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武汉东湖后湖区浮游甲壳动物群落结构的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲁敏  谢平 《水生生物学报》2002,26(2):123-129
武汉东湖后湖湖区浮游甲壳动物群落结构从60年代至90年代发生了十分显的变化。浮游甲壳动物的物种丰度下降非常明显,枝角类的种类数从60年代的47种下降至90年代的17种,桡足类的种类数由60年代的14种下降为90年代的9种。60年代枝角类的优势种隆线Sou一亚种在90年代被短尾秀体Sou所取代,60年代的两种优势哲水蚤-长江新镖水蚤与特异荡镖水蚤的优势在90年代消失,而60年代很少的一种剑水蚤-台湾温剑水蚤在90年代跃升为优势种。随着滤食性鱼类密度的上升,枝角类的密度从60年代至90年代显下降。哲水蚤1997及1998年的密度明显低于60年代的密度。研究表明,浮游甲壳动物群落物种丰度的下降与后湖湖区沉水植被的退化有关,而优势种的演替主要受滤食性鱼类密度的影响。  相似文献   

太湖沉积物有机碳与氮的来源   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
选取太湖梅梁湾和湖心柱状沉积物,研究了其有机碳同位素(δ13C)和氮同位素(δ15N)、C/N、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)含量,并结合210Pb和137Cs沉积物年代测定技术,探究了近百年太湖沉积物有机质和氮的来源。结果表明:太湖梅梁湾湖区在近百年来,其有机质来源总体以自生为主。50年代以前,湖区受到人类活动的影响较小,沉积物有机质主要来自于湖泊自身水生植物的沉积;50年代到70年代,湖泊内部环境发生变化,湖区逐渐出现藻类大量死亡并沉积的现象,有机质主要来自于水生植物和藻类的共同沉积;70年代到80年代沉积物机质藻类贡献进一步增大;90年代后到现在,则以藻类的沉积为主要来源方式。梅梁湾湖区沉积物氮素的来源在50年代以前主要以流域土壤流失和大型水生植物的死亡为主;50年代到70年代,人类活动的加剧导致大量工业废水、生活污水的输入,藻类开始大面积爆发,氮主要来自于外源的输入、大型植物和藻类的死亡沉积;90年代后到现在,外源氮的输入得到有效地控制,藻类对沉积物氮的贡献相对显著。湖心区域沉积物有机质和氮的来源主要来自于湖泊内部水生植物的沉积。70年代前,沉积物有机质和氮的来源主要来自于水生植物的沉积和水土流失作用;70年代至今,虽然湖泊受到人类活动外源物质输入影响逐渐增大,但总体来讲贡献较小,沉积物有机质和氮的来源仍以湖泊自生为主。  相似文献   

EST—SSRs是一种基于基因表达序列有关基因功能的“真质”标记,其多态性直接反映了基因的多样性。本研究采用37对小麦EST—SSRs引物检测了42份我国不同年代小麦选育品种相关基因位点多样性的变化趋势。结果表明:基于表达序列设计的小麦EST—SSRs引物具有较好的扩增效果,其中37对引物共检测到134个位点,绝大多数引物有2~5个等位变异;在相似系数为0.9的水平上这些引物可将除燕大1817和旱选3号外的40份材料区分开来;供试的42份小麦选育品种的基因多样性从20世纪60年代以前到90年代呈递增趋势,但不同年代的增幅不同:20世纪60~80年代增长最快,80年代至90年代增长十分缓慢;同时,材料间相似系数变化呈下降趋势,60年代以前的选育品种相似性最高,70年代最低,70年代以后至90年代略有增加,但远低于60年代以前,这与引人大量的外来品种的育种策略有关。  相似文献   

追念师诲,对二叠纪菊石的两个生态分异系列的认知和相关地层的年代属性的新认识。赣中老山阶原始齿菊石动物群的"双重"时代属性的统一:区域地层年代的吴家坪期与国际地层年代的卡匹敦期。  相似文献   

中国鸟类生态学的发展与现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
丁平 《动物学杂志》2002,37(3):71-78
中国鸟类生态学的发展可分三个阶段 :2 0世纪 3 0年代至 5 0年代末的萌芽期 ;60年代初至 70年代末的成长期 ;80年代以来的蓬勃发展期。 1 990年以来 ,繁殖是我国鸟类生态学的最主要研究内容 ,论文数量比例占 2 3 5 3 % ;行为、栖息地、群落和迁徙等方面的研究有明显增长 ;鸟类食性研究的关注程度下降。本文对繁殖、行为、栖息地、种群和群落内容研究现状进行详细分析 ,并提出了今后中国鸟类生态学研究与发展应予以关注的问题  相似文献   

我国是世界上唯一养殖产量高于捕捞产量的国家,淡、海水养殖产量占世界养殖总产量的50%以上。从20世纪50年代的海带自然光育苗技术开发成功开始,60年代紫菜育苗养殖技术的成功,70年代解决贻贝采苗养殖技术,80年代开发对虾工厂化育苗以及海湾扇贝的引种成功,到90年代初,中国对虾、扇贝养殖总产量跃居世界第一,实现了藻、虾、贝三次产业浪潮。  相似文献   

北京西南48公里有个周口店,这是举世闻名的北京猿人故居所在的地方。前许多年一直都说北京猿人化石的年代距今四、五十万年,近两年又说这些化石的年代在距今四十多万年到廿多万年之间。人们要问,究竟那个说法正确,有什么根据? 前一个说法是以前根据相对年代测定法得出的;后一说法是近年作了几种绝对年代测定的结果。以下将介绍几种测定年代的方法,这些方法既适用于人类化石年代的测定,也适用于其他生物化石。  相似文献   

赛加羚羊在我国消失的确切时间,一说是20世纪40年代末期,一说为60年代中期,但都无确凿的科学证据。有据可考的事实为,20世纪50年代末,大规模科学考察活动中并未发现该物种。因此,我们可以认为赛加羚羊在我国灭绝的时间大体上为20世纪中叶。20世纪80年代末,我国启动了赛加羚羊引入项目。从1988~1991年,甘肃武威濒危动物研究中心分别从美国和德国的动物园引进赛加  相似文献   

四川野生大熊猫分布变迁及衰退趋势讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨旭煜 《四川动物》1992,11(4):36-38
大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)现仅存于我国岷山、邛崃、凉山、秦岭、相岭5个山系。现根据调查材料,就本世纪50年代初至80年代中期野生大熊猫在四川的分布变迁、衰退趋势及保护对策综述如下: 1 50年代初至70年代中期四川大熊猫的分布变迁及原因  相似文献   

不同年代水稻品种主要农艺性状的表型评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻对异地环境的生态适应性与水稻产量和广适性密切相关。为了明确不同环境下不同年代水稻品种主要农艺性状的表型及稳定性差异,本研究以284份来源于中国黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆等省(自治区)和日本的不同年代水稻品种为试验材料,通过在沈阳、北京、银川、临沂、南昌和三亚等6个鉴定点的异地环境鉴定,进行了不同年代水稻品种主要的7个农艺性状的表型评价与稳定性分析。结果表明,异地环境下不同年代水稻品种主要农艺性状总体上从纬度较高的沈阳到纬度较低的南昌,各性状的表型值明显趋于减小,然后在三亚冬季环境下各性状表型值又有增加;从年代Ⅰ品种(20世纪60年代以前)至年代Ⅳ品种(21世纪以后)水稻生育期延长、株高降低、穗数减少、穗粒数增加、结实率和千粒重变化不大,水稻性状的总体变化趋势是从多穗型向大穗重穗型发展。在异地环境下千粒重、穗长和穗数的表型值相对较稳定,其次为抽穗天数和株高,结实率和穗粒数的稳定性最差。不同年代品种抽穗天数的稳定性参数大小顺序为年代Ⅰ年代Ⅱ年代Ⅳ年代Ⅲ,随着年代的进展,选育品种的生态适应性逐渐趋于增强。在异地环境下,辽粳931、辽粳454等20个品种表现为较强的生态适应性,这些材料可作为亲本材料利用于水稻育种。  相似文献   

Understanding of the early stages of hominid evolution prior to 1925 was based primarily on comparative morphological evidence derived from extant primates. With the publication of Australopithecus by Dart in 1925 and subsequent research in South Africa, new possibilities for empirical assessment of early hominid evolutionary history were opened. It was Gregory's work, with Hellman, reported at the first meeting of the AAPA in 1930, that convinced many workers of the hominid status of Australopithecus. The debunking of Eoanthropus as a Pliocene hominid, far from having a totally negative effect, showed that cranial expansion had occurred after bipedalism in hominid evolution, demonstrated that chemical dating had come of age, and in a broader sense, had underlined that phylogenetic hypotheses are falsifiable by recourse to the evidence. The input of biological sciences into early hominid studies, as exemplified by Washburn's “new physical anthropology,” reduced taxonomic diversity and focused attention on paleoecology and behavior. The development of the multidisciplinary approach to field research, pioneered by L. Leakey and brought to fruition by Howell, was of fundamental importance in accurately dating and understanding the context of early hominids. Archaeology, primatology, comparative and functional morphology, and morphometrics have contributed substantially in recent years to a fuller understanding of early hominid evolution. American granting agencies have heavily supported early hominid research but patterns of funding have not kept pace with the change from research based largely on individualistic enterprise to multidisciplinary research projects. Future early hominid research, if funding is available, will likely be directed toward investigating temporal and geographic gaps now known in the fossil record and in more rigorous and multidisciplinary investigations of early hominid behavior.  相似文献   

Two hominid upper central incisors found in the Yuanmou Basin in southwest China in 1965 have affinities with Homo erectus fossils from Zhoukoudian, but exhibit primitive features. The Yuanmou hominid remains are alleged to be coeval with or older than African specimens dated at about 1.8 m.y.a. Recent age refinements of geomagnetic short reversal events and excursions permit assigning the Yuanmou hominid-bearing bed to the early Brunhes chron (about 0.7 m.y.a.). Magnetochronological assessments confirm that the Lantian calotte which has been dated to about 1.2 m.y.a., is the oldest reliable evidence for the emergence of Homo in eastern Asia as well as China, and that hominid fossils from Sangiran and Mojokerto, Java, do not exceed 1.1 Ma in age. These results refute the view that the genus Homo migrated into eastern Asia in the late Pliocene or the earliest Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Temporal changes, within-group variation, and phylogenetic positions of the Early Pleistocene Javanese hominids remain unclear. Recent debate focused on the age of the oldest Javanese hominids, but the argument so far includes little morphological basis for the fossils. To approach these questions, we analyzed a comprehensive dentognathic sample from Sangiran, which includes most of the existing hominid mandibles and teeth from the Early Pleistocene of Java. The sample was divided into chronologically younger and older groups. We examined morphological differences between these chronological groups, and investigated their affinities with other hominid groups from Africa and Eurasia. The results indicated that 1) there are remarkable morphological differences between the chronologically younger and older groups of Java, 2) the chronologically younger group is morphologically advanced, showing a similar degree of dentognathic reduction to that of Middle Pleistocene Chinese H. erectus, and 3) the chronologically older group exhibits some features that are equally primitive as or more primitive than early H. erectus of Africa. These findings suggest that the evolutionary history of early Javanese H. erectus was more dynamic than previously thought. Coupled with recent discoveries of the earliest form of H. erectus from Dmanisi, Georgia, the primitive aspects of the oldest Javanese hominid remains suggest that hominid groups prior to the grade of ca. 1.8-1.5 Ma African early H. erectus dispersed into eastern Eurasia during the earlier Early Pleistocene, although the age of the Javanese hominids themselves is yet to be resolved. Subsequent periods of the Early Pleistocene witnessed remarkable changes in the Javanese hominid record, which are ascribed either to significant in situ evolution or replacement of populations.  相似文献   

江苏镇江莲花洞动物化石铀系年代   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
莲花洞位于镇江市南约 6km的白龙岗山北坡 (原在丹徒县境内 ) ,地理座标 119°2 4′E ,32°10′N。白龙山为宁镇山脉东支 ,走向近东西 ,顶峰海拔 118m。溶洞发育于三迭纪青龙组灰岩 ,洞口标高约 35m。 1981年 ,南京博物院等单位[1 ] 对该地点进行发掘 ,获哺乳动物化石16种 ,其中人牙化石 1枚。洞内堆积自下而上被分为 4层 ,其中第 2层为棕红色亚粘土 ,含石灰岩碎块、铁锰质结核和大量动物化石。发掘者根据动物化石中有 3个绝灭种 ,将该地点定在“晚更新世或晚更新世早期” ,人牙化石被认为属于智人。韩德芬等[2 ] 认为莲花洞在我国晚…  相似文献   

Many hominid and archaeological sites contain materials that were formed or deposited synchronously with the site and can be dated by uranium-series methods, principally 230Th/234U dating. The range of the method is approximately 350,000 years. U-series dating yields most accurate results when applied to chemically precipitated calcium carbonate, which occurs in stalagmitic layers, travertines, and lacustrine limestones. Materials such as bone and shell are less reliable. Using mass spectrometry (MS), a precision of ±1% is attainable, whereas conventional alpha counting optimally gives a precision of ±5%. Mass spectrometric dating requires smaller samples, potentially allowing determination of ante quem dates for calcite coatings on hominid fossils and associated faunal skeletons.  相似文献   

The Upper Pleistocene localities of Aduma and Bouri have yielded hominid fossils and extensive Middle Stone Age (MSA) archaeological assemblages. The vertebrate fossils recovered include parts of four hominid crania from Aduma and a complete right parietal from Bouri. Archaeological associations and radiometric techniques suggest an Upper Pleistocene age for these hominids. The more complete cranium from Aduma (ADU-VP-1/3) comprises most of the parietals, the occipital, and part of the frontal. This cranium is compared to late Middle and Upper Pleistocene hominid crania from Africa and the Middle East. The Aduma cranium shows a mosaic of cranial features shared with "premodern" and anatomically modern Homo sapiens. However, the posterior and lateral cranial dimensions, and most of its anatomy, are centered among modern humans and resemble specimens from Omo, Skhul, and Qafzeh. As a result, the Aduma and Bouri Upper Pleistocene hominids are assigned to anatomically modern Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

Several sites in the Orce Basin have revealed evidence of the presence of hominids in the Early Pleistocene. These remains are dated to over 1.0 million years, while they may be as old as 1.6 million years. The skeletal remains from Venta Micena in the Orce Basin show a molecular “fossil protein” pattern which aligns them with hominids, but not with equids. This is supported by the anatomical evidence of the two humeral shafts from theEstrato Blanco in the Venta Micena deposits. The biparieto-occipital partial calvaria shows some unusual features if VM-0 is a hominid specimen. the presence of a prominent crest on the internal surface of the occipital fragment adjacent to the point lambda is decidedly unusual for a modern human calvaria. Moreover, theimpressions gyrorum, in the region where the superior parietal lobule of the cerebral hemisphere abutted against the calvaria, point to a bipartite superior parietal lobule with anterior and posterior moieties which, on the endocast, are clearly separated by a depression that represents a sulcus. These morphological traits are rather puzzling if VM-0 is a hominid, and at first they led me to hesitate over the anatomical identification of VM-0. However, the studies of Campillo (1989) and of Campillo and Barcelo (1986) suggest that the features of the fragment VM-0 are compatible with those of a hominid. Because I believe that we do not possess sufficient information on the variability of the endocranial and ectocranial manifestations of the sagittal suture and of its variance with age of the individual, in different hominid species and different equid species, I have not adduced this pattern as evidence in support or rebuttal of the hominid status of VM-0.  相似文献   

Anatomically modern hominids were first collected from Kanjera, Kenya, by L.S.B. Leakey in the 1930s. Their apparent association with an archaic fauna was quickly challenged, throwing their age into doubt. Further unpublished hominid fragments were collected in 1974, 1975, 1981, and 1987. We review the context and morphology of the entire hominid sample. A minimum number of five individuals is represented by both cranial and postcranial elements. Several individuals have thickened cranial vaults, a characteristic originally thought to reflect their great antiquity. Vault thickening resulted from diploic expansion and may have been a response to acquired or inherited anemia. The entire hominid sample postdates the Kanjera Formation, deposited from the early into the middle Pleistocene. Most of the sample was derived from the black cotton soil capping the stratigraphic column. The morphology and context of the Kanjera hominids is consistent with human skeletal remains from nearby Holocene sites. Hominid 3 was probably an intrusive burial into an early Pleistocene bed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The chronometric dating evidence for all hominid fossils from Africa and the Near East that have previously been dated to 500-50 ka is critically assessed using the concept of chronometric hygiene, and these dates are revised using Bayesian statistical analyses where possible. Sixteen relevant hominid sites lacking chronometric evidence are briefly discussed. Chronometric evidence from 37 sites is assessed in detail. The dates for many hominid fossils are poorly constrained, with a number dated by comparisons of faunal assemblages-a method that does not have good chronological resolution for much of the last million years. For sites with stratigraphic sequences of dates, it is generally possible to refine the dating, but in some cases, the revised chronology is less precise than previous chronologies. Fossils over 200 ka in age tend to be poorly dated, but for the last 200 kyr, dating is better due to the availability of electron-spin-resonance and thermoluminescence dating. Consideration of the chronologies favored by the proponents of the out-of-Africa and multiregional hypotheses of human evolution shows their selectivity. The chronological assessment of the fossils here is compatible with either hypothesis. If evolutionary schemes that do not rely on the morphology of the hominid fossils to decide the sequence of fossils are to be built, then further dating is required, alongside full publication of existing dates.  相似文献   

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