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在实地试验的基础上,分析和模拟了桃园套种黑牧草对土壤热状况的影响.结果表明,在牧草种植区和自然裸露区,阴天条件下平均土壤容积热容量分别为2.54和2.53J·cm-3·C-1,平均土壤导温率分别为16.9和10.4cm2·h-1;土壤净热通量分别为136.6和167.6J·cm-2·d-1;晴天条件下分别为2.93和2.61J·cm-2·℃-1,16.3和5.8cm2·h-1,80.4和85.2J·cm-2·d-1.不同深度的土壤温度以一阶正弦波形式为主,土壤温度振幅随深度呈指数规律变化,自然裸露区的衰减系数大于牧草种植区;土壤温度位相落后随深度变化为0,4h·cm-1  相似文献   

基于辐热积法模拟烤烟叶面积与烟叶干物质产量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张明达  李蒙  胡雪琼  李晓燕  朱勇 《生态学报》2013,33(22):7108-7115
烟叶叶面积增长与干物质累积是烤烟产量形成的主要部分,对品质的形成也有影响。本研究根据气温和光照对烤烟叶片生长和干物质累积的影响,基于辐热积理论建立了适用于不同烟区的烤烟叶面积模型和干物质累积模型,分别使用独立的试验数据建模及对模型进行检验,再通过多年次烟叶干重试验数据对模型进行检验。结果表明,与传统的预测方法相比,用辐热积模型获得的叶面积模拟值与实测值间1:1线的决定系数(R2)和RMSE值为0.9634和0.1653 m2/株,预测精度比SLA法和GDD法分别提高了93%和82%。模型对叶干重模拟的RMSE值为27.1 g/m2,用历年玉溪试验数据检验的RE值为24.5%,说明模型的拟合度和可靠性较好。本研究所建立的模型能够利用气温、日照等常规气象观测数据,动态预测烤烟叶面积增长和干物质累积,且模型参数少,符合度好,实用性强,可以为烤烟生产中的产量预测提供理论依据和决策支持。  相似文献   

气候变化与水稻生长发育及产量形成关系的模拟研究   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
应用水稻生长日历模拟模型(RICAM1.3)模拟亚洲地区不同地点和不同气候条件下水稻的生育期和产量形成.其中3s-Beta模型被用于预测水稻开花期和描述水稻光温反应的3个连续阶段:基本营养生长期、光敏感期和光敏感后期.从时间与地理梯度的变化对水稻产量进行模拟,以中国、日本和菲律宾作为从北到南的地理梯度,以20世纪80年代气候变化作为时间梯度,应用RICAM1.3进行模拟.结果表明,模型具有广泛的适应性,能较好地模拟不同气候条件和不同水稻品种生育期的变化与产量的形成.  相似文献   

活性污泥丝状膨胀的模拟试验与控制对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新鲜的生活污水作为水样,采用同步培菌法,在培养活性污泥的基础上,模拟一定的条件促进丝状菌生长直至形成丝状膨胀,并探索消除丝状膨胀的控制措施,同时通过对丝状菌进行分析鉴定及生活特性显微观察,确定产生丝状膨胀的丝状菌的种类。因为实验能够较好地接近污水厂的实际情况,其结论对污水厂曝气池的正常运行具有实际指导作用。  相似文献   

运用差示扫描量热法,在不同pH值的缓冲溶液内和各种浓度的碱土族氯化物溶液内,研究了来自江浙蝮蛇(AgkistrodonhalysPallas)毒的酸性与碱性磷脂酶外A2(PLA2)的热变性过程。得到表征这两种酶溶液构象变化的热力学参数。依据这些参数研究了两者的溶液构象及其变化。在pH4.5以下,分子净荷正电的这两种酶在溶液中不形成可热致伸展的有序构象;pH高于4.5时,Asp和Glu的侧链羧基以负离子形式存在有利于有序构象的稳定。His是决定PLA2活力和热稳定性的重要残基。磷酸根离子和这两种酶有结合作用而降低有序构象的热稳定性。碱土族阳离子除和这两种酶结合外,还以依赖于离子强度的方式复杂地影响酶的溶液构象,但其作用不完全是静电性的,是或多或少地随离子的不同而不同的。计算给出酸性PLA2的△Hcd.  相似文献   

多氯联苯在模拟水生态系统中的分布、积累与迁移动态研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用微宇宙模拟水生态系统对多氯联苯在水体环境中的行为 ,包括多氯联苯在水体、沉积物、生物体 (皇冠草、河蚬、鲢 )不同分配相及生物体不同组织、器官中含量、分布以及迁移、富集等时间变化动态过程进行了研究。结果表明 ,水草对PCB有一定程度的吸收 ;河蚬对PCBs有明显的吸收积累 ,并且吸收达到平衡的时间较长。鱼体对PCB的吸收积累在不同组织中有明显的差别 ,在内脏和肌肉组织中积累较高 ,鳃组织中积累较低。  相似文献   

高温厌氧条件下纤维素的直接乙醇发酵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了出分解纤维素的嗜热厌氧菌Clostridium celluloflavus sp.nov.直接发酵纤维素产乙醇的初步研究、发酵于60℃下进仃,其主要产物为乙醇、乙酸、氢气和二氧化碳。文中介绍了间歇发酵的若干特征与影响发酵的因素,1%纤维素发酵至120小时,大约有70%纤维素被分解;乙醇的转化率约为0.36g/g降解纤维素;发酵液中乙醇浓度达到56至61mM。发酵中乙醇与乙酸浓度的比值因发酵时间与其它发酵条件的不同而不同。  相似文献   

小型无绿藻的分离及形态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无绿藻(Prototheca)是一种少见的条件致病菌[1],可引起人畜共患的无绿藻病。在其所致人类疾病中,主要有三种临床类型:皮肤损害、局限性感染、系统性无绿藻病[2]。本文于1997年从一名女患者面部丘疹处的皮肤结节活检,分离培养出一株无绿藻菌,并进行了分离培养鉴定,利用光学显微镜、电子显微镜对其形态特征和超微结构进行观察,并通过直接组织压片和组织病理切片观察和生化试验特性,确定为一例由小型无绿藻(Protothecawickerhamii  相似文献   

作者在内蒙古典型草原地区进行了围栏封育、轻耙松土、耕翻撩荒、播种羊草和羊草混播旱生豆科植物,经过5年的试验,显示出这些措施都能不同程度地提高产草量;由于这些改良措施均在七月雨季进行,翻耕后的植物当年即可覆盖土表,所以也不会导致沙化。  相似文献   

Growth and sexual reproduction in a population of Cyclotella ocellata Pantocseck were studied during one annual cycle in a reservoir and in short-term enclosure experiments performed in situ involving different nutrient conditions and concentrations of zooplankton species. Three phases of auxosporulation in this diatom were distinguishable morphologically: 1) preauxospore, from the beginning of zygote formation until the valves were longitudinally separated, 2) primary auxospore, when the zygote grew too large to fit inside the valves and before it reached its full size, and 3) mature auxospore, characterized by a well-developed, markedly scalloped edge. Under experimental and natural conditions, sexual reproduction was associated with changes in cell size. In the natural system, the auxospore appeared to act as a resting structure during conditions adverse for population growth. A threshold population of small cells appeared to be necessary for sexual reproduction in the natural system, whereas auxosporulation was associated with phosphorus fertilization in the enclosures. In both environments only cells smaller than 9.5 μm in diameter were capable of auxospore formation. Our results suggest that, once having reached the critical cell size, the factors that trigger sexual reproduction may depend on ambient environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Impact of three different matching methods for delivery of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) in Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) on patient set-up error. As per institutional imaging protocol, 300 CBCT scans of 20 VMAT head and neck cancer patients treated with 60 Gy/30 fractions were chosen for the present study. Approved CT images of the plan were registered as a reference with the CBCT images on board. Grey-scale matching (GM), manual matching (MM), and bone matching (BM) between on-board CBCT and reference CT images were used to assess patient translation errors. Patient positioning verification was evaluated using the Clip-box registration in all three matching methods. Using the GM approach as a reference point, two additional matchings were rendered in offline mode using BM and MM. For analysis, random error (σ), systematic error (∑), maximum error (E) mean set-up error (M), mean displacement vector (R), matching time (Mt), and multiple comparisons using Post hoc Tukey's HSD test were performed. In MM, less random and systematic errors were found than in GM and BM with an insignificant difference (p > 0.05) Compared to BM and GM, the maximum error, mean set-up error, and displacement vector were marginally less in MM (p > 0.05). In MM, an increased Mt relative to BM and GM was observed (p > 0.05). Furthermore, an insignificant difference in set-up error was revealed in a multiple comparison test (p > 0.05). Any of the three matching methods can be used during CBCT to check patient translation errors for the delivery of the VMAT head and neck patients.  相似文献   

设施栽培下土壤中硝化、反硝化作用的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
殷永娴  刘鸿雁 《生态学报》1996,16(3):246-250
利用温室、大棚等园艺设施栽种蔬菜,是当今蔬菜生产的有效措施之一,但由于温室,大棚是一个特殊的环境,加上连作,致使温度室、大棚的土壤逐渐产生障碍,导致作物产量逐渐下降,本文着重从温室、大棚土壤中硝化、反硝化作用进行深入一步探讨,其结果为:温室、大棚中有强烈的硝化作用和较多的NO2^-、NO3^-盐积累,这是温室、大棚作物产量下降的重要原因之一;温室,大棚中反硝化作用强度与土壤中的NO3^-盐含量有关  相似文献   

The shell morphologies of the highshore littorinids, Littorinaunifasciata Gray and Nodilittorina pyramidalis (Quoy & Gaimard)have previously been shown to vary at a variety of spatial scales,including among replicate sites at the same height, from heightto height and from shore to shore. In this study, the relationshipsbetween morphology of the shell, the reserves of water heldwithin the shell, the size of the foot and survival on differentshores and rates of growth in different habitats were examinedfor L. unifasciata and, to a lesser extent, N. pyramidalis.Reserves of water were not consistently related to size or shapeof the shell, but did increase as relative weight of shell increased.This may be due to the relatively smaller body providing moreinternal volume for extra-corporeal water. Water reserves andthe amount of free water held in the shell were also not relatedto loss of water or survival during extended periods of emersion.Although the shape of the shell on sheltered and exposed shoreswas correlated with size of the foot, with the snails on anexposed shore having larger apertures and feet than those ona sheltered shore, transplant experiments did not show differentialmortality between morphs from the different shores. All translocatedand transplanted snails disappeared from the exposed shore ata greater rate than from the sheltered shore, but this was probablydue to the snails dispersing out of the experimental areas ratherthan due to mortality. Therefore, many of the large-scale modelsthat have previously been used to describe patterns of shellshape in intertidal gastropods do not appear to be importantin these highshore littorinids. Finally, field experiments ongrowth of juvenile L. unifasciata indicated that rate of growth,largely governed by opportunity to feed rather than type andquantity of food, is the most likely explanation for the small-and large-scale patterns of shell shape that have been previouslydescribed in this species. (Received 22 October 1996; accepted 19 February 1997)  相似文献   

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