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The examination of eighteen weeds in three fields of oats affected with 'tulip-root' is described. Cleavers, common chickweed, mouse-ear chickweed and sandwort, were found to be hosts of A. dipsaci , the last two weeds being new host records. Successful transferences of A. dipsaci have been made from chickweed to oats and from oats back to chickweed. Transference of A. dipsaci has also been made from cleavers and sandwort to oats.  相似文献   

The putatively resistant lucerne cv. Euver was as susceptible to 11 English and 11 French populations of ‘lucerne race’ stem nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci, as the susceptible cv. Europe. The ‘resistant’ cv. Vertus showed some resistance to five of the English and four of the French populations but was just as susceptible as Europe to three English and four French populations. Twelve annual species of Medicago were very resistant to a mixture of two English and two French populations of the nematode. None of 13 perennial spp. of Medicago was very resistant to the same mixture of nematodes but resistant plants were identified in M. borealis, M. dzhawakhetica, M. glutinosa and M. romanica. Twenty six spp. of Trifolium were resistant to a mixture of two English and two French populations of ‘red clover race’ stem nematode.  相似文献   

A bioassay technique, using forty onion seedlings per pot, was used to determine the soil population of the narcissus race of Ditylenchus dipsaci .
In experiments with narcissus, a progressive increase of D. dipsaci populations was shown, reaching a peak at the end of the growing season. This rise in population in May/June was associated with a rise in temperature. Increase in inoculum gave a significantly larger population in the foliage but not in the bulbs. Nematodes moved actively and were transported passively both up and down within the host plant. The presence of spikkels was associated with nematodes in the active intercalary meristem.
Migration from the plant into the soil and back into the plant, mostly via the base of the bulb, was continuous throughout the growing season and related to the population increase within the plant. Migration of nematodes from wetted dried leaf tissue continued over 60 days. Spread of the nematode through the soil was slow in the absence of external agencies, such as water run-off and methods of cultivation.  相似文献   

  • 1 The combined effect of nitrate and phosphate concentrations on the yields of five selected strains of Stigeoclonium is demonstrated in a synthetic medium as well as in natural waters.
  • 2 Increase of yield after addition of one nutrient depends on the concentration of the other. A graphic growth model based on the experiments in synthetic medium is presented, which allows prediction of yields at different combinations of nitrate and phosphorus concentrations.
  • 3 In general, yields in natural waters before and after addition of nitrate and/or phosphate agree with the model. In some cases, other limiting factors appear to be involved.
  • 4 The possible effects of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation on the phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism of the alga are discussed.
  • 5 Neither an exponential model (Baule-Mitscherlich) nor a hyperbolic model adequately describe the interaction demonstrated between nitrogen and phosphorus limitation.

Of nineteen commercial samples of carrot seed in use at Wellesbourne in 1963, eight were found to be infected with both Stemphylium radicinum and Alternaria dauci and five with S. radicinum alone. Both fungi caused damping-off of seedlings and when carrots were grown at high densities A. dauci caused severe foliar infection. Neither fungus gave rise to marked infection of ware crops at normal spacings but, when seed infected with S. radicinum was sown in the autumn, the resulting seed crop was heavily infected by the succeeding autumn. Spring-sown carrots grown in soil that had borne infected crops or contained debris infected with either fungus showed little or no infection in the autumn or after storage for 3 1/2 months; autumn-sown or spring-planted (steckling) carrots put into ground infected with S. radicinum showed severe infection in the following autumn. This suggested that ware-crop carrots were resistant to infection from the soil whereas the seed crop was not. Both fungi were eradicated from seed by a 24 hr. soak at 30d? C. in a 0.2% thiram suspension, but were not completely eliminated by seed dust treatments with a range of fungicides.  相似文献   

Growth of R. solani was markedly influenced by GA3, kinetin but not by lAA. The mycelium used for inoculation of groundnut hypocotyls was obtained from cultures grown on solid media supplemented with various concentrations of GA3, kinetin and IAA. The virulence was evaluated by measuring the lesion size 48 h after inoculation. Gibberellic acid followed by kinetin caused enhanced lesion size at 0.5 μg/ml in the medium. A correlation was observed between the infection cushions produced and the virulence of the pathogen.  相似文献   

Ditylenchus destructor and Ditylenchus dipsaci are economically important plant‐parasitic nematodes, affecting potato production mostly in temperate climates. Management through crop rotation is not feasible because of their wide host range. These nematodes are listed as quarantine pests in many countries. Limited information exists on the resistance and tolerance of currently cultivated potatoes to D. destructor and D. dipsaci. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to screen 25 potato varieties for resistance to and tolerance for D. destructor and D. dipsaci infections. Reproduction factor (RF) and relative susceptibility (RS) were used to evaluate resistance, while potato tuber damage and tuber weight reduction was used to evaluate tolerance. Based on the RF, 16 varieties were evaluated as susceptible (S) while 5 varieties were evaluated as resistant (R) to D. destructor; varieties ‘Innovator’, ‘Aveka’ and ‘Spunta’ were resistant to D. dipsaci based on RF. ‘Désirée’ was observed to be highly susceptible to D. destructor and D. dipsaci in both experiments and was used as the standard susceptible control variety for the calculation of RS. A scale of 1–9 was used to classify RS of the potato varieties to D. destructor and D. dipsaci, where 9 indicated the highest level of resistance. All classes of resistance to D. destructor and D. dipsaci were observed in the potato varieties tested in the experiments. Six varieties had significantly lower RS to D. dipsaci than the standard susceptible control variety. Tolerant to highly sensitive potato varieties to both nematodes were also observed. RS and external potato tuber damage were identified as suitable methods for resistance and tolerance determination, respectively. This study provides essential information on the status of resistance and tolerance in potato varieties against D. destructor and D. dipsaci but needs to be confirmed under field conditions.  相似文献   

The surface structure of the eggs of the catfish Corydoras aeneus was examined and showed to be a unique pattern among teleosts. The surface was covered with small protuberances, which resemble attaching‐filaments of teleost eggs. Eggs were, however, found to be very adhesive and since the species is known to inhabit turbid waters, this rare egg attachment mode could well be related to these environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Some field strains ofRhizoglyphus robini in Taiwan, developed high multi-resistance to organophosphorus insecticides including diazinon, dimethoate, fenitrothion, malathion, methyl parathion, omethoate, parathion and prothiophos. The organophosphorus resistance of bulb mites remained stable when the pesticide pressure was relaxed. Changes of the susceptibility to several organophosphorus insecticides for a strain after relaxation of selection pressure for 3 and 27 generations were compared. Since susceptible bulb mites could not be found in the field, a reverse selection for susceptibility to diazinon was designed and conducted. Although heterogeneity was observed in the progeny of the mixed populations, the susceptibility of these reversely-selected mites increased slowly. A stable and susceptible strain was obtained after 26 generations of selection.Contribution No. 1412 from Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute.  相似文献   

The genus Agriopleura (Radiolitidae) is restricted to the Lower Cretaceous of the Mediterranean region, including the Middle East, and this rudist is apparently absent from the New World. Agriopleura underwent a size increase from late Hauterivian to mid‐late Barremian, matching Cope's rule, followed by a Lilliput phase in the early Aptian. The relative development of radial bands increased through time and represents a key evolutionary index. During its evolution, Agriopleura increased in species diversity and expanded geographically onto the European Mediterranean Tethyan margin from the late Hauterivian to Barremian, after which it disappeared from the region (pseudotermination). In the lower Aptian, after a Lazarus gap, the genus reappears in the southern Mediterranean Tethyan margin. Assuming that Archaeoradiolites is the direct descendant of Agriopleura, the disappearance of the genus in the mid‐Aptian was a pseudoextinction and this coincided with a major crisis of shallow carbonate settings and their associated biota. The definition of Agriopleura species is based on a set of qualitative and quantitative external and internal characters. Five species are recognized: three Barremian species, Agriopleura blumenbachi, the type species, A. marticensis and A. carinata; one lower Aptian species A. libanica; and a new species A. sequana restricted to the upper Hauterivian. Principal component analysis is used to test the distinctiveness of the species and the pattern of relationships of some of their key quantitative characters.  相似文献   

Dicotyledonous plants were reliably inoculated with stem nematodes by placing drops of 1.3% carboxymethylcellulose containing the surface sterilised worms between the cotyledons or in the leaf axils of recently emerged seedlings raised in pots of cool, moist soil. Inoculating onion leaves, bean stems and potato tubers or potato leaves gave variable results and inoculating onion, tulip and narcissus bulbs and lucerne and red clover stems was usually unsuccessful. An attempt to characterise 67 stem nematode populations by the reactions of a number of different plants failed for lack of useful differential hosts. Lucerne was, however, resistant to all but lucerne populations. Multiplication of stem nematode populations varied greatly between cultivars of lucerne or red clover. Some cultivars were resistant to some populations of lucerne or red clover stem nematodes and susceptible to others. These differences could not be ascribed to differences in viability of the nematodes or to differences in success of the inoculations. They indicate the presence of different pathotypes or biotypes in different populations of a so-called ‘host race’ and indicate the need for new resistant cultivars to be tested against a range of populations before they are released for general use. Amongst lucerne cultivars tested, Vertus was resistant to some lucerne stem nematode populations and susceptible to others. The supposedly resistant lucerne cultivars Euver and Lifeuil were as susceptible as was Europe. Amongst red clover cultivars tested, Redhead, Kühn, Changins and Mt Calme were susceptible, Britta, Lucrum and Temara were the least resistant, Renova, Rittinova and Quin were intermediate and susceptible to one or more of the populations tested but Norseman and especially Sabtoron were very resistant.  相似文献   

Callichthyids take a basal position in the loricarioid evolutionary lineage leading up to an algae scraping feeding mechanism in the loricariid family. Therefore, the study of the morphology and development of a callichthyid representative would contribute to a better knowledge on the differences in cranial morphology and their impact on feeding ecology within this superfamily. Therefore, development in the chondrocranium of Corydoras aeneus was studied based on 22 cleared and stained specimens and 6 series of serial sections. The latter sections were also digitized and used for 3D reconstructions. Development overall follows the typical siluriform trends in chondrocranial development. Even the low complexity of the chondrocranium at hatching fits the trend observed in other siluriforms, although other studies showed loricarioid hatchlings to generally show more complex chondrocrania. In contrast to other catfish, in C. aeneus, the notochord was never found to protrude into the hypophyseal fenestra. In addition, also differing from other siluriforms, a commissura lateralis is present, a state also reported for Ancistrus cf. triradiatus (Geerinckx et al., [2005] J Morphol 266:331-355). The splanchnocranium again has the typical siluriform shape during its ontogeny, with the presence of a compound hyosymplectic-pterygoquadrate plate, although not fused to the neurocranium or interhyal at any time during ontogeny, a state described earlier for Callichthys callichthys (Hoedeman, [1960a] Bull Aquat Biol 1:73-84; Howes and Teugels, [1989] J Zool Lond 219:441-456). The most striking difference found in comparison to other catfishes, however, involves thebranchial basket, which arises as a single element with a further differentiation from the middle arches on in both a rostral and caudal direction.  相似文献   

Summary The leg exocrine gland was examined in two species of Neotropical termites. Scanning microscopy studies showed a set of pores on the ventral surface of the first and second tarsomeres in all legs ofSerritermes serrifer. InHeterotermes tenuis these pores are present on a sunken plate in all castes. To date, this gland has been observed only in Rhinotermitid species. The presence of leg exocrine gland provides additional evidence supporting a close phylogenetic relationship between the Serritermitidae and Rhinotermitidae.  相似文献   

水稻二化螟的交配行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
焦晓国  宣维健  盛承发 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1110-1115
在室内条件下,对水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis的交配行为及能力进行了研究.结果表明:大多数二化螟雌蛾一生只交配一次,平均0.92次;而雄蛾具有多次交配能力,最多达4次,平均2.72次.二化螟雌蛾的日龄影响其交配率、交配起始时间和持续时间,随二化螟雌蛾日龄的增加,其交配率逐渐下降,交配起始时间逐渐提前,而交配持续时间逐渐上升.相反,二化螟雄蛾日龄对其交配率、交配起始时间和持续时间没有明显影响.交配日龄对二化螟雌蛾的生殖力也存在显著影响,随着二化螟雌蛾交配日龄的增加,雌蛾产卵量下降,卵孵化率降低,产卵期缩短,它们都与雌蛾交配日龄存在显著的负相关;而雌蛾产卵前期和雌蛾寿命随雌蛾交配日龄的增加而延长,与雌蛾交配日龄存在显著的正相关.但二化螟雄蛾交配日龄对雌蛾的生殖力没有明显影响,二化螟雄蛾一生都具有较强的交配繁殖能力.同时,不同交配史的雄蛾与雌蛾交配,对雌蛾的生殖力也没有显著影响.表明二化螟的交配活动是由雌蛾主导控制的.最后,对这些结果在二化螟性信息素防治中应用的可行性进行了探讨.在应用性信息素控制二化螟的实践中,可以在两方面取得实效,一是性信息素可以阻碍雌雄之间正常交配,降低交配率;二是可以推迟二化螟雌虫的交配,使其产卵量和卵孵化率降低.  相似文献   

Summary With two combs and one or a small number of workers it was found that the comb itself without brood was less attractive than a comb with cocoon caps or larvae, but single workers were equally attracted to combs with a large or small number of larvae, or queen or non-queen larvae. A worker walked at random when off a comb and tended, when on a comb, to stay with the first group of larvae that it found.Observations in the field showed that adults formed a group at night at the bottom of the nest.Records from six observation nests of whole or almost whole colonies have been collected over a period of three years. In all cases a dominant comb, which carried a larger percentage of the workers than any other comb and usually the queen if present, was soon established. The dominant comb always contained brood, was nearest or one of the combs nearest the entrance, received most foragers, and workers grouped on it more frequently than other combs.The grouping behaviour of workers on a comb can be related to background temperature and caused comb temperature to increase to 29° C–32.5° C.The worker attention a larva received increased as the number of workers on its comb increased.Reasons for and the consequences of grouping behaviour, the appearance of a dominant comb and the position of the latter in the nest, are discussed.
Résumé Au cas où il y a deux rayons et soit un seul, soit un petit nombre d'ouvrières, on constate que le rayon sans couvain attire moins les ouvrières que celui operculé (cocons ou larves). Pour ce qui est d'un petit nombre ou d'un grand nombre de larves, ou encore des larves de reines ou de non-reines, l'attraction est égale pour chaque ouvrière. L'ouvrière ne se trouvant pas sur le rayon se déplace au hasard. De plus, quand elle est sur un rayon elle a tendance à rester avec le premier groupe de larves qu'elle trouve.L'examen des observations effectuées sur le terrain montre que les adultes se groupent la nuit, au fond du nid.Six nids, contenant des colonies entières ou presque entières, ont fait l'objet de plusieurs observations pendant une période de trois ans. Durant la même période, les résultats ont été enregistrés. Dans tous les cas, un rayon dominant s'est établi dans un bref délai. Ce rayon avait un plus grand pourcentage d'ouvrières que tout autre, et comportait généralement la reine. Le rayon dominant contenait toujours du couvain; il se trouvait le plus près de l'entrée du nid (ou bien était parmi les plus près); il recevait le plus grand nombre de butineuses, et des ouvrières s'y groupaient plus fréquemment que sur d'autres rayons.Il est possible d'établir un rapport entre le comportement des ouvrières lorsqu'elles se groupent sur un rayon, et la température ambiante. En effet, ce comportement a entrainé une hausse allant jusqu'à 29° C–32,5° C sur le rayon.L'attention que prêtait une ouvrière à la larve augmentait à mesure que le nombre d'ouvrières sur son rayon augmentait.On traite dans cet article du comportement observé lors d'un groupement, les raisons et les conséquences; ainsi que de l'apparition d'un, rayon dominant et de la position de celui-ci dans le nid.

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