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The first report of Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean is from 1984. The alga was found on the rocky shore at Monaco, below the Oceanographic Museum, where it had been on display in tropical aquaria. Within five years, there was an abundance of C. taxifolia on the shores around the first point of observation. In 1987, C. taxifolia appeared on the French coast, 3 km east of Monaco, at Cap Martin. By late 1991, 30 ha of shore in the vicinity of Monaco was covered with the alga. New points of colonization were in Livorno, Italy, 240 km east of Monaco, and to the west at Agay, Le Lavandou, Hyères, Toulon, Les Lecques, Saint Cyprien, 50 to 370 km from Monaco. The westernmost point of colonization, noted in September 1992, was 600 km from Monaco, at Majorca (Balearic island, Spain). Most types of substrata, between 0 and 50 m depth, are susceptible to colonization by C. taxifolia. Seaweed and seagrass populations on the coasts of Monaco and Cap Martin have been significantly reduced or destroyed because of invasion by C. taxifolia.  相似文献   

Densities of red mullet Mullus surmuletus have declined since 1996 at Cap Martin, Alpes‐Maritimes, France, following colonization by Caulerpa taxifolia . Foraging M. surmuletus were rarely observed over C. taxifolia or the seagrass Posidonia oceanica , but were observed over bare sand and endemic macroalgae. Within colonized sites (where the mean cover of C. taxifolia was 30–100%), fish were concentrated on areas with low cover of C. taxifolia (<21%). A difference in the frequency of observations of foraging groups (17%) was observed between sites with and without C. taxifolia . The observed patterns were probably due to a physical barrier to foraging that is presented by meadows of C. taxifolia . Changes to habitat structure that occur when the substratum is colonized by C. taxifolia influence the accessibility to benthic food resources, and consequently the foraging activities of fish that feed on benthic invertebrates. The decline in density of M. surmuletus at Cap Martin could be the result of fish emigration from colonized sites (unfavourable to the species) to uncolonized sites.  相似文献   

Abstract An invasive, cold‐tolerant strain of the tropical green alga Caulerpa taxifolia was introduced recently in the Mediterranean Sea and along the Californian coast. We screened 50 aquarium and open‐sea C. taxifolia specimens for the presence/absence of an intron located in the rbcL gene of chloroplast DNA. We also reanalysed a total of 229 sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA, combining previously published sequences from different studies with 68 new sequences to complement rbcL data. The introduced Mediterranean strain was found to be characterized by the absence of the rbcL intron and by the occurrence of a particular monomorphic ITS type. A PCR assay based on rbcL gene was developed to detect new introductions of the invasive strain of C. taxifolia. This rapid and inexpensive test could be useful to assist environment managers in the preservation of coastal marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The accidental introduction of Caulerpa taxifolia into the Mediterranean is no longer under dispute. What has eluded researchers until now, is definitive evidence for the original, biogeographical source population. Here we present two independent lines of evidence that support an Australian origin for the Mediterranean populations of C. taxifolia. First, we reanalysed algal rDNA-internal transcribed spacer (rDNA-ITS) sequences, combining previously published sequences from different studies with 22 new sequences. The ITS sequence comparison showed that the Australian sample is the sister group of the Mediterranean-aquarium clade. Second, cloned bacterial 16S rDNA gene sequences were analysed from the associated microflora of C. taxifolia collected from Australia, Tahiti, the Philippines and the Mediterranean. Five bacterial lineages were identified, of which three were dominant. Alpha Proteobacteria were the most abundant and were found in all samples. In contrast, members of the beta Proteobacterial line and Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides line (CFB) were mainly associated with Mediterranean and Australian samples. Frequency distributions of the five bacterial lineages were significantly different among biogeographical locations. Phylogenetic analyses of the 54 bacterial sequences derived from the four C. taxifolia individuals resulted in a well-resolved tree with high bootstrap support. The topologies of the beta Proteobacteria and CFB mirror the geographical sources of their algal hosts. Bacterial-algal associations provide an identification tool that may have wide application for the detection of marine invasions.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,82(2):71-81
Beds of the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia were observed to be buried with sediment after heavy rainfall, and it was proposed that burial and subsequent uncovering could help explain rapid changes in the sizes of beds of C. taxifolia. Responses of C. taxifolia fragments to the different extents of burial and for different durations (2, 6, 17 days) were investigated in the laboratory. Once uncovered, fragments in all treatments began to grow, and by 92 days partially buried fragments were not significantly different from controls in terms of the numbers of stolon meristems or total stolon length. Fragments buried totally were severely affected, but nevertheless, 35% of the fragments survived total burial for 17 days, and began to recover slowly when the sediment was removed. C. taxifolia can, therefore, persist for long periods under sediments, meaning that, in areas where burial is likely, the actual distribution of the species may be underestimated. Moreover, any potential control technique needs to penetrate sediments to be totally effective.  相似文献   

Two reciprocal experiments testing for the effects of nutrient addition in the sediment and competitive interactions between the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson and the introduced alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh were performed. This study was conducted for 13 months (August 1995 until September 1996) in a bay on the south coast of Elba Island (Italy). Each experiment consisted of the manipulation of the level of nutrients (addition vs. control) and the manipulation of the neighbours (presence vs. removal). Response variables were blade density and size for one experiment and shoot density and leaf length of seagrass in the other. Results indicated that the presence of Caulerpa taxifolia did not affect significantly Cymodocea nodosa shoot density and the increased nutrient availability in the sediment did not alter this pattern. Neither the removal of the canopy of the seagrass nor the fertilization of the sediment has influenced significantly the density of the alga. Both species, where co-occurring, show larger size than where the neighbour is removed. Hence, results of this study suggest that the two species on the long term are likely to coexist and that the high nutrient supply of the sediment would not enhance the probability of success neither of the seagrass nor of the alga. Predictions made on the basis of short-term results, that high nutrient loads of the substratum would have represented an even more suitable condition for C. taxifolia to colonize C. nodosa beds and that on the long-term the alga has a high probability of success, did not occur.  相似文献   

Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh (Ulvophyceae, Caulerpales) is an alga of tropical origin that was accidentally introduced into the Mediterranean sea in 1984, where this species can reach an abundance that has never been described in tropical endemic regions. It is known that caulerpacean algae can develop an efficient strategy against grazers consisting of the synthesis of repulsive of toxic secondary metabolites: we report here the first study of the toxicity of purified secondary metabolites and raw extracts fromC. taxifolia from the Mediterranean.Toxicity was evaluated on three models: mice (lethality), mammalian cells in culture (cytotoxicity) and sea urchin eggs (disturbance of cell proliferation). Aqueous extracts are only active on fibroblasts and mice. In the three toxicity models a seasonal variation of toxicity is observed for the crude methanol extract as well as a decrease of this activity whenC. taxifolia from the Mediterranean is kept in aquaria. Pure compounds exhibit different toxicity depending on the assay. 10,11-epoxycaulerpenyne is the most active substance on mice and fibroblasts whereas taxifolial A and D are inactive or only weakly toxic. Among the four tested compounds caulerpenyne, the major metabolite ofC. taxifolia, is the most active on sea urchin eggs. Caulerpenyne may therefore represent an ecological risk for microorganisms and the eggs of multicellular animals living close to this alga. The ecological impact of this toxicity on marine organisms and the interaction of this alga with the herbivorous fauna are discussed.  相似文献   

Francour  P.  Harmelin-Vivien  M.  Harmelin  J. G.  Duclerc  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):345-353
After its accidental introduction in the French waters of the Mediterranean, the green seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia is now spreading along the coast of the Alpes-Maritimes, invading various biotopes (rock, sand and Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds). During the spring and fall of 1992, we evaluated the impact of C. taxifolia on the infralittoral ichthyofauna of Cap Martin (Menton) and compared invaded and reference sites, in shallow (3–8 m) and deep (11–25 m) stations. Caulerpa taxifolia apparently does not have any effect on the composition and global species richness of the ichthyofauna. Therefore, no exclusion phenomenon has been observed and fish behavior has remained normal (feeding habits, reproduction, recruitment). However, fish density and biomass are slightly lower in the colonized sites. Negative regression was observed, in shallow sites during the spring season, between the percentage of substrate invaded by C. taxifolia and the average density of fish assemblages (slope= –0.13, r=0.26, p<0.01). Despite these observations, C. taxifolia meadows seem to be a favorable environment for the recruitment of some species of Labridae (Coris julis, Symphodus ocellatus), Sparidae (Diplodus annularis) and Serranidae (Serranus cabrilla) in the fall.The relative importance of C. taxifolia as environmental parameter and of other habitat characteristics (structural complexity, substrate slope, hydrodynamism, depth, fishing pressure) is discussed to explain these differences. The results of this first study indicate that there exists no simple relation between the presence of C. taxifolia and fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia in Lake Macquarie (New South Wales, Australia) in 2001, the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) has attempted various control methods, including covering the alga with granulated sea salt to induce osmotic shock and cell lysis. In Lake Macquarie, C. taxifolia often occurs in patches within beds of the native seagrass Zostera capricorni. Although the effects of the salt treatment on blades of Z. capricorni and infauna have been shown to be minimal, there have been no tests of any effects on other native biota, including seagrass epifauna. In this study, we tested the general hypothesis that the abundance and diversity of epifauna would be reduced by salting. We used a ‘Beyond BACI’ experimental design whereby epifaunal invertebrates were sampled 3 months, 6 weeks and 6 days before and then again after salting. Epifaunal abundances at the putatively impacted (salted) location were compared to those at 4 control locations (where no salt was applied). Abundances of most organisms varied significantly among times and locations with no evidence of the consistent effect of salting on diversity or abundance of epifauna. The study represents an example of the use of large-scale managerial action as a scientific experiment. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at <> and accessible for authorised users  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between the ability of bird species to persist in fragmented forests and their ability to colonize new forest habitat. Using a long-term data set on the colonization of a forest plantation, we tested the hypothesis that bird species tolerant to habitat fragmentation would detect and colonize the new habitat faster than intolerant species. The forest plantation under study is situated on an area of land reclaimed from the sea (a polder) in the central part of The Netherlands. We constructed an index of tolerance to habitat fragmentation and included it as a predictor variable in a set of three logistic regression models that compared the probability of colonization over four consecutive time periods. After controlling statistically for the effects of regional incidence, preferred habitat and life-history characteristics, there was a significant effect of tolerance to fragmentation on the ability of species to colonize the plantation, and a marginal effect on the timing of colonization. We then examined the effect of the same index of tolerance to fragmentation on colonization patterns over a larger spatial scale. Multivariate regression models showed that the proportion of three polders of different ages occupied by forest bird species was dependent upon the regional incidence of a species, its preferred habitat and its tolerance to fragmentation. The results support the hypothesis that species tolerant to habitat fragmentation detect and colonize new habitat faster than those intolerant to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Despite worldwide proliferation of the genus Caulerpa and subsequent effects on benthic communities, little is known about the nutritional physiology of the Caulerpales. Here, we investigated the uptake rates of ammonium, nitrate, amino acids, and phosphate through the fronds and rhizoids + stolon, the internal translocation of nitrogen, and developed a nitrogen budget for the rapidly spreading Caulerpa prolifera in Ria Formosa lagoon, southern Portugal. Caulerpa prolifera acquired nutrients by both aboveground and belowground parts at similar rates, except nitrate, for which fronds showed 2-fold higher uptake rates. Ammonium was the preferential nitrogen source (81% of the total nitrogen acquisition), and amino acids, which accounted for a significant fraction of total N acquisition (19%), were taken up at faster rates than nitrate. Basipetal translocation of 15N incorporated as ammonium was nearly 3-fold higher than acropetal translocation, whereas 15N translocation as nitrate and amino acids was smaller but equal in either direction. The estimated total nitrogen acquisition by C. prolifera was 689 μmol · m−2 · h−1, whereas the total nitrogen requirement for growth was 672 μmol · m−2 · h−1. The uptake of ammonium and amino acids by belowground parts accounted for the larger fraction of the total nitrogen acquisition of C. prolifera and is sufficient to satisfy the species nitrogen requirements for growth. This may be one reason explaining the fast spreading of the seaweed in the bare sediments of Ria Formosa where it does not have any macrophyte competitors and the concentration of nutrients is high.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour variability of three striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus L. 1758) populations with respect to the vegetation cover was examined along the French Mediterranean coasts. We tested both the carrying capacity of different habitats and the hypothesis of a food segregation by the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh, on the functioning of benthic fish populations. The results indicated a significant site effect on M. surmuletus foraging behaviour and movements. The vegetation cover may play an important role in modifying the striped red mullet cost of foraging (sampling effort) and thus its strategy of prey capture. As long as the cover of marine phanerogams and/or macrophyte algae (Caulerpaceae) increases, the foraging budget and the distances covered in search of prey decrease significantly. Similarly, the striped red mullet increases the prospected sample periods to augment its foraging success, swimming above the bottom. These changes are related to the development of a dense superficial network of plagiotropic rhizomes and stolons, and to the reduction of space between fronds that limits the accessibility to resources and may increase intra-specific food competition. The role of C. taxifolia does not differ from that of other marine phanerogams but induces significant changes in the structure of Mullidae populations at the local level. The rapid expansion of Caulerpaceae in the Mediterranean Sea could constitute a real threat for the balance of the marine coastal biodiversity and the ecology of M. surmuletus, which is considered a flagship species for coastal Mediterranean demersal fisheries.  相似文献   

For species from open habitats with little cover and few refugia, selection should favour morphologies that enhance performance at tasks that enable rapid movement across open areas. Similarly, selection should also favour traits that enable rapid access and movement within suitable refugia. This study examined the relationship between habitat openness, refuge use, morphology and performance of 19 species representing 23 populations of tropical Lygosomine skink. Species from this group occupy a wide array of habitats from open forest and open rocky intertidal zones to high‐altitude heaths and dense, closed forests. Species that occupied open habitats were faster at sprinting, climbing and had better cling ability than species from more cluttered, closed habitats. In addition, species from habitats that used rock crevices as refuges had enhanced sprinting ability. This study shows the importance of both habitat openness and refuge type in the evolution of both the morphology and performance in lizards.  相似文献   

This study assessed the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and neutral genetic variation and structure in two percid species, perch Perca fluviatilis and zander Sander lucioperca, in a unique brackish ecosystem, the Baltic Sea. In addition, to assess the importance of MHC diversity to disease susceptibility in these populations, comparisons were made to an introduced, disease susceptible, P. fluviatilis population in Australia. Eighty‐three MHC class II B exon 2 variants were amplified: 71 variants from 92 P. fluviatilis samples, and 12 variants from 82 S. lucioperca samples. Microsatellite and MHC data revealed strong spatial genetic structure in S. lucioperca, but not P. fluviatilis, across the Baltic Sea. Both microsatellite and MHC data showed higher levels of genetic diversity in P. fluviatilis from the Baltic Sea compared to Australia, which may have facilitated the spread of an endemic virus, EHNV in the Australian population. The relatively high levels of genetic variation in the Baltic Sea populations, together with spatial genetic structure, however, suggest that there currently seems to be little risk of disease epidemics in this system. To ensure this remains the case in the face of ongoing environmental changes, fisheries and habitat disturbance, the conservation of local‐scale genetic variation is recommended.  相似文献   

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