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The distributions of trace elements in Shield, Ace and Burton Lakes of the Vestfold Hills were investigated. Three aspects are discussed as follows: (1) the vertical distribution of 18 trace elements in the three lakes, (2) the behaviour of trace elements in the lakes, especially that of manganese in Shield Lake, and (3) the origin of trace elements in antarctic saline lakes.High concentrations of trace elements were found in these coastal saline lakes, when compared to open ocean water.We suggest that the peak of total extractable manganese, found at 20 m in Shield Lake, was related to the oxic/anoxic water interface brought about by microbiological activity. Solid phase manganese at the upper oxic layer may have precipitated and then reached the anoxic boundary to be there reduced to manganese ion. This dissolved manganese may then have diffused upwards to be reoxidized to a solid form. This cycle, repeated many times, may have produced the Mn profile.The alkali, alkaline earth elements and Cl were probably derived from relict seawater. Other elements were present in similar concentration ratios to those of South Polar aerosols. Residence time calculations indicate that fallout of aerosol particles, themselves derived from various sources, is capable of accounting for the measured concentrations of some trace elements in Shield Lake. This source of trace elements may be significant for other antarctic saline lakes.  相似文献   

Sulfate reduction rates were measured in waters and sediments from four antarctic lakes and an antarctic fjord basin by a radiometric technique. There was generally a linear correlation between the period of incubation and sulfate reduced; the average of the correlation coefficients was 0.76 ± 0.1. The rates at 6 °C were very low (0.0–1.1 µmol kg–1 d–1) when compared to most other marine and non-marine environments for which sulfate reduction rates have been reported. Lactate and acetate did not stimulate sulfate reduction. Temperatures of the sediments selected from the different sites varied from –0.4 to 4.5 °C and the chloride and sulfate concentrations of the sediments varied from 0.19 to 0.83 mol kg–1 and 0.04 to 41.01 mmol kg–1 respectively. Sulfate reduction rates did not correlate with the chlorosity of sediment porewaters.  相似文献   

Thirteen meromictic lakes and two permanently stratified fjords in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica, were surveyed in 1983 for photosynthetic bacteria. Burton Lake and Ellis Fjord were sampled throughout the year to determine seasonal variations. Physical and chemical parameters were recorded and related to the species present. The dominant species in waters with salinities of 100.7 g kg–1 were Chlorobium vibrioforme and Chlorobium limicola with populations at the O2–H2S interface in the range 0.3 to 6.7 × 106 ml–1. Neither of these species was found at higher salinities. Thiocapsa roseopersicina and a Chromatium sp. were found in low numbers (< 105 ml–1) in most of the same waters as the Chlorobium spp. These bacterial phototrophs developed in a narrow band below the O2–H2S interface where both light and H2S were available. Very low numbers (< 102 ml–1) of Rhodopseudomonas palustris were found in both oxic and anoxic waters having salinity 148 g kg–1. The dominance of the Chlorobium spp. is ascribed to their more efficient maintenance metabolism during the darkness, their faster growth at low light intensities (< 1 µE m–2 s–1) and the lack of selective filtering of incident light. The Chlorobium spp. grew well at –2 °C, but not –5°C in hypersaline waters. The concentration of H2S had no apparent effect on the development of the bacterial flora. Viable cells were found to depths of 100 m in Ellis Fjord indicating that viability in total darkness could have been maintained for periods of the order of 1700 days.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton production in freshwater Antarctic lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Bacterioplankton production was measured in the water columns of two ultra‐oligotrophic, freshwater Antarctic lakes (Crooked Lake and Lake Druzhby) during an annual cycle. In both lakes bacterial production, measured by the incorporation of [3H] thymidine, continued in winter and showed a cycle over the year. The range of production was between 0 and 479 ng C L?1 h?1 in Crooked Lake and 0–354 ng L?1 h?1 in Lake Druzhby. 2. Abundance and mean cell volume both varied, producing marked changes in biomass during the year, with highest biomass occurring in the winter and early spring. Biomass showed similar seasonal trends in both lakes. 3. For most of the year inorganic forms of nitrogen and phosphorus were detectable in the water columns of the lakes and were unlikely to have limited bacterial production. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was below 3000 μg L?1. Dissolved amino acids and carbohydrates contributed 5–25% of the DOC pool in Crooked Lake and 5–64% in Lake Druzhby. Dissolved carbohydrates were consistently low, suggesting that this may have been the preferred carbon substrate for bacterioplankton. 4. Aggregate associated bacteria had higher mean cell volume, abundances and production than freely suspended bacteria in Lake Druzhby, while in Crooked Lake aggregate associated bacteria consistently had higher mean cell volumes than free bacteria, but abundance and production were on occasion higher in free bacteria compared with aggregate associated communities. 5. The data indicated that production is limited by continuous low temperatures and the limited availability of suitable DOC substrate. However, the bacterioplankton functions year round, responding to factors other than temperature.  相似文献   

The inshore marine ecosystem off the Vestfold Hills,Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The planktonic, ice/water interface, and benthic communities at three sites off the coast of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica, were examined over a complete year.The planktonic flora and fauna were composed predominantly of oceanic species with diatoms and copepods the numerically dominant groups. Primary production was largely restricted to the summer months except for epontic algae which developed in spring. The zooplankton exhibited a similar seasonal cycle but lagged some months behind that of the phytoplankton.The ice/water interface (epontic) fauna consisted of species from the plankton and benthos. Copepods were major contributors; however, two amphipod species dominated. Seasonality of the fauna in this habitat was determined by ice formation and breakout, and development of ice algae.Each of the benthic substrates supported a characteristic macrofaunal assemblage, although infaunal amphipods and tanaids were similar at each site. Infauna exhibited a distinct seasonal cycle related to that of the primary producers whereas macrofauna showed no seasonal changes in abundance.Species composition of each community in this coastal antarctic region was comparable with that of similar habitats in other antarctic coastal areas, supporting the circumpolarity of antarctic marine communities.  相似文献   

Summary The plankton of twelve freshwater and slightly saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica was sampled in February 1991. All of the lakes are oligotrophic. The chlorophyll a concentrations in the lakes ranged from 0.10–2.69 g · 1–1. The majority of the phytoplankton were flagellates or picoplanktonic cyanobacteria with the species composition varying between the lakes. Cyanobacteria were found in five of the lakes. Five to 6 species of ciliated protozoa occurred, among them oligotrichs, including the mixotrophic species Strombidium viride. The concentrations of protists and bacteria were an order to several orders of magnitude lower than reported from lower latitude oligotrophic lakes. Low species diversity and low numbers in the plankton characterise these eastern Antarctica lakes which reflects their low nutrient status and isolation.  相似文献   

1. The major factor influencing the chemical composition and evolution of the major lakes in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, is their location within the landscape. Present-day microclimatic variation and its manifestation over the past 6000 years have led to the differences observed in these lakes today.
2. Geographical and topographical variables within the Taylor Valley magnify subtle changes in the hydrological balances of these lakes. Even short-term variation of the surface temperatures and albedo greatly impact the run-off into the lakes, leading to positive or negative water balances.
3. The legacy of past climatic changes has had a profound effect on the ecology of the lakes today.  相似文献   

Vinocur  Alicia  Pizarro  Haydée 《Hydrobiologia》2000,437(1-3):171-185
The taxonomic composition and ecology of microbial mats were investigated in 26 lentic environments of Potter Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica) during the summer of 1995/96. These have different limnological characteristics according to the location of the basins. Among the 139 algal taxa registered, 10 are new records for Antarctica. Bacillariophyceae was the dominant class in terms of species richness, followed by the Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyceae. TWINSPAN classification was used to describe six epilithic algal assemblages; Canonical Correspondence Analysis ordination showed that soluble reactive phosphorus, phytoplanktonic chlorophyll a concentration and conductivity were the main sources for the variation in the data.  相似文献   

Maps are presented showing the recorded distribution and species density of terrestrial plants in the Vestfold Hills. The distribution, biomass and species diversity of terrestrial lithic algae, mosses and lichens is influenced positively by availability of meltwater from drift snow and by additional nutrient supply (probably N and P) near bird nest sites. The terrestrial plants are affected negatively by exposure (including sand blast) and salinity. These four factors are probably the most important environmental characteristics exercising local control over plant distribution and abundance within the limits set by temperature.Large changes in salinity, degree of exposure, water supply and nutrient supply occur across the Vestfold Hills, with the most favourable conditions generally occurring in the eastern half fairly close to the ice sheet.Plant distribution and abundance are also discussed in relation to the length of time that particular areas have been exposed as a result of ice retreat. With increasing time of exposure, plant diversity and abundance rise but subsequently fall sharply as conditions become more arid, saline, or both. This temporal sequence can be explained by considering changes in the important factors that control plant growth.  相似文献   

During January and February 1981, water temperature measurements were made in lakes and ponds of Deception Island, Antarctica. The depth of these waterbodies varies between 0.88 m and 36 m, with maximum surface areas of over 290 000 m2. Some ponds freeze completely during winter, and the lakes are covered by ice for 9–10 months of each year. The maximum ice thickness measured in early summer (December), dit not exceed 0.5 m. Solar radiation and geothermal heating largely determine the thermal structure of these aquatic environments. The water temperature of tributary meltwater streams did not exceed 3 °C, but the littoral waters reached 9 °C. The bottom water temperatures of meromictic lakes 5 (Irízar) and 9, are 12.3 °C and 19.9 °C respectively. These deep waters are heated from geothermal sources and it is possible that some ponds may be also influenced by their proximity to hot soils. With the exception of the meromictic lakes, the aquatic environments studied here did not show a vertical stratification of temperature. It is not possible to establish a general thermal classification for the waterbodies of Deception Island. The interaction of the lacustrine morphology, solar radiation and vulcanism produce contrasting thermal features. Taking into account only the upper layers of meromictic lakes (mixolimnion), and emphasizing the fact of that some ponds freeze completely during winter, the waterbodies of Deception Island would be classified as ‘pleomictics’ (Paschaslki, 1964). This work was supported by an agreement between the Instituto Antártico Argentino and the Instituto Nacional de Limnología (Programa Limnoantar). This work was supported by an agreement between the Instituto Antártico Argentino and the Instituto Nacional de Limnología (Programa Limnoantar).  相似文献   

Benthic algal mats and phytoplankton of Lake Gondwana (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) were investigated. Biomass, chlorophyll content and floristic analyses were carried out on algal mats. The mats are composed of two layers different in colour, floristic composition and chlorophyll content. The algal flora of the mats amount to 34 taxa (19 Cyanophyta, 7 Bacillariophyta, 8 Chlorophyta). The phytoplankton community is species-poor (only 5 taxa). Crytophyta account for about 98% of total algal density.  相似文献   

1. We analysed the latitudinal variation of bacterioplankton in 45 freshwater environments (lakes, shallow lakes and ponds) across a transect of more than 2100 km stretching from Argentinean Patagonia (45°S) to Maritime Antarctica (63°S), to determine the factors that mainly determine bacterioplankton community structure. 2. Bacterioplankton community composition (BCC) was assessed by a fingerprinting method (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) followed by band sequencing, whereas the abundances of total bacteria and picocyanobacteria were estimated by epifluorescence microscopy. 3. Bacterioplankton community composition was controlled by a combination of spatial (latitude and longitude) and environmental [e.g. phosphate, light diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) and dissolved organic carbon] factors. Total bacterioplankton abundance declined with latitude. A multiple regression analysis showed that phosphate, Kd and latitude had significant effects on total bacterioplankton abundance. 4. Of 76 operational taxonomic units identified in the studied lakes, 45 were shared between Patagonian and Antarctic water bodies, 28 were present only in Patagonian lakes and three were restricted to the Antarctic lakes. Significant differences were found in BCC between Patagonia and Antarctica. Among the sequences, 54% were similar (>97% sequence similarity) to others reported from cold habitats elsewhere on the planet (glaciers, high mountain lakes, Arctic). 5. Our results provide new evidence that supports the hypotheses of biogeographic patterns of bacterial assemblages and suggest that both spatial and environmental factors control bacterioplankton community structure.  相似文献   

R. Williams 《Hydrobiologia》1988,165(1):161-167
Thirteen species of fish have so far been caught in the inshore waters around the Vestfold Hills, including the Rauer Islands, in depths down to approximately 100 m. Species caught depend markedly on the type of fishing gear used, but three species are clearly dominant numerically. Pagothenia bernacchii is most abundant in the shallower (< 20 m deep) weedy and rocky habitats, while Chionodraco hamatus is dominant in the deeper (> 20 m deep) nearshore troughs and further offshore. Pagothenia borchgrevinki occupies the specialized habitat associated with sea ice and close-inshore areas, including fjords and Burton Lake.The species list from the Vestfold Hills area is similar to lists from comparable locations in East Antarctica except for the major difference that C. hamatus has not yet been recorded from such shallow waters at the other locations, while P. bernacchii and P. hansoni are much more abundant in water deeper than 20 m at those sites than at Davis.  相似文献   

The Rauer Group is an archipelago in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. The ice-free islands and the surrounding shallow marine areas provide valuable archives for the reconstruction of the late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental and climatic history of the region. Two sediment records from two marine inlets of Rauer Group have been studied for their sedimentological, geochemical, and biological characteristics. Radiocarbon ages from one of the inlets indicate ice-free conditions within the last glacial cycle, probably during the second half of Marine Isotope Stage 3. Subsequent ice sheet coverage of Rauer Group during the Last Glacial Maxiumum (LGM) can be inferred from a till layer recovered in one of the basins. The inlets became ice-free prior to 11,200 cal yr BP, when biogenic sedimentation started. Deglacial processes in the catchments, however, influenced the inlets until ~ 9200 cal yr BP as evidenced by the input of minerogenic material. Marine productivity under relatively open water conditions indicates an early Holocene climate optimum until 8200 cal yr BP, which is followed by a cooler period with increased sea ice. Warmer conditions are inferred for the mid Holocene, when both basins experienced an input of freshwater between ~ 5700-3500 cal yr BP, probably due to ice-sheet melting and increased precipitation on the islands. Neoglacial cooling in the late Holocene since c. 3500 cal yr BP is reflected by an increase in sea ice in both inlets.  相似文献   

A survey of the terrestrial tardigrades inhabiting growths of algae, lichens and mosses in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica, was carried out at 11 and 35 sites during the austral summers of 1980 and 1982, respectively. In all, 24 species of plants were collected from which four genera and four species of Tardigrada were recovered. A key to the tardigrades of the area is presented. The distribution and associational patterns of the tardigrades are discussed in the context of other studies of antarctic Tardigrada.  相似文献   

The invertebrate fauna of many Antarctic ice-free areas, even those close to permanent research stations, can be poorly known. Here we describe some nematodes from freshwater and saline, marine-derived lakes of the Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. The freshwater lakes contained the widespread East Antarctic endemic species, Plectus frigophilus Kirjanova, 1958. The saline lakes were inhabited by two recently described species, Halomonhystera halophila Andrássy, 2006 and Halomonhystera continentalis Andrássy, 2006, and by a new species described in this report, Hypodontolaimus antarcticus sp. n. Originally marine but now brackish Highway Lake contained a nematode fauna with both freshwater and marine-derived components. The nematode fauna of Antarctica now consists of 54 named species, 22 of which are found in East Antarctica.  相似文献   

The Kosi coastal lake system, a chain of four interconnected basins, is located in the subtropical north-eastern corner of South Africa. Little information is available on zooplankton of the system and the main aim of this study is to report on zooplankton samples collected during 2002 and 2003. The set of samples consists of seasonal, subsurface mesozooplankton samples that were collected during nighttime in each of the lakes. A well-developed salinity gradient was evident along the interconnected lakes in the subsurface water during all seasons, ranging from freshwater in the upper lake Amanzamnyama to a maximum of 22 recorded in Lake Makhawulani. The zooplankton community structures of the lakes reflected the salinity gradient of the system, with some coastal marine taxa recorded in the lakes closer to the mouth and only freshwater taxa recorded in Lake Amanzamnyama. Mesozooplankton diversity and abundance were relatively low compared to other estuarine systems along the eastern coast of South Africa. The dominant taxa were calanoid copepods Acartiella natalensis and Pseudodiaptomus stuhlmanni and the mysid Mesopodopsis africana in the lower lakes, whereas cyclopoids Mesocyclops sp. and Thermocyclops sp. dominated the freshwater lake Amanzamnyama.  相似文献   

1. Lakes and ponds in the Larsemann Hills and Bølingen Islands (East‐Antarctica) were characterised by cyanobacteria‐dominated, benthic microbial mats. A 56‐lake dataset representing the limnological diversity among the more than 150 lakes and ponds in the region was developed to identify and quantify the abiotic conditions associated with cyanobacterial and diatom communities. 2. Limnological diversity in the lakes of the Larsemann Hills and Bølingen Islands was associated primarily with conductivity and conductivity‐related variables (concentrations of major ions and alkalinity), and variation in lake morphometry (depth, catchment and lake area). Low concentrations of pigments, phosphate, nitrogen, DOC and TOC in the water column of most lakes suggest extremely low water column productivity and hence high water clarity, and may thus contribute to the ecological success of benthic microbial mats in this region. 3. Benthic communities consisted of prostrate and sometimes finely laminated mats, flake mats, epilithic and interstitial microbial mats. Mat physiognomy and carotenoid/chlorophyll ratios were strongly related to lake depth, but not to conductivity. 4. Morphological‐taxonomic analyses revealed the presence of 26 diatom morphospecies and 33 cyanobacterial morphotypes. Mats of shallow lakes (interstitial and flake mats) and those of deeper lakes (prostrate mats) were characterised by different dominant cyanobacterial morphotypes. No relationship was found between the distribution of these morphotypes and conductivity. In contrast, variation in diatom species composition was strongly related to both lake depth and conductivity. Shallow ponds were mainly characterised by aerial diatoms (e.g. Diadesmis cf. perpusilla and Hantzschia spp.). In deep lakes, communities were dominated by Psammothidium abundans and Stauroforma inermis. Lakes with conductivities higher than ±1.5 mS cm?1 became susceptible to freezing out of salts and hence pronounced conductivity fluctuations. In these lakes P. abundans and S. inermis were replaced by Amphora veneta. Stomatocysts were important only in shallow freshwater lakes. 5. Ice cover influenced microbial mat structure and composition both directly by physical disturbance in shallow lakes and by influencing light availability in deeper lakes, as well as indirectly by generating conductivity increases and promoting the development of seasonal anoxia. 6. The relationships between diatom species composition and conductivity, and diatom species composition and depth, were statistically significant. Transfer functions based on these data can therefore be used in paleolimnological reconstruction to infer changes in the precipitation–evaporation balance in continental Antarctic lakes.  相似文献   

1. Lake Fryxell, situated in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, offers the opportunity to study microbial loop processes in the absence of crustacean zooplankton and other higher organisms. This is the first study of Lake Fryxell to provide detailed temporal and vertical variations of microbial loop organisms.
2. Protozoan communities are concentrated around the chemocline (9–10 m) in Lake Fryxell. Phototrophic nanoflagellates (PNAN), heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) and ciliates formed deep maxima of 14 580, 694 and 58 cells mL−1 respectively. Although abundance and biomass at the chemocline was high, diversity of protozoa was low, Plagiocampa accounting for> 80% of the total ciliate biomass.
3. In the mixolimnion (4.5–8 m), protozoa were less abundant, but more diverse, with 24 ciliate morphotypes being identified within this region of the water column. Inter-annual variability of protozoan biomass and abundance was greater in the mixolimnion than at the chemocline due to more variable nutrient and prey concentrations.
4. Physicochemical gradients in Lake Fryxell were very stable because the perennial ice cover reduced wind driven currents. As a consequence, ciliate species occurred in distinct depth strata, Monodinium being most abundant directly beneath the ice cover, Askenasia having maximum abundance at 8 m and Plagiocampa dominating ciliate biomass at the chemocline. The lack of vertical mixing reduced seasonal successions of PNAN and ciliate species. Three cryptophyte species dominated the PNAN community at all times (>79% of total biomass).  相似文献   

Aim  There is no previous direct evidence for the occurrence of lacustrine refuges for invertebrate fauna in Antarctica spanning the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). In the absence of verified LGM lacustrine refuges many species are believed to result from Holocene dispersal from sub-Antarctic islands and continents further north. If freshwater lake environments were present throughout the LGM, extant freshwater species may have been associated with Antarctica prior to this glacial period. This study looked at faunal microfossils in a sediment core from an Antarctic freshwater lake. This lake is unusual in that, unlike most Antarctic lakes, the sediment record extends to c . 130,000 yr bp , i.e. prior to the LGM.
Location  Lake Reid, Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica (76°23' E; 69°23' S).
Methods  Palaeofaunal communities in Lake Reid were identified through examination of faunal microfossils in a sediment core that extended to c . 130,000 yr bp .
Results  Ephippia and mandibles from the cladoceran Daphniopsis studeri and loricae of the rotifer Notholca sp. were found at all depths in the sediment, indicating that these two species have been present in the lake for up to 130,000 years. Copepod mandibles were also present in the older section of the core, yet were absent from the most recent sediments, indicating extinction of this species from Lake Reid during the LGM.
Main conclusion  The presence of D. studeri and Notholca sp. microfossils throughout the entire Lake Reid core is the first direct evidence of a glacial lacustrine refugium for invertebrate animals in Antarctica, and indicates the presence of a relict fauna on the Antarctic continent.  相似文献   

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