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Estuarine mudflats, among the most important foraging grounds for waders during the non-breeding season, consist of complex mosaics of shallow pools and dry areas during low tide. In this study, we carried out close-range focal observations to determine foraging parameters of dunlins Calidris alpina, foraging in the mudflat microhabitats of the Tagus estuary, Portugal. Birds foraging in wet patches mostly targeted the siphons of the bivalve Scrobicularia plana , while in dry patches they mostly fed on mudsnails Hydrobia ulvae . Surface visibility of prey, rather than their abundance in the sediment, explained the microhabitat-related differences in prey selection. Birds using dry patches obtained 40% less energy intake than those using wet patches, still many extensively used this poor microhabitat. Because siphons retract quickly when the sediment is disturbed, birds often failed to catch them. We found that birds that were less efficient in capturing siphons in wet patches tended to spend more time foraging on mudsnails in dry patches. This suggests that lack of skills in siphon cropping represents a major foraging constraint for dunlins wintering in the Tagus estuary. It may even cause them to forage during high tide in order to achieve their daily energetic requirements.  相似文献   

J. Cooper 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-3):86-95
Cooper, J. 1985. Biology of the Bank Cormorant, Part 3: Foraging behaviour. Ostrich 56: 86–95.

The Bank Cormorant Phalacrocorax neglectus, endemic to southern Africa, is primarily a solitary inshore forager. Bank Cormorants forage Primarily on the bottom among kelp beds but also may forage over shingle or coarse sand substrates or in midwater. Breeding birds forage up to 9 km from their colony. Little is known of foraging depth but birds may dive as deep as 28 m. Mean dive duration was 44,9 s and ratio of dives to surface rests was 2,18. In most cases prey is swallowed under water, presumably to avoid kleptoparasitism. Bank Cormorants foraged during daylight hours from before sunrise to after sunset. Birds did not forage in exceptionally rough seas. Mean female foraging bout duration (84,3 min) was significantly longer than that of males (68,4 min) in breeding individuals. Breeding males undertook significantly more foraging bouts (3,47 boutdday) than did females (3,02 bouts/day). No significant differences were found between the sexes when total time spent foraging/day by breeding birds was compared. It is not clear why males foraged more often, but for shorter periods, than did females, but the differences may be related to sexual dimorphism, males being larger than females.  相似文献   

Most tropical booby species complete breeding foraging trips within daylight hours, thus avoiding nights at sea. Nazca Boobies Sula granti are unusual in this respect, frequently spending one or more nights away from the nest. We used GPS dataloggers, time‐depth recorders, and changes in body weight to characterize foraging trips and to evaluate potential influences on the decisions of 64 adult Nazca Boobies to spend a night at sea, or to return to their chicks on Isla Española, Galápagos, in daylight hours. The tagged birds foraged east of Isla Española, undertaking both single‐day (2–15 h, 67% of trips) and overnight trips (28 h–7.2 days, 33%), and executing 1–19 foraging plunge‐dives per single‐day trip. Birds might forage longer if they are in nutritional stress when they depart, but body weight at departure was not correlated with trip length. Birds might be expected to return from longer trips with more prey for young, but they returned from single‐day and overnight trips with similar body weights, consistent with previous indications that Nazca Boobies forage until accumulating a target value of prey weight. Birds with a lower dive frequency during the first 5 h of a trip were more likely to spend the night at sea, suggesting that they might choose to spend the night at sea if prey capture success was low. At night, birds almost never dived and spent most of their time resting on the water’s surface (11.8–12.1 h, > 99% of the time between civil sunset and civil dawn). Thus, the night is an unproductive time spent among subsurface predators under low illumination. The birds’ webbed feet provided evidence of this risk: 24% of birds were missing > 25% of their foot tissue, probably due to attacks by predatory fish, and the amount of foot tissue lost increased with age, consistent with a cumulative risk across the lifespan. In contrast, other tropical boobies (Blue‐footed Sula nebouxii and Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster), which do not spend the night on the water, showed no such damage. These results suggest that chick‐rearing Nazca Boobies accept nocturnal predation risk on occasions of low prey encounter during a foraging trip’s first day.  相似文献   

White fronted bee-eaters (Merops bullockoides) live in extended family clans that aggregate to roost and nest in large colonies. Members of a given clan also share a common foraging territory, spatially segregated from the colony, to which they commute daily. The size of this foraging territory is positively related to clan size. Clan foraging territories are divided into a number of loosely overlapping foraging home ranges (FHRs), each occupied by an individual or mated pair of birds. Bee-eaters feed solitarily, flycatching to snap up large insects from widely dispersed perches. Each bird tolerates intrusion on its FHR by various members of its own clan, but aggressively excludes individuals belonging to other clans. Birds defend only their own FHR; however, because of the high amount of FHR overlap, the result is a loose form of group defense of the larger clan feeding area. For this reason we refer to the system as one of clan foraging territories. Birds occupying clan foraging territories located more than 1.5 to 2 km from a colony temporarily abandoned them while feeding nestlings. At such times, these birds provisioned their young by foraging near the colony. Birds that abandoned territories foraged less efficiently, provisioned nestlings at a lower rate, and had lower breeding success than did birds that continued use of their foraging territories. A model is developed relating territory abandonment to the energetics of central place foraging. Bee-eaters typically shift colony locations between successive breeding seasons. Foraging territory locations, in contrast, remain largely stable, resulting in large and unpredictable changes in the quality of any given foraging territory across years (quality being defined as distance from the currently active nesting colony). When a pair bond forms in bee-eaters, one member typically remains in its natal clan while the other moves into the clan of its partner. At this time, the new pair also establishes its own FHR, generally located within or on the periphery of the clan foraging territory of the natal member. The result of this settlement pattern is that white fronted bee-eaters live their lives spatially surrounded by members of their natal or their matrimonial clan. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of both mutualistic and nepotistic interactions among clan members. Such benefits include shared territory defense, enhanced security against predation, and maintenance of close social bonds with potential helpers. We hypothesize that the adaptive value of clan foraging territories lies in long-term familiarity with a foraging area. Such familiarity was demonstrated to lead to improved foraging efficiency and hypothesized to provide both increased security from predation and a more accurate means of monitoring temporal changes in environmental quality. The system of clan foraging territories found in white fronted bee-eaters differs from the all-purpose group territories of most other cooperative breeders studied to date in two important ways. First, foraging territories were not limiting in the sense of restricting dispersal and “forcing” offspring to remain with their natal clans. Unoccupied areas of seemingly suitable habitat were present throughout the study area at all times. Birds also showed no tendency to expand their boundaries or move into areas vacated when neighboring clans decreased in size or died off. Second, breeding status and foraging territory ownership are not linked in Merops bullockoides. All pairs defended foraging areas, yet only about 3/4 of them bred in any given year. This percentage did not differ significantly between pairs occupying high quality foraging territories (located near the active nesting colony) and pairs forced to abandon low quality foraging territories located more distantly. We conclude that foraging territories are not a critical ecological constraining factor for white fronted bee-eaters in Kenya.  相似文献   

In many social mammals and birds, soft vocalizations are habitually produced during dispersed moving and foraging, the function being to maintain contact and regulate spacing between group members. In some species, much louder calls are given sporadically by specific individuals when they become separated from the group, or 'lost'. The function of these calls has seldom been specifically tested, particularly among social primates, but is often assumed to involve regaining contact with the group based on a combination of individually distinctive calls and antiphonal responses to them from within the group. To test these assumptions, we conducted research on two groups of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Costa Rica. We analyzed 82 bouts of 'lost' calls given by 13 different adult individuals when separated from the group and the antiphonal responses they elicited. Lost calls were individually distinctive and were answered in 35% of calling episodes. Answers were selective: dominant males and females were answered more than were subordinate callers of either sex. As a result, dominant callers relocated and returned to the group more quickly than did subordinate callers. We discuss the potential proximate motivations for, and ultimate benefits of, such selective answering of dominant group members.  相似文献   

Birds of two different breeds differing in degree of domestication were studied to reveal any differences in foraging strategies between them. The breeds were wild-type birds (crossing between red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) and Swedish bantam (Gallus gallus domesticus) and domestic birds (Swedish bantam), breeds representing an increasing level of domestication. Bantam birds have not been selected for any specific characteristics. The birds were allowed to forage in an experimental pen containing two separate food patches, which depleted as a function of being exploited, to see how well the different breeds were able to assess costs and benefits as the distance between patches were changed (short distance between patches compared to long distance between patches). Both breeds behaved in accordance with some general predictions of optimal foraging theory, i.e. moved between patches, left patches before these were empty and stayed for a shorter time in more depleted patches. Wild-type birds responded more than domestic birds to an increase of distance between patches, by spending longer average time in patch when there was a long distance between them compared to when there was a short distance. The wild-type birds adopted what seemed to be a more costly foraging strategy, moving more between patches than the domestic birds without ingesting more feed. During domestication, in the protected environment provided by man, individuals using less costly behavioural strategies may have gained increased fitness over those spending more energy on foraging. Although domestic birds still possessed the ability to respond adaptively to environmental conditions, the differences between the wild-type and the domestic breed might be a result of the reduction of the natural selection pressure which accompanies domestication.  相似文献   

For oceanic birds like king penguins, a major constraint is the separation of foraging areas from the breeding colony, largely because swimming increases foraging costs. However, the relationship between foraging strategy and breeding stage has been poorly investigated. Using time-depth recorders, we studied the diving behaviour of two groups of king penguins that were either incubating or brooding chicks at Crozet Islands (Southern Indian Ocean) at the same period of the year. Although birds with chicks had the highest predicted energy demand, they made foraging trips half as long as incubating birds (6 vs. 14 days) and modified their time and depth utilisation. Birds with chicks dived deeper during daylight (mean maximum depth of 280 m vs. 205 m for those incubating). At night, birds with chicks spent twice as much time diving as those incubating, but birds at both stages never dived beyond 30 m. Movements to greater depths by brooding birds are consistent with the vertical distribution of myctophid fish which are the main prey. As chick provisioning limits trip duration, it is suggested that it is more efficient for parents to change their diving patterns rather than to restrict their foraging range. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Colonial nesting is rare in birds of prey. In this study we develop further Pennycuick's (1979 ) model of energy balance to consider the implications of colonial nesting for the breeding ecology of Ruppell's griffon vultures. To achieve a realistic foraging range, and remain in energy balance, the birds need to do more than fill their crop once on each foraging trip. They must remain in the feeding area and digest some of this food and refill the crop to obtain sufficient energy to pay for the flight costs and have sufficient energy to satisfy their own requirements and that of the chick. Given the known distances that the birds have to travel to forage, it would be impossible for them to rear more than one chick. The low growth rate of griffon vulture chicks may be an adaptation to the low rate at which energy can be delivered by the parents. The optimal time for a bird to be away from the nest changes with the distance they have to travel. Assuming that one parent remains on the nest at all times to guard the chick, it is optimal for both parents to take turns to forage on the same day if the distance to a feeding area is under 150 km, but to switch to each parent being away for a whole day when the distance is greater than this. Soaring flight is essential for such a scavenger, because of the low energy expenditure. If a vulture relied on the more energetically demanding flapping flight its maximum foraging range would be under 40 km. Griffon vultures are known to be able to depress their basal metabolic rate, and this has major implications for their foraging range, which then becomes constrained by the flight speed rather than by the amount of food they need to obtain. Griffon vultures minimize energy expenditure on all activities, because even small increases in their energy demands have a large impact on the foraging range that the bird can use.  相似文献   

Birds rely, at least in part, on spatial memory for recovering previously hidden caches but accurate cache recovery may be more critical for birds that forage in harsh conditions where the food supply is limited and unpredictable. Failure to find caches in these conditions may potentially result in death from starvation. In order to test this hypothesis we compared the cache recovery behaviour of 24 wild-caught mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli), half of which were maintained on a limited and unpredictable food supply while the rest were maintained on an ad libitum food supply for 60 days. We then tested their cache retrieval accuracy by allowing birds from both groups to cache seeds in the experimental room and recover them 5 hours later. Our results showed that birds maintained on a limited and unpredictable food supply made significantly fewer visits to non-cache sites when recovering their caches compared to birds maintained on ad libitum food. We found the same difference in performance in two versions of a one-trial associative learning task in which the birds had to rely on memory to find previously encountered hidden food. In a non-spatial memory version of the task, in which the baited feeder was clearly marked, there were no significant differences between the two groups. We therefore concluded that the two groups differed in their efficiency at cache retrieval. We suggest that this difference is more likely to be attributable to a difference in memory (encoding or recall) than to a difference in their motivation to search for hidden food, although the possibility of some motivational differences still exists. Overall, our results suggest that demanding foraging conditions favour more accurate cache retrieval in food-caching birds.  相似文献   

S. F. EDEN 《Ibis》1989,131(1):141-153
The social behaviour of non-breeding individuals in a colour-marked population of Magpies was studied. In early autumn most non-breeders began to forage in a common area, the 'Non-breeding Flock Area'. A few individuals remained on their natal territories away from the flock area as solitary non-breeders. Most non-breeders were first-year birds, but some were second years or adults which no longer held a territory. Birds foraged in groups, their food intake rate differing with both group size and location. It appeared that the area in which birds foraged had a significant effect on food intake rate; foraging groups tended to form at sites rich in food. There was a dominance hierarchy amongst non-breeders; an individual's foraging behaviour, survivorship and chances of breeding were status dependent, with subordinates feeding less in groups and being less likely to survive and breed. Solitary individuals' chances of breeding were similar to those of high status birds, although their survivorship to breeding age may have been lower. Non-breeding Magpies are compared with non-breeders of other species and the factors which may influence their social behaviour are discussed. It is suggested that remaining as a solitary non-breeder is a viable alternative to becoming a low-status flock member for some birds.  相似文献   

Japanese cormorants, Phalacrocorax capillatus, are sexually dimorphic seabirds with males that are heavier and that dive deeper than females. Sex differences in prey composition and foraging behavior of those rearing chicks at Teuri Island, Hokkaido, were examined by collecting food-loads from parents in 1992–1998 and by radio-tracking ten birds each in 1997 and 1998 when prey availability was different. Males fed more on benthic and epibenthic fishes (82% mass) than did females (34%) while females fed more on epipelagic and coastal fishes (53%) than did males (18%). Males made longer dives (53 s) at feeding sites closer to the island (7 km) than females (39 s, 13 km) in 1997. In 1998 when the availability of epipelagic fish seemed to be higher, there were no sex differences in dive duration and distance to the feeding sites (35 s and 9 km for males, 36 s and 10 km for females). This sex difference in foraging behavior with a poor availability of epipelagic fish suggests that high diving ability possibly enables males to feed on demersal fish. Birds specializing in coastal shallow waters around the island made long dives; hence they were probably foraging in bottom layers. Those foraging in deeper shelf waters made short dives and they were thought to forage in surface layers. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Diving synchrony was examined for varying group sizes of African penguins (Spheniscus demersus) travelling to their foraging grounds from their breeding islands. Groups of fewer than 12 birds always dived synchronously, whereas groups of more than 17 birds always dived asynchronously. Since travelling penguins do not dive deeply, large groups of birds can remain together irrespective of diving synchronization. Observations from boats showed that foraging penguins rarely occurred in groups of more than 17 birds. We suggest that groups of penguins that do not have synchronized dives cannot forage effectively, because foraging penguins dive deeply.  相似文献   

Group foraging has been suggested as an important factor for the evolution of sociality. However, visual cues are predominantly used to gain information about group members'' foraging success in diurnally foraging animals such as birds, where group foraging has been studied most intensively. By contrast, nocturnal animals, such as bats, would have to rely on other cues or signals to coordinate foraging. We investigated the role of echolocation calls as inadvertently produced cues for social foraging in the insectivorous bat Noctilio albiventris. Females of this species live in small groups, forage over water bodies for swarming insects and have an extremely short daily activity period. We predicted and confirmed that (i) free-ranging bats are attracted by playbacks of echolocation calls produced during prey capture, and that (ii) bats of the same social unit forage together to benefit from passive information transfer via the change in group members'' echolocation calls upon finding prey. Network analysis of high-resolution automated radio telemetry confirmed that group members flew within the predicted maximum hearing distance 94±6 per cent of the time. Thus, echolocation calls also serve as intraspecific communication cues. Sociality appears to allow for more effective group foraging strategies via eavesdropping on acoustical cues of group members in nocturnal mammals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Juvenile birds lack the experience of adults and, as a result, are typically less efficient foragers. Environmental factors can influence how birds forage and the outcome of foraging bouts, but few investigators have considered the effects of such factors on the foraging behavior of juveniles. We examined the effects of two environmental factors, sunlight and soil moisture, on the foraging behavior of juvenile and adult American Robins ( Turdus migratorius ). Both factors had a significant effect on robin foraging, with robins more effective at capturing arthropods in the sun and worms in moist soils. However, juveniles were less successful than adults across all conditions. Juveniles were less successful than adults at capturing arthropods and were less efficient at capturing worms. Juveniles captured an average of one worm per minute, whereas adults captured nearly two worms per minute. Additionally, the high failure rates of juveniles (0.44/min) as compared to adults (0.20/min) may be indicative of their inability to choose suitable prey items. Finally, we found that juveniles tended to forage with other robins more than did adults, suggesting that they may use other individuals as cues for locating favorable foraging sites.  相似文献   

Insectivorous birds may adjust their foraging strategies to exploit changes in resource distributions. Arthropod prey strongly influence habitat‐specific persistence of long‐distance migrant passerines in their wintering areas, and arthropods are strongly affected by rainfall. However, the effect of drought on the dynamics of avian foraging ecology as resources shift is not well understood. We captured female American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) and studied their foraging behavior in high‐quality (evergreen black mangrove) and low‐quality (deciduous scrub) habitat in Jamaica during the winter of 1995–1996. As is typical in southwestern Jamaica, conditions became drier as spring approached and many trees in scrub lost most of their leaves; mangrove trees maintained most of their leaf cover. Birds in scrub lost more mass than those in mangrove, and scrub birds shifted to using more aerial (and fewer near‐perch) maneuvers. In scrub, but not in mangrove, the proportion of wing‐powered movements and aerial foraging maneuvers was positively correlated with mass corrected by body size. In both habitats, attack rate was negatively correlated with body condition. Therefore, redstarts in scrub that maintained body condition were likely better able to use energetically expensive aerial maneuvers and wing‐powered search movements to exploit large, calorie‐rich flying arthropods. As the scrub dried over the course of the winter, the shift in foraging tactic may have allowed some birds to forage more efficiently (i.e., lower attack rate), likely facilitating maintenance of good body condition.  相似文献   

Summary We studied diel periodicity in activity of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) during the austral summer solstice and one month later by counting, hourly, numbers of birds leaving colonies to forage, numbers arriving back after foraging, numbers in a colony and numbers resting outside the colonies. During the solstice large numbers of birds were arriving at and departing from the colony at all times of the day although there was a tendency for more birds to be at sea when light intensity was highest at mid-day. Generally, birds not brooding chicks did not rest on land. A month later, when visibility was poor at mid-night, the percentage of birds at sea was highly positively correlated with light intensity. Birds returning from foraging in the evening fed chicks immediately and then either rested in the colonies or on snow patches between the colonies and the sea until the following morning.  相似文献   

Seed predation by birds and small mammals in semiarid Chile   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied spatial and temporal patterns in foraging activity among diurnal birds and nocturnal mammals at a semiarid site in northern Chile using artificial foraging trays. Small mammals foraged more extensively under shrubs than in open microhabitats, but birds showed no such selection. Moreover, avian foraging was more extensive than that by small mammals in all seasons and both microhabitats. Avian foraging was highly seasonal, as many birds at our site migrate to the Andean prepuna or to Patagonia during the austral summer. Birds have tended to be overshadowed by small mammals and ants in studies of granivory, but this study suggests that their importance may be underestimated in some systems.  相似文献   

A central point in life history theory is that parental investment in current reproduction should be balanced by the costs in terms of residual reproductive value. Long-lived seabirds are considered fixed investors, that is, parents fix a specific level of investment in their current reproduction independent to the breeding requirements. We tested this hypothesis analysing the consequences of an experimental increase in flying costs on the foraging ecology, body condition and chick condition in Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea. We treated 28 pairs by reducing the wing surface in one partner and compared them with 14 control pairs. We monitored mass changes and incubation shifts and tracked 19 foraging trips per group using geolocators. Furthermore, we took blood samples at laying, hatching and chick-rearing to analyse the nutritional condition, haematology, muscle damage and stable isotopes. Eighty-day-old chicks were measured, blood sampled and challenged with PHA immune assay. In addition, we analysed the effects of handicap on the adults at the subsequent breeding season. During incubation, handicapped birds showed a greater foraging effort than control birds, as indicated by greater foraging distances and longer periods of foraging, covering larger areas. Eighty-day-old chicks reared by treated pairs were smaller and lighter and showed a lower immunity than those reared by control pairs. However, oxygen demands, nutritional condition and stable isotopes did not differ between control and handicapped birds. Although handicapped birds had to increase their foraging effort, they maintained physical condition by reducing parental investment and transferred the experimentally increased costs to their partners and the chick. This result supports the fixed investment hypothesis and is consistent with life history theory.  相似文献   

Distress calls of mallard ducklings consist of a highly stereotyped series of notes. When two ducklings are simultaneously separated from the brood, they characteristically call in alternation. Each bird inhibits its calls while the other is vocalizing, thus preventing masking and facilitating localization by the hen. I examined whether exposure of ducklings to calls presented in a naturalistic alternating pattern affected subsequent responsiveness to them. Individual ducklings were exposed to either 40 s or 80 s of computer-controlled distress call playbacks, using an algorithm that mimicked the behavior of another duckling. Calls were presented only when the subject was silent and ended as soon as it began to vocalize. Each of these ducklings was paired with a ‘yoked’ control. Birds in these control groups experienced exactly the same pattern of playbacks as the ‘interactive’ birds, but the stimuli had no consistent relationship to their own vocal behavior. When the same calls were played back 24 h later, in a fixed pattern that was independent of the ducklings' behavior, birds that had received 80 s of prior interactive exposure were significantly more responsive than both their yoked controls and birds receiving only 40 s of such playbacks. This result suggests that interactive vocal experience, characteristic of natural communication, affects the subsequent perceptual sensitivity of ducklings.  相似文献   

P. W. GREIG-SMITH 《Ibis》1978,120(3):284-297
Mixed-species flocks of birds were observed during the wet season (July to September 1975) in savanna woodland in Ghana. Thirty-four flocks contained birds of 56 species in 20 families, including insectivorous, granivorous, and nectarivorous species, using a wide range of foraging methods. Only two species occurred in more than half the flocks. There was no correlation between the number of flocks joined by a species and its abundance in the community. Among insectivores, but not granivores, the species which joined most flocks were those which habitually occurred in the largest single-species groups. All stages of breeding activity were represented by the various members. Some species joined flocks only while these were passing through their territories. Of the two species which were present most frequently, there were no differences between mixed and single-species flocks for Eremomela pusilla, but Parus leucomelas foraged and called on more occasions in mixed flocks than single-species flocks, though the rates of foraging and calling were related only to the number of P. leucomelas present. Groups of P. leucomelas appeared to initiate some flocks by attraction due to their conspicuous wing-bars, active movement, and loud calls. Black-and-white species joined them first, followed by birds of other plumage patterns. The advantages of mixed flocking are thought to be connected with finding patches of the food of bark- and foliage-searching insectivores, which were the only species regularly seen foraging in the flocks. Because of dry season burning which leaves small unburnt patches of savanna, these insect species may share a common, patchy distribution. Birds may also gain protection from predators, and some species probably gain no advantages. The species composition and behaviour of flocks previously recorded elsewhere in African savannas are similar to the Ghana flocks.  相似文献   

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