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The anatomy of the retrocerebral complex was studied after supravital staining with methylene blue, and axonal tracts within the corpora allata (CA) were traced after applying the CoCl2 technique together with Timm's sulfide-silver enhancement. Cobalt chloride fills of the nerves to and from the CA revealed two major sources of innervation: the brain and the subesophageal ganglion. Three cell clusters in the brain contribute axons that reach each nervus corporis allati I (NCA I) and, apparently, pass to or beyond the CA. These are: a cluster of 8 to 12 cells in the contralateral pars lateralis, a cluster of 16 to 20 cells in the ipsilateral pars lateralis, and a cluster of 50 to 60 cells in the contralateral pars intercerebralis. PAF-stained sections of other brains revealed a corresponding number of PAF-positive cells in these same regions. The medial and lateral neurons arborize in the neuropile adjacent to the pars intercerebralis, and may associate there. The lateral group also arborizes extensively in the neuropile surrounding the pedunculus of the mushroom body. At least four cell bodies located antero-ventrad in the subesophageal ganglion send axons to the CA via each nervus corporis allati II (NCA II).To determine possible inhibitory pathways to the CA, the NCA I, NCA II, and postallatal nerves of last instar larvae were severed; either singly, or in combination. Additional experiments were performed on last instar larvae to substantiate that superlarvae were a direct result of an enhanced or sustained juvenile hormone titre. These experiments included: implanting two or more CA, extirpating one CA, or applying 100 μg of Altosid topically onto allatectomized larvae. The experiments indicated that only NCA I is an inhibitory pathway and that superlarvae were a direct consequence of CA activation. NCA II does not seem to provide the CA with an essential excitatory innervation; when it and NCA I are severed a supernumerary apolysis will still result. Some of the cells in the brain stainable by the CoCl2 method are most probably identical to those that are PAF-positive. These cells may inhibit the CA in last instar larvae via neurosecretomotor junctions.  相似文献   

A water- and alkali-insoluble galactosaminoglycan (CON), precipitated with ammonium hydroxide from the culture filtrate of Cordyceps ophioglossoides, is composed mainly of 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-galactose (80.5%) together with small proportions of glucose, galactose, and mannose, protein (3.6%), and acetyl groups (1%). CON was eluted as a single peak in gel filtration, and the average molecular weight was estimated to be ~50,000. Partial, acid hydrolysis of CON gave small CON and homologous 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-galacto-oligosaccharides. Small CON (mol. wt. ~10,000) was soluble in water and composed only of 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-galactose. The results of methylation analysis, 13C-n.m.r. studies, and enzymic hydrolysis indicated small CON to be a (1→4)-linked 2-amino-2-deoxy-α-d-galactopyranan, and the 13C-n.m.r. data indicated the glycosidic linkage in the polygalactosamine moiety of CON to be the same as that of small CON.  相似文献   

The polypeptide chains of Xenopus laevis hemoglobin have been analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and acid-urea gel electrophoresis. Four components can be distinguished, each having an approximate molecular weight of 13,000 daltons. Messenger RNA coding for the globin chains has been isolated and characterized. In a denaturing acrylamide gel the mRNA has an approximate molecular weight of 250,000 daltons. The complexity of the RNA is consistent with the presence of four different mRNA molecules, each of this molecular weight. When the mRNA is assayed in a wheat germ in vitro translation system, four polypeptides are synthesized corresponding to the four globin subunits. The relative proportion of the four synthesized polypeptides appears to vary according to the developmental stage of the red blood cells used for mRNA isolation. Hybridization of a complementary DNA (cDNA) copy of the globin mRNA to Xenopus laevis DNA in DNA excess indicates that each of the globin genes is present in one to three copies per haploid genome.  相似文献   

The NAD+ level in lymphocytes obtained from an individual with acute monocytic leukemia increased five-fold and then remained constant when the cells were adapted to growth in suspension culture. When the NAD+ level of established cells was lowered by means of a nicotinamide-poor medium or by the action of 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea, there was a concomitant decrease in the rate of DNA synthesis. These results indicate that there is a direct correlation between intracellular NAD+ and the synthesis of DNA in cultured leukemic lymphocytes. However, the exact nature of the relationship remains speculative.  相似文献   

Analysis of photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strains 2.4.1 and Ga shows that each contains approx. 1 mol of a specific carotenoid per mol of reaction center. In strain 2.4.1. the carotenoid is spheroidene (1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2,7′,8′-tetrahydro-ψ,ψ-carotene); in strain Ga, it is chloroxanthin (1-hydroxy-1,2,7′,8′-tetrahydro-ψ,ψ-carotene). The carotenoid is bound to the same pair of proteins as are the bacteriochlorophylls and bacteriopheophytins of the reaction center. This binding induces strong circular dichroism in the absorption bands of the carotenoid. The carotenoid is close enough to the other pigments of the reaction center so that light energy transfers efficiently from the carotenoid to the bacteriochlorophyll, sensitizing bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence. The fluorescence polarization spectrum of the reaction centers shows that the transition vectors for the visible absorption bands of the carotenoid lie approximately parallel to the 600 nm (Qx) transition of the bacteriochlorophyll complex.  相似文献   

The optical characteristics of hemoglobin-free perfused rat heart have been examined in detail. Ethyl hydrogen peroxide is found to convert myoglobin into “ferryl compound” in the perfused heart, as is also seen in vitro. After pretreatment with ethyl hydrogen peroxide, a typical mitochondrial absorption spectrum, similar to that of isolated rat heart mitochondria, is obtained in perfused heart. The overall absorption spectrum of the heart obtained by the aerobic to anaerobic transition is a superposition of the mitochondrial spectrum on that of myoglobin. By comparing these spectra, it is found that measurement of cytochrome a + a3 at 605–620 nm is possible in spite of the absorbance change due to the oxygenation-deoxygenation of myoglobin, whereas the wavelength pairs for cytochrome c at 550-540 nm, cytochrome b at 562–575 nm and cytochrome a + a3 at 445–450 nm can not be used in the heart because of interference from the absorption change of myoglobin. The partial pressure of O2 (P50) which is required for half maximal deoxygenation (or oxygenation) of myoglobin in perfused heart is found to be 2.4 mm Hg at room temperature and the Hill constant, n, is 1.1; these values are similar to those of myoglobin purified from rat heart. The steady-state O2 titration has been performed by using absorbancy changes of myoglobin and cytochrome a + a3 as intracellular O2 indicators. In the perfused heart, the percentage change of oxygenation-deoxygenation of myoglobin parallels the oxidation-reduction of cytochrome a + a3, while the mixture of purified myoglobin and isolated mitochondria shows a deviation, reflecting the difference of O2 affinities between myoglobin and cytochrome a + a3. The results indicate that there may be an O2 gradient between cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments in the hemoglobin-free perfused heart. The absorption changes of myoglobin and of cytochrome a + a3 can be measured in a single contraction-relaxation cycle. A triple beam method was introduced to eliminate the effect of light scattering changes in these measurements. The results demonstrated that myoglobin is more oxygenated during the systolic and diastolic periods and deoxygenated in the resting period, whereas cytochrome a + a3 is more reduced in systole and diastole and oxidized in the resting state. Changing the perfusion conditions greatly alters the time course of the events which occur during the contraction-relaxation cycle of the perfused heart.  相似文献   

The response of liver plasma membranes prepared from hypophysectomized, bovine growth hormone-treated hypophysectomized, and normal rats to addition of bovine growth hormone in vitro were studied by circular dichroism and spectrofluorometry. Membranes of hypophysectomized but not normal or treated rats showed increased negative ellipticity in the presence of bovine growth hormone (10?9) without any change in trough position; at higher concentrations (10?7?10?6, m) there was less negative ellipticity. Membranes of hypophysectomized, normal, and growth hormone-treated rats all showed decreased emission of fluorescence and a small shift of the emission peak from 333 to 338 nm in the presence of bovine growth hormone (10?17?10?7, m). The excitation of fluorescence was quenched by bovine growth hormone. Polarization of excitation of fluorescence was unchanged.  相似文献   

Chick embryo spinal ganglia, peripheral nerves, and connective tissue usually associated with ganglia were cultured separately using several combinations of media and substrata. Melanocytes appear in cultures of both ganglia and peripheral nerves. The only cell type common to both the ganglion and peripheral nerve that could account for the observed pigment cells was the population of small cells with intensely staining nuclei that normally associates closely with nerve cell bodies and fibers. These cells could be distinguished morphologically from fibroblastic cells, which originated in the connective tissue capsule and did not undergo melanogenesis. We conclude that these small cells are supportive (Schwann, satellite, and perineurial) cell precursors and are one source of melanocytes in cultured peripheral nervous tissue.  相似文献   

A Ca2+-stimulated ATPase shows fluctuations in the activity in parthenogenetically activated sea urchin eggs very similar to those described earlier for fertilized eggs. Besides activity peaks in the first part of a cell cycle the enzyme activity increases when the mitotic apparatus (MA) or MA-like structures like monasters or cytasters are formed. A possible function of the enzyme in the assembly of the MA is discussed.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA which stimulates the synthesis of myosin heavy chain in a reticulocyte lysate has been isolated from single myogenic cell cultures. Specific myosin polypeptides have been identified by immunoprecipitation with an antibody made to purified adult chicken skeletal muscle myosin. This mRNA binds to oligo(dT)-cellulose, and an active fraction from sucrose gradients migrates as 26S on formamide-polyacrylamide gels. The relative amount of this RNA increases dramatically at the time of terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

Human Y-chromatin : II. DNA replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The DNA synthesis of the human Y-chromatin in its various morphological configurations was studied by labeling with tritiated thymidine (3H-TdR) and autoradiography. Continuous terminal and pulse labeling studies revealed that while condensed, the Y-body lagged in DNA synthesis behind the rest of the nucleus. The highest rate of incorporation of 3H-TdR by the Y-body occurred when it was dispersed. These observations are consistent with the replication characteristics of the Y chromosome as determined by conventional late labeling studies and strongly suggest that the Y-body uncoils at the time it replicates its DNA.  相似文献   

Plasmids of 44.4–46 Mdal were identified in conditional virulent Yersinia species. All virulent strains studied are unable to grow on oxalate-containing plates at 37 °C (OX? phenotype) which is a characteristic property of strains producing the essential virulence VW antigens. The phenotopic transition from OX? to OX+ in these strains is concomitant with loss of virulence and loss of this plasmid. The similarity in size and in the DNA fragmentation patterns, generated by HindIII, of the plasmids isolated from either Y. pseudotuberculosis or two conditional virulent Y. pestis strains, suggests that a common plasmid—pSB2—is carried by these strains. A plasmid of a similar size, ~42 Mdal, and function was recently identified (P. Gemski, J. R. Lazere, and T. Casey, 1980, Infect. Immunity27, 682–685; D. L. Zink, J. C. Feeley, J. G. Wells, C. Vanderzant, J. C. Vickery, W. D. Roof, and G. A. O'Donovan, 1980, Nature (London)283, 224–225) in virulent Y. enterocolitica. We conclude that pSB2 in Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. pestis and its counterpart in Y. enterocolitica carry genetic information essential for virulence common to the Yersinia species, probably related to VW antigen production. Several additional plasmids were identified in several strains of Y. pestis. One of these plasmids, designated pSB3 (12.5 Mdal), appears to be associated with pesticin production.  相似文献   

Conjugation and postconjugant development in Stylonychia is accompanied by a period of approximately 80 hr during which the cells are unable to ingest food. This period is one of considerable synthetic activity, encompassing important portions of the development of the new macronucleus. Light- and electron-microscopic observations of conjugating pairs and exconjugant cells reveal a process of autophagocytosis that may provide the supplies of energy (and precursors) necessary for postconjugant developmental events. Small autophagosomes (AP) form in conjugants; degenerating mitochondria are prominent among the inclusions observed in these bodies. Soon after separation of pairs, large dense AP appear, apparently by coalescence and condensation of the smaller AP. These “mature” AP give only a slight acid phosphatase reaction. The number of AP slowly declines during postconjugant development; about 60 hr after separation all the AP have been digested. Several observations suggest that this autophagocytosis is part of the developmental program initiated soon after mating begins: (1) The first indications of AP formation occur while conjugating pairs are still able to feed, and thus cannot be attributed to the stress of starvation; (2) formation of large numbers of AP is rather abrupt, whereas their dissolution is very gradual, covering most of the nonfeeding period; and (3) the pattern of AP formation and dissolution is similar in cells whose new macronuclear development has been prevented by brief hydroxyurea treatment.  相似文献   

Deliberate evaluation of the quantum theory of nerve excitation is made by comparing it with Hill's theory in fitting the experimental data on threshold-frequency relation, optimum frequency (v0) for nerve excitation and strength-duration relation. Decrease of v0 and increase of all the time constants (Hill's λ andk, Wei'sT 2 and spike durationw) with decreasing temperature are interpreted on the basis of the dipole relaxation timeT 2 but inexplicable from Hill's theory or any other existing theory. The closeness ofk,T 2 andw values is explained. A variety of experimental results obtained by others is discussed. Finally, a comparison is made between the Hodgkin-Huxley equations and the quantum theory. Most of the facts (electrical and non-electrical) tend to support the thesis that nerve excitation is a macroscopic expression of quantum transitions of dipoles between energy states.  相似文献   

Spinal ganglia from 4- to 7-day [Stage 23–30; Hamburger and Hamilton (1951) J. Morphol.88, 49–92] chicken embryos were cultured in vitro to investigate the effect of various environmental conditions on cell differentiation. Culture morphology (i.e., degree of dispersion of the explanted ganglia, survival of neurons, and outgrowth of axons) was observed to depend upon several factors including: (1) the age of the explanted ganglia, (2) the presence or absence of nerve growth factor (NGF), and (3) the nature of the substratum on which the cultured tissue resides. These observations enabled us to disturb the association of neurons with the other cells in ganglion cultures and thereby modulate the differentiation of adventitious melanocytes. Thus, in medium permissive for melanogenesis, melanocytes appear when the association between neurons and small stellate nonneuronal cells in the ganglion is disrupted. This disruption is most extensive (1) when young (Stage 26–27, 5-day) ganglia are explanted on plastic substrata, in the initial absence of NGF, and (2) when cells from enzyme-dissociated ganglia are cultured on plastic substrata. In comparable media, pigment cell differentiation is not observed when the association between neurons and small stellate cells is preserved. Such associations tend to endure (1) in developmentally older (Stage 30+, 7- to 8-day) ganglia or (2) when ganglia are cultured on agar or fibroblast substrata. We conclude that loss of association between neurons and the nonneuronal cells in young ganglia is necessary for the latter to undergo melanogenesis in vitro.  相似文献   

The enzymes catalyzing the conversion of phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine were assayed by measuring the incorporation of label from [14C-CH3]-S-adenosyl-methionine into the endogenous phospholipids of particulate, cell-free preparations from S. cerevisiae grown in the presence of N-methylethanolamine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine, or choline. The results indicate that each base in the growth medium results in reduced levels of all the N-methyltransferase activity involved in the formation of the phosphatidyl ester of the given base. By following the conversion of exogenous [32P]-phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine to [32P]-phosphatidylcholine it has been shown that the activity of the third methyl transfer is 90% lower in particles prepared from choline grown cells than in particles prepared from cells grown without choline. The results suggest that there are at least two enzymes involved in the conversion of phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine and that their levels can be regulated individually.Supplementing the growth medium with any of the three methylated aminoethanols results in markedly increased cellular levels of their corresponding phosphatidyl esters and decreased levels of the precursor phosphatidyl esters. The fatty acid composition of phosphatidylcholine also changes when the medium is supplemented with choline suggesting that the proportions of the molecular species of this phosphatide depends on whether synthesis is via methylation of phosphatidylethanolamino or from the supplemented aminoethanol.  相似文献   

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