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Shigella flexneri is a gram-negative, facultative pathogen that causes the majority of communicable bacterial dysenteries in developing countries. The virulence factors of S. flexneri have been shown to be produced at 37 degrees C but not at 30 degrees C. To discover potential, novel virulence-related proteins of S. flexneri, we performed differential in-gel electrophoresis (DIGE) analysis to measure changes in the expression profile that are induced by a temperature increase.


The ArgT protein was dramatically down-regulated at 37 degrees C. In contrast, the ArgT from the non-pathogenic E. coli did not show this differential expression as in S. flexneri, which suggested that argT might be a potential anti-virulence gene. Competitive invasion assays in HeLa cells and in BALB/c mice with argT mutants were performed, and the results indicated that the over-expression of ArgTY225D would attenuate the virulence of S. flexneri. A comparative proteomic analysis was subsequently performed to investigate the effects of ArgT in S. flexneri at the molecular level. We show that HtrA is differentially expressed among different derivative strains.


Gene argT is a novel anti-virulence gene that may interfere with the virulence of S. flexneri via the transport of specific amino acids or by affecting the expression of the virulence factor, HtrA.  相似文献   

Ying T  Wang H  Li M  Wang J  Wang J  Shi Z  Feng E  Liu X  Su G  Wei K  Zhang X  Huang P  Huang L 《Proteomics》2005,5(18):4777-4793
Shigella flexneri 2a is an important pathogen causing bacillary dysentery in humans. In order to investigate any potential vaccine candidate proteins present in outer membrane proteins (OMPs) and extracellular proteins of S. flexneri 2a 2457T, we use the proteome mapping and database analyzing techniques. A subproteome map and database of OMPs were established first. One hundred and nine of the total 126 marked spots were cut out and processed to MALDI-TOF-MS and PMF. Eighty-seven spots were identified and they represented 55 OMP entries. Furthermore, immunoproteomics analysis of OMPs and extracellular proteins were performed. Total of 34 immunoreactive spots were identified, in which 22 and 12 were from OMPs and extracellular proteins, respectively. Eight novel antigens were found and some of these antigens may be potential vaccine candidate proteins. These results are useful for future studying of pathogenicity, vaccine, and novel antibacterial drugs. Maps and tables of all identified proteins are available on the Internet at www.proteomics.com.cn.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that is an important human and animal pathogen. Experimental information on T. gondii membrane proteins is limited, and the majority of gene predictions with predicted transmembrane motifs are of unknown function. A systematic analysis of the membrane proteome of T. gondii is important not only for understanding this parasite's invasion mechanism(s), but also for the discovery of potential drug targets and new preventative and therapeutic strategies. Here we report a comprehensive analysis of the membrane proteome of T. gondii, employing three proteomics strategies: one-dimensional gel liquid chromatography-tandem MS analysis (one-dimensional gel electrophoresis LC-MS/MS), biotin labeling in conjunction with one-dimensional gel LC-MS/MS analysis, and a novel strategy that combines three-layer "sandwich" gel electrophoresis with multidimensional protein identification technology. A total of 2241 T. gondii proteins with at least one predicted transmembrane segment were identified and grouped into 841 sequentially nonredundant protein clusters, which account for 21.8% of the predicted transmembrane protein clusters in the T. gondii genome. A large portion (42%) of the identified T. gondii membrane proteins are hypothetical proteins. Furthermore, many of the membrane proteins validated by mass spectrometry are unique to T. gondii or to the Apicomplexa, providing a set of gene predictions ripe for experimental investigation, and potentially suitable targets for the development of therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of membrane proteins is a promising approach for the identification of novel drug targets and/or disease biomarkers. Despite notable technological developments, obstacles related to extraction and solublization of membrane proteins are encountered. A critical discussion of the different preparative methods of membrane proteins is offered in relation to downstream proteomic applications, mainly gel-based analyses and mass spectrometry. Frequently, unknown proteins are identified by high-throughput profiling of membrane proteins. In search for novel membrane proteins, analysis of protein sequences using computational tools is performed to predict the presence of transmembrane domains. This review also presents these bioinformatic tools with the human proteome as a case study. Along with technological innovations, advancements in the areas of sample preparation and computational prediction of membrane proteins will lead to exciting discoveries.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of membrane proteins is a promising approach for the identification of novel drug targets and/or disease biomarkers. Despite notable technological developments, obstacles related to extraction and solublization of membrane proteins are encountered. A critical discussion of the different preparative methods of membrane proteins is offered in relation to downstream proteomic applications, mainly gel-based analyses and mass spectrometry. Frequently, unknown proteins are identified by high-throughput profiling of membrane proteins. In search for novel membrane proteins, analysis of protein sequences using computational tools is performed to predict the presence of transmembrane domains. This review also presents these bioinformatic tools with the human proteome as a case study. Along with technological innovations, advancements in the areas of sample preparation and computational prediction of membrane proteins will lead to exciting discoveries.  相似文献   



On most common microarray platforms many genes are represented by multiple probes. Although this is quite common no one has systematically explored the concordance between probes mapped to the same gene.


Here we present an analysis of all the cases of multiple probe sets measuring the same gene on the Affymetrix U133a GeneChip and found that although in the majority of cases both measurements tend to agree there are a significant number of cases in which the two measurements differ from each other. In these cases the measurements can not be simply averaged but rather should be handled individually.


Our analysis allows us to provide a comprehensive list of the correlation between all pairs of probe sets that are mapped to the same gene and thus allows microarray users to sort out the cases that deserve further analysis. Comparison between the set of highly correlated pairs and the set of pairs that tend to differ from each other reveals potential factors that may affect it.  相似文献   

目的:建立弗氏2a志贺菌2457T株的碱性蛋白质组图谱。方法:首先采用双向电泳技术对弗氏2a志贺菌2457T株表达的全部碱性菌体蛋白及碱性膜蛋白进行分离,再通过基质辅助激光解析/电离串联飞行时间质谱进行鉴定。结果:共鉴定到46个蛋白点,对应于38种蛋白质。结论:首次完成了弗氏2a志贺菌2457T株的碱性蛋白质组图谱。  相似文献   

Behavior of Coliphage Lambda in Shigella flexneri 2a   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The insensitivity of wild-type Shigella flexneri 2a to coliphage lambda is a consequence of its native genetic defect in the malA gene cluster. The "smooth" S. flexneri 2a lipopolysaccharide layer affects the efficient adsorption of lambda. Derivatives, capable of serving as functional hosts for lambda, were obtained by repairing the malA lesion, enabling the expression of the malB-lambdarcp region of S. flexneri. Introduction of a mutation into S. flexneri causing a "rough" lipopolysaccharide character resulted in more efficient adsorption of lambda. Such S. flexneri hosts can be stably lysogenized and upon induction yield gal(+)-transducing lysates. Lambda propagated on a malA(+) rough S. flexneri host was restricted by Escherichia coli K-12 and E. coli B, but not by E. coli C. This S. flexneri host did not restrict lambda grown on these E. coli strains.  相似文献   

Shigella flexneri is an enteric pathogen that causes massive inflammation and destruction of the human intestinal epithelium. Neutrophils are the first cells of the innate immune system recruited to the site of infection. These cells can attack microbes by phagocytosis, Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) formation and degranulation. Here, we investigated how neutrophil degranulation affects virulence and show that exposure of Shigella to granular proteins enhances infection of epithelial cells. During this process, cationic granular proteins bind to the Shigella surface causing increased adhesion which ultimately leads to hyperinvasion. This effect is mediated by changes in the surface charge, since a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mutant with a negative surface shows enhanced hyperinvasion compared with wild‐type Shigella. We propose that Shigella evolved to use host defence molecules to enhance its virulence and subvert the innate immune system.  相似文献   

痢疾福氏2a asd基因的克隆及其序列分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据大肠杆菌(E.coli)K12asd基因两侧序列设计了一对引物,用全菌PCR扩增了福氏2a T32株的asd基因及其两侧序列。对PCR产物的初步结果表明,在asd基因两端存在BamH I位点。为了防止由PCR扩增带来的差错,我们又从福氏2a T32株染色体中克隆了全长的asd基因。序列分析了结果表明,福氏2aT32株asd基因的序列与E.coli K12的完全一致,全长1680bp,其两侧  相似文献   

Serotype conversion (O-antigen glucosylation) in Shigella flexneri is mediated by temperate bacteriophages, which encode a three-gene cluster that contains gtrA, gtrB, and gtr([type]). Sequence analysis has revealed that gtrA and gtrB are conserved and readily interchangeable between serotypes. The gtr([type]) is unique in each serotype and responsible for specifically mediating conversion by the addition of a glucosyl group to the O-antigen units. Analysis of the GtrA and GtrB amino acid sequence using computer prediction programs indicated that GtrA and GtrB have four and two transmembrane segments, respectively. The topology model of GtrA was analyzed by constructing consecutive sandwich fusions using a dual reporter PhoA/LacZ at predetermined positions targeting each of the 3 cytoplasmic and 2 periplasmic hypothetical loops. The topology of GtrB was determined by constructing C-terminal truncated fusions of GtrB to full-length PhoA and LacZ by a PCR-mediated method. These approaches revealed that GtrA consists of four transmembrane segments with both the N-terminal and C-terminal ends in the cytoplasm. Accordingly, GtrB consists of two transmembrane segments with both ends also in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, membrane anchorage of the extended N-terminal end of GtrB was found to be important in catalysis. This study completes the topology of all three proteins (GtrA, GtrB, and the gtr([type]): GtrV) involved in the glucosyltransferase activity that results in serotype conversion of S. flexneri. A model is proposed showing how both O-antigen synthesis and modification take place in S. flexneri.  相似文献   

The molecular basis for the survival of bacteria under extreme conditions in which growth is inhibited is a question of great current interest. A preliminary study was carried out to determine residue pattern conservation among the antiporters of enteric bacteria, responsible for extreme acid sensitivity especially in Escherichia coli and Shigella flexneri. Here we found the molecular evidence that proved the relationship between E. coli and S. flexneri. Multiple sequence alignment of the gadC coded acid sensitive antiporter showed many conserved residue patterns at regular intervals at the N-terminal region. It was observed that as the alignment approaches towards the C-terminal, the number of conserved residues decreases, indicating that the N-terminal region of this protein has much active role when compared to the carboxyl terminal. The motif, FHLVFFLLLGG, is well conserved within the entire gadC coded protein at the amino terminal. The motif is also partially conserved among other antiporters (which are not coded by gadC) but involved in acid sensitive/resistance mechanism. Phylogenetic cluster analysis proves the relationship of Escherichia coli and Shigella flexneri. The gadC coded proteins are converged as a clade and diverged from other antiporters belongs to the amino acid-polyamine-organocation (APC) superfamily.  相似文献   

A method for the comprehensive proteomic analysis of membrane proteins   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
We describe a method that allows for the concurrent proteomic analysis of both membrane and soluble proteins from complex membrane-containing samples. When coupled with multidimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT), this method results in (i) the identification of soluble and membrane proteins, (ii) the identification of post-translational modification sites on soluble and membrane proteins, and (iii) the characterization of membrane protein topology and relative localization of soluble proteins. Overlapping peptides produced from digestion with the robust nonspecific protease proteinase K facilitates the identification of covalent modifications (phosphorylation and methylation). High-pH treatment disrupts sealed membrane compartments without solubilizing or denaturing the lipid bilayer to allow mapping of the soluble domains of integral membrane proteins. Furthermore, coupling protease protection strategies to this method permits characterization of the relative sidedness of the hydrophilic domains of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

以λ噬菌体EMBL3作载体,用体外包装技术构建了志贺氏菌属弗氏2a染色体基因文库。该体外包装系统的包装效率达1.6×10~2pfu/μg DNA,重组噬菌体的产量达2×10~6pfu/μg DNA。对重组噬菌体进行了遗传分析,即分别对7个标记(leu,pro,his,arg,thr,purIaroA)作了测定。测得当噬菌体母液的效价为8.7×10~8pfu/ml时,带有以上标记的重组噬菌体的效价为5×10~4-8.2×10~5pfu/ml。这个令人满意的结果为尔后克隆志贺氏菌属弗氏2a染色体上的与群抗原3,4和型抗原Ⅱ有关的基因打下了基础。  相似文献   

Shigella spp. are a group of Gram-negative enteric bacilli that cause acute dysentery in humans. We demonstrate that Shigella flexneri has evolved the ability to regulate functional components of tight junctions after interaction at the apical and basolateral pole of model intestinal epithelia. In the regulation of tight junctional protein assemblies, S. flexneri can engage serotype-specific mechanisms, which targets not only expression, but also cellular distribution and membrane association of components of tight junctions. Distinct mechanisms resulting in the regulation of tight junction-associated proteins are initiated after either apical or basolateral interactions. S. flexneri serotype 2a has the ability to remove claudin-1 from Triton X-insoluble protein fractions upon apical exposure to T-84 cell monolayers. S. flexneri serotype 2a and 5, but not the non-invasive Escherichia coli strain F-18, share the ability to regulate expression of ZO-1, ZO-2, E-cadherin and to dephosphorylate occludin. The disruption of tight junctions is dependent on direct interaction of living Shigella with intestinal epithelial cells and is supported by heat-stable secreted bacterial products. Intestinal epithelial cells have the ability to compensate in part for S. flexneri induced regulation of tight junction-associated proteins.  相似文献   

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