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Elongation growth of abraded hypocotyl sections of Vigna unguiculataunder xylem perfusion was markedly promoted a few minutes afterthe application of an acid aerosol generated from a solutionof HCl. At the beginning of the acid-induced growth, intracellularpressure (Pi) began to decrease and the membrane potential betweenthe symplast and the xylem apoplast (Vpx) began to depolarize.Subsequently, Pi and Vpx remained at a reduced level and a depolarizedlevel, respectively, while the promotion of elongation growthcontinued for more than 4 hours. The electrogenic componentof the xylem membrane potential (Vpxact) gradually increasedto about twice that before acid treatment. There was a closecorrelation between the enhanced growth and the decrease inintracellular pressure within 30 min after application of acidbut little correltion after 60 min. By contrast, there was littlecorrelation between the promotion of growth and the activityof the xylem pump after 30 min while a close correlation wasobserved after 60 min. It is inferred that the acid-induced activation of water uptakeconsists of two major processes, in series, that are drivenby different forces: the rapid uptake of water for more than30 min, driven by hydrostatic force generated by loosening ofcell walls; and a long-lasting enhancement of water uptake forat least 4 h, which is driven by osmotic force that is generatedby the canal system within the xylem. (Received October 17, 1994; Accepted January 23, 1995)  相似文献   

Effects of osmotic stress, salt stress and IAA on the regenerationprocess of the transmembrane potential across the xylem/symplastinterface (Vpx) of newly excised hypocotyl segments of Vignaseedlings were examined by means of the xylem perfusion method.It took about 8 h under ordinary conditions for an excised segmentto regenerate a membrane potential comparable with that of anintact seedling. Osmotic stress imposed by perfusion of 100-200mM sorbitol solution seemed to accelerate this process. Thiseffect diminished with the removal of sorbitol from the perfusionsolution. The increase in the negativity of Vpx in this regenerationprocess resulted from the increases in both passive (Vpx inN2) and respiration-dependent components (Vpx). NaCl (50–100mM) did not accelerate the regeneration of the total membranepotential, but significantly promoted an increase in Vpx, i.e.electrogenic xylem pump activity. Perfusion of KC1 (50–100mM) or IAA (10–4M) shortened the regeneration phase upto 2–3 h. The increase in total Vpx under salt stressor IAA mainly resulted from the increase of Vpx. The effectof those agents on the Vpx is discussed, as is the questionof whether the increase in PD after excision should be interpretedas a recovery or regeneration from injury by excision, or asa so-called release from hormonal control. (Received September 3, 1987; Accepted March 14, 1988)  相似文献   

We have devised an experimental system of perfusion througha hollow cylinder of a Vigna hypocotyl to examine the controlmechanism of plant stem elongation. When the cylinder was subjectedto osmotic stress, it began to shrink and then spontaneouslyresumed elongation. Not only the membrane potential differencebetween the parenchyma symplast and the central bore (Vpx),but also that between the parenchyma symplast and the organsurface (Vps), showed hyperpolarization a few minutes afterthe cylinder began to shrink. Removal of the stress caused animmediate increase in elongation rate followed by depolarizationof both membrane potentials a few minutes later. When the cylinderwas subjected to KCl stress, Vpx showed transient depolarizationand recovery, while Vps showed only immediate hyperpolarization.Increasing the KCl concentration caused Vpx to depolarize, andthe cylinder simultaneously to cease to elongate for about 5min,even when the osmotic concentration of the perfusion solutionwas kept almost constant. An inverse reaction was observed whenthe KCl concentration was decreased. These two reversible responses suggest that control of Vpx mayregulate the elongation of hollow cylinders, and that the xylempump plays an important role in the regulation of intact stemelongation. (Received January 7, 1987; Accepted April 30, 1987)  相似文献   

The dependence of membrane potentials on changes in the extra-cellularK+ concentration [K+]e was investigated in potato tuber sliceswith dripping perfusion, and in growing Vigna hypocotyl segmentswith pressurized intra-organ perfusion methods. Only under anoxiawere the membrane potential of potato tuber slices and the electricpotential difference between the parenchyma symplast and xylem(Vpx) of Vigna hypocotyl segments depolarized markedly (46 mVand 42 mV/log[K+]e unit, respectively) with increasing [K+]eabove the critical values. The electric potential differencebetween the parenchyma symplast and organ surface (Vps of thehypocotyl segments remained nearly unchanged up to 30 mEq [K+]e.Under highly aerobic conditions the membrane potentials wererelatively independent of [K+]e except at very high K+ concentrations.Vps showed even hyperpolarization with the increasing KCl concentrationin the perfusion solution that is not in direct contact withthe surface membrane of the parenchyma symplast. The respiration-dependentelectrogenic components of the membrane potentials regularlyincreased with the increasing [K+]e. A voltage-dependent homeostaticcontrol of membrane potential is discussed. (Received August 13, 1984; Accepted December 21, 1984)  相似文献   

The regulation of elongation growth in excised segments of Vignahypocotyl under osmotic stress was investigated by means ofthe xylem perfusion and pressure-jump method. When subjectedto osmotic stress in the absence of absorbable solutes (100mM sorbitol only) or in the presence of absorbable solutes (70mM sorbitol plus 30 mM sucrose, or 70 mM sorbitol plus 15 mMKC1), the hypocotyl segments immediately began to shrink. Thehyper-polarizations of the transmembrane potentials (Vpx andVps) took place at once. Within 40–60 minutes, the segmentsresumed growth. In the presence of absorbable solute, therewas an obvious increase in the effective turgor (Pi–Y'),but the physiological wall extensibility () increased only slightly.Conversely, in the absence of absorbable solute, increasedsignificantly but (Pi–Y') decreased. The results suggestthat the recovery of growth of an excised segment under osmoticstress is mainly due to the change in in the absence of absorbablesolute, and to the change in (P1–Y') in the presence ofabsorbable solute, and that the two respiration-dependent protonpumps play important roles in these recovery processes. (Received April 28, 1989; Accepted August 24, 1989)  相似文献   

Two spatially separate membrane potentials of the parenchymasymplast (7, 8) and the rate of elongation growth were measuredsimultaneously in bean hypocotyl segments. Both the membrane potentials, Vps (electric potential differencebetween parenchyma symplast and organ surface) and Vpx (electricpotential difference between parenchyma symplast and xylem),were rapidly depolarized by anoxia, and were repolarized withre-aeration. Anoxia reduced the growth rate by about 85%, andre-aeration restored it. Changes in the membrane potentialspreceded those in the growth rate by 30–50 sec. About 8 min after the application of aerosol generated from10–3 M indole acetic acid (IAA) solution to the segments,Vps began to hyperpolarize, and the growth rate increased witha delay of several minutes after the potential change and subsequentlybecame ten times the control rate. This hyperpolarization ofVps was due to the increase in the activity of the respiration-dependentelectrogenic ion pump at the outer surface membrane of the parenchymasymplast. A clear correlation was observed between the growthrate and pump activity (Vps) with the change in IAA concentration. (Received December 6, 1979; )  相似文献   

The cell-membrane resistance (Rm) of Vigna hypocotyls was examined,and the effects of osmotic stress, ionic stress and IAA on Rmwere investigated. Rm decreased by 64 to 77% under osmotic stressin the presence of absorbable solutes (40 mM sorbitol, 15 mMKC1, 30 mM sucrose; or 40 mM sorbitol, 15 mM KC1, 30 mM sucroseplus 10–4 M IAA) or under ionic stress (50 mM NaCl or50 mM KC1). Rm was not changed by perfusion with 10–4M IAA. Therefore, the hyper-polarizations of the membrane potentialobserved in both cases should be ascribed totally to the activationof the electrogenic proton pump. Although Rm showed an increaseof 1.6 fold when the hypocotyls were subjected to osmotic stress(100 mM sorbitol or 100 mM sorbitol plus 10–4 M IAA),83.6% or 92.4% of the hyperpolarization of the membrane potential(Vpx was also the result of the activation of the pump. Theresults, calculated on the basis of the current source model,support the viewpoint that the hyperpolarization of the cellmembrane potential of Vigna hypocotyls under osmotic stress,ionic stress or in the presence of IAA is an expression of theactivation of the proton pump, and is not caused by an increasein Rm. 1 Present address: Researchers and Planners of Natural Environment, Yotsugi Bldg. (2F), 1-5-4 Horinouchi, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo,166 Japan 2 Present address: Graduate School of Integrated Science, YokohamaCity University, 22-2 Seto, Kanazawa-Ku, Yokohama, 236 Japan (Received February 14, 1991; Accepted July 24, 1991)  相似文献   

IAA applied simultaneously with osmotica greatly enhanced theadaptive recovery of the elongation growth of segments of Vignahypocotyls during osmotic stress irrespective of whether ornot absorbable solutes were present. IAA stimulated both thesurface pump and the xylem pump, which have been shown to bestimulated by osmotic stress and to control the yielding ofthe cell wall and the absorption of solutes. Thus, wall extensibilityand the effective turgor were further enhanced under osmoticstress in the presence of IAA. These results indicate that thesimultaneous presence of IAA can reduce the inhibition of growthby osmotic stress, and they support numerical predictions basedon the apoplast canal model. The mechanism involved in the rapidrecovery of growth is discussed. 1 Present address: Research Centre, Guangxi Agricultural University,Xiu Ling Rd., Nanning, Guangxi 530005 China. 2 Present address: Biology Institute, Department of GeneralEducation, Nagoya University, 1 Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya,464 Japan. 3 Present address: Graduate School of Integrated Science, YokohamaCity University, 22-2, Seto, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, 236 Japan.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological structure in bean hypocotyl was investigatedby the intracellular electrode method in combination with surfaceelectric potential (Vs) measurement and respiratory inhibitionby anoxia, with special reference to the membrane transportof ions and the formation of an absorption centre in the elongating(E) zone. The radial potential difference (Vsx: electric potentialdifference between the organ surface and a xylem vessel), onwhich axial distribution of Va was dependent, comprised twocomponents; Vax=Vpx–Vps. |Vpx| (the potential differencebetween the inside of a parenchyma symplast and a xylem vessel)was at a maximum in the E-zone, while |Vps| (the intracellularelectric potential with respect to the organ surface) was largestin the G-zone (mature zone), resulting in the characteristicdistribution pattern of Vs with a minimum in the E-zone. Therewere two independent electromotive forces which were both partiallydependent on respiration; one corresponding to Vps located atthe surface of the parenchyma symplast (P) and the other toVpx located between P and the xylem (X). The electrogenic componentof Vpx was relatively small both in the hook (H) zone and theG-zone, but maximal in the E-zone of the hypocotyl. This resultwas consistent with the emergence of a maximum pH differencebetween P and X in the E-zone, where accumulation of K+ andwater were at a maximum, suggesting maximum activity of an H+-pumpextruding protons from P into X in exchange for K+. (Received July 17, 1978; )  相似文献   

Five-mm sections of elongation zones of Zea mesocotyls wereincubated for designated periods with various concentrationsof IAA. In vitro protein phosphorylation in the soluble fraction(85,000 x g supernatant) prepared from the sections was analyzedby sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The phosphorylation of proteins in the soluble fraction thathad been prepared from sections incubated for 20 min in thepresence of 10{small tilde}s M IAA was greater than that inthe sections incubated for 20 min without IAA. The amount ofphosphorylation of proteins per protein became higher when higherconcentrations increased (10{small tilde}8—10{small tilde}5M).The growth of sections incubated in the presence of 10{smalltilde}8 M IAA or higher concentrations was greater than thatof sections incubated in the absence of IAA. The promotion ofgrowth by IAA was greater at higher concentrations of IAA. Proteinsin the soluble fraction, prepared from sections incubated for20 min in the presence of 10{small tilde}5 M IAA, were phosphorylatedin the presence of either 10 fM cAMP, 10 µM cGMP, 100µM W-7, 100 µM W-5, 20 µM H-7 or 20 µMHA1004. The calmodulin antagonist, W-7, and the inhibitor ofprotein kinase C, H-7, inhibited the phosphorylation of proteinsstimulated by incubation with IAA. These results suggest thatIAA promotes cell elongation via protein phosphorylation thatdepends on calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and protein kinaseC. (Received November 29, 1995; Accepted May 20, 1996)  相似文献   

Kiyoshi Katou  Kazuo Ichino 《Planta》1982,155(6):486-492
Carbon dioxide, introduced into the gas phase of the experimental chamber, has distinct effects on two spatially separate membrane potentials and the rate of elongation growth in hypocotyl segments ofVigna sesquipedalis Wight. Both membrane potentials (V ps andV px=the electric potential difference between the parenchyma symplast and the surface of the hypocotyl, and that between the parenchyma symplast and the xylem, respectively) hyperpolarized rapidly but transiently at the introduction of CO2. Prolonged exposure of the hypocotyl to high concentrations of CO2 (above 10%) caused depolarization of membrane potentials above the level before CO2 introduction. When CO2 was replaced with air, the membrane potentials exhibited a distinct depolarization response of transient nature. The growth rate of the hypocotyl segments exhibited similar responses to CO2 as did the membrane potentials (the increase and the decrease of the growth rate were corresponded to the hyperpolarization and the depolarization, respectively), but these responses always followed the changes of the membrane potentials. The CO2-induced maximum hyperpolarization ofV ps and the maximum increase of the growth rate were closely correlated. All these responses were strictly dependent on aerobic metabolism. These results indicate that CO2 may regulate elongation growth in two ways: by affecting the activity of the electrogenic ion pump via intracellular acidification, and also by acting via apoplastic acidification as a wall-loosening acid.Symbols and abbreviations V sx electric potential difference between the surface (S) and the xylem (X) of the hypocotyl - V px electric potential difference between the inside of a parenchyma cell (P) andX - V ps electric potential difference betweenP andS - V ps (CO2, max) the maximum value of CO2-induced hyperpolarization ofV ps - GR(CO2, max) the maximum value of CO2-induced increase of the growth rate - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Peacock  K.; Berg  A. R. 《Annals of botany》1994,74(6):661-666
Etiolated seedlings of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) weresubjected to mechanical stress by longitudinally compressingthe hypocotyl with approx. 0·05 N force (equivalent to0·025 MPa for a 1·6 mm diameter hypocotyl). Thisrelatively low compressive stress effected an increase in relativegrowth rates (RGR) of the hypocotyl for a period of 1-2 h, followingwhich RGR returned to the pretreatment rate. RGR was also increasedby an equivalent compressive stress treatment (0·025MPa) for 4 h in water or in 10-10 mol l-1 IAA. These resultsare discussed in the context of a possible role for mechanicallyinduced stress in the initiation and maintenance of nutationalgrowth movements.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Helianthus annuus, Sunflower, hypocotyl growth, mechanical stress, seedling growth, nutational growth movements, circumnutation  相似文献   

We have improved a previously described pressure probe in thefollowing respect to make it suitable for continous mesurementsof intracelluar presure (p)i in higher plant cells. (1)The oil/cell-sapboundary (meniscus) at the tip of the microcapillary was moniterdphoto-electrically with a high-resolution image sensor.(2) Adjustmentof the plunger and the insertion of the probe into the targetcell were performed with specilly desinged, hydraulic manipulatorsystem. These improvements allowed us to monitor the meniscusprecisely and to maintain the meniscus at a certain positionwithout mechanical perturbation. This system has been successfullyused to measure Pi continuously for more than 3 h. With this pressure probe, the dependence on respiration of Piin the elongation zone of Vigna hypocotyls, which was predictedby Katou and Furumoto (1986a, b), was demonstrated directly.Changes in Pi induced by osmotic stress were also measured quitesuccessfully. The respiration-dependent component of Pi was30–40 kPa. While this component appears to be very small,the change in Pi under anoxia caused shrinkage of the segmentof hypocotyl being examined. Regulation of Pu over a range ofseveral tens of kPa or so should, therefore, make a significantcontribution to the control of elongation growth. (Received April 9, 1990; Accepted June 25, 1990)  相似文献   

Auxin activates pumping of protons from the symplast to theapoplast and causes hyperpolarization of the symplast membranein the elongation zone of Vigna stems prior to the accelerationof growth. This auxin-induced hyperpolarization has been studiedin most cases in hypocotyl segments excised from the elongationzone. In the present study, mature-zone segments were perfusedwith IAA by the xylem perfusion technique in an effort to determinewhether or not IAA has any effects in the mature zone. Althoughno hyperpolarization of the symplast membrane was observed uponthe perfusion with auxin alone, auxin-induced hyperpolarizationwas observed when mature-zone segments had been pretreated withGA3, in the absence of an increase in the growth rate. Theseresults suggest that cells in the mature zone have lost theability to activate the proton-pumping machinery in responseto auxin but that this ability can be restored by treatmentwith GA3. This effect of GA3 suggests the possibility that theconcentration of gibberellin in a tissue controls one of thecell's responses to auxin, namely, activation of the protonpump. (Received January 10, 1994; Accepted June 11, 1994)  相似文献   

The effects of the Ca2+ chelator EGTA and the Ca2+ channel blockersLa3+, Gd3+, nifedipine, and verapamil on the IAA-induced earlyresponses of hypocotyl sections of Vigna unguiculata were studiedto assess the involvement of Ca2+ in the IAA-induced hyperpolarizationfollowed by growth promotion using the xylem perfusion method.The IAA-induced hyperpolarization was distinctly inhibited bypretreatment with EGTA, La3+, and/or Gd3+ (5 mM each). EGTAinhibited by about 80–90% while La3+ and Gd3+ inhibitedby about 60–75%. The sustained hyperpolarization afterIAA application was also inhibited by these reagents. Nifedipineand verapamil (50 µM each) had little effect on the IAA-inducedhyperpolarization and growth promotion. The inhibitory effectsof EGTA, La3+ and Gd3+ on the membrane potentials were not dueto changes in a passive component, but mainly to decreases inan elec-trogenic component. The effect of EGTA was reversible,while those of La3+ and Gd3+ were not. Present results suggestthat the influx of Ca2+ through the plasma membrane might berequired not only for the initiation of hyperpolarization byIAA but also for the following sustained hyperpolarization andmay therefore play an essential role in the IAA-induced activationof the electrogenic proton pumps at the plasma membrane in Vignahypocotyls. Inhibition of the hyperpolarization by EGTA, La3+,and Gd3+, however, did not involve inhibition of the promotionof growth by IAA. It seems that activation of the electrogenicproton pumps at the plasma membrane is not always the indispensableprimary step of the IAA-induced promotion of elongation growth.Some alternative pathway of proton extrusion might take part. 3Present address: Laboratory of Biochemistry, Graduate SchoolofBioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8601Japan.  相似文献   

Auxin-induced and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)-dependentethylene production in mung bean (Vigna radiata [L] Wilczek)hypocotyl sections, from which epidermis had been removed, wasinvestigated. Ethylene production in hypocotyl sections withoutepidermis was induced by treatment with IAA, and also occurredfrom exogenously supplied ACC in the presence of 0.2 M mannitol.Isolated epidermal strips alone failed to produce substantialamounts of ethylene in response to IAA or from exogenous ACC.3,4-[14C]-Methionone was incorporated into both ACC and ethylenein peeled sections treated with IAA, but not in the isolatedepidermal strips. Radioactive ACC, however, was detected inthe epidermal strips separated from the unpeeled sections previouslyfed with 3,4-[14C]-methionine in the presence of IAA. We concludethat the Site of auxin-induced ethylene production is not inthe epidermis, but in other hypocotyl cells, and that epidermalcells lack the activity which converts ACC to ethylene. (Received January 28, 1985; Accepted May 4, 1985)  相似文献   

A new method in growth-electrophysiology: Pressurized intra-organ perfusion   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
Abstract A new experimental system was devised for the simultaneous measurement of elongation rate and the activity of the spatially separate electrogenic ion pumps of a hypocotyl segment excised from a seedling of Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. under enforced intra-organ perfusion by artificial solutions. The pathway of the perfusion medium was apoplastic space, including xylem vessels as main routes. The elongation rate of the segment was highly dependent on the perfusion pressure applied. It was possible to increase the growth rate under pressurized perfusion by 10-30 times as much as that without perfusion. Elongation rate was also dependent on respiration under perfusion, being retarded reversibly by anoxia a few minutes after the activities of the electrogenic ion pumps were stopped. Perfusion pressure had a little influence on the membrane potential (Vpx) below a breakdown level (c. 130 kPa). Perfusion of mannitol or sorbitol solution of appropriate concentration reduced the elongation rate reversibly.  相似文献   

The extent by which salinity affects plant growth depends partlyon the ability of the plant to exclude NaCl. To study the uptakeof NaCl into excised roots of Zea mays L. cv. ‘Tanker’,two different techniques were applied. A root pressure probewas used to record steady state as well as transient valuesof root (xylem) pressure upon exposure of the root to mediacontaining NaCl and KCl as osmotic solutes. In treatments withNaCl, pressure/time responses of the root indicated a significantuptake of NaCl into the xylem. NaCl induced kinetics were completelyreversible when the NaCl solution was replaced by an isosmoticKCl solution. This indicated a passive movement of Na+-saltsacross the root cylinder. Root samples were taken at differenttimes of exposure to NaCl and prepared for X-ray microanalysis(EDX analysis). Radial profiles of ion concentrations (Na+,K+, Cl) were measured in cell vacuoles and xylem vesselsalong the root axis. Na+ appeared rapidly in mature xylem (earlymetaxylem) and living xylem (late metaxylem) before it was detectablein vacuoles of the root cortex. EDX results confirmed that thekinetics observed by the pressure probe technique correspondedmainly to an influx of Na+-salts into early metaxylem. In latemetaxylem, the uptake of Na+ was associated with a decline ofK+. The Na+/K+ exchange indicated a mechanism to reduce sodiumfrom the transpiration stream. Ion localization, ion transport, maize, root pressure, salinity, water relations, X-ray microanalysis, Zea mays  相似文献   

The xylem vessels of segments of Vigna hypocotyl were perfusedwith solutions of various pH values. With both acid and alkalineperfusion solutions, the pH of the xylem exudate tended to equilibrateat approximately 6 during the course of xylem perfusion. Thisphenomenon was observed both in air and under anoxia, and alsoin segments pretreated with methanol or preheated in a microwaveoven. Therefore, the adjustment in pH does not depend on therespiratory metabolism but originates in the buffering actionof the xylem wall apoplast. High concentrations of protons inducedthe release of other cations into the xylem exudate under anoxia,and high concentrations of K+ or Ca2+ ions induced the releaseof protons into the xylem under anoxia. These results indicatethat a cation-exchange reaction on the xylem cell wall was responsiblefor the buffering effect. The physiological role of the highbuffering capacity of the xylem wall apoplast is discussed inlight of the role of the proton pump of the plasmalemma in elongationgrowth. (Received September 25, 1990; Accepted January 21, 1991)  相似文献   

It was confirmed that osmotic adjustment occurred in young intactmung bean (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) seedlings exposed to highosmotic pressure stress. Root growth was not affected by osmoticpressure of less than 200 mOsra in the external solution, althoughhypocotyl growth was conspicuously reduced. Under this moderateosmotic stress, intracellular K+ concentration, [K+]i, increaseddramatically during the osmotic adjustment in all the regionsof the root, but the intracellular Cl concentration,[Cl]i, increased only in the aged mature region of theroot (28–33 mm from the root tip). About a half of theintracellular osmotic pressure in the aged mature region ofthe root could be ascribed to the contributions of [K+]i and[Cl]i, but in the hypocotyl, [K+]i only contributed slightlyto the osmotic adjustment. (Received June 18, 1986; Accepted August 26, 1986)  相似文献   

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