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Previously, we have shown that brain glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) is greatly inhibited by sulfhydryl reactive reagent suggesting cysteine residue(s) may play an important role in GAD function. In this report, we determined the role of cysteine residues in the recombinant human 65-kDa GAD isoform (hGAD65) and 67-kDa GAD isoform (hGAD67), using a combination of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry and site-directed mutagenesis. Here, we report that cysteine 446 (C446) in hGAD65 is important for its activity and is present as free sulfhydryl group. This conclusion is based on the following observations: (i) mutation of C446 in hGAD65 to alanine reduced hGAD65 activity by more than 90%, (ii) MALDI-TOF analysis of the non-reduced, trypsin-digested GAD65 revealed that C446 is present as a free sulfhydryl group as indicated by a peak at m/z (mass/charge) 647.3446 (peptide 443-448) and, when GAD65 was treated with sulfhydryl reagent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), the peak is shifted to m/z 772.3702,a mass increase of 125.1 daltons (Da) as a result of modification of cysteine by NEM. Parallel studies have also been conducted with hGAD67. Cysteine 455 was found to be important for GAD67 activity.  相似文献   

A study of the genetic determination of latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) is conducted on data consisting of clinical and genealogical data on 51 patients with LADA, 400 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes mellitus), and 504 patients with insulin-independent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes mellitus), along with relatives of these patients (first degree of consanguinity). Testing of the Smith model revealed the genetic independence of LADA and both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. A study of genetic heterogeneity in accordance with the Smith model showed that LADA shares roughly the same number of common genes with type 1 diabetes mellitus and with type 2 diabetes mellitus, which also determines the clinical course of this form of diabetes. The inheritance of LADA is described by parameters of a polygenic threshold model. Within the framework of this model, it is found that genetic factors are responsible for 60.4% of the development of the disease.  相似文献   

Tolerance induction of autoreactive T cells against pancreatic beta cell-specific autoantigens such as glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) and insulin has been attempted as a method to prevent autoimmune diabetes. In this study, we investigate whether adenoassociated virus (AAV) gene delivery of multiple immunodominant epitopes expressing GAD(500-585) could induce potent immune tolerance and persistently suppress autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. A single muscle injection of 7-wk-old female NOD mice with rAAV/GAD(500-585) (3 x 10(11) IU/mouse) quantitatively reduced pancreatic insulitis and efficiently prevented the development of overt type I diabetes. This prevention was marked by the inactivation of GAD(500-585)-responsive T lymphocytes, the enhanced GAD(500-585)-specific Th2 response (characterized by increased IL-4, IL-10 production, and decreased IFN-gamma production; especially elevated anti-GAD(500-585) IgG1 titer; and relatively unchanged anti-GAD(500-585) IgG2b titer), the increased secretion of TGF-beta, and the production of protective regulatory cells. Our studies also revealed that peptides 509-528, 570-585, and 554-546 in the region of GAD(500-585) played important roles in rAAV/GAD(500-585) immunization-induced immune tolerance. These data indicate that using AAV, a vector with advantage for therapeutic gene delivery, to transfer autoantigen peptide GAD(500-585), can induce immunological tolerance through active suppression of effector T cells and prevent type I diabetes in NOD mice.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma is considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. In this study, the presence of T/A mutation at position -874 in IFN-gamma gene was assessed in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA), in patients with type 2 diabetes and in healthy individuals. Subsequently, an attempt was made to correlate the presence of this mutation with the ability of CD4+ or CD8+ lymphocytes from these individuals to release IFN-gamma following mitogenic stimulation. There were no significant differences in the distribution of genotypes and haplotypes in the three study groups. However, the frequency of the low IFN-gamma production allele (IFN-gamma 874( *)A) was significantly higher in type 2 diabetics compared to controls. CD4+ and CD8+ cells obtained from type 2 diabetics released significantly lower amounts of IFN-gamma in the intracellular space, compared to those released by cells obtained from LADA patients and healthy volunteers. Furthermore, even CD4+ and CD8+ from type 2 diabetics bearing the TT genotype (high producers) released significantly lower amounts of IFN-gamma than LADA patients carrying the same genotype, probably due to the activity of molecules directly or indirectly inhibiting IFN-gamma production. The results of this study indicate that IFN-gamma may contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes, based on a combination of molecular and immunological observations.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental biochemical defects underlying the complications of diabetic cardiovascular system is elevation of diacylglycerol (DAG) and its effects on protein kinase C (PKC) signaling. It has been noted that exercise training attenuates poor cardiac performance in Type 1 diabetes. However, the role of PKC signaling in exercise-induced alleviation of cardiac abnormalities in diabetes is not clear. We investigated the possibility that exercise training modulates PKC-βII signaling to elicit its beneficial effects on the diabetic heart. bio-breeding diabetic resistant rats, a model reminiscent of Type 1 diabetes in humans, were randomly assigned to four groups: 1) nonexercised nondiabetic (NN); 2) nonexercised diabetic (ND); 3) exercised nondiabetic; and 4) exercised diabetic. Treadmill training was initiated upon the onset of diabetes. At the end of 8 wk, left ventricular (LV) hemodynamic assessment revealed compromised function in ND compared with the NN group. LV myocardial histology revealed increased collagen deposition in ND compared with the NN group, while electron microscopy showed a reduction in the viable mitochondrial fraction. Although the PKC-βII levels and activity were unchanged in the diabetic heart, the DAG levels were increased. With exercise training, the deterioration of LV structure and function in diabetes was attenuated. Notably, improved cardiac performance in training was associated with a decrease in myocardial DAG levels in diabetes. Exercise-induced benefits on cardiac performance in diabetes may be mediated by prevention of an increase in myocardial DAG levels.  相似文献   

In plants, as in most eukaryotes, glutamate decarboxylase catalyses the synthesis of GABA. The Arabidopsis genome contains five glutamate decarboxylase genes and one of these genes (glutamate decarboxylase1; i.e.GAD1) is expressed specifically in roots. By isolating and analyzing three gad1 T-DNA insertion alleles, derived from two ecotypes, we investigated the potential role of GAD1 in GABA production. We also analyzed a promoter region of the GAD1 gene and show that it confers root-specific expression when fused to reporter genes. Phenotypic analysis of the gad1 insertion mutants revealed that GABA levels in roots were drastically reduced compared with those in the wild type. The roots of the wild type contained about sevenfold more GABA than roots of the mutants. Disruption of the GAD1 gene also prevented the accumulation of GABA in roots in response to heat stress. Our results show that the root-specific calcium/calmodulin-regulated GAD1 plays a major role in GABA synthesis in plants under normal growth conditions and in response to stress.  相似文献   

Aims To investigate the association between glycaemic control, diabetes distress and depressive symptoms among Japanese patients with Type 2 diabetes. Methods Cross-sectional data from 3305 patients with Type 2 diabetes were obtained from a baseline assessment of a diabetes registry at a general hospital in Japan. The Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale and Problem Areas in Diabetes scale were used to measure depressive symptoms and diabetes-related distress, respectively. Modified Poisson regression analysis was used to estimate the relative risks for poor glycaemic control across the quartiles of Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale and Problem Areas in Diabetes scale scores. Results The average age of the participants was 64.9?years and the average HbA(1c) level was 58.1?mmol/mol (7.5%). Clinically significant levels of depressive symptoms (Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale scores ≥?16) were reported by 27.8% of participants. These scores significantly correlated with Problem Areas in Diabetes scale scores (r?=?0.4354, P?相似文献   

Gene expression of peripheral tissue antigens (PTAs) in stromal medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) is a key process to the negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes. This phenomenon was termed “promiscuous gene expression” (PGE), which is partially controlled by the Aire gene. Nevertheless, reasons for the correlation of Aire and PTAs with the emergence of autoimmune diseases are largely unknown, though it may be a result of a chronological effect. Although the effect of Aire mutations in pathogenic autoimmunity is well know, it could not be a unique cause for autoimmunity. Independently of mutations, temporal deregulation of Aire expression may imbalance Aire-dependent PTAs and/or wide PGE. This deregulation may be an early warning sign for autoimmune diseases as it guarantees autoantigen representation in the thymus. To assess this hypothesis, we studied the expression levels of Aire, Aire-dependent (Ins2) and Aire-independent (Gad67 and Col2a1) PTAs using real-time-PCR of the thymic stromal cells of NOD mice during the development of autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM-1). Wide PGE was studied by microarrays in which the PTA genes were identified through parallel CD80+ mTEC 3.10 cell line expression profiling. The results show that Aire gene was down-regulated in young pre-autoimmune (pre-diabetic) NOD mice. PGE and specific PTA genes were down-regulated in adult autoimmune diabetic animals. These findings represent evidence indicating that chronological deregulation of genes important to negative selection may be associated with the development of an autoimmune disease (DM-1) in mice.  相似文献   

Retinopathy is the most common microvascular diabetes complication and represents a major threat to the eyesight. The aim of this study was to address the role of pro- and anti-angiogenic molecules in diabetic retinopathy in the aqueous humor of the eye. Aqueous humor was collected at cataract surgery from 19 diabetic patients and from 13 age- and sex-matched normoglycemic controls. Levels of pro-angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiogenic inhibitor pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) were determined. Angiogenic activity of the aqueous humor was quantified by measuring its effect on the migration of capillary endothelial cells. In the aqueous fluid, VEGF levels were increased in diabetics (mean values: 501 vs. 367 pg/ml; p = 0.05), compared to controls. PEDF was found to be decreased in diabetics (mean values: 2080 vs. 5780 ng/ml; p = 0.04) compared to controls. In seven diabetic patients with proliferative retinopathy, the most profound finding was a significant decrease of the PEDF level (mean value: 237 ng/ml), whereas VEGF levels were comparable to diabetic patients without proliferation (mean value: 3153; p = 0.003). Angiogenic activity in samples of patients from the control group was generally inhibitory due to PEDF, and inhibition was blocked by neutralizing antibodies to PEDF. Likewise, in diabetics without proliferation, angiogenic activity was also blocked by antibodies to PEDF. We will demonstrate here that the level of the natural ocular anti-angiogenic agent PEDF is inversely associated with proliferative retinopathy. PEDF is an important negative regulator of angiogenic activity of aqueous humor. Our data may have implications for the development of novel regimens for diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   

Nonobese diabetic (NOD) and NOD-DRalpha transgenic (tg) mice, expressing Aalpha(d):Abeta(g7) and Aalpha(d):Abeta(g7) plus DRalpha:Ebeta(g7) class II molecules, respectively, both develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), whereas NOD-Ealpha tg mice expressing Aalpha(d):Abeta(g7) plus Ealpha:Ebeta(g7) are protected. We show that IL-12 administration induces rapid IDDM onset in NOD-DRalpha but fails to provoke insulitis and diabetes in NOD-Ealpha tg mice. Nevertheless, T cells from IL-12-treated NOD-Ealpha tg mice secrete IFN-gamma and transfer IDDM to NOD-SCID and NOD-Ealpha-SCID recipients, demonstrating the presence of peripheral diabetogenic Th1 cells in the protected mice. Surprisingly, regulatory cells were undetectable. Moreover, Ealpha:Ebeta(g7) could substitute for DRalpha:Ebeta(g7) in Ag presentation, arguing against mechanisms of protection involving capture of diabetogenic I-A(g7)-restricted epitopes by Ealpha:Ebeta(g7)molecules. Interestingly, the expression of naturally processed epitopes derived from DRalpha- and Ealpha-chains bound to I-A(g7) is different in the two strains of tg mice, and the difference is enhanced by IL-12 administration. I-A(g7) molecules from both NOD-DRalpha and NOD-Ealpha tg mice present the conserved DRalpha/Ealpha 52-68 sequence, at high and low levels, respectively. In addition, only IDDM-resistant NOD-Ealpha tg mice possess APCs bearing Ealpha65-77/I-A(g7) complexes, which tolerize the specific T cells. This is associated with the selective inhibition of the response to insulinoma-associated protein 2 (IA-2), an autoantigen in IDDM. Our results support protective mechanisms based on I-A(g7) blockade by peptides unique to the Ealpha-chain, such as Ealpha65-77 and/or tolerance of diabetogenic T cells cross-reactive with Ealpha-peptide/I-A(g7) complexes.  相似文献   

The gene for connexin 37 (Cx37) is considered to be one of the candidate genes for cardiovascular disease. We evaluated the association between Cx37 (1019C>T) gene polymorphism (Pro319Ser) and ankle brachial blood pressure index (ABI) in women with type 1 (n=178) and type 2 (n=111) diabetes, and in women from general population (n=862). All women were genotyped for Cx37 polymorphism. In addition to traditional cardiovascular risk factors, ABI was analyzed. In women with type 1 diabetes, ABI significantly decreased from TT to CC carriers (p for trend = 0.008). A similar trend was seen in women with type 2 diabetes (p = 0.050) and in women with waist circumference above 75th percentile (94 cm; n=208) of the general population (p = 0.049). The gene for Cx37 was associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in women with type 1 and 2 diabetes and in women with advanced central obesity. The presence of C allele indicated increased risk.  相似文献   

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