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Abstract. The origin, sequence and location of molecular damage arising during sub-lethal drought is described in 4-week-old wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Short episodes of water deprivation increased the uptake of iron within 6h of drought. Superoxide, precursor of the highly reactive hydroxyl radical in the presence of iron, was formed in the thylakoid membranes. Further draughting promoted destruction of chlorophylls (but not carotenoids), which was detectable after 14 h and preceded significant losses in relative water content. Peroxidation of lipids and a decreased protein content occurred after 26h of cumulative water deprivation but was confined to the shoots. In contrast, there was no significant loss of protein nor peroxidation of lipids in the root tissue, despite quantitatively larger, more rapid, losses in water content. These results indicate that damage arising in the early phases of drought appears to be initiated within the chloroplast and to be largely confined to the photosynthetic tissue. The pattern of drought-induced damage in 11 other non-xerophytes of the north temperate region was qualitatively similar to wheat, although the response to drought of the three cereals was more extreme than in the indigenous grasses and less extreme in ecologically stress-tolerant species. A method for the simultaneous quantification of carotenoids in the presence of chlorophylls is provided.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used to analyse changes in the physical state of water in wheat crowns during cold acclimation and during the freezing/thawing cycle. Spectroscopically measured average spin-spin relaxation times (T2) decreased during cold acclimation and increased when plants were grown at normal temperature. Spin-spin relaxation images whose contrast is proportional to T2, times were calculated allowing association of water relaxation with regions of tissue in spin-echo images during acclimation and freezing. Images taken during freezing revealed nonuniform freezing of tissue in crowns and roots. Acclimated and non-acclimated wheat crowns were imaged during freezing and after thawing. Spin-echo image signal intensity and T2 times decreased dramatically between -4°C and -8°C as a result of a decrease in water mobility during freezing. Images collected during thawing were diffuse with less structure and relaxation times were longer, consistent with water redistribution in tissue after membrane damage.  相似文献   

The relationship between freezing tolerance (expressed as LT50, the lethal freezing temperature for 50% of plants) and the amount and physical state (as determined by spin-lattice [T1] and spin-spin [T2] relaxation times of protons) of water in crown tissue was examined in contrasting winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties grown under field conditions from 1992 to 1994. During acclimation, the LT50 values decreased from around -7 to -17, -20 and -27°C in PI 173438, Chihokukomugi and Valuevskaya, respectively. Tissue water content decreased continuously through autumn to reach a plateau around 3 g H2O (g dry weight)-1 in early winter when LT50 was still decteasing, and then gradually increased under snow cover. A significant negative correlation was found between mean minimum air temperatures and freezing tolerance prior to the establishment of continuous snow cover. In contrast, a positive association between mean minimum temperatures and crown tissue water content was significant only when air temperatures were above 0°C, as water content did not decrease further at sub-zero temperatures. Seasonal changes in T1 were closely related to changes in freezing tolerance. T1 decreased until January even though water content stopped decreasing. Further tests on 15 field-grown varieties confirmed a strong negative association between freezing tolerance and T1. The results suggest that cold hardening is comprised of two stages, with the transition occurring at ca 0°C. Development of hardiness was related to (1) a reduction in water content in the first stage (at minimum temperatures > 0°C), and (2) a change in physical state of water without much reduction in water content in the second stage. Varietal differences in hardiness thus arise due to changes in both water content and physical state of water.  相似文献   

The LT50 values and soluble carbohydrate levels in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) crowns and leaves were monitored throughout autumn and winter in cultivars varying in freezing tolerance and snow mold resistance during 1993/1994 and 1994/1995 in the field at Sapporo, Japan. During the first stage of hardening, from sowing to mid‐November, the pattern of accumulation of mono‐ and disaccharides was similar for all cultivars. During the second stage of cold hardening, from mid‐November to mid‐December, the greatest accumulation of mono‐ and disaccharides, without a corresponding increase in fructan, was observed among the freezing‐tolerant cultivars; and levels of simple saccharides rapidly decreased under snow cover. Conversely, levels of mono‐ and disaccharides in snow mold‐resistant cultivars were less than 70% of those in freezing‐tolerant cultivars before snow cover and maintained low levels throughout winter, while polysaccharide levels in snow mold‐resistant cultivars were about 120% of those in freezing‐tolerant cultivars in December. Sugar metabolism during the winter was examined using 18 cultivars in 1994/1995. LT50 values were correlated to the greatest extent with total mono‐ and disaccharide and fructan content among wheat cultivars excluding snow mold‐resistant cultivars in December. Snow mold‐resistant cultivars tended to metabolize carbohydrates more slowly until the end of the snow cover period. This result suggested that the enzymatic metabolism of the synthesis of sugars and the conversion of fructan to cryoprotective sugars in response to low temperatures, especially subzero ones, might be different between the two contrasting types in resistance to winter stress.  相似文献   

基因型与环境对小麦品种粉质参数的影响   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
用陕西省关中小麦品种区域试验所选用的20个小麦品种(品系)在12个试点1996~1997、1997~1998两年度的数据资料,分析了品种、环境及品种×环境互作(GEI)对粉质参数的影响。结果表明:品种与环境对所有粉质参数指标均有显著影响,但由品种决定的粉质参数的变异程度远大于环境引起的变异。基因型×环境互作效应对形成时间、稳定时间、软化度与评价值影响较大,而对吸水率影响较小。品种稳定性分析的回归系数(b值)表明基因型对不同环境的反应存在着显著差异。对每一粉质参数指标大部分品种都具有平均稳定性,只有1至2个品种稳定性显著较好或较差。  相似文献   

The coleoptile sheath of wheat impedes oxygen transport to seminal roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Wheat, Triticum aestivum cv. Gamenya, seedlings were grown for 4d in acrated 0.5 mol m?3 CaSO4 solution. A cylindrical platinum-electrode and vernier microscope were used to examine the effects of the colcoptile sheath on O2 transport from shoots to seminal roots via the internal gas-space system, and on the clongation of the root tip. By removing the colcoptile sheath, O2 concentrations at the root tip in an O2-free medium at 5°C increased from 0.017 to 0.17 mol m?3 O2 when 100 kPa O2 was around the shoots. When the shoots were in air, the separation of the colcoptile sheath from the primary leaf caused the rate of root clongation in the anoxic medium to increase by two fold.  相似文献   

M. Rapacz 《Photosynthetica》2007,45(3):409-418
Chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence measurements as evaluators of plant freezing tolerance are frequently insufficiently sensitive to detect the early metabolic changes that are initiated following exposure to freezing temperatures. Using cold-acclimated winter wheat, I analysed the polyphasic transience (from 50 μs to 1 s) of Chl a fluorescence. This enabled detailed studies of the progressive energy flows and efficiencies within the photosystem 2 (PS2) complex that ensue following initial exposure to freezing temperatures right through to the plant recovery stage. The initial consequences of mild frosts that may cause primary damage involve a disturbance to the energy transfer subsequent to QA (the primary quinone electron acceptor of PS2). Lower freezing temperatures, on the other hand, may deter energy flow between the PS2 reaction centre (RC), Chl, and QA. All primary damage could only be repaired partially. Further freezing-triggered dysfunction of the electron transfer between the PS2 RCs and QA was connected with secondary damage that could lead to PS2 deactivation. Both primary and secondary freezing damages were reflected in decreased PIABS, the Performance Index based on equal absorption that characterizes all energy bifurcations in PS2. PIABS also differentiated cultivars with contrasting freezing-tolerance either subsequent to the onset of freezing or during the recovery stage. In contrast, the potential quantum yield of PS2 (Fv/Fm), which characterizes efficiency of energy trapping in the PS2 RCs, was only different in cultivars with contrasting freezing-tolerance during the recovery stage.  相似文献   

A crucial function of antioxidative enzymes is to remove excess reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can be toxic to plant cells. The effect of Russian wheat aphid (RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), infestation on the activities of antioxidative enzymes was investigated in the resistant (cv. Tugela DN) and the near-isogenic susceptible (cv. Tugela) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). RWA infestation significantly induced the activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase to higher levels in the resistant than in susceptible plants. These findings suggest the involvement of antioxidative enzymes in the RWA-wheat resistance response, which was accompanied by an early oxidative burst. The results are consistent with the role of ROS in the resistance response and the control of their levels to minimise toxic effects.  相似文献   

Ozone (O3) concentrations in periurban areas in East Asia are sufficiently high to decrease crop yield. However, little is known about the genotypic differences in O3 sensitivity in winter wheat in relation to year of cultivar release. This paper reports genotypic variations in O3 sensitivity in 20 winter wheat cultivars released over the past 60 years in China highlighting O3‐induced mechanisms. Wheat plants were exposed to elevated O3 (82 ppb O3, 7 h day?1) or charcoal‐filtered air (<5 ppb O3) for 21 days in open top chambers. Responses to O3 were assessed by the levels of antioxidative activities, protein alteration, membrane lipid peroxidation, gas exchange, leaf chlorophyll, dark respiration and growth. We found that O3 significantly reduced foliar ascorbate (?14%) and soluble protein (?22%), but increased peroxidase activity (+46%) and malondialdehyde (+38%). Elevated O3 depressed light saturated net photosynthetic rate (?24%), stomatal conductance (?8%) and total chlorophyll (?11%), while stimulated dark respiration (+28%) and intercellular CO2 concentration (+39%). O3 also reduced overall plant growth, but to a greater extent in root (?32%) than in shoot (?17%) biomass. There was significant genotypic variation in potential sensitivity to O3 that did not correlate to observed O3 tolerance. Sensitivity to O3 in cultivars of winter wheat progressed with year of release and correlated with stomatal conductance and dark respiration in O3‐exposed plants. O3‐induced loss in photosynthetic rate was attributed primarily to impaired activity of mesophyll cells and loss of integrity of cellular membrane as evidenced by increased intercellular CO2 concentration and lipid peroxidation. Our findings demonstrated that higher sensitivity to O3 in the more recently released cultivars was induced by higher stomatal conductance, larger reduction in antioxidative capacity and lower levels of dark respiration leading to higher oxidative damage to proteins and integrity of cellular membranes.  相似文献   

谷艳芳    丁圣彦    陈海生    高志英  邢倩 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2690-2690~2697
2006年于冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)孕穗期、开花期和灌浆期,采用ASD Fieldspec HH光谱仪测定了不同水分胁迫下冬小麦高光谱反射率、红边参数和对应的冬小麦生理生态参数叶绿素a(Chla)、叶绿素b(Chlb)、叶绿素a b(Chla b),叶片水分含量(LWC),叶面积指数(LAI).结果表明,冬小麦生理生态参数随生长发育呈现先上升后下降趋势,Chla、Chlb和Chla b开花期达最大值;LWC和LAI孕穗期达最大值.随干旱胁迫程度增加,Chla、Chlb和Chla b、LWC和LAI减少.不同水分处理下冬小麦高光谱反射率具有绿色植物特征.用红边一阶微分光谱特征参数分析,冬小麦孕穗期和开花期红边(λred)位于728~730nm,灌浆期红边(λred)移到734nm.Chla、Chlb和Chla b与Dλ730:Dλ702、Dλ730:Dλ718,LWC与Dλred、Dλ718以及LAI与Dλ718、Dλred、Sred均呈正相关,相关系数大于0.5(p<0.05).经回归分析,Chl与Dλ730:Dλ702、LWC与Dλred呈线性关系(R2=0.87),LAI与Sred呈二次关系(R2=0.68).因此,用冬小麦高光谱特征及红边参数能判断冬小麦生育后期长势和农田水分胁迫程度.  相似文献   

The long-term effect of tentoxin on K+;, Ca2+ and total phosphorus (P) concentrations in the roots and shoots of 7- and 14-day-old seedlings of winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Martonvásári-8) was studied. Growth (dry weight) and shoot to root ratios (dry weight and mineral concentrations) were also estimated. One p M tentoxin increased the shoot to root ratio for dry weight after a 14-day period of application. The concentration of Ca2+ slightly increased in the shoot. In roots, tentoxin caused a 30% higher accumulation of Ca2+ after 7 days, which did not change with treatment during the following 7 days. The accumulation of Ca2+ was enhanced by increasing concentrations of tentoxin. K+ and total P levels increased in roots but decreased in shoots after 7 days. However, they were redistributed between root and shoot during days 8–14 of tentoxin treatment. The effect of tentoxin is explained as a stimulation of ion transport mainly into the vacuoles of the immature metaxylem elements. It is suggested that tentoxin and other microbial products effective at very low concentrations may have a general significance in promoting plant infection or symbiosis via the modification of physiological or biochemical processes.  相似文献   

Sulfhydryl groups were quantified in root-cell plasma membranes of two genotypes of wheat ( Triticum aestivum cv. Warigal and T. turgidum conv. durum cv. Durati) differing in Zn efficiency. Smaller amounts of 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)-reactive sulfhydryl groups were found in Zn-deficient than in Zn-sufficient roots; and also in Zn-inefficient genotype Durati compared to Zn-efficient Warigal, regardless of Zn supply. Upon transfer of 15-day-old Zn-deficient plants into solutions containing various Zn2+ activities, a Zn-dependent increase in the amount of reactive sulfhydryl groups was evident in roots of both genotypes, but occurred only in Warigal when 20-day-old plants were used, indicating irreversible physiological damage in Durati plants due to prolonged Zn deficiency. Upon transfer into solutions of increasing Zn2+ activities, the increase in total Zn concentration in roots was about an order of magnitude smaller than the increase in amounts of reactive sulfhydryl groups in the roots of both genotypes, suggesting that, in wheat roots, a relatively small amount of Zn is required for preventing oxidation of sulfhydryl groups into disulfides. The amount of reactive sulfhydryl groups in the roots is positively related to Zn efficiency of wheat genotypes and may be one of the mechanisms that, under conditions of Zn deficiency, allow better growth and productivity of Zn-efficient genotypes in comparison to Zninefficient ones.  相似文献   

有机无机肥长期配合施用对冬小麦籽粒品质的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
提高籽粒品质和产量是当前国内小麦生产的核心。小麦品质和产量取决于基因型、生态环境 (如土壤肥力等 )和栽培技术(尤其是养分管理技术 )。长期肥料试验是研究养分管理对小麦产量和品质影响的有效手段 ,迄今 ,长期施肥对小麦产量的影响报道很多 ,但对籽粒品质的影响报道很少。在 2 0 a长期定位肥料试验的基础上 ,研究了有机无机肥长期配合施用对不同类型小麦籽粒品质性状的影响。结果表明 ,有机肥主效应对小麦籽粒产量有显著作用 ,而对大部分品质指标无影响 ;无机肥处理主效应及有机无机肥交互效应对籽粒产量和大部分品质性状均有显著影响。有机无机肥料配合施用与单施无机肥处理相比提高了小麦大部分品质性状 ,有利于强筋小麦籽粒产量和品质的同步提高 ,但不利于弱筋小麦品质的改善。进一步分析了土壤肥力及磷钾肥对小麦籽粒品质的影响  相似文献   

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Yangmai 9 (water-logging tolerant) and Yumai 34 (water-logging sensitive) were subjected to water-logging (WL) from 7 d after anthesis to determine the responses of photosynthesis and anti-oxidative enzyme activities in flag leaf. At 15 d after treatment (DAT), net photosynthetic rate under WL was only 3.7 and 8.9 μmol(CO2) m−2 s−1 in Yumai 34 and Yangmai 9, respectively, which was much lower than in the control. Ratios of variable to maximum and variable to initial fluorescence, actual photosynthetic efficiency, and photochemical quenching were much lower, while initial fluorescence and non-photochemical quenching were much higher under WL than in control, indicating damage to photosystem 2. WL decreased activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase in both cultivars, and activity of peroxidase (POD) in Yumai 34, while POD activity in Yangmai 9 was mostly increased. The obvious decrease in the amount of post-anthesis accumulated dry matter, which was redistributed to grains, also contributed to the grain yield loss under WL.  相似文献   

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