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Adenosine Transport by Primary Cultures of Neurons from Chick Embryo Brain   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
Abstract: The transport of adenosine was studied in pure cultures of neurons from chick embryo brain. In order to avoid complications due to adenosine metabolism, the cells were depleted of ATP by treatment with cyanide and iodoacetate prior to incubation with [3H]adenosine. During the 5-25-s periods used for transport assays, no significant adenosine metabolism was detectable. ATP depletion reduced the initial rate of adenosine entry by less than 10%, but blocked over 90% of the radioactivity accumulated by untreated cells after 15 min. Elimination of sodium or chloride from the uptake medium had no effect on adenosine transport activity. The kinetics of adenosine entry into ATP depleted neurons obeyed the Michaelis-Menten relationship and yielded a Km of 13 μM and Vmax of 0.15 nmol/min/mg protein. The neuronal transport system has apparent selectivity for adenosine, since thymidine, inosine, or guanosine gave significant inhibition only at levels 10-100-fold higher than [3H]adenosine. Adenosine derivatives ( N 6-cyclohexyl-, N6-benzyl-, N6-methyl-, and 2-chloroadenosine) were more effective inhibitors; p -nitrobenzylthioinosine and dipyridamole were the most potent compounds found. These results describe a high-affinity, facilitated diffusion system for adenosine in cerebral neurons, which could participate in terminating regulatory actions of this compound in the nervous system.  相似文献   

We aimed at comparing the binding characteristics of adenosine A1 and A2A receptors (A1Rs and A2ARs) in high-expressing cerebral areas, the cortex and striatum respectively, of human, bovine and rat brain. Adenosine A3 receptor (A3R) binding was studied in rat and bovine testis. Results confirmed species differences in AR saturation-displacement binding parameters. To investigate A3Rs in CNS, we carried out immunoblot in human brain, resolving two signals, a 52 KDa band with the highest density in hippocampus and a 48 KDa one, slightly more expressed in cortex. Subsequently, A3R binding was performed by [125I]-4-aminobenzyl-5′-N-methylcarboxamidoadenosine ([125I]-AB-MECA) in human hippocampus, revealing an high affinity population of sites and another non saturable component. [125I]-AB-MECA first site displacement by N6 (3-iodobenzyl)adenosine-5′-N-methyluronamide (IB-MECA) and 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopenthyl-xanthine (DPCPX) distinguished two affinity sites, being only in part identified as A3Rs. Therefore, A3Rs result clearly expressed by Western blot in human brain, but their full CNS characterization needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Dopamine and 2-chloroadenosine independently promoted the accumulation of cyclic AMP in retinas from 16-day-old chick embryos. The two compounds added together either in saturating or subsaturating concentrations were not additive for the accumulation of the cyclic nucleotide in the tissue. This fact was shown to be due to the existence of an adenosine receptor that mediates the inhibition of the dopamine-dependent cyclic AMP accumulation in the retina. Adenosine inhibited, in a dose-dependent fashion, the accumulation of cyclic AMP induced by dopamine in 12-day-old chick embryo retinas, with an IC50 of approximately 1 microM. This effect was not blocked by dipyridamole. N6-(l-Phenylisopropyl)adenosine, (l-PIA) was the most potent adenosine analog tested, showing an IC50 of 0.1 microM which was two orders of magnitude lower than its stereoisomer d-PIA (10 microM). The maximal inhibition of the dopamine-elicited cyclic AMP accumulation by adenosine and related analogs was 70%. The inhibitory effect promoted by adenosine was blocked by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) or by adenosine deaminase. Adenine was not effective; whereas ATP and AMP promoted the inhibition of the dopamine effect only at very high concentrations. Apomorphine was only 30% as effective as dopamine in promoting the cyclic AMP accumulation in retinas from 11- to 12-day-old embryos and 2-chloroadenosine did not interfere with the apomorphine-mediated shift in cyclic AMP levels. In the retinas from 5-day-old posthatched chickens dopamine and apomorphine were equally effective in eliciting the accumulation of cyclic AMP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Adenosine deaminase is an enzyme of purine metabolism that has largely been considered to be cytosolic. A few years ago, adenosine deaminase was reported to appear on the surface of cells. Recently, it has been demonstrated that adenosine deaminase interacts with a type II membrane protein known as either CD26 or dipeptidylpeptidase IV. In this study, by immunoprecipitation and affinity chromatography it is shown that adenosine deaminase and A1 adenosine receptors interact in pig brain cortical membranes. This is the first report in brain demonstrating an interaction between a degradative ectoenzyme and the receptor whose ligand is the enzyme substrate. By means of this interaction adenosine deaminase leads to the appearance of the high-affinity site of the receptor, which corresponds to the receptor-G protein complex. Thus, it seems that adenosine deaminase is necessary for coupling A1 adenosine receptors to heterotrimeric G proteins.  相似文献   

We have investigated the presence of endogenous adenosine and of mechanisms for adenosine uptake and release in chick embryo retinal neurons and photoreceptors grown in purified cultures in the absence of glial cells. Simultaneous autoradiographic and immunocytochemical analysis showed that endogenous adenosine and the uptake mechanism for this nucleoside colocalize in practically all the photoreceptors, but only in approximately 20% of the neurons. Approximately 25% of the neurons showed either immunocytochemical labeling or autoradiographic labeling, while greater than 50% of the neurons were unlabeled with both techniques. [3H]Adenosine uptake was saturable and could be inhibited by nitrobenzylthioinosine and dipyridamole and by pretreatment of the [3H]adenosine with adenosine deaminase. Although these observations indicate that the uptake is specific for adenosine, only 35% of accumulated radioactivity was associated with adenosine, with the remaining 65% representing inosine, hypoxanthine, and nucleotides plus uric acid. Adenosine as well as several of its metabolites were released by the cells under basal as well as K(+)-stimulated conditions. Potassium-enhanced release was blocked by 10 mM CoCl2 or in Ca2(+)-free, Mg2(+)-rich solutions. The results indicate that retinal cells that synthesize, store, and release adenosine differentiate early during embryogenesis and are therefore consistent with a hypothetical role for adenosine in retinal development.  相似文献   

The specific binding of L-N6-[3H]phenylisopropyladenosine (L-[3H]PIA) to solubilized receptors from rat brain membranes was studied. The interaction of these receptors with relatively low concentrations of L-[3H]PIA (0.5-12.0 nM) in the presence of Mg2+ showed the existence of two binding sites for this agonist, with respective dissociation constant (KD) values of 0.24 and 3.56 nM and respective receptor number (Bmax) values of 0.28 +/- 0.03 and 0.66 +/- 0.05 pmol/mg of protein. In the presence of GTP, the binding of L-[3H]PIA also showed two sites with KD values of 24.7 and 811.5 nM and Bmax values of 0.27 +/- 0.09 and 0.93 +/- 0.28 pmol/mg of protein for the first and the second binding site, respectively. Inhibition of specific L-[3H]PIA binding by 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopentylxanthine (DPCPX) (0.1-300 nM) performed with the same preparations revealed two DPCPX binding sites with Ki values of 0.29 and 13.5 nM, respectively. [3H]DPCPX saturation binding experiments also showed two binding sites with respective KD values of 0.81 and 10.7 nM and respective Bmax values of 0.19 +/- 0.02 and 0.74 +/- 0.06 pmol/mg of protein. The results suggest that solubilized membranes from rat brain possess two adenosine receptor subtypes: one of high affinity with characteristics of the A1 subtype and another with lower affinity with characteristics of the A3 subtype of adenosine receptor.  相似文献   

A1 adenosine receptors from rat brain membranes were solubilized with the zwitterionic detergent 3-[3-(cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate. The solubilized receptors retained all the characteristics of membrane-bound A1 adenosine receptors. A high and a low agonist affinity state for the radiolabelled agonist (R)-N6-[3H]phenylisopropyladenosine([3H]PIA) with KD values of 0.3 and 12 nM, respectively, were detected. High-affinity agonist binding was regulated by guanine nucleotides. In addition agonist binding was still modulated by divalent cations. The solubilized A1 adenosine receptors could be labelled not only with the agonist [3H]PIA but also with the antagonist 1,3-diethyl-8-[3H]phenylxanthine. Guanine nucleotides did not affect antagonist binding as reported for membrane-bound receptors. These results suggest that the solubilized receptors are still coupled to the guanine nucleotide binding protein Ni and that all regulatory functions are retained on solubilization.  相似文献   

Ontogenesis of Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Rat Brain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The activity of adenosine deaminase (ADA) was determined in whole brain of rats at the embryonic age of 15 days through to adulthood and in nine brain regions in rats 1 day old through to adulthood. In 1-day-old rats, the highest activity was seen in olfactory bulbs (550 +/- 15 nmol/mg protein/30 min) and this was 4.5-fold higher than that in the pons, which was the lowest. In adult animals, olfactory bulb still contained the greatest activity, which was about eightfold higher than hippocampus, which had the lowest. Except for hypothalamus, where ADA activity increased nearly twofold in rats between the ages of 1 and 50 days, significant decreases of as much as fivefold were found in whole brain, superior colliculus, cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, olfactory bulbs, and olfactory nucleus. In contrast, ADA activity in pons and subcortex remained relatively constant throughout the developmental period. The Km values for ADA in whole brain at 18 days gestation (48 +/- 5 microM) were not significantly different from that observed in adult rats (38 +/- 7 microM), whereas the Vmax values decreased significantly from 339 +/- 9 to 108 +/- 8 nmol/mg protein/30 min. Taken together, the developmental patterns observed in the various brain regions appear not to correspond to any one particular process such as periods of rapid cell proliferation, cell death, synaptogenesis, or myelination. Nor do they correspond to known developmental profiles of transmitters, their receptors, or their metabolic enzymes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Calcium-Stimulated Adenosine Triphosphatases in Synaptic Membranes   总被引:2,自引:12,他引:2  
We have investigated the properties of several ATPases present in synaptic membrane preparations from the cerebral cortex of rat. In addition to the intrinsic (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and a low level of contaminating Mg2+-ATPase of mitochondrial origin, both of which could be controlled by the addition of ouabain and azide, respectively, four activities were studied: (1) a Mg2+-ATPase; (2) a Mg2+-independent activity requiring Ca2+ ions at high concentrations; (3) a (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase with a high affinity for Ca2+, which were enhanced further (4) by the inclusion of calmodulin (33 nM for half-maximal activity). In the presence of 0.5 mM-EGTA in the buffer used, half saturation for these respective metal ions was observed at 0.9 mM for (1), 1.0 mM for (2), and approximately 0.3 mM for (3) and (4); the latter values correspond to concentrations of free Ca2+ of 0.38 and 0.18 microM for (3) and (4), respectively. The level of activities observed, all in nmol X min-1 X mg-1, under optimal conditions of 37 degrees C, was in a number of preparations (n in parenthesis): for (1) 446 +/- 19 (19); for (2) 362 +/- 18 (3) for (3) 87 +/- 13 (12); and for (4) 161 +/- 29 (12). The (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase, both in the presence and absence of calmodulin, could be inhibited specifically by a number of agents (approximate I0.5 in parentheses) which, at these concentrations, showed little or no potency against the other activities; among them were vanadate (less than or equal to 10 microM), La3+ (75 microM), trifluoperazine, and other phenothiazines (50 microM). These properties suggest that the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase described may be responsible for calcium transport across one (or more) of the several membranes present in nerve endings and contained in the preparation used.  相似文献   

Adenine nucleotides displace the binding of the selective adenosine A-1 receptor ligand [3H]cyclopentyladenosine (CPA) to rat brain membranes in a concentration-dependent manner, with the rank order of activity being ATP greater than ADP greater than AMP. Binding was also displaced by GTP, ITP, adenylylimidodiphosphate (AppNHp), 2-methylthioATP, and the beta-gamma-methylene isostere of ATP, but was unaffected by the alpha-beta-methylene isosteres of ADP and ATP, and UTP. At ATP concentrations greater than 100 microM, the inhibitory effects on CPA binding were reversed, until at 2 mM ATP, specific binding of CPA was identical to that seen in controls. Concentrations of ATP greater than 10 mM totally inhibited specific binding. Inclusion of the catabolic enzyme adenosine deaminase in the incubation medium abolished the inhibitory effects of ATP, indicating that these were due to adenosine formation, presumably due to ectonucleotidase activity. The inhibitory effects were also attenuated by the alpha-beta-methylene isostere of ATP, an ectonucleotidase inhibitor. Adenosine deaminase, alpha-beta-methylene ATP (100 microM), and beta-gamma-methylene ATP (100 microM) had no effect on the "stimulatory" phase of binding, although GTP (100 microM) slightly attenuated it. Comparison of the binding of [3H]CPA in the absence and presence of 2 mM ATP by saturation analysis showed that the KD and apparent Bmax values were identical. Examination of the pharmacology of the control and "ATP-dependent" CPA binding sites showed slight changes in binding of adenosine agonists and antagonists. The responses observed with high concentrations of ATP were not observed with GTP, AppNHp, the chelating agents EDTA and EGTA, or inorganic phosphate. The divalent cations Mg2+ and Ca2+ at 10 mM attenuated the stimulatory actions of high (2 mM) concentrations of ATP, whereas EGTA and EDTA (10 mM) enhanced the "stimulatory" actions of ATP. EDTA (10 mM) abolished the inhibitory effects of ATP, indicating a specific dependence on Mg2+ for the inhibitory response. The effects of ATP on [3H]CPA binding were reversible for antagonists but not agonists. The mechanism by which ATP reverses its own inhibitory action on adenosine A-1 radioligand binding is unclear, and from the observed actions of the divalent cations and chelating agents probably does not involve a phosphorylation-dependent process.  相似文献   

Solubilization of an Adenosine Uptake Site in Brain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Procedures are described for the solubilization of adenosine uptake sites in guinea pig and rat brain tissue. Using [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine [( 3H]NBI) the solubilized site is characterized both kinetically and pharmacologically. The binding is dependent on protein concentration and is saturable, reversible, specific, and high affinity in nature. The KD and Bmax of guinea pig extracts are 0.13 +/- 0.02 nM and 133 +/- 18 fmol/mg protein, respectively, with linear Scatchard plots obtained routinely. Similar kinetic parameters are observed in rat brain. Adenosine uptake inhibitors are the most potent inhibitors of [3H]NBI binding with the following order of potency, dilazep greater than hexobendine greater than dipyridamole. Adenosine receptor ligands are much less potent inhibitors of binding, and caffeine is without effect. The solubilized adenosine uptake site is, therefore, shown to have virtually identical properties to the native membrane site. The binding of the adenosine A1 receptor agonist [3H]cyclohexyladenosine [( 3H]CHA) to the solubilized brain extract was also studied and compared with that of [3H]NBI. In contrast to the [3H]NBI binding site [3H]CHA binds to two apparent populations of adenosine receptor, a high-affinity site with a KD of 0.32 +/- 0.06 nM and a Bmax of 105 +/- 30 fmol/mg protein and a lower-affinity site with a KD of 5.50 +/- 0.52 nM and Bmax of 300 +/- 55 fmol/mg protein. The pharmacology of the [3H]CHA binding site is consistent with that of the adenosine receptor and quite distinct from that of the uptake [( 3H]NBI binding) site. Therefore, we show that the adenosine uptake site can be solubilized and that it retains both its binding and pharmacologic properties in the solubilized state.  相似文献   

The cyclic AMP level of 17-day-old chick embryo retina increased from 20 to 331 pmol/mg protein when the tissue was incubated for 20 min in the presence of 4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl-2-imidozolinone) (RO 20-1724). The addition of 0.5 mM-3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) or 0.5 units/ml of adenosine deaminase (EC to the medium reduced the increase of cyclic AMP content from 20 to 100 pmol/mg protein. Dipyridamole did not interfere with the rise of the retinal cyclic AMP level observed with RO 20-1724. The EC50 of 6-amino-2-chloropurine riboside (2-chloroadenosine)-elicited accumulation of cyclic AMP of retinas incubated in the presence of RO 20-1724 plus adenosine deaminase was approximately 1 microM. When retina incubation was carried out in the presence of 0.5 mM-IBMX, the 2-chloroadenosine dose-response curve was shifted to the right two orders of magnitude. Maximal stimulation of the cyclic AMP level of 17-day-old chick embryo retina incubated in the presence of 0.5 mM-IBMX was observed at 1 mM-adenosine concentration. This effect was not blocked by dopamine antagonists. Guanosine and adenine did not affect the retinal cyclic AMP level. AMP and ATP had a slight stimulatory effect. Adenosine response of embryonic retina increased sharply from the 14th to the 17th embryonic day. A similar, but not identical adenosine effect was observed in cultured retina cells.  相似文献   

Identification of the Adenosine Uptake Sites in Guinea Pig Brain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR), a potent and specific inhibitor of nucleoside transport, was employed as a photolabile probe of the adenosine transporter in guinea pig brain membranes. Reversible, high-affinity binding of [3H]NBMPR to a crude preparation of guinea pig brain membranes was demonstrated (apparent KD 0.075 +/- 0.012 nM; Bmax values of 0.24 +/- 0.04 pmol/mg protein). Adenosine, uridine, dipyridamole, and nitrobenzylthioguanosine inhibited high-affinity binding. Low concentrations of cyclohexoadenosine (10-300 nM) had no effect on NBMPR binding. These properties of the high-affinity NBMPR binding sites were consistent with NBMPR binding to the nucleoside transport protein. Exposure of brain membranes in the presence of [3H]NBMPR and dithiothreitol, a free-radical scavenger, to ultraviolet light resulted in covalent incorporation of 3H into polypeptides of apparent MW 66,000-45,000, a value similar to that for the human erythrocyte nucleoside transporter. Covalent attachment of [3H]NBMPR was inhibited by adenosine, dipyridamole, and nitrobenzylthioguanosine.  相似文献   

目的:近期实验研究显示,在再灌注的早期给予短暂、重复的缺血再灌(缺血后处理Postconditioning)能够减轻心肌再灌注损伤。本实验旨在探明三磷酸腺苷(ATP)用于缺血后处理是否产生上述保护效应,以及了解腺苷受体在此保护作用机制中的地位。方法:家兔开胸后左前降支均给予40min结扎和180min的再灌注,并随机分为5组:(1)对照组;(2)缺血后处理组;(3)ATP后处理组;(4)缺血后处理 SPT(硫苯茶碱)组;(5)SPT对照组。于实验终点测定心肌梗死面积(TTC染色),血浆CK-MB、SOD、MDA含量。结果:和时照组相比,缺血后处理组与ATP后处理组心梗面积减少(p<0.05),CK-MB也显著降低(p相似文献   

Mechanically dissociated brain cells from adult rats were used to study biochemically and pharmacologically their capacity to accumulate rapidly [3H]adenosine. The assay, which used an inhibitor-stop method to prevent further uptake into cells, was characterized with respect to protein and optimal substrate concentrations, and incubation times that ranged from 5 to 180 s. The accumulation of [3H]adenosine using 15-s incubation periods, conditions under which less than 10% of accumulated [3H]adenosine was metabolized, was best described kinetically by a two-component system with Km and Vmax values for the high-affinity component of 0.8 microM and 6.2 pmol/mg protein/15 s and for the low-affinity component 259 microM and 2,217 pmol/mg protein/15 s, respectively. The potencies with which nucleosides, adenosine deaminase resistant adenosine receptor agonists, and nucleoside uptake inhibitors competed for these uptake components were determined. Of the nucleosides examined, adenosine was the "preferred" substrate for the uptake site. The Ki value of adenosine for the high-affinity component was 10.7 microM. Inosine and uridine competed for a single lower affinity uptake system: Ki values were 142 and 696 microM, respectively. Nucleoside uptake inhibitors--nitrobenzylthioinosine, dipyridamole, and dilazep--were the most potent inhibitors of [3H]adenosine accumulation tested: the Ki values for the high-affinity system were 0.11, 1.3, and 570 nM, respectively. The adenosine analogs S-phenylisopropyladenosine, R-phenylisopropyladenosine, and cyclohexyladenosine inhibited the high-affinity component with Ki values of 2.3, 9.3, and 14.5 microM, respectively. N-Ethylcarboxamidoadenosine competed for a single lower affinity uptake system: Ki, 292 microM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In a previous study we showed that in vivo treatment with pertussis toxin could inhibit some, but not all, effects of adenosine in the rat hippocampus. In this study we investigated the effect of pertussis toxin on the binding of adenosine analogues to A1 receptors in rat brain. Intraventricular injection of pertussis toxin (10 micrograms into the lateral ventricle) did not affect A1 receptor binding in any brain region studied, as evaluated by autoradiography. In vitro treatment of brain sections (10 microns) with pertussis toxin for 5 h, under conditions when greater than 80% of the G proteins were ADP ribosylated, did not alter radioligand binding to adenosine A1 receptors. GTP (10 microM) virtually abolished the high-affinity agonist binding to the A1 receptor. On the other hand, in solubilized cortical membrane preparations, pertussis toxin pretreatment induced a complete shift of the A1 receptors to the low-affinity state. This suggests that the ability of pertussis toxin to affect G proteins coupled to A1 receptors in brain depends not only on the distribution of the toxin but also on the configuration of receptors and G proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract: The benzodiazepine receptor from rat brain was solubilised and purified 5200-fold by affinity chromatography. The affinity column contained an immobilized benzodiazepine (delorazepam) and biospecific elution with 6 m m -chlorazepate was achieved. The purified receptor is apparently homogeneous in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The native protein had a molecular weight of 240,000, and the subunit one of 60,000. The dissociation constant ( K D) is 8 n m for [3H]diazepam. A correlation exists between the value of affinity obtained for benzodiazepine derivatives and their known pharmacological effectiveness.  相似文献   

The potencies and intrinsic activities of adenosine analogs for stimulating cyclic AMP accumulation in slices of rat cerebral cortex were examined. 5'-N-Ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) caused the greatest increase in cyclic AMP accumulation (19.2-fold). 2-Chloroadenosine (2-CAD) induced a similar increase, but adenosine and six other analogs caused much smaller increases. All agonists tested had similar potencies in activating this response. Inhibition of adenosine uptake with 10 microM dipyridamole did not affect the maximal response to any agonist, although the potency of adenosine was increased approximately threefold. Each analog was also able to block partially the stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation caused by NECA. Levels of cyclic AMP accumulation in the presence of NECA plus another analog were similar to those observed when the analog alone was present, as expected for partial agonists. Furthermore, the EC50 value for R-(-)-N6(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine in increasing cyclic AMP accumulation was similar to the KI value for inhibiting the response to NECA. The EC50 value for adenosine was substantially higher than the KI value for inhibiting the response to NECA; however, in the presence of dipyridamole, the two values were more closely correlated. The response to NECA was blocked by 8-phenyltheophylline, 1,3-diethyl-8-phenylxanthine, and 8-p-sulfophenyltheophylline, with KI values from 1 to 10 microM. The results suggest that adenosine analogs stimulate cyclic AMP accumulation in cerebral cortex through low-affinity receptors, but that some analogs only partially activate these receptors. Adenosine itself may also be a partial agonist, or its actions may be obscured by simultaneous activation of another receptor.  相似文献   

The uptake of calcium was examined in primary cultures of pure neurons and of glial cells from dissociated hemispheres of chick embryo brain. Neuronal cultures took up calcium at a rate of 2.0 nmol per min per mg cell protein at medium concentrations of 1.2 mM-Ca2+ and 5.4 mM-K+. The rate of calcium entry into neurons was increased 2.7-fold by elevating medium potassium to 60 MM. The effect of high external potassium was to increase the Vmax value for calcium transport from 5.5 to 13 nmol per min per mg; the Michaelis constant for calcium, 1.2 mM, was unchanged. The potassium-dependent component of calcium entry into the neuronal cultures was eliminated by addition of 0.1 mM-D-600 (a verapamil derivative) or by 1 mM-CoCl2, but 0.5 μM-tet-rodotoxin had no significant effect. When choline replaced potassium in uptake medium no change in calcium transport was detected in neurons, nor was the entry of calcium increased when choline replaced sodium. Glial cultures took up calcium at 20% of the basal rate for neuronal cultures on a weight-of-protein basis. Uptake was not increased by potassium; during depolarization by potassium the calcium transport activity of glia was less than 10% that of neurons. It was concluded that cultured neurons contain a depolarization-sensitive, calcium-specific channel. A similar calcium transport activity was not detected in cultured glial cells.  相似文献   

Discrete Distributions of Adenosine Receptors in Mammalian Retina   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
Binding sites for both the adenosine A1 receptor agonists [3H]phenylisopropyladenosine and [3H]cyclohexyladenosine and the mixed A1-A2 agonist N-[3H]ethylcarboxamidoadenosine [( 3H]NECA) were localized in rabbit and mouse retinas using autoradiographic techniques. These two classes of agonists bound to very different regions of mammalian retinas. A1 agonist binding was localized to the inner retina, particularly over the inner plexiform layer. The binding of [3H]NECA was observed primarily over the retinal pigmented epithelium and the outer and inner segments of photoreceptors. [3H]NECA labeling was not affected either by including a low concentration of unlabeled A1 agonist or by pretreating tissue with N-ethylmaleimide to inhibit ligand binding at A1 sites. While virtually all of the [3H]NECA binding was displaced by an excess of unlabeled NECA, displacement with antagonist or a large excess of cyclohexyladenosine revealed that approximately 30% of the [3H]NECA binding was at non-A1,A2 sites. The majority of the binding in the outer retina thus labeled A2 receptor sites. The unique localizations of the two classes of adenosine receptors suggest different functions in visual processing.  相似文献   

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