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Drosophila melanogaster multisubstrate deoxyribonucleoside kinase (Dm-dNK) can additionally sensitize human cancer cell lines towards the anti-cancer drug gemcitabine. We show that this property is based on the Dm-dNK ability to efficiently phosphorylate gemcitabine. The 2.2 Å resolution structure of Dm-dNK in complex with gemcitabine shows that the residues Tyr70 and Arg105 play a crucial role in the firm positioning of gemcitabine by extra interactions made by the fluoride atoms. This explains why gemcitabine is a good substrate for Dm-dNK.  相似文献   

Germline cyst formation via incomplete cytokinesis (IC) is necessary to generate functional eggs and sperm in various organisms. Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis is an ideal system for studying IC. 29 stages of germline cyst formation can be identified in D. melanogaster oogenesis. We have defined necessary terminology to describe IC and have developed a method to measure the sizes of contractile rings and ring canals. Time course study of germline cyst formation demonstrates that contractile ring constriction proceeds to a defined end point unique for each mitotic division. Contractile rings constrict to a greater degree, resulting in smaller ring diameters, for each subsequent round of mitotic division. Contrary to conventional wisdom, ring canal growth is not initiated until well after the fourth mitotic division. Ring canals grow, in an orderly manner, with ring canals derived from the first mitotic division enlarging first followed by those from the second, then those from the third, and finally those from the fourth mitotic division. This work establishes a foundation for identifying genes specific for IC and for elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying this aspect of germline cyst formation.  相似文献   

Mating plugs are formed within the female reproductive tract during mating from male ejaculate constituents or even from male genitalia themselves. Across species, mating plugs have roles in sperm storage and the prevention of female remating. In the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, accessory gland proteins such as the sex peptide are known to reduce female remating, however this effect can take some time to establish, hence other ejaculate components must also be involved. We hypothesised a role for the PEBII mating plug protein in the prevention of early female remating. Using RNA interference we produced PEBII knockdown males. We found that these males were significantly less able to prevent female remating in the 4 h following mating. The mating plugs produced by PEBII knockdown males also showed lower levels of autofluorescence in the first 10 min after the start of mating, suggesting they differed in composition to those of control males. Reduced levels of PEBII had no effect, however, on fecundity, progeny production or egg-adult viability in the first 24 after mating, suggesting there were no short-term effects of PEB II on sperm transfer, storage or use. Our results show that PEBII has a subtle but significant role in the prevention of early female remating.  相似文献   

Newly eclosed Drosophila melanogaster females contain only previtellogenic stage oöcytes and no immunologically detectable female specific haemolymph protein. During the subsequent 48 hr the concentration of female specific protein in the haemolymph rises to a plateau value of 21 μg/μl; at this time yolk protein represents about one third of the total haemolymph protein in adult females. The first mature (stage 14) oöcytes are observed at 48 hr post eclosion. The female specific haemolymph protein and the major protein from mature oöcytes are electophoretically and immunologically the same or very similar. Injection of alpha amanitin into newly eclosed females inhibits the development of mature oöcytes and the degree of inhibition depends on the age of the female at the time of injection. Phenocopies of non-vitellogenic mutants result when alpha amanitin is injected into newly eclosed females; after 36 hr post eclosion no visible inhibition of vitellogenesis (as observed morphologically at 72 hr post eclosion) can be produced by alpha amanitin.  相似文献   

Some ommochrome-deficient mutants of Drosophila melanogaster (v, cn, cd, and st) the xanthine NAD-oxidoreductase-deficient mal mutant, and the double mutants mal v, mal cn, mal cd, and mal st, were analysed for their drosopterin content. Results indicate that xanthommatin and NAD+ are involved as cofactors in the transformation process of 7,8-dihydrobiopterin into sepiapterin. A metabolic pathway model for drosopterin biosynthesis that explains the different pterin contents of the mutants studied is now proposed.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster carrying either of the mutations sev or dipp6 show defective phototactic behaviour owing to deficiencies in the processing of visual information perceived by the central retinula cells (R7, R8). Mutant females show increased time to mating because the deficient visual input via this subsystem has an inhibitory effect on female receptivity. Similarly, deficient input through the peripheral retinula cells (R1–R6) also makes females sexually unreceptive. Thus females require appropriate visual stimulation through both subsystems to become maximally sexually receptive. One major source of this stimulation is the red eye of the male.  相似文献   

A combination of genetic and dietary manipulations have been utilized to investigate the physiology of pyrimidine metabolism throughout the Drosophila life cycle. We present evidence that the dietary sources of pyrimidines ingested at the larval stage are sufficient for all subsequent stages of the life cycle, except the process of oögenesis in adult females where a maternal supply of endogenously synthesized pyrimidines is normally required. Deprivation of dietary and de novo synthesis does not affect adult longevity; indicating that with the exception of oögenesis, all normal functions are carried out by recycling pyrimidines produced or ingested at the larval stage.In an enzymatic analysis, we have determined that Drosophila does not adjust for pyrimidine dietary deficiencies by significantly altering the level of synthesis of two tested enzymes encoded by the rudimentary locus, even though the pyrimidine deficiency is a rate limiting step in the completion of development.  相似文献   

The Dis3 ribonuclease is a member of the hydrolytic RNR protein family. Although much progress has been made in understanding the structure, function, and enzymatic activities of prokaryotic RNR family members RNase II and RNase R, there are no activity studies of the metazoan ortholog, Dis3. Here, we characterize the activity of the Drosophila melanogaster Dis3 (dDis3) protein. We find that dDis3 is active in the presence of various monovalent and divalent cations, and requires divalent cations for activity. dDis3 hydrolyzes compositionally distinct RNA substrates, yet releases different products depending upon the substrate. Additionally, dDis3 remains active when lacking N-terminal domains, suggesting that an independent active site resides in the C-terminus of the protein. Finally, a study of dDis3 interactions with dRrp6 and core exosome subunits in extracts revealed sensitivity to higher divalent cation concentrations and detergent, suggesting the presence of both ionic and hydrophobic interactions in dDis3-exosome complexes. Our study thus broadens our mechanistic understanding of the general ribonuclease activity of Dis3 and RNR family members.  相似文献   

The trp mutant of Drosophila melanogaster was re-examined and compared with the wildtype using monochromatic blue and orange light to manipulate the bi-stable visual pigment states in the peripheral retinula cells R1-6 of white-eyed flies. Recovery of sensitivity by application of orange light either during or after blue-adaptation is different in w;trp flies from that in bw;cn flies and does not proceed as predicted from the trp genotype. Blue-adaptation by isolating the activity of the central retinula cells confirms that the trp lesion affects these receptors also.  相似文献   

Reactivation of the wild-type p53 pathway is one key goal aimed at developing targeted therapeutics in the cancer research field. Although most p53 protein kinases form ‘p53-activating’ signals, there are few kinases whose action can contribute to the inhibition of p53, as Casein kinase 1 (CK1) and Checkpoint kinase 1 (CHK1). Here we report on a pyrazolo-pyridine analogue showing activity against both CK1 and CHK1 kinases that lead to p53 pathway stabilisation, thus having pharmacological similarities to the p53-activator Nutlin-3. These data demonstrate the emerging potential utility of multivalent kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

That closely related species often differ by chromosomal inversions was discovered by Sturtevant and Plunkett in 1926. Our knowledge of how these inversions originate is still very limited, although a prevailing view is that they are facilitated by ectopic recombination events between inverted repetitive sequences. The availability of genome sequences of related species now allows us to study in detail the mechanisms that generate interspecific inversions. We have analyzed the breakpoint regions of the 29 inversions that differentiate the chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster and two closely related species, D. simulans and D. yakuba, and reconstructed the molecular events that underlie their origin. Experimental and computational analysis revealed that the breakpoint regions of 59% of the inversions (17/29) are associated with inverted duplications of genes or other nonrepetitive sequences. In only two cases do we find evidence for inverted repetitive sequences in inversion breakpoints. We propose that the presence of inverted duplications associated with inversion breakpoint regions is the result of staggered breaks, either isochromatid or chromatid, and that this, rather than ectopic exchange between inverted repetitive sequences, is the prevalent mechanism for the generation of inversions in the melanogaster species group. Outgroup analysis also revealed evidence for widespread breakpoint recycling. Lastly, we have found that expression domains in D. melanogaster may be disrupted in D. yakuba, bringing into question their potential adaptive significance.  相似文献   

The concentration of protein granules was determined cytologically in different regions of the fat body during the latter half of the third larval instar of Drosophila melanogaster. The measurements made at 6 hr intervals from 72–96 hr larvae showed that the concentration of the granules was the highest in the posterior, lowest in the anterior and intermediate in the middle region of the fat body. From these measurements, it was shown that the rate of granule formation was different in each region. Furthermore, there is a strong indication that at any given stage, the rate increases gradually and continuously from the anterior to the posterior region. When the fat body from larvae prior to the time of granule formation was cultured for three days in ecdysterone-containing medium, protein granules were produced in the anterior, middle and posterior regions in the same concentration as that in 90 hr larvae. The same gradient of protein granule formation in vitro is found whether the fat body is cultured as an intact piece or as three separate, dissected regions. The putative adaptive advantage of region-dependent granule formation is discussed.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that the strong fluorescence of the ejaculatory bulb of Drosophila melanogaster males is caused by the presence of pteridines. The pteridine composition in the bulb is affected by the mutations ry2 and ma-lF1 in which isoxanthopterin has also been detected. Our results show that the bulbs of wild-type and white-eyed mutant males possess the same pteridines. Some data suggest that the bulbal pteridines originate from the testis region. Partly on the basis of former histochemical findings it is suggested that in the bulbal cavity the pH is high favouring the fluorescent dihydro-states of the pteridines present. All these and additional literature data on the ejaculatory bulb are discussed in connection with various biological processes. Some internal larval structures in which pteridines play or might play a functional role were found to present autofluorescence.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid titres in whole flies and different tissues of adult male and female Drosophila were determined at various times after eclosion using a radioimmunoassay. The ecdysteroid titre decreased as the flies matured after eclosion. The differences in titre between males and females can be accounted for by their difference in body weight. The ecdysteroids were found to be distributed throughout several tissues. At eclosion not all of the ecdysteroid complement present could be accounted for by that found localised in tissues. After maturation of the flies the ecdysteroids in various tissues can account for the majority of that detected in whole-fly extracts. Ecdysteroids were produced during in vitro culture of various tissues, but the quantities detected were low by comparison with ring glands of wandering 3rd-instar larvae. Neither the ovaries nor the abdominal body walls (fat body) seem to be a major source of hormone, and they are only able to convert minute quantities of ecdysone to the biologically active form, 20-hydroxyecdysone, in vitro. The amounts of 20-hydroxyecdysone present were measured using high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay. We tentatively suggest that the differential experession of the yolk-protein-genes in the fat bodies of males and females does not result from differences in hormone titres between them.  相似文献   

During normal oögenesis in many insects some of the oöcytes fail to mature; instead they degenerate and are resorbed. In this work oöctte degeneration was investigated in Drosophila melanogaster females and found to be limited to early vitellogenic stages (stages 8–10). Even when retained for up to 18 days by females, mature (stage 14) oöcytes showed unaltered protein patterns after separation by SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis, indicating that protein breakdown, which is characteristic of degeneration, does not occur in chorionated oöcytes.A number of environmental parameters were shown to influence the percentage of degenerating oöcytes in females. Strong responses as reflected by increased stage-8 and 9 oöcyte degeneration were found in females subjected to suboptimal (but not starvation) medium, virgin females, females mechanically unable to oviposit, and females unable to locate suitable oviposition sites. Little or no response was seen in females subjected to crowding, however, since all of these environmental parameters except adult crowding have been shown to decrease fecundity, and therefore the rate of oöcyte production, it is suggested that oöcyte degeneration is a strategy for decreasing the rate of oöcyte production in Drosophila.  相似文献   

In the first (lamina) and second (medulla) optic neuropils of Drosophila melanogaster, sodium pump subunit expression changes during the day and night, controlled by a circadian clock. We examined α-subunit expression from the intensity of immunolabeling. For the β-subunit, encoded by Nervana 2 (Nrv2), we used Nrv2-GAL4 to drive expression of GFP, and measured the resultant fluorescence in whole heads and specific optic lobe cells. All optic neuropils express the α-subunit, highest at the beginning of night in both lamina and medulla in day/night condition and the oscillation was maintained in constant darkness. This rhythm was lacking in the clock arrhythmic per0 mutant. GFP driven by Nrv2 was mostly detected in glial cells, mainly in the medulla. There, GFP expression occurs in medulla neuropil glia (MNGl), which express the clock gene per, and which closely contact the terminals of clock neurons immunoreactive to pigment dispersing factor. GFP fluorescence exhibited circadian oscillation in whole heads from Nrv2-GAL4 + UAS-S65T-GFP flies, although significant GFP oscillations were lacking in MNGl, as they were for both subunit mRNAs in whole-head homogenates. In the dissected brain tissues, however, the mRNA of the α-subunit showed a robust daily rhythm in concentration changes while changes in the β-subunit mRNA were weaker and not statistically significant. Thus in the brain, the genes for the sodium pump subunits, at least the one encoding the α-subunit, seem to be clock-controlled and the abundance of their corresponding proteins mirrors daily changes in mRNA, showing cyclical accumulation in cells.  相似文献   

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