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Generating percentile values is helpful for the identification of children with specific fitness characteristics (i.e., low or high fitness level) to set appropriate fitness goals (i.e., fitness/health promotion and/or long-term youth athlete development). Thus, the aim of this longitudinal study was to assess physical fitness development in healthy children aged 9–12 years and to compute sex- and age-specific percentile values.


Two-hundred and forty children (88 girls, 152 boys) participated in this study and were tested for their physical fitness. Physical fitness was assessed using the 50-m sprint test (i.e., speed), the 1-kg ball push test, the triple hop test (i.e., upper- and lower- extremity muscular power), the stand-and-reach test (i.e., flexibility), the star run test (i.e., agility), and the 9-min run test (i.e., endurance). Age- and sex-specific percentile values (i.e., P10 to P90) were generated using the Lambda, Mu, and Sigma method. Adjusted (for change in body weight, height, and baseline performance) age- and sex-differences as well as the interactions thereof were expressed by calculating effect sizes (Cohen’s d).


Significant main effects of Age were detected for all physical fitness tests (d = 0.40–1.34), whereas significant main effects of Sex were found for upper-extremity muscular power (d = 0.55), flexibility (d = 0.81), agility (d = 0.44), and endurance (d = 0.32) only. Further, significant Sex by Age interactions were observed for upper-extremity muscular power (d = 0.36), flexibility (d = 0.61), and agility (d = 0.27) in favor of girls. Both, linear and curvilinear shaped curves were found for percentile values across the fitness tests. Accelerated (curvilinear) improvements were observed for upper-extremity muscular power (boys: 10–11 yrs; girls: 9–11 yrs), agility (boys: 9–10 yrs; girls: 9–11 yrs), and endurance (boys: 9–10 yrs; girls: 9–10 yrs). Tabulated percentiles for the 9-min run test indicated that running distances between 1,407–1,507 m, 1,479–1,597 m, 1,423–1,654 m, and 1,433–1,666 m in 9- to 12-year-old boys and 1,262–1,362 m, 1,329–1,434 m, 1,392–1,501 m, and 1,415–1,526 m in 9- to 12-year-old girls correspond to a “medium” fitness level (i.e., P40 to P60) in this population.


The observed differences in physical fitness development between boys and girls illustrate that age- and sex-specific maturational processes might have an impact on the fitness status of healthy children. Our statistical analyses revealed linear (e.g., lower-extremity muscular power) and curvilinear (e.g., agility) models of fitness improvement with age which is indicative of timed and capacity-specific fitness development pattern during childhood. Lastly, the provided age- and sex-specific percentile values can be used by coaches for talent identification and by teachers for rating/grading of children’s motor performance.  相似文献   

A recently recovered specimen of Mesotheriinae (Mesotheriidae, Notoungulata) from the late Miocene-early Pliocene of La Rioja Province (Argentina), CRILAR Pv 433, corresponds to an individual with three upper premolars, which appears to be an “anomaly” among mesotheriines. The detailed study of this specimen, however, brings up an old controversy on the interpretation of different mesotheriine specimens with three upper or two lower premolars. After being described as different taxa, these were later considered to be juvenile representatives of other known species. The three upper or two lower teeth were interpreted as the milk molars DP2–4 and dp3–4, respectively, which would be replaced in adult life by two upper (P3–4) and one lower (p4) permanent premolars. The new material leads us to set up a different interpretation. In our opinion, all these specimens actually preserve the permanent dentition, corresponding to different ontogenetic stages of more or less young individuals. This consideration implies the necessity of a deep systematic revision of the whole subfamily, keeping in mind this new point of view and the ontogenetic variation within a species. Therefore, the presence of P2/p3 is not enough to define a different taxon at this moment. Pending this taxonomic revision, the dental morphology of CRILAR Pv 433 resembles both Typotheriopsis (e.g., upper premolars with one labial sulcus) and Pseudotypotherium (e.g., P4 with lingual groove, wide median lobe of M3) as these two late Miocene genera are currently characterized. Furthermore, P2/p3 could be expelled soon in the lifetime of individuals, and even the presence of P2/p3 could be a variable character within the same taxon; if so, this might reflect an evolutionary trend to the loss of a dental element within mesotheriines, but the revision of a large sample is necessary to support or reject these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Numerous growth functions exist to describe the ontogeny of animals. Such functions (e.g., von Bertalanffy's equation, thermal-unit growth coefficient) are currently applied to ectotherms even though they fail to provide analytical expressions that adapt to a wide range of fluctuating temperatures. The underlying mechanisms responsible for the ontogeny of ectotherms exhibiting indeterminate growth have not yet been summarised in terms of a simple but meaningful mathematical equation. Here, a growth function is developed, with parameters having physical or biological interpretation that accommodates indeterminate growth under fluctuating temperatures assuming the latter vary seasonally. The equation is derived as a special case of von Bertalanffy's equation providing realistic growth trajectories throughout the ontogeny of several groups of ectotherms (R2>0.90). The results suggest that the effect of temperature on growth trajectory supersedes that of reproduction in an environment with fluctuating temperature. Furthermore, values of the allometric weight exponent (0<b<0.75) indicate that the rules of body surface and body weight do not apply under certain circumstances. Finally, the growth function circumvents problems associated with models based on thermodynamic and chemical kinetic principles (e.g., inability to predict growth of organisms in which ontogeny exceeds 3 months) and on rule of thermal summation (e.g., reliable only in a certain range of temperature). The growth function can handle a wide range of temperature fluctuations, encompass life stages and apply to key organisms in ecology, fisheries and agriculture.  相似文献   

Felix Schlagintweit 《Facies》2012,58(4):637-647
Mohlerina basiliensis (Mohler, 1938) represents a common, cosmopolitan, shallow-water Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous trochospiral foraminifer. Given the numerous illustrations from thin-section specimens in the literature displaying tests dispersed within the matrix (micritic and sparitic), a free, vagile benthic mode of life is generally suggested. As an exceptional case, specimens are found with their tests attached to a variety of hard substrates, thus creating a special elevated microhabitat. The fixation is due to a calcitic cement. With its facultative sessile mode of life, Mohlerina can be compared with several modern calcareous trochospiral rotaliacean foraminifera (e.g., Ammonia, Cibicides, Discorbis). The rare preservation of fixed Mohlerina in situ is most likely due to physical taphonomic degradation (e.g., breakage). Tests of Mohlerina attached to hard substrates were found in both low- and high-energy paleoenvironments. The high test variability of Mohlerina might be influenced by the different settling strategies and substrate surface topographies within different paleohabitats.  相似文献   

Semelparous organisms have a simple life cycle characterized by immediate death after reproduction. We assume that semelparous life histories can be separated into a juvenile non-reproductive period followed by an adult period during which reproduction is possible. We derive formulae for the optimal age and size at reproduction and for the optimal size of the offspring (e.g., seeds). Our main contribution is to determine the conditions under which the optimal size of the offspring does not depend on the optimal size at reproduction and vice versa.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the diversity of seasonal cycles known in stink bugs (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) from the temperate zone and is based on the data of 43 pentatomid species studied in detail up to date (Saulich and Musolin, 2011). All the seasonal cycles realized by pentatomids in the temperate zone can be divided into two large groups: univoltine and multivoltine cycles. In univoltine cycles, only one generation is annually realized. However, univoltinism of a particular species or population can be ensured by different mechanisms: its control can be endogenous (involving an obligate diapause) or exogenous (environmental, involving a facultative diapause). Furthermore, endogenously controlled univoltine seasonal cycles can include obligate embryonic (egg) diapause (e.g., Picromerus bidens and Apateticus cynicus), obligate nymphal diapause (e.g., Pentatoma rufipes) or obligate adult (reproductive) diapause (e.g., Palomena prasina, Palomena angulosa, and Menida scotti). Exogenously controlled seasonal cycles are more flexible. Many species that are multivoltine in the subtropical or warm temperate zones are univoltine further polewards. In this case, their univoltinism is controlled exogenously, or environmentally. The mechanism often involves such seasonal adaptations as photoperiodic response of facultative winter diapause induction with a high thermal optimum (e.g., Arma custos and Dybowskyia reticulata) or a high critical threshold of winter diapause induction response (e.g., Graphosoma lineatum). The seasonal cycles of some species include not only winter diapause (hibernation) but also summer diapause (aestivation). The diapausing stage can be the same (e.g., Nezara antennata has facultative adult winter and summer diapauses) or different (e.g., Picromerus bidens survives winter in obligate embryonic diapause and spends the hottest period of summer in facultative adult aestivation). All the multivoltine cycles follow the same general pattern, with one, two, or even more directly breeding generation(s) followed by a generation that enters winter diapause. However, this sequence may be complicated by incorporation of specific seasonal adaptations such as aestivation, migrations, different forms of seasonal polyphenism or polymorphism (e.g., seasonal changes of body color), etc. Many stink bugs demonstrate geographic clines of voltinism, producing several generations in the subtropical regions (environmentally controlled multivoltine development) and two or only one generation(s) polewards (environmentally controlled bi- or univoltinism). However, some species demonstrate a strictly bivoltine seasonal cycle: they always produce two annual generations, each with either winter or summer diapause. An example is Nezara antennata which produces two generations and enters facultative winter and summer diapauses. Semivoltine seasonal cycles last more than one year. They are not very rare among insects and are known in true bugs, but have not yet been recorded among pentatomids. Examples of different seasonal cycles are described and discussed in detail. Further discussion is focused on the ecological importance of photoperiodic and thermal responses in cases of natural or artificial dispersal of pentatomids beyond their original ranges. The phytophagous Nezara viridula and the predatory Podisus maculiventris and Perillus bioculatus are used as examples. An attempt is made to compare the phylogeny of Pentatomidae and distribution of realized patterns of their seasonal development. However, it is concluded that reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships cannot yet provide a sufficient basis for prediction of realized seasonal cycles. It is suggested that the terms uni-, bi-, multi-, and semivoltinism should refer to populations rather than species, since the realized patterns of seasonal development often differ between the northern and southern populations of the same broadly distributed species.  相似文献   

Dyslexia is associated with numerous deficits to speech processing. Accordingly, a large literature asserts that dyslexics manifest a phonological deficit. Few studies, however, have assessed the phonological grammar of dyslexics, and none has distinguished a phonological deficit from a phonetic impairment. Here, we show that these two sources can be dissociated. Three experiments demonstrate that a group of adult dyslexics studied here is impaired in phonetic discrimination (e.g., ba vs. pa), and their deficit compromises even the basic ability to identify acoustic stimuli as human speech. Remarkably, the ability of these individuals to generalize grammatical phonological rules is intact. Like typical readers, these Hebrew-speaking dyslexics identified ill-formed AAB stems (e.g., titug) as less wordlike than well-formed ABB controls (e.g., gitut), and both groups automatically extended this rule to nonspeech stimuli, irrespective of reading ability. The contrast between the phonetic and phonological capacities of these individuals demonstrates that the algebraic engine that generates phonological patterns is distinct from the phonetic interface that implements them. While dyslexia compromises the phonetic system, certain core aspects of the phonological grammar can be spared.  相似文献   

Evidence that children maintain some memories of labels that are unlikely to be shared by the broader linguistic community suggests that children’s selective learning is not an all-or-none phenomenon. Across three experiments, we examine the contexts in which 24-month-olds show selective learning and whether they adjust their selective learning if provided with cues of in-context relevance. In each experiment, toddlers were first familiarized with a source who acted on familiar objects in either typical or atypical ways (e.g., used a car to mimic driving or hop like a rabbit) or labeled familiar objects incorrectly (e.g., called a spoon a “brush”). The source then labeled unfamiliar objects using either a novel word (e.g., fep; Experiment 1) or sound (e.g., ring; Experiments 2 and 3). Results indicated that toddlers learnt words from the typical source but not from the atypical or inaccurate source. In contrast, toddlers extended sound labels only when a source who had previously acted atypically provided the sound labels. Thus, toddlers, like preschoolers, avoid forming semantic representations of new object labels that are unlikely to be relevant in the broader community, but will form event-based memories of such labels if they have reason to suspect such labels will have in-context relevance.  相似文献   



To determine whether the patient-clinician relationship has a beneficial effect on either objective or validated subjective healthcare outcomes.


Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Data Sources

Electronic databases EMBASE and MEDLINE and the reference sections of previous reviews.

Eligibility Criteria for Selecting Studies

Included studies were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in adult patients in which the patient-clinician relationship was systematically manipulated and healthcare outcomes were either objective (e.g., blood pressure) or validated subjective measures (e.g., pain scores). Studies were excluded if the encounter was a routine physical, or a mental health or substance abuse visit; if the outcome was an intermediate outcome such as patient satisfaction or adherence to treatment; if the patient-clinician relationship was manipulated solely by intervening with patients; or if the duration of the clinical encounter was unequal across conditions.


Thirteen RCTs met eligibility criteria. Observed effect sizes for the individual studies ranged from d = −.23 to .66. Using a random-effects model, the estimate of the overall effect size was small (d = .11), but statistically significant (p = .02).


This systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs suggests that the patient-clinician relationship has a small, but statistically significant effect on healthcare outcomes. Given that relatively few RCTs met our eligibility criteria, and that the majority of these trials were not specifically designed to test the effect of the patient-clinician relationship on healthcare outcomes, we conclude with a call for more research on this important topic.  相似文献   

Exposure to stressors can affect an organism's physiology and behavior as well as that of its descendants (e.g. through maternal effects, epigenetics, and/or selection). We examined the relative influence of early life vs. transgenerational stress exposure on adult stress physiology in a species that has populations with and without ancestral exposure to an invasive predator. We raised offspring of eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) from sites historically invaded (high stress) or uninvaded (low stress) by predatory fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) and determined how this different transgenerational exposure to stress interacted with the effects of early life stress exposure to influence the physiological stress response in adulthood. Offspring from these high- and low-stress populations were exposed weekly to either sub-lethal attack by fire ants (an ecologically relevant stressor), topical treatment with a physiologically-appropriate dose of the stress-relevant hormone, corticosterone (CORT), or a control treatment from 2 to 43 weeks of age. Several months after treatments ended, we quantified plasma CORT concentrations at baseline and following restraint, exposure to fire ants, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) injection. Exposure to fire ants or CORT during early life did not affect lizard stress physiology in adulthood. However, offspring of lizards from populations that had experienced multiple generations of fire ant-invasion exhibited more robust adult CORT responses to restraint and ACTH-injection compared to offspring from uninvaded populations. Together, these results indicate that transgenerational stress history may be at least as important, if not more important, than early life stress in affecting adult physiological stress responses.  相似文献   

In biomechanics, musculoskeletal models are typically redundant. This situation is referred to as the distribution problem. Often, static, non-linear optimisation methods of the form “min: φ(f) subject to mechanical and muscular constraints” have been used to extract a unique set of muscle forces. Here, we present a method for validating this class of non-linear optimisation approaches where the homogeneous cost function, φ(f), is used to solve the distribution problem. We show that the predicted muscle forces for different loading conditions are scaled versions of each other if the joint loading conditions are just scaled versions. Therefore, we can calculate the theoretical muscle forces for different experimental conditions based on the measured muscle forces and joint loadings taken from one experimental condition and assuming that all input into the optimisation (e.g., moment arms, muscle attachment sites, size, fibre type distribution) and the optimisation approach are perfectly correct. Thus predictions of muscle force for other experimental conditions are accurate if the optimisation approach is appropriate, independent of the musculoskeletal geometry and other input required for the optimisation procedure. By comparing the muscle forces predicted in this way to the actual muscle forces obtained experimentally, we conclude that convex homogeneous non-linear optimisation approaches cannot predict individual muscle forces properly, as force-sharing among synergistic muscles obtained experimentally are not just scaled versions of joint loading, not even in a first approximation.  相似文献   

Ab initio quantum chemical calculations of molecular properties such as, e.g., torsional potential energies, require massive computational effort even for moderately sized molecules, if basis sets with a reasonable quality are employed. Using ab initio data on conformational properties of the cofactor (6R,1′R,2′S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin, we demonstrate that error backpropagation networks can be established that efficiently approximate complicated functional relationships such as torsional potential energy surfaces of a flexible molecule. Our pilot simulations suggest that properly trained neural networks might provide an extremely compact storage medium for quantum chemically obtained information. Moreover, they are outstandingly comfortable tools when it comes to making use of the stored information. One possible application is demonstrated, namely, computation of relaxed torsional energy surfaces.  相似文献   

When we read or listen to language, we are faced with the challenge of inferring intended messages from noisy input. This challenge is exacerbated by considerable variability between and within speakers. Focusing on syntactic processing (parsing), we test the hypothesis that language comprehenders rapidly adapt to the syntactic statistics of novel linguistic environments (e.g., speakers or genres). Two self-paced reading experiments investigate changes in readers’ syntactic expectations based on repeated exposure to sentences with temporary syntactic ambiguities (so-called “garden path sentences”). These sentences typically lead to a clear expectation violation signature when the temporary ambiguity is resolved to an a priori less expected structure (e.g., based on the statistics of the lexical context). We find that comprehenders rapidly adapt their syntactic expectations to converge towards the local statistics of novel environments. Specifically, repeated exposure to a priori unexpected structures can reduce, and even completely undo, their processing disadvantage (Experiment 1). The opposite is also observed: a priori expected structures become less expected (even eliciting garden paths) in environments where they are hardly ever observed (Experiment 2). Our findings suggest that, when changes in syntactic statistics are to be expected (e.g., when entering a novel environment), comprehenders can rapidly adapt their expectations, thereby overcoming the processing disadvantage that mistaken expectations would otherwise cause. Our findings take a step towards unifying insights from research in expectation-based models of language processing, syntactic priming, and statistical learning.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research establishing the causes and consequences of emotions in the laboratory, we know surprisingly little about emotions in everyday life. We developed a smartphone application that monitored real-time emotions of an exceptionally large (N = 11,000+) and heterogeneous participants sample. People’s everyday life seems profoundly emotional: participants experienced at least one emotion 90% of the time. The most frequent emotion was joy, followed by love and anxiety. People experienced positive emotions 2.5 times more often than negative emotions, but also experienced positive and negative emotions simultaneously relatively frequently. We also characterized the interconnections between people’s emotions using network analysis. This novel approach to emotion research suggests that specific emotions can fall into the following categories 1) connector emotions (e.g., joy), which stimulate same valence emotions while inhibiting opposite valence emotions, 2) provincial emotions (e.g., gratitude), which stimulate same valence emotions only, or 3) distal emotions (e.g., embarrassment), which have little interaction with other emotions and are typically experienced in isolation. Providing both basic foundations and novel tools to the study of emotions in everyday life, these findings demonstrate that emotions are ubiquitous to life and can exist together and distinctly, which has important implications for both emotional interventions and theory.  相似文献   

Wing discs from late final-instar Ephestia larvae form only pupal cuticle when immediately implanted into pupae which subsequently undergo metamorphosis. However, either pupal or adult structures are made in vitro depending on (1) the ecdysterone dose and/or (2) disc cell proliferation. Continuous culture in ecdysterone (0.5–5.0 μg/ml) results in the appearance of transparent cuticle. On the basis of several criteria, this untanned cuticle is postulated to be scaleless adult cuticle. Discs pulsed with 0.5 μg/ml ecdysterone for 48–120 hr, or with 5.0 μg/ml for 24 hr, formed tanned cuticle. Lower doses of ecdysterone (i.e., 0.5 μg/ml for 24 hr or continuous exposure to 0.05 μg/ml) trigger adult scale formation. Enhancement of [3H]thymidine incorporation by these latter doses suggests the occurrence of disc cell divisions and polyploidization. The choice between pupal and adult pathways by wing discs of this age can be controlled exclusively by ecdysterone; juvenile hormone need not be involved in vitro.  相似文献   

There has been much recent research interest in the existence of a major axis of life‐history variation along a fast–slow continuum within almost all major taxonomic groups. Eco‐evolutionary models of density‐dependent selection provide a general explanation for such observations of interspecific variation in the "pace of life." One issue, however, is that some large‐bodied long‐lived “slow” species (e.g., trees and large fish) often show an explosive “fast” type of reproduction with many small offspring, and species with “fast” adult life stages can have comparatively “slow” offspring life stages (e.g., mayflies). We attempt to explain such life‐history evolution using the same eco‐evolutionary modeling approach but with two life stages, separating adult reproductive strategies from offspring survival strategies. When the population dynamics in the two life stages are closely linked and affect each other, density‐dependent selection occurs in parallel on both reproduction and survival, producing the usual one‐dimensional fast–slow continuum (e.g., houseflies to blue whales). However, strong density dependence at either the adult reproduction or offspring survival life stage creates quasi‐independent population dynamics, allowing fast‐type reproduction alongside slow‐type survival (e.g., trees and large fish), or the perhaps rarer slow‐type reproduction alongside fast‐type survival (e.g., mayflies—short‐lived adults producing few long‐lived offspring). Therefore, most types of species life histories in nature can potentially be explained via the eco‐evolutionary consequences of density‐dependent selection given the possible separation of demographic effects at different life stages.  相似文献   

Functional traits and root morphology of alpine plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Background and Aims

Vegetation has long been recognized to protect the soil from erosion. Understanding species differences in root morphology and functional traits is an important step to assess which species and species mixtures may provide erosion control. Furthermore, extending classification of plant functional types towards root traits may be a useful procedure in understanding important root functions.


In this study, pioneer data on traits of alpine plant species, i.e. plant height and shoot biomass, root depth, horizontal root spreading, root length, diameter, tensile strength, plant age and root biomass, from a disturbed site in the Swiss Alps are presented. The applicability of three classifications of plant functional types (PFTs), i.e. life form, growth form and root type, was examined for above- and below-ground plant traits.

Key Results

Plant traits differed considerably among species even of the same life form, e.g. in the case of total root length by more than two orders of magnitude. Within the same root diameter, species differed significantly in tensile strength: some species (Geum reptans and Luzula spicata) had roots more than twice as strong as those of other species. Species of different life forms provided different root functions (e.g. root depth and horizontal root spreading) that may be important for soil physical processes. All classifications of PFTs were helpful to categorize plant traits; however, the PFTs according to root type explained total root length far better than the other PFTs.


The results of the study illustrate the remarkable differences between root traits of alpine plants, some of which cannot be assessed from simple morphological inspection, e.g. tensile strength. PFT classification based on root traits seems useful to categorize plant traits, even though some patterns are better explained at the individual species level.  相似文献   

Masculine facial morphology (e.g., larger jaw, prominent cheekbones) have been linked to a suite of social outcomes—including greater wealth, career progress, romantic desirability, and even greater political success. A leading explanation for these links is that dominant facial structures represent honest cues of physical dominance and fighting ability. T?ebický et al. (2013) published the first study to demonstrate that masculine facial cues (e.g., large nose, deep-set eyes) similarly predict both dominance judgments and real-world fighting success, but no studies have replicated these popular findings that a large and specific assortment of masculine facial structures are implicated in both fighting ability and dominance perception. Thus, we conducted a pre-registered direct replication and extension of T?ebický et al. (2013). Two separate samples of United States MTurk participants rated 516 UFC fighters' facial photographs on perceived aggressiveness (N = 500) and fighting ability (N = 500). Results showed that perceived aggressiveness was associated with masculine facial morphology (e.g., large nose, deep-set eyes) independent of bodily size. There was also some evidence that perceived fighting ability was associated with masculine facial morphology, which disappeared after controlling for bodily size. There was no support for the relation between facial structure and fighting success, and there were often negative relations between perceived aggressiveness and fighting ability on fighting success (i.e., more successful fighters were perceived as less successful and aggressive). We argue that our evolved psychology differentially processes the distinct avenues to victory that constitute overall fighting success (e.g., knockout versus submission wins).  相似文献   

It can be hard for individuals to manage multiple group identities within their self-concept (e.g., being a Christian and a woman). We examine how the inter-identity fit between potentially conflicting identities can become more harmonious through a self-defining group philosophy for life. Specifically, we test the hypothesis that holistic group identities (based in group philosophies for life that prescribe the behavior of their members in any situation, such as religion) become more strongly related to other identities in the self-concept (e.g., gender) when they are strongly self-defining (i.e., devotedly applied to daily life). In three studies we investigated the inter-identity fit between individuals’ (highly holistic) religious identity and (less holistic) gender identity. Results provided converging support for our hypothesis across diverging methods (explicit questionnaires, more implicit associations, and a novel network analysis of group traits). We discuss the importance of understanding how some (i.e., holistic and self-defining) group identities may harmonize otherwise less harmonious group identities within one’s self-concept.  相似文献   

Forested edges, especially those that border humanized landscapes, provide opportunities for nonhuman primates and people to interact, and such interactions are predicted to alter disease dynamics. Given the rapid expansion of edge habitats globally, understanding changes occurring on edges is important in evaluating primate behavioral ecology and developing conservation plans. Our research investigates predictions concerning how gastrointestinal parasite and stress levels (cortisol) in red colobus and black-and-white colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus; Colobus guereza) in Kibale National Park, Uganda, differ between humanized and nonhumanized forest edges. We found Trichuris sp., an unidentified strongyle, and Strongyloides sp. in the fecal samples. Results did not generally support our expectation that humanized forest edges increase parasite infection and, counter to what we predicted, fecal cortisol did not differ between habitats, suggesting that proximity to edges and/or to humans did not result in increased stress. We conclude that broad habitat classifications, e.g., “humanized,” may be too general to identify consistent differences in parasite infection, as other factors, specific to the parasite (e.g., life cycled), host (e.g., immune systems strength), or environment (e.g., moisture level), likely also play important roles.  相似文献   

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