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microRNA(miRNA)在后生动植物细胞分化、生长发育、正常生理功能的维持、疾病的发生发展和转归中发挥重要功能.通常认为,已知miRNA对应的序列就是存储于miRBase数据库中相应的成熟miRNA序列.然而,人们忽视了miRNA序列长度和碱基的可变性,低估了来源于同一miRNA基因、非主要表达的miRNA的多样性及其功能的重要性.由于测序技术的快速发展和广泛使用,人们利用二代测序技术数据发现了miRNA序列和miRNA表达水平的多样性.基于miRNA序列和表达的多样性,本文介绍了miRNA序列5′端、3′端和内部的变异体、miRNA变异体的时空差异性表达和miRNA优势表达臂转换等方面近年来的研究进展.  相似文献   

Regional fishery organizations are increasingly being viewed as "vehicles of good governance" created to secure the sustainable development of international fisheries. These political expectations have not been followed by analytical refinement of how to explain and understand their formation, roles, objectives, institutional setups, or efficiency. This article provides a conceptual discussion of regional fishery organizations and introduces an organizational typology as a basis for their study. Thus, an analytical distinction is made between regional fisheries management organizations, regional coordination and development organizations and scientific research organizations. This typology and the evolution of the Law of the Sea, from an open access to the exclusive economic zone regime, are used to analyze the institutional arrangements of regional fishery organizations.  相似文献   

Meiosis in bryophytes retains unusual features that provide clues to the innovation of sporogenesis in early land plants. Sporocytes are typically quadrilobed before nuclear division and the meiotic spindle is quadripolar with poles in the four future spore domains. Whereas seed plants consistently have anastral spindles arising from γ-tubulin in the perinuclear area, bryophytes have spindles organized at POs, plastids, or nuclear envelope. All of these MTOCs are significantly different from centrosomes of the algal ancestors. Mosses and hornworts have quadrilobed sporocytes with meiotic spindles organized at plastids. Meiosis in liverworts is extremely varied. Sporocytes of Jungermanniopsida are deeply quadrilobed and have microtubule bands marking division planes prior to cytoplasmic shaping. Spindles are organized at POs or nuclear envelope. Sporocytes of Marchantiopsida are quadrilobed to apolar with spindles organized at plastids, POs, or nuclear envelope. Pre-meiotic bands have been reported in only one marchantiod, the early divergent Blasia. An atlas of cytological data on 13 liverworts, 3 mosses and 2 hornworts is presented and analyzed.  相似文献   

Interpreting Southwesterly Diversity: Underlying Principles and Overarching Patterns. Paul R. Fish and J. Jefferson Reid. eds. Anthropological Research Papers, 48. Tucson: Arizona State University Press, 1996. 320 pp.  相似文献   

Borneo contains a diverse rainforest butterfly community, but its forests are under threat from logging and ENSO- (El Niño Southern Oscillation) induced fires. Contrasts in butterfly assemblage structure were examined in nine 450 ha landscapes in logged forest, primary unburned continuous and isolated forest, and forest affected by surface fires during the 1997/98 ENSO event. Temporally the effect of the 1997/98 ENSO event was followed in a single burned landscape from 1997 to 2004. In total, 517 species were present in 190 sampling sites. There was a five-fold difference in species richness among landscapes, with highest richness in continuous landscapes and lowest richness in burned landscapes. Richness was also higher in logged forest than proximate unlogged forest. Temporally, species richness dropped dramatically from 1997 to 1998, but afterwards increased remaining, however, substantially lower than pre-ENSO (1997) sampling. Sites in burned landscapes were distinct from other sites in terms of vegetation structure with the slash-and-burn area the most dissimilar to other landscapes. There was much less structure among unburned landscapes. The pattern of butterfly community composition was similar to that of vegetation structure with the community from the slash-and-burn area the most distinct. However, there was much less overlap among sites from different landscapes. Temporally, 1998 possessed the most distinct assemblage when compared to assemblages from other years. The community composition was, however, slowly returning to a pre-disturbance composition. Variance in community composition explained by environmental and spatial factors differed substantially among landscapes. The spatial fraction was the only explanatory component in recently burned landscapes and a proximate small unburned isolate, but explained no variation in logged landscapes. The environmental fraction explained substantial amounts of variation in logged landscapes and the slash-and-burn area. When all landscapes were pooled high proportions of variation in butterfly community composition were explained by both geographic distance between sites and environmental variables. In contrast when only unburned landscapes were considered, most variation was explained by the geographic distance among them. Despite differences among landscapes there was a general pattern of relatively sharp decline in similarity at short distances that levels out over greater distances, a result that agrees with previous studies on other tropical species assemblages.  相似文献   

Most conservation decisions take place at national or finer spatial scales. Providing useful information at such decision-making scales is essential for guiding the practice of conservation. Brazil is one of the world’s megadiverse countries, and consequently decisions about conservation in the country have a disproportionate impact on the survival of global biodiversity. For three groups of terrestrial vertebrates (birds, mammals, and amphibians), we examined geographic patterns of diversity and protection in Brazil, including that of endemic, small-ranged, and threatened species. To understand potential limitations of the data, we also explored how spatial bias in collection localities may influence the perceived patterns of diversity. The highest overall species richness is in the Amazon and Atlantic Forests, while the Atlantic Forest dominates in terms of country endemics and small-ranged species. Globally threatened species do not present a consistent pattern. Patterns for birds were similar to overall species richness, with higher concentrations of threatened species in the Atlantic Forest, while mammals show a more generalized pattern across the country and a high concentration in the Amazon. Few amphibians are listed as threatened, mostly in the Atlantic Forest. Data deficient mammals occur across the country, concentrating in the Amazon and southeast Atlantic Forest, and there are no data deficient birds in Brazil. In contrast, nearly a third of amphibians are data deficient, widespread across the country, but with a high concentration in the far southeast. Spatial biases in species locality data, however, possibly influence the perceived patterns of biodiversity. Regions with low sampling density need more biological studies, as do the many data deficient species. All biomes except the Amazon have less than 3% of their area under full protection. Reassuringly though, rates of protection do correlate with higher biodiversity, including higher levels of threatened and small-ranged species. Our results indicate a need for expanded formal protection in Brazil, especially in the Atlantic forest, and with an emphasis on fully protected areas.  相似文献   

Microbial Symbiosis: Patterns of Diversity in the Marine Environment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SYNOPSIS. Symbiotic associations expand both the diversity ofpotential ecological niches and metabolic capabilities of thehost—symbiont combinations. Symbioses can also be consideredto have evolutionary potential in that the partnership can resultin a "new organism." Associations between chemoautotrophic bacteriaand marine invertebrates, discovered only 10 years ago, arenow found widely in nature, in habitats ranging from deep-seahydrothermal vents to coastal sediments. Here I review chemoautotroph—invertebrateassociations and discuss the benefits inferred for both partnerswith regard to the diversity of these symbioses in nature.  相似文献   

The Eastern Arc mountain chain and adjoining coastal forests of Tanzania and Kenya have been listed as world biodiversity hotspots. We report on an ongoing attempt to estimate amphibian diversity on the three best studied mountains of the Eastern Arc, the East Usambara, Uluguru and Udzungwa mountains of Tanzania, complemented by an estimate of diversity on the adjoining coastal lowland. This proves to be a complex task, which introduces a note of caution into evaluating global biodiversity estimates. Most amphibian species in eastern Tanzania occur on the coastal lowlands and are widely distributed, extending at least north or south of Tanzania and, to a variable extent, westwards to the elevated interior. Diversity patterns along the length of the lowlands are complex, with the presence of a Sahelian element in the extreme north. On the three Eastern Arc mountains studied, species turnover associated with rising altitude is greater than turnover associated with latitudinal distance between the mountain blocks, leading to greater altitudinal than latitudinal diversity in this equatorial region. A long-standing divergence is indicated between montane and lowland endemics. Although forest-associated species are not the largest contributor to the eastern Tanzanian total species diversity (some 48%), the uniqueness of these species both in lowland and montane forests, combined with their evident vulnerability to disturbance, makes them a subject for particular conservation concern, and justifies hotspot status for both montane and lowland forests.  相似文献   

The natural world demonstrates signs of spatial–temporal order, an order that appears to us through a series of recognizable, recurring and consecutive patterns, i.e. regularities in forms, functions, behaviors, events and processes. These patterns lend insight into the modes and tempos of evolution and thus into the units, levels, and mechanisms that underlie the evolutionary hierarchy. Contributors to this special issue analyze converging patterns in the biological and sociocultural realm across and beyond classic divisions between micro- and macro-evolution; horizontal/reticulate and vertical evolution; phylogeny, ontogeny and ecology; synchronic and diachronic sociocultural and linguistic research; and tree and network diagrams. Explanations are sought in complexity theory, major transitions of evolution, and process and mechanism approaches to change; and consequences for notions such as “life”, “species”, “biological individuality”, “units” and “levels” of evolution are given.  相似文献   

The distributional patterns and diversity of the diaptomid calanoid copepods were analysed to assess the faunistic affinity of North and South America with respect to Mexico and Central America. In the Neotropical region, the most speciose genera of Diaptomidae are Leptodiaptomus and Mastigodiaptomus. The former genus is a Nearctic form, and Mastigodiaptomus is Neotropical. Based on the current distribution of their diversity, it is probable that these genera radiated into Mexico and Central America from North America and the insular Caribbean, respectively. Arctodiaptomus dorsalis is a primarily Palaearctic taxon, it is widely distributed between North and Central America. This species probably radiated in the Americas as a Tethyan derivate. Prionodiaptomus is the only member of the highly diverse South American diaptomid fauna that has expanded beyond the subcontinent. Despite the high diversity present in South America, its influence in Mexico and Central America appears to be weak; this is probably a consequence of the geologically recent union of the two main subcontinental landmasses. Mexico shares 33% of its species with NA, and no species are shared between NA and SA. For the Diaptomidae, the Nearctic influence is strongest in Mexico. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

中国山地植物多样性的垂直变化格局   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
在生物多样性的研究中,山地植物群落的物种多样性随海拔梯度的变化是一个重要课题,但至今并未达成普遍共识。本研究以表示物种丰富度的Patrick指数(S)和表示物种多样性的Shannon-Wicner指数(H)为主要测度指标,归纳总结了我国山地植物多样性的垂直格局,并就影响这些格局形成的因素进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查的方式,从员工价值观取向、员工对组织文化建设的认可状况、员工的文化需求和期待等方面展开调查,把握员工对组织文化的整体认知情况,提出要从和谐社会的高度去构建医疗卫生机构组织文化,增强员工的归属感、幸福感,形成特色鲜明、内涵丰富的组织文化。  相似文献   

Oceanic islands are good model systems with which to explore factors affecting exotic species diversity. Islands vary in size, topography, substrate type, degree of isolation, native species diversity, history, human population characteristics, and economic development. Moreover, islands are highly vulnerable to exotic species establishment. We used AICc analyses of data on 1132 vascular plant species for 15 countries and 114 islands from the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) project to examine biological, geographical, and socioeconomic correlates of exotic species richness. PIER provides data on the distribution of naturalized non-native plant species thought to pose environmental or economic risk. We hypothesized that the numbers of PIER-listed species would be positively correlated with island size, habitat diversity, and proximity to major source pools for propagules. Further, we expected numbers of PIER-listed exotic species to be similar among islands in the same country and to be greater where human populations were larger and where economic activity was high. Most species (908) were found on ≤ 10 islands. Species number was significantly correlated with island and country areas and with native plant species richness. The strongest model revealed by AICc analyses of island data included log (area) and maximum elevation as well as country membership, substrate type, and presence of an airport with paved runway (an index of economic activity). By country, AICc analyses revealed two equivalent models, both of which included log (area) and per capita gross domestic product as well as a measure of population size (either log (population size) or (population density)). Our analyses provide strong evidence of the roles of biogeographic, environmental, and socioeconomic impacts on the distribution and spread of exotic species.  相似文献   

Planning riparian restoration to resemble historic reference conditions requires an understanding of both local and regional patterns of plant species diversity. Thus, understanding species distributions at multiple spatial scales is essential to improve restoration planting success, to enhance long‐term ecosystem functioning, and to match restoration planting designs with historic biogeographic distributions. To inform restoration planning, we examined the biogeographic patterns of riparian plant diversity at local and regional scales within a major western U.S.A. drainage, California's Sacramento—San Joaquin Valley. We analyzed patterns of species richness and complementarity (β‐diversity) across two scales: the watershed scale and the floodplain scale. At the watershed scale, spatial patterns of native riparian richness were driven by herbaceous species, whereas woody species were largely cosmopolitan across the nearly 38,000 km2 study area. At the floodplain scale, riparian floras reflected species richness and dissimilarity patterns related to hydrological and disturbance‐driven successional sequences. These findings reinforce the importance of concurrently evaluating both local and regional processes that promote species diversity and distribution of native riparian flora. Furthermore, as restoration activities become more prevalent across the landscape, strategies for restoration outcomes should emulate the patterns of species diversity and biogeographic distributions found at regional scales.  相似文献   



Aedes aegypti is the most important vector of dengue fever in Brazil, where severe epidemics have recently taken place. Ae. aegypti in Brazil was the subject of an intense eradication program in the 1940s and 50s to control yellow fever. Brazil was the largest country declared free of this mosquito by the Pan-American Health Organization in 1958. Soon after relaxation of this program, Ae. aegypti reappeared in this country, and by the early 1980s dengue fever had been reported. The aim of this study is to analyze the present-day genetic patterns of Ae. aegypti populations in Brazil.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied the genetic variation in samples of 11 widely spread populations of Ae. aegypti in Brazil based on 12 well-established microsatellite loci. Our principal finding is that present-day Brazilian Ae. aegypti populations form two distinct groups, one in the northwest and one in the southeast of the country. These two groups have genetic affinities to northern South American countries and the Caribbean, respectively. This is consistent with what has been reported for other genetic markers such as mitochondrial DNA and allele frequencies at the insecticide resistance gene, kdr.


We conclude that the genetic patterns in present day populations of Ae. aegypti in Brazil are more consistent with a complete eradication of the species in the recent past followed by re-colonization, rather than the alternative possibility of expansion from residual pockets of refugia. At least two colonizations are likely to have taken place, one from northern South American countries (e.g., Venezuela) that founded the northwestern group, and one from the Caribbean that founded the southeastern group. The proposed source areas were never declared free of Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

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