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Hardground surfaces from the Late Cambrian Snowy Range Formation in Montana/Wyoming are the oldest known non-reefal hard substrates exhibiting encrusting fossils. These surfaces range in age from Early Franconian to early Trempealeauan. Hardgrounds were developed on slightly hummocky to planar, truncated surfaces of glauconite-rich, carbonate, flat pebble conglomerates, which were deposited during episodes of storm scouring in shallow subtidal environments of the Montana/Wyoming shelf. Snowy Range hardgrounds are encrusted by a low diversity assemblage of fossils dominated by simple discoidal holdfasts of pelmatozoans, probably crinoids, and including small conical spongiomorph algae? and probable stromatolites. Macroborings (e.g. Trypanites) are notably absent from all hardground surfaces, although sharp-walled, vertical, cylindrical holes (borings?) occur in micrite clasts imbedded in certain flat pebble conglomerates. No evidence of faunal succession or microecologic partitioning of irregular surfaces was observed on these Cambrian hardgrounds.  相似文献   

Cambrian agnostid communities in Tasmania   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jago, J. B.: Cambrian agnostid communities in Tasmania.
Two or possibly three different agnostid trilobite assemblages can be distinguished in the late Middle and early Upper Cambrian sequences of northern and western Tasmania. This is significant because in recent years agnostid trilobites have been widely used in local and international correlations of Middle and Upper Cambrian rocks. The three assemblages recognized are (1) an agnostid assemblage in which polymerid trilobites are abscnt, rare or present as thanatocoenotic fossils, (2) a ptychagnostid-non-nepeid assemblage, and (3) a nepeid-clavagnostid-peronopsid assemblage in which non-agnostid trilobites are abundant but ptychag-nostids are absent. It is proposed that assemblage (1) represents an open sea fauna, with assemblages (2) and (3) occurring in progressively shallower water.  相似文献   

Lower Cretaceous marine rocks exposed in New Mexico, southcastcrn Colorado, Oklahoma, and Kansas contain well-preserved faunal assemblages that formed either as in-place, disturbed-neighborhood, or transported assemblages. Five faunal associations characterize lithofacies of the bay-to-shoreface depositional model and possess uniquc structures. The Nucula-Nuculana association represents a speciediverse, infaunal detritus-suspension community occupying the open-bay muddy substrate. The Corbula-Breviarca association was a species-dominant, infaunal suspension feeding community on the lower shoreface. The Texigryphaea-Lopha community formed biostromes on the shoreface. The mid-shoreface supported a species-diverse, infaunol suspension feeding community of Scabrotrigonia and Turritella . The Arenicolites trace fossil association characterizes the upper shoreface-beach habitat.  相似文献   

The hierarchical structure of biodiversity from a regional scale analysis has received much attention as an alternative approach to unravelling the principal drivers of biodiversification. To better understand the processes that control the diversification of Cambro‐Ordovician trilobite communities from the Argentine Cordillera Oriental, we explore patterns of occupancy and diversity trajectories at the local and regional scales through seven intervals (Furongian, loTr1, upTr1, loTr2, upTr2, Tr3 and Fl2–3), and across an onshore‐offshore profile. Our results indicate: (1) a decrease in regional diversity from the upper Tr2 onwards, mainly caused by a reduction in the number of rare taxa, coupled with stable beta diversity at regional scale and a constant rise in beta diversity in deep subtidal environments; (2) a higher proportion of regional diversity allocated to the within‐habitat beta component; and (3) that changes in gamma diversity are driven primarily by changes in alpha diversity during the Furongian–Tr3, whereas in the Floian, beta diversity seems to modulate regional diversity. These trends and associated patterns indicate increasing ecological differences among taxa, shifting from metacommunities where most taxa have similar ecological preferences or ‘Hubbell type’ to metacommunities with high niche differentiation or ‘Hutchinson type’. Interestingly, the timing of this shift coincides with the regional‐scale turnover between trilobite evolutionary faunas suggesting that the rise in niche differentiation among these genera may be related to the transition. Superimposed on this general trend, particular diversity structures can be understood in the light of metacommunity dynamics, such as dispersal limitation and mass effect.  相似文献   

As global climate change and variability drive shifts in species’ distributions, ecological communities are being reorganized. One approach to understand community change in response to climate change has been to characterize communities by a collective thermal preference, or community temperature index (CTI), and then to compare changes in CTI with changes in temperature. However, important questions remain about whether and how responsive communities are to changes in their local thermal environments. We used CTI to analyze changes in 160 marine assemblages (fish and invertebrates) across the rapidly‐changing Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem and calculated expected community change based on historical relationships between species presence and temperature from a separate training dataset. We then compared interannual and long‐term temperature changes with expected community responses and observed community responses over both temporal scales. For these marine communities, we found that community composition as well as composition changes through time could be explained by species associations with bottom temperature. Individual species had non‐linear responses to changes in temperature, and these nonlinearities scaled up to a nonlinear relationship between CTI and temperature. On average, CTI increased by 0.36°C (95% CI: 0.34–0.38°C) for every 1°C increase in bottom temperature, but the relationship between CTI and temperature also depended on community composition. In addition, communities responded more strongly to interannual variation than to long‐term trends in temperature. We recommend that future research into climate‐driven community change accounts for nonlinear responses and examines ecological responses across a range of temporal and geographical scales.  相似文献   

Rapidly fluctuating environmental conditions can significantly stress organisms, particularly when fluctuations cross thresholds of normal physiological tolerance. Redox potential fluctuations are common in humid tropical soils, and microbial community acclimation or avoidance strategies for survival will in turn shape microbial community diversity and biogeochemistry. To assess the extent to which indigenous bacterial and archaeal communities are adapted to changing in redox potential, soils were incubated under static anoxic, static oxic or fluctuating redox potential conditions, and the standing (DNA‐based) and active (RNA‐based) communities and biogeochemistry were determined. Fluctuating redox potential conditions permitted simultaneous CO2 respiration, methanogenesis, N2O production and iron reduction. Exposure to static anaerobic conditions significantly changed community composition, while 4‐day redox potential fluctuations did not. Using RNA : DNA ratios as a measure of activity, 285 taxa were more active under fluctuating than static conditions, compared with three taxa that were more active under static compared with fluctuating conditions. These data suggest an indigenous microbial community adapted to fluctuating redox potential.  相似文献   

The decay of submerged macrophytes in lakes of high trophic level drastically limits the extent of habitat available to littoral invertebrates. The loss can be partially compensated by growth of filamentous algae. Our results show that macroinvertebrates typically associated with submerged macrophytes as well as planktonic crustaceans and rotifers occurred within algal mats at high densities.Aggregations of filamentous algae are usually short-term, with frequent appearances and disappearances. The rate of colonization of algal mats by invertebrates is rapid. In locations with a high degree of water exchange, animals colonize both living and decomposing algal mats at a similar rate, but in sheltered habitats, decomposing filamentous algae are colonized by a smaller number of animals.Comparison was made between the occurrence of invertebrate macrofauna on Chara spp., Potamogeton perfoliatus, P. lucens and Myriophyllum spicatum in several lakes. Although these macrophytes differ visibly in morphology and phenology, the number and composition of macroinvertebrates during summer was associated more closely with trophic state of a lake than with plant species.  相似文献   

There are few papers describing long-term fluctuations and general patterns of temporal diversity in butterfly assemblages in the Neotropical region. The present paper presents a long-term study on the variation in richness and composition of butterflies in a fragment of semi-deciduous forest in Southeastern Brazil, and examines the viability of using maximized butterfly transect counts as a methodology to rapidly and adequately access the local characteristics of butterfly communities. Based on the eight annual standard lists, 518 species in six butterfly families were recorded, representing 74 % of the total butterfly fauna known from the study site. Hesperiidae was the richest family (248 species), followed by Nymphalidae (154), Lycaenidae (49), Riodinidae (29), Pieridae (26), and Papilionidae (12). The accumulation curves show that 8 years of sampling were not enough to result in stable species totals for all butterfly families, especially Hesperiidae and Lycaenidae, which are still increasing in number of species. A great similarity in species composition was observed among all the years (54 %). Comparing the similarity between two standard lists at different time intervals (from 1 to 8 years), a clear pattern of increasing dissimilarity was observed in most families. Our results show that the maximized sampling method is effective in revealing temporal patterns of diversity across several years and could be valuable in monitoring temporal variation in butterfly assemblages for conservation purposes, since the obtained standard lists can be successfully compared to temporal patterns over large periods of time.  相似文献   

During the Late Barremian and Early Aptian (about 120 million years ago) intense volcanic degassing and extremely rapid release of methane hydrates contained in marine sediments added high amounts of carbon to the ocean and atmosphere, and resulted most probably in rising atmospheric carbon dioxide pressure. In order to document the response of the shallow water carbonate-producing communities to this pronounced disturbance of the carbon cycle we studied a Late Barremian to Early Aptian neritic carbonate succession deposited on the northern Tethyan shelf (Swiss Alps). The sedimentological and stable carbon and oxygen isotope records of two sections located along a N–S transect from proximal to more distal shelf environments were investigated. The sediments correspond to outer-, mid-, and inner-ramp deposits of a homoclinal carbonate ramp. Vertical facies variations within the two studied sections feature three progradation phases of the platform. A highly resolved correlation of the shelf sediments with a pelagic succession from the Southern Alps (Northern Italy) is based on both δ13C stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, and indicates that the drowning of the Helvetic carbonate platform coincided with a pronounced calcification crisis of calcareous nannofossils. The biocalcification crisis started before but culminated during the Aptian methane event recorded in a negative carbon-isotope spike. We propose that increased carbon dioxide concentrations in oceans and atmosphere related to volcanic activity and to sudden methane release reduced the marine calcium carbonate oversaturation and the calcification potential of benthic and planktonic organisms. Carbonate-producing shallow water communities on platforms and ramps suffering from additional environmental stress such as extreme temperatures or high nutrient levels could not survive during times of rising sea level, and, as a consequence, carbonate platforms drowned.  相似文献   

Habitats of hermatypic corals are shallow and turbulent marine environments that often lack biostratigraphic index fossils. For that reason many Cretaceous coral faunas are imprecisely dated or dated only on the basis of comparisons with other coral faunas. Using a large database on the taxonomy, stratigraphical and geographical distribution of corals in the Cretaceous, a method is proposed that will make it possible to specify the stratigraphical age of coral associations on the basis of their specific composition. In this process the stratigraphical range of the species (calculated before from well-dated faunas) is summarized and a probable age of the association proposed. The method does not only help to assess the biostratigraphical age of a fauna, but may also indicate whether a fauna represents an original composition or is a mixed association derived from reworked horizons or olistoliths. The method can be applied to any other group of organisms, provided that the essential data for a comparison are available.   相似文献   

Responses of ecosystems to environmental changes vary greatly across habitats, organisms and observational scales. The Quaternary fossil record of the Po Basin demonstrates that marine communities of the northern Adriatic re-emerged unchanged following the most recent glaciation, which lasted approximately 100 000 years. The Late Pleistocene and Holocene interglacial ecosystems were both dominated by the same species, species turnover rates approximated predictions of resampling models of a homogeneous system, and comparable bathymetric gradients in species composition, sample-level diversity, dominance and specimen abundance were observed in both time intervals. The interglacial Adriatic ecosystems appear to have been impervious to natural climate change either owing to their persistence during those long-term perturbations or their resilient recovery during interglacial phases of climate oscillations. By contrast, present-day communities of the northern Adriatic differ notably from their Holocene counterparts. The recent ecosystem shift stands in contrast to the long-term endurance of interglacial communities in face of climate-driven environmental changes.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(1):17-23
Global increases in agricultural production have significant implications for biodiversity and ecosystem processes. In southern Africa, sugarcane production has converted native vegetation into agricultural monocultures. We examined functional group abundance along a conservation-agriculture gradient in the Lowveld of Swaziland. We captured small mammals representing 4 functional groups: omnivores, insectivores, granivores, and herbivores and found evidence of distinct changes in small mammal functional groups across the conservation-agriculture boundary. Granivores declined with increasing distance into the sugarcane and were completely absent at 375 m from the boundary while omnivores increased in the sugarcane. Insectivores and herbivores showed no differences between the two land uses; however, during the dry season, there were significantly more insectivores at the conservation-agriculture interface than in the conservation lands. Shifts in small mammal communities have clear implications for ecosystem processes as the removal of granivores from savannah systems can drastically alter vegetative structure and potentially lead to shrub encroachment via reduced levels of seed predation, while abundant omnivorous small mammals can cause significant crop damage and increase the prevalence of vector borne diseases in the environment.  相似文献   

Subsurface microbial community structure in relation to geochemical gradients and lithology was investigated using a combination of molecular phylogenetic and geochemical analyses. Discreet groundwater and substratum samples were obtained from depths ranging from 182 to 190 m beneath the surface at approximately 10-cm intervals using a multilevel sampler (MLS) that straddled Cretaceous shale and sandstone formations at a site in the southern San Juan Basin in New Mexico. DNA and RNA were extracted directly from quartzite sand substratum loaded into individual cells of the MLS and colonized in situ. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-mediated T-RFLP analysis of archaeal rRNA genes (rDNA) in conjunction with partial sequencing analysis of archaeal rDNA libraries and quantitative RNA hybridization with oligonucleotide probes were used to probe community structure and function. Although total microbial populations remained relatively constant over the entire depth interval sampled, significant shifts in archaeal populations, predominantly methanogens, were observed. These shifts coincided with the geochemical transition from relatively high methane (26 mM), low sulphate (< 3 mg l(-1)) conditions in the region adjacent to the organic matter-rich shale to relatively low-methane (< 0.5 mM), high-sulphate (48 mg l(-1)) conditions in the organic-poor sandstone beneath the shale. These results indicated that active, phylogenetically diverse archaeal communities were present in the subsurface Cretaceous rock environment at this site and that major archaeal clades shifted dramatically over scales of tens of centimetres, corresponding to changes in the lithology and geochemical gradients.  相似文献   

The attached fauna of one of the many hardgrounds from the Galena Group (Trentonian Substage) of the Upper Mississippi Valley is described. The fauna is composed of three principal elements, viz. (1) borers, including Cicatricula retiformis ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., (2) pelmatozoans with encrusting holdfasts, and (3) bryozoans. Analysis of the distribution of members of each population on the hardground shows that most are strongly aggregated. The nature of, and reasons for, such aggregations are considered in the light of comparable Recent shallow-water marine populations. The community on this hardground, and those on other Galena Group hardgrounds, are immature. This is a consequence of frequent and damaging scour, which these organisms were poorly adapted to resist.  相似文献   

Effects of environmental changes on communities and on species have been studied with two different types of animals: mammals and conodonts. This analysis was conducted on mammals from the ’Ubeidiya Sequence (Israel) dated to the Lower Pleistocene, and on conodonts from the quarry of Coumiac (France) dated to the Frasnian/Famennian boundary (Devonian). The main result of the analysis is that an ecological event can be subdivided. First of all there is a change in the environment that corresponds to a physical signal, the species react to this change, and afterwards the communities respond. Thus, a delay in time can be observed between the reaction of the species and the reaction of the community to an environmental signal.  相似文献   

Long-term records of benthic macroinvertebrates in high-latitude streams are essential for understanding climatic changes, including extreme events (e.g. floods). Data extending over multiple decades are typically scarce. Here, we investigated macroinvertebrate community structural change (including alpha and beta diversity and gain and loss of species) over 22 years (1994–2016) in 10 stream systems across Denali National Park (Alaska, USA) in relation to climatological and meteorological drivers (e.g. air temperature, snowpack depth, precipitation). We hypothesised that increases in air temperature and reduced snowpack depth, due to climatic change, would reduce beta and gamma diversity but increase alpha diversity. Findings showed temporal trends in alpha diversity were variable across streams, with oscillating patterns in many snowmelt- and rainfall runoff-fed streams linked to climatic variation (temperature and precipitation), but increased over time in several streams supported by a mixture of water sources, including more stable groundwater-fed streams. Beta-diversity over the time series was highly variable, yet marked transitions were observed in response to extreme snowpack accumulation (1999–2000), where species loss drove turnover. Gamma diversity did not significantly increase or decrease over time. Investigating trends in individual taxa, several taxa were lost and gained during a relative constrained time period (2000–2006), likely in response to climatic variability and significant shifts in instream environmental conditions. Findings demonstrate the importance of long-term biological studies in stream ecosystems and highlight the vulnerability of high-latitude streams to climate change.  相似文献   

Aim Habitat fragmentation is a major driver of biodiversity loss but it is insufficiently known how much its effects vary among species with different life‐history traits; especially in plant communities, the understanding of the role of traits related to species persistence and dispersal in determining dynamics of species communities in fragmented landscapes is still limited. The primary aim of this study was to test how plant traits related to persistence and dispersal and their interactions modify plant species vulnerability to decreasing habitat area and increasing isolation. Location Five regions distributed over four countries in Central and Northern Europe. Methods Our dataset was composed of primary data from studies on the distribution of plant communities in 300 grassland fragments in five regions. The regional datasets were consolidated by standardizing nomenclature and species life‐history traits and by recalculating standardized landscape measures from the original geographical data. We assessed the responses of plant species richness to habitat area, connectivity, plant life‐history traits and their interactions using linear mixed models. Results We found that the negative effect of habitat loss on plant species richness was pervasive across different regions, whereas the effect of habitat isolation on species richness was not evident. This area effect was, however, not equal for all the species, and life‐history traits related to both species persistence and dispersal modified plant sensitivity to habitat loss, indicating that both landscape and local processes determined large‐scale dynamics of plant communities. High competitive ability for light, annual life cycle and animal dispersal emerged as traits enabling species to cope with habitat loss. Main conclusions In highly fragmented rural landscapes in NW Europe, mitigating the spatial isolation of remaining grasslands should be accompanied by restoration measures aimed at improving habitat quality for low competitors, abiotically dispersed and perennial, clonal species.  相似文献   

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