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After boronization of the vacuum chamber of the L-2M stellarator, radiative losses from ohmically and ECR heated plasmas were reduced by a factor of 3–4. Under these conditions, radiative losses in the ECRH regime comprise only 10–15% of the input microwave power. Some effects have been detected that were not observed previously: a substantial increase in the gradient of the electron temperature near the separatrix, a preferentially outward-directed radial turbulent particle flux (both throughout the discharge phase and from shot to shot), and a longer (by a factor of 2–3) duration of the plasma cooling phase.  相似文献   

In experiments on the generation and electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) of plasma in the L-2M stellarator, non-Maxwellian two-slope soft X-ray (SXR) spectra were observed. The temperatures of the thermal and epithermal components of the spectra were measured as functions of the heating power and plasma density. A hypothesis based on the experimental results is suggested to explain the formation mechanism of two-slope SXR spectra in the ECRH experiments at the L-2M stellarator. The measured SXR spectra are compared with the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Long-range spatial correlations in the turbulent plasma of the L-2M stellarator were revealed experimentally, and their relation to the geometry of magnetic surfaces was analyzed (Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 045001 (2008)). The operation modes of the facility in which fast transport transitions in plasma are possible were studied. Upon these transitions, the turbulence level is found to decrease substantially. It is shown that long-range spatial correlations are typical of relatively narrow frequency ranges. In particular, before a transport transition, such frequency ranges are f ~ 30–40 kHz and f ~ 1–3 kHz. After the transition, long-range spatial correlations in the frequency range of f ~ 30–40 kHz disappear due to a significant decrease in the turbulence level in this frequency range. At the same time, correlations in the low frequency range are retained and new correlations at frequencies of f ~ 6-12 kHz occur. It is found that global electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of f ~ 1–3 kHz are related to the m/n = 0/0 perturbation and its toroidal satellites (here, m and n are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively). It is also shown that, after the transport transition, a three-dimensional localized electromagnetic mode at the frequency of the geodesic acoustic mode governed by the average magnetic field curvature is excited. At higher frequencies typical of a geodesic acoustic mode related to the three-dimensional curvature of the magnetic field, no long-range spatial correlations were observed both before and after the transport transition.  相似文献   

Correlation between short-wavelength (k ≈ 20–30 cm–1) and long-wavelength (k ≈ 1–2 cm–1) plasma density fluctuations in two poloidal cross sections of the stellarator chamber separated by 1/14 or 5/14 of the torus perimeter was studied using collective scattering of radiation of two 75-GHz gyrotrons and radiation of a 37-GHz Doppler reflectometer at an ECR heating power density of 1.6–3.2 MW/m3. It is found that excitation of turbulent fluctuations is bursty in character and that fluctuations excited in different L-2M cross sections are uncorrelated. It is shown that the energy of turbulent fluctuations is modulated by a low frequency of 5–20 kHz. An idea is put forward that anomalous transport is toroidally inhomogeneous.  相似文献   

The program of experiments on ITER includes a sequential change of the plasma isotopic composition from pure hydrogen plasma in the initial stage of research to deuterium and, then, deuterium-tritium plasma with a gradual increase in the tritium content. In this context, the influence of the plasma isotopic composition on the processes of plasma heating and confinement are being actively studied on the existing tokamaks and stellarators. The plasma isotopic composition also depends on the composition of the gas desorbed from the vacuum chamber wall in the course of recycling. Therefore, the rate of change of the plasma isotopic composition after altering the injected gas also depends on the rate of change of the isotopic composition of the gas absorbed in the wall. These effects were studied in the experiments carried out on the L-2M stellarator in which the working gas was changed from hydrogen to deuterium. Spectral measurements of the intensity ratio between the H α and D α lines made it possible to monitor the isotopic composition of the plasma in the course of cleaning of the chamber wall from earlier absorbed hydrogen and its replacement with deuterium. After returning to hydrogen, the rate of cleaning of the wall from deuterium was also determined. The results of these experiments show that the plasma isotopic composition varies exponentially with the number N of shots after transition to another isotope, ∼exp(−N/47). Hence, the isotopic composition can be changed almost completely over 2 to 3 working days. This allows one to study the influence of the plasma isotopic composition on plasma confinement during the same experimental session.  相似文献   

The use of Doppler reflectometry in the L-2M stellarator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results are presented from measurements of the plasma rotation velocity and plasma density fluctuations in the L-2M stellarator by the method of Doppler reflectometry. Specific problems that arise when applying this diagnostics to the stellarator are revealed. The poloidal plasma velocity at the periphery of the plasma column is determined. The results of measurements are well reproducible.  相似文献   

A novel method for measuring the particle confinement time by using spectroscopic data has been developed. The electron influx into plasma is estimated from the intensity of the Hα line. The first results obtained by this method in the L-2M stellarator are discussed.  相似文献   

Results are presented from L-2M stellarator experiments on testing a possible method for detection of water microleakages in the cooling system of the first wall and vacuum chamber of ITER. The method consists in the spectroscopic detection of spectral lines of the OH hydroxyl, which forms via the dissociation of water molecules in plasma. Emission in the spectral band of 305–310 nm can be detected even at water leakage rates less than 10?4 Pa m3/s. Chemical reactions between water and boron compounds on the vacuum chamber wall delay the detection of leakages up to ~2000 s. A similar phenomenon can be expected when a leakage will occur in ITER, where the materials suggested for the first wall (Be, Li) can also chemically react with water.  相似文献   

A plasma confinement mode characterized by the formation of an edge transport barrier (ETB) was discovered in the L-2M stellarator after boronization of the vacuum vessel wall. The transition into this mode is accompanied by a jump in the electron temperature by 100–200 eV at the plasma edge and a sharp increase in the gradient of the electron temperature T e in this region. The threshold power for the transition into the ETB confinement mode with an increased electron temperature gradient is P thr ?Te = (60 ± 15)n e [1019 m?3] kW. The formation of the ETB manifests itself also in a substantial change in the electron density profile. A density peak with a steep gradient at the outer side forms at the plasma edge. The threshold power for the transition into the ETB confinement mode corresponding to a substantial increase in the plasma density gradient near r = a is P thr ?Te = (67 ± 9)n e [1019 m?3] kW, which agrees to within experimental error with the threshold power for the transition into the ETB confinement mode determined from the sharp increase in the gradient of the electron temperature T e . The value of P thr for the L-2M stellarator agrees to within 25% with that obtained from the tokamak scaling. In the ETB confinement mode, the plasma energy W and the energy confinement time τ E determined from diamagnetic measurements increase by 20–30% as compared to those obtained from the stellarator scaling for the confinement mode without an ETB. When the heating power increases by a factor of 2–3 above the threshold value, the effects related to improved energy confinement disappear.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the influence of the stellarator magnetic field structure on the plasma behavior in electron-cyclotron resonance regimes with a high heating power per electron. The magnetic field structure was changed by varying the induction current I p from ?14 to +14 kA. The plasma electrons were heated at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency by an X-mode microwave beam with a power of P ~ 200 kW, the average plasma density being in the range n e = (0.5–2) × 1013 cm?3. At I p = 0, the rotational transform varies from $\rlap{--} \iota $ (0) = 0.2 on the magnetic axis to 0.8 at the plasma boundary. At a positive current of I p = 13.5 kA, the rotational transform was $\rlap{--} \iota $ (0) = 0.8 on the axis and $\rlap{--} \iota $ (a p) = 0.9 at the plasma boundary. Experiments with a positive current have shown that the radiative temperature first increases with current. When the current increases to I p = 11–14 kA, strong modulation appears in the electron cyclotron emission signals received from all the plasma radii, the emission spectrum changes, and the emission intensity decreases. At a negative current of I p = ?(6.5–13.5) kA, the rotational transform vanishes at r/a p = 0.4–0.6. In this regime, the number of suprathermal electrons is reduced substantially and the emission intensity decreases at both low and high plasma densities.  相似文献   

Backscattering of gyrotron radiation (θ = π) by short-wavelength density fluctuations (k = 30 cm?1) in the plasma of the L-2M stellarator was studied under conditions of electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma heating at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency (75 GHz). The scattering of the O-wave emerging due to the splitting of the linearly polarized gyrotron radiation into the X- and O-waves was analyzed. The signal obtained after homodyne detection of scattered radiation is a result of interference of the reference signal, the quasi-steady component, and the fast oscillating component. The coefficients of reflection of the quasi-steady component, R = 2 (Y), and fast oscillating component, R 2 (Y), of scattered radiation are estimated. The growth of the R 2 (Y) coefficient from 3.7 × 10?4 to 5.2 × 10?4 with increasing ECR heating power from 190 to 430 kW is found to correlate with the decrease in the energy lifetime from 1.9 to 1.46 ms. The relative density of short-wavelength fluctuations is estimated to be 〈n 2 〉/〈n e 2 〉 = 3 × 10?7. It is shown that the frequencies of short-wavelength fluctuations are in the range 10–150 kHz. The recorded short-wavelength fluctuations can be interpreted as structural turbulence, the energy of which comprises ~10% of the total fluctuations energy. Simulations of transport processes show that neoclassical heat fluxes are much smaller than anomalous ones. It is suggested that short-wavelength turbulence plays a decisive role in the anomalous heat transport.  相似文献   

The influence of magnetic configurations with magnetic hills or wells on the parameters of a plasma column and turbulence characteristics were studied in experiments in which the plasma was created and heated by a microwave beam at the second harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequency. Calculations show that, for 〈β〉=(1.5?2)×10?, a configuration with a magnetic well takes place and the Mercier criterion for stability of the ideal MHD modes is satisfied. It is shown that the compensation of the Shafranov shift of the plasma column by a transverse (vertical) field (B v /B 0 =5×10?3) leads to a configuration with a magnetic hill in which the Mercier stability criterion is violated in the central region of the plasma column. It is experimentally shown that the stored plasma energy in the magnetic-hill configuration is reduced by one-half in comparison with the magnetic-well configuration. In the case of a magnetic hill, the energy of fluctuations increases both in the plasma core and near the separatrix, and the quasi-regular components of the wavelet spectra grow. When the Shafranov shift is compensated only partially (B v/B 0~3×10?3) and the system is near the instability threshold, the stored plasma energy and the central electron temperature are somewhat higher, and the radiation power of fast electrons from non-Maxwellian tails at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency decreases. It is found that the wavelet spectra of fluctuations change, the coherence coefficient for spectral components increases, and the radial electric field near the separatrix decreases.  相似文献   

Results of testing of a possible method for location of water microleakages in the cooling system of the first wall and vacuum chamber of ITER are presented. The method consists in spectroscopic detection of the emission lines of atoms and ions of the Xe additive dissolved in water. These lines are excited when the water with dissolved Xe contacts the plasma. The high electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) power deposited in a relatively small plasma volume in the L-2M stellarator (P = 0.5 MW, V = 0.24 m3, and the specific heating power ??2 MW/m3) makes it possible to achieve plasma parameters close to those in the edge plasma of ITER for different operating modes, including the H-mode with an edge transport barrier. In test experiments, several lines of Xe ions were revealed suitable for detection of xenon in plasma with parameters close to those in the edge plasma of ITER at leakage rates at a level of ??10?6 Pa m3 s?1 and spatial resolution of ??0.5 cm.  相似文献   

Results from experimental studies of the modulation of the gyrotron power during electron cyclotron resonance heating of plasma L-2M stellarator are presented. It is shown that the modulation spectrum consists of separate spectral bands, among which a 20-kHz peak with a spectral density exceeding by one order of magnitude the spectral density of the other peaks is observed. This can be explained by the gyrotron operation being affected by the wave reflected from long-wavelength plasma fluctuations.  相似文献   

Results are presented from the measurements of the ion saturation current, the floating potential, and their fluctuations in the edge plasma of the L-2M stellarator. Distinguishing features in the distribution of the ion saturation current and the floating potential near the separatrix are revealed and examined. Based on the cross correlation measurements with probes positioned at different toroidal angles, it is concluded that fluctuations in the ion saturation current are related to fast vertical displacements of the plasma column, whereas fluctuations in the floating potential have the form of waves propagating in the radial direction.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experiments on studying the plasma behavior in the L-2M stellarator in regimes with a high power deposition in electrons during electron cyclotron heating at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency (X mode) at heating powers of P in=120–400 kW and average plasma densities from n e≤3×1019 to 0.3×1019 m?3. It is shown that, as the plasma density decreases and the heating power increases, the electron cyclotron emission spectrum is modified; this may be attributed to a deviation of the electron energy distribution from a Maxwellian and the generation of suprathermal electrons. At low plasma densities, the emission intensity at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency increases, whereas the plasma energy measured by diamagnetic diagnostics does not increase. This poses the question of the correctness of determining the plasma electron temperature by electron cyclotron emission diagnostics under these conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in the energy spectra of short-wavelength (k s ≈ 35 cm?1) plasma density fluctuations in the local region of the plasma column (r/a = 0.5–0.6) of the L-2M stellarator were studied by the method of collective scattering of 150-GHz radiation. The plasma was heated at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency, the microwave heating power being in the range of 90–170 kW. A sector limiter was introduced in the peripheral plasma (r/a ≥ 0.8), and the Shafranov shift of the magnetic axis was varied by varying the vertical magnetic field. The results of measurements were averaged over 9–16 discharges. It is found that an increase in the heating power and/or the introduction of the sector limiter in the plasma lead to an increase in the energy of density fluctuations, which correlates with a decrease in the plasma energy lifetime. In the spectra of fluctuations, a broad spectral band in the range of 3–50 kHz was observed in which the spectral density was one order of magnitude higher than in the rest of the spectrum. Analysis of the Fourier spectra showed that the introduction of the sector limiter in the plasma resulted in an increase in both the spectral density of fluctuations in the range of 3–50 kHz and the fraction of quasi-coherent structures in turbulent density fluctuations.  相似文献   

Comparative measurements of the absorbed microwave power are performed using the diamagnetic diagnostics and a multichannel diagnostics receiving the second harmonic electron cyclotron emission from the plasma. The specific features of the experiments and the results obtained are discussed.  相似文献   

In experiments on electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) heating of plasma at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency in the L-2M stellarator, the effect of partial reflection of high-power gyrotron radiation from the ECR heating region located in the center of the plasma column was revealed. The reflection coefficient is found to be on the order of 10?3. The coefficient of reflection of an extraordinary wave from the second-harmonic ECR region is calculated in the one-dimensional full-wave model. The calculated and measured values of the reflection coefficient are found to coincide in order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of variations in the plasma parameters during the excitation of a multiaxis magnetic configuration by the induction current (up to 17 kA) in the basic magnetic configuration of the L-2M stellarator in the regime of ECR heating at a microwave power of ~200 kW (~1 MW m?3) and an average plasma density of (1–2) × 1019 m?3. The current direction was chosen to reduce the net rotational transform (the so-called “negative“ current). The current was high enough for the rotational transform to change its sign inside the plasma column. Computer simulations of the L-2M magnetic structure showed that the surface with a zero rotational transform is topologically unstable and gives rise to magnetic islands, i.e., to a multiaxis magnetic configuration. Magnetic measurements showed that, at negative currents above 10 kA, intense bursts of MHD oscillations with a clearly defined toroidal mode number n = 0 were observed in the frequency range of several kilohertz. Unfortunately, the experimental data are insufficient to draw the final conclusion on the transverse structure of these oscillations. The radial temperature profiles along the stellarator major radius in the equatorial plane were studied. It is found that the electron temperature decreases by a factor of 1.3 in the plasma core (r/a ≤ 0.6) and that the temperature jump is retained near the boundary. A change in turbulent fluctuations of the plasma density during the excitation of a negative current was studied using wave scattering diagnostics. It is found that the probability density function of the increments of fluctuations in the plasma core differs from a Gaussian distribution. The measured distribution is heavy-tailed and broadens in the presence of the current. It is found that the spectrum of turbulent fluctuations and their Doppler shift near the plasma boundary are nonuniform in the radial direction. This may be attributed to the shear of the poloidal velocity. The experimental results indicate that the formation of regions with a zero rotational transform in the plasma core somewhat intensifies plasma transport.  相似文献   

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