoted root formation. Promoting concentration of IAA was 1 mg/1 for the cuttings with intact cotyledons and 10 mg/1 for those with l/8th of the cotyledons. The first two or three days of treatment was most effective. The presence of auxin (IAA-like. substance) in cucumber seedlings was demonstrated by paper chromatography and the pea straight test. It is concluded that the cotyledon is necessary for root formation in cucumber hypocotyl cuttings and that auxin is at least one of the factors supplied from the cotyledons.  相似文献   

培养基中蔗糖抑制绿豆下胚轴不定根发生率和每个切段的发根数。无营养条件下 (培养基中仅有蔗糖和琼脂 ) 2 %蔗糖达到显著抑制 ,有营养条件下 (MS培养基营养成分 ) 9%蔗糖才显著抑制 ,正插的下胚轴受抑制比反插的大  相似文献   

Sucrose Leakage from Isolated Parenchyma of Sugar Beet Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinetics of sugar efflux from slices of sugar beet rootswas investigated using washing solutions of different osmoticpressure and calcium concentration. The leakage of sucrose isstrongly reduced in solutions of high osmotic pressure (>0·8MPa) or high calcium concentration (10 mM). Turgor-dependentnecrosis of parenchyma cells (plasmoptysis) is the main causeof sucrose efflux from the tissue in hypotonic media with lowcalcium activity. This was shown by good correlation betweenthe percentage of leaked sucrose and the percentage of tissuewater, which was in the free space after the washing procedure.The kinetics of sugar leakage from beet root parenchyma is nobasis for the estimation of the sugar contents of the free spaceor the cytoplasm in situ.  相似文献   

Sets of discs were taken from leaves of destarched tobacco plants(Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. xanthii) and floated on solutionsof sucrose or glucose in the dark. Abundant starch was formedin the youngest leaves but there was a marked decline with leafage.By contrast, when replicate sets of discs were floated on waterand illuminated, photosynthetic starch formation was similarin the differently aged leaves. Uptake of sugar, measured bydry weight increases and incorporation of [14C]sucrose, wasnot dependent on leaf age. The possibility that physiologicalchanges, relating to ageing and import/export status of theleaf, regulate the metabolism of sugar to starch was examined.Increasing retention of sugar in the minor veins is likely tobe a major factor. Invertase activities were measured and foundto be similar in the differently aged leaves. Respiration ratesdeclined with increasing leaf age. Speculations concerning changesin selective permeability of the chloroplast membrane are alsodiscussed.  相似文献   

ARNOLD  S. von 《Annals of botany》1987,59(1):15-22
Adventitious buds were initiated on embryos of Picea abies (L.)Karst. after a pulse treatment with cytokinin. The initial stagesof bud formation could take place on culture medium lackingsucrose, but sucrose was required for further development ofmeristematic centres into bud primordia and buds. Sucrose atone per cent was optimal for adventitious bud formation. Embryoscultured on media containing sucrose started to accumulate starchduring the first day. Starch accumulation occurred especiallyin the cortex cells where starch grains were frequently presentin the chloroplasts. The starch accumulation increased withhigher sucrose concentrations in the culture medium. Embryoscultured on medium lacking sucrose did not accumulate starchbefore the formation of meristematic centres. Starch accumulationwas never observed in meristematic cells from which adventitiousbud primordia developed. Picea abies (L.) Karst., Norway spruce, adventitious bud, starch accumulation, sucrose concentration  相似文献   

A cosmid, pR4C1, composed of the actinophage R4 cos sequence and Streptomyces plasmid pIJ365, was encapsidated in R4 phage particles in vivo. [T. Morino et al., Mol. Gen. Genet., 198, 228–233 (1985)] In this report a cosmid derivative, pR4C4, is shown to be also encapsidated by heterogeneous actinophages, SPA10 and SPA38, and transferred to Streptomyces lividans. Use of this transduction and conservation of the DNA packaging mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the flow of carbon from sites where it is assimilated to its eventual destination as starch is, for convenience, investigated as a large number of partial processes, it is nevertheless possible to conceive of a simple unifying model: the plant as a set of conductors for reduced carbon compounds, the direction of flow and the flux being determined by gradients of concentration and resistance to movement (Beevers 1969, Jenner 1974 a). This simple idea can explain what is known about the overall process, and one attractive feature of a recent hypothesis on the nature of the regulatory mechanism (Herold and Walker 1979) is that it spans the gap between origin and destination.  相似文献   

The accumulation of silicon was studied in Avena intercalary-meristemstem-segments treated in GA3, sucrose, GA3+sucrose, and water. Electron-probe analysis was used for the detection of silicon.GA3 and sucrose, together and separately, appear to inhibitthe accumulation of silicon in the silica cells which are thespecific sites for silicon deposition. The results suggest thatsucrose and gibberellin may play a role in regulating the silicificationprocess in developing internodes.  相似文献   

水杨酸对黄瓜子叶表皮气孔开度的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄瓜品种中农203(Cucumis sativus L.cv.Zhongnong 203)幼苗为试材,采用SA溶液根部施用和子叶表皮浸泡两种方式,显微观测了不同外源水杨酸(Salicylic acid,SA)溶液处理对其子叶表皮气孔开度的影响,以探讨SA与气孔运动的关系.结果表明:SA子叶表皮浸泡或根部施用后,气孔运动的趋势是随着SA浓度增加而孔径逐渐变小,且SA磷酸缓冲液的作用效果与SA水溶液相似.随着处理时间的延长,气孔开度逐渐变小,且气孔开度与SA处理时间达极显著(r=-0.962**)或显著(r=-0.914*)负相关.溶液低pH值,增强了SA对气孔开度的抑制作用,且SA浓度越高作用越明显;0.1 mmol/L SA处理后,pH为8、7、6溶液的气孔开度抑制率分别为90.2%、93.8%和96.3%,即SA溶液对气孔开度的抑制率随着溶液pH降低而升高.可见,外源SA能够促进气孔关闭,其作用随着SA浓度升高、处理时间延长和溶液pH值降低而增强,相对于磷酸缓冲液,以蒸馏水作为溶剂的SA溶液促进气孔关闭的作用更大.  相似文献   

几种高山植物叶绿体淀粉粒的变化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用透射电镜对生长于青藏高原东北部达坂山(海拔3900m)的5种高山植物叶绿体超微结构进行了观察。结果发现,在所研究的5种高山植物叶绿体中,淀粉粒数量均较多,淀粉粒呈长椭圆形或圆形,沿叶绿体长轴分布。在珠芽蓼的叶绿体中,淀粉粒的电子密度内外不均匀,外周电子密度低,中央电子密度高。在其余4种高山植物中,淀粉粒的电子密度均较低。另外,在这5种高山植物叶绿体中还出现了脂质小球。其类囊体均出现了不同程度的膨大现象。研究表明,高山植物叶绿体中淀粉粒的这种变化是对逆境的一种适应,是青藏高原特殊生态条件长期胁迫的结果。  相似文献   

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