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Xerinae is the most species-rich subfamily of the Sciuridae (Rodentia). This group of animals has a long complex evolutionary history, which witnessed severe environmental changes. In this paper, a comprehensive approach integrating information from fossil records, morphological, molecular and geographical data of extant species, and events of paleoclimate and paleogeography, were used to explore the evolutionary processes in the Xerinae. Xerinae probably originated in Eurasia around the early Oligocene, and dispersed to Africa via the Africa-Eurasia Land Bridge on two occasions during the Miocene, and subsequently evolved into the Protoxerini and African Xerini. The tribe Marmotini derived from a Eurasian ancestor and thrived in North America. Tamias re-occupied Eurasia in the early Miocene, while the distributions of Marmota and ‘Spermophilus’ genus-groups were restricted to North America at least until the late Miocene. Global cooling and the emergence of grass-dominated ecosystems from 15 Ma are likely to be the main causes for the radiation of Marmotini. The body form of Xerinae displays an allometric mode of evolution, with ground-living taxa, such as Marmota, Cynomys and Xerus notably enlarged, while Tamias has remained slim in body form. To cope with the global environmental changes, particularly the global cooling induced forest degradation and grassland expansion in the late Miocene, most Marmotini developed into true ground squirrels with short tails. The slim body adaptation in Tamias may be related to competition from tree squirrels, or their hoarding behavior, the latter helping them to cope with cold winter.  相似文献   

The Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris) of southern Africa is a tropical species that does not hibernate. Field observations using scan and all-occurrence sampling revealed that this species was highly social. Female Cape ground squirrels formed social units of related females and their subadult young, as is typical for other ground squirrels. Female social groups were usually composed of 2–3 adult females and 2–3 subadults of either sex. Members of these female social groups shared sleeping burrows and feeding ranges. Female social groups did not cooperatively defend their feeding ranges from adjacent groups in other burrow clusters. Interactions within female social groups were highly amicable, and no dominance hierarchy was evident. Males in this species also lived in groups. These all-male bands of up to 19 individuals lived almost independently from female groups. The entire male band shared one home range, although ephemeral sub-bands were formed daily. The composition and size of these sub-bands changed daily. Interactions among males, which were largely amicable, included allogrooming and sleeping together. Analysis of interactions within the band indicated a stable, linear, dominance hierarchy among males. Dispersal in this species appeared to be male biased as is typical of other ground-dwelling squirrels, with males dispersing at reproductive maturity. Males joining male bands were thus dispersers and were not likely to be closely related. Sociality in the Cape ground squirrel may be summarized as highly social female kin clusters and associated social non-kin bands of males.  相似文献   

Li S  Yu FH  Lv XF 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):119-126
针对长期以来有关鼯鼠分类地位的争议,该研究基于查看、测取60号鼯鼠成体头骨(每号头骨测取26个可量性状)共计1560个数据,运用多变量、单变量分析方法,对鼯鼠属(Petaurista)中的P.yunanensis,P.philippensis,P.hainana以及P.petaurista头骨可测量数据进行了统计学分析,以探讨上述4种鼯鼠的头骨形态差异以及P.yunanensis和P.hainana的分类地位。结果显示:(1)上述可测量头骨性状在该4种鼯鼠中不存在性二型现象;(2)上述4种鼯鼠在所测量的头骨性状上两两间均存在显著差异;(3)P.philippensis与P.hainana之间的头骨形态差异程度远大于P.yunanensis与P.philippensis之间的差异。该结果在宏观统计分析水平上为上述4种鼯鼠的种地位有效性提供了佐证,与前人基于分子水平(mtDNA)的种地位有效性研究结果相似。  相似文献   

Using molecular genetic methods, we investigated the secondary contact zones of two pairs of species of ground squirrels of Mongolia. In common colonies of marmots M. sibirica and M. baibacina, we revealed a high frequency of occurrence of hybrid individuals that were viable and fertile. A hybridization between S. alaschanicus and S. pallidicauda was sporadic in nature. The hypothesis about an extensive hybrid zone in these species of ground squirrels was not confirmed. An occupation of suboptimal biotopes by individuals of different species was the main factor contributing to hybridization in both case. The complex social behavior in marmots affected on the localization and diffusion of the hybridization process.  相似文献   

Despite the success of antipredator vigilance research, the specific focus of this vigilance has been difficult to determine. We have previously shown that thirteen-lined ground squirrels ( Spermophilus tridecemlineatus ) increase their vigilance when their lateral field of view is obstructed. In this paper, we describe an experiment in which we attempt to determine the predator class for which this vigilance is directed. Using six differentially occluded Plexiglas foraging boxes with hinged 'eaves', we were able to obstruct the squirrels' view of the sky while not obstructing their view of terrestrial threats. In general, across the box types, when their sky view was obstructed, ground squirrels increased their vigilance by increasing the percentage of time spent withdrawn from the boxes. This result suggests that a significant portion of ground squirrel antipredator vigilance is directed at the sky and is surveillance for aerial predators.  相似文献   

We describe the foraging behaviour of the Brazilian squirrelSciurus aestuans Linnaeus, 1776 in a natural free-living population, in an area with a high concentration of palm fruitsSyagrus romanzoffiana (Chamisso) Glassman. Our objective was to investigate if the abundance ofS. romanzoffiana fruits, an important food item for squirrels, temporally influenced the foraging behaviour of this population. The observations were carried out over an eight-month (April–November 2001) period. Fruiting phenology ofS. romanzoffiana was also monitored. The most consumed food item for this period was the fruit ofS. romanzoffiana (70%), followed by foods of human origin (14%). The percentage of time spent feeding increased in September, and the time spent travelling declined in September, October and November, when females were observed showing evidence of reproductive activity. At the same timeS. romanzoffiana fruits become available. The consumption of human items illustrates the opportunistic feeding habit of these squirrels, but variations in foraging behaviour detected probably were more strongly related to availability ofS. romanzoffiana fruits.  相似文献   

Four species of ground squirrel—yellow (Spermophilus fulvus), russet (S. major), small (S. pygmaeus), and spotted (S. suslicus)—occur in the Volga region. Between S. major and S. pigmaeus, S. major and S. fulvus, and S. major and S. suslicus, sporadic hybridization was reported. Using sequencing and restriction analysis, we have examined the mtDNA C region in 13 yellow, 60 russet, 61 small, 45 spotted ground squirrels, and 9 phenotypic hybrids between these species. It was shown that 43% of S. major individuals had alien mitotypes typical of S. fulvus and S. pygmaeus. Alien mitotypes occurred both within and outside sympatric zones. No alien mitotypes were found in 119 animals of the other three species, which suggests that only one parental species (S. major) predominantly participates in backcrosses. Phenotypic hybrids S. fulvus × S. major and S. major × S. pygmaeus) were reliably identified using RAPD–PCR of nuclear DNA. However, we could find no significant traces of hybridization in S. major with alien mitotypes. Analysis of p53 pseudogenes of S. major and S. fulvus that were for the first time described in the present study produced similar results: 59 out of 60 individuals of S. major (including S. major with S. fulvus mitotypes) had only the pseudogene variant specific for S. major. This situation is possible even at low hybridization frequencies (less than 1% according to field observations and 1.4 to 2.7% according to nuclear DNA analysis) if dispersal of S. major from the sympatric zones mainly involved animals that obtained alien mtDNA via backcrossing. The prevalence of animals with alien mitotypes in some S. major populations can be explained by the founder effect. Further studies based on large samples are required for clarifying the discrepancies between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data.  相似文献   

Arvicanthis , the unstriped grass-rat, is a widespread genus occurring in many regions of Africa and is major pest in agricultural farmland. Despite its economic importance for developing countries, the taxonomy of the genus is stillin a chaotic state. We used univariate and multivariate morphometrics to investigate two species, A. abyssinicus and A. dembeensis , occurring in Ethiopia. Results show that these taxa are well separated, this contradicting authors who lump all Arvicanthis as A. niloticus . There is a longitudinal cline in the morphology of A. dembeensis from eastern regions along the Rift Valley. Differences between the species in morphlogy seem to reflect adaptation to different ecological niches at high ( A. abyssinicus ) and low ( A. dembeensis ) altitudes.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(4):269-279
Sciurids are very scarce in the fossil record, especially in the basins of southern Spain. The aim of this paper is to review the Sciuridae record in these basins. The Granada and Guadix basins have yielded specimens of Xerini and Pteromyinae, which represent the largest collection of fossil Sciuridae in southern Spain from the Middle Turolian to the Upper Ruscinian. The new discoveries change the currently known geographical and temporal range of some taxons, since we find the oldest evidence of Pliopetaurista pliocaenica in localities from the Late Turolian and of Heteroxerus mariatheresae in a locality of the Middle Turolian. Furthermore, we record the first evidence of Atlantoxerus margaritae in southern Spain.  相似文献   

Although they represent a quarter of the mammalian species, the evolutionary relationships among as well as within, the main murid lineages are still controversial. The subfamily Gerbillinae is no exception as previous studies based on morphological, karyotypical, and allozyme characters are highly incongruent. Here, we present the first molecular phylogeny for gerbils based on cytochrome b and 12S rRNA mitochondrial genes. Results are largely congruent between the two genes as well as with the concatenated data set with most of the nodes being well-supported. Based on the topologies retrieved here, we (1) propose the identification of three main clades, (2) support the split of Tatera genus into an Asian and an African group, the latter including Gerbillurus species, and (3) provide some evidence towards the inaccuracy of subgeneric divisions within both Gerbillus and Meriones. In addition, the sharp contrast between the genetic characters and morphological data sets suggest high levels of convergence, probably as a result of strong environmental constraints imposed on these rodents adapted to arid and semi-arid regions. Finally, molecular datings for the various cladogenetic events are in good agreement with the known gerbilline fossil record and support an African origin with subsequent migrations to Asia.  相似文献   

Journal of Mammalian Evolution - The dormice (Gliridae) represent a relatively small family of rodents, but exhibit considerable variation in their cranial anatomy. The skull morphology of almost...  相似文献   

中国西南部明纹花鼠三个亚种的分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明纹花鼠是东南亚地区的特有种,在中国有3亚种(阿萨姆亚种、滇西亚种、滇南亚种),分布于藏东南、云南西南部和南部。以往主要根据外部形态特征进行分类。为探讨3亚种头骨性状的差异,在测量15个陛状的基础上,运用统计分析软件SPSS 11.0对其可测量性状进行多变量分析。结果及推测如下:①明纹花鼠3个亚种的地位是确定的。②在头骨15个性状中,两两亚种之间具有显著差异的性状:阿萨姆亚种与滇西亚种有8个(枕鼻长、吻宽、颤宽、眶间宽、后头宽、鼻骨宽、下齿列、下颌骨高);阿萨姆亚种与滇西亚种有7个(颅全长、枕鼻长、颧宽、眶间宽、后头宽、下颌高、下颌骨高);滇西亚种与滇南亚种有4个(吻宽、后头宽、鼻骨宽、下颌高)。③滇南亚种与滇西亚种之间的亲缘关系近:于两者各自与阿萨姆亚种之间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

The systematics of the beavers (Castoridae) are reviewed and definitions are presented for each subfamilial group. Four subfamilies are recognized: primitive Agnotocastorinae (divided into two tribes, Agnotocastorini and Anchitheriomyini); burrowing beavers, Palaeocastorinae; giant beavers, Castoroidinae (containing two tribes, Castoroidini and Trogontheriini); and the Castorinae. The agnotocastorines are viewed as the ancestral group for all later subfamilies. The Palaeocastorinae is viewed as a side-branch, not ancestral or closely related to any of the later subfamilies. The Castorinae and Castoroidinae may represent a distinct clade united by dental features.  相似文献   

Biology Bulletin - Based on new molecular data for mitochondrial (Cyt b) and nuclear (IRBP, RAG1) genes, as well as an extensive analysis of morphological material, we accessed actual species...  相似文献   

We report the result of an examination for blood and intestinal protozoa in 12 specimens of the red squirrel Sciurus spadiceus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) from Birroque, municipality of Placido de Castro, state of Acre, Brazil. No parasites were detected in thin, Giemsa-stained blood films of the animals, but culture of the blood of three in Difco B45 medium blood-agar slants gave rise to isolates of epimastigotes. Inoculation of one isolate into laboratory mice resulted in the appearance of Trypanosoma cruzi-like trypomastigotes in their peripheral blood, and the other two isolates gave rise to transient infections with a T. lewisi-like parasite in inoculated mice and hamsters. The failure of the latter parasite to develop in the triatomine bug Rhodnius robustus suggests that it is probably not T. rangeli. This appears to be the first record of a T. lewisi-like trypanosome in neotropical squirrels. Oocysts of an Eimeria sp., were detected in the faeces of 10 animals (83.3%). The parasite develops in the epithelial cells of the intestine, where it may cause severe damage and sometimes results in death of the animal. No oocysts were detected in bile.  相似文献   

We examined to what extent 15 chipmunks foraging from dishes in the field varied load sizes depending on a predetermined sequence of resource renewal/removal. At 10-m distances from burrows, chipmunks collected smaller loads when seeds were replenished over sequential trials and larger load sizes when trials were interrupted by removing all seeds for one visit. Similar sequence effects were less obvious at 0 m. Load size also varied with travel time but not in a manner consistent with either long-term rate maximization or resource tracking. When travel time effects were removed, sequence effects became more pronounced at distances of both 0 and 10 m. The results suggest that chipmunks use past experience in patches to gauge expected returns in the future, and that they devalue resources according to their uncertainty (“future discounting”). That chipmunks varied load sizes with food renewal/removal more at 10 than 0 m from burrows suggests that the degree to which chipmunks devalue future resources may depend on how defendable those resources are.  相似文献   

The monophylly of Streptocarpus grandis was examined ontogeneticallyand anatomically. When the seed is shed, the embryo is composedof a hypocotyl and two equal-sized cotyledons, lacking rootand shoot apices. During germination, cell division and subsequentcell enlargement occur in the hypocotyl and cotyledons. Thehypocotyl soon produces a primary root from its distal tip;this involves surface and subsurface cells at the point of attachmentof the suspensor remnant. In the cotyledons, cell enlargementand differentiation occur basipetally, leaving small meristematiccells at the bases. These small cells give rise to the basalmeristem in one of the two cotyledons, which contributes toan accrescent cotyledon. The groove meristem, which later differentiatesinto an inflorescence, arises in place of shoot apices whenthe cotyledons become visibly unequal in size. It later exhibitsa tunica-corpus like configuration and differentiates directlyinto an inflorescence meristem. The evolution of this uniquegrowth of one-leaved Streptocarpus is discussed with regardto morphogenetic data.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Anisocotyly, developmental anatomy, evolution, Gesneriaceae, one-leaf plant, ontogeny, Streptocarpus grandis  相似文献   

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