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Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of circulating filarial antigen fraction-2 isolated from plasma of microfilaraemic patients withWuchereria bancrofti infection has shown 21 bands with molecular weights ranging from 12 to 120 kDa. The gel (12 cm) was sliced at an interval of one cm and the eluates of all the gel slicesviz., CFA2-1 to CFA2-12 showed the presence of filarial antigen by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The low molecular weight circulating filarial antigen fractions were found to share a common epitope withWuchereria bancrofti microfilariae excretory-secretory antigen and urinary filarial antigen. The 3 antigen fractions CFA2-1, CFA2-9 and CFA2-12 showed higher sensitivity in detecting filarial immunoglobulin M antibodies than immunoglobulin G antibodies. However CFA2-9 fraction was found useful in serological differentiation of microfilaraemics from those with disease manifestations when filarial immunoglobulin G antibodies were detected. The antigenic epitope of CFA2-1 appears to be a carbohydrate, whereas CFA2-9 appears to be protein in nature.  相似文献   

A 43 kiloDaltan (kDa) antigen fraction (CFA2-6) isolated from microfilaraemic plasma of bancroftian filarial patients showed selective reactivity with sera samples collected from endemic normals. Antibodies raised against this antigen showed a strong reactivity with the surface of Brugia malayi infective larvae as well as microfilariae. Similar antigenic determinants were detected in the parasite extracts, but not in the excretory–secretory products. Further analysis was done on the immunoprophylactic potential of CFA2-6 in inducing immunity against Brugia malayi in Meriones unguiculatus (jird) in vivo. A strong protective response of approximately 84% was observed against the development of the filarial parasite in the jirds immunized with CFA2-6. The immunized jirds also showed a significant clearance (87%) of microfilariae inoculated intravenously. Approximately 65% of infective larvae failed to survive in jirds transferred with anti-CFA2-6 serum compared to the jirds transferred with sera from the control jirds. Passive transfer of anti-CFA2-6 antibody to the jirds followed by intravenous inoculation of microfilariae resulted in the reduction of 77% of circulating microfilariae. This study suggests that the 43-kDa CFA2-6 could stimulate a strong protective immune response against infective larvae and microfilariae in experimental animals.  相似文献   

An enhanced chemiluminescence enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been developed for the detection of soluble antigen in the urine of patients with Legionnaires' disease (LD). In the assay antigen(s) in the urine samples are captured by a rabbit anti-L. pneumophila antibody coated onto microtitre strips. A fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugate of the same antibody is then added which binds to the captured antigen. Any immobilized FITC-labelled antibody is then detected with a horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate of a monoclonal anti-FITC antibody. HRP activity is monitored after oxidation of luminol in the presence of H2O2 and iodophenol. The resulting luminescence is recorded using a camera luminometer. Urine specimens were available for testing from 31 patients with evidence of ongoing L. pneumophila serogroup 1 infection. A positive result was obtained in the cases of 12/12 specimens from culture-proven LD patients, and 16/19 specimens from patients with serological evidence of LD. Thus the sensitivity is estimated to be 28/31 (90%) The specificity was estimated using urine specimens from eight patients with non-L. pneumophila pneumonias of known aetiology. All eight specimens gave a negative result.  相似文献   

The reacting pattern of circulating filarial antigen fraction-2 fromWuchereria bancrofti and soluble antigen from adultBrugia malayi with bancroftian filarial sera were analysed by immunoblotting technique and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Microfilaraemic sera reacted specifically with proteins of molecular weight 200, 120, 97, 56, 54, 43, 26 and 17 kDa of circulating Filarial antigen fraction-2 and 44, 40, 38, 31, 22 and 18 kDa ofBrugia malayi adult soluble antigen. Clinical filarial sera identified protein molecules of 56, 54 and 42 kDa of circulating filarial antigen fraction-2 and 19, 16 and 14 kDa ofBrugia malayi adult soluble antigen. Some components of both the antigen preparation were also identified by endemic normal serai.e.proteins 120, 97, 62, 43 and 33 kDa of circulating filarial antigen fraction-2 and 170, 120, 43, 31 and 12 kDa ofBrugia malayi adult soluble antigen. One of the sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electropherosis fractions of circulating filarial antigen fraction-2 (CFA2-8) andBrugia malayi adult soluble antigen fraction-6 when used in enzyme linked immunosorbent assay could differentiate microfilaraemic sera from endemic normal and clinical filarial sera. The other antigen fractions (CFA2-2, 6 and 7 andBmA-2) showed a high geometric mean titre of filarial immunoglobulin G antibodies in endemic normal sera when compared to microfilaraemia and clinical filarial sera. These proteins need to be further studied to assess their involvement in protecting from filarial infection in an endemic area.  相似文献   

There is an imperative need to develop a rapid antibody test that can be used for diagnosis of clinical cases in travelers and expatriates, primary surveillance in areas of unknown endemicity, detection of early infection in childhood and for monitoring chemotherapeutic programs. A rapid-format, simple and qualitative flow through immuno filtration test has been developed for the identification of total IgG antibodies to recombinant filarial antigen WbSXP-1. This test system employs colloidal gold-protein A reagent as the antibody capture reagent. The sensitivity and specificity of the test was evaluated in a total of 1,230 serum samples. The sensitivity of the test was found to be 90.8% with brugian (n = 70) and 91.4% with bancroftian (n = 140) microfilaraemic subjects. The test showed minimum reactivity (4/10) with Loa loa microfilaria (MF) positive sera and no reactivity (0/20) with Onchocerca MF positive sera. This rapid diagnosis is found to be non-reactive with individuals having other parasitic diseases including schistosomiasis (n = 10), soil-transmitted helminthiases (n = 34) and protozoan infections (n = 33) indicating the potential of this test as a prospective method of diagnosis for both brugian and bancroftian lymphatic filariasis. Stability kinetics was studied at different temperatures and different time periods. The rapid flow-through immuno filtration test is advantageous since it can be stored at room temperature, is user friendly and is particularly applicable in the field as an initial screening method, for epidemiological monitoring of filarial infections in bancroftian and brugian endemic regions of the world.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodiesWuchereria bancrofti E 33 andWuchereria bancrofli E 34 raised againstWuchereria bancrofti microfilarial excretory-secretory antigens were studied for their diagnostic utility.Wuchereria bancrofti E 34 monoclonal antibody was found to be relatively specific and sensitive in detection of circulating filarial antigen. WhenWuchereria bancrofti E 34 monoclonal antibody was used alongwith immunoglobulin G fraction of human filarial serum immunoglobulins in double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. 68% of microfilaraemic sera (26 out of 38). 12% of clinical filarial sera (3 out of 25), 13% endemic normal sera (2 out of 15) and none of the 20 non-endemic normal sera showed the presence of filarial antigen. The filarial antigen detected byWuchereria bancrofti E 34 monoclonal antibody in double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay is possibly associated with the active stage (microfilaraemia) of infection.  相似文献   

Abstract A monoclonal IgG1 antibody against F8 fimbriae was obtained with the hybridoma technique using spleen cells from C3H/f mice immunised with a fimbrial preparation of Escherichia coli 2980 (O18ac:K5:H:F1C, F8) and Sp 2/0 Ag8 myeloma cells. The hybrid cells were cloned twice by limiting dilution and grown in tissue culture. The monoclonal antibody was purified from culture supernatants on Protein A Sepharose. It reacted with F8 fimbriae in colony blot, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblot after electrotransfer from sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of fimbrial preparations. The antibody bound to and agglutinated F8-fimbriated bacteria.  相似文献   

Detection of filarial antigen in blood or urine samples would provide an accurate indication of active infection. The absence of a simple, well established animal model and limitations in getting the required amount of parasite material from human sources have been the main obstacles for the diagnosis ofWuchereria bancrofti infection. An inhibition ELISA has been developed for detection of filarial antigen using a partially purifiedBrugia malayi mf ES antigen (BmE DE1) and its affinity purified antibodies. Filarial antigen was detected in the sera of 88% of microfilaraemic, 60% of chronic filarial, 17% of endemic normal and none of the non- endemic normal subjects. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were 88% and 89% respectively. Moreover, undiluted urine samples from 82% of microfilaraemic and 17% of endemic normal, but none of the non- endemic normal samples showed the presence of filarial antigen. With the limitations on the availability of sufficient homologous parasite materials, the inhibition ELISA using BmE DE1 and anti BmE DE1 antibodies shows promise for the detection of active infection in bancroftian filariasis in man. Moreover, its detection in urine makes it more possible to test patients in field areas.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific to recombinant filarial antigens Wb-SXP-1 and Bm-SXP-1 have been used to develop a sandwich ELISA for the detection of circulating filarial antigen (CFA) in sera from patients with lymphatic filariasis caused by Wuchereria bancrofti of Brugia malayi. In patients with W. bancrofti infections, a high proportion of microfilaria (mf) positive (MF) and low proportions of patients with chronic pathology (CP) and endemic normals (EN) showed the presence of CFA. Similarly in patients with brugian infections a high proportion of mf positive individuals contained CFA while none of the patients with chronic pathology or endemic normals showed the presence of CFA. Sera from patients with other parasitic infections (OPI) like O. volvulus, Loa loa, Ascaris lumbricoides and from individuals residing in areas non-endemic to filariasis did not exhibit any reactivity. This assay shows promise for the detection of microfilaremic infections in lymphatic filariasis and its usefulness as a diagnostic tool especially in B. malayi infections, needs to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Blood collected on filter paper by finger-prick gave results comparable to intravenous serum samples when analysed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All the 100 microfilaraemia, 5 out of 100 endemic normals and none of the 10 nonendemic normal filter paper blood samples showed the presence of filarial antibody when tested by this method,using culture antigen and anti-immunoglubulins, class G, M and A — penicillinase conjugate. When the same samples were screened for the presence of IgM antibody, 91 out of 100 microfilaraemia, 13 out of 100 endemic normal and none of the 10 nonendemic normal samples showed a positive reaction. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, using culture antigen and filter paper blood samples, appears to work in large field studies for detection of filarial infection.  相似文献   

With a view to diagnosing tuberculosis in populations in endemic areas, excretory-secretory antigen fraction(Mtb EST-6) of purifiedMycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra and affinity purified polyclonal antibodies againstMtb EST were used to detect both antibodies and circulating antigen in the sera of patients and disease-free individuals. Indirect stick penicillinase ELISA system usingMtb EST-6 detected antigen-specific IgG antibody in 84% of sputum positive, 77% of sputum negative pulmonary tuberculosis patients and 7% of healthy and 11% of subjects with nontub~rculosis diseases. Similarly, a sandwich penicillinase ELISA system using affinity purified antiMtb EST antibodies detected circulating antigen in 83% and 61% of sputum positive and negative pulmonary tuberculosis subjects. In contrast only 24% of healthy and 18% of disease controls showed seropositivity. Antibody assay showed higher sensitivity and specificity (83% and 91% respectively) compared to antigen detection (sensitivity of 79% and specificity of 79%). However, by concomitant use of both assays it was possible to enhance the specificity of detection to 98%, though sensitivity was reduced marginally to 70%. The present study confirms the presence of both antigen and specific antibodies in the circulation during clinical disease and draws attention to the utility ofMtb EST-6 as a diagnostic marker of pulmonary tuberculosis.  相似文献   

A cDNA expression library of Clonorchis sinensis adult worm was constructed, and screened out immunologically. One clone, pBCs31, was selected in view of its predominant reactivity with an experimentally infected rabbit serum. Recombinant C. sinensis antigen with 28 kDa as a β-galactosidase fusion protein produced in Escherichia coli was identified by immunoblot analysis. The cloned gene was composed of 16 copies of a 30 base pair repeat and an additional 320 bases. The deduced amino acid sequence of the tandem repeat was AQPPKSGDGG. On RNA slot blot analysis. C. sinensis adult worm RNA showed a positive reaction with the cloned gene. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a purified recombinant antigen of pBCs31 showed high specificity for diagnosis of clonorchiasis.  相似文献   

Although stool examination is the standard diagnostic method of clonorchiasis, serodiagnosis by ELISA using crude antigen is now widely used because of its convenience. However, ELISA diagnosis still suffers from cross-reactions, and therefore there is a need to improve the present conventional ELISA. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the diagnostic value of ELISA using excretory-secretory antigen (ESA) instead of crude antigen (CA) of Clonorchis sinensis. The diagnostic sensitivity of ELISA using excretory-secretory antigen was 92.5%, which was higher than that of ELISA using crude Clonorchis sinensis antigen (88.2%). In addition, the specificity of excretory-secretory antigen was found 93.1% while that of crude antigen was 87.8%. In summary, Clonorchis sinensis ESA was found to be a better serodiagnostic antigen than CA for ELISA.  相似文献   

The levels of IgM, IgG and IgA antibodies reacting with two Helicobacter pylori antigens (glycine acid extract (GE) and a recombinant CagA protein) were determined in the sera from adult dyspeptic patients, positive (H.p.(+)) or negative (H.p.(-)) for H. pylori urease/culture, and from healthy blood donors. All sera were also examined against GE by Western blot (immunoblot) technique. Similar levels of anti-GE IgG were detected in the sera from all H.p.(+) and almost all H.p.(-) patients and from over 40% of the healthy volunteers. In contrast, higher levels of anti-GE IgA were found in the sera from patients than that from healthy subjects, although such antibodies were not detected in the sera from 30% of the H.p.(+) patients. In general, our results suggest that a combination of ELISA and immunoblot may be more sensitive in the detection of H. pylori infection in dyspeptic patients than the examination of biopsy specimens by culturing or histology.  相似文献   

AIMS: The study was aimed to evaluate the Mycobacterium leprae recombinant early secreted antigenic target-6 (rESAT-6) for its serological performance in leprosy patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: Employing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), serum samples were tested for prevalence of immunoglobulin G antibodies against M. leprae rESAT-6. The results revealed that the sensitivity of the assay for smear-positive leprosy patients was 82.4% (14 of 17) while for smear-negative patients it was 19.4% (six of 31). Interestingly, the performance of ESAT-6-based assay was statistically comparable with anti-phenolic glycolipid-I antibody-detecting ELISA, a most widely studied serological assay in leprosy. Regarding specificity, none of the 48 controls was positive indicating that antibody response to ESAT-6 was highly specific. Moreover, a high concordance between bacterial index and anti-ESAT-6 antibody-detecting assay was noted. CONCLUSIONS: Recombinant ESAT-6 seems to be a potential serological reagent for detection of M. leprae infection. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: ESAT-6 serology may have utility for (i) early diagnosis, particularly, of highly infectious form (multibacillary, MB) of leprosy, (ii) monitoring the response in smear-positive leprosy patients during the course of the chemotherapy, (iii) classification of leprosy patients into MB and paucibacillary groups for treatment purpose. Hence, further research on these lines is warranted.  相似文献   

The immunodiagnosis of bancroftian filariasis is a major challenge to the immunoparasitologist. Significant progress is yet to be made in developing convenient laboratory animal model and inin vitro cultivation of filarial parasites making it very difficult to obtain required amount of parasite material for research. Parasitological examination techniques are not useful in low microfilaraemia, occult or chronic.filarial infections. A precise and accurate immunodiagnostic technique is very much needed for successful filaria control programmes. Such a test will also avoid the need for laborious night blood examination in bancroftian filariasis. Due to comparatively easy availability, a good amount of work has been done to explore immunodiagnostic potential of heterologous filarial antigens isolated fromLitomosoide carinii, Dirofilaria immitis, Brugia malayi, Setaria digitata, Setaria cervi and number of other filarial species. However, there has been limited or no significant success due to number of false negative and false positive reactions. Extensive study has also been made with antigens isolated fromWuchereria bancrofti microfilariae. Soluble antigens of microfilariae have been used in different immunological techniques such as skin test, counter immuno electrophoresis, indirect haemagglutination test, indirect fluorescent antibody test and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Fractionation of Wuchereria bancrofti microfilarial soluble antigens yielded mfS3e antigen fraction which was found to be highly reactive in microfilaraemia by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, but the yield of the purified antigen was not sufficient enough to make it a practical proposition for large scale isolation of antigen. Wuchereria bancrofti microfilarial excretory-secretory antigens were found to be specific and highly sensitive requiring as little as 0.35 ng antigen protein per well in penicillinase enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detection of filarial antibody. One ml of culture fluid was found to be sufficient for 400,000 tests. Field evaluation of this test showed that it can replace laborious night blood examination. Assay systems have been developed for detection of filarial antigen in serum, urine, hydrocele fluid and immune complexes using immunoglobulins from chronic filarial sera and antisera to excretory filarial antigens. Further purification of excretory-secretory antigens by affinity chromatography and production of monoclonal antibodies should hopefully give suitable reagents for use in sensitive assays such as enzyme immuno assay and immuno radiometric assay, providing an ideal assay system for detection of active filarial infection in the not too distant future.  相似文献   

Abstract The serodiagnosis of melioidosis is commonly performed with tests using protein or polysaccharide as antigen. However, due to the low sensitivity, specificity and difficulty in the preparation of the antigens, more simple, precise and reproducible diagnostic tests were required. A purified glycolipid antigen (GL) which is a specific lipid component of Burkholderia pseudomallei has been used in an ELISA. With this antigen, specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) was detected in 49 out of 50 melioidosis sera. IgG was also detected in 2 out of 185 (Japanese) and 16 out of 181 (Vietnamese) control sera. Thus, the sensitivity was 98.0%, and specificity was 98.9% and 91.1% in the Japanese and Vietnamese sera, respectively. When the ELISA and indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests were combined, a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 97.8% were achieved. The advantages of the glycolipid antigen are ease of preparation, stability, high sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

Wolbachia pipientis is possibly the most widespread endosymbiont of arthropods and nematodes. While all Wolbachia strains have historically been defined as a single species, 16 monophyletic clusters of diversity (called supergroups) have been described. Different supergroups have distinct host ranges and symbiotic relationships, ranging from mutualism to reproductive manipulation. In filarial nematodes, which include parasites responsible for major diseases of humans (such as Onchocerca volvulus, agent of river blindness) and companion animals (Dirofilaria immitis, the dog heartworm), Wolbachia has an obligate mutualist role and is the target of new treatment regimens. Here, we compare the genomes of eight Wolbachia strains, spanning the diversity of the major supergroups (A–F), analysing synteny, transposable element content, GC skew and gene loss or gain. We detected genomic features that differ between Wolbachia supergroups, most notably in the C and D clades from filarial nematodes. In particular, strains from supergroup C (symbionts of O. volvulus and D. immitis) present a pattern of GC skew, conserved synteny and lack of transposable elements, unique in the Wolbachia genus. These features could be the consequence of a distinct symbiotic relationship between C Wolbachia strains and their hosts, highlighting underappreciated differences between the mutualistic supergroups found within filarial nematodes.  相似文献   

A novel synthetic 323-bp gene with the open reading frame of a multiple-epitope polypeptide has been assembled and cloned. The gene is engineered by contiguous alignment of selected epitopes and functional domains of the hepatitis B virus envelope proteins separated by pairs of glycine residues. High-level bacterial production of this 100-amino acid (approx. 10 kDa) protein has been achieved and the gene product is stable. ELISA and Western blot experiments using epitope-specific antisera confirm that the corresponding epitopes are present in the engineered protein.  相似文献   

[目的]探究石房蛤毒素(STX)完全抗原制备方法和STX多克隆抗体免疫方案。[方法]通过碳二亚胺法(EDC)和高碘酸盐法(periodate reaction)2种交联方法,将小分子石房蛤毒素与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)、鸡卵清蛋白(OVA)和孔血蓝蛋白(KLH)分别进行交联,制备了6种形式STX完全抗原,并对交联物进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定和紫外吸收峰迁移变化鉴定。分别将EDC法和高碘酸盐法交联的STX-BSA、STX-KLH 4种完全抗原作为免疫原,对Balb/c小鼠进行免疫,获得STX多克隆抗体。通过间接ELISA法,对不同方法制备的多克隆抗体进行分析比较。[结果]在石房蛤毒素完全抗原的制备中,在交联方法的选择上,EDC法较高碘酸盐法更具优势;而在免疫原的选择上,STX-BSA完全抗原效果最好。[结论]本研究探究了2种制备STX完全抗原的方法,为今后多克隆抗体生产以及特异性单克隆抗体筛选提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

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