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Duddingtonia flagrans degrades peptides, proteins, starch, pectin, lipase, lecithin and oils when grown on agar medium. Serine proteases with optimal activity at pH 8.5 to 10.5 were produced when it was grown in submerged culture. It also produced phospholipase C with optimal activity at pH 8.5, lipases with high activity at pH 3.5 and at 7.5 to 8.5 and pectin-degrading enzymes with pH optima of 3 and 8. The pH of the culture medium affected the types of lipases and pectin degrading enzymes produced but not the proteases or phospholipase C.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans against infections by trichostrongyle nematodes in sheep was assessed throughout 6 months. Twenty Ile de France lambs were divided into two groups (control and treated groups), which were kept in separate pastures. Animals of the treated group were fed with D. flagrans twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays). Pellets were prepared with the fungus mycelia in liquid culture medium and contained approximately 20% fungus. They were mixed with the animals' diet at a concentration of 1 g pellet per 10 kg live weight. Faecal egg counts (FEC), packed cell volume (PCV), total serum protein and the animals' body weight were determined fortnightly from 7 October 2005 to 24 March 2006. Comparison of such parameters between groups showed no significant differences (P > 0.05), except on 10 February 2006, when the control group presented a higher mean FEC than the treated group (P < 0.05). Feeding sheep with pellets containing D. flagrans had no benefit to the prophylaxis of nematode infections under the experimental conditions used in the present study.  相似文献   

The capability of helminth (nematode and trematode) parasites in stimulating nematode trap and chlamydospore development of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys (formerly Duddingtonia) flagrans was explored. Dead adult specimens of trematodes (the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica and the rumen fluke Calicophoron daubneyi) and nematodes (the ascarid Parascaris equorum and the strongylid Oesophagostomum spp.), as well as their secretory products, were placed onto corn meal agar plates concurrently inoculated with A. flagrans. Trapping organs were observed after 5 d and chlamydospores after 16 d, including in the control plates in the absence of parasitic stimulus. However, our data shows that both nematodes and trematodes increase trap and chlamydospore production compared with controls. We show for the first time that significantly higher numbers of traps and chlamydospores were observed in the cultures coinoculated with adult trematodes. We conclude that both the traps and chlamydospores formation are not only related to nematode-specific stimuli. The addition of secretory products of the trematode C. daubneyi to culture medium has potential for use in the large scale production of chlamydospores.  相似文献   

为了更准确快捷地评价利用酶解法酶解捕食性真菌Duddingtonia flagrans菌丝产生的原生质体数量及菌丝细胞壁降解情况,采用活体荧光染料羧基荧光素乙酰乙酸(carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester,CFSE),对该捕食性真菌菌丝酶解后产生的原生质体进行荧光标记,分别考察了标记浓度、标记时间、孵育温度对原生质体标记效果的影响,并观察CFSE标记后的原生质体再生情况。结果表明CFSE终浓度为10μmol/L,标记时间为15min,孵育温度为36℃,是CFSE标记捕食性真菌原生质体的理想条件,该试验同时表明CFSE不影响原生质体的再生率。CFSE作为一种活细胞示踪荧光探针,可以快速高效地标记捕食性真菌原生质体,该方法为捕食性真菌原生质体制备质量的快速评价提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The striatin-interacting phosphatase and kinase (STRIPAK) complex is a highly conserved eukaryotic signaling hub involved in the regulation of many cellular processes. In filamentous fungi, STRIPAK controls multicellular development, hyphal fusion, septation, and pathogenicity. In this study, we analyzed the role of the STRIPAK complex in the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans which forms three-dimensional, adhesive trapping networks to capture Caenorhabditis elegans. Trap networks consist of several hyphal loops which are morphologically and functionally different from vegetative hyphae. We show that lack of the STRIPAK component SipC (STRIP1/2/HAM-2/PRO22) results in incomplete loop formation and column-like trap structures with elongated compartments. The misshapen or incomplete traps lost their trap identity and continued growth as vegetative hyphae. The same effect was observed in the presence of the actin cytoskeleton drug cytochalasin A. These results could suggest a link between actin and STRIPAK complex functions.  相似文献   

The fungus, Duddingtonia flagrans, is able to trap and kill free-living nematode larvae of the cattle parasite Cooperia oncophora when chlamydospores are mixed in cattle faeces. Isolates of Bacillus subtilis (two isolates), Pseudomonas spp. (three isolates) and single isolates of the fungal genera Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Trichoderma and Verticillium were isolated from cattle faeces and shown to reduce D. flagrans growth on agar plates. When these isolates were added to cattle faeces containing D. flagrans and nematode larvae of C. oncophora, developing from eggs, none of the isolates reduced nematode mortality attributed to D. flagrans. Similarly, the coprophilic fungus Pilobolus kleinii, which cannot be cultivated on agar, also failed to suppress the ability of D. flagrans to trap and kill developing larvae of C. oncophora. Increasing chlamydospore doses of D. flagrans in faecal cultures resulted in higher nematode mortality. Thus, no evidence of interspecific or intraspecific competition was observed. The consequences of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   



Trials were conducted on 3 commercial sheep farms in Sweden to assess the effect of administering spores of the nematode trapping fungus, Duddingtonia flagrans, together with supplementary feed to lactating ewes for the first 6 weeks from turn-out on pastures in spring. Also control groups of ewes, receiving only feed supplement, were established on all 3 farms. Groups were monitored by intensive parasitological investigation. The ewes and their lambs were moved in late June to saved pastures for summer grazing, the lambs receiving an anthelmintic treatment at this time. After approximately 6 weeks on summer pasture the lambs were weaned, treated a second time with anthelmintic, and returned to their original lambing pastures for finishing. Decisions as to when lambs were to be marketed were entirely at the discretion of the farmer co-operators. No difference in lamb performance was found between the two treatments on all three farms. This was attributed to the high levels of nutrition initially of the ewes limiting their post-partum rise in nematode faecal egg counts in spring, which in turn resulted in low levels of nematode infection on pastures throughout the autumn period. Additionally, pastures were of good quality for the lambs during the finishing period, so they grew at optimal rates as far as the farmers were concerned.  相似文献   

The influence of casein and pH on the activity of the nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001) on trichostrongylide larvae was evaluated. A ‘positive influence’ was observed contributing to the reduction of 63% in the average number of recovered L3 in the media supplemented with casein and pH 7.0.  相似文献   

Effective alternatives to anthelmintic treatment of nematode parasite infections of sheep are required because of the high prevalence of drug resistance. Within this context, the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans has become a valuable component of various integrated control strategies. Toward this objective, a small quantity of lyophilized D. flagrans chlamydospores (106 spores per animal) was administered to sheep in a one-year plot study. Animals grazing on native pasture were divided into two homogeneous groups and were kept in 1-ha paddocks in the southern region of Brazil. The oral administration of chlamydospores led to a significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the number of nematode eggs per gram of feces and in the larval availability on herbage (difference of 37.6%) in comparison to the control group. Control animals needed to be dewormed three times during the experiment, whereas the fungus-treated animals maintained a low parasite load, independent of seasonal variation. Although D. flagrans cannot serve as a panacea for nematode parasite control of livestock, it represents a significant advance toward rationalizing the use of endoparasitic drugs in small animals.  相似文献   

Three morphologically similar isolates of Duddingtonia flagrans [(Duddington) R. C. Cooke] viz., Df-2550, Df-2507 and Df-BJ were subjected to RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and SRFA (Selective Fragment Length Amplification) mode of DNA fingerprinting analysis to generate 233 different anonymous DNA markers. Mean number of alleles per primer/primer pair for RAPD and SRFA primers was 13.75 and 29.66 respectively. Phylogenetic analysis through bootstrapping of 1000 simulated replicates of the data set demonstrated that Df-2550 was ancestral in the group of three and did not align with Df-2507 and Df-BJ, which appeared to diversify recently and therefore remained at the end of the phylogenetic tree. Genomic islands were also identified by three SRFA primer pairs, where Df-2550 aligned with Df-BJ, which is reverse to the master consensus-grouping pattern. Scanning image of the amplicon profiles when represented graphically generated unique molecular signature for the isolates.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to evaluate the production and the characterisation of a chitinase from nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001) and observe the interaction of this fungus on engorged females of Amblyomma cajennense under laboratory conditions. In assay A, the engorged females of A. cajennense were separated and immersed for 5 seconds in a fungal suspension of 106 conidia/ml of the fungus D. flagrans and placed in Petri dishes, in the dark. In assay B, wheat bran supplemented with 1% chitin and liquid minimal medium was used [K2HPO4 (5.0 g/l), MgSO4 (0.10 g/l), ZnSO4 (0.0050 g/l), FeSO4 (0.001 g/l) e CuSO4 (0.50 mg/l)], as a substrate for chitinase production. To demonstrate the presence of chitinase in the crude extract obtained after the enzymatic extraction, a purification process was developed using a specific adsorption technique. The results from assay A demonstrated the interaction of the D. flagrans conidia produced from chitin-agar on engorged females of A. cajennense. In the assay B, D. flagrans produced a chitinase successfully, with a high value for enzyme activity. The molecular mass of semi-purified enzyme was estimated at approximately 34 kDa. It was concluded that the fungus produced a chitinase and has some entomopathogenic activity, as demonstrated here for the first time; however, it is strongly suggested that further studies are needed to elucidate the molecular mechanism of infection of target organisms by this fungus.  相似文献   

Experiments on the influence of egg density and varying quantities of chlamydospores on the nematode-trapping ability of Duddingtonia flagrans, influence of D. flagrans on the larval translation of gastrointestinal nematodes, doses of chlamydospores required for the effective control of gastrointestinal nematodosis and the epidemiology of nematode parasites were conducted in goats, which generated baseline data required for strategic application of the biocontrol agent. The nematode-trapping ability of D. flagrans, measured by numerical enumeration of infective third-stage larvae developed in the faecal culture, revealed that the efficacy is dependent on both nematode egg and chlamydospore density. Pasture plot studies revealed that D. flagrans, if deposited at the same time as nematode eggs, prevents translation of third-stage larvae of caprine nematodes from the faecal pats onto the grass blades. Feeding of 1 x 106 chlamydospores per kg body weight and above to goats virtually eliminated larvae from the pasture. Application of as few as 1 x 104 and 1 x 105 chlamydospores per kg body weight had a profound impact on larval recovery. The effect persisted as long as the chlamydospores were fed. Monthly faecal worm egg counts of adult goats maintained under a semi-intensive management system on the Chhattisgarh plain and pasture larval burden revealed that June to August were the months of high risk for nematodosis. Haemonchus was the dominant species recorded throughout the year. The present data can best be utilized by formulating a strategic control measure when the larval challenge to the animal is maximum (June to August), so as to prevent establishment of patent infection. The observations reinforced the strategy to be adopted for nematode parasite control in goats by applying the biocontrol option at the onset of the monsoon.  相似文献   

The production and partial characterization of Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001) crude extract and its in vitro larvicidal action against trichostrongylid infective larvae from sheep were studied. D. flagrans was grown in liquid medium with glucose, casein, bibasic potassium phosphate (K2HPO4), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), ferrous sulfate (FeSO4), and copper sulfate (CuSO4). The proteolytic activity was measured within varied pHs and temperatures. To determine the thermostability, the crude extract was incubated at 28°C for 72 h. To study the effect of different chemical compounds on the activity of the crude extract, the samples were incubated in solutions containing (10 mM): calcium chloride (CaCl2), copper II sulfate (CuSO4), zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and 0.5% SDS. Results showed that the highest activity obtained (79.23 U/mL) was at pH 9.0, while the optimum temperature was 60°C (119.6 U/mL). The thermostability analysis demonstrated that after 72 h the activity was maintained or increased. It was found that the CuSO4, ZnSO4, and PMSF strongly inhibited the proteolytic activity. Moreover, the MgSO4 and SDS, caused a weak inhibition of the proteolytic activity. There was a significant (P<0.01) reduction in number of treated L3 when compared to control (94.2%). The results suggest that the crude extract produced by D. flagrans (AC001) in liquid medium exerted larvicidal activity on trichostrongilid L3 and therefore may contribute to a large-scale industrial production.  相似文献   

The use of Duddingtonia flagrans in the control of goat nematodes was investigated. Initially, the time of passage of chlamydospores through the digestive tract of goats was evaluated. Two groups of seven parasite-free kids were formed. Group A received a single dose of 3.5x10(6) D. flagrans chlamydospores (FTHO-8 strain) per kg of live weight. Group B did not receive any chlamydospores. Faeces were obtained from each kid daily from day 4 prior to inoculation until day 5 post-inoculation (PI) and were placed in Petri dishes containing water agar. Gastrointestinal nematode infective larvae were added to each Petri dish and incubated at 25 degrees C for 7 days. Petri dishes were examined to detect the fungus and trapped nematodes. A second trial evaluated the effect of D. flagrans on the number of gastrointestinal nematode larvae harvested from goat faecal cultures in naturally infected goats. Two groups of seven goats were formed. The treated group received a single dose of 3.5x10(6) D. flagrans chlamydospores per kg of liveweight. The control group did not receive any chlamydospores. Faeces were obtained twice daily from each kid. Two faecal cultures were made for each kid. One was incubated for 7 days and the other for 14 days. Gastrointestinal nematode larvae were recovered from each culture and counted. Percentage of larval development reduction was determined using a ratio of larvae/eggs deposited in the control and treated groups. Duddingtonia flagrans survived the digestive process of goats, and maintained its predatory activity, being observed from 21 to 81 h PI (3 to 4 days). A reduction in the infective larvae population in the treated group compared to the non-treated group was observed in both incubation periods (7 days: 5.3-36.0%; 14 days: 0-52.8%, P>0.05). Although a single inoculation of D. flagrans can induce a reduction of infective larvae collected from faeces, a different scheme of dosing may be needed to enhance the efficacy of D. flagrans in goats.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of Duddingtonia flagrans, a potential biological control agent for nematode parasites, was tested in a 2-year-plot study using goat faeces. The trial assessed the impact of fungal presence on the disintegration of faeces and on non-target, free-living soil nematode populations. Three groups of goats experimentally infected by Trichostrongylus colubriformis received three different doses of D. flagrans chlamydospores (0 chlamydospores/kg body weight (BW), 0.5 × 10(6) chlamydospores/kg BW or 5 × 10(6) chlamydospores/kg BW). One hundred grams of faeces containing T. colubriformis eggs and D. flagrans chlamydospores at three different concentrations were deposited on pasture plots on four different occasions: May 2003, September 2003, June 2004 and September 2004. Faeces were weighed 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 weeks after deposit and immediately afterwards replaced to their initial positions. In addition, soil samples were taken just below faecal deposits to evaluate the impact of fungal presence on non-target free-living nematodes. Results showed that there was no treatment effect on the pellet degradation rate. Analysis of soil nematode fauna failed to demonstrate any effect of the dose rate of 0.5 × 10(6) chlamydospores/kg BW, while a reduction of the number of free-living nematodes was seen for the maximal chlamydospore concentration at autumn sets.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds exuded from axenically grown free-living nematodes were determined with gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques. Carbon dioxide evolved from 5–200 nematodes was determined with an ampoule technique, whereas total ammonia (NH3 + NH4 +) and acetic and propionic acids were determined by direct injection of water in which nematodes had been suspended for 1–3 days. CO2 amounted to about 80 ng nematode–1 d–1, total ammonia to 1–5 ng, and acetic and propionic acids to 0.5 and 1.0 pg nematode–1 d–1.The effects of these compounds on induction of trap formation in the nematodetrapping fungusArthrobotrys oligospora were tested. CO2 inhibited trap formation at 5–10% CO2 in air (v/v), whereas ammonia stimulated trap formation in a certain concentration range. No effects of acetic and propionic acids were noted for the concentrations tested. The combined effects of these volatiles in the aqueous environment are discussed on the basis of stoichiometric considerations.  相似文献   

Sheep and cattle are prey to many parasitic worms, including the trichostrongylid nematodes. Conventional control involves the use of anthelmintic drugs, but in this article Hadji Ahmad Hashmi and Roger Connan discuss the possible biological control of these nematodes by means of a 'living lasso', the predacious fungus Arthrobotrys.  相似文献   

对云南省大理苍山火烧遗迹地土壤中的捕食线虫真菌资源进行调查过程中,发现一株能自发产生孢子捕食器官的捕食线虫真菌,编号WZ27,经形态和分子鉴定为细颈亚隔指孢Dactylellina parvicolla。该株菌的主要特征为不需要经过任何物质的诱导即可自发产生孢子捕食器,其自发形成孢子捕食器官的百分率达到18.3%,通过线虫与牛粪的诱导,孢子捕食器官的形成明显增加。同时与细颈亚隔指孢D.parvicolla参考菌株相比,捕食器官生成时间要更短(P0.001),且捕食率高于参考菌株(P=0.003)。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effects of Duddingtonia flagrans contained in sodium alginate pellets on trichostrongylide larvae under different storage conditions and durations. The in vitro predatory activity of D. flagrans in pellets against trichostrongylide larvae in sheep faeces were assessed at 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after the pellet was stored under four different conditions (i.e. ?20, 4°C, outdoors, and indoors). These results revealed that the numbers of larvae in faeces of sheep treated with pellets containing chlamydospores (treatment groups) were significantly lower than those in the control groups (without chlamydospores) for all trial months under four storage conditions for different durations (p?<?.05). The obtained reduction rates of the infective larvae (L3) in the four treatment groups ranged from 45.62% to 96.73% throughout the entire experiment. The overall mean L3 reduction percentages were 89.22%?±?3.74%, 88.97%?±?1.33%, 68.60%?±?14.31%, and 75.45%?±?13.18% for 4°C refrigeration, ?20°C refrigeration, indoor, and outdoor conditions, respectively. The pellets stored under these storage conditions for a year were provided to sheep for ingestion (in vivo test), and the results showed that the number of recovered larvae in sheep faeces at 24?h after ingestion were significantly lower than that before ingestion. For in vivo test, the L3 reduction percentage in the faeces was 90.99% (?20°C), 74.81% (outdoor), 83.53% (4°C), and 65.60% (indoor). Under the four storage conditions, D. flagrans spores contained in the pellets can maintain their survival ability to a varying degree in a year.  相似文献   

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