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In situ hybridisation of radioactive complementary RNA has been used to localise the G-C rich repetitious DNA satellite in chromosomes of the Japanese quail. The satellite sequences are located predominantly in the microchromosomes. No cross hybridisation is found with duck or chicken microchromosomes. The relationship between repetitious DNA, heterochromatin and nucleolus-organisation is discussed.  相似文献   

Cells isolated from adult and fetal rat liver and ascites hepatoma were separated into distinct populations by velocity sedimentation at unit gravity. Normal adult liver ceils sediment with modal velocities ranging from 5 to 50 mm/h. Volume analysis using a Coulter-type counter demonstrated that the separation was based primarily on cell size. Appreciable differences were observed in the sedimentation velocity distribution of cells isolated from different normal lobes or regenerating liver. Most fetal rat liver cells sediment with velocities inferior to 12 mm/h. Ascites (Novikoff) hepatoma cells present a velocity distribution more similar to that of fetal than to normal adult liver cells. The results are discussed in terms of cell-size changes associated with liver maturation, regeneration or transformation.  相似文献   

Sequential staining with a counterstain-contrasted fluorescent R-banding technique (chromomycin A3/distamycin A-DAPI) followed by DAPI-actinomycin D-induced quinacrine-fluorescence-Hoechst 33258 (QFH)-type banding allowed the identification of quail chromosomes up to chromosome 19. The chromomycin A3-positive staining behavior of the W chromosome and of the heterochromatic areas of most microchromosomes indicated their GC-rich nature.  相似文献   

For the purpose of comparative mapping of quail (Coturnix c. japonica) and human (Homo sapiens) genomes, DNA fragments from human chromosome 3 (HSA3p14-21 and HSA3q13-23) were localized on quail mitotic chromosomes. Using the method of double-color fluorescence DNA-DNA in situ hybridization, these fragments were mapped to two different microchromosomes. Earlier, similar studies were performed using chicken mitotic chromosomes. There it was demonstrated that the clones of interest were distributed among three microchromosomes (GGA12, GGA14, and GGA15). Thus, interspecific difference in the location of human chromosome 3 DNA fragments in the genomes of closely related avian species was discovered. A new confirmation of the hypothesis on the preferable localization of the gene-rich human chromosome regions on avian microchromosomes was obtained. At the same time, a suggestion on the localization of some orthologous genes in the genome of the organism under study was made: ARF4, SCN5A, PHF7, ABHD6, ZDHHC3, MAPKAPK3, ADSYNA (homolog of chicken chromosome 12), DRD2, PP2C-ETA, RAB7, CCKAR, and PKD1 (homolog of chicken chromosome 15). However, localization of the corresponding quail genes needs to be confirmed, as far as the sequences used were only the orthologs of the corresponding chicken genes.  相似文献   

J. L. Oud  R. Scholten 《Genetica》1982,58(1):55-63
The staining of male Chinese hamster chromosomes at meiotic prophase with several banding techniques is described. C-banding results only occasionally in well-differentiated pachytene and diakinesis bivalents. Meiotic C-bands are small compared with those in somatic metaphase chromosomes. In mice C-bands mainly consist of highly repetitive satellite DNA, whereas in Chinese hamsters the majority of the DNA in C-bands is not or hardly repetitive. Especially in Chinese hamsters both the degree of chromatin despiralisation and the folding pattern of the chromatin drastically reduce the distinction of C-bands in late meiotic prophasc chromosomes. In contrast to the situation in mice, C-heterochromatin associations are never observed in Chinese hamster spermatocytes. It is assumed that the presence of satellite DNA rather than constitutive heterochromatin is the basis for the associations of the paracentromeric chromosome regions in mice. The location and behaviour of AT- and GC-rich DNA in Chinese hamster primary spermatocytes is studied with base-specific fluorochromes (H 33258 and Chromomycin A3 for AT-and GC-rich DNA respectively), in combination with a pretreatment with base-specific non-fluorescent antibiotics (Actinomycin D and Netropsin for GC-and AT-rich DNA respectively). No indications are found for the clustering of AT-or GC-rich DNA in Chinese hamster pachytene nuclei. A comparison of banding patterns observed in somatic metaphases and in diakinesis gives some information about the partial homology of the X and Y chromosome. The results are conflicting. The short arm of the Y chromosome is homologous with a part of the X chromosome. According to the C-band pattern the long arm of the X chromosome is involved in the pairing with Y, whereas fluorescence banding patterns indicate that it is the short arm of X.  相似文献   

Summary A new effect of 5-ACR (5-azacytidine), observed in fibroblast or kidney cell cultures is described in the calf (Bos taurus) and in some selected primates (Cebus capucinus, Erythrocebus patas, and Cercopithecus cephus). This cytidine analogue, used at low doses during the last late S phase, prevents the condensation of R-band positive heterochromatin (G-C rich segments). Thus, 5-ACR treatment can be used as a simple method for the detection of G-C rich heterochromatin.  相似文献   

The specific interaction of distamycin A and analogs with DNA's and synthetic deoxypolynucleotide duplexes were studied in detail by means of circular dichroism and the data were analyzed together with viscosity results of several natural DNA's. At low ligand to nucleotide ratio the previously reported specific binding to (A-T) pairs of DNA is verified by a highly favoured interaction with (A-T)-enriched segments of distamycins containing four and five methylpyrrole carboxamide units. At higher distamycin concentration a second specific binding to (G-C) pairs most probably through hydrogen bonding is established. Viscometric results suggest a distamycin-induced local bending of the helix and could support the idea of a preferential alignment of the ligand molecule along only one strand in the groove which differs from the netropsin interaction mechanism. The possibility of an overlapping binding of the oligopeptides in the small groove is discussed.  相似文献   

A novel satellite DNA sequence of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) was isolated from genomic DNA digested with restriction endonuclease, Bg/II. Sequence analysis of three different-size clones revealed the presence of a tandem array of a GC-rich 41 bp repeated element. This sequence was localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) primarily to microchromosomes of Japanese quail (2n = 78); approximately 50 of the 66 microchromosomes showed positive signals, although hybridization signals were also detected on chromosomes 4 and W. This satellite DNA did not cross-hybridize with genomic DNA of chicken (Gallus gallus) and Chinese painted quail (Excalfactoria chinensis) under moderately stringent conditions, suggesting that this class of repetitive DNA sequences was species specific and fairly divergent in Galliformes species.  相似文献   

The reactions of poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) and (dG-dC)10 insert in the plasmid pGC20 with N-methyl-bis(2-chloroethyl)-amine (nitrogen mustard, HN-2) have been studied. It is shown that nitrogen mustard does not induce the B----Z transition in poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC), but produces fixation of the polynucleotide Z-conformation once this exists. In the case of pGC20 plasmid DNA, nitrogen mustard also fixes Z-form of the (dG-dC)-insert. The rate constant of the reaction of nitrogen mustard with guanine in the polynucleotide (k = 9,0.10(-3) min-1) is about one-third of that for the fixation of Z-form of the (dG-dC)-insert in the plasmid (k1 = 2,8.10(-2) min-1) which is attributed to a greater rate of formation of diguanyl derivative in the opposite DNA chains. It is suggested that nitrogen mustard is capable of fixing the Z-form DNA not only in vitro, but also in vivo.  相似文献   

Transcription of a satellite DNA in the newt   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

Watson–Crick base pairs (bps) are the fundamental unit of genetic information and the building blocks of the DNA double helix. However, A-T and G-C can also form alternative ‘Hoogsteen’ bps, expanding the functional complexity of DNA. We developed ‘Hoog-finder’, which uses structural fingerprints to rapidly screen Hoogsteen bps, which may have been mismodeled as Watson–Crick in crystal structures of protein–DNA complexes. We uncovered 17 Hoogsteen bps, 7 of which were in complex with 6 proteins never before shown to bind Hoogsteen bps. The Hoogsteen bps occur near mismatches, nicks and lesions and some appear to participate in recognition and damage repair. Our results suggest a potentially broad role for Hoogsteen bps in stressed regions of the genome and call for a community-wide effort to identify these bps in current and future crystal structures of DNA and its complexes.  相似文献   

研究揭示,生物信息的形成,传递与DNA构象的多样性,特别是其中的左手螺旋Z-构象DNA(Z-DNA)相关.在机体DNA链中,普遍存在的特异序列结构d(C-G)n和d(G-C)n片段易形成Z-构象.但对d(G-C)n序列结构的寡聚体Oligo-d(G-C)n,(n小于8)能转换形成Z-DNA片段少见报道.为促进对Z-DNA尤其是其中的短片段Z-DNA与生物功能的相关性研究,我们对合成并纯化后的寡聚体Oligo-d(G-C)n,n分别为4,6,8,10, 及Oligo-d(C-G)6和多聚体poly-d(G-C)500-900进行Z-构象的形成和其构象转换的比较研究.研究结果发现:①d(GpCpGpCpGpCpGpCpGpCpGpC)是d(G-C)n序列结构中能转换形成Z-构象的最短片段(n=6).其转换成Z-构象能力有链长依赖性(poly d(G-C)500-900易于Oligo-d(G-C)6);②Oligo-d(G-C)6的Z-构象形成能力因溶液中的介质性质不同而异.Co(NH3)3+〉Mg2+〉Na+;C1O-4〉Cl-,因此要求盐溶液的浓度差异很大.③PH7.2,室温条件下,在MgCl2, NaClO4, NaCl溶液浓度分别由0 mol/L增至6.0 mol/L,Oligo-d(G-C)6的B、Z构象转换都出现:B-构象相对稳定期,B-、Z-构象转换跃迁期和Z-构象相对稳定期.每个阶段要求跨越的盐浓度变迁范围也因所用介质而异.当溶液中Oligo-d(G-C)6 B-构象、Z-构象各占50%(θ1/2)时,其盐浓度分别为1.72 mol/L(MgCl2),2.88 mol/L(NaClO4),3.85 mol/L(NaCl).④Oligo-d(G-C)6的B-,Z-构象转换程度受盐浓度影响:当Oligo-d(G-C)6处于最适条件和不同盐溶液其浓度为θ(12)浓度时,温度由8 ℃→22 ℃,在MgCl2,NaClO4溶液中的Oligo-d(G-C)6形成Z-构象能力增加,当由22 ℃→60 ℃,MgCl2溶液中的Z-构象Oligo-d(G-C)6加速增加,而在NaClO4溶液中则是急速向B-型Oligo-d(G-C)6方向转换;温度变化对处于NaCl溶液中的Oligo-d(G-C)6B-、Z-构象相对平衡影响较小.⑤甲基化胞嘧啶即Oligo-d(G-mC)6或d(mC-G)6均增大Z-构象形成能力.⑥在4 mol/L MgCl2溶液中的Oligo-d(G-C)6或Oligo-d(C-G)6或poly d(G-C)500-900的UVab谱、UVcd谱均显示出非B-型或Z-型DNA的新谱型.并且有链长依赖性和因溶液浓度改变出现构象可逆性转变.提示在Oligo-d(G-C)6的构象转换过程中可能存在新构象"X"型,即BZX构象转换模式.  相似文献   

The α-nucleoside 7-(2′-deoxy-α-D-ribofuranosyl)hypoxanthine, incorporated into an otherwise β-configured oligodeoxynucleotide that is designed to bind to a DNA duplex in the parallel motif, recognizes selectively and efficiently a G-C base pair, presumably via monodentate α-H7·G-C base-triple formation.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA in a nuclear satellite of tomato   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Chilton MD 《Genetics》1975,81(3):469-483
A satellite DNA of buoyant density 1.704 constitutes approximately 5%–6% of nuclear DNA isolated from cherry tomato leaves. Isolated satellite DNA exhibits a multi-component melting profile. Kinetic complexity measurements indicate that 37% of the satellite consists of repeating units of 10 5 daltons, and 48% of it consists of repeating units of 5.5 x 106 daltons. The latter component is identified as DNA coding for ribosomal RNA on the basis of its buoyant density, kinetic complexity, and abundance in nuclear DNA, 3.2% as determined by saturation hybridization measurements. Saturation studies show that the more rapidly reassociating component of the satellite does not code for 5S RNA. The question of genetic linkage between satellite components is not resolved by this study.  相似文献   

Cells of the Kangaroo rat Dipidomys ordii contain large quantities of satellite DNA (Bostock et al., 1972). Radioactive DNA from such cells has been examined by autoradiography. After a long period of radioactive labeling, long tandem arrays of short radioactive pieces are suddenly observed which are attributed to the replication of satellite DNA. Autoradiograms of DNA isolated by CsCl density centrifugation from such lysates are in agreement with this hypothesis.This material is non-randomly distributed in lysates of single cells. The length of these pieces and their spacings are not remarkably different from DNA made earlier (presumably non-satellite DNA).  相似文献   

Patchwork structure of a bovine satellite DNA   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
M Pech  R E Streeck  H G Zachau 《Cell》1979,18(3):883-893
According to a previous restriction nuclease analysis, bovine 1.706 satellite DNA (density 1.706 g/cm3 in CsCl) is organized in an unusual structure of superimposed long- and short-range repeats (Streeck and Zachau, 1978). We have now determined the nucleotide sequence of this satellite DNA in both cloned fragments and fragments from the total satellite DNA. Each long-range repeat unit (about 2350 bp) is divided into four segments. Each segment consists of different variants of a basic 23 bp sequence which is itself composed of a dodecanucleotide and a related undecanucleotide. A total of 2400 nucleotides have been sequenced. Detailed analysis of the sequence divergence reveals that both the overall extent of divergence and the frequency of base changes at individual positions of the 23 bp repeats are characteristically different in the various segments. Preferentially methylated sites and a high incidence of symmetry elements are found. In two of the four segments, 22 of 23 bp of the prototype sequence are included in six overlapping elements of dyad symmetry and in a palindrome. A scheme for the evolution of the satellite DNA from a basic dodecanucleotide is proposed which is based on the different degrees of divergence for the various repeats superimposed in this satellite DNA.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of a human satellite DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N Z Ehtesham  D P Ma  S E Hasnain 《Gene》1991,98(2):301-302

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