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-Caprolactam-utilizing bacteria split -caprolactam, -valerolactamand -butyrolactam, and produce the -amino acids correspondingto them. This activity is lost when cells are grown on 6-amino-caproicacid or ammonium adipate, and reappears when cells are incubatedwith either -caprolactam or -valerolactam as the sole majororganic nutrient. Chloramphenicol inhibits this adaptation.The enzyme splitting those lactams is one and the same. It maybe called "lactam-splitting enzyme". But attempts to demonstratethe enzymic activity in a cell-free system has not yet beensuccessful. (Received September 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

-Carotene was isolated from previously known sources and itsspectral and adsorption properties compared with those of asimilar carotene recently observed in Cryptomonas ovata. Identitywas established. Similar comparisons with synthetic 1-carotenepoint to the identity of the natural and synthetic compoundsand permit assignment of KARRER and EUGSTER's formulation for1-carotene to the naturally occurring representative. 1 Dedicated to Prof. H. TAMIYA on the occasion ot his 60th birthday. 2Contribution from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography,University of California, San Diego. (Received January 22, 1963; )  相似文献   

Amino acid analyses of wheat -amylase purified from germinatingseeds by affinity chromatography showed a high content of amodified lysyl residue. The modified residue was identifiedas N--trimethyl lysine. The presence of trimethyl lysine in-amylase is discussed in terms of isozymes. 1 Present address: National Institutes of Health, Bldg. 10,Rm. 9B-15, Bethesda, MD 20205, U.S.A. (Received August 20, 1981; Accepted March 19, 1982)  相似文献   

An efficient synthesis of cyclic ADP-carbocyclic-ribose (2), as a stable mimic for cyclic ADP-ribose, was achieved. Treatment of N 1-carbocyclic-ribosyla-denosine bisphosphate derivative 10 with AgNO3 in the presence of molecular sieves 3A in pyridine gave the desired cyclic product in 93% yield, which was deprotected to give the target cyclic ADP-carbocyclic-ribose (2).  相似文献   

细菌杀虫剂研究和开发的现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综述了苏云金芽孢杆菌杀虫剂等四种主要的细菌杀虫剂国内外近年来研究和开发的现状及其进展概况。  相似文献   

A reduction in angiotensinII (ANG II) in vivo by treatment of rabbits with theangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, increasesNa+-K+ pump current (Ip)of cardiac myocytes. This increase is abolished by exposure of myocytesto ANG II in vitro. Because ANG II induces translocation of the-isoform of protein kinase C (PKC), we examined whether thisisozyme regulates the pump. We treated rabbits with captopril, isolatedmyocytes, and measured Ip of myocytes voltageclamped with wide-tipped patch pipettes. Ip ofmyocytes from captopril-treated rabbits was larger thanIp of myocytes from controls. ANG II superfusionof myocytes from captopril-treated rabbits decreasedIp to levels similar to controls. Inclusion ofPKC-specific blocking peptide in pipette solutions used to perfusethe intracellular compartment abolished the effect of ANG II. Inclusionof RACK, a PKC-specific activating peptide, in pipettesolutions had an effect on Ip that was similarto that of ANG II. There was no additive effect of ANG II andRACK. We conclude that PKC regulates the sarcolemmalNa+-K+ pump.


The role of PKC in the regulation of store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) is rather controversial. Here, we used Ca2+-imaging, biochemical, pharmacological, and molecular techniques to test if Ca2+-independent PLA2β (iPLA2β), one of the transducers of the signal from depleted stores to plasma membrane channels, may be a target for the complex regulation of SOCE by PKC and diacylglycerol (DAG) in rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs). We found that the inhibition of PKC with chelerythrine resulted in significant inhibition of thapsigargin (TG)-induced SOCE in proliferating SMCs. Activation of PKC by the diacylglycerol analog 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG) caused a significant depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores and triggered Ca2+ influx that was similar to TG-induced SOCE. OAG and TG both produced a PKC-dependent activation of iPLA2β and Ca2+ entry that were absent in SMCs in which iPLA2β was inhibited by a specific chiral enantiomer of bromoenol lactone (S-BEL). Moreover, we found that PKC regulates TG- and OAG-induced Ca2+ entry only in proliferating SMCs, which correlates with the expression of the specific PKC- isoform. Molecular downregulation of PKC- impaired TG- and OAG-induced Ca2+ influx in proliferating SMCs but had no effect in confluent SMCs. Our results demonstrate that DAG (or OAG) can affect SOCE via multiple mechanisms, which may involve the depletion of Ca2+ stores as well as direct PKC--dependent activation of iPLA2β, resulting in a complex regulation of SOCE in proliferating and confluent SMCs. protein kinase C-; Ca2+-independent phospholipase A2; diacylglycerol; smooth muscle cells  相似文献   

对从炼油厂附近的油污土样中分离纯化出的 1株杆菌进行了鉴定。该细菌为革兰氏阳性 ,有芽孢 ,可运动、不抗酸 ,能发酵豆油、色拉油形成稳定的乳化液。其细胞形态、培养特征和生理生化特性 ,基本上与凝结芽孢杆菌一致。研究了该菌株生产糖脂的摇瓶发酵工艺条件 ,进行了 10L罐发酵实验 ,糖脂产量达到 7.0 73g/L。  相似文献   

The peroxidatic activity of hemoglobin permitted visualization of its uptake by rat hepatocytes by means of the Graham-Karnovsky 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) procedure. Lysosomes were visualized by their acid phosphatase, β-glucuronidase, and glucosaminidase activities. When large doses of rat, cow, or human hemoglobin are intravenously injected, or when hemoglobinemia is induced by injection of distilled water, DAB-positive hemoglobin is engulfed by pinocytosis. Pinocytotic vacuoles become digestive vacuoles ("phagolysosomes") by fusion with lysosomes of the dense body type that have moved from their pericanalicular position. By 16–24 hr after even massive amounts of hemoglobin (400 mg/100 g), the protein is barely demonstrable in hepatocytes. At the lowest doses of injected hemoglobin (15 mg/100 g body weight), DAB-positive vacuoles are demonstrable only in the Kupffer cells.  相似文献   


  1. Several kinds of a-hydroxysulfonates, the bisulfite additioncompounds of aldehydes and ketones, were found to inhibit thephotosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation of the barley and wheatseedlings, tobacco leaf and Chlorella cells. Bisulfite additioncompounds of glyoxal, glyoxylate and benzaldehyde were moreeffective in this respect than those of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.
  2. The presence of -hydroxysulfonate causes an increase in ratiosof :14CO2 incorporated in glycolate and alanine, and a decreasein incorporation in serine, malate, isocitrate and citrate.It was inferred that these changes are caused by the blockingof the formation of glyoxylate through inhibition of glycolicacid oxidase by the poison.
  3. A reaction scheme was proposedto account for the above-statedresults, and the bearing ofthese findings on the possible roleof glycolic acid oxidasein the photosynthetic carbon dioxidefixation and in the formationof amino and organic acids wasdiscussed.
(Received December 8, 1961; )  相似文献   

Soft rot of wood is caused by certain species of Ascomycetes and Fungi Imperfecti The fungal hyphae typically run spirally in the central zone of the secondary xylem walls, where they give rise to cavities with pointed ends.
The fungi causing soft rot are cellulose-attacking species which initiate attack in the less heavily lignified parts of the walls of the wood elements. The rate of attack is increased when inorganic nutrient salts are added to the wood.
Under laboratory conditions Chaetomium globosum can cause severe decay of hardwoods.
Soft rot causes serious deterioration of timber in water-cooling towers and is therefore of considerable economic importance.  相似文献   

We have investigated the incorporation of C6-derivatives of uracil into polypyrimidine peptide nucleic acid oligomers (PNA). Starting with orotic acid (uracil-6-carboxylic acid) we have prepared a PNA monomer containing the methyl orotate nucleobase which is compatible with Fmoc-based synthesis. Treatment of the resin-bound oligomers with hydroxide or amines cleanly converted the ester to an orotic acid or orotamide-containing PNA. Alternatively, the methyl orotate-containing PNA was liberated from the resin by standard acidolysis. PNA bearing a modified nucleobase was found to hybridize to both poly(rA) and poly(dA). Complexes with poly(rA) were more stable than those with poly(dA) but both were destabilized relative to an unmodified PNA. Modification of a terminal residue was tolerated better than modification of an internal position. The type of charge provided by the modification affected the complex stability. In the worst case, an internal modification was nearly as detrimental as a base mismatch.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Inhibition of foaming in a continuous culture of bacteria has been studied. At first, foaming was inhibited by the addition of antifoam to the culture only when a foam layer was present. When the antifoam was added in this way foaming often became intense and antifoam additions had to be more and more frequent. In a preferred method the antifoam was added at regular intervals which were sufficiently short to inhibit foaming completely throughout the intervening periods. This method required less antifoam than the other. The effects of foaming in cultures, its causes, and allied problems are discussed.  相似文献   

  1. The effect of -hydroxy sulfonates and sulfite, inhibitors ofglycolate oxidase, on the photochemical reactions of spinachchloroplasts was studied. The photo reduction of ferricyanideand NADP was not affected by the poisons, whereas the photophosphorylationand 14CO2 fixation were inhibited.
  2. Glyoxylate was photoreducedby the chloroplasts in the presenceof PPNR and glyoxylate reductase,and this reduction was acceleratedby the addition of NADP.ATP formation accompanied with thereduction of glyoxylate bythe illuminated chloroplasts wasobserved. It is supposed thatglyoxylate oxidizes the photoreducedNADPH2 or PPNR and thusthe photophosphorylation is stimulated.
1A part of this paper was presented at the annual meeting ofAgricultural Society of Japan, in August, 1964. 2Present address: Radiation Center of Osaka Prefecture, Sakai,Osaka.  相似文献   

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