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朱耀军  郭菊兰  武高洁 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2681-2687
红树林湿地是地球上生产力最高的区域之一,尽管红树林的面积相对较少,但其单位面积的固碳能力很强,是重要的"蓝碳"碳库,其有机碳储量及动态对于全球碳平衡有重要影响。本文对红树林湿地有机碳(包括植被生物量碳和沉积物有机碳)的碳储量及计量方法,沉积物中有机碳的组成、来源及溯源方法,以及影响红树林湿地有机碳动态的因素等方面的研究进行了综述,并对其存在的问题和今后的研究趋势进行了分析。基于红树林湿地的固碳潜力和资源快速减少的现状,准确评估红树林碳库及其动态,有助于气候变化框架条约下的滨海湿地碳计量和价值评价,可以揭示红树林生态系统与全球变化的反馈关系,为红树林生态恢复和保护提供依据。  相似文献   

湿地植被生物量是衡量湿地生态系统健康状况的重要指标,其估算方法研究一直是湿地领域的研究热点。传统的植被地上生物量测算主要依靠样方调查,对于复杂湿地生态系统存在一定的局限,而随着遥感估算方法的发展,湿地植被生物量的研究实现了长期、动态且大尺度的监测。本文在查阅和分析国内外相关文献的基础上,以遥感数据为主要数据源,阐述了基于光学、合成孔径雷达(SAR)、激光雷达(Lidar)以及多源协同遥感数据反演湿地植物地上生物量的理论基础及计算原理,总结了其研究进展,分析了其适用性,继而从湿地植被生物量监测类型的拓展、多源遥感数据的融合、遥感数据的同化以及遥感机理模型发展等方面出发,对植物生物量研究的发展趋势进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

随着气候变化和人类活动的加剧, 生态系统正处于剧烈变化中, 生态学家需要从更大的时空尺度去理解生态系统过程和变化规律, 应对全球变化带来的威胁和挑战。传统地面调查方法主要获取的是样方尺度、离散的数据, 难以满足大尺度生态系统研究对数据时空连续性的要求。相比于传统地面调查方法, 遥感技术具有实时获取、重复监测以及多时空尺度的特点, 弥补了传统地面调查方法空间观测尺度有限的缺点。遥感通过分析电磁波信息从而识别地物属性和特征, 反演生态系统组成、能量流动和物质循环过程中的关键要素, 已逐渐成为生态学研究中必不可少的数据来源。近年来, 随着激光雷达、日光诱导叶绿素荧光等新型遥感技术以及无人机、背包等近地面遥感平台的发展, 个人化、定制化的近地面遥感观测逐渐成熟, 新一代遥感技术正在推动遥感信息“二维向三维”的转变, 为传统样地观测与卫星遥感之间搭建了尺度推绎桥梁, 这也给生态系统生态学带来了新的机遇, 推动生态系统生态学向多尺度、多过程、多学科、多途径发展。因此, 该文从生态系统生态学角度出发, 重点关注陆地生态系统中生物组分, 并分别从生态系统类型、结构、功能和生物多样性等方面, 结合作者在实际研究工作中的主要成果和该领域国际前沿动态, 阐述遥感技术在生态系统生态学中的研究现状并指出我国生态系统遥感监测领域发展方向及亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

珠江口淇澳岛红树林湿地生态系统健康评价   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
基于湿地生态系统健康理论和压力-状态-响应模型,以珠江口淇澳岛红树林湿地生态系统为研究对象,构建了红树林湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系,并确定了具体的评价指标、评价标准、指标权重、评价等级和评价方法,对珠江口淇澳岛红树林湿地生态系统健康状况进行了评价.结果表明:2008年,淇澳岛红树林湿地生态系统总健康指数为0.6580,评价等级为Ⅱ级(健康);压力、状态和响应指标的健康指数分别为0.3469、0.8718和0.7554,说明该评价系统存在一定的压力,而状态和响应方面较好.作为省级自然保护区,珠江口淇澳岛红树林湿地生态系统健康水平有待进一步提升.红树林湿地生态系统健康评价研究目前尚不成熟,进一步研究需重点关注针对红树林特征的评价因子筛选、相关数据的长期定位监测、生态系统健康与生态系统功能的定量关系研究等.  相似文献   

红树林(mangrove)是海陆交汇带重要的湿地生态系统,也是环境污染物蓄积与转化的热区.多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)因其环境蓄积特点在红树林生境中广泛分布,威胁生态系统健康,其降解转化是近年的研究重点.本文聚焦红树林湿地多环芳烃的微生物降解研究现状,从红树林生...  相似文献   

以福田红树林湿地生态系统为研究对象,将其生物组成分为红树植物、底栖动物、浮游植物、浮游动物、鸟类和碎屑等15个功能组,运用Ecopath with Ecosim(EWE)软件,构建了福田红树林湿地生态系统的EWE模型,探讨了红树林湿地生态系统的状态、特征及不同物种之间的营养关系,并评价红树林湿地生态系统当前的健康状况。分析表明,福田红树林湿地生态系统能流的最主要来源是碎屑,能流主要在营养级Ⅰ到Ⅳ之间流动,转化效率最高发生在第Ⅰ和第Ⅱ营养级之间(28.8%),总体转化效率为11.2%,且系统对营养级Ⅱ的利用最为充分。处于低营养级的功能组在系统能量传递的过程中起着非常关键的作用,并且对整个系统的影响强烈。生态系统总体特征参数生物量/总流量(TB/TT)、连接指数(CI)和系统杂食性指数(SOI)分别为0.163、0.123和0.018,综合分析表明,福田红树林湿地生态系统目前有退化的趋势。  相似文献   

红树林是生长在热带以及亚热带海岸潮间带上的生态群落, 其生产力高, 固碳能力强, 对保持海岸带生物多样性具有十分重要的价值。本文介绍了利用多源遥感数据监测红树林的一些主要研究内容, 分为3个方面: (1)在时空模式研究方面, 利用高空间分辨率影像像素和对象结合的方法对红树林树种进行分类以及利用Landsat影像对红树林进行动态变化监测并分析其驱动因素; (2)在结构参数研究方面, 利用无人机多光谱数据及地面激光雷达数据对红树林叶面积指数进行反演; (3)在生理生化参数研究方面, 探讨了红树林叶绿素含量对淹没状况的响应、互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)入侵是否影响红树林光能利用率, 以及光化学反射指数(photochemical reflectance index, PRI)与光能利用率(light use efficiency, LUE)的关系。上述系列研究为提取红树林相关信息要素时如何选择合适的分析方法提供了有力的参考, 强调了遥感在研究红树林时空模式, 提取结构参数和生物生化参数监测的有效性, 从而更好地促进红树林生态系统的生物多样性保育工作。  相似文献   

裘晟  叶勇 《生态学杂志》2020,(4):1330-1337
红树林是位于海岸潮间带的森林湿地生态系统,具有抗风削浪、保护堤岸、封存CO2缓解全球气候变化等多种功能。然而,由于地理位置及生存环境特殊,红树林湿地模型的研究相对内陆湿地滞后。为了推动红树林湿地模型的研究,本文将目前常见红树林湿地模型按功能划分为植被生长生产模型、水文模型、物流能流模型三类,以阐述相关模型研究的进展,并对目前红树林湿地模型研究提出几点看法:(1)现有红树林湿地模型在不同区域、尺度下运行的有效性有待进一步验证;(2)国内对红树林生态系统服务及植被恢复工作相关模型研究较少,今后需加强该方面的研究。  相似文献   

红树林湿地恢复研究进展   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
红树林是生长在热带、亚热带隐蔽潮间带的独特植物群落,在过去几十年内因人口压力和经济发展而遭到严重破坏,质量下降,面积萎缩.近年来,尽管世界各地采取了一系列措施进行红树林的恢复,然而由于缺乏造林技术资料、造林成活率低下、经营管理粗放,加上人为干扰和自然灾害的影响,红树林面积增长缓慢;造林成活率低依然是制约红树林湿地恢复的主要因素.总结了近年来国内外红树林湿地恢复四个方面的研究成果,即(1)宜林地选择,包括温度、底质、水文的环境条件研究;(2)树种选择与引种,包括乡土树种的选用和外来树种的引种状况;(3)栽培技术的应用,包括造林栽培技术与育苗技术,造林成本的比较;(4)植后管护及监测,包括幼林巡护、病虫害防治、生态监测,结合野外调查的结果,综述了红树林恢复的一些基本原理与应用实例.根据我国红树林湿地恢复的现状,提出今后红树林恢复研究的重点为:开展"退塘还林"工程,监测红树林湿地生态系统生物多样性的恢复,深入探讨红树林的化感作用,营造红树林混交林,实现红树林的生态恢复.  相似文献   

滨海红树林湿地生态系统健康的诊断方法和评价指标   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
健康的红树林湿地生态系统是指系统组分之间及系统整体维持动态的平衡,在适度的自然与人为干扰下,红树林生态系统服务功能发挥正常。本文筛选并评述了包括指示物种法、结构功能指标法、生态系统失调综合症诊断法、生态系统健康风险评估法、生态脆弱性和稳定性评价、生态功能评价法等6种可用于红树林湿地生态系统健康的诊断方法,分析了各自的应用前景。以压力-状态-响应模型为主线,构建了红树林湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系。在未来研究中,需进一步加强指标的筛选、评价标准与权重的确定,将生态系统健康水平与其生态服务功能相关联,开展具体案例分析。  相似文献   

中国红树林生态系统保护空缺分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红树林作为海岸带重要的生态系统类型,具有维持海岸生物多样性、防风固岸、促淤造陆等重要的生态功能,在气候变化和快速城市化背景下认识红树林受保护状况具有重要意义。以基于遥感解译的红树林分类数据为基础,通过空缺分析,分析了我国红树林的就地保护状况,结果显示我国分布的红树林总面积为264 km~2(尚不含我国港、澳、台的统计数据),其中61.4%在自然保护区内受到保护。从红树林分布的主要省份来看,在海南省分布的红树林面积较少但保护比例高,广西和广东省分布的红树林面积大但受保护面积比例相对较低。在3种红树林类型中,红树-木果楝林和红海榄-木榄林分布面积较小,但受保护的面积都在90%以上,秋茄-桐花树-白骨壤林分布的面积最大,但受保护的面积为52.6%。研究提出自然保护区外红树林分布的关键区域,并建议通过划定生态保护红线等方式来进行保护。  相似文献   

Physiological processes and local-scale structural dynamics of mangroves are relatively well studied. Regional-scale processes, however, are not as well understood. Here we provide long-term data on trends in structure and forest turnover at a large scale, following hurricane damage in mangrove ecosystems of South Florida, U.S.A. Twelve mangrove vegetation plots were monitored at periodic intervals, between October 1992 and March 2005. Mangrove forests of this region are defined by a −1.5 scaling relationship between mean stem diameter and stem density, mirroring self-thinning theory for mono-specific stands. This relationship is reflected in tree size frequency scaling exponents which, through time, have exhibited trends toward a community average that is indicative of full spatial resource utilization. These trends, together with an asymptotic standing biomass accumulation, indicate that coastal mangrove ecosystems do adhere to size-structured organizing principles as described for upland tree communities. Regenerative dynamics are different between areas inside and outside of the primary wind-path of Hurricane Andrew which occurred in 1992. Forest dynamic turnover rates, however, are steady through time. This suggests that ecological, more-so than structural factors, control forest productivity. In agreement, the relative mean rate of biomass growth exhibits an inverse relationship with the seasonal range of porewater salinities. The ecosystem average in forest scaling relationships may provide a useful investigative tool of mangrove community biomass relationships, as well as offer a robust indicator of general ecosystem health for use in mangrove forest ecosystem management and restoration.  相似文献   

Mangrove Restoration: Do We Know Enough?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Mangrove restoration projects have been attempted, with mixed results, throughout the world. In this paper, I first examine goals of existing mangrove restoration projects and determine whether these goals are clear and adequate, and whether or not they account for the full range of biological diversity and ecological processes of mangrove ecosystems. Many restored mangrove forests resemble forest plantations rather than truly integrated ecosystems, but mangrove plantations can be a first step toward mangrove rehabilitation. Mangrove restoration projects that involve associated aquaculture or mariculture operations tend to be more likely to approximate the biological diversity and ecological processes of undisturbed mangrove ecosystems than are projects that focus only on the trees. These integrated restoration projects also provide a higher economic return than do silvicultural projects alone. Second, I briefly assess whether existing ecological data are sufficient to undergird successful restoration of mangal and define criteria for determining whether or not a mangrove ecosystem has been restored successfully. These criteria include characteristics of vegetation (forest) structure, levels of primary production, composition of associated animal communities, and hydrology. Finally, I suggest ways to improve mangrove restoration projects and identify key research needs required to support these efforts. Ecological theories derived from other wetland and upland systems rarely have been applied to either “basic” or “applied” mangrove forest studies, to the detriment of restoration projects, whereas lessons from restoration of the relatively species‐poor mangrove ecosystems could be beneficially applied to restoration projects in other contexts. An international database of mangrove restoration projects would reduce the likelihood that unsuccessful restoration projects would be repeated elsewhere. Clear criteria for evaluating success, greater accessibility of information by managers in the developing world, intensified international cooperation, and application of relevant ecological theories will improve the success rate of mangrove restoration projects.  相似文献   

Mangrove wetland restoration and creation efforts are increasingly proposed as mechanisms to compensate for mangrove wetland losses. However, ecosystem development and functional equivalence in restored and created mangrove wetlands are poorly understood. We compared a 20-year chronosequence of created tidal wetland sites in Tampa Bay, Florida (USA) to natural reference mangrove wetlands. Across the chronosequence, our sites represent the succession from salt marsh to mangrove forest communities. Our results identify important soil and plant structural differences between the created and natural reference wetland sites; however, they also depict a positive developmental trajectory for the created wetland sites that reflects tightly coupled plant-soil development. Because upland soils and/or dredge spoils were used to create the new mangrove habitats, the soils at younger created sites and at lower depths (10–30?cm) had higher bulk densities, higher sand content, lower soil organic matter (SOM), lower total carbon (TC), and lower total nitrogen (TN) than did natural reference wetland soils. However, in the upper soil layer (0–10?cm), SOM, TC, and TN increased with created wetland site age simultaneously with mangrove forest growth. The rate of created wetland soil C accumulation was comparable to literature values for natural mangrove wetlands. Notably, the time to equivalence for the upper soil layer of created mangrove wetlands appears to be faster than for many other wetland ecosystem types. Collectively, our findings characterize the rate and trajectory of above- and below-ground changes associated with ecosystem development in created mangrove wetlands; this is valuable information for environmental managers planning to sustain existing mangrove wetlands or mitigate for mangrove wetland losses.  相似文献   

红树林生态系统服务功能研究综述   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
红树林湿地是热带亚热带地区陆地生态系统向海洋生态系统过渡的重要生态系统,具有重要的生态环境服务功能。由于其特殊的生态功能和较高的经济、社会价值,近年来成为湿地生态学研究的热点。本文对红树林生态系统在生产有机物、维持热带亚热带河口生态系统、降低风速以及海水流速、防治和减轻灾难、截留碎屑形成陆地、保护海堤、吸附污染物净化水体、提供多种生境、维护生物多样性,以及形成优美的环境开展生态旅游等几个方面的生态服务功能进行了综述,旨在为红树林资源的保护与合理利用提供参考。同时指出,对红树林的上述生态服务功能的内在生态学过程与效应及其价值评估尚需要开展更深入的研究。  相似文献   

红树林湿地碳储量及碳汇研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
红树林是生长在热带和亚热带地区潮间带的特殊的湿地森林,在防风固田、促进淤泥沉积、抵御海啸和台风等自然灾害和保护海岸线方面起着重要的作用.全球约有红树林152000 km2,占陆地森林面积的0.4%,我国约有230 km2.热带红树林湿地的碳储量平均高达1023 Mg C·hm-2,全球红树林湿地的碳汇能力在0.18~0.228 Pg C·a-1.影响红树林碳储量和碳汇能力的主要因子除了植物种类组成以外,气温、海水温度、海水盐度、土壤理化性质、大气CO2浓度及人类干扰等均有着重要作用.红树林湿地碳储量、碳汇能力的研究方法以实测法为基础,包括异速方程、遥感反演和模型模拟等.研究红树林湿地碳储量及碳汇能力,有利于深入认识红树林湿地碳循环过程及其调控机制,对红树林湿地的保护和合理利用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests are rapidly expanding their distribution in New Zealand, which is at the southern limit of their range. We investigated how these expanding mangrove forests develop through time. We assessed patterns in forest structure and function at the Firth of Thames, which is a rapidly accreting mangrove site in New Zealand where 1 km of mangrove of Avicennia marina has established seaward since the 1950s. Across the intertidal region, mangrove forest structure was highly variable. We used bomb-pulse radiocarbon dating to age the forest. Two major forest establishment events were identified; one in 1978–1981 and another in 1991–1995. These events coincided with sustained El Niño activity and are likely the result of reduced wind and wave energy at the site during these periods. We used the two forests of different ages to assess whether mangroves in New Zealand mature at similar rates as other mangroves and whether they conform to classic models of succession. The timing of forest maturation is similar in New Zealand as in more tropical locations with trees exhibiting features of mature forests as they age from about 10 to about 30 years. In older forest (~30 years old) trees become larger and stands more homogenous than in the younger forest (~10 years old). Carbon and nutrient concentrations in soils increased and soils become more aerobic in older forest compared to younger forest. Additionally, using fertilization experiments, we established that despite reduced growth rates in older forests, nitrogen remained limiting to growth in both older and young forests. However, in contrast to classic successional models leaf tissue nutrient concentrations and nutrient conservation (nutrient resorption from senescence leaf tissue) were similar in forests of differing ages and did not vary with fertilization. We conclude that mangrove forest expansion in New Zealand is influenced by climatic factors. Mangrove forests mature rapidly, even at the limits of their range and they satisfy many of the successional patterns predicted by Odum (1969) for the early stages of forest succession.  相似文献   

Lakes are important ecosystems providing various ecosystem services. Stressors such as eutrophication or climate change, however, threaten their ecological functions. National and international legislations address these threats and claim consistent, long-term monitoring schemes. Remote sensing data and products provide synoptic, spatio-temporal views and their integration can lead to a better understanding of lake ecology and water quality. Remote sensing therefore gains increasing awareness for analysing water bodies. Various empirical and semi-analytical algorithms exist to derive remote sensing indicators as proxies for climate change or ecological response variables. Nevertheless, most monitoring networks lack an integration of remote sensing data. This review article therefore provides a comprehensive overview how remote sensing can support lake research and monitoring. We focus on remote sensing indicators of lake properties, i.e. water transparency (suspended particulate matter, coloured dissolved organic matter, Secchi disc depth, diffuse attenuation coefficient, turbidity), biota (phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, submerged and emerged aquatic vegetation), bathymetry, water temperature (surface temperature) and ice phenology (ice cover, ice-on, ice-out). After a brief background introducing principles of lake remote sensing we give a review on available sensors and methods. We categorise case studies on remote sensing indicators with respect to lake properties and processes. We discuss existing challenges and benefits of integrating remote sensing into lake monitoring and ecological research including data availability, ready-to-use tools and accuracies.  相似文献   

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