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Ecosystems - We quantified the role of spatially varying vegetation composition in seasonal and interannual changes in a boreal bog’s CO2 uptake. We divided the spatially heterogeneous site...  相似文献   

In vegetation science and forest management, tree density is often used as a variable. To determine the value of this variable, reliable field methods are necessary. When vegetation is sparse or not easily accessible, the use of sample plots is not feasible in the field. Therefore, plotless methods, like the Point Centred Quarter Method, are often used as an alternative. In this study we investigate the accuracy of different plotless sampling methods. To this end, tree densities of a mangrove forest were determined and compared with estimates provided by several plotless methods. None of these methods proved accurate across all field sites with mean underestimations up to 97% and mean overestimations up to 53% in the field. Applying the methods to different vegetation patterns shows that when random spatial distributions were used the true density was included within the 95% confidence limits of all the plotless methods tested. It was also found that, besides aggregation and regularity, density trends often found in mangroves contribute to the unreliability. This outcome raises questions about the use of plotless sampling in forest monitoring and management, as well as for estimates of density-based carbon sequestration. We give recommendations to minimize errors in vegetation surveys and recommendations for further in-depth research.  相似文献   

Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere or continuous nitrogen (N) deposition might alter the carbon (C) cycle in boreal mires and thus have significant impacts on the development of climate change. The atmospheric impact of the C cycle in mires is twofold: C accumulation attenuates and CH4 release strengthens the natural greenhouse effect. We studied the effects of an increased supply of CO2 or NH4NO3 on the vegetation and annual CO2 exchange in lawns of a boreal oligotrophic mire in eastern Finland over a 2-year period. Ten study plots were enclosed with mini-FACE (Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment) rings. Five plots were vented with CO2-enriched air (target 560 ppmv), while their controls were vented with ambient air; five plots were sprayed with NH4NO3, corresponding to a cumulative addition of 3 g N m−2 a−1, while their controls were sprayed with distilled water only. A raised NH4NO3 supply seemed to affect the composition of the moss layer. Raised CO2 did not affect the vegetation, but gross photosynthesis increased significantly. The change in net CO2 exchange depended on the annual weather conditions. Our results suggest that C accumulation may increase in wet years and compensate for the warming effect caused by the increase in CH4 release from this mire. In contrast, a relatively dry and warm growing period favors decomposition and can even make the CO2 balance negative. Along with the increased CH4 release under raised CO2, the decreased C accumulation then increases the radiative forcing of boreal mires. Received 22 October 2001; accepted 13 May 2002.  相似文献   

Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) was used to estimate past salinity and ionic composition in sediments of a paleolake in the southernmost Bolivian Altiplano. Modern diatom assemblages were sampled from the subsurface sediments of 14 saline lagoons, and compared quantitatively with fossil assemblages. Only one application of the method is reported: to a Quaternary outcrop located on the border of one of them (Laguna Ballivian). Multivariate analysis was performed on diatom data to check the range of variation of both the fossil and modern flora. It also allowed a reduced set of explanatory variables for regression analysis. Finally, a number of transformations of the chemical variables was computed prior to the regression process in order to stabilize the residuals variance and obtain a good error estimate. Only ten chemical components were studied, but the method could be applied to other palaoenvironmental parameters.  相似文献   



Rhabdodontid ornithopod dinosaurs are characteristic elements of Late Cretaceous European vertebrate faunas and were previously collected from lower Campanian to Maastrichtian continental deposits. Phylogenetic analyses have placed rhabdodontids among basal ornithopods as the sister taxon to the clade consisting of Tenontosaurus, Dryosaurus, Camptosaurus, and Iguanodon. Recent studies considered Zalmoxes, the best known representative of the clade, to be significantly smaller than closely related ornithopods such as Tenontosaurus, Camptosaurus, or Rhabdodon, and concluded that it was probably an island dwarf that inhabited the Maastrichtian Haţeg Island.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Rhabdodontid remains from the Santonian of western Hungary provide evidence for a new, small-bodied form, which we assign to Mochlodon vorosi n. sp. The new species is most similar to the early Campanian M. suessi from Austria, and the close affinities of the two species is further supported by the results of a global phylogenetic analysis of ornithischian dinosaurs. Bone histological studies of representatives of all rhabdodontids indicate a similar adult body length of 1.6–1.8 m in the Hungarian and Austrian species, 2.4–2.5 m in the subadults of both Zalmoxes robustus and Z. shqiperorum and a much larger, 5–6 m adult body length in Rhabdodon. Phylogenetic mapping of femoral lengths onto the results of the phylogenetic analysis suggests a femoral length of around 340 mm as the ancestral state for Rhabdodontidae, close to the adult femoral lengths known for Zalmoxes (320–333 mm).


Our analysis of body size evolution does not support the hypothesis of autapomorhic nanism for Zalmoxes. However, Rhabdodon is reconstructed as having undergone autapomorphic giantism and the reconstructed small femoral length (245 mm) of Mochlodon is consistent with a reduction in size relative to the ancestral rhabdodontid condition. Our results imply a pre-Santonian divergence between western and eastern rhabdodontid lineages within the western Tethyan archipelago.  相似文献   

The exotic plant Spartina alterniflora was introduced to Yueqing Bay more than 20 years ago for tidal land reclamation and as a defense against typhoons, but it has rapidly expanded and caused enormous ecological consequences. Mapping the spread and distribution of S. alterniflora is the first step toward understanding the factors that determine the population expansion patterns. Remote sensing is a promising tool to monitor the expansion of S. alterniflora. Twelve Landsat TM images and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were used to delineate the invasion of S. alterniflora from 1993 to 2009, and SPOT 6 images and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) were used to map the distribution of S. alterniflora in 2014. In situ data and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images were used as supplementary data. S. alterniflora spread rapidly in Yueqing Bay over the past 21 years. Between 1993 and 2009, the area of S. alterniflora increased by 608 times (from 4 to 2432 ha). The rapid expansion of S. alterniflora covered almost all of the bare mudflats around the mangrove forests and the cultivated mudflats. However, from 2009 to 2014, the rate of expansion of S. alterniflora began to slow down in Yueqing Bay, and the total area of S. alterniflora in Yantian decreased by 275 ha. These phenomena can be explained by the landscape changes and ecological niches. Through the expansion of S. alterniflora, it was found that the ecological significance and environmental impact of S. alterniflora was different in different regions in Yueqing Bay. The conservation plans for Yueqing Bay should consider both the positive and negative effects of S. alterniflora, and the governmental policy should be based on the different circumstances of the regions.  相似文献   

Documenting habitat-related patterns in foraging behaviour at the individual level and over large temporal scales remains challenging for large herbivores. Stable isotope analysis could represent a valuable tool to quantify habitat-related foraging behaviour at the scale of individuals and over large temporal scales in forest dwelling large herbivores living in coastal environments, because the carbon (δ13C) or nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic signatures of forage can differ between open and closed habitats or between terrestrial and littoral forage, respectively. Here, we examined if we could detect isotopic differences between the different assemblages of forage taxa consumed by white-tailed deer that can be found in open, closed, supralittoral, and littoral habitats. We showed that δ13C of assemblages of forage taxa were 3.0‰ lower in closed than in open habitats, while δ15N were 2.0‰ and 7.4‰ higher in supralittoral and littoral habitats, respectively, than in terrestrial habitats. Stable isotope analysis may represent an additional technique for ecologists interested in quantifiying the consumption of terrestrial vs. marine autotrophs. Yet, given the relative isotopic proximity and the overlap between forage from open, closed, and supralittoral habitats, the next step would be to determine the potential to estimate their contribution to herbivore diet.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Satureja bachtiarica Bunge (Lamiaceae) is a medicinal plant native to Iran which is widely used in traditional medicine, as a spice and as a vegetable....  相似文献   

The Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is an important forest pest as well as the principal vector of the pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer), in mainland China. Despite the economic importance of this insect-disease complex, only a few studies are available on the population genetic structure of M. alternatus and the relationship between its historic dispersal pattern and various human activities. The aim of the present study was to further explore aspects of human activity on the population genetic structure of M. alternatus in mainland China. The molecular data based on the combined mitochondrial cox1 and cox2 gene fragments from 140 individuals representing 14 Chinese populations yielded 54 haplotypes. Overall, a historical (natural) expansion that originated from China’s eastern coast to the western interior was revealed by the haplotype network, as well as several recent, long-distant population exchanges. Correlation analysis suggested that regional economic status and proximity to marine ports significantly influenced the population genetic structure of M. alternatus as indicated by both the ratio of shared haplotypes and the haplotype diversity, however, the PWN distribution in China was significantly correlated with only the ratio of shared haplotypes. Our results suggested that the modern logistical network (i.e., the transportation system) in China is a key medium by which humans have brought about population exchange of M. alternatus in mainland China, likely through inadvertent movement of infested wood packaging material associated with trade, and that this genetic exchange was primarily from the economically well-developed east coast of China, westward, to the less-developed interior. In addition, this study demonstrated the existence of non-local M. alternatus in new PWN-infested localities in China, but not all sites with non-local M. alternatus were infested with PWN.  相似文献   

Community respiration and primary production were measured in a dense intertidal Zostera noltii bed on the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania (West Africa) under aerial and submerged conditions. Metabolism was studied in situ in dark and transparent benthic chambers. CO2 fluxes in the air were measured over a series of short-term incubations (3 min) using an infrared gas analyzer. Dissolved inorganic carbon fluxes were calculated from concentration changes during one-hour underwater incubations. Air and underwater irradiance levels were measured every minute throughout the experiments. Carbon respiration was lower in the air (2.2 mmol m−2 h−1) than underwater (5.0 mmol m−2 h−1); similarly, a production-irradiance model fitted to the data indicated that gross maximal photosynthetic rate was markedly lower during emergence (6.0 mmol C m−2 h−1) than under water (42.7 mmol C m−2 h−1). The δ13C values observed in shoots indicated a decrease in atmospheric CO2 contribution, compared to dissolved inorganic carbon, in Z. noltii metabolism along a depth gradient within a single location. As the seagrass bed remains under a thin layer of water at low tide at the studied site, the large difference in primary production can be mainly attributed to photosynthesis inhibition by high pH and oxygen concentration, as well as to the negative feedback of self-shading by seagrass leaves during emersion. The observed differences in respiration can be explained by the oxygen deficit at night during low tide near the sediment surface, a deficit that is consistent with the abundance of anoxia-tolerant species.  相似文献   



The plant species Ipomoea aquatica contains various bioactive constituents, e.g. phenols and flavonoids, which have several medical uses. All previous studies were executed in Asia; however, no reports are available from Africa, and the secondary metabolites of this plant species from Africa are still unknown.


The present study aims finding suitable conditions to identify the bioactive compounds from different fractions.


Chromatographic fingerprint profiles of different fractions were developed using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and then these conditions were transferred to thin‐layer chromatography (TLC). Subsequently, the chemical structure of some bioactive compounds was elucidated using ultra‐performance liquid chromatography‐quadrupole time of flight‐tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC‐QTOF‐MS) and liquid chromatography‐solid phase extraction‐nuclear magnetic resonance (LC‐SPE‐NMR) spectroscopy.


The HPLC fingerprints, developed on two coupled Chromolith RP‐18e columns, using a gradient mobile phase (methanol/water/trifluoroacetic acid, 5:95:0.05, v/v/v), showed more peaks than the TLC profile. The TLC fingerprint allows the identification of the types of chemical constituents, e.g. flavonoids. Two flavonoids (nicotiflorin and ramnazin‐3‐O‐rutinoside) and two phenolic compounds (dihydroxybenzoic acid pentoside and di‐pentoside) were tentatively identified by QTOF‐MS, while NMR confirmed the structure of rutin and nicotiflorin.


The HPLC and TLC results showed that HPLC fingerprints give more and better separated peaks, but TLC helped in determining the class of the active compounds in some fractions. Bioactive constituents were identified as well using MS and NMR analyses. Two flavonoids and two phenolic compounds were tentatively identified in this species for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article addresses agricultural metabolism and transitions for energy, nitrogen, farm production, self‐sufficiency, and surplus from historical data since the nineteenth century. It builds on an empirical data set on agricultural production and production means in France covering 130 consecutive years (1882–2013). Agricultural transitions have increased the net production and surplus of farms by a factor of 4 and have zeroed self‐sufficiency. The energy consumption remained quasi‐stable since 1882, but the energy and nitrogen structure of agriculture fully changed. With an EROI (energy return to energy invested) of 2 until 1950, preindustrial agriculture consumed as much energy to function as it provided in exportable surplus to sustain the nonagricultural population. The EROI doubled to 4 over the last 60 years, driven, on the one hand, by efficiency improvements in traction through the replacement of draft animals by motors and, on the other hand, by the joint increase in crop yields and efficiency in nitrogen use. Agricultural energy and nitrogen transitions shifted France from a self‐sufficiency agri‐food‐energy regime to a fossil‐dependent food export regime. Knowledge of resource conversion mechanisms over the long duration highlights the effects of changing agricultural metabolism on the system's feeding capacity. Farm self‐sufficiency is an asset against fossil fuel constraints, price volatility, and greenhouse gas emissions, but it equates to lower farm surplus in support of urbanization.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial patterns of net primary production (NPP) is central to the study of terrestrial ecosystems, but efforts are frequently hampered by a lack of spatial information regarding factors such as nitrogen availability and site history. Here, we examined the degree to which canopy nitrogen can serve as an indicator of patterns of NPP at the Bartlett Experimental Forest in New Hampshire by linking canopy nitrogen estimates from two high spectral resolution remote sensing instruments with field measurements and an ecosystem model. Predicted NPP across the study area ranged from less than 700 g m−2 year−1 to greater than 1300 g m−2 year−1 with a mean of 951 g m−2 year−1. Spatial patterns corresponded with elevation, species composition and historical forest management, all of which were reflected in patterns of canopy nitrogen. The relationship between production and elevation was nonlinear, with an increase from low- to mid-elevation deciduous stands, followed by a decline in upper-elevation areas dominated by evergreens. This pattern was also evident in field measurements and mirrored an elevational trend in foliar N concentrations. The increase in production from low-to mid-elevation deciduous stands runs counter to the generally accepted pattern for the northeastern U.S. region, and suggests an importance of moisture limitations in lower-elevation forests. Field measurements of foliar N, wood production and leaf litterfall were also used to evaluate sources of error in model estimates and to determine how predictions are affected by different methods of acquiring foliar N input data. The accuracy of predictions generated from remotely sensed foliar N approached that of predictions driven by field-measured foliar N. Predictions based on the more common approach of using aggregated foliar N for individual cover types showed reasonable agreement in terms of the overall mean, but were in poor agreement on a plot-by-plot basis. Collectively, these results suggest that variation in foliar N exerts an important control on landscape-level spatial patterns and can serve as an integrator of other underlying factors that influence forest growth rates.  相似文献   

Membrane inlet mass spectrometry was used to monitor dissolved gas concentrations (CO2, CH4 and O2) in a mesotrophic peat core from Kopparås, Sweden. 1 A comparison of depth profiles (down to 22 cm) with an ombrotrophic peat core (Ellergower, SW Scotland) investigated previously, revealed major differences in gas concentrations. Thus methane reached concentrations more than twice as high (800 μM) at depths greater than 12 cm in the Kopparås core. As shown previously, the primary determinant of the depth of the oxic zone is the level of the water table. Whereas in the Scottish cores, mass spectrometric detectability of O2 was confined to the first 3 cm below this level, in the Swedish core penetration of O2 was greater (7 cm). CO2 profiles were similar in cores from both locations. 2 A thick layer of Sphagnum mosses dominated the plant cover of the Swedish peat core. A poorly developed deep root system, as distinct from that of the vascular plant cover in Scottish cores, diminished gas exchange rates, and presumably aerobic methane oxidation at depth around roots. These characteristics may contribute to the development of discontinuities in gas profiles at depths greater 15 cm as upward gas transport is established predominantly by diffusion and/or ebullition in the Swedish core. 3 Monitoring gas concentrations at the peat surface and at 2 cm depth after changing water tables showed a delayed response of approximately 4 days as a result of the high water content and moisture‐regulating capacity of mosses. 4 Recovery processes at 2 cm depth after raising the water table revealed final production rates of dissolved CO2 and CH4 in the peat pore water between 0.8 and 4.4 μmol h?1 L?1 and between 0.1 and 1.7 μmol h?1 L?1, respectively. Higher production rates were found during the day, indicating a diurnal rhythm due to plant photosynthetic activity even at the low values of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR: 110 μmol s?1 m?2) used in the experimental set‐up. 5 In the water‐logged mesotrophic Kopparås core changes of dissolved gas concentrations (DGC) at 3 and 14 cm depth were surface temperature‐dependent rather than light dependent. This suggests that changes of air temperature alters the covering vegetation to increase the conductivity for dissolved gases through vascular plants and to facilitate gas transport by diffusion and/or ebullition.  相似文献   


Histoplasmosis occurs in 5–10% of HIV-infected patients in endemic areas and evolves to severe and disseminated infection with mortality rates over 50% in some regions. This report presents epidemiological, clinical and outcome data from HIV-infected patients with histoplasmosis confirmed by culture and/or at necropsy who were admitted to a Brazilian teaching hospital. Data from 65 patients were obtained from their respective medical and necropsy records. From 2005 to 2018, 36 HIV-infected patients were diagnosed with histoplasmosis confirmed by culture. At admission, most of these patients presented disseminated fungal infection, whereas 15 (41.7%) were simultaneously diagnosed with both HIV infection and histoplasmosis. Fever, weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, respiratory and digestive symptoms were present in 86.2%, 50%, 44.4% and 41.7% of the patients, respectively. At admission, 24 patients had low CD4 T-cell count and high viral load values. Among the 30 patients who received antifungals, 16 (53.3%) were cured, 13 (43.3%) died, and one was lost to follow-up. Six patients died prior to therapy. From 1990 to 2018, 63 necropsies of patients with Histoplasma capsulatum infection were performed. Of these patients, 29 (46.0%) were HIV-infected individuals, including 21 (72.4%) who presented disseminated histoplasmosis and 21 (72.4%) who were diagnosed with histoplasmosis at necropsy. The epidemiological, clinical and outcome profiles presented herein are similar to those described elsewhere and reinforce the difficulties that are still present in limited-resource settings where advanced immunodeficiency, combined with severe fungal infection and late patient admissions, is related to poor outcomes.


Long‐term monogamy is most prevalent in birds but is also found in lizards. We combined a 31‐year field study of the long‐lived, monogamous Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, with continuous behavioural observations through GPS data logging, in 1 yr, to investigate the duration of pair bonds, rates of partner change and whether either the reproductive performance hypothesis or the mate familiarity hypothesis could explain this remarkable long‐term monogamy. The reproductive performance hypothesis predicts higher reproductive success in more experienced parents, whereas the mate familiarity hypothesis suggests that effects of partner familiarity select for partner retention and long‐term monogamy. Rates of partner change were below 34% over a 5‐yr period and most sleepy lizards formed long‐term pair bonds: 31 partnerships lasted for more than 15 yr, 110 for more than 10 yr, and the recorded maximum was 27 yr (ongoing). In the year when we conducted detailed observations, familiar pairs mated significantly earlier than unfamiliar pairs. Previous pairing experience (total number of years paired with previous partners) had no significant effect. Early mating often equates to higher reproductive success, and we infer that is the case in sleepy lizards. Early mating of familiar pairs was not due to better body condition. We propose two suggestions about the proximate mechanisms that may allow familiar pair partners to mate earlier than unfamiliar partners. First, they may have improved coordination of their reproductive sexual cycles to reach receptivity earlier and thereby maximise fertilisation success. Second, they may forage more efficiently, benefiting from effective information transfer and/or cooperative predator detection. Those ideas need empirical testing in the future. Regardless of the mechanism, our observations of sleepy lizard pairing behaviour support the mate familiarity hypothesis, but not the reproductive performance hypothesis, as an explanation for its long‐term monogamous mating system.  相似文献   

The present paper describes environmental and seasonal‐related chemical composition variations, vasorelaxant and angiotensin I‐converting enzyme (ACE) activities of essential oil from aerial parts of Seseli pallasii Besser . The composition was analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Monoterpenes were found to be the most abundant chemical class with α ‐pinene (42.7 – 48.2%) as the most prevalent component. Seseli pallasi essential oil relaxed isolated endothelium‐intact mesenteric arteries rings precontracted with phenylephrine with IC 50 = 3.10 nl/ml (IC 50 = 2.70 μg/ml). Also, S. pallasii essential oil was found to exhibit a dose‐dependent ACE inhibitory activity with an IC 50 value of 0.33 mg/ml. In silico evaluation of ACE inhibitory activity of the individual components showed that spathulenol exhibited the best binding affinity with ACE, and the lowest binding energy of ?7.5 kcal/mol. The results suggested that combination of vasorelaxing and ACE inhibitory effects of the analyzed S. pallasii essential oil might have the potential therapeutic significance in hypertension.  相似文献   

This article investigates the diets of neighboring Christians and Muslims in late medieval Spain (here 13th–16th centuries) through the analysis of the stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in adult human and animal bone collagen. Twenty‐four Christians and 20 Muslims are sampled from two adjacent and contemporaneous settlements in the township of Gandía on the Mediterranean coast, together with the remains of 24 animals. Statistical differences in both δ13C and δ15N reveal that the diets of the two faith communities differed, despite living side‐by‐side. These differences may relate to inequalities in their access to foodstuffs, particularly to C3/C4 grain and/or possibly terrestrial meat sources, though cultural preferences are also highlighted. Isotopic values for animals were also found to vary widely, both between and within species, and this provides a window into the local livestock economy. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:263–273, 2015. © 2014 The Authors. American Journal of physical Anthropology published by Wiley Periodicals,Inc.  相似文献   

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