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Proteins of the innate immune system can act as natural inhibitors of influenza virus, limiting growth and spread of the virus in the early stages of infection before the induction of adaptive immune responses. In this study, we identify the long pentraxin PTX3 as a potent innate inhibitor of influenza viruses both in vitro and in vivo. Human and murine PTX3 bound to influenza virus and mediated a range of antiviral activities, including inhibition of hemagglutination, neutralization of virus infectivity and inhibition of viral neuraminidase. Antiviral activity was associated with binding of the viral hemagglutinin glycoprotein to sialylated ligands present on PTX3. Using a mouse model we found PTX3 to be rapidly induced following influenza infection and that PTX3-/- mice were more susceptible than wild-type mice to infection by PTX3-sensitive virus strains. Therapeutic treatment of mice with human PTX3 promoted survival and reduced viral load in the lungs following infection with PTX3-sensitive, but not PTX3-resistant, influenza viruses. Together, these studies describe a novel antiviral role for PTX3 in early host defense against influenza infections both in vitro and in vivo and describe the therapeutic potential of PTX3 in ameliorating disease during influenza infection.  相似文献   

The long pentraxin PTX3 is expressed during acute inflammation and appears to control nitric oxide (NO) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha production. In the present study, the physiological function of PTX3 was investigated in a model of pulmonary infection caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. Transgenic mice expressing multiple copies of PTX3 under the control of its own promoter were used to assess lethality rates, bacterial counts and inflammatory indices following pulmonary infection of mice. Expression of PTX3 is enhanced during pulmonary infection in wild-type mice. In transgenic mice given a high inoculum, overt PTX3 expression was associated with faster lethality. Faster lethality correlated with enhanced nitrate in plasma, an inability of neutrophils to migrate to lung tissue and greater dissemination of bacteria to blood at 20h after infection. In contrast, transgenic PTX3 expression conferred protection to mice given lower pulmonary inocula. In the latter experiments, there was enhanced TNF-alpha production, greater neutrophil influx and phagocytosis of bacteria by migrated neutrophils. By controlling the production of TNF-alpha and NO, and depending on the intensity of the inflammatory response induced by a given inoculum, the expression of PTX3 may favor or disfavor the influx of neutrophils and the ability of the murine host to deal with pulmonary infection with K. pneumoniae. These experiments highlight the delicate balance that exists among the various mediators that control the inflammatory response and suggest that PTX3 is an essential part of the ability of a host to deal with bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Ficolins and pentraxins are soluble oligomeric pattern-recognition molecules that sense danger signals from pathogens and altered self-cells and might act synergistically in innate immune defense and maintenance of immune tolerance. The interaction of M-ficolin with the long pentraxin pentraxin 3 (PTX3) has been characterized using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and electron microscopy. M-ficolin was shown to bind PTX3 with high affinity in the presence of calcium ions. The interaction was abolished in the presence of EDTA and inhibited by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, indicating involvement of the fibrinogen-like domain of M-ficolin. Removal of sialic acid from the single N-linked carbohydrate of the C-terminal domain of PTX3 abolished the interaction. Likewise, an M-ficolin mutant with impaired sialic acid-binding ability did not interact with PTX3. Interaction was also impaired when using the isolated recognition domain of M-ficolin or the monomeric C-terminal domain of PTX3, indicating requirement for oligomerization of both proteins. Electron microscopy analysis of the M-ficolin-PTX3 complexes revealed that the M-ficolin tetramer bound up to four PTX3 molecules. From a functional point of view, immobilized PTX3 was able to trigger M-ficolin-dependent activation of the lectin complement pathway. These data indicate that interaction of M-ficolin with PTX3 arises from its ability to bind sialylated ligands and thus differs from the binding to the short pentraxin C-reactive protein and from the binding of L-ficolin to PTX3. The M-ficolin-PTX3 interaction described in this study represents a novel case of cross-talk between soluble pattern-recognition molecules, lending further credit to the integrated view of humoral innate immunity that emerged recently.  相似文献   

Exposure of preadipocytes to long-chain fatty acids induces the expression of several markers of adipocyte differentiation. In an attempt to identify novel genes and proteins that are regulated by fatty acids in preadipocytes, we performed a substractive hybridization screening and identified PTX3, a protein of the pentraxin family. PTX3 mRNA expression is transient during adipocyte differentiation of clonal cell lines and is absent in fully differentiated cells. Stable overexpression of PTX3 in preadipocytes has no effect on adipocyte differentiation. In line with this, PTX3 mRNA is expressed in the stromal-vascular fraction of adipose tissue, but not in the adipocyte fraction; however, in 3T3-F442A adipocytes, the PTX3 gene can be reinduced by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) in a dose-dependent manner. This effect is accompanied by PTX3 protein secretion from both 3T3-F442A adipocytes and explants of mouse adipose tissue. PTX3 mRNA levels are found to be higher in adipose tissue of genetically obese mice versus control mice, consistent with their increased TNFalpha levels. In conclusion, PTX3 appears as a TNFalpha-induced protein that provides a new link between chronic low-level inflammatory state and obesity.  相似文献   

Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) binds strongly to complement 1q (C1q), a key component of the classical complement pathway. The goals of this study were to determine whether THP altered the activation of the classical complement pathway and whether the carbohydrate portion of THP was involved in this glycoprotein's binding to C1q and alteration of complement activation. The ability of THP to prevent complement activation in diluted serum or plasma incubated at 37 degrees C was assessed using both a haemolytic assay with antibody-sensitized sheep RBC and a C4d ELISA. Both these methods showed that THP inhibited activation of the classical complement pathway in a dose-dependent manner. Glycosidases were used to remove most of the carbohydrate from THP. This partially deglycosylated THP bound human IgG with a higher affinity (KD1 = 1.4 nmol/L; KD2 = 0.31 micromol/L) than did intact THP (KD1 = 33.4 nmol/L; KD2 = 31.0 micromol/L). An ELISA showed that removal of carbohydrate from THP reduced, but did not eliminate, the ability of this protein to inhibit binding of C1q to intact THP. Haemolysis assays using antibody-sensitized sheep RBC showed that removal of THP carbohydrate eliminated the ability of THP to protect against complement activation. In conclusion, THP inhibited the activation of the classical complement pathway that occurred in diluted serum or plasma. The carbohydrate moieties of THP appeared to be important in this inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Since undesirable activation of the complement system through the classical pathway is associated with tissue damage and other pathologic proinflammatory consequences at ischemia/reperfusion injury, autoimmune diseases, and rejection of allo- and xenografts, creation of selective inhibitors of the classical pathway leaving the alternative pathway intact is of great importance. Classical pathway is triggered by binding of its recognizing unit, protein C1q, to a number of targets like antibodies, pentraxins, apoptotic cells, and others. In order to obtain inhibitors blocking the first step of the classical cascade, synthesis of sulfates of steroids (Delta(5)-3beta-hydroxycholenic, Delta(5)-3beta-hydroxyetiocholenic, deoxycholic, and cholic acids) and triterpenoids (betulin, 20,29-dihydro-20,29-dichloromethylenbetulin, betulinic, ursolic, and oleanolic acids) has been performed. Testing of the compounds in classical pathway inhibition assay has displayed derivatives of triterpenoid betulin (betulin disulfate and betulinic acid sulfate) to be the most potent inhibitors. Further studies of the two compounds established that their activity to inhibit the classical pathway had been due to their capability to block the interaction of C1q with antibodies. Betulin disulfate and betulinic acid sulfate have shown weak inhibition of the alternative route of activation, what makes them promising inhibitors for the selective suppression of the classical complement pathway at the earliest possible level as well as perspective agents for blocking the interaction of C1q with its other targets.  相似文献   

T F Busby  K C Ingham 《Biochemistry》1990,29(19):4613-4618
The assembly of C1, the first component of human complement, involves interactions between various domains of each of its three subcomponents, C1q, C1r, and C1s. The isolation, assignment of function, and structural characterization of the individual domains of C1r and C1s are critical for a thorough understanding of this complex assembly. The present study describes a 27-kDa plasmin-generated fragment derived from the NH2-terminal half of the heavy A chain of C1s-, the activated form of C1s. This fragment, C1s-alpha, was shown in the presence of Ca2+ to mimic the ability of whole C1s- to self-associate, bind to C1r-, and facilitate the binding of C1r to C1q. These results directly prove that the Ca2(+)-binding sites of C1s as well as all of the determinants necessary for binding of C1s- to C1r- and C1q are located in the NH2-terminal 27-kDa alpha region of the A chain.  相似文献   

PTX3 is a secreted multimeric glycoprotein which plays a key role in innate immunity by activating the classical complement pathway through specific recognition of the C1q subunit. A method is described for the high level expression of the recombinant human PTX3 in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO), adapted to a suspension growth in spinner flasks containing a serum-free chemically defined medium and producing about 50 mg of PTX3/L of culture. A purification procedure to produce a homogeneous protein preparation from the supernatant, by means of anion exchange, hydroxyapatite and size exclusion chromatography, is also reported. This three-step protocol allows us to obtain PTX3 with a recovery yield close to 70%, a purity degree exceeding 95%, and a final host cell protein (HCP) content lower than 150 ppm. The recombinant purified PTX3 retains its biological activity, as demonstrated by C1q binding ELISA assay, and displays a complex quaternary structure characterized by a high secondary structure content quite different from human short pentraxin C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid P component (SAP), as determined by circular dichroism, fluorescence analysis, and native and SDS-PAGE experiments.  相似文献   

The long pentraxin PTX3 is a fluid-phase pattern recognition receptor, which plays a nonredundant role in resistance against selected pathogens. PTX3 has properties similar to Abs; its production is induced by pathogen recognition, it recognizes microbial moieties, activates complement, and facilitates cellular recognition by phagocytes. The mechanisms responsible for the effector function of PTX3 in vivo have not been elucidated. OmpA, a major outer membrane protein of Gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae, is a microbial moiety recognized by PTX3. In the air pouch model, KpOmpA induces an inflammatory response, which is amplified by coadministration of PTX3 in terms of leukocyte recruitment and proinflammatory cytokine production. PTX3 did not affect the inflammatory response to LPS, a microbial moiety not recognized by PTX3. As PTX3 binds to C1q and modulates the activation of the complement cascade, we assessed the involvement of complement in the amplification of the response elicited by KpOmpA and PTX3. Experiments performed using cobra venom factor, C1-esterase inhibitor, and soluble complement receptor 1 indicate that PTX3 amplifies the inflammatory response to KpOmpA through complement activation. The results reported here demonstrate that PTX3 activates a complement-dependent humoral amplification loop of the innate response to a microbial ligand.  相似文献   

C1q is the first subcomponent of the classical complement pathway that can interact with a range of biochemically and structurally diverse self and nonself ligands. The globular domain of C1q (gC1q), which is the ligand-recognition domain, is a heterotrimeric structure composed of the C-terminal regions of A (ghA), B (ghB), and C (ghC) chains. The expression and functional characterization of ghA, ghB, and ghC modules have revealed that each chain has specific and differential binding properties toward C1q ligands. It is largely considered that C1q-ligand interactions are ionic in nature; however, the complementary ligand-binding sites on C1q and the mechanisms of interactions are still unclear. To identify the residues on the gC1q domain that are likely to be involved in ligand recognition, we have generated a number of substitution mutants of ghA, ghB, and ghC modules and examined their interactions with three selected ligands: IgG1, C-reactive protein (CRP), and pentraxin 3 (PTX3). Our results suggest that charged residues belonging to the apex of the gC1q heterotrimer (with participation of all three chains) as well as the side of the ghB are crucial for C1q binding to these ligands, and their contribution to each interaction is different. It is likely that a set of charged residues from the gC1q surface participate via different ionic and hydrogen bonds with corresponding residues from the ligand, instead of forming separate binding sites. Thus, a recently proposed model suggesting the rotation of the gC1q domain upon ligand recognition may be extended to C1q interaction with CRP and PTX3 in addition to IgG1.  相似文献   

Pentraxin 3 (PTX3), a long pentraxin subfamily member in the pentraxin family, plays an important role in innate immunity as a soluble pattern recognition receptor. Plasma PTX3 is elevated in sepsis (~200 ng/ml) and correlates with mortality. The roles of PTX3 in sepsis, however, are not well understood. To investigate the ligands of PTX3 in sepsis, we performed a targeted proteomic study of circulating PTX3 complexes using magnetic bead-based immunopurification and shotgun proteomics for label-free relative quantitation via spectral counting. From septic patient fluids, we successfully identified 104 candidate proteins, including the known PTX3-interacting proteins involved in complement activation, pathogen opsonization, inflammation regulation, and extracellular matrix deposition. Notably, the proteomic profile additionally showed that PTX3 formed a complex with some of the components of neutrophil extracellular traps. Subsequent biochemical analyses revealed a direct interaction of bactericidal proteins azurocidin 1 (AZU1) and myeloperoxidase with PTX3. AZU1 exhibited high affinity binding (K(D) = 22 ± 7.6 nm) to full-length PTX3 in a calcium ion-dependent manner and bound specifically to an oligomer of the PTX3 N-terminal domain. Immunohistochemistry with a specific monoclonal antibody generated against AZU1 revealed a partial co-localization of AZU1 with PTX3 in neutrophil extracellular traps. The association of circulating PTX3 with components of the neutrophil extracellular traps in sepsis suggests a role for PTX3 in host defense and as a potential diagnostic target.  相似文献   

The long pentraxin PTX3 has multiple roles in innate immunity. For example, PTX3 regulates C1q binding to pathogens and dead cells and regulates their uptake by phagocytes. It also inhibits P-selectin-mediated recruitment of leukocytes. Both of these mechanisms are known to be involved in autoimmunity and autoimmune tissue injury, e.g. in systemic lupus erythematosus, but a contribution of PTX3 is hypothetical. To evaluate a potential immunoregulatory role of PTX3 in autoimmunity we crossed Ptx3-deficient mice with Fas-deficient (lpr) C57BL/6 (B6) mice with mild lupus-like autoimmunity. PTX3 was found to be increasingly expressed in kidneys and lungs of B6lpr along disease progression. Lack of PTX3 impaired the phagocytic uptake of apoptotic T cells into peritoneal macrophages and selectively expanded CD4/CD8 double negative T cells while other immune cell subsets and lupus autoantibody production remained unaffected. Lack of PTX3 also aggravated autoimmune lung disease, i.e. peribronchial and perivascular CD3+ T cell and macrophage infiltrates of B6lpr mice. In contrast, histomorphological and functional parameters of lupus nephritis remained unaffected by the Ptx3 genotype. Together, PTX3 specifically suppresses autoimmune lung disease that is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Vice versa, loss-of-function mutations in the Ptx3 gene might represent a genetic risk factor for pulmonary (but not renal) manifestations of systemic lupus or other autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   



Long pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is an acute-phase protein secreted by various cells, including leukocytes and endothelial cells. Like C-reactive protein (CRP), it belongs to the pentraxin superfamily. Recent studies indicate that high levels of PTX3 may be associated with mortality in sepsis. The prognostic value of plasma PTX3 in bacteremic patients is unknown.


Plasma PTX3 levels were measured in 132 patients with bacteremia caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, β-hemolytic streptococcae and Escherichia coli, using a commercial solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Values were measured on days 1–4 after positive blood culture, on day 13–18 and on recovery.


The maximum PTX3 values on days 1–4 were markedly higher in nonsurvivors compared to survivors (44.8 vs 6.4 ng/ml, p<0.001) and the AUCROC in the prediction of case fatality was 0.82 (95% CI 0.73–0.91). PTX3 at a cut-off level of 15 ng/ml showed 72% sensitivity and 81% specificity for fatal disease. High PTX3 (>15 ng/ml) was associated with hypotension (MAP <70 mmHg)(OR 7.9;95% CI 3.3–19.0) and high SOFA score (≥4)(OR 13.2; 95% CI 4.9–35.4). The CRP level (maximum value on days 1 to 4) did not predict case fatality at any cut-off level in the ROC curve (p = 0.132). High PTX3 (>15 ng/ml) remained an independent risk factor for case fatality in a logistic regression model adjusted for potential confounders.


PTX3 proved to be a specific independent prognostic biomarker in bacteremia. PTX3 during the first days after diagnosis showed better prognostic value as compared to CRP, a widely used biomarker in clinical settings. PTX3 measurement offers a novel opportunity for the prognostic stratification of bacteremia patients.  相似文献   

Kinetics of interaction of C1 inhibitor with complement C1s   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M Lennick  S A Brew  K C Ingham 《Biochemistry》1986,25(13):3890-3898
The kinetics of inhibition of the complement serine protease, C1s, by its only known inhibitor, C1 inhibitor, have been measured by a variety of methods. One method continuously monitors the loss of esterolytic activity with a synthetic substrate coupled to a chromogen while another monitors the formation of a stable (covalent) complex by high-pressure size-exclusion chromatography under dissociating conditions. Additional methods employ fluorescence probes to follow the formation of bimolecular complexes but are not expected to distinguish between covalent product and noncovalent (reversible) intermediates. There was good agreement between rate constants obtained by the various methods over a broad range of inhibitor concentrations, suggesting that noncovalent intermediates do not accumulate to a significant extent. The reaction appears to be pure second order with a bimolecular rate constant of 6.0 X 10(4) M-1 s-1 at 30 degrees C, independent of Ca2+, and an activation energy of 11.0 kcal/mol. The rate increases up to 35-fold in the presence of heparin which was shown to bind to all three components (enzyme, inhibitor, and complex) with similar affinity (Kd = 2.0-3.3 microM). The fluorescent probe 1,1'-bis(anilino)-4-,4'-bi(naphthalene)-8,8'-disulfonate [bis(ANS)] bound to the complex with Kd = 0.26 microM under conditions where the individual components had little affinity for the dye, consistent with the generation of one or more hydrophobic binding sites on the protein surface during complex formation.  相似文献   

BackgroundPentraxins (PTXs) are a superfamily of multifunctional conserved proteins involved in acute-phase responses. Recently, we have shown that collectin placenta 1 (CL-P1) and C-reactive protein (CRP) mediated complement activation and failed to form terminal complement complex (TCC) in normal serum conditions because of complement factor H inhibition.MethodsWe used CL-P1 expressing CHO/ldlA7 cells to study the interaction with PTXs. Soluble type CL-P1 was used in an ELISA assay for the binding, C3 and TCC deposition experiments. Furthermore, we used our previously established CL-P1 expressing HEK293 cells for the C3 fragment and TCC deposition assay.ResultsWe demonstrated that CL-P1 also bound serum amyloid p component (SAP) and pentraxin 3 (PTX3) to activate the classical pathway and the alternative pathway using factor B. CRP and PTX3 further amplified complement deposition by properdin. We found that CRP and PTX3 recruit CFH, whereas SAP recruits C4 binding protein on CL-P1 expressing cell surfaces to prevent the formation of TCC in normal serum conditions. In addition, depletion of CFH, C4BP and complement factor I (CFI) failed to prevent TCC formation both in ELISA and cell experiments. Furthermore, soluble complement receptor 1, an inhibitor of all complement pathways prevents PTX induced TCC formation.ConclusionOur current study hypothesizes that the interaction of pentraxins with CL-P1 is involved in complement activation.General significanceCL-P1 might generally inhibit PTX induced complement activation and host damage to protect self-tissues.  相似文献   

C1q-deficient (C1qa-/-) mice develop antinuclear Abs and glomerulonephritis (GN) characterized by multiple apoptotic bodies. To explore the contribution of C3 activation to the induction of spontaneous GN, C1qa-/- mice were crossed with factor B- and C2-deficient (H2-Bf/C2-/-) mice. GN was present in 64% of the 45 C1qa/H2-Bf/C2-/- mice compared with 8% of the 65 H2-Bf/C2-/- mice and none of the 24 wild-type controls. IgG was detected in the glomeruli of diseased C1qa/H2-Bf/C2-/- kidneys. However, glomerular staining for C3 was absent. Increased numbers of glomerular apoptotic bodies were detected in undiseased C1qa/H2-Bf/C2-/- kidneys. These findings support the hypothesis that C1q may play a role in the clearance of apoptotic cells without the necessity for C3 activation and demonstrate that the activation of C3 is not essential for the development of GN in this spontaneous model of lupus-like disease.  相似文献   

The adipose-specific protein adiponectin binds to a number of target molecules, including damaged endothelium and the surface of apoptotic cells. However, the significance of this binding remains unclear. This study demonstrates the binding of purified C1q to recombinant adiponectin under physiological conditions, and the dependence of this upon Ca++ and Mg++. Binding was enhanced by metaperiodate-mediated destruction of glucosylgalactosyl sugars on adiponectin. Adiponectin was bound by the globular domain of the A chain of collagenase-digested C1q, and C1q binding induced deposition of C4 and C3 through activation of the classical complement pathway. After Western blotting, affinity-purified adiponectin from human serum bound C1q, whereas adiponectin in whole serum did not, unless pre-treated with metaperiodate. These results suggest adiponectin is member of the pattern-recognition family of defence collagens, able to bind target molecules and activate complement. It may therefore play an important role in innate immunity and autoimmune phenomena.  相似文献   

Ligand-complexed C-reactive protein (CRP), like aggregated or complexed IgG, can react with C1q and activate the classical C pathway. Whereas IgG is known to bind to the globular region and not to the collagen-like region (CLR) of C1q, the site of interaction of C1q with CRP has not been defined. CRP-trimers were prepared by cross-linking and found to bind to C1q and to activate the C system. Heat-aggregated IgG (Agg-IgG) did not block the binding of CRP-trimers to C1q, nor did CRP-trimers block binding of Agg-IgG to C1q, suggesting that CRP and IgG bind at different sites. ELISA and Western blot analysis showed that CRP-trimers bound to the CLR, whereas Agg-IgG bound only to the globular region; similarly, anti-CLR mAb inhibited binding of CRP-trimers to C1q whereas anti-globular region mAb did not. Reactivity with CRP-trimers as well as with Agg-IgG was retained after reduction/alkylation and SDS treatment of C1q. A group of 22 anti-CRP mAb directed against at least six distinct native-CRP epitopes and eight distinct neo-CRP epitopes was tested for ability to inhibit the CRP-CLR interaction; one mAb, anti-native CRP mAb 8D8, with strong inhibitory activity was identified. Fab' of 8D8 blocked binding of CRP-trimers to intact C1q as well as CLR, and also inhibited CRP (CRP-trimers and CRP-protamine complexes) induced C activation, but had no effect on C1q binding or C activation by Agg-IgG. These results indicate that a conformation-determined region on CRP binds to a sequence-determined region on the CLR of C1q in an interaction which leads to C activation. Anti-CRP and anti-C1q mAb that specifically inhibit this interaction are described.  相似文献   

Structure and activation of complement components C2 and factor B   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The activation of complement is initiated by two independent pathways. Each leads to the formation of a complex protease, C3 convertase, with equivalent specificity and function but different composition. The convertase derived from the classical pathway is composed of complement components C4 and C2 while that from the alternative pathway consists of components C3 and Factor B. C2 and Factor B contain the catalytic site of each convertase respectively. The amino acid sequence of Factor B has been determined. Limited sequence of CNBr-peptides isolated from C2 has also been obtained. The two enzymes are shown to be homologous and to represent a novel type of serine proteinase, characterized by their unusual structure and mechanism of activation, when compared to known serine proteinases.  相似文献   

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