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D. A. Gailey  J. C. Hall 《Genetics》1989,121(4):773-785
The fruitless (fru) courtship mutant was dissected into three defects of male reproductive behavior, which were separable as to their genetic etiologies by application of existing and newly induced chromosomal aberrations. fru itself is a small inversion [In(3R) 90C; 91B] on genetic and cytological criteria. Uncovering the fru distal breakpoint with deletions usually led to males with two of the fru courtship abnormalities: no copulation attempts with females (hence, behavioral sterility) and vigorous courtship among males, including the formation of "courtship chains." However, certain genetic changes involving region 91B resulted in males who formed courtship chains but who mated with females. Uncovering the fru proximal breakpoint led to males that passively elicit inappropriately high levels of courtship. This elicitation property was separable genetically from the sterility and chain formation phenotypes and provisionally mapped to the interval 89F-90F, which includes the fru proximal breakpoint. Behavioral sterility and chaining were also observed in males expressing certain abnormal genotypes, independent of the fru inversion. These included combinations of deficiencies, each with a breakpoint in 91B, and a transposon inserted in 91B.  相似文献   

A. Villella  J. C. Hall 《Genetics》1996,143(1):331-344
The role played by the sex-determining gene doublesex (dsx) and its influence on Drosophila courtship were examined. Against a background of subnormal male-like behavior that is reported to be an attribute of haplo-X flies homozygous for the original dsx mutation, and given that a sex-specific muscle is unaffected by genetic variation at this locus, analyses of several reproductive behaviors and control for genetic background effects indicated that XY dsx mutants are impaired in their willingness to court females. When they did court, certain behavioral actions were normal, including components of courtship song. However, these mutants never produced courtship humming sounds. Mature XY dsx flies elicited anomalously high levels of courtship; that this occurs merely because of a delay in imaginal development was experimentally discounted. The current analysis reconciled two ostensibly conflicting reports involving the courtship-stimulating qualities of this mutant type. Such experiments also uncovered a new behavioral anomaly: dsx mutations caused chromosomal males to court other males at abnormally high levels. These results are discussed from the perspective of doublesex's influence on internal tissues of adult Drosophila involved in the triggering and neural control of male- and female-like elements of courtship, reproductive pheromone production, or a combination of such factors.  相似文献   

The courtship song of a Drosophila melanogaster male consists of tone pulses interspersed with humming sounds. An X chromosomal mutation, cacophony (cac), causes the production of polycyclic pulses readily distinguishable from those in wild type, which are mono- or bicyclic. Yet, courtship hums and flight wing beats are normal in this mutant, suggesting a specific role of the cac gene in the neural program underlying one particular feature of the fly's wing vibrations. A precise cytogenetic localization of cac is presented; this was obtained by uncovering the song abnormality with deletions that are missing all or the distal part of region 11A; the flies tested were diplo-X adults that had been turned into males by the transformer mutation. Duplications including distal 11A covered cac. The possibility of behavioral specificity for cac's effects was examined by screening a variety of sexual and nonsexual behaviors; these experiments included tests of flies in which the mutation was uncovered by a small deletion. We conclude that cac causes only a limited array of well-defined defects: longer and louder tone pulses in the song and depressed locomotor activity. Further complementation tests involving cac and other closely linked genetic variants--the night-blind-A (nbA) visual mutation, l(1)L13 lethal mutations, and a series of X chromosomal breakpoints--suggested complex interactions among these factors: the breakpoints uncover all three types of mutations; cac and nbA appear to be alleles of l(1)L13, whereas the two behavioral mutations complement each other.  相似文献   

Studies on the Mutant Maroon-like in Drosophila Melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Hubby JL  Forrest HS 《Genetics》1960,45(2):211-224

We have developed a screen for the isolation of mutations that produce neural defects in adult Drosophila melanogaster. In this screen, we identify mutants as flies unable to remove a light coating of applied dust in a 2-hr period. We have recovered and characterized six mutations and have found that they produce coordination defects and some have reduced levels of reflex responsiveness to the stimulation of single tactile sensory bristles. The grooming defects produced by all six of the mutations are recessive, and each of the mutations has been genetically mapped. We have also used our assay to test the grooming ability of stocks containing mutations that produce known neural defects.  相似文献   

Male courtship in fruit flies is regulated by the same major regulatory genes that also determine general sexual differentiation of the animal. Elaborate genetics has given us insight into the roles of these master genes. These findings have suggested two separate and independent pathways for the regulation of sexual behavior and other aspects of sexual differentiation. Only recently have molecular studies started to look at the downstream effector genes and how they might control sex-specific behavior. These studies have confirmed the essential role of the previously identified male specific products of the fruitless gene in the neuronal circuits in which it is expressed. But there is increasing evidence that a number of non-neuronal tissues and pathways play a pivotal role in modulating this circuit and assuring efficient courtship.  相似文献   

The courtship song of Drosophila has been extensively used as a model system for studies of sexual selection and species recognition. Traditionally, the courtship song has been recorded from males placed individually with a female. However, under natural conditions females are exposed to multiple courting males, and the effect of their joint signal on mate recognition by the female is not yet understood. Here, we recorded the courtship behavior of D. melanogaster males singing either individually to a female lpar;1:1) or in the presence of an additional male lpar;2:1). We compared the structure of the male song in the two experimental designs. Our results show that when two males courted a female their songs could overlap each other. Males produced a significantly different signal in the presence of competition; the duration of each song component was significantly shorter and the rate of singing was markedly lower. The present study demonstrates that male competition can dramatically alter the acoustic signal detected by the female.  相似文献   

W. J. Mackay  G. C. Bewley 《Genetics》1989,122(3):643-652
Activated oxygen species have been demonstrated to be the important agents in oxygen toxicity by disrupting the structural and functional integrity of cells through lipid peroxidation events, DNA damage and protein inactivation. The biological consequences of free radical damage have long been hypothesized to be a causal agent in many aging-related diseases. Catalase (H2O2:H2O2 oxidoreductase; EC is one of several enzymes involved in the scavenging of oxygen free radicals and free radical derivatives. The structural gene for catalase in Drosophila melanogaster has been localized to region 75D1-76A on chromosome 3L by dosage responses to segmental aneuploidy. This study reports the isolation of a stable deficiency, Df(3L)CatDH104(75C1-2;75F1), that uncovers the catalase locus and the subsequent isolation of six acatalasemic mutants. All catalase mutants are viable under standard culture conditions and recessive lethal mutations within the 75Cl-F1 interval have been shown not to affect catalase activity. Two catalase mutations are amorphic while four are hypomorphic alleles of the Cat+ locus. The lack of intergenic complementation between the six catalase mutations strongly suggests that there is only one functional gene in Drosophila. One acatalesemic mutation was mapped to position 3-47.0 which resides within the catalase dosage sensitive region. While complete loss of catalase activity confers a severe viability effect, residual levels are sufficient to restore viability to wild type levels. These results suggest a threshold effect for viability and offer an explanation for the general lack of phenotypic effects associated with the known mammalian acatalasemics.  相似文献   

果蝇(Drosophila)的求偶行为受多个基因调控,例如fruitless(fru)、dissatisfaction(dsf)和retained(retn)等。它们通过不同的剪切方式产生特异性产物,利用这些产物来控制雌雄果蝇的求偶行为,它们的剪切方式是雌雄果蝇求偶行为和性别决定所必需的。主要阐述了这些基因在果蝇求偶行为方面的分子调控机制,为进一步研究果蝇的求偶行为和性别决定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Clock is a semidominant X-linked mutation that results in shortening the period of Drosophila melanogaster's free-running locomotor activity rhythm from ca. 24.0 to ca. 22.5 hr. This mutation similarly shortened the phase response curve, determined by resetting activity rhythms with light pulses. Eclosion peaks for Clk cultures were separated by only 22.5 hr instead of the normal 24 hr. Clk was mapped close to, but separable from, another rhythm mutation--period01--by recombination. The estimated distance between these two mutations was short enough to suggest that Clk could be a per allele. If this is the case, the new mutant is unique in that it, unlike other per variants, is associated with essentially normal 1-min courtship song rhythms when Clk is expressed in males. Also, the new rhythm variant could not, in contrast to a short-period per mutation, have its effects on free-running activity rhythms uncovered by deletions. This result, and the lack of coverage of Clk's effects by duplications, suggest that it is not a simple hypomorphic or amorphic mutation.  相似文献   

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