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Animal production and health (APH) is an important sector in the world economy, representing a large proportion of the budget of all member states in the European Union and in other continents. APH is a highly competitive sector with a strong emphasis on innovation and, albeit with country to country variations, on scientific research. Proteomics (the study of all proteins present in a given tissue or fluid – i.e. the proteome) has an enormous potential when applied to APH. Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons and in contrast to disciplines such as plant sciences or human biomedicine, such potential is only now being tapped. To counter such limited usage, 6 years ago we created a consortium dedicated to the applications of Proteomics to APH, specifically in the form of a Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action, termed FA1002 – Proteomics in Farm Animals: www.cost-faproteomics.org. In 4 years, the consortium quickly enlarged to a total of 31 countries in Europe, as well as Israel, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. This article has a triple purpose. First, we aim to provide clear examples on the applications and benefits of the use of proteomics in all aspects related to APH. Second, we provide insights and possibilities on the new trends and objectives for APH proteomics applications and technologies for the years to come. Finally, we provide an overview and balance of the major activities and accomplishments of the COST Action on Farm Animal Proteomics. These include activities such as the organization of seminars, workshops and major scientific conferences, organization of summer schools, financing Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) and the generation of scientific literature. Overall, the Action has attained all of the proposed objectives and has made considerable difference by putting proteomics on the global map for animal and veterinary researchers in general and by contributing significantly to reduce the East–West and North–South gaps existing in the European farm animal research. Future activities of significance in the field of scientific research, involving members of the action, as well as others, will likely be established in the future.  相似文献   

A COST Action is a consortium of -mainly- European scientists (but open to international cooperation) working on a common research area, with the same subject; COST provides funding to the Actions for networking and dissemination activities, thus the participating scientists must have secured research funding from other national or European sources. COST funding is in the scale of approximately 100 kEuros per year and in this vein, it is often criticized both in that it does not fund research and the core science and in that its funding is ‘limited’. However, COST with its instruments is an integral pillar of the European Research Area, and it is through its mission that a variety of aspects of the research environment, fundamental to the success of the research, are catered for; these include scientific networking, collaboration/exchange/training and dissemination activities. Through fast procedures, proposals are evaluated and approved for funding in less than one year from submission date and Actions become operational immediately, managed on flexible management. In this way, COST contributes to reducing the fragmentation in European research investments, while opening the European Research Area to cooperation worldwide. COST Actions have an excellent record of building the critical mass for follow up activities in the EU FP or other similarly competitive programmes.  相似文献   

脉冲电场利用方波直流脉冲发生器改变细胞膜的通透性,并在细胞膜上形成纳米级细孔,其被称为电穿孔是一种新型微创技术,分为可逆电穿孔(reversible electroporation)及不可逆电穿孔(irreversible electroporation)。在过去的四十年,电穿孔大量的实验研究及其自身的优点及先进性,使电穿孔相关的技术已被允许应用与临床。目前临床和实验中应用电穿孔的化疗药物已有十余种,通过电穿孔进行基因转染及DNA疫苗的研发已取得巨大成功。尤其近几年发展的非热能的不可逆电穿孔对实体肿瘤的消融作用,为肿瘤治疗提供新的思路,因其比其他局部治疗方法:具有治疗时间短,减少间接热损伤,对毗邻主要血管的肿瘤组织有消融能力等优点引起了对不可逆电穿孔巨大的临床研究兴趣。本文就电穿孔的基本理论,电化学治疗,基因电转染及不可逆电穿孔的临床应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是指由双链RNA(double-stranded RNA,dsRNA)诱发同源mRNA高效特异性降解的现象,在真核生物中普遍存在且进化保守。RNAi技术作为21世纪初的重大科学成就,目前被广泛应用于疾病防治、基因功能研究、植物改良育种等领域。RNAi技术常与转基因技术结合用于植物改良育种,通过不同的载体设计或作用途径来研发满足生产需要的农业生物技术产品。为了明确现阶段基于RNAi技术的转基因植物育种技术进展,综述了RNAi现象的发现和作用机制、转基因载体设计、小RNA(small RNA,sRNA)的递送方式等方面的研究进展,并阐述了基于RNAi技术的转基因植物的研究实例和商业化情况,以期为相关研究提供参考,从而发挥RNAi技术的最大应用价值,使之服务于新时代的农业发展。  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is an invaluable technique in research and clinical laboratories. The technique has been applied extensively to many areas of radiation research at both the experimental and clinical level. In the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the capabilities of modern flow cytometers to undertake multicolor analysis in a user-friendly manner. The developments in cytometric technology are being matched by the rapid development of new reagents, new fluorochromes and new platforms such as bead arrays. These developments are facilitating many new applications in both basic and clinical research that have relevance for many fields of biology, including radiation research. This review provides a historical overview of the application of flow cytometry to radiobiology and an update on how technology and reagents have changed and cites examples of new applications relevant to radiation researchers. In addition, some entirely new flow instrumentation is currently under development that has significant potential for applications in radiation research.  相似文献   

Reliability of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results depends on the availability and quality of Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data. In order to provide high-quality LCI data for background systems in LCA and to make it applicable to a wider range of fields, harmonization strategies for already existing datasets and databases are required. In view of the high significance of LCI data as a basis of major fields of action within a sustainability strategy, the German Helmholtz Association (HGF), under the leadership of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) has taken up this issue in its research programme. In 2002, the FZK conducted a preliminary study on ‘Quality Assurance and User-oriented Supply of a Life Cycle Inventory Data’ funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Within the framework of this study, a long-term concept for improving the scientific fundamentals and practical use of LCI data was developed in association with external experts. The focus is on establishing a permanent German ‘Network on Life Cycle Inventory Data’ which will serve as the German information and cooperation platform for all scientific and non-scientific actors in the field of life cycle analysis. This network will integrate expertise on LCA in Germany, harmonise methodology and data, and use the comprehensive expert panel as an efficient basis for further scientific development and practical use of LCA. At the same time, this network will serve as a platform for cooperation on an international level. Current developments address methodological definitions for the initial information infrastructure. As a novel element, user needs are differentiated in parallel according to the broad application fields of LCI-data from product declaration to process design. Case studies will be used to define tailored interfaces for the database, since different data quality levels will be encountered.  相似文献   

The biological effects and applications in the developing technology involving electric and electromagnetic fields are as promising as they are diverse. Their effects, leading to remission in certain patients, can be obtained through electroporation, electrochemotherapy, electrotherapy, electroimmunotherapy, and gene electrotherapy. The main therapeutic uses of electromagnetic fields (EMF) are the introduction of chemical or organic substances into opportunely opened cells (electro-chimiotherapy) and the stimulation of specific elements of the immune system (electro-immunotherapy). Their benefits can be modeled by the use of expert systems, constructed to mimic human reasoning. As well as testing new therapies, such systems can analyze and synthesize existing data, and provide a new pedagogical device, and can be implemented on the Internet network. These techniques can be performed conjointly with other therapies like X-ray therapy, neutrotherapy and, in certain conditions, will optimize their effects. Some mathematical models, representing the electromagnetic field's action on cellular membranes, have been elaborated by means of the SADT method (a structured hierarchy modular method) and implanted into the expert system SEI4. This expert system simulates the immune system's behavior when facing electromagnetic fields, in the face of immunodeficient illness such as some cancers or AIDS.  相似文献   

Gene delivery to embryonic stem cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the establishment of embryonic stem (ES) cells and the identification of tissue-specific stem cells, researchers have made great strides in the analysis of the natural biology of such stem cells for the development of therapeutic applications. Specifically, ES cells are capable of differentiating into all of the cell types that constitute the whole body. Thus, ES cell research promises new type of treatments and possible cures for a variety of debilitating diseases and injuries. The potential medical benefits obtained from stem cell technology are compelling and stem cell research sees a bright future. Control of the growth and differentiation of stem cells is a critical tool in the fields of regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, drug discovery, and toxicity testing. Toward such a goal, we present here an overview of gene delivery in ES cells, covering the following topics: significance of gene delivery in ES cells, stable versus transient gene delivery, cytotoxicity, suspension versus adherent cells, expertise, time, cost, viral vectors for gene transduction (lentiviruses, adenoviruses, and adeno-associated viruses, chemical methods for gene delivery, and mechanical or physical gene delivery methods (electroporation, nucleofection, microinjection, and nuclear transfer).  相似文献   

【背景】黑色素具有抗肿瘤、抗辐射等多种生物活性,在生产和生活中具有巨大的应用潜力,通过真菌生产是获取黑色素的一条重要途径,它与动植物相比具有更短的生产周期和更高的产量,并且易于实现商业应用。【目的】揭示真菌黑色素的生产及应用发展情况和创新趋势,为致力于真菌黑色素产业的科研人员和企业提供参考。【方法】基于Inco Pat科技创新情报平台,通过对全球真菌黑色素相关专利进行检索统计,从专利涉及的菌株、专利技术构成、申请人专利价值等多维度对真菌黑色素相关专利进行深入分析。【结果】真菌黑色素在生产制备领域申请专利数量最多(50.56%),作为化工染料和化妆品原料应用的专利申请数量最少(13.48%),涉及的真菌菌属主要有层孔菌属、短梗霉属、木耳属、纤孔菌属、粒毛盘菌属、灵芝属和曲霉属。目前真菌黑色素专利技术申请的热点领域主要在C12 (微生物发酵、培养基、突变或遗传工程)类和A61 (医学)类,并且在未来一段时间内,C12和A61将继续作为热点技术申请领域。中国申请的真菌黑色素专利数量最多,但拥有的高价值专利比例较低,较国外仍具有一定差距。【结论】我国科研人员需要加强在医药和化工领域核心专利技术的创新应用与海外布局,增强与企业的合作研发和技术转移,以抢占真菌黑色素在这些领域的应用市场,并推动真菌黑色素相关专利向高质量发展。  相似文献   

Marine research has always been a field in science which was particularly open to, and at times dependent on, international cooperation, and this has become even more obvious during the last decade when issues of global change became central to any discussion. The global nature of scientific and other problems, required the development of new concepts and led to the establishment of new structures in research, coordination and funding on an international level. In Europe the 12 member European Community often served as a nucleus for larger networks and initiatives (e.g. COST, EUREKA), and in 1989 the EC itself launched a specific programme on marine research and technology (MAST). The various initiatives are not meant to replace, national efforts but to complement them — where added value arises from international cooperation, e.g. in global programmes like IGBP, WCRP and their various core projects. The focus of support for these programmes through international funding agencies and networks is not primarily on additional research money but more on structural support and coordination. In contrast, the MAST targeted projects on the North Atlantic margin and the Mediterranean also receive substantial basic support, and are designed to fill gaps left by other international research projects. Both EC and other projects profit from the coordinating measures offered by the EC Commission. A more efficient use of facilities (research vessels, special equipment) can be achieved by having central information services. Well-integrated international projects also require additional efforts in standardization of instrumentation, methods and units, with respect to sampling, sample processing and data treatment. Furthermore, the scope of the task to tackle questions of global change demands the development of new technologies like ROVs, biosensors, automatized sample and data acquisition and treatment, etc. Full exploitation of the results in scientific, political and economical terms is only facilitated through special concertation. Mathematical modelling of ecosystems is still in its infancy and needs further cooperative development in order to provide tools for forecasting and management. Finally, training and exchange of personnel on a European, and possibly wider, level needs to be intensified in order to meet the requirements of modern science.  相似文献   

科学技术是第一生产力,科技的进步是医学不断发展的基础。随着我国医疗卫生体制改革的不断推进,医院科研管理的作 用越来越突出。近年来,军队医院的科研实力和水平面临着巨大的挑战。因此,建立完善的科研机制,实施科研创新战略是推动卫 生事业改革与发展的动力。科研创新是指在立项、论证、研究方法、数据处理等科研活动中所表现出的与前人不同的思维方式和 行为方式。科研活动本身是以现有的现象、认知和习惯为基础的活动,凭借知识和经验预测科研可能达到的科学目的。在不同层 次对人们熟悉的思维方式高度抽象或转换,是科研创新的主要特征。本研究分析现阶段军队医院科研管理存在的问题,探讨科研 创新的必要性,强调医院科研管理应贯彻系统化思想,建立多元化科研模式。  相似文献   

Electroporation is the phenomenon that occurs when a cell is exposed to a high electric field, which causes transient cell membrane permeabilization. A paramount electroporation-based application is electrochemotherapy, which is performed by delivering high-voltage electric pulses that enable the chemotherapeutic drug to more effectively destroy the tumor cells. Electrochemotherapy can be used for treating deep-seated metastases (e.g. in the liver, bone, brain, soft tissue) using variable-geometry long-needle electrodes. To treat deep-seated tumors, patient-specific treatment planning of the electroporation-based treatment is required. Treatment planning is based on generating a 3D model of the organ and target tissue subject to electroporation (i.e. tumor nodules). The generation of the 3D model is done by segmentation algorithms. We implemented and evaluated three automatic liver segmentation algorithms: region growing, adaptive threshold, and active contours (snakes). The algorithms were optimized using a seven-case dataset manually segmented by the radiologist as a training set, and finally validated using an additional four-case dataset that was previously not included in the optimization dataset. The presented results demonstrate that patient''s medical images that were not included in the training set can be successfully segmented using our three algorithms. Besides electroporation-based treatments, these algorithms can be used in applications where automatic liver segmentation is required.  相似文献   

Kurosawa A  Saito S  Mori M  Adachi N 《Gene》2012,492(1):305-308
Electroporation is a powerful and convenient means for transfection of nonviral vectors into mammalian cells, providing an essential tool for numerous applications including gene targeting via homologous recombination. Recent evidence clearly suggests that high-efficiency gene transfer can be achieved in most cell lines by nucleofection, an electroporation-based transfection method that allows transfected vectors to directly enter the nucleus. In this paper, we analyze the effectiveness of nucleofection for gene targeting using human pre-B cells. For this, we tested 93 different transfection conditions, and found several conditions that gave high (~ 80%) transfection efficiency with low cytotoxicity (~ 70% survival rate). Remarkably, under the optimal nucleofection conditions, the gene-targeting efficiency was ~ 2-5-fold higher than that achieved with conventional electroporation methods. We also found that nucleofection conditions with high transfection efficiency and low cytotoxicity tend to provide high gene-targeting efficiency. Our results provide significant implications for gene targeting, and suggest that nucleofection-based nonviral gene transfer is useful for systematic generation of human gene-knockout cell lines.  相似文献   

In recent years, single‐cell sequencing (SCS) technologies have continued to advance with improved operating procedures and reduced cost, leading to increasing practical adoption among researchers. These emerging technologies have superior abilities to analyse cell heterogeneity at a single‐cell level, which have elevated multi‐omics research to a higher level. In some fields of research, application of SCS has enabled many valuable discoveries, and musculoskeletal system offers typical examples. This article reviews some major scientific issues and recent advances in musculoskeletal system. In addition, combined with SCS technologies, the research of cell or tissue heterogeneity in limb development and various musculoskeletal system clinical diseases also provides new possibilities for treatment strategies. Finally, this article discusses the challenges and future development potential of SCS and recommends the direction of future applications of SCS to musculoskeletal medicine.  相似文献   

Electroporation is a method of treatment of plant tissue that due to its nonthermal nature enables preservation of the natural quality, colour and vitamin composition of food products. The range of processes where electroporation was shown to preserve quality, increase extract yield or optimize energy input into the process is overwhelming, though not exhausted; e.g. extraction of valuable compounds and juices, dehydration, cryopreservation, etc. Electroporation is—due to its antimicrobial action—a subject of research as one stage of the pasteurization or sterilization process, as well as a method of plant metabolism stimulation. This paper provides an overview of electroporation as applied to plant materials and electroporation applications in food processing, a quick summary of the basic technical aspects on the topic, and a brief discussion on perspectives for future research and development in the field. The paper is a review in the very broadest sense of the word, written with the purpose of orienting the interested newcomer to the field of electroporation applications in food technology towards the pertinent, highly relevant and more in-depth literature from the respective subdomains of electroporation research.  相似文献   

Exploitation and exploration of the Amazon basin by Europeans started in the 17th century, but only since about 1970 has the Brazilian government given priority to the connection of the Amazon basin to the industrialized southern part of the country. This new policy required scientific research on the natural resources of the area. Wetlands cover about 20% of the Amazon basin. Inland fishery, fertile floodplain soils, and hydroelectric energy offer a large potential for economic development. Research concentrates on major wetlands and water bodies near the large cities. The Amazon River floodplain belongs to the best studied tropical river floodplains in the world. However, studies in other areas suffer from lack of wetland inventory and classification. Accelerated economic development is not adequately accompanied by wetland research. Insufficient knowledge about distribution, size, structure and function of many wetlands leads to increasing degradation and loss of biodiversity, for instance, by the construction of hydroelectric power plants, large scale deforestation for cattle ranching and agro-industrial projects, mining activities, the construction of navigation channels (hidrovias), etc. The low number of scientists working in the area and lack of funding require close cooperation in problem-oriented multidisciplinary projects (scientific clustering) to optimize scientific outcome. Intensive, long-term cooperation and scientific exchange with institutions from southern Brazil and from abroad is recommended to improve the scientific infrastructure in Amazonian institutions, to accelerate the transfer of new scientific methods and technology, and to intensify the training program for local human resources.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the issue cover date.  相似文献   

SMART技术及其应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A collaborative consortium, named “TRANSAUTOPHAGY,” has been created among European research groups, comprising more than 150 scientists from 21 countries studying diverse branches of basic and translational autophagy. The consortium was approved in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Program in November 2015 as a COST Action of the European Union (COST means: CO-operation in Science and Technology), and will be sponsored for 4 years. TRANSAUTOPHAGY will form an interdisciplinary platform for basic and translational researchers, enterprises and stakeholders of diverse disciplines (including nanotechnology, bioinformatics, physics, chemistry, biology and various medical disciplines). TRANSAUTOPHAGY will establish 5 different thematic working groups, formulated to cooperate in research projects, share ideas, and results through workshops, meetings and short term exchanges of personnel (among other initiatives). TRANSAUTOPHAGY aims to generate breakthrough multidisciplinary knowledge about autophagy regulation, and to boost translation of this knowledge into biomedical and biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

The public interest in neural implants has grown considerably in recent years. Progress within related research areas in combination with increasing – albeit overly optimistic and indiscriminate – mass media coverage have led to the impression that the possibilities of neural prosthetics have grown enormously. But a closer look reveals that the reasons for the intensified interest are varied and cannot be attributed to technical progress alone. Some neural prostheses that have been under development for many years have not left the clinical development phase despite intensive research activities. Other implants, like cardiac pacemakers and cochlea implants, are mature products that have already been implanted in a large number of patients. From the public perspective and in media reports, progress in the development of neural implants is associated with new achievements in other fields of neuroscience. Communications on new applications of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) may suggest that a number of cognitive functions are now easily accessible with technological means. The fact that the interpretation of the results of fMRI studies depends on many conditions and is partly disputed also within the scientific community has been discussed in many publications but only very limited, in the general media. Besides this, research results and implementations in the area of electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography have sparked further debate on the question of free will, on determinism and indeterminism, and have attracted a large media response. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some societal and ethical aspects of neural implants from a technology assessment perspective. Technology assessment (TA) aims at providing knowledge about impacts and consequences of (new) technologies as well as about political and societal ways of dealing with them. It reflects about implementation conditions of technology and potential technology conflicts. Over the last years, neural implants became a subject for TA since they have gained a higher attention in both the political arena and the general public. Especially the ethical and social implications of technologies that electrically stimulate the brain and the possibilities of changing personality traits, changing moods, and perhaps enhancing human cognitive capabilities are central issues in related discussions. In this paper, we want to briefly summarize some of the key arguments as well as topics for future discussion and research.  相似文献   

Histology of dry bone tissue has many scientific applications. The histological analysis of bone requires the production of good quality thin sections. Many researchers have developed new histological techniques and/or they have refined existing ones. In this paper, we describe a revision of histological techniques for obtaining thin sections from modern dry bone. The method is easy to apply and the equipment required is commonly found in a histology laboratory. In comparison to other techniques presented in the literature, this adapted method reduces the number of consumables and steps, thereby improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the procedure.  相似文献   

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