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Products of 24 presumptive enzyme loci were used to analyse the consequences on genetic structure and variation of the Chondrostoma lusitanicum population decline within the Tejo basin. This rare cyprinid is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and has a very restricted distribution. Five samples from the Tejo catchment were compared with a sample from a small basin, the Samarra, that has not suffered obvious anthropogenic pressures and where the fish is still abundant. Heterozygosity and polymorphism were higher overall in the Samarra. Several lines of evidence indicate a high degree of population subdivision within the Tejo basin. In fact, about half of the total gene diversity detected in the Tejo population was due to differences among samples. This differentiation appeared to be caused by genetic drift and possibly differential local selection, coupled with reduced gene flow among localities. The accelerated process of habitat degradation occurring in the lowland streams of the Tejo basin will lead to the inevitable reduction of intraspecies genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Using a bioinformatics approach, we developed 10 variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) markers for Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium asiaticum useful for population genetic studies. Repeat sequences in the genome sequence of F. graminearum were identified by a tandem repeat finding program. Length polymorphisms at 54 loci were examined for five strains each from the United States, Italy and China. From these 54 loci, 10 were selected based on polymorphisms detected across species, ease of scoring, and their dispersed location in the genome.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic population structure in eelgrass (Zostera marina L.), the dominant seagrass species of the northern hemisphere, over spatial scales from 12 km to 10 000 km using the polymorphism of DNA microsatellites. Twelve populations were genotyped for six loci representing a total of 67 alleles. Populations sampled included the North Sea (four), the Baltic Sea (three), the western Atlantic (two), the eastern Atlantic (one), the Mediterranean Sea (one) and the eastern Pacific (one). Microsatellites revealed substantial genetic variation in a plant group with low allozyme diversity. Average expected heterozygosities per population (monoclonal populations excluded) ranged from 0.32 to 0.61 (mean = 0. 48) and allele numbers varied between 3.3 and 6.7 (mean = 4.7). Using the expected frequency of multilocus genotypes within populations, we distinguished ramets from genetic individuals (i.e. equivalent to clones). Differences in clonal diversity among populations varied widely and ranged from maximal diversity (i.e. all ramets with different genotype) to near or total monoclonality (two populations). All multiple sampled ramets were excluded from further analysis of genetic differentiation within and between populations. All but one population were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, indicating that Zostera marina is predominantly outcrossing. From a regression of the pairwise population differentiation with distance, we obtained an effective population size Ne of 2440-5000. The overall genetic differentiation among eelgrass populations, assessed as rho (a standardized estimate of Slatkin's RST) was 0.384 (95% CI 0.34-0.44, P < 0.001). Genetic differentiation was weak among three North Sea populations situated 12-42 km distant from one another, suggesting that tidal currents result in an efficient exchange of propagules. In the Baltic and in Nova Scotia, a small but statistically significant fraction of the genetic variance was distributed between populations (rho = 0.029-0. 053) at scales of 15-35 km. Pairwise genetic differentiation between European populations were correlated with distance between populations up to a distance of 4500 km (linear differentiation-by-distance model, R2 = 0.67). In contrast, both Nova Scotian populations were genetically much closer to North Sea and Baltic populations than expected from their geographical distance (pairwise rho = 0.03-0.08, P < 0.01). A biogeographical cluster of Canadian with Baltic/North Sea populations was also supported using a neighbour-joining tree based on Cavalli-Sforza's chord distance. Relatedness between populations may be very different from predictions based on geographical vicinity.  相似文献   

An approach has been developed for the screening of allelic variation at minisatellite DNA loci that substantially reduces the time and hazards involved. Primers were designed for a minisatellite region isolated from a gadoid fish species [Merlangius merlangus L.), enabling amplification by polymerase chain reaction, so that differences in the number of minisatellite repeat units (allelic variability) were detectable by ethidium bromide fluorescence (over UV light) following separation by agarose gel electrophoresis. This amplifiable minisatellite variable number tandem repeat region, the first non-primate marker of its kind, can be used successfully with DNA extracted by a rapid Chelex® protocol. From a sample of 97 individuals, 24 alleles were resolved (750–2200 kb) and heterozygosity was estimated at 0–94.  相似文献   

Using a bioinformatics approach, we developed 18 variable number of tandem repeat markers for Aspergillus oryzae for use in population genetic studies. Repeat sequences in the genome sequences of A. oryzae were identified by a tandem repeat finding program. Length polymorphisms at 18 loci were examined in 41 strains of A. oryzae. The total number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 20. Investigation of cross-species amplifications with A. sojae and A. tamarii showed success. The variable number of tandem repeat markers will be used to determine the population structure of these three Aspergillus species used in brewing.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glaciations often resulted in differentiation of taxa in southern European peninsulas, producing the high levels of endemism characteristic of these regions (e.g. the Iberian Peninsula). Despite their small ranges, endemic species often exhibit high levels of intraspecific differentiation as a result of a complex evolutionary history dominated by successive cycles of fragmentation, expansion and subsequent admixture of populations. Most evidence so far has come from the study of species with an Atlantic distribution in northwestern Iberia, and taxa restricted to Mediterranean‐type habitats remain poorly studied. The Iberian Midwife toad (Alytes cisternasii) is a morphologically conserved species endemic to southwestern and central Iberia and a typical inhabitant of Mediterranean habitats. Applying highly variable genetic markers from both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes to samples collected across the species’ range, we found evidence of high population subdivision within A. cisternasii. Mitochondrial haplotypes and microsatellites show geographically concordant patterns of genetic diversity, suggesting population fragmentation into several refugia during Pleistocene glaciations followed by subsequent events of geographical and demographic expansions with secondary contact. In addition, the absence of variation at the nuclear β‐fibint7 and Ppp3caint4 gene fragments suggests that populations of A. cisternasii have been recurrently affected by episodes of extinction and recolonization, and that documented patterns of population subdivision are the outcome of recent and multiple refugia. We discuss the evolutionary history of the species with particular interest in the increasing relevance of Mediterranean refugia for the survival of genetically differentiated populations during the Pleistocene glaciations as revealed by studies in co‐distributed taxa.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of microsatellite markers was used to study the genetic variability and structure in natural populations of European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. The data consisted of six microsatellite loci analysed for 172 individuals from three samples collected in the Golfe-du-Lion (France) and one sample collected in the Golfo-de-Valencia (Spain). Our goals were (i) to assess the level of genetic variability as revealed by these markers, (ii) to estimate the genetic differentiation among natural populations within a restricted area, and (iii) to evaluate how microsatellite loci fit the predictions of the two most widely used mutation models (the infinite allele model and the stepwise mutation model). As expected, our results indicate that the genetic polymorphism is very high when compared with previously used genetic markers, the mean expected heterozygosity per locus ranging between 0.69 and 0.93. We also found that all loci but one fitted the infinite allele model better. Using this model as a lower limit, we could extrapolate from the observed diversity effective population sizes on the order of 35 000 individuals. Our results also suggest that there may be a slight genetic differentiation between the two gulfs (FST= 0.007, P < 0.05), indicating that the corresponding populations are likely to be dynamically independent. This finding for a species with high dispersal abilities, if confirmed, has important beatings on fish-stock assessment.  相似文献   

We typed the Sardinian population at the D1S80 VNTR locus. Nineteen alleles were detected in a sample of 92 unrelated individuals, allele frequency distribution showing a modal pattern mostly in agreement with other Caucasoid populations. A high degree of heterozygosity (observed value=80.4%) was present. Goodness-of-fit tests demonstrated no departure from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Data regarding heterozygosity, number of alleles and singletons appeared in accordance with the IAM mutation-drift equilibrium model and showed no evidence of hidden substructuring. Allele 34 exhibited in Sardinians the highest frequency never observed in Caucasians. Nonetheless, the comparison with other European populations did not disclose Sardinian genetic peculiarity. Indeed, measures of genetic divergence among Europeans demonstrated definitely smaller values at the D1S80 locus in comparison with those calculated over a high number of (pre-DNA) polymorphic loci. High mutation rate and selective neutrality typical of VNTRs could account for the observed moderate genetic divergence. Isolation and genetic drift, on the other hand, may have determined certain deviations in allele frequency distribution, as occurred to allele 34 in the Sardinian population.  相似文献   

The Eastern Barred Bandicoot Perameles gunnii has declined in abundance within mainland south-eastern Australia, to a relict wild population of less than 100 individuals in Hamilton, Victoria. It is more common, but is also declining in Tasmania. Genomic DN A variability was compared within and between surviving populations of P. gunnii using variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) markers in one of two ways. First, average percentage differences (APDs) were determined between profiles for two VNTR probe—endonuclease combinations. Secondly, because one of these combinations revealed two multiallelic VNTR loci, genotypes were assigned and analysed for homogeneity of allele frequencies among subpopulations, for deviation of heterozygosity from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium within populations and for genetic structuring among individuals from different subpopulations. The results of both the APD and defined locus approaches showed consistent trends within and between populations. Genetic variability was higher among mainland P. gunnii than in Tasmanian populations (higher APDs, number of alleles, and heterozygosity at one locus), despite the known decline and subdivision of the Hamilton population. Eleven per cent of the variability detected in Hamilton was attributed to genetic differentiation between east and west subdivisions of the population. Departure from random mating indicating local inbreeding within collecting localities was evident for one locus in both north and south Tasmania, particularly at one locality. AH alleles at both loci were unique to either Hamilton or Tasmanian P. gunnii. The initial captive colony contains high heterozygosity for these loci. It is concluded that VNTR markers can be of benefit for use in studies of population differentiation and for conservation management.  相似文献   

We analysed the mitochondrial control region sequences of 150 Ryukyu robins (Erithacus komadori) from five migratory and three sedentary populations. E. komadori is endemic to the subtropical Asian islands, is well differentiated among populations in morphology and migratory behaviour within its narrow habitat range, and is ideal for examining the effects of altered migratory habits on population differentiation. Maximum-likelihood analysis among the haplotypes resulted in the generation of a single tree in which two phylogenetic clades corresponding to the two subspecies were evident. Within the northern lineage, three distinctive subgroups of populations (one migratory and two sedentary groups) were observed by population genetic analysis. The migration-related wing morphology and molecular data were then compared among groups. The wing shape of the northern lineage was significantly more pointed than that of the southern sedentary lineage, and they were exclusively discriminated from each other. The difference was not so apparent between the sedentary and migratory groups within the northern lineage, suggesting that the present northern subspecies is primarily a migratory lineage. The different migratory behaviours of the robin played an apparent role in maintaining the genetic structure at two different levels--one between the southern and northern lineages and the other between the sedentary and migratory groups within the northern lineage. While gene flow had long been maintained among the islands occupied by migratory individuals, migrants have been unable to contribute to the gene pool of the sedentary populations despite passing through the breeding range of such populations twice each year.  相似文献   

The highly polymorphic minisatellites contain a variable number of tandemly repeated (VNTR) DNA sequences. They are extremely useful and informative markers to study genetic variation among human populations. We have analysed the allele frequency distribution at the highly polymorphic apolipoprotein B (Apo B) VNTR locus in order to obtain the population data for the Cukurova region in Turkey by using the polymerase chain reaction and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We observed 10 different alleles and 21 genotypes in a sample of 100 unrelated individuals. The allele frequencies ranged from 0.01 to 0.4, with an expected heterozygosity of 0.69 for the Apo B locus. Alleles 37 (frequency = 0.4) and 35 (frequency = 0.17) were the most common in the Cukurova population. There was a significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) for genotype frequencies (chi2 = 29.12; df = 1; p = 0.000). This study possesses novelty as it is the first DNA polymorphism study conducted at the Cukurova population using an Apo B minisatellite locus.  相似文献   

Volcanic activity on the island of Hawaii results in a cyclical pattern of habitat destruction and fragmentation by lava, followed by habitat regeneration on newly formed substrates. While this pattern has been hypothesized to promote the diversification of Hawaiian lineages, there have been few attempts to link geological processes to measurable changes in population structure. We investigated the genetic structure of three species of Hawaiian spiders in forests fragmented by a 150-year-old lava flow on Mauna Loa Volcano, island of Hawaii: Tetragnatha quasimodo (forest and lava flow generalist), T. anuenue and T. brevignatha (forest specialists). To estimate fragmentation effects on population subdivision in each species, we examined variation in mitochondrial and nuclear genomes (DNA sequences and allozymes, respectively). Population subdivision was higher for forest specialists than for the generalist in fragments separated by lava. Patterns of mtDNA sequence evolution also revealed that forest specialists have undergone rapid expansion, while the generalist has experienced more gradual population growth. Results confirm that patterns of neutral genetic variation reflect patterns of volcanic activity in some Tetragnatha species. Our study further suggests that population subdivision and expansion can occur across small spatial and temporal scales, which may facilitate the rapid spread of new character states, leading to speciation as hypothesized by H. L. Carson 30 years ago.  相似文献   

中国人COL2A1基因座的扩增片段长度多态性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯一平  敬一清 《遗传学报》1995,22(4):245-251
用聚合酶链式反应、高分辨聚丙烯酰胺凝胶水平电泳及银染技术对位于人类Ⅱ型胶原基因终止密码下游非转录区1.3kb处的可主数目串联重复育列进行了研究。制备了由人类不同基因型DNA混合而成的人类等位基因型参考物,根据实验结果进行了命名。  相似文献   

The question as to whether cultures evolve in a manner analogous to that of genetic evolution can be addressed by attempting to reconstruct population histories using cultural data. As others have argued, this can only succeed if cultures are isolated enough to maintain and pass on a central core of traditions that can be modified over time. In this study we used a set of cultural data (canoe design traits from Polynesia) to look for the kinds of patterns and relationships normally found in population genetic studies. After developing new techniques to accommodate the peculiarities of cultural data, we were able to infer an ancestral region (Fiji) and a sequence of cultural origins for these Polynesian societies. In addition, we found evidence of cultural exchange, migration and a serial founder effect. Results were stronger when analyses were based on functional traits (presumably subject to natural selection and convergence) rather than symbolic or stylistic traits (probably subject to cultural selection for rapid divergence). These patterns strongly suggest that cultural evolution, while clearly affected by cultural exchange, is also subject to some of the same processes and constraints as genetic evolution.  相似文献   

Connecting geographical distributions with population processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The geographical distribution of a species is determined by a large number of complex processes operating over spatial scales spanning 10 orders of magnitude. Patterns in population processes have been described at numerous scales. We show that two patterns, measured at different scales, jointly allow us to infer heretofore unknown patterns in the distribution of demographic patterns across the geographical range of a species. The resulting model describes three fundamentally different modes of geographical variation in vital rates of populations. One mode is characterized by a positive nonlinear relationship between the maximum rate of population growth and the intensity of intraspecific competition across a geographical range. That is, populations that grow rapidly are also those where individuals experience the greatest per capita negative effect of the presence of other individuals. The second mode of behaviour is described by a negative nonlinear relationship between maximum growth rate and density dependence. Under this scenario, populations with low capacity to grow rapidly have highest intensities of intraspecific competitive effects. A third mode of behaviour is characterized by a weak positive relationship between growth rate and intraspecific competition, with very little geographical variation in maximum growth rate. A survey of studies relating temporal means and variances in population abundance for a variety of species indicate that the second mode of geographical variation in population dynamics across species ranges is the most common, though a few species appear to be characterized by the third mode.  相似文献   

Seven polymorphic and four monomorphic allozyme loci were assayed from nine wild populations and one cultured population of the endemic New Zealand greenshell mussel, Perna canaliculus. Genetic variation was examined to determine the extent of intra-population subdivision and inter-population variability. Five of seven polymorphic loci exhibited significant heterozygote deficiencies compared to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Population F-statistics indicated that significant genetic heterogeneity exists among populations, indicating that there is insufficient gene flow between geographically isolated populations to create panmixia. The observed genetic heterogeneity among populations is best explained by an isolation-by-distance model of gene flow, which is modified by localized hydrographic conditions. These preliminary findings are discussed in the context of the one previous survey of population genetic variation in P. canaliculus and how this information relates to the gene flow of the greenshell mussel in New Zealand, which is often mediated by human transport from the main collection site of Kaitaia to aquaculture sites throughout the country.  相似文献   

Westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Salmonidae) are native to the upper Columbia, Missouri, and South Saskatchewan river drainages of western North America and are at the northern periphery of their range in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. We examined geographical variation in allele frequencies at eight microsatellite loci in 36 samples of westslope cutthroat trout from British Columbia to assess levels of population subdivision and to test the hypothesis that different habitat types (principally mainstem vs. above migration barrier habitats) would influence levels of genetic diversity, genetic divergence among populations, and attainment of equilibrium between gene flow and genetic drift. Across all samples, the mean number of alleles per locus was 3.9 and mean expected heterozygosity was 0.56. Population subdivision was extensive with an overall Fst (theta) of 0.32. Populations sampled above migration barriers had significantly fewer alleles, lower expected heterozygosity, but greater average pairwise Fst than populations sampled from mainstem localities. We found evidence for isolation-by-distance from a significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance (r = 0.31), but the pattern was much stronger (r = 0.51) when above barrier populations and a population that may have been involved in headwater exchanges were removed. By contrast, isolation-by-distance was not observed when only above barrier populations were tested among themselves. Our data support the maintenance of separate demographic management strategies for westslope cutthroat trout inhabiting different river systems and illustrate how differing habitat structure (e.g. presence of migration barriers) may influence patterns of biodiversity and gene flow-drift equilibrium.  相似文献   

The results of an estimation of the level of subdivision in the Buryat ethnos (obtained on the basis of data published by a number of research teams) are given. Altogether, information about 34 loci, including 25 diallelic loci and 9 STR loci, was analyzed. The results of the analysis, both for the diallelic polymorphic variants in genes predisposed to multifactorial diseases and for neutral STR markers, indicate the subdivision of the genetic structure of the different territorial groups of Buryats. The peculiarities of the ethnogenesis and heterogeneity of the settlement of Buryat tribes on the territory of residence are considered as one possible (but not the sole) explanation of the genetic heterogeneity of different territorial groups of Buryats. It is indicated that it is important to take into account information about the territorial, ethnic, and tribal affiliation of individuals (included in the studied groups) when planning studies aiming to establish a genetic component of the determination of pathological states in humans.  相似文献   

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