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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) functions as a peptide neurotransmitter and as a neuroendocrine hormone. The active NPY peptide is generated in secretory vesicles by proteolytic processing of proNPY. Novel findings from this study show that cathepsin L participates as a key proteolytic enzyme for NPY production in secretory vesicles. Notably, NPY levels in cathepsin L knockout (KO) mice were substantially reduced in brain and adrenal medulla by 80% and 90%, respectively. Participation of cathepsin L in producing NPY predicts their colocalization in secretory vesicles, a primary site of NPY production. Indeed, cathepsin L was colocalized with NPY in brain cortical neurons and in chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla, demonstrated by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed the localization of cathepsin L with NPY in regulated secretory vesicles of chromaffin cells. Functional studies showed that coexpression of proNPY with cathepsin L in neuroendocrine PC12 cells resulted in increased production of NPY. Furthermore , in vitro processing indicated cathepsin L processing of proNPY at paired basic residues. These findings demonstrate a role for cathepsin L in the production of NPY from its proNPY precursor. These studies illustrate the novel biological role of cathepsin L in the production of NPY, a peptide neurotransmitter, and neuroendocrine hormone.  相似文献   

The enzymes that degrade proteins to peptides for presentation on MHC class II molecules are poorly understood. The cysteinal lysosomal proteases, cathepsin L (CL) and cathepsin S (CS), have been shown to process invariant chain, thereby facilitating MHC class II maturation. However, their role in Ag processing is not established. To examine this issue, we generated embryonic fibroblast lines that express CL, CS, or neither. Expression of CL or CS mediates efficient degradation of invariant chain as expected. Ag presentation was evaluated using T cell hybridoma assays as well as mass spectroscopic analysis of peptides eluted from MHC class II molecules. Interestingly, we found that the majority of peptides are presented regardless of CL or CS expression, although these proteases often alter the relative levels of the peptides. However, for a subset of Ags, epitope generation is critically regulated by CL or CS. This result suggests that these cysteinal proteases participate in Ag processing and generate qualitative and quantitative differences in the peptide repertoires displayed by MHC class II molecules.  相似文献   

Infusion of I-isoproterenol in anesthetised rats induced a dose-dependent increase of the plasma levels of immunoreactive α-MSH (α-MSHi), β-endorphin (β-ENDi), ACTH (ACTHi) and of corticosterone (B). Steady state levels of all of these substances were reached within 20 min after the start of the infusion. The ED50 values of I-isoproterenol for the increase of plasma α-MSHi, β-ENDi, ACTHi and B were similar (42, 86, 84 and 48 ng/kg. min, respectively). Infusion of I-epinephrine also induced a dose-dependent increase of plasma α-MSHi, β-ENDi, ACTHi and B with similar ED50 values (89, III, 110 and 46 ng/kg. min, respectively). The I-epinephrine-induced increase of plasma α-MSHi, β-ENDi, ACTHi and B was blocked by I-propranolol but not by d-propranolol.Pretreatment of rats with dexamethasone (2.0 mg/kg s.c., 16 hr) completely prevented the I-epinephrine-induced increase of plasma ACTHi and B, without affecting the increase of plasma α-MSHi and β-ENDi.We conclude that catecholamines can stimulate the secretion of peptides from the intermediate lobe (e.g. α-MSH, β-END) as well as from the anterior lobe (e.g. ACTH) of the pituitary gland via interaction with one or more β-adrenergic receptor mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have cloned the cDNA and genomic DNA of an active intronless cathepsin L from Metapenaeus ensis. The encoded enzyme has the shortest prosequence among cathepsin L subgroup. It was predominantly expressed in hepatopancreas with an expression level of at least 10 times higher than in any other tissues. It also has expression in stomach, intestine, eye, testis, ovary and muscle. Western blots visualized the mature enzyme in hepatopancreas and a procathepsin L in ovary, intestine and stomach. Metapenaeus cathepsin L (MeCatL) is localized in the large digestive vacuole of the digestive B cell of hepatopancreas. MeCatL has a role in food digestion. An interesting finding is that it exists in the nucleus of oocyte. MeCatL might have a specified physiological role in the nucleus of oocyte. MeCatL might also have a house-keeping function as is suggested for mammalian cathepsin L.  相似文献   

A discrete mode of the antipyretic action of AVP, alpha-MSH and ACTH.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The antipyretic effect of AVP, alpha-MSH and ACTH consists in lowering the thermoregulatory threshold and in shortening the time span of the fever. Thus, neuropeptides influence activity of hypothalamic neurones regulating body temperature. This was confirmed by recent experiments of Moravec (this volume) which indicate that spontaneous activity and thermosensitivity of neurones in hypothalamic slices can be influenced, by AVP. Why neuropeptides of different chemical structure such as AVT, on one hand, and alpha-MSH and ACTH, on the other hand, induce the same effect on thermoregulation remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Cardosin A and cardosin B are two aspartic proteases mainly found in the pistils of cardoon Cynara cardunculus L., whose flowers are traditionally used in several Mediterranean countries in the manufacture of ewe's cheese. We have been characterizing cardosins at the biochemical, structural and molecular levels. In this study, we show that the cardoon aspartic proteases are encoded by a multigene family. The genes for cardosin A and cardosin B, as well as those for two new cardoon aspartic proteases, designated cardosin C and cardosin D, were characterized, and their expression in C. cardunculus L. was analyzed by RT-PCR. Together with cardosins, a partial clone of the cyprosin B gene was isolated, revealing that cardosin and cyprosin genes coexist in the genome of the same plant. As a first approach to understanding what dictates the flower-specific pattern of cardosin genes, the respective gene 5' regulatory sequences were fused with the reporter beta-glucuronidase and introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana. A subsequent deletion analysis of the promoter region of the cardosin A gene allowed the identification of a region of approximately 500 bp essential for gene expression in transgenic flowers. Additionally, the relevance of the leader intron of the cardosin A and B genes for gene expression was evaluated. Our data showed that the leader intron is essential for cardosin B gene expression in A. thaliana. In silico analysis revealed the presence of potential regulatory motifs that lay within the aforementioned regions and therefore might be important in the regulation of cardosin expression.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) is involved in the stimulation of secretion of anterior pituitary hormones in females during the periovulatory and periparturient periods. In the present study we examined the role of OT in control of ACTH, beta-endorphin, LH and PRL secretion in vitro from dispersed anterior pituitary cells collected from gilts during the luteal (Days 10-12; n=6) and follicular (Days 18-20; n=5) phases of the estrous cycle. Isolated anterior pituitary cells (1 x 10(6)/ml) were transferred into 24-well plates, separately for each animal, and were pre-incubated for three days at 37 degrees C in atmosphere of 5% CO(2) and 95% air. The cells which attached to the dishes were incubated (3.5 h, 37 degrees C) in McCoy's medium in the absence (control) or in the presence of the following factors: CRH alone (10(-10), 10(-9), 10(-8), 10(-7) M), OT alone (10(-8), 10(-7), 10(-6) M), LVP alone (10(-7) M), OT (10(-7) M) plus CRH (10(-9) M) and LVP (10(-7) M) plus CRH (10(-9) M) for studying ACTH and beta-endorphin secretion; OT alone (10(-8), 10(-7), 10(-6) M), GnRH alone (100 ng/ml), CRH alone (10(-9) M), OT (10(-7) M) plus GnRH (100 ng/ml) and OT (10(-7) M) plus CRH (10(-9) M) for studying LH and PRL secretion. Concentrations of the studied hormones in media were analyzed by RIA. Oxytocin alone increased ACTH (at doses 10(-7), 10(-6) M), beta-endorphin (at dose 10(-8) M), LH (at dose 10(-8) M) and PRL (at doses 10(-7), 10(-6) M) secretion by pituitary cells isolated only from luteal-phase gilts. None of the studied hormone concentrations in the medium was increased in response to OT when pituitary cells of follicular-phase gilts were examined. Oxytocin in combination with CRH exerted an additive effect on beta-endorphin secretion during the luteal phase. Summarizing, in the present study the stimulatory effect of oxytocin on ACTH, beta-endorphin, LH and PRL secretion by pituitary cells isolated from gilts during the luteal phase was demonstrated. However, the cells collected from follicular-phase gilts appeared to be unresponsive to OT. Moreover, interaction between OT and CRH in affecting beta-endorphin secretion was shown. These results suggest that OT may be transiently involved in the modulation of anterior pituitary hormone secretion in cyclic pigs.  相似文献   

The stretching-yawning syndrome (SYS) elicited in rats by intraventricular injection of the pituitary polypeptides, alpha-MSH and ACTH1–24, is paralleled by a 2-fold elevation in the hippocampal turnover rate of acetylcholine (TRACh). Since the increase of TRACh is detected only in the hippocampus, it is inferred that these endogenous polypeptides participate in the modulation of the septal-hippocampal cholinergic neurons.  相似文献   

The presence of ACTH and beta-endorphin immunoreactive molecules in the cell-free hemolymph and in the hemocytes of the freshwater snail Planorbarius corneus were demonstrated by immunocytochemistry and RIA tests. Only spreading phagocytic hemocytes were positive, in contrast with other hemocytes devoid of phagocytic activity, i.e., round hemocytes. These data were confirmed by flow cytometry. Another cell type with marked phagocytic activity, i.e., digestive cells of digestive gland, were also positive to anti-ACTH. Corticotropin-releasing factor immunoreactive molecules were found in the cell-free hemolymph and hemocytes, by RIA. Our data suggest that cells with phagocytic activity, the oldest immune response, may represent a suitable model to unravel the tangled web of the common ancestor of the immune and the neuroendocrine systems.  相似文献   

Sheep fasciolosis is a devastating burden for the livestock industry. We herein report on immunodiagnosis of fasciolosis, and significant protection of sheep against challenge infection with Fasciola gigantica following immunization with a peptide based on the H-Asp(110)-Lys-Ile-Asp-Trp-Arg-Glu-Ser-Gly-Tyr-Val-Thr-Glu-Val(123)-OH (Fas14p) sequence of F. gigantica cathepsin L-cysteine proteinase. This sequence was synthesized in three different forms: as N(alpha) acetylated (Ac-Asp(110)-Lys-Ile-Asp-Trp-Arg-Glu-Ser-Gly-Tyr-Val-Thr-Glu-Val(123)-OH, FasAc14p), bearing at the amino-terminus an N(alpha) acetylated cystein (Ac-Cys-Asp(110)-Lys-Ile-Asp-Trp-Arg-Glu-Ser-Gly-Tyr-Val-Thr-Glu-Val(123)-OH, FasAcCys14p), and conjugated to sequential oligopeptide carrier Ac-[Lys-Aib-Gly](4)-OH (Ac-SOC(4)) through an amide bond formed between Val(123) carboxylic group of the epitope and the lysine N(epsilon) groups of the carrier (Ac-[Lys(Fas14p)-Aib-Gly](4)-OH). Ac-[Lys(Fas14p)-Aib-Gly](4)-OH failed to readily discriminate between na?ve and infected sheep. In contrast, the free peptides reproducibly differentiated between parasite-free sheep, sheep infected with parasites other than Fasciola, and experimentally Fasciola-infected sheep. The data together indicated that the peptides might be of considerable use for discriminating between early and late, and low and high burden, sheep infection with F. gigantica. FasAc14p was chosen to determine whether a peptide based on a critical enzymatic site of cathepsin L proteinase may induce protection against challenge infection. Sheep immunization with FasAc14p peptide induced significant expression of interleukin-4 mRNA, and humoral antibodies that bound to molecule(s) on the intact surface membrane of newly excysted juvenile worms, and mediated their attrition. The immune responses were associated with significant (P < 0.02) decrease of 23.1% in worm recovery, but with no decrease in the size or maturation of worms recovered.  相似文献   

The major excreted protein of transformed mouse fibroblasts (MEP) has recently been identified as the lysosomal cysteine protease, cathepsin L. The synthesis and intracellular trafficking of this protein in mouse fibroblasts are regulated by growth factors and malignant transformation. To further define the basis for this regulation, a cDNA encoding MEP/cathepsin L was isolated from a mouse liver cDNA library and used to compare cathepsin L of normal and Kirsten sarcoma virus-transformed NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Although cathepsin L message levels were elevated 20-fold in the transformed fibroblasts, normal and transformed cells displayed similar cathepsin L genomic DNA digest patterns and gene copy numbers, and cathepsin L mRNA sequences appeared identical by RNase protection analysis. These findings indicate that (i) cathepsin L is synthesized from the same gene in normal and transformed cells and (ii) cathepsin L polypeptides made by these cells are translated with the same primary sequence. Cathepsin L polypeptides synthesized by quiescent, growing, and transformed cells displayed similar isoelectric focusing patterns, suggesting similar post-translational modification. Site-directed mutagenesis of the mouse liver cDNA and expression in COS monkey cells was used to examine the glycosylation of mouse cathepsin L. The results indicated that only one of the two potential N-linked glycosylation sites (the one at Asn221) is glycosylated. Analysis by ion exchange chromatography on QAE-Sephadex, and affinity chromatography on mannose 6-phosphate receptor-Affi-Gel 10, indicated that the cathepsin L oligosaccharide was phosphorylated similarly in normal and transformed cells. Although several phosphorylated oligosaccharide species were observed, the major species contained two phosphomonoester moieties and bound efficiently to the receptor. These findings suggest that cathepsin L made by normal and transformed mouse fibroblasts are identical and substantiate the hypothesis that trafficking of cathepsin L in these cells is regulated by growth-induced changes in the lysosomal protein transport system.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the physiological role of the 41 amino-acid residue corticotropin-releasing factor (41-CRF) on the secretion of ACTH, B-Endorphin and alpha-MSH, plasma levels of these peptides were measured by radioimmunoassay in intact and adrenalectomized rats, two hours after the injection of either 41-CRF antiserum (CRF-AS) or normal rabbit serum for controls. The administration of CRF-AS strikingly lowered the plasma ACTH levels in both intact and adrenalectomized rats. A statistically significant reduction of plasma levels of B-Endorphin was also observed in the same rats. However, the effect of CRF-AS on B-Endorphin release was less pronounced than the effect on ACTH release. No changes in plasma alpha-MSH levels were observed after passive immunization with CRF-AS. We conclude that, in the rat, 41-CRF plays a physiological role in the regulation of ACTH and B-Endorphin secretion, but is not involved in the regulation of alpha-MSH release from the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

A Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm) cysteine protease inhibitor, MsCPI, purified from larval hemolymph has an apparent molecular mass of 11.5 kDa, whereas the size of the mRNA is very large (9 kilobases). MsCPI cDNA consists of a 9,273 nucleotides that encode a polypeptide of 2,676 amino acids, which includes nine tandemly repeated MsCPI domains, four cystatin-like domains and one procathepsin F-like domain. The procathepsin F-like domain protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and processed to its active mature form by incubation with pepsin. The mature enzyme hydrolyzed Z-Leu–Arg–MCA, Z-Phe–Arg–MCA and Boc–Val–Leu–Lys–MCA rapidly, whereas hydrolysis of Suc–Leu–Tyr–MCA and Z-Arg–Arg–MCA was very slow. The protease was strongly inhibited by MsCPI, egg-white cystatin and sunflower cystatin with Ki values in the nanomolar range. When the MsCPI tandem protein linked to two MsCPI domains was treated with proteases, it was degraded by the cathepsin F-like protease. However, tryptic digestion converted the MsCPI tandem protein to an active inhibitory form. These data support the hypothesis that the mature MsCPI protein is produced from the MsCPI precursor protein by trypsin-like proteases. The resulting mature MsCPI protein probably plays a role in the regulation of the activity of endogenous cysteine proteases.  相似文献   

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