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Abstract: The mid‐Cretaceous bivalve Goshoraia Tamura, 1977, endemic to Japan, is an early example of shallow‐marine siphonate bivalves of the family Veneridae Rafinesque, 1815. Three species, including one new, are here described: Goshoraia minor Tashiro and Kozai, 1989 (Aptian), G. crenulata (Matsumoto, 1938; Albian–lower Cenomanian) and G. maedai sp. nov. (middle to ?upper Cenomanian). The habitats of Goshoraia have been extensively compared with those of common Cretaceous, nonsiphonate burrowers, such as trigoniids, which range from tidal flat and shoreface to shelf environments. Depth of burial, which can be estimated from the extent of the pallial sinus, increases from the ancestral G. minor to its descendants G. crenulata and G. maedai sp. nov., documenting that the ability to burrow within this genus improved in time. These morphological and palaeoecological changes may be related to the Mesozoic marine revolution during the mid‐Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The strongly modified mode of development of the small and brooding galeommatoid bivalve Lasaea adansonii (Gmelin, 1791) [syn. Lasaea rubra (Montagu, 1803)] has been studied by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy and by fluorescent staining of the muscular system and of two neurotracers, FMRFamide and serotonin. In addition, two developmental stages were visualized using computer-aided 3D-reconstruction. All larval stages of L. adansonii lack ciliary rings. The apical organ appears invaginated: the base of the duct contacts the cerebral ganglia and opens on the preoral region. Larval protonephridia are lacking. The adult kidneys develop independently of the pericardial cavity and contain a protonephridial part that enables excretory function until the pericardium is formed. The larval muscular system is composed of smooth muscle fibers; striated fibers are lacking. Posteriorly and immediately below the ligament, a paired cell of unknown function is present that contains serotonin and FMRFamide. In summary, L. adansonii exhibits the direct mode of development. Only few truly larval structures (e.g., the modified apical organ) are elaborated.  相似文献   

印象初  郑方强  印展 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1075-1083
记述了采自中国台湾斑腿蝗科秃蝗亚科1新属台秃蝗属Taipoodisma gen. nov. 和4新种:红股台秃蝗Taipodisma rufifemora sp. nov., 谢氏台秃蝗Taipodisma hsiehi sp. nov., 周氏台秃蝗Taipodisma chowi sp. nov., 黑胫台秃蝗Taipodisma nigritibia sp. nov.。新属台秃蝗属Taipoodisma gen. nov.同蹦蝗属Sinopodisma Chang, 1940近似,不同之处为前胸背板后缘中央缺凹口,中隆线在沟前区不显,在沟后区留有痕迹。新属同辽秃蝗属Liaopodisma Zheng, 1990也近似,不同之处为雄性后胸腹板两侧叶分开,不毗连。新种红股台秃蝗T. rufifemora sp. nov. 后足股节内侧和下方红色可与同属其他种相区别。新种谢氏台秃蝗T. hsiehi sp. nov. 缺黑色眼后带可与同属其他种相区别。新种周氏台秃蝗T. chowi sp. nov. 同红股台秃蝗T. rufifemora sp. nov.近似,不同之处为后足股节内侧和下方非红色。新种黑胫台秃蝗T. nigritibia sp. nov. 同周氏台秃蝗T. chowi sp. nov.近似,不同之处为前胸背板沿中隆线缺黑色纵带和前翅黄褐色,缺黑色带纹。列出了该属的种检索表。  相似文献   

Systematics of Corbulidae supported by anatomical and conchological studies remains confused and controversial because of the considerable phenotypic plasticity of their shells. Ultrastructural spermatozoan study and molecular analyses have been performed to contribute valuable information, which could be used in taxonomy. Electron microscopy was used to analyse sperm cells from specimens of Caryocorbula (Gardner, 1926) exhibiting shell differences. The spermatozoon was of the aquasperm type, showing short acrosome, barrel-shaped nucleus, midpiece composed of four spherical mitochondria and simple flagellum. In addition, about 860?base pairs of mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (16S rRNA) were sequenced from each individual. The consistent similarity shared by spermatozoa and DNA sequences from all studied specimens indicated that they belonged to one coherent unit, Caryocorbula caribaea (d'Orbigny, 1853), despite the extraordinary plasticity exhibited by their shells.  相似文献   

Steccherinum cremicolor and S. elongatum are described and illustrated as new species from Taiwan. Steccherinum cremicolor is characterized by strictly resupinate basidiocarps, a fimbriate margin, short spines, generative hyphae dominating in the trama and subiculum, encrusted skeletocystidia, and ellipsoid basidiospores. Steccherinum elongatum has strictly resupinate and membranaceous basidiocarps, bearing fairly long spines, generative hyphae-dominated subiculum, elongated skeletocystidia, and ellipsoid to subglobose basidiospores.  相似文献   

Six bivalve taxa belonging to the genusNeocrassina Fischer have been described from Middle Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) rocks of Kachchh, Western India. Of these,Neocrassina (N.) ovata (Smith), TV.(N.) robusta (Etallon) andN. (N.) paphia (d?Orbigny) have been recorded previously from various parts of Europe, whileNeocrassina (N.) pandeyi Maithani is an endemic faunal element as areNeocrassina (N.) sp. A andNeocrassina (N.) sp. B. The generic and sub-generic characters ofNeocrassina are reviewed as are affinities of the taxa with closely related forms from India and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether morphological divergence has occurred in seeds of species in a subclade of Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia . Thus, we compared seed mass, surface area, and wings (presence or absence), embryo shape and state, and embryo length to seed length (E:S) ratio in A. californica Torr., endemic to California, A. macrophylla Lamk. and A. tomentosa Sims of eastern USA, and A. manshuriensis Komarov of eastern Asia. We also compared capsule length and number of seeds per capsule in the three US species. All four species have linear, underdeveloped embryos, but for the other morphological features statistically significant differences occurred among the taxa. However, none of the seed morphological features differed between the eastern North American species A. macrophylla and its eastern Asian sister species A. manshuriensis.   © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 433–436.  相似文献   

Eleven veneroid (Bivalvia) species are systematically described from the Campanian-Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) sediments of Ariyalur sub-basin of South India. Among these, only Crassatella (Crassatella) macrodonta (Sowerby) and Arctica lacianata (Stoliczka) were earlier recorded by Stoliczka. Protocardia (Pachycardium) madagascariensis (Colignon), Protocardia (Pachycardium) pauli (Cocquand), Epicyprina angulata (Sowerby), Venilicardia truncata (Sowerby), and Calva (Egelicalva) buttensis (Anderson) were previously unknown from the Late Cretaceous horizons of the Indian sub-continent. The present record also includes a new species Palaeomoera stoliczkai n. sp. erected on the basis of its unique hinge characters and surface features. Lucina (Lucina) cf. fallax Forbes, Nicaniella (Nicaniella) aff. trigonoides (Stoliczka), and Corbicula? sp. indet., are tentatively identified because of their imperfect preservation. The present record may add useful information to the understanding of the Late Cretaceous palaeobiology of the region.  相似文献   

T Nakano  YT Lai 《ZooKeys》2012,(207):49-63
A new quadrannulate species of Orobdella, Orobdella ketagalansp. n., from Taipei, Taiwan, is described. This is the first record of Orobdella and the family Orobdellidae from Taiwan. This new species possesses small, paired sperm duct bulbs in the male reproductive system. In addition to these bulbs, the following combination of characters distinguishes this new species from other quadrannulate species: somite IV uniannulate, male gonopore at XI b6, female gonopore at XIII a1, 1/2 + 4 + 1/2 between gonopores, simple tubular gastroporal duct, lacking epididymides, and undeveloped atrial cornua. Phylogenetic analyses using nuclear 18S rDNA and histone H3 as well as mitochondrial COI, 12S rDNA, tRNA(Val), and 16S rDNA markers showed that Orobdella ketagalan is related to the two Ryukyu Archipelago species Orobdella dolichopharynx Nakano, 2011 and Orobdella shimadae Nakano, 2011.  相似文献   

Yang D  Zhu Y 《ZooKeys》2011,(159):11-18
Sinosciapus liuaesp. n. is newly described from Taiwan. The genus Sinosciapus is discussed and a key to the three known Oriental species is provided.  相似文献   

MC Chiang  IS Chen 《ZooKeys》2012,(216):57-72
A new species of triplefin fish (Blenniiformes: Tripterygiidae), Helcogramma williamsi, is described from six specimens collected from southern Taiwan. This species is well distinguished from its congeners by possessing 13 second dorsal-fin spines; third dorsal-fin rays modally 11; anal-fin rays modally 19; pored scales in lateral line 22-24; dentary pore pattern modally 5+1+5; lobate supraorbital cirrus; broad, serrated or palmate nasal cirrus; first dorsal fin lower in height than second; males with yellow mark extending from anterior tip of upper lip to anterior margin of eye and a whitish blue line extending from corner of mouth onto preopercle. Comparisons and a diagnostic key are provided for the species of Helcogramma now known from Taiwan: Helcogramma fuscipectoris, Helcogramma inclinata, Helcogramma striata, Helcogramma trigloides, and the newly recorded, Helcogramma rhinoceros.  相似文献   

Chi-Feng Lee  Jan Bezděk 《ZooKeys》2016,(553):79-106
The genus Taiwanolepta Kimoto, 1989 (type species Taiwanolepta babai Kimoto, 1989) is proposed as a junior synonym of Sikkimia Duvivier, 1891. Sikkimia species from Taiwan form a group characterized by the reduction of their hind wings. Most of them cannot be distinguished using external morphology, except by the structure of last two antennomeres in males. Diagnoses are made by using distribution, aedeagal, and gonocoxal morphology. The group includes one previously described species, Sikkimia babai (Kimoto, 1989), comb. n., and four new species, Sikkimia meihuai sp. n., Sikkimia sufangae sp. n., Sikkimia tsoui sp. n., and Sikkimia yuae sp. n. Speciation models, supporting the high diversity of Sikkimia species in Taiwan, are discussed. Sikkimia metallica Jacoby, 1903 and Sikkimia tamra Maulik, 1936, both from southern India, are transferred to the genus Cerophysa Chevrolat, 1836.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of four chironomid species were studied: Cryptochironomus obreptans Walker, Cryptochironomus sp., Chironomus plumosus Linnaeus, and Stictochironomus rosenscholdi Zetterstedt. All these species belong to the subfamily Chironominae. Each species is characterized by a specific karyotype structure. The first species in the list has 2n = 4, while the three other species have 2n = 8.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101872
Two new species of Atomaria Stephens, 1829 from China and Taiwan are described and illustrated: Atomaria (Atomaria) cooterisp. nov. and Atomaria (Atomaria) johnsoni sp. nov. New records for China and Taiwan are added: Atomaria (Atomaria) klapperichi Johnson, 1971 and Atomaria (Atomaria) plecta Lyubarsky, 1995. New subgeneric combinations are proposed for Atomaria (Atomaria) klapperichi, Atomaria (Atomaria) plecta and Atomaria (Atomaria) torrida Johnson, 1971.LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6A3DCCBE-8978-4D2C-B366-56C9ECEA51A4.  相似文献   

Wang J  Zhu Y  Yang D 《ZooKeys》2012,(192):27-33
The following two new species of the genus Amblypsilopus Bigot from Taiwan are described: Amblypsilopus flavellussp. n. and Amblypsilopus ventralissp. n. One species, Amblypsilopus crassatus Yang, 1997, is newly reported from Taiwan. A key to the species of the genus from Taiwan is given.  相似文献   

The spores of Bruchia uleana, B. uruguensis, Eobruchia bruchioides, Trematodon ambiguus, T. aureus, T. brevifolius, T. longlcollis, T. reflexus and T. vaginatus were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The spore wall of the family Bruchiaceae includes sclerine (the distinction between exine and perine may be difficult to define) and intine. The aperture may be surrounded or not by one or more rings of ornamentation elements. Two basic types of spore were recognized: one characterized by a gemmoid surface and the other with elongated processes and two types of ornamentation in the apertural region. The spores of the taxa studied support the separation of the Bruchiaceae from the Dicranaceae.  相似文献   

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